• Legalize fawn rehabilitation in Ohio

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In 2010, it was deemed illegal to rehabilitate injured deer in Ohio, including little fawns. Since then, many people have experienced issues because of this. Deer are hit every day because of cars, so many are wounded or killed. But sadly, it is illegal to help these animals, even with a rehabilitation license. Unfortunately, it has gotten to the point where humans have lost their morals and made it illegal to assist one of the most common animals that they hit with their car.

  • Ohio Unemployment

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Yes I would like to bring the issues to your attention about Regular and Pua Unemployment..Lets start with the glitches in the system in regular unemployment they label Special/ Manuel warrants which means people like me that are on them have to call every 3 weeks to processing which sends a email to that dept to release our payments..which I haven t recieve a payment in 10 weeks because they have a small group that handles 1000s of people on these type of claims and also many have to call days at a time to get a open line to the processing center..so here I am 2 months behind on rent..applying for many jobs with no response and have 1 car payment left..as Im sure many of Ohioans are in the same boat..Also its been brought to my attention that people on PUA indentity issues are taking months to clear..So my question is you have 1000s of intake workers ..why arent more workers being assigned to pending issues??? We are tax paying citizens and we deserve some answers!!!!!

  • BGSU Students for Ohio House Bill 310 (Collins Law)

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On November 12th, 2018 Collin Wiant was a victim of Fraternity hazing at Ohio University. Collin ultimately lost his life and became one of many young men and women who have been victims of hazing. On July 9th, 2019, Ohio House Bill 310 was introduced to make hazing a felony in the state of Ohio. This bill has been passed by the Ohio State House of representatives. Here is the link to more information and the status of Ohio House Bill 310 (Collins Law).

    I am a Bowling Green State University student and a member of the Greek Life community. On the morning of Friday, March 5th, 2021 Stone Foltz, a new member of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity was transported to the hospital and placed on life support due to injuries caused by hazing and later died. Stone deserved better. No parent should ever have to receive the call that their child was a victim of hazing and will not make it. Greek Life is supposed to be a community of people coming together to do good and incite siblinghood. The men who caused Stone and Collin to lose their lives must be held accountable for their reckless actions.

    House Bill 310 needs to be passed as soon as possible so that people who abuse and traumatize others can be properly held accountable in the state of Ohio. Please join me in signing this petition to push the Ohio State Senate to pass House Bill 310 as soon as possible. Ohio would become the 14th state to do so as of March 7th, 2021.


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Recently, The Ohio House has proposed a bill that can only be described as an attack on trans youth. It is the H.B. 454, also known as the S.A.F.E. (Save Adolescents From Experimentation) Act.

    It seeks to ban gender-affirming healthcare for minors (even with parental consent), as well as force teachers and school counselors to out trans youth to their parents. These school officials could even out children they suspect to be trans, and this would be protected under the law. Medical professionals would be able to lose their licensure for providing, or even referring, trans kids to gender-affirming healthcare. (More info here: https://equalityohio.org/legislation/the-safe-act/)

    According to the largest survey of trans youth ever conducted, “…over HALF have seriously considered suicide.” It has been proven, time and time again, that social support and gender-affirming care greatly reduces suicidal ideation. Trans healthcare and acceptance saves our lives. The bill that the Ohio government is trying to pass is inhumane, violent, and quite frankly, terrifying. It is a direct attack on children disguised as something protective.

    Please sign this petition, as well as call the Ohio Speaker Bob Cup’s office directly to leave a message at (614) 466-9624, to speak out against this bill and any future legislation that seeks to threaten healthcare access and social safety for trans children.

    Share this link with friends, family, and others in your community. We need to use our voices. This would kill and endangers countless transgender children, but there is still time to stop it.

