• Bring Runza back to the University of Nebraska - Lincoln Student Union

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Runza National, Inc. operated a store in the University of Nebraska - Lincoln City Campus Union for a decade before closing in 2018 due to being outbid by two other vendors. There was student backlash as many people felt that the Runza was strongly identified as being truly Nebraskan.

    Our University has approximately 1/3 of students from out of state and country many of those people have likely not experienced Runza. Runza is a staple of Nebraska culture and cuisine and it has helped shape the Nebraskan identity.

    Having a Runza store in the largest Public University in the State of Nebraska gave it a unique aspect contrary to other Universities in the country. Please add your name to this petition to bring this unique chain back to our beloved University.

  • Take Back Lake Mac

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    They're at it again! We raised our voices last year and we're back again to do the same! The Nebraska Games and Parks Committee tried to pull another fast one on us and quickly implement changes that affect locals and visitors alike. If Lake McConaughy and Lake Ogallala are some of your top camping destinations, please take the time to sign this petition. It is time for NGPC to listen and stop forcing changes that are not mutually beneficial.

    With these changes, we can expect:

    Limiting the traffic at the lakes means local businesses will see less traffic, generate less revenue and will be forced to shut down.
    Your days of picking up and heading out to the lake for a spontaneous camping trip will be long gone. Reservations being required for even primitive camping must be made well in advance. Because the number of reservations is being limited, odds of getting a spot, especially during peak times, are low. People will book spots whether they use them or not, limiting what is available to others.
    The exorbitant price increases are going to limit who can camp at these beautiful lakes. Those with lesser incomes will no longer be able to afford it.
    While we understand the importance to regulate the traffic at the lake, we feel that there are better solutions. Involve the local business owners before making changes that will affect their livelihoods. NGPC is not listening to the concerns of the locals.
    Please help take back Lake Mac and let NGPC know we won't give up without a fight!


    Starting this summer, all campers will need a reservation to stay overnight at campgrounds and beach areas at Lake McConaughy and Lake Ogallala state recreation areas during the peak season.

    The new reservation system will be in place starting in late April for the May 21 to Sept. 12 season.

    The rollout is part of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s implementation of the Lake McConaughy/Lake Ogallala Master Plan, a five-phase plan to address management of the two state recreation areas.

    After the Lake McConaughy Advisory Committee — a group of local stakeholders — and Game and Parks evaluated the first phase of the Master Plan rollout, they determined the most critical issue facing the parks was overcrowding, which placed exhaustive demands upon park infrastructure, law enforcement and emergency services that negatively affected the quality of visitor’s experiences, public safety and natural resources. Negative impacts also are occurring to the natural resources, and Game and Park’s efforts to expand trash, sanitation, law enforcement and staffing services to try and keep pace with overwhelming visitation are not sustainable.

    Phase II, a more-than year-long collaborative effort with the Lake McConaughy Advisory Committee, is a sustainable management plan that improves the quality and safety of the visitor experience and protection of natural resources by implementing a carrying capacity on overnight camping throughout both state recreation areas. The Phase II Implementation Plan was approved by the Commission during its March 17 meeting in Norfolk.

    Changes park visitors need to know include:

    From May 21, 2021, through Sept. 12, 2021, overnight camping will be allowed at Lake McConaughy or Lake Ogallala SRAs only with a reservation.
    All overnight visitors should reserve an overnight campsite on the Game and Parks reservation system before leaving home.
    Once capacities are reached, no additional overnight camping will be allowed.
    Beginning in mid- to late-April, reservations may be made online, by mobile application, or by calling the Lake McConaughy Visitor Center. Game and Parks will release additional information when the reservation system becomes available.
    All overnight campers must arrive and check in with park staff, in-person, at the Visitor Center or at a staffed entrance booth between 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. Mountain time.
    Same-day reservations may be made online until a yet to-be-determined time in the evening if sites remain available.
    Before and after the peak season dates of May 21 to Sept. 12, 2021, all camping will be available first-come first-served with the exception of half of Cedar View, Lone Eagle, Little Thunder and Lake Ogallala East campgrounds, which have reservable sites and currently have some existing reservations between May 15 and May 21.
    All existing reservations for 2021 at Cedar View, Lone Eagle, Little Thunder and Lake Ogallala East campgrounds will be honored.
    These changes do not impact camping reservations at privately managed sites within the SRAs or at nearby private campgrounds.
    Overnight camping fees for beach camping per night will include a non-peak season rate of $15, peak season weekday rate of $20 and weekend rate of $25. Fees for designated campgrounds will range from $10 to $40, depending on season and amenities provided.
    Approximately 500 designated campsites will be available at nine campgrounds across both park areas. Depending on water levels, approximately 1,000 non-designated beach campsites, will be available across 16 beach areas of Shoreline Road and one beach area of Cedar View at Lake McConaughy.

