• Stop Wolf Slaughters- Wolves are endangered, return Federal protection immediately!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The recent wolf slaughter in Wisconsin never should have happened. Close to 30% of the state's wolves have been murdered, many of which were pregnant females- since this is the middle of breeding season.

    90% of the wolves killed were run down by hunters' dogs, a method which literally tears the wolf apart by the limbs.

    Wolves were listed as federally protected and endangered until January 4, 2021, when Trump suddenly stripped wolves of any protections- in another desperate attempt to hand out gifts to his trophy-hunter donors. Tribal Treaties were broken. The hunters had planned this out, knew exactly where to find the wolves, and cheated by not registering their kills in time- in order to keep the season open. It is unknown how many wolves were actually massacred.

    There is another hunt planned for the fall in Wisconsin. Hunts are also planned this year for Idaho (goal-1000 wolves killed) and Montana (goal-800 kills).

    Wolves are rightfully endangered, and will become extinct if hunts like this are allowed. Please give wolves back the Federal Protection they need! Don't let Trump's knee-jerk decision cause permanent problems such as extinction.

    We are counting on you to help, since state legislators in Midwest states have little say when it comes to hunting. These hunters are set to exterminate wolves. Please offer them Federal Protection immediately.

  • Mask CHOICE for Wisconsin Rapids School District

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Freedom of choice is dwindling. The fact that our children will be denied a traditonal education IF they do not wear a mask, is wrong and extreme discrimination! We need to be their voices! Their mental health is more important than a virus that has no plans of going any where. These are OUR children, NOT the districts. They deserve a choice in what they do with their bodies! All we want is CHOICE, not FORCE. SO many kids have fallen behind academically because of this! These children are our future, we can not fail them! Do not give the school district this much power! Please sign this if you feel our children deserve a choice!

  • Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone and Dr. Pigott (Suffolk DOH): Let ALL Sports Play!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    **disclaimer: please do not donate money. We do not need money. We need your signature and for you to share this petition with friends and family! ***

    As of today, basketball, football, boys lacrosse, wrestling, volleyball, and cheerleading have been cleared by the state pending clearance from the local department of health.

    We would like Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone and Dr. Gregson Piggot from the Suffolk County Department of Health to make a decision quickly and allow these sports to begin immediately.

    The social and emotional toll that this is taking on our student-athletes is a terrible thing to watch unfold in front of our eyes on a daily basis. After seeing Laura Curran from Nassau County and many other County Executives already come out and say sports are a go, your delay is causing more stress and tension.

  • Help exonerate James Foote, wrongfully convicted in Wisconsin

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    One fateful night in December of 2000 in Madison, WI, James Foote was the victim of a racially-motivated hate crime, attacked by a group of intoxicated white men who were unknown to him, armed with tire irons and a pit bull. He fortunately succeeded in defending himself and fleeing the scene relatively unharmed, but the violence didn’t end there that night. These same individuals subsequently attacked one of their own, leaving him in a vegetative state and conspired to pin their vicious crime on James, providing his description to the police and later providing false testimony in court leading to his conviction.

    Despite no history of violence, James was wrongfully convicted of attempted homicide and sentenced to 40 years in prison plus 20-year extended supervision, found guilty by a nearly all-white jury (11 of 12). Their decision was based on false testimony by unreliable ‘witnesses’ with motive, and on junk science. Detailed statements from impartial witnesses confirming the perpetrators of the crime were white, as well as a forensics expert’s report discrediting the prosecution’s case re. the weapon allegedly used to commit the crime were both ignored.

    To date, James has served 20 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. His children have grown up without his physical presence, family elders have passed on, he has suffered loneliness and recently was infected with COVID during an outbreak at the prison where he is presently incarcerated. Despite all he has endured he remains a positive, caring and forgiving person whose only desire is freedom and the possibility to contribute to his community and the cause of criminal justice reform.

    We are asking Dane County District Attorney Ismael R. Ozanne to immediately review the evidence of James' case, and we are asking Governor Tony Evers to be true to his statements in favour of reforming Wisconsin's criminal justice system - do not allow a wrongfully convicted man to remain in prison another day under your watch!