    Read the bill here: https://legiscan.com/OH/bill/HB454/2021

    Statistic source: https://tinyurl.com/su9s6ak8

  • Charge Ohio Teacher Who Stapled Note to Special Needs Child's Head

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I recently saw on my local news channel and social media that a Boardman Ohio teacher or teachers aide stapled a note to a child's head or hair and the reason for this teacher doing this was over a water bottle mind you this child is special needs and he or she has autism , the Mahoning county prosecutor's office the Boardman police station and the school board decided that the situation was not serious enough that there was not serious physical harm to said child and they all made the decision to not press charges on said teacher or teachers aide , I do not believe that the above named people made the right decision where this situation is concerned and i believe that the teacher or teachers aide needs to be properly punished for what he or she did to this defenseless child please sign and share so the child involved does not have to go through this with the same person or any other person ever again. HERE IS THE LINK TO THE STORY



    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    There are only four states in the United States of America that still euthanize animals held at kill shelters through gas chambers. These states include Missouri, Ohio, Utah and Wyoming. This is an incredibly INHUMANE act and we need to give animals the peaceful passing they deserve if this is their fate. We must bring an end to the heartless and inhumane euthanasia of our beautiful pets.

    Dogs, cats and other pets who are injected with proper euthanasia drugs are no longer conscious within three to five seconds. Compared to what happens with euthanasia from a gas chamber these beautiful animals are put in a little and dark gas box, often the same box from a prior euthanized animal who may have urinated and defecated before they died. Animals may convulse and struggle for air while they die from the gas and fear their lives. Under the best case scenario the animal will not lose consciousness for MINUTES if they are in the gas chamber however if the chamber is outdated, old and not well-designed or if the animal is very young, old, sick, injured or stressed out it can take much longer and then the animals organs will begin to shut down.

    Please end this and transition to a humane form of euthanasia. It's so little to ask as it is cost effective and we need to bring awareness to end this heinous act. Let our fellow furry friends go in peace and free of fear and pain if they must go. It is the right thing to do to switch to a proper drug euthanasia than continue with this cruelty. BEGGING for voices! <3 Please bring this blessing into 2021!

    PLEASE SUPPORT A STATEWIDE GAS CHAMBER BAN! FOR MORE INFO visit https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/bringing-end-inhumane-euthanasia where this was sourced for the most detailed explanation of the process of gas chamber euthanasia

  • Legalize Recreational Weed Ballot Ohio 2021

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Ohio has taken great strides as far as decriminalizing marijuana and the use of medical Marijuana. In 2021 there will be a ballot passing to legalize the use of recreational marijuana. A ballot was last passed making an attempt to legalize recreational marijuana in 2016, but it was ultimately denied. Help take action by signing this petition to push our state to pass the ballot, in May 2021. You can also find a list of local and federal representatives you can message to help us move in the right direction. There will also be a script for you to message them to make it easier.

    **the links below will take you to their websites. scroll all the way down to the bottom, fill out the form and paste the script below in the “message” box then hit submit**

    To contact Senator of Ohio Rob Portman:


    To contact Governor of Ohio Mike Dewine:



    “Dear (Senator/Governor/Representative),
    We are writing on behalf of legalizing marijuana. Our government project for our senior year is to think of a law or constitutional amendment you would like to see changed, in this case we would like to see marijuana legally accessible to all above the age of eighteen.
    Marijuana is as much a recreational drug as alcohol, tobacco, and even coffee. Marijuana has never had a report of fatal use and the common use for medical purposes has been proved and even infused into society today. Sixteen states today have legalized its medical purposes because it has proven to help certain illnesses including glaucoma, sclerosis, and cancers such as breast and brain cancer. Since proposition nineteen has been advocated in California, Florida should take lead and soon legalize marijuana as well. Prohibition has only cost billions of dollars and studies prove that it has not affected the use of marijuana, in fact it has made it cheaper and more accessible. All the money used for prosecution to small offenders can be used for tax revenues and ultimately save billions.
    With your help general change could be possible. We recommend commercial production be limited to licensed producers although non retail and home production is allowed. Quality control and retail will also be limited by the state and state licensed distributors. The state will make up all laws that go towards this new legalization but mainly the important thing is that it is legal. Marijuana is a herbal and proven remedy that with its ban is causing more problems than its fixing.
    Thank You For Your Time and Support,

  • Open campus Maine west high school

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I believe we should have open campus for school, students would feel less stressed out and find it very convenient. The school would not have to worry about not having enough space. 100% every student and parents as well would agree that it would be a smart move to this change.