    To preserve recreational opportunities and maintain economic vitality, day-use activities do not have capacity limits. Vehicles will be allowed on beaches designated for them that also have a Commission-managed access point. Staff will continue to work with stakeholders and adjacent landowners to address unauthorized access points to park areas.

    Across the nation, increasing use of outdoor recreation sites is leading management agencies to address overcrowding through reservation-based capacities on overnight camping. Similar actions have been taken regionally in surrounding state parks as well as at national- and county-managed sites.

    For example, Lake Mead National Recreation Area outside Las Vegas, Nevada — the nation’s first established and largest National Recreation Area and fifth most-visited National Park Service site — is 1.5 million acres and offers just over 900 campsites. Lake McConaughy and Lake Ogallala together, not even a quarter of Lake Mead’s size, can offer about 1,500 campsites, making it one of the largest overnight camping opportunities in the West.

    A robust information campaign will be initiated immediately to inform park visitors from across Nebraska and surrounding states. As Phase II continues to be implemented, Game and Parks, local stakeholders and the Lake McConaughy Advisory Committee will work to inform park visitors about the changes.

    To learn more, visit OutdoorNebraska.org/lakemcconaughy or read the McConaughy/Lake Ogallala Master Plan at OutdoorNebraska.org/lakemcconaughyplan.

  • Elkhorn Public School, NE - mask mandate for under 12 years old

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Dear Sir/ Madam
    As per CDC guidelines, unvaccinated people should wear mask to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 transmission and from falling severely ill. With the widespread increase of the COVID- delta variant in all 50 US states, children below the age of 12 (who are not eligible for the vaccines) are remaining in a high risk category to contract this infectious disease. There have been enough documented cases showing children can also fall severely sick with the delta variant and even many fatalities have occurred. Hence, please mandate that children below 12 years old must wear masks during the upcoming school year. Many parents like me who have younger children in the household are remaining very worried and anxious about this situation not being dealt with the required scientific and logical perspective by the EPS school administrators. Our children’s lives should not be part of any political or personal choice agendas and as parents it is a humanitarian choice to enforce a mandatory mask usage policy for children below 12 years of age.

  • Honor Parental Choice: Optional Masks in Omaha Catholic Schools

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    This petition is to advocate that ALL Catholic schools follow the Archdiocesan guidelines of optional masking provided on July 26, 2021 from the Superintendent's office.

    We are supporters of protecting the most vulnerable populations, and keeping kids healthy. We are not anti-anything. We just want to do what is right, and to make a decision that is for the highest good of the children based off of the most recent data and statistics that are available, with both common sense and logic.

    We believe that where the CDC and AAP has failed, is by making blanket guidelines for the whole country, without taking into consideration regional disparities in the data that are vastly different from high-density populations.

    The rate of cases in children in Douglas County has remained low and stable this entire summer, despite the fact that most families have been out in public, without masks, traveling, and gathering in groups with their friends and family. We also wore masks to flatten the curve and protect the hospitals. Our hospitals are not overburdened, and children are certainly not the ones filling the beds.

    Prior to this last year, we did not have the data to know how this was going to play out for children. We now have that information, and the statistics do not show that there is a current state of emergency, nor that there is any evidence that children are asymptomatic spreaders. They simply are not suffering from this the way adults did, they are not spreading it the way adults did, and yet we are forcing them to take on this burden of wearing masks in school for another year without any real reason except that we're "following the experts."

    It is our duty as parents of students in the Omaha Catholic Schools to protect the health and safety of our children, but also to HONOR their God given immune system, as well as protect their cognitive, social, spiritual and emotional development. We are people of faith, who do not live in fear.

    It is not required to mask during Sunday mass, nor should be it required to walk into a school building. Douglas County and the state of Nebraska do not have mask mandates. We petition that parents should remain the primary decision maker of their child's health, and ask that schools do the same by allowing for a "parental choice" mask policy.

    Submitted by thousands of schools, the data below demonstrates no evidence to support required masks because it did not make a significant difference in the rate of cases at the school.

    We are a silent majority, who LOVES our Catholic schools.