  • Tell the School District of Waukesha to Opt-In for Federal Free Meals

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    "During the new school year, Wisconsin public school students are eligible for free breakfast and lunch regardless of their family’s income, unless they are in the Waukesha School District.

    According to the Department of Public Instruction, Waukesha is the only district in the state to turn down a special federal free meals program.

    The pandemic prompted the USDA to offer school districts an extension of the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) meals program. The SSO program makes all students eligible for free lunch, instead of students needing to qualify for free or reduced meals based on income."


    There is still time to reverse this decision. The School District of Waukesha's Board of Education MUST call an emergency meeting to vote to reinstate this federal meal program to provide meals to ALL students during this pandemic.

    This is not a taxpayer issue, these dollars have already been spent. Parents should not be blamed and shamed. Nourishment is an issue for all children. Our students deserve more than a cheese sandwich and milk.

  • Shutdown Pocket puppies boutique in Pleasant Prarie Wisconsin

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Help us close pocket puppies boutique in pleasant Prarie Wisconsin.

    If your unfamiliar pocket puppies are tea-cup pups. Which according to their website are “toy” pups that are 5lbs and under.They are breeded dogs at mills that are often malnourished to stunt their growth to stay that small. Due to this have many health issues and often times don’t make it through the process..

    This boutique is just another store for mill pups but these ones are starved and mistreated the second they are born so they don’t grow so this company than can turn and sell them for around $2,000 and up. What they don’t tell you is the thousands of dollars you’ll spend trying to hopefully get your tea-cup pup just to live. They don’t tell you that the pup is pulled from its mother soon after birth to not feed so it starves. The pup is malnourished to be underdeveloped. They purposely stunt their growth to stop the development process. In return get a small pup thats “pocket size” and has under developed lungs and heart.

    the momma pup is usually a runt who herself is underdeveloped or suffers from deformities. They usually are only able to have a few pups because they are so small themselves and or not healthy..

    With a no kill shelter near by with an abundance of animals the community has already failed why on earth would this be allowed?

    Who approved this business to operate in Pleasant Prarie? Who gave them the license to sell these poor dogs?

    Sign today to call the Village and the shopping center to action!

  • WISH for Wisconsin

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Now is the time for Wisconsin Self Health [WISH], a statutory plan to provide universal healthcare for Wisconsinites, ages 18 – 64, without using tax dollars. WISH is a new statutory, balanced-budget, mutually beneficial partnership between healthcare providers and 4 million Wisconsinites. The Wisconsin legislature should enact this new law, which creates this partnership, collects money, manages the WISH trust fund, pays healthcare providers and distributes partnership profits.

    Tell your Wisconsin State Representatives to enact WISH.

    WISH forms the Wisconsin Network [WIN], a joint venture of healthcare providers licensed to do business in Wisconsin (hospital corporations, medical service LLCs, pharmaceutical companies, retail drug stores, medical equipment manufacturers and vendors, etc.). WIN is a non-profit, non-governmental organization. WIN sets the prices of their respective members' goods and services and establishes their respective members’ procedures for authorizations and payments. WIN enters into a healthcare requirements contract with the State of Wisconsin on behalf of Wisconsinites.

    While retaining their distinct legal identities, healthcare providers sell goods and services to Wisconsinites. WISH establishes a trust fund, pays healthcare providers and distributes partnership profits to WIN.

    Into this WISH trust fund, Wisconsinites pay monthly healthcare contributions on a sliding scale like insurance premiums on an Affordable Care Act exchange company. Into this WISH trust fund, healthcare providers contribute assessments to cover the difference, if any, between their prices and the collected contributions. The WISH trust fund purchases health reinsurance to cover catastrophic illnesses and catastrophic injuries.