  • Maine Cabin Masters to HGTV

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Since Magnolia Channel is going to replace the DIY Channel we need to let the powers to be know we are MCM Fans! Sign this petition to let them know we need to have Maine Cabin Masters continue as it is good family entertainment. Collectively we can let them know we support them and want them to continue. Thanks

  • Maine Unemployment crisis! All of our businesses are drowning and we need help!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    This petition is to stand up for Maine businesses. The state of Maine is still giving out relief money for the pandemic due to COVID-19 as a extra bonus to the unemployment fund. As we have started to open up Maine and go through its phases, more and more of our Maine businesses are opening. However, can not find the workers to power our businesses. Businesses can not compete with the wages from unemployment. Unemployment is paying people more then what our minimum wage is. We can not compete. People are not looking for jobs because they are getting paid to stay home. During the pandemic when everything was shut down, this was understandable. However, most businesses are up and going. We have been forced to reduce hours, and work very short handed in the result of no applicants. Search logs are not being checked on. And people are not being held accountable. In our small hometown alone over 40 businesses are suffering from lack of workers which have taken major tolls on our businesses. We need to put people back to work. Unemployment is made for those who can not find work, not to be used as a full time job. We need to support our state. And get people back to work!

    The relief package was first purposed as an extra unemployment benefit if your job was laid off, lost, or shut down due to the pandemic. People have taken great advantages to this program and are sadly abusing it. This fund is made for those whose job has not opened yet, for COVID related positive cases if you are ill or supporting someone that is ill, children that are out of school due to mandatory quarantine, or if the school was on remote learning. Along with other COVID related issues.

    Unemployment is currently being abused by many residents of our state. That have multiple opportunities to get back to their job, or find something closely related for a job they qualify for. And they are not being held accountable. Funds are being wasted and abused. We need to do better and be better. Maine needs to get back on track.

    Workers that are currently working in businesses that are short staffed are also taking a major toll. These employees deserve better. We are taking willing and great workers, and working them to death with us. Because we don't have a choice. We need to be the voices for our businesses and our employees.

    Please take 5 minutes and sign our petition to get the Maine people back to work. This will not only make Maine successful, it will also make Maine more enjoyable. Maine needs revenue. Maine needs to be sprinting forward not falling backwards. Maine needs our support.

  • Boycott Senator Simpson's Eggs In Florida

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    WHY WE ARE BOYCOTTING SIMPSON'S EGGS: Senator Wilton Simpson, the President of the Florida Senate, has stopped an anti-dog chaining bill from moving forward (SB650/HB177 Tethering of Domestic Dogs and Cats). Thirty-one state legislators sponsored the bill and many other legislators supported it. Nineteen Florida counties already have this law (those counties cover 65% of Florida's population). We are animal advocates and we want to know what kind of person would be ok with dogs spending their lives on the end of a chain in the Florida heat and thunderstorms?
    DO NOT BUY EGGS FROM PUBLIX OR WALMART: Senator Simpson owns a very large egg farm that is under the Cal-Maine Foods network. Cal-Maine Foods sells eggs to Publix and Walmart. Pledge to boycott Senator Simpson's eggs until an anti-dog chaining law is passed. In addition, pledge to research the cruel egg industry. The photo in this petition is an actual image of Simpson's farm. Not only do chickens endure harsh treatment and conditions, but male chicks are also ground up or suffocated because they are not useful to the industry. Yes, you read that right, male chicks are not needed and meet a terrible fate.

    Thank you for your support! Please forward and post this petition and Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/BoycottSenatorSimpsonsEggs


    Florida Anti-Dog Chaining Bill

    Link to video to senator Simpson's egg farm:


    Here is an animal abuse investigation of one of Cal-Maine's egg farms with quote from Senator Simpson. Watch the investigator's video:


    Links to find out more about the cruel egg industry:




  • ALL low-income Mainers deserve access to healthcare! Support LD 718!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We, the undersigned, are farmers, small business owners, and independent contractors. We know what it is not to have health insurance and not have health care. We are not just employers, we also workers who work for ourselves.

