• We The People of Oklahoma want a Full Forensic Audit

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We, the undersigned registered voters of Oklahoma are requesting a Full Forensic Audit of the 2020 election. We believe that there were problems to some extent in all states but our concern now is the Oklahoma election.

    The only way to get everyone to believe our election was fair and legal is to perform a Full Forensic Audit. Until this is done there is no way to KNOW that there were not issues in our election.

  • To remove graphic sex and violence from Bristow Oklahoma school system.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Petition for Bristow Public Schools Libraries

    The Bristow community finds the attached books offensive and not in agreeance with the community standards. The community agrees that it is not the role of the library, teachers, or staff to give students books which depict graphic sex of any kind, graphic violence, and/or profanity. The community agrees that libraries should reflect the standards of our community. Removal of these books and stronger screenings of books would improve our educational and intellectual offerings, aid in the improvement of our school’s state ratings and test scores, and help us to better align with the Oklahoma State Department of Education Standards.

    By signing below I agree to the above statement and want to see a change in our school system.

  • Get a WINCO in Northwest Tulsa Oklahoma

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In Northwest Tulsa Oklahoma, we live in a "Food Desert" when it comes to grocery stores. Especially when it comes to affordable and close. Most of us have to travel 18 to 25 minutes to get to a grocery store. The ones around us are ridiculously over priced as well. I would like to use this petition to show Winco that we need a store in Northwest Tulsa. Traveling 25 minutes to Winco is ruff enough. But, then you are shopping in the store with your frozen and perishable goods in your cart. By the time you finish shopping and get home, your frozen goods are already thawed or close to it. Winco, please put another store in Northwest Tulsa somewhere. All who feel the same, would you please sign this petition and pass it on to your friends to sign as well? If we can get a TON of signatures, then that would show Winco that they are missing out on another profitable location. Thank you!

  • Sheriff Chris West removal from office for willful misconduct

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Prudent to the State v. Price, 280 P.3d 943 (Ok. 2012) The Oklahoma Supreme Court upheld a Sheriff’s removal from office for willful misconduct. Sheriff CL West of Canadian County has continued to threaten members of Congress and elected officals while currently in the DC area and these issues extend into his own state of Oklahoma which include those who seek to only bring awareness to the health and safety of fellow Oklahomans. This Sheriff defends actions of individuals who are known to be part of violent right wing terrorist groups. We are asking for you to step in as the FBI has already been notified. We believe his actions reflect gross misconduct and highlights his inability to hold his position without bias.

  • Legalize UTV/Utility Vehicles, SxS/Side by Sides for street use in Florida .

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We the undersigned are petitioning the members of these local governing bodies to pass ordinances to legalize the use of Side by Sides, UTV's, and similar vehicles, commonly known as "Rangers", "RZRs", "Rhinos", "Gators", etc., on all roads within the state of Florida.

    The popularity of these vehicles has exploded in recent years and there are many people who would benefit from being able to legally operate them on city and county roadways. These benefits are not just limited to the operators of these vehicles. There are many reasons why this would be beneficial to both the owners of these vehicles as well as the other citizens of the communities within our state.