    A board of trustees, comprised of members from the healthcare industry and ex officio members, manages WISH. The State of Wisconsin Investment Board [SWIB] manages the WISH trust fund. A WISH Administrative Contractor [WAC] processes the claims arising from the sale of healthcare goods and services. For example, National Government Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of Anthem, Inc., processes Medicare claims for Medicare beneficiaries in Wisconsin. WAC, SWIB and the ex officio members’ participation as trustees would likely increase state costs. To pay for increased state costs, WISH eliminates income tax deductions for business advertising.
    Learn More

    I am a retired lawyer who believes that a society cannot survive, much less thrive, if members are ignorant, sick, and covetous. Please allow me to allay any ethical concerns about my idea. I am selling nothing, buying nothing, gaining nothing, losing nothing. Healthcare costs became a part of my life when our eldest son was diagnosed during his second year of medical school with glioblastoma multiforme. After three craniotomies and ten years of chemotherapy, he succumbed to leptomeningeal disease at Clarehouse in Tulsa. He received excellent medical care, but the costs added unnecessary stress.

    Tell your Wisconsin State Representatives to enact WISH.

  • Support for Jamie Okusko

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Ms. Okusko is an English Teacher at Sparta High School in Wisconsin. She was in an online class discussing politics with her students when she was unknowingly recorded, regardless of that the information with was sharing with her students wasn’t inaccurate and it was an opinion-based discussion. The audio recording was placed in the hands of a Republican Tea Party in La Crosse Wisconsin and are attempting a smear campaign against her. As far as I know she hasn’t been fired from her job but she has gotten in trouble due to this smear campaign against her. Please sign this petition to support her during this unnecessary situation. As someone who was a former student of her’s she always made me feel welcome as she did all her students regardless of how they felt about being taught by a Religious LGBTQ+ teacher. She doesn’t deserve this and I think she would appreciate a community backing during this time.

  • End clergy sex abuse, cover up, and revictimization in Green Bay, and Wisconsin

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    There have been public allegations that some of the Members of the Norbertine community, with the alleged knowledge of and the alleged cooperation of Abbot Dane Radecki, have been involved in the actions detailed below.

    We the undersigned demand the following:

    1) The immediate resignation of Dane Radecki as Abbot of St. Norbert Abbey and as Board of Director Member at Notre Dame Academy. We demand the Norbertines hold Abbot Dane Radecki accountable, as leader and decision maker and any other parties involved, for the alleged cover up and mishandling of these alleged abuse cases.

    2) The cessation of all efforts, including any contemplated or pending litigation, by the Norbertines, Norbertine counsel, or spokespersons for the Norbertines to quell, intimidate, or silence victims, their families, their friends, and loved ones, including the termination of the lawsuit captioned, Rev. Dr. Jay J. Fostner vs. Jason E. Jerry, pending as Case No. 2020 CV000370 in Brown County, Wisconsin.

    3) The release to Wisconsin Attorney General Kaul the records of the known 22 accused priests, any unknown clergy guilty of sexual or mental abuse or assault of minors, and any unconfirmed accusations, to include:

    A disclosure of information, including but not limited to the following: each accused member’s current location, where members have been transferred and why, such member’s current location and their status as a Norbertine.
    4) We demand the Norbertine Parties, publicly and on the record, express their support of transparency and accountability, by supporting the proposed Wisconsin Child Victims Act and the Wisconsin Clergy Mandated Reporting Act.

    We request the Norbertines and NDA corporate and school boards, engage in an upcoming meeting with Michelle L.Viste, Executive Director, State of Wisconsin Department of Justice Office of Crime Victim Services.
    We request the Norbertines, the Bishop of the Diocese of Green Bay and De Pere and NDA corporate and school boards, participate with the petitioners and SNAP (the most active support group for women and men wounded by religious and institutional authorities- priests, ministers, bishops, deacons, nuns, coaches, teachers, and others). in Madison, Wisconsin in an upcoming press conference.