    We are people of all major and minor party affiliation and no party affiliation. We put human decency before any party. We want everyone to have health care.

    We, the undersigned, support LD 718, the restoration of MaineCare (Medicaid) to all low income people of all ages, regardless of immigration status. We believe that if the State of Maine can afford to give away billions of dollars in tax breaks to large businesses (including rich hospitals and universities) and our small businesses can barely compete to stay in business, then it must be that the State of Maine can afford a handful of millions to make sure all low income people have health care.

    Some of us are the descendants of people who suffered without health care, and some of us are people who are suffering without health care right now, but we "make too much" to have MaineCare. We do not believe it honors the memory of our ancestors nor the suffering we face right now for our low income immigrant workers, who are our fellow Maine residents and employees, to suffer now without health care. There are many types of people suffering. We want them all to have health care.

    Restoring MaineCare to all low income people, regardless of age and immigration status, is the humane thing to do and it makes good economic sense. Our workers need to be able to take care of themselves before they are so sick that they can't even work. They deserve that, and we want them to be able to do that. We are grateful for farmworker health care programs, hospital free care, and free clinics, but they are not health insurance. Their services are limited or sometimes delayed. Not all immigrants are not eligible. Some struggle to get enrolled due to cash wages, limited literacy, or simply being tired of the burden of having to prove their worthiness for care.

    We want the Appropriations and Financial Affairs committee to fund MaineCare for all low income people of any age, regardless of immigration status. We want the House and Senate to pass a budget with this full funding, and for the Governor to sign that budget. If needed, we want the Senate to pass LD 718 (the House already did) and for Appropriations to fund it fully, and we want the Governor to sign it into law.

    We are the farmers, small businesses, and independent contractors who run your districts and your state. We are the people who vote you into office. We are watching to see what you do "unto the least of these". May you do what is right and restore MaineCare for all low income people, and in doing so, honor your ancestors and all who suffer today without health care.

    Note: We are of all types of backgrounds ethnically, nationally, racially, religiously, and regionally. We are the descendants of the first peoples of this land--stripped of our land for profit and murdered in the millions to make way for new rulers. We are the descendants of Africans who were enslaved by the rich--stripped of our lives, children, and freedom, our labor extracted against our will to build wealth for the few. We are descendants of European indentured servants and early migrants from Europe--exploited for our labor and manipulated to believe our Native and African neighbors were our foes. We are the descendants of, and present day, immigrants from all corners of the world--Asian and Pacific Islander, African, Middle Eastern, European, Australian and Aboriginal, Alaskan Native and Canadian, North, Central and South American and Caribbean--wherever the U.S. and Europe has gone to make war and build empire, or wherever the rich companies have gone to destroy our local natural resources and economies, we have fled to this land to survive and seek safety here--a safety that is sometimes elusive. We are the descendants of people with a combination of some or all of the aforementioned experiences.

  • Reinstate Dr. Kurtis Kim

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Dr. Kurtis Kim has become a top doctor in the world of vascular compressions. He is well-known in support communities for the conditions, and someone patients seek for care. He specializes in helping those who have been told they are beyond help, and gives hope to those who have suffered for years.

    Vascular compressions are where certain blood vessels are compressed by, or are compressing, other structures of the body. Dr. Kim specializes in abdominal compressions, which are: May-Thurner Syndrome (compression of the iliac vein by the iliac artery), Nutcracker Syndrome (renal vein entrapment), SMAS (Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome, or the compression of the duodenum between the aorta and superior mesenteric artery), and MALS (Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome, or compression of the celiac artery by the median arcurate ligament. While symptoms vary for each compression, all cause damage to the blood vessel itself, like stenosis (enlargement and thickening of the affected vessel), systemic inflammation, issues with blood flow, organ damage, and extreme amounts of pain. The compressions can also contribute to secondary conditions like headaches and fatigue, high blood pressure, and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

    These issues are thought by the general medical community to be incredibly rare. The physicians who treat them, however, understand they are not actually rare, but are often overlooked or misdiagnosed as other conditions. Dr. Kim has worked with providers in many specialties, both within his home network at Mercy hospital and outside of that network, to increase awareness of these conditions, leading to more patients getting proper diagnosis. He has also presented his findings at vascular specialty conferences, inspiring conversation about treatment options and ways to achieve best patient outcomes. He even re-did one presentation so it could be streamed live so his patients could see it and feel heard and represented (watch here).