    National COVID-19 School Response Dashboard

    Superintendent's Message, dated July 26, 2021

  • Make our BEHS Graduation Safe

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The goal of this petition:

    Change the BEHS Graduation Ceremony to the Bellevue East Football Field

    To keep family and friends safe during this pandemic
    To allow all immediate family to attend the ceremony
    For the rightful recognition of the Class of 2021
    The Bellevue East Class of 2021 will always be one to remember. A strong group of students in need of honor and recognition. Despite the challenges this year has brought, these students have refrained from complaining and kept hope. They hoped that all of their hard work would pay off. They looked forward to the day students dream of since the first day of school- their graduation. Graduation is a time to bring together family and friends to celebrate the steps into adulthood. A chance to begin their new lives now that they are free to choose their paths. Graduation is a tradition that will persist through this pandemic and allow students to be recognized for their perseverance.

    Due to unknown and unexplained reasons, the BEHS Graduation Ceremony was changed from its original location on the football field to inside the gymnasium. Because of the pandemic, this causes a limited number of attendees. Each senior graduate is allowed only four guests. There are 364 students in the senior class, and that would cause 1,456 people to be crowded in the gym, not counting the staff working the event. This is an unsafe, unacceptable, and irresponsible number that could threaten the health of all attendees. Most grandparents and older relatives have been waiting to see us graduate. We can’t imagine walking across the stage knowing that we’ve put our family members at risk in such an enclosed space.

    Last year, the Class of 2020’s Graduation Ceremony took place on the football field. Students appreciated the space and how all of their relatives could attend. The football field allows for maximum seating along with room for social distancing. The Mayo Clinic says that it is vital to hold large events outdoors. In their article, they state that indoors the “COVID-19 virus can spread when a person is exposed to small droplets or aerosols that stay in the air for minutes to hours.” Whereas outdoors, there is enough ventilation to prevent others from being infected. The class of 2020’s ceremony was successful and did not encounter any problems. Students and their families could stay safe and appreciate this event. The class of 2021 wants a graduation ceremony that will allow them the same.

    Our class of 2021 needs the support of students, family, staff, the community, and you to allow our graduation ceremony to recognize our hard work and dedication while practicing social distancing and allowing our family members to attend. This is one of the biggest events of our lives and we are ready for our work to pay off. Please, Bellevue Public Schools, allow us to have our graduation ceremony on our field so that our family can appreciate our work. We deserve to be honored on our field with a ceremony that acknowledges how special this class is and how we’ve continued to persevere through these difficult times.

    Thank you,

    The Bellevue East High School Senior Class

  • Wear a mask to stay in school! Update Colorado K-12 Close Contact Protocol

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We insist that Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment adjust Close Contact Guidelines to no longer require that students and staff quarantine if both the infected person and the person exposed/close contact were wearing masks.

    The time is now to move forward with data, school staff vaccinations being completed, and the immense need to keep our children in school learning!

    · Ohio, Utah, Missouri, Texas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Iowa and Wyoming have this guidance in place now that allows students who wear masks to stay in school and monitor for symptoms.

    · COVID-19 Cases and Transmission in 17 K–12 Schools — Wood County, Wisconsin, August 31–November 29, 2020 released from CDC clearly demonstrates when masks are worn in-school, transmission is low.

    · Colorado has a statewide mask mandate. Staff and students wear masks in all public spaces limiting COVID-19 transmission coming from the community.

    · Colorado community rates are extremely low with much of our state moving into blue on the Colorado Dial.

    · School staff vaccinations are underway with most districts finalizing second doses to all who elected to receive them. Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Currently Authorized in the United States will allow school staff to not quarantine 14 days following their 2nd dose.

    · Students and staff can elect to wear two masks to provide better protection. Improve the Fit and Filtration of Your Mask to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19

    We must move forward with a balanced approach to reduce the risk of academic losses and negative impacts to our children and teens' mental and physical health caused by quarantines.

  • Mental/Relaxation Day Off

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The reason why I'm making this petition is because us college students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are under a lot of stress. We're go to sleep stressing about assignments, wake up stressing about homework and so much more. Also with this going on, we're trying to keep our stuff together during a global pandemic, so some of us sit hours a day on a laptop watching zoom lectures and other online materials. It's a lot of stress that us young adults have to go through during these uncertain times as we still are trying to follow our dreams. I'm proposing that the University of Nebraska-Lincoln give us students at least one mental health/relaxation day where us UNL students don't have to do nothing but just exist for a day. Did you know 1 in 6 college student suffers from depression, anxiety just from their school work? Not saying just one day can solve this issue- but it sure can help students find ways to relax during these times This change will impact our community because it will allow students to have a day off to just relax and not have to mentally stress about school work for 24 hours. Thank you UNL students for taking the time to read this, and hopefully we can get some changes done!!!