    List of Credibly accused Norbertines

    Clergy abuse: St. Norbert Abbey names 22 Norbertine priests who abused minors (greenbaypressgazette.com)

    List of credibly accused Diocesan Priests

    Clergy abuse: Green Bay diocese releases names of 46 offending priests (greenbaypressgazette.com)

    Nate Lindstrom Article

    St. Norbert Abbey paid former student who reported priest sex abuse (greenbaypressgazette.com)

    Statute of Limitations and Mandatory Reporting Capital Times

    Lawmakers push bills to end statute of limitations on lawsuits for childhood sex assaults, close loophole for clergy to report abuse | Local Government | madison.com

    Jason Jerry Story

    A message to Abbot Dane Radecki and St. Norbert College - YouTube

    Bishop Accountability


    SNAP Network


  • Change WI Birth Certificate Form/statute to parents vs. husband

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Currently, the birth certificate forms to be initially filed after the birth of a child in the state of WI state "Husband" under section 3. This does not represent same-sex parents, and makes it extremely difficult for them to jump through additional hoops to change this on the birth certificate later.

    The supreme court ruled in 2017 "Pavan v. Smith", that same-sex spouses are to be allowed to have both individuals listed as parents on the birth certificate. This was after the US District Court in WI ruled in 2016 "Torres v. Seemeyer" the same.

    Upon doing some research into the Wisconsin statutes (Specifically 891.40 (1) & (2)), the department was directed to "construe sub. (1) in gender-neutral terms. In particular, the word “husband" in sub. (1) should be construed to mean “spouse." Torres v. Seemeyer."

    While same-sex couples currently have the opportunity to have both parents listed on the birth certificate, they are unable to do so immediately after the birth of the child, due to the form. They must jump through loopholes after the fact, to get both individuals listed properly.

    This is absolutely unethical and unconstitutional, as it does not allow same-sex partners the same equal rights, as other parents, when giving birth to a child. We cannot stand, or allow this to continue, and must demand that a hearing, that changes 891.40 (1) & (2) to be gender neutral, as well as an immediate update to the birth certificate filing form, to be inclusive and equal for all families.

  • Judge Bruce Schroeder should be disbarred because of the Rittenhouse trial.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Judge Bruce Schroeder was the presiding judge during the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. The case was about the two young men killed and one man injured by a seventeen year old boy from Illinois who came to Kenosha Wisconsin with an illegal assault rifle. He came to protect the area because of the shooting of a African American man by a police officer. The judge allowed the defendant to pick the jury using Bingo. He made many many inappropriate comments during the trial including the victims could not be called victims but should be called looters or rioters. . He also used various items to make it like a circus.

    The jury acquitted the boy of all charges saying it was self defense. The victims were unarmed. One went to help and he had a skateboard. The defendant had a AK-15.

    This judge should never preside over any trial. He made a mockery of the judicial system and should be disbarred. This has caused serious consequences for the City of Kenosha and the people. This judge from the beginning was the thirteenth juror. The families of the slain men got zero justice.

  • Please Support 2021 Wisconsin SB 243 & AB 245 For Wisconsin Military Disabled Veterans

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Currently, Wisconsin Veterans who are homeowners, and have a service-connected disability rating of 100% receive a State Income Tax Credit in the amount equal to the property tax they paid on their primary residence if they claim it. This Credit can only be used for a primary residence, no other properties or residences the eligible Veteran owns are eligible for the Credit.

    On March 24th, 2021 Wisconsin State Senator Andre Jacque introduced Bi-Partisan legislation, SB 243, a bill that would lower the threshold from the current 100% service-connected disability rating (Determined by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs) to a 70% service-connected disability rating.

    The Bi-Partisan Bill can be viewed at the link below:


    The lowered threshold would make more Disabled Wisconsin Veterans eligible for the State Income Tax Credit. With more State Income Tax Credits, these Disabled Veterans would be able to spend more money in their communities, which would generate more sales tax revenues and help with employment rates.

    During the 2019 attempt at passing this threshold reduction, the WI. Department of Revenue projected a $14 million dollar impact on the State budget. Surely, the price of this Bill pales in comparison to the sacrifice those who would be eligible personally paid to be able to use this State Income Tax Credit.