    The recent surges in fuel costs are one of the big reasons for this petition, whereas many people would choose the use of side by sides and UTV's to save fuel, much in the same way that many people choose to ride motorcycles to save fuel. These vehicles do not burn as much fuel as full size cars and trucks do, so this would benefit both the users of these vehicles as well as non-users by decreasing demand for fuel and polution into the atmosphere. This decrease in demand can help promote lower prices at the pump for all consumers. Also, many people have to trailer their vehicle to other areas of the county to ride for recreation and this actually increases the consumption of fuel by having to have a vehicle, usually a large truck or SUV, to pull a trailer to the chosen location. This consumes much more fuel than if they were able to drive to the location in the vehicle itself. This also can create safety hazards for users as well as non-users both in the possibility of items, including the vehicles themselves, coming loose or falling off of trailers into the roadway and in the fact that the vehicle and trailer are often parked along the side of roadways at the location. This can create congestion and a potential for impact or injury to other motorists as well. Also, unlike motorcycles and Mopeds, these vehicles could be used year-round with the proper enclosures and equipment. This increases this benefit substantially, especially during the winter hunting seasons in our area.
    While on the subject of safety, another reason these vehicles should be allowed to operate on city and county roads is that while these vehicles are smaller than regular cars and trucks, they are much larger than motorcycles and mopeds, and therefore making them more visible to other drivers. This increases safety for both users and non-users. These vehicles are much safer than motorcycles and mopeds, both of which are legal to operate on public roads, due to this fact and the fact that some have full roll cages and seat belts. If people were used to seeing these vehicles on the road, they would also be less likely to ignore them. Being able to legally operate them on the road would also decrease reckless activities associated with illegally operating them on roadways such as speeding, darting across roadways, and driving through other people's property because users would not have to try to avoid the authorities. Also, there are a lot of people who cannot or will not ride motorcycles or mopeds, but who could have the same advantages and benefits as motorcycle/moped users through the ability to legally drive their side by side or UTV on roadways. Furthermore, many UTVs are outfitted with various pieces of safety and recovery equipment i.e. winches, straps, tools, medical kits etc and could safely recover vehicles during inclement weather.

    These vehicles are also more Eco-friendly than regular cars and trucks in that they are still required to meet EPA regulations, and they have significantly smaller engines that do not put out anywhere near the total amount of hazardous materials into the atmosphere that full size vehicles do. Once again, this benefits not only those operating these vehicles, but those that don't as well.

    While the reasons above may not always be immediately apparent, there is another reason that could be of immediate benefit to all of the communities in the county, and that is a monetary benefit. The use of these vehicles on roadways could be regulated using registration stickers or plates which would have to be purchased through the county or other governing body so designated. There could be a yearly fee for this registration just as with other motor vehicles that would go directly to the county and put to immediate use in whatever way they feel would benefit the community most. The use of these vehicles would also have certain regulations and requirements that would have to be met to be legally operated, and failure to follow these guidelines would have the same penalties as failure to adhere to other vehicle regulations and guidelines, and that could also potentially benefit the county in money collected from these offenses. We feel that the basic requirements for operating on public roads for the safety of all motorists would include the following:

    1. Headlights, visible from at least 500 feet 

    2. Taillights, visible from at least 300 feet 

    3. Turn signals, visible from at least 200 feet ahead of and behind the vehicle 

    4. Eye protection for driver and passengers, either windshield, or glasses 

    5. Seatbelts for all occupants and at least one rear view mirror 

    6. Must maintain the same minimum and maximum speed limits as all other vehicles

7. Must maintain the same insurance requirements as all other vehicles

8. Must obey all traffic laws the same as all other vehicles

    Other monetary benefits would come in the form of increased sales of these vehicles just for the fact that they would be able to be operated on public roads. Many people would probably like to have one of these vehicles but cannot afford to also buy the trailer and trailer pulling vehicle if they do not have anywhere to ride on their own property. Once again, this could benefit the local community in increased revenues from the taxes collected on these increased sales. There are already several communities around the country that have seen the importance and benefits of allowing these vehicles to be legally operated on public roadways. Several other states have legalized regulated use of them on public roads throughout the entire state including Oklahoma, Arizona, Idaho, Indiana, Minnesota, Kansas, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. There very well may be others as many states are deliberating this very idea at the moment.

    In summary, there would be several benefits to approving the use of side by sides and UTV's on public roads within the city and counties, and very few, if any, negative impacts from approving the use of them. What we are proposing is not an "open season" for all ATV's, and it should not be viewed that way. Driving is a privilege, not a right, regardless of the vehicle, and we are simply requesting that you consider approving the use of these safe, alternative forms of transportation on all public roads within the county, in a regulated and controlled manner, to benefit both the operators of these vehicles as well as the community overall. We appreciate your time and consideration of this matter. Thank you

  • Repeal SB 658 (prohibits schools from issuing mask mandates)

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Oklahoma Pediatric Hospitals are already bursting at the seams due to Winter viruses that masks, hand-washing, and social distancing helped prevent this past Winter.