  • Eliminate Discriminatory Tampon Tax in Nebraska

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Women across the United States are paying tax on products that are essential for our health. Nebraska is among 31 states that still have a tax on feminine hygiene products. Like many states, Nebraska considers tampons to be a "luxury good" rather than the necessity that they really are. Women should not be taxed on a recurring biological process that not only costs us, but causes us pain and discomfort routinely.

    The tampon tax is a contributing factor to the "pink tax," which is the concept that women are having to pay more for personal hygiene than men. Collectively, women in the US are paying about $150 million extra every year on feminine products. This is outrageous as some states even exempt men's hair growth products from taxes. It is time for tampons to be recognized as something other than a luxury.

    People with lower income are especially impacted by the tampon tax. There is no excuse for something so necessary to be unaffordable. It is the government's job to ensure that everyone has access to resources that are essential. If women do not have access to these products, they stand the risk of infections and other health risks. Eliminating the tampon tax would help these women to be able to afford to take care of their bodies. A tax on tampons is a tax on women.

  • Form a Legacy/Rivalry Trophy between MSU & Nebraska Football Teams to honor Sadler & Foltz

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    A proposal for Legacy Trophy between The Spartans of Michigan State and the Nebraska Corn Huskers Football Teams.

    This Legacy Trophy would be in place to honor to outstanding student athletes - Sam Foltz and Mike Sadler. Nebraska punter Sam Foltz and former Michigan State punter Mike Sadler were killed in a car wreck while returning from a kicking camp in Wisconsin in July of 2016.

    We are passionate about the formation of a Sadler / Foltz MSU / Nebraska Rivalry Trophy. We believe we need this - our schools, our teams, our players and the families! We are passionate about helping make this dream a reality.

    Why should this Legacy Trophy be created?

    1. The trophy is simplistic yet meaningful with well thought out detail and Easter Eggs.

    2. We have met with family and friends in the creation of this trophy to ensure the above statement.

    3. We have been and will be respectful and open to the family's and friends wishes and additions to the trophy.

    4. These teams; our schools, are conjoined thru "Tragedy and Time". Let's remember them in a way that honors them & highlights their accomplishments

    5. The fact that our two teams do not play every year, makes this "rivalry" - this trophy even more special.

    6. September 25th, 2021. Was the first time our two teams have met in East Lansing, since the accident - in 2016.

    Five years passed way too fast. Let's not let another five years pass before we do anything to honor these boys! We need support. We need help. We need fans to write your school's Athletic Departments and support this. We need press and media to pick this up and help us spread the word. Leave comments below to show your support. MSU & Nebraska meet next in East Lansing for the 2023 Football Season. Let's make this reality happen before then!

  • DRINK LOCAL ~ Support Nebraska Craft Breweries in OCTOBER

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Whether you love beer or not, the craft brewing industry benefits Nebraska. Creating jobs and positive economic impact along with tasty brews, brewing makes Nebraska a great place to live, work, and play!

    During the month of October, we are challenging Nebraskans to take this oath. So raise your glass and say it with us:

    “In order to support the Nebraska craft brewing industry and the benefits breweries provide our state through their wonderful beers and ciders, I (we) vow to drink local. I (we) pledge that during the 31 days and nights of October, only independent Nebraska craft beers and ciders shall be consumed."

    The Guild plans to host virtual events, a membership drive, giveaways, and more during the month of October to share more about the amazing craft brewing industry in Nebraska.

    We need you to join us. Take a stand. Take a sip. And pass this promise on to your friends.

  • Support TVNR in Rural Communities in Nebraska

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Nerbaska Loves Cats Foundation has been contacted numerous times in recent weeks by residents in Sidney Nebraska who are concerned by recent city legislation concerning stray cats they have described as designed to punish residents for feeding, and providing care, for stray animals.

    We have been urged by callers, and we are now compelled, to organize a commmitee of concerned residents to take these issues to the city -as a group.

    TVNR has proven to be the best solution for managing stray populations of unowned breeding colonies in cities in the US. Together, we can create TVNR solutuons in Nebraska, one community at a time. Lets give Sidney the tools education, and public funding through nonprofit work- to be one of the first cities in western Nebraska to have a successful solution.