    To be clear, only service-connected disabled Veterans who are homeowners are eligible for this State Income Tax Credit. This program does not apply to those who rent and only the primary residence is eligible for this State Income Tax Credit.

    Please consider supporting this important change to Wisconsin State Law for the benefit of our service-connected disabled Military Veterans who have sacrificed so much for all of us.

    Thank you for your support.

  • Get CoVID Vaccines to Nepal ASAP and prevent a humanitarian disaster

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Dear Ambassador Berry,

    We approach you as a group of Nepali nationals and US Citizens who share a deep appreciation for the special relationship shared between our two nations. We are certain that you must share our deep distress and concern over the recent rapid and deadly escalation of COVID-19 cases in Nepal. The heroic efforts of so many medical and frontline workers are inspiring, but Nepal is dangerously under-equipped to handle the crisis. The loss of life and economic devastation that are predicted over the coming weeks and months are of a scale that is difficult to imagine.

    Nepal now has among the highest viral reproduction rates in the world. In some regions as many as 90% of tests are returning positive. The Health Ministry has predicted that by July 15 new case numbers could reach 800,000 people - resulting in ten critically ill patients for each available ICU bed. Hospitals are already overwhelmed and soon patients will start dying for lack of basic resources such as oxygen. Nepal is on the brink of a humanitarian crisis.

    We are writing because the United States has the means to dramatically reduce the loss of life and suffering that awaits Nepal in the coming weeks and months. The recent announcement of $8.5 million in funding for PPE and other equipment is welcome, however, this alone is unlikely to head off this crisis. Nepal urgently needs COVID vaccines in order to make a meaningful impact. With only 4% of the population having received at least one dose and with India deep in crisis, it is unlikely that Nepal will receive more vaccines from what was previously its primary source. We therefore request that the United States government immediately release at least 12 million doses of vaccine to the Government of Nepal to assist it in protecting the population. America’s timely action will save hundreds of thousands of people from unnecessary suffering and death, and reduce the long term impacts of poverty and lost development.

    Our two nations have shared a long history of mutual cooperation in public health that goes back over half a century. By ensuring a timely delivery of vaccines for Nepal you will be adding an important chapter to that history.

    Yours sincerely,

    Asha Magrati, Writer/Actor, New York

    Ashutosh Tiwari, Founder, SAFAL Partners

    Bhekh Bahadur Thapa, Former Ambassador of Nepal to the United States

    Carroll Dunham, Founder, Wild Earth, LLC

    Charles Gay, Peace Corps Nepal 1969-70

    Conrad Anker, Climber

    Deepak Rauniyar, Writer/Filmmaker, New York

    Dr David Schlim, Past President, International Society of Travel Medicine

    Dr. Peter Hackett, Former Medical Director, Himalayan Rescue Association

    Dr. Alexander Avramov, Associate Researcher, Emory University

    Dr. Arjun Karki , Pulmonologist, Founding Vice Chancellor, Patan Academy of Health Sciences

    Dr. Arjun Karki, Former Ambassador of Nepal to the United States

    Dr. Arnico Panday, CEO, Ullens Education Foundation

    Dr. Barbara Butterworth, Educator

    Dr. Bhagwan Koirala, Professor, Cardiac Surgeon and Social Worker

    Dr. Dhiraj Gurung , Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (Recipient of Kirti Maya Rastradeep award for management of Covid in Karnali region)

    Dr. Digbijay Mahat, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

    Dr. Lhamo Y Sherpa, SR Research Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor, IPAS Nepal

    Dr. Rita Thapa (Public Health), Public Health Physician

    Dr. Rohit Ranjitkar, Country Director, Kathmandu Valley Preservation

    Dr. Sabin Ninglekhu, Researcher

    Dr. Sameer Dixit, Director of Research, The Center for Molecular Dynamics Nepal

    Dr. Sanduk Ruit, Founder, Tilganga Eye Hospital

    Indra Bahadur Gurung, Chairperson, Nepal Indigenous Nationalities, President World League for Freedom and Democracy, Nepal Chapter