    Dr. Kim is also an incredibly compassionate provider. These are complex conditions, and ones that patients have lived with for years. For many, he is the first provider to not only listen and believe patients, but to give them answers. He understands the impact these conditions have had on the lives of his patients, and wants to do all he can to get them treated and able to live a life without the pain they had become so familiar with. He helps his patients not only with vascular conditions, but also refers for other known co-occurring conditions as well. This means that patients get properly diagnosed and treated, many achieving symptom relief for the first time - sometimes suffering for decades, or even their entire lives.

    In addition to being incredibly accessible to his patients, Dr. Kim uses his own personal time to raise awareness of compressions in other areas. He is active on social media, raising awareness, and helping patients understand their conditions and the diagnostic process. He has traveled to consult with physicians to learn more. He thinks "outside the box" for how to treat difficult patients, trying new techniques, consulting other specialties, and truly going "above and beyond" to give people back their lives.

    But hospitals cannot bill for "above and beyond". There is no CPT code for compassion. A doctor does not have freedom of his own personal time - they are a doctor first and foremost, and often contractually obligated to their network.

    So on Friday, December 3, Dr. Kim's patients were informed that he was no longer employed by Mercy Hospital in Baltimore, MD. He was asked to change his approach to patient care, or to resign. He refused, because he believes that all patients should have access to the best quality of care, and wished to continue practicing at Mercy. His employment was terminated by Mercy.

    This doesn't just impact Dr. Kim, patients of Mercy, or even just the greater Baltimore area. This doesn't just impact vascular patients. Dr. Kim had been a bridge between multiple disciplines and specialties. He had worked closely with the Endometriosis Center at Mercy, their gastrointestinal specialists, their pediatric department, and many other providers, specialties, and hospitals in the area and across the country. He had even just returned from a trip to Germany to consult with the top doctors treating compressions in Europe.

    People from all over the US, and even some outside the country, who had planned to travel to see Dr. Kim for consultation or surgical treatment, had their appointments cancelled by the hospital. They now have to start over. Patients who were working towards scheduling, getting preliminary testing done thru their primary physicians (and educating them about compressions in the process),hoping to finally get answers, are now left with no options. Patients who were currently under his care were not contacted by the hospital, but will be reassigned to another physician and just "surprised" with who that will be at their next visit. Mercy is refusing to even provide referrals to other providers, or to assist with transitioning patients.

    So why does this matter? What difference does one doctor make?

    It's not just one doctor, it's the change in approach to care. Vascular compressions, the conditions known to occur alongside them, and the conditions they are often misdiagnosed as are all chronic conditions that affect primarily those assigned female at birth. The diagnostic criteria, however, is based on persons assigned male at birth. This leads to an incredible lack of proper diagnosis for many patients. Dr. Kim, however, looks at the patient as an individual person and uses many sources together (symptoms, imaging, testing, history) to diagnose his patients. Other doctors treat patients like a checklist, expecting each case to be exactly as defined in medical school - practicing medicine "by the book". Medicine cannot be practiced "by the book" when the book isn't inclusive. Persons assigned female at birth and BIPOC are regularly excluded from studies, or lumped together as one "minority" subgroup if they are included at all.

    Per a CDC report in 2018 (source), 51.8% of adults in the US had at least one chronic illness. 27.2% of them had multiple chronic illnesses. Again, occurrence was higher in persons assigned female at birth. Chronic illnesses often have a delay in diagnosis, requiring a patient to see numerous doctors before getting a proper diagnosis. One study (source) stated a 7.6 year delay and an average number of 8 doctors seen before being correctly diagnosed. This process repeats for each diagnosis. But patients who have one chronic illness are statistically more likely to have others.