    NOW, COVID-19 has hit and Oklahoma Pediatric Hospitals are having more and more children come in with COVID-19 on a daily basis. Children under 12 are unable to be vaccinated at this point, and a mask mandate is imperative to keep Children safe at school. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has even recommended universal masking in schools.

    If you aren’t familiar with SB 658, it prohibits school districts from mandating masks unless the government puts in place a state of emergency. Governor Stitt is irresponsible, and hasn’t done this- nor does he plan to do so at this time.

    School districts will begin classes in the next few weeks, and without any kind of mandate our children will be extremely at risk. Please sign this petition to demand for the repeal of SB 658.

  • Free LaRue Bratcher in Oklahoma.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    LaRue Bratcher, a 34-year-old Black Army veteran from Oklahoma, remains behind bars on a charge of first-degree murder more than a year after he shot and killed a white man allegedly trying to break into his marijuana grow business. A day after the arrest, Bratcher was released on bond. But just a week later, the city’s district attorney’s office reviewed the case and upgraded Bratcher’s charges to second-degree murder. One week later, police raided Bratcher’s home, escorting him, his children and his wife to the street, and arrested Bratcher again. Then, after he refused to accept a plea deal late last year, Bratcher’s charges were upgraded to first-degree murder.

    Bratcher’s wife, who also served in the U.S. military, believes the courts are making Hardwick out to be the victim and using her husband’s Army training against him.

    “We’ve been fighting for this country and at the end of the day, it feels like you come home and it doesn’t mean anything to anybody,” Vicky Bratcher said.

    Vicky added that at last year’s bond hearing, prosecutors said her husband was a “threat to the community” because of his previous combat training and expertise with a weapon.

    “They used our experience of being a veteran [against us],” she said. “That’s literally a slap in the face.”

  • In favor of Bell’s Amusement Park in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Bell's Amusement Park was a part of Tulsa families as a tourist attraction from all over the state. Zingo debuted in 1968 and, like the nearby Golden Driller, stood tall among Tulsa landmarks.

    Broken Arrow has a few attractions that attract tourists such as The Rose District, Ray Harral Park, and Military Museum. Native Tulsans have fond memories of spending a hot summer day at Bell’s Amusement Park and Big Splash. Broken Arrow has the opportunity to be part of attracting more than just Broken Arrow residents to visit an icon. The Gathering Place was voted Best City Park in 2021 by USA Today. The Gathering Place sits on 66.5 acres. Imagine Broken Arrow bringing Bell’s Amusement park back sitting on 102 acres. Oklahoma would have another tourist attraction for travelers all over the world.

    The 102 acres is located in East Broken Arrow where businesses struggle to survive. Bells would bring more tourist who would spend money in Broken Arrow which would boost these businesses. East Broken Arrow is NOT a retirement area, but a side of Broken Arrow with many new schools and neighborhoods being built. Families are finding their dream homes in East Broken Arrow, but having to drive for miles just to reach a restaurant. These families have children who need to grow up with the same memories their parents had of Bell’s Amusement Park. Bell’s can provide a safe environment for children to spend their days instead of sitting at home bored playing hours of video games because their hometown offers no attractions for children.

    Traffic is already growing mainly due to the new homes attracting new families. It wouldn’t matter if Bell’s Amusement Park or a shopping center was built on that 102 acres. Traffic will continue to grow by nearby residents. Broken Arrow is no longer a city in the country for retirement homes, but a city for families.

    The proposed location of 71st/Kenosha and the Creek Turnpike is an area with six public pre-k schools, current subdivisions and new subdivisions, new apartments being built, new shopping centers, and a few thriving restaurants. This area needs an attraction for the new and current families to be able to enjoy within a few minutes drive instead of an hour drive.

    Broken Arrow is a desirable place to live. More families will move to Broken Arrow because of fun places to go in the evening after a long day at school or work, or a fun weekend. People from out of state will choose Broken Arrow to move to because of all it has to offer not just in education, public safety, but also entertainment. Many will want to move here because of the easy access to highways, entertainment, school district, and the family environment Broken Arrow offers to people of all ages.

    Be a supporter of Broken Arrow families and welcome Bell’s Amusement Park to keep this great city growing and thriving.