    J. Gabriel Campbell, Ph.D, Retired Director General of ICIMOD

    James M. Tielsch, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Global Health, George Washington University

    Joanne Katz, Sc.D, Professor, Global Disease and Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

    Kabita Rai, Activist

    Kai Bird, Pulitzer-Prize winning Author

    Kanak Dixit, Writer and Editor

    Kesang Tseten, Filmmaker

    Kul Chandra Gautam, Former Assistant Secretary-General of the UN, Former Deputy ED of UNICEF

    Kunda Dixit, Editor, Nepali Times

    Lynn Bennett, Ph.D. MBE, Retired Lead Anthropologist, World Bank Nepal

    Maggie Doyne, CEO, BlinkNow Foundation

    Manisha Koirala, Actress and Social Activist

    Meghan Tierney Nalbo, Director, Asia Foundation

    Mike Gill, Administrator

    Mohna Ansari, Former Commissioner and Spokesperson, National Human Rights Commission Nepal

    Pamela Ross, U. of Wisconsin College Year in Nepal, 1990-2000

    Parul Christian, DrPH, MSc, Professor, Director & Associate Chair, Johns Hopkins University

    Pradip Pariyar, Executive Chairperson, Samata Foundation

    Pranika Koyu, Human rights activist, writer

    Prof. Eri Saikawa, Associate Professor, Emory University

    Ramyata Limbu , Filmmaker, KIMFF director

    Renan Ozturk, Climber

    Rita Baramu, Activist

    Ruma Rajbhandari, Assistant Professor Of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

    Rushil Shakya, Technologist, Educator

    Sapana Sanjeevani, Activist

    Sarita Pariyar, Writer/Activist

    Shankar Sharma, Former Ambassador of Nepal to the United States

    Shripa Pradhan, Activist

    Shubha Kayastha, Body & Data

    Steve LeClerq, Nepal Country Director, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department

    Sujeev Shakya, CEO, Beed Management & Chairman, Nepal Economic Forum

    Sumnima Udas, Founder, Lumbini Museum Initiative; Former CNN International Correspondent

    Swarnim Wagle, Chair, Institute for Integrated Development Studies (IIDS); former Vice-Chair, National Planning Commission, Nepal

    Tom Kelly, Photographer

    Tsering Rhitar Sherpa, Filmmaker

    Yozana Magar, Activist

    On Behalf Of The CoVID Alliance For Nepal

    Alisha Singh, Business Development Manager

    Ben Ayers, National Geographic Explorer

    Garima Khakurel, Software Engineer Associate; US Embassy Youth Council Nepal Member 2018-19

    Ishan Adhikari, MD MS-HCM, Clinical Associate Professor of Neurology and Neurophysiology: Epilepsy, Neuromuscular and Autonomic Disorders, Founder: Nepali League Against Epilepsy (NLAE) Chairman: Global Nepali Health & Research Center (GNHRC)

    Janak Raj Sapkota , Journalist

    Kabin Maleku, Pharmacist

    Kabita Parajuli, Lawyer

    Kashish Das Shrestha, National Geographic Explorer

    Luna Ranjit, Writer, Researcher

    Mamta Gurung Nyangmi , Strategy and Development Consultant

    Monika Shrestha, Co-Founder and Consultant at Higher Ground Nepal Pvt Ltd

    Nicole Thakuri Wick, CEO NAG

    Prabhat Adhikari, MD, Infectious Diseases & Critical Care specialist

    Raj Gyawali, Founder - socialtours

    Ramu Kharel, MD, MPH (Emergency Medicine Specialist)

    Sakar Pudasaini, Founder, Karkhana

    Subina Shrestha, Filmmaker/ Journalist

    Sumana Shrestha, Founder, Kosi Collaborative

  • LET AIDEN PLAY! Urgent - Time Sensitive!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) is denying my son, Aiden Assad, from playing basketball at his high school during his senior year due to an eligibility/transfer rule. The rule comes from an outdated and discriminatory set of guidelines that are unfairly administered most often against minority students. This discriminatory penalization occurs because the rules were not designed to consider — in any way — the challenges unique to Black families in America. It is known that schools do not always follow this rule (it is currently happening right now!)