    Simply put: the chronic illness community needs doctors like Dr. Kim.

    Hospitals and provider networks treat patients like checklists, not people. Providers like Dr. Kim are working to change that. It's a change that should be embraced, or at the very least allowed. Mercy has prevented that, because instead of seeing people and the impact on lives, they see only dollar signs and the impact on their bottom line.

  • Menstrual Products for Maine Law

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Similar to toilet paper and hand soap, menstrual products are a necessity for those who menstruate. As such, the only equitable solution is for Maine Law is to provide free menstrual products for students.

    Periods can happen unexpectedly and interrupt a person’s day, inevitably distracting from education. “86% of women have started their period outside of home, without the supplies they need . . . 64% of women have left work immediately to get the supplies they need.” (www.auntflow.com).

    Please sign this petition if you believe that we should have access to free menstrual products at Maine Law.

  • Get E85 in Maine

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In these times of inflated prices most families are feeling the strain of more expensive fuels for there homes and vehicles, introducing e85 will help families with its low price tag, adding e85 will help so many families struggling in these times and I urge you Susan Collins to make a change and help out our Maine families

    E85 Fuel Explained. E85, or “flex fuel,” is a mixture of part gasoline and part ethanol – containing up to 85% of ethanol depending on the time of year. ...
    Fewer Emissions. ...
    More Horsepower. ...
    Cheaper by the Gallon. ...
    Rural Job Creation

    E85 burns cooler than gasoline. This means less heat build-up in the engine. ...
    E85 burns cleaner. It also cleans the engine. Help get E85 in Maine by singing this petition!

  • Cinnabon in Bangor, Maine

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Crazy good cinnamon rolls are hard to come by. Cinnabon makes the best Cinnamon rolls of all times according to my taste buds. There is nothing like the soft treat covered in an amazing icing. Maine is one of the only states without a Cinnabon in it. In fact, the closest Cinnabon is over three hours away from Bangor in Manchester, New Hampshire. Which doesn’t sound too bad, but what about all the days I want Cinnabon for breakfast before work? Sign this petition to show just how much Maine needs one and make a girl’s Christmas wish come true!!

  • End The Vaccine Mandate For Maine Healthcare Workers

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Healthcare providers have a responsibility to practice the ethical principle of patient autonomy. We allow patients to make their own decisions regarding what treatments, medications, or other medical interventions, including vaccines, they do or do not want. We protect this as their constitutional and human right, regardless of our personal beliefs as their healthcare providers, and uphold the sacred duty to advocate for the protection of their rights.

    But who protects our rights? Who’s going to advocate for us?

    Making healthcare professionals choose between taking an experimental vaccine with mixed study results in terms of effectiveness and safety, and their career is a gross violation of our rights to medical autonomy and person liberty, as protected in the Constitution of the United States under the 9th amendment in the Bill of Rights. Healthcare providers have sacrificed at personal risk to work through the COVID-19 and as such have earned the right to choose for ourselves whether or not we will be vaccinated. We admonish our government and corporate leaders to continue to view us in this light.

    We are not expendable. Maine is already struggling with unemployment and keeping businesses staffed. Our state will lose a large percentage of medical workers should they move forward with this or similar dictatorial mandates.

    Please stand up against medical discrimination and continue to view your healthcare providers as heroes, regardless of their personal choices for individual medical care. If you have loved ones or friends that work in the medical field, this petition is for you too.

    WE THE PEOPLE must take a stand. This is so much bigger than a vaccine. We are calling upon you to protect your rights and those of others by championing the Constitution of the United States.

    Ours is the responsibility to protect future generations from discrimination and tyranny.

    Please join us by adding your name to this petition.

  • Support Safe Schools for ALL Maine Kids

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    During COVID-19 pandemic, many Maine families and students have struggled with changing school environments and regular pivots from in-person to virtual learning. School staff, teachers and administrators have balanced evolving guidance to put the health, safety and education of students first. There is no doubt that in-person learning is best for our kids but must be done in a safe manner with health and safety protocols that are evidenced-based. Failure to have safety measures in place, especially universal masking and lunchtime distancing, will result in an even more chaotic learning environment during the 2021-2022 school year.