  • Stop the Oklahoma Senate from passing Bill SB 1100, banning non-binary birth certificates.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Senator Micheal Bergstrom filed SB 1100, which would require male and female to be the only options on birth certificates to identify a child’s sex at birth. If passed by the Legislature and signed by the governor, the sex or gender designation on a birth certificate shall be either male or female, meaning nonbinary or any symbol representing a nonbinary designation, including, or not limited to the letter “X,” cannot be used on the birth certificate.

    If SB 1100 is passed it will harm countless people in non-binary, gender-queer, and intersex communities. It denies the existence of these already marginalized people and will make it impossible for them to get even the most basic form of identification to list their actual identity. Non-binary and gender queer people will be invalidated every time they have to show their birth certificate. The parents of intersex children (who have both male and female sexual characteristics) will have to simply pick one, not knowing if they're making the right choice. Intersex people will have to either fit into the sex binary or not be acknowledged by our government.

    As a young nonbinary person myself, I feel it is my turn to fight for this community, but I can't do it alone. So, please sign this petition to stop SB 1100 and pave the way for my future.

  • To Investigate the FWS and US Attorneys Office for Obstruction of Justice and Animal Abuse

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I am asking you to please open an investigation into the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and the U.S. Attorneys Office in Oklahoma City, OK for obstruction of justice, perjury, and creating an illegal monopoly. I have the evidence involving two asst. U.S. attorneys, two FBI agents, and two federal wildlife agents, along with five witnesses, who conspired to violate the RICO ACT, using their federal positions to wrongfully convict me in order to create a monopoly in big cats (tigers and lions).

    In April of 2016, former Wildlife Director Dan Ashe was also the CEO and President of the AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums) when he opened up public comments to place the generic tiger on the endangered species list, allowing Carole Baskin of Big Cat Rescue to advertise on her website to pay people for making public comments so they could place the generic tiger on the ESA List. In May of 2016, Dan Ashe placed them on the ESA list and had an FWS (US Fish & Wildlife Service) agent start an investigation on me regarding generic tigers that were located at my zoo, which were regulated by the USDA (US Dept. of Agriculture) for over 19 years and I had a USDA-APHIS Class C Exhibitors License. Not one time did the FWS ever come to inspect, inventory, or concern themselves for any reason with the species of tigers or lions that I had at my zoo, where any that died were disposed of, or any that were born at my location. It was all left up to the USDA until they needed a reason to put me out of business by charging me with 20 counts of violating the Lacey Act and the ESA under the word "TAKE" which they are now enforcing only on private zoos, such as myself, and not on sanctuaries or AZA zoos. I am asking you to instruct the Department of Interior Secretary to decide which agency has the authority to enforce the ESA and the Animal Welfare Act. I had inspection reports for years that allowed public contact with lemurs, tigers, and lion cubs. But now, because they want to create a monopoly and allow People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals to enforce the ESA under the word "TAKE" to steal our businesses and our animals by any means necessary with criminal charges or civil suits, they are saying this is a violation of the ESA with no prior warnings given that regulations have changed. My concern and problem with all of this is that, in some cases, such as: USA vs Jeffery Lowe #6:2020cv00423; USA vs Tim Stark #0:2020ag02024; USA vs Dade City Wild Things #8:2016cv02899; and USA vs Tri State Zoo #1:2018cv01549, they are only civil suits concerning ESA violations. Please explain to me why these were prosecuted as criminal acts upon me, yet only civil suits were filed against all these other cases. Why is just the Jeff Lowe case by the USDA-APHIS unlike the others where a private non-profit organization (PETA) is enforcing the same laws, instead of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, like in my case?

    I am not only asking for justice in my case, but also justice for the animals in the Jeff Lowe case. He has been allowed to kill, abuse, and prevent tigers, lions, and other animals from receiving proper medical care to the point that they are all dying and starving to death (USDA complaint: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-files-complaint-against-jeffrey-lowe-and-tiger-king-llc-violations). This is not only unjust, but outrageous that the Dept. of Justice and the Dept. of Interior stand by and allow laws to be enforced in such a selective way, not only to violate my constitutional rights, but also to allow the animal abuse to continue when no one is held accountable. President Trump signed into law that animal abuse is now a federal crime and a federal wildlife agent does NOT need an injunction or even a warrant to go confiscate these animals and place them in protective custody.