    Please contact us to add your name to our group. Then we will orgainize a meeting, and plan accordingly for the protection of stray animals, and the people who want to help them.

    A secondary concern is the toxicity of ponds in Sidney. Resident callers want clean fresh water ponds. Many have reported incidents of toxic ducks. We would also like to support more information regarding managed natural habitats in Sidney that satisfy the resident callers' concerns.

    Nebraska Loves Cats Foundation is a team of 12 individuals passionately advocating for humane solutions for community animals, and managed wildlife habitats, in rural communities in Nebraska. We organized in 2019 and are located near Sidney Nebraska.

    Nebraska Loves Cats actively rescues stray, feral, and unowned animals in rural communities in Nebraska by providing veterinary care, spaying /neutering and vaccinations, rehoming by seeking adoptions, and Trap Neuter Vaccinate Return (TNVR), education and support, locally, and statewide.

    To add your name in support of organizing committee and contributing to the dialogue - please contact us via phone 308-250-2104, private message, or email: [email protected]

    #nlcveterinarycare2017 #nlcveterinarycare2018 #nlcveterinarycare2019

    NLC EIN number is 83-2401818

    Nebraska Loves Cats co-founders organized assistance from HSUS ( The Humane Society of the United States ) to bring together multiple animal rescue organizations from Colorado, South Dakota, and eastern Nebraska to hold the largest spay and neuter three day clinic in Nebraska’s state history on Nebraska horse farm in May 2018.

    After three years of building a Nebraska Loves Cats network of contacts, three HSUS state directors from Oregon, Nebraska, and South Dakota, recognized our dire need and brought together Joining Forces Saving Lives in Lincoln, Colorado Animal Rescue League in Denver, along with two local veterinarians, to de-sex over 130 dumped and breeding cats on a Nebraska horse farm. Please see story link:



    Please click on petition link to add your name.
    By adding your name you are supporting your commitment to our committee in a dialogue with rural cimmunities, like Sidney, in adapting TNVR solutions. Please designate in comments if you are a Sidney resident.

    NLC Team Member, Michelle

  • Annual Josh Fight/ Annual Josh Fest in Nebraska

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The famous Josh Battle has finally taken place today on April 24th 2020. It allowed people to have a lot of fun within their community and others from other states. Thousands showed up and they all took their turn with the pool noodles. No one was hurt or injured and the event was well-organized by Josh Swain. People showed up with guitars and ukuleles, and family gathered around with their dogs and children. People dressed in costumes and had a lot of fun. I petition we make this a yearly event, but we change the name every year. It would still be known as the "Josh Battle" as to avoid confusion. It would be great for the community if not only was there a fun Josh battle but there was also snacks, other mini events, games, and other great things for entertainment. Its great for people to get exercise and can only benefit the Lincoln Community. We would have it funded as a charity and we would raise donations to pay for it. Every year on April 24th, there will be a "Josh Fest" near the outskirts of Lincoln Nebraska. All money made from the event will be donated to a local Children's Hospital

  • Allow Probation Officers to display tattoo's while at work.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Probation employee's of the State of Nebraska are required to cover their tattoo's. The individuals we work with in the community commonly ask why we are wearing long sleeves, bandages, and neoprene sleeves. My response is that I am required to cover them to appear in a more professional manner. Frequently, our community members and probation participants have mentioned that it would make them feel more comfortable if we weren't trying to cover up who we are and appear more relatable if we choose to have tattoo's. Sometimes those questions are followed up with, "Does having tattoo's make me less professional?" As many individuals we work with on probation have tattoo's, it can facilitate rapport and not create a separation. Tattoo's are an expression and an extent of who we are. 42% of the US population have tattoo's and the number increases each year. It should be a choice whether we want to cover up our expression, not discriminated against.

  • Unmask Elkhorn Public Schools

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    This petition is to advocate for the health and safety of our children. The Elkhorn Community School Board and Administration need to make masks optional for our children effective immediately.

    Our children have been forced to wear masks for an entire school year and forced to follow absurd, inhumane protocols. We are over 1 year into this pandemic and the data is out. Children are not significant drivers of COVID-19 at school or at home. Children are statistically unaffected by COVID-19, transmit the virus, become seriously ill, or suffer death. New studies show masks are harming school-aged children physically, psychologically, and behaviorally.