    Aiden moved in with his father the day his junior year ended to help him recover and heal from a significant health challenge (which his father beat!) Aiden's father lives in the same school district where Aiden attends high school. I, his mother, work at the same high school Aiden attends. They are saying since Aiden moved from one school district to another, he is ineligible to play.

    From Aiden’s father: Madison, we love showing up for black boys and girls when it’s too late; when they are dead or on the way to prison is when we show up. But when they accomplish great things we don’t acknowledge them enough. Why Madison, do we only want to hear of the trauma of black students, and never the triumph of black students? This is far more than my son just playing basketball. This is about America keeping its agreement to our youth. We constantly tell our children that doing things the right way will put them on the right path. My son Aiden is the epitome of the right way. A 3.4 student, a lovely, appropriate young man, a young man who spends most of his time mad at me, and that’s okay too.

    As my caretaker, Aiden would walk me to the bathroom, pick me up from the toilet, walk me to the shower, feed me and inspire me. All the while going to work and going back to school at Verona. Aiden didn’t ask for these things, but he stood up like the loving child he is. I, Coach Assad, fight for the dignity of all students. Let’s show our students that the American dream is not the American scheme. Aiden is an excellent example of black youth triumph. Let’s start recognizing the triumphs and not just the traumas. I am the proud father of two incredible black men. I have fought for your children, help me in the fight for mine.

    The WIAA keeps moving the goalpost on us. They asked us to send letters to the high school athletic director explaining the extenuating circumstances. We did that. Then they asked us to get a letter from Aiden’s father’s doctor stating he went through this significant medical issue. We did that. Then they asked us to have the doctor send a letter stating Aiden was his father’s caretaker. We did that. Then they asked for the prior school district to sign off on a letter stating they were okay with Aiden playing in the new school district. WE DID ALL OF THIS! And he is STILL being denied.

    Now they are telling this young man, who has a 3.4 gpa, who is selfless, has been working part time at Dick's Sporting Goods for the last two years, helps at home that he cannot play.


    Thank you!

    THE TRANSFER RULE “A student who transfers from any school into a member school after the sixth consecutive semester following entry into grade 9 shall be ineligible for competition at any level for one calendar year, but may practice, unless the transfer is made necessary by a total and complete change in residence by parent(s).”

    Eligibility waivers include: Residence and Transfer - No standard form Basis of consideration: - Documented extenuating circumstances (unforeseeable/unknowable events: significant, forced/involuntary change that mitigates the rule)



  • Superior Wisconsin School District: Make Masks Optional

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The goal of this petition is to provide ALL students in the Superior Wisconsin School District opportunity of choice when presented with masking or non-masking in our schools.

    Every family and the student(s) therein should be able to make an individualized, informed decision on what is both mentally and physically healthy for their own child(ren).

    With CDC guidelines ever changing, state-to-state requirements inconsistent, and school districts in our area choosing both masking and non-masking options we find this request reasonable and necessary.

    As concerned parents and citizens of Superior Wisconsin we understand that each child/student is an individual and will need to be treated as such to thrive during their formative years and this unusual time. We must provide ALL students freedom to mask or freedom to abstain from masking in our schools.

    Please sign the petition to give every student and family, masked or unmasked a chance to choose their avenue to a healthy education moving forward.

    Thank you!

  • Wisconsin Sandhill Crane Hunting Season

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Many Wi outdoors men and women would like to have the opportunity to harvest Sandhill cranes in Wi. In 2011 the US Fish and Wildlife Service allowed the 14 states on the Mississippi flyway to implement a Sandhill Crane season. Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama have since introduced a sandhill crane season with great success.

    The sandhill crane population has been growing at an incredible rate according to state biologists and hunter reports. Wi can support a small harvest of sandhill crane with no detrimental long term affects on the population. Therefore we the undersigned would like to see that legislation be created to start the process of introducing a sandhill crane season.