    Regarding my case and the obstruction of justice and conspiracy to commit perjury, I have evidence that the Asst. U.S. Attorney Amanda Green, who prosecuted my case, had the evidence knowing that her witnesses lied to the grand jury and during my trial kept this evidence suppressed and away from my jury (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8860905/Bombshell-texts-lead-Tiger-Kings-Joe-Exotics-acquittal.html). I also have a recording of their star witness that testified against me, Allen Glover, admitting on a recorded phone call that they forced him to lie under oath, rehearsed his testimony, and got him to burn evidence (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2273942/Video-Listen-Joe-Exotic-discussing-Alan-Glover-stealing-pizza-phone.html). All I am asking, along with the people of America, is for a fair trial without a very well-orchestrated prosecution filled with perjury and suppression of evidence; for Jeff Lowe to be held criminally accountable for over 200 pages of animal abuse documented by the USDA; and for Allen Glover, the federal agents, and Asst. U.S. attorneys to be held accountable for obstruction of justice and conspiracy to commit perjury for orchestrating such a wrongful case. Is it not the job of the DOJ to seek justice? Or is it just to make convictions to add to a resume? Is it not the FWS job to enforce charges for animal abuse against all parties taking part in the abuse of endangered species, if they truly are endangered? You campaigned on fair and equal justice for those who cannot afford a proper defense and for those who have been wronged. We are asking that you act fast on these issues before the lives of more animals are lost and my life continues to slip away while just waiting for someone in the DOJ to care.


    Joseph Maldonado-Passage

  • STOP OK SB719

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Calling all Administrators,

    There is a bill going to legislature February 1st (OK SB719) to remove OSBELTCA as our governing body and transferring oversight authority to the State Department of Health. Imagine if you get an Administrative tag and you get to appeal it to the same governing body that issued it. This is so wrong on many levels.

    As Administrators, we are independent professionals and should stand up for our own governing body. What other group of licensed professionals do not have their own governing agency.

    This appears to be a direct assault on the Board itself (proposing to dismantle a Board that is easily a Top 5 of its kind in the nation when there is a stated goal of the Governor for all agencies to achieve Top Ten status - and OSBELTCA is there). Certainly inconsistent with the Governors strategy and goals.

    Administrators need to stand up and defend their profession here. Is it in the best interest of public safety somehow? We don’t see it. Where our fees require legislative approval to change them, it appears that the LTCFAB would simply recommend fee changes to the OSDH and it would not require legislative approval. That appears to be a built in conflict of interest to permit an agency to approve its own fee structure, a system where another agency charges for their services and they approve their own fee changes internally. There’s a lot wrong with the whole of this notion and not a lot of positive change.

    Administrators need to be heard about this Bill. The new Board’s meetings would also be quarterly per this bill. If an administrator misses one, then you’re waiting six months for your license? OSBELTCA meets monthly.


    We need everyone to send Senator McCortney an email to request that this is NOT in the best interest of the 1100 Administrators across our great state of Oklahoma. His email is below. Help us help to stop this!

    Greg McCortney | Oklahoma Senate

  • East Central Oklahoma Electric Co-Op Members Emergency Meeting.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures


    ECE, our electric co-op, seems intent on collecting and spending our money for every reason BUT helping us, so we require answers to some very simple questions.

    1. How many members are there in total?

    2. What accounting software is being used? How is it that only 8k of the members were "affected" by the "error"?

    3. We need an independent audit of the 2020 books. Where are the books and why have they not been made available?

    4. We need to know how usage data is provided to ECOEC. Is it a third party? How often does it get updated? What program or programs has access to it, and who has access to it? We need to see raw data.

    5. What does ECOEC know about faulty meters? How is it making any attempt to remove and replace faulty meters, including ones that may read as operational, but show incorrect usage? What effort is being made to repay members that were continuously overcharged using bad meters or software?

    Ultimately this petition is to call an emergency meeting of the board, including GM Tim Smith to address these and all other questions from members, immediately, and to ensure the "transparency" that ECE management insists is their policy.