    It is our duty as parents of students at Elkhorn Public Schools to protect the health and safety of our children. Douglas County and the state of Nebraska do not have mask mandates. The Omaha city mandate is expiring on May 25th and allows exemptions for those that are unable to wear them which Elkhorn Public Schools has chosen not to honor. The local public health guidance is not law.

    Please read the data below that supports optional masks moving forward and overwhelming growing evidence of long term harm in masking children.












  • Expedite I-140 EB2 NIW cases at Nebraska Service Center

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The processing time for I-140 EB-2 NIW (National Interest Waiver) at USCIS, Nebraska Service Center has been drastically slowed down since the last year. We are a group of academic researchers who have filed under I-140 EB-2 NIW category and waiting for many unexpected months. At the time that we filed for I-140 EB-2 NIW, the processing time at Nebraska service center was between about 6-8.5 months but as our filing time period was passing/increasing, the processing time also was unpredictability changing, currently increased to almost a double for this category (11.5-17 months!)! We believe that this unpredictable processing time changing is absolutely devastating and frustrating for each applicant’s academic life planning. We are all waiting without knowing how long we need to wait as literally there is no actual processing time that we can rely on. On behalf of our group, we would like to ask for prompt consideration to expedite the case processing of EB-2 NIW (National Interest Waiver) cases at Nebraska Service Center. Please support us and the research community to help and save the future of many academic researchers.

  • Eliminate Daylight Saving Time in Nebraska

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    According to a 2014 Rasmussen Report, only 33% of Americans see the purpose of Daylight Saving Time (DST).

    A century ago, when DST was introduced, more daylight was a good thing, it saved energy by using less artificial light. Today with the amount of computers, TV screens and air conditioners we use more energy whether the sun is up or not. There are numerous studies who link the lack of sleep at the start of DST to car accidents, workplace injuries, heart attacks, suicide and miscarriages! And the early evening darkness after the end of DST is linked to depression. It costs money! Decrease in productivity and the extra cost in building DST support into computer systems and keeping them maintained. Information provided by TimeandDate.com

    Omaha Mom is starting this petition to end Daylight Saving Time in Nebraska. The negative impact the time change has on local families and residents far outweighs the benefits in our modern society. Nebraska families have been through a lot in the last year, ending Daylight Saving Time would be a welcomed benefit enjoyed by all.

  • Justice for dog kicked by owner on video tape in Lincoln Nebraska

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    a man is seen kicking his “80lb alpha pit bull” in this video and is not being charged with anything. The justification was the dog was not listening and this is the only way to get the dog to listen. As a professional dog trainer for over 11 years, physical abuse which is what this is can not be allowed to be used and go unpunished. The person is seen by a witness and on video kicking the dog. He needs to be at minimum educated on dog training. He need some sort of consequences for his actions which are abuse plain and simple! I don’t want to imagine what he does behind closed doors if he’s comfortable doing this in public. I’m asking that someone more qualified investigates this situation and that actions be taken against this individual


  • Eliminate Cash Bail in Nebraska

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    According to the Prison Policy Initiative, there are over 555,000 people who are detained in local jails and correctional facilities who have not been convicted or sentenced of a crime. Majority of these individuals cannot pay the cash bail amount set to be released. Across the United States, the median cash bail amount is $10,000 for felonies.

    The cash bail system continues to perpetuate cycles of poverty and incarceration. The ability of a person to afford the amount set to be released does not predict whether a person will appear for their court date or if they are a risk to public safety. It results in people who do not have disposable income spending days to months in jail that further impacts their livelihood.

    It takes only 3 days before someone who is jailed and cannot afford cash bail to potentially lose their employment, housing and custody to their children. The ACLU of Nebraska published a report in 2016 that found people with nonviolent charges that could not afford bail spent an average of 48 days in jail. That same report also found that people of color are more likely asked to pay cash bail in higher amounts than white Nebraskans.

    We must end the criminalization of poverty and further injustices the cash bail system continues to perpetuate on people in Nebraska and especially our communities of color.

    Sign the petition to let our legislators know we want to end cash bail in Nebraska.

  • Nebraska Missing Persons Day

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We are asking that there be one day dedicated to the missing persons and their families. We ask that there be an Official Nebraska Missing Persons Day.

    This not only will help raise awareness on particular cases, it will raise awareness on how many cases there really are. It also gives the families a time to meet each other, give their loved ones names a face, and connect with others who understand what they are going through.. I beg you to do this simple gesture for all of these families and for all of the missing. Currently there are 61 missing persons in Nebraska. They need represented.