  • Specialized Medical Centers for Children in Rural Wisconsin

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    My name is Phil, and I’m a 73-year-old disabled veteran. Since 2013, I have been working to bring specialized medical centers for children to rural Wisconsin through my organization Edith Stein's Sight for Humanity. I live in a small town called Wausaukee, where the population is just under 600 people.

    My neighbors have a child named Matthew. He’s 3 years old and struggles with a rare heart disease. He needed surgery at birth. Because of his condition, he needs frequent and specialized medical attention. Every time they need to visit the doctor, they must drive over 200 miles. This puts a strain on their family.

    Another neighborhood child, also named Matthew, has been suffering from Epilepsy since he was 6 years old. He is now 17 years old.

    Specialized medical problems are not confined to places that have access to hospitals. Rural communities are full of people, especially children, who need specialized medical help yet have nothing.

    Since 1776, the families of the people living in the rural area of North East Wisconsin have NOT had specialized health care for their children. The animals in the forest take better care of their families than our government does for us.

    By signing this petition, you agree that the government should support and maintain specialized medical centers for children in rural Wisconsin.

  • Wisconsin legalization

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We the people of Wisconsin need to stand together. Marijuana has been around for centuries.


    Wisconsin would like to pass The Limited Medical Marijuana Bill. With passing this new bill, there will only be EIGHT categories that could qualify you as a medical patient. Chronic pain isn't included in this new bill. The state will be in control of what doctors can recommend medical and what diagnosis could qualify you.

    You will not be given a medical card, you will be given a medical recommendation to use Marijuana. They are putting limitations on it so only certain people can get it. With this new Medical Marijuana Bill you will need to pay an additional 10% tax on your medicines.

    With this new bill you will not be able to access smokable Marijuana or as Wisconsin puts it, "Inhalants would be prohibited under this legislation"

    I say WE need to petition for Medical Marijuana and Recreational Marijuana use without these extra guidelines. WE need to be allowed to grow our own. We also need to inact the caregivers program allowing someone to grow for medical patients that ether doesn't know how to or physically can't. Back in 2019 Wisconsin had a vote for legalization.

    Let's put an end to the opiate problem. We need cannibis instead of pain killers. We need to tax the rec, not our meds.

    With 83% for medical and 59% for recreational uses. The polls were outstanding and were majority. So why are WE still not legal. From doing both WE would increase the amount of income allowing for updating in our state. As of right now you can drive over the border to Illinois or Michigan and buy Marijuana. But if you bring it back here you now get up to a 1000$ fine/ 6 months in jail for your first offense. Your second offense is a lot worse. Enough is enough wisconsin. Time to get with the program and legalize already.

  • Put people with Down Syndrome back on the 1B priority Covid immunization list in Nebraska

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    People with down syndrome were just removed from the 1B phase priority list for the COVID-19 vaccinations that’s going to be starting in the next week or two.

    We just want them to add people with down syndrome back in. They are 10 times more likely to be hospitalized and die if contracting COVID-19. They remained in the 1B phase priority list until the week of February 22, 2021.

    Please sign this petition to have them moved back onto the 1B priority list in Nebraska.

  • I’m being kicked out of campus as a rape survivor and racial discrimination Share my story

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    My name is Loriane Gunubu and I’m a freshman at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and on Monday a boy raped me from UNO in Bellevue. Tuesday personal problems. Wednesday car accident and the white lady told me she was fine but told the insurance her back hurt. Thursday got my car back but my tire exploded because I drove on a flat. Friday I got into it with my parents because they don’t want to let my grow up they think I’m retaliating. So Friday night I threw a party. And my neighbors called the RAs and never once asked us to keep it down they went straight to snitching and yes there was alcohol and yes I complied with the police and poured it all out. I did my do diligence but yet I got charged with third degree assault because I threatened to fight those white girls, cause I reached my breaking point after this shittty week. All I wanted was one good day this week and they took that from me. So now I’m banned from that housing unit for 4 years. I don’t even have a speeding ticket. I’m a 4.0 GPA student, trilingual, and MAD smart.