  • Allow night hunting for predators in Oklahoma.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Myself and many other Oklahomans who are passionate about Oklahoma’s Outdoors and Wildlife, petition to allow licensed hunters the option to hunt and harvest predators such as coyote and bobcat at night hours on private property. Oklahoma currently allows night hog hunting with thermals/NV and rifles but yet does not offer the same opportunity for predators like so many other states.

    It’s time we update our wildlife laws & regulations to benefit the ever diminishing number of licensed hunters each year, so our great state can be seen as a leader in wildlife and conservation efforts. As we all know, according the ODWC & NWTF, the numbers of wild turkey and other game are decreasing. Putting the number of predators in check, while returning the turkey population to normal is just one of the many positive outcomes offered by this change.

    Let’s contact our local representatives and let them know we want to see our laws updated to allow night hunting of predators with rifles equip with night vision & thermal optics.

  • Free Rebecca Hogue

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In November 2021, Rebecca Hogue was convicted of first degree murder for the death of her toddler son, Ryder, even though he was killed by Christopher Trent while she was at work. Now she is facing life in prison after two years of living a nightmare since her son’s death on January 1, 2020.

    Following the actual murderer’s death by suicide, District Attorney Greg Mashburn and Assistant District Attorney Pattye High turned their attention to Rebecca— a single hardworking mother. They charged Rebecca with first degree murder under Oklahoma’s Failure to Protect law for allowing child abuse even though Rebecca did not abuse her child or know he was in harm’s way. The lead police investigator in the case called the charges against Rebecca “bullshit” and did not recommend her being charged.

    The DA and ADA’s entire case rested on whether Rebecca should have “reasonably known” about the abuse. But, the abuse unfolded over a very short period of time and Rebecca took Ryder to doctors who failed to see he was being abused while in Trent’s care. When Rebecca asked Trent about Ryder’s bruises, he gaslit her and lied and said the child had fallen down the stairs. If medical experts couldn’t diagnose abuse, how could a mother with a history of her own trauma see something was wrong?

    During her trial, the lead investigator was not allowed to state his professional opinion that Rebecca should not have been charged. Nor was the jury told about Trent’s pre-suicide message stating Rebecca was innocent. And, they did not allow an expert in domestic violence to testify as to how Rebecca’s history of being a victim made her especially susceptible to Trent’s gaslighting. Without any of this key evidence, the jury convicted her. She now sits in solitary confinement awaiting her minimum life sentence in prison for murder, rather than spending these last two years healing from the unimaginable loss of precious Ryder who her friends called “her entire world.”

    Oklahoma has some of the worst statistics for abuse of women and children. Failure to Protect and Rebecca’s conviction will result in fewer victims receiving help now that the court has ruled seeking medical attention or sending photos of bruises to the perpetrator asking how they happened can be used against a person in court. The law has repeatedly and disproportionately been used against mothers for their abusers' crimes. And, as seen in this case, DAs like Mashburn and High have no qualms with furthering harm against victims using state-sanctioned means. In fact, they claimed Rebecca was not a victim of abuse in spite of her child being abused and murdered by Trent, when there is no worse harm to a parent than their child’s murder at the hands of someone they entrusted.

    We are demanding Rebecca’s full exoneration and release. We are demanding that lawmakers reverse Failure to Protect, so that those in power cannot use it to harm victims and those seeking help for abuse in Oklahoma.

    Justice for Rebecca is Justice for Ryder.

  • Break the chain!!! Outlaw tethering in Oklahoma!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Can you imagine being chained up each day of your life? With very little room to roam? No human interaction, no love, no thriving, possibly freezing or on the verge of a heat stroke. Thousands of dogs across Oklahoma go through this every day. Some are tied up on such a little chain or rope that they can’t even lay their head down to sleep. This is inhumane and not right. Other states have a law against this let’s join them let’s be the voice of these dogs let’s help them let’s not allow this cruelty in our great state any longer. Please sign the petition so that we we can let Oklahoma Legislature know that we want this changed. We want to break those chains and free these dogs.