    We applaud the Maine Department of Education for releasing a revised Standard Operating Procedure on August 12th based on the recommendations of the United State’s CDC. However, absent a statewide emergency declaration, these recommendations, including universal masking, are left up to local school boards across the state.

    Unfortunately, as seen in the news lately, these meetings have become controversial political events dominated by the vocal minority of COVID-19 deniers and anti-mask and vaccine individuals. As a result, thousands of Maine kids risk going back to school in environments lacking appropriate health and safety measures. We strongly believe that this fact alone constitutes a public emergency and urge you to declare a State of Emergency and implement a statewide mask requirement for all students and staff of schools in Maine.

    We make this request based on facts, including the following:

    -The B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant of the COVID-19 virus has had severe consequences across the country, shutting down schools in states without masking requirements and putting tens of thousands of children and teachers in quarantine and lockdown.

    -The CDC recommends universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.

    -The 67,000 physicians who are members of the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that students K - 12 wear masks at school, whether vaccinated or not.

    -Children under the age of 12 are not currently eligible for vaccination.

    Working parents are severely impacted by the need to find childcare for children doing virtual learning, disproportionately impacting working mothers and single parents, so the consequences of school closures and quarantines have a financial impact on our local economy and families.

    We, the undersigned concerned parents, grandparents, students, educators and community members, urge you to consider the grave consequences to the health of our kids and community, and ask you to follow the advice of medical experts, not the vocal minority, and declare a State of Emergency to put in place the evidenced-based health and safety protocols outlined in the ME DOE SOP (8.12.21) as requirements, including mandatory masking for all students, teachers, staff, and visitors to Maine public schools. We need to protect ALL Maine students and communities which is not possible absent state leadership.

  • Sunday hunting for MAINE…’’

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Hi.. my name is nathan I’m 32 years old I’m from the great state of Maine!. Growing up since I can remember I always wanted to be a hunter but unfortunately I had to wait till I was 10 due to the laws at the time. A few years later the day had finally come, it was like Christmas for me my first day of hunting I carried a 410 double barrel shotgun but knowing absolutely nothing about how easy it wouldn’t be I was disappointed thought I was gonna get a big ole buck just that easy I think I was more disappointed that I had to wait 7 more days to do it again since Sundays where not allowed then obviously the school thing and as I sat in class for what seemed like forever it was finally here again this time getting to see my first flags running the opposite way was the coolest thing I’d ever seen since that’s all I wanted to do was hunt. But once again Sunday, school, and 7 more days and not knowing if someone wanted to keep bringing a kid with them I got to hunt 4 days total I was happy to have had a good family help me out but was disappointed once again now season was over another year comes and goes same thing for at least 6 years when I shot my first deer but this time I was able to hunt more then 4 days but only cause school wasn’t an issue for me anymore but years later I got my ged. Now I’m grown with kids of my own and drive truck and now I feel like I’m back to when I was 10 again only Saturdays to hunt but now. I have taken a couple years to get my gf into the sport and she loves it but it’s hard for me to hunt and let her hunt or hunt together cause we’ll kids! we are parents that’s our duty but if Sunday hunting wasn’t an issue we both could take a day and enjoy it but unfortunately it’s just a dream right now.. from everything thing I’ve read and found the reason we don’t hunt Sundays is due to church and it’s supposed to be a day of rest witch I’m not against at all I’m a Christian myself but that’s not the case now a days everyone is usually out on motorcycle at a cookout, beach, racetrack, party’s, ice fishing, snowmobiling ECT!! You get the picture. Why should hunters be the only one that has a law saying we can’t do this on Sunday?. I think if we can’t open Sunday in Maine for all year hunting at least open Sundays for the rifle and muzzleloader seasons that’s a total of 6 extra days that the average working person can have and enjoy.
    please sign this if you would like to enjoy a few more days in the woods. Thank you!