    Tethering dogs is inhumane and cruel. Confining dogs by a chain or rope causes them to become aggressive.Long term restraint can damage their psychological well-being. They become unhappy. They are susceptible to physical elements such as raw necks, infections, insect bites, unsanitary areas and are at risk of harm by other dogs or people. Dogs that are tethered for so long can become aggressive towards humans. I am trying to outlaw tethering in Oklahoma. Dogs do not deserve this type of lifestyle. They deserve to be cared for in an appropriate manner that is loving, safe, and clean. Together we can be the voice for these dogs who are in desperate need of help. Together we can be the change for these dogs who are suffering. Together we can break the chains for these dogs and help them live in a natural, safe environment. We need to make it against the law to chain dogs. This is not okay in our state. This needs to be considered illegal. Cruel people who do this to dogs need to face the consequences. They need to fined and punished.

  • Sanction Boys High School Volleyball in Oklahoma

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures


    Please help the boys in your local high school to enjoy the great game of volleyball and represent their school.

    The OK Boys Volleyball Association inaugural season in 2021 was a huge success.

    The league included 14 teams from a variety of Oklahoma City and Tulsa schools/cooperatives with 150+ total Varsity and JV players from all walks of life. The response has been amazing and we expect close to if not more than double the teams/players in 2022.

    At the first-ever two day state tournament in 2021, the Casady Cyclones won the Championship and Edmond North was the Runner-Up.

    Let's get the OSAA to officially sanction Boys Volleyball as a High School Sport in Oklahoma.

    Please support Oklahoma boys with the opportunity to play the same game their friends and family members play... to play for their own high schools... to play the second most played sport in the world!

    Lets add BOYS HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL as an official Oklahoma High School Sport in 2022!

    =============================================OKBVA was established in 2020 to assist Oklahoma high schools in establishing teams through grassroots efforts. OKBVA works with students and parents to give them the tools to share with their school, with the goal to establish teams for the league. https://www.okbva.com/page/show/6049587-how-to-start-a-team

    We are expecting exponential growth in Oklahoma that will eventually lead to boys volleyball becoming a sanctioned OSSAA sport in the future.

    Help us grow the sport of boys volleyball in the state of Oklahoma!

    Oklahoma Boys Volleyball Association is a non-profit, 501c3 organization. Donations made to OKBVA will be tax-deductible.


    First Point Volleyball Foundation is a national foundation dedicated to growing boys' and men's volleyball. One of our goals is getting boys high school volleyball sanctioned in all 50 states. http://www.firstpointvolleyball.com


  • #savequiller from being unfairly euthanized!!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Please sign and share with news stations, journalists, city officials, judges, attorneys, anyone you can think of that can help us save Quiller from being euthanized. ‼️

    Quiller (formerly Astro) is a beautiful dog who was adopted from Country Roads Animal Rescue Society’s rescue program into a loving family. He is adored and considered to be one of their children. He has absolutely no behavioral issues or aggression towards people or other dogs. He has a prey drive as a shepherd mix and does chase cats - as many dogs do. The following story is hard to believe is true and we are bound and determined to fight this and right this wrong in order to save this beloved dog’s life. The details in his case are below. We have had the owner type up the following so as not to get any of the facts wrong.
    ‼️PLEASE READ, SIGN, & SHARE!!! ‼️

    “On August 14th, 2021 a child left open the Watson’s gate after taking their bike out. When Quiller was let out of the house and into the backyard later in the afternoon for relief, he found a neighbor’s cat in the yard. He then chased the cat out of the open gate and into the a neighbor’s open basement door 25 feet from the opened gate. The neighbor leaves this door open for her multiple cats to come and go as they please. Quiller unfortunately bit the cat in the neighbor’s basement. The neighbor subsequently filed charges with OKC AnimalControl. Quiller was seized by Animal Control on August 25th and has been in impounded since. On November 8th, a judge in OKC Municipal Court ruled that Quiller would be euthanized as a dangerous dog because of the incident.”

    These children are distraught and heartbroken and cannot rest without him home. Quiller has been at the OKC animal shelter since August, alone without his family, now awaiting a death sentence. His family has submitted an appeal to spare his innocent life. Share far and wide and please help us #savequiller !!!!! ��

  • URGE Oklahoma to CHANGE their Protective Orders Statute!!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Protective Orders as they are currently written are only issued to people who are in a romantic, dating or marital relationship or blood related. My son had a Landlord/Tenant relationship and was denied a Protective Order after giving detailed reasons and expressing fear of this tenant who has current charges of assault and battery of police officers, had a gun(s) and has a 5 year Protective Order against him currently. My son notified the police and told the Judge the guy had a gun and another standing Protective Order against him and was still denied. Two days later my son was dead because of this utterly absurd law and the Judge who denied it.

    I learned had this happened before 2019, my son would've been granted the protective order, but, Oklahoma's protective order law was changed in 2019. As a result, I lost my son and my two young grandsons are without their dad, my other kids without their brother and my 94 year old mother has lost her grandson.

    We should all be concerned about the safety and protection of ourselves and family members. We ALL have a right to be protected from someone threatening and harassing us particularly one with a history of violence and who has no respect or fear of the law or law enforcers.

  • Oklahoma: Lead the nation in ending the inhumane procedure of “debarking” dogs

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The process of devocalization in companion dogs (also known as “debarking”) is a horrendous practice that most veterinarians see as unethical and inhumane. Even though many veterinarians refuse to perform the procedure, there are still plenty that will do this sick surgery upon request. Devocalization is a surgical procedure performed on dogs, where tissue is removed from the animal's vocal cords to permanently reduce the volume of its vocalizations.

    Example of a debarked dog

    Since Husky Halfway House opened in 2019, we have rescued hundreds of Siberian Husky dogs. We have seen so much cruelty and abuse. But we have never seen this kind of cruelty. Selene & Sonja are two beautiful Siberian Huskies who were robbed of their voices. We rescued them in January 2022 and they deserve justice. They will never get to howl or talk their true husky language. They were subjected to a cruel and barbaric form of behavioral modification that causes more harm than good for canines as a whole.

    Shirts to support the cause can be purchased here: https://www.bonfire.com/voice-for-the-voiceless-h3/
    You can also donate monthly to our 501c3 nonprofit husky rescue here: www.patreon.com/huskyhalfwayhouse

    Barking is a normal canine behavior. It is their means of communication. Dogs may bark in play, as a greeting, as a warning, to gain attention, and while working. Without their ability to bark, dogs lose one of their only means of communication, not just with other dogs, but the world around them.

    Per the Humane Society website, debarked dogs are at risk for a host of physical and behavioral problems, including:

    * Compromised health with possible increased risk of aspiration pneumonia, breathing difficulties, exercise intolerance, chronic coughing or gagging, etc.
    * Increased risk of compromised airway access during future surgeries
    * Increased risk of threats to physical safety because of the inability to ward off threats by vocalizing and alert others to threats or dangers
    * Increased level of stress, contributing to a possible decline in overall health

    * Decreased ability to communicate intentions to other animals and people, leading to possible misinterpretation and harm by others or danger to self and/or others
    * Increased level of frustration, leading to possible redirected behaviors such as destructive behavior toward property or aggression toward animals or people

    Debarking Fact Sheet from the Humane Society

    This is an outdated, cruel, and unnecessary practice that should be outlawed across all 50 states. Debarking is currently banned in only 2 US states: Massachusetts and New Jersey. Let’s come together to end devocalization procedures for good. Let’s be a voice for the voiceless.

    Our mission is to start in our home state of Oklahoma and create a ripple effect that changes laws across the country. We will begin by reaching out to Oklahoma senators & lawmakers now that we have reached our initial goal of 20,000 signatures.

    2/11/2022: We got our first news story! Click here to see it.
    2/14/2022: We made it to live TV news! See video here.
    2/14/2022: Featured on Fox25 News @ 9: Article here


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We, Oklahomans are tired of having to travel 6 hours round trip to the nearest location. Shipping is not always available or it’s crazy expensive.

    We love IKEA and would love to be able to have it close by. This would help so many families and people enjoy the luxury of furnishing their home at an affordable rate.

    Bring us an IKEA home. ��