• Shut down Andrews Avenue Animal Hospital in Ozark, Alabama.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Doctor Logan repeatedly abused animals. Before he was fired, many customers reported their animals being abused. Nothing was done. Newly released video shows Doctor Logan beating, choking, and throwing around a 19 year old cat which died shortly afterwards. He has done this before and there is no way his co-workers did not know. SHUT THIS PLACE DOWN!

  • Reinstate Alabama Federal Unemployment Benefits

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    As many of you know, Gov. Kay Ivey of Alabama announced on May 10, 2021 that she will be ending participation in All Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation Programs including but not limited to PUA, PEUC, FPUC, MEUC and the $300 federal unemployment boost on June 19, 2021. This will end unemployment eligibility to independent contractors, gig-workers, and sole-proprietors and many more citizens who are no longer eligible for regular unemployment benefits who are not able to work during these troublesome times. Ending these programs will cause a lot of families to lose their homes, source of income, food, etc... Not everyone on unemployment is just being lazy. For most of us the federal programs mentioned above have been our lifeline during the Covid-19 pandemic when the jobs we worked for have completely shut down or dramatically reduced hours. This is no longer about politics, we are talking about families, children, and the elderly that will be on the verge of homelessness if these programs are ending while still under a pandemic as well as the Alabama state of emergency (Until July 6,2021).

    So we the people of the great state of Alabama are asking Gov. Kay Ivey to reconsider her actions to end these federal programs short of the federal end date of September 6, 2021.

    We are also asking President Joe Biden to step in and take action against these Governors in any way he legally can. EXECUTIVE ORDER.

  • I'm Not Leaving The University of Alabama

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On January 6th, 2021, I attended an event with the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. For the past 4 years, I have been a loyal supporter of the President and his conservative agenda. And it was for this reason, I attended this event in our nation's capital.

    Shortly following the event, I - alongside many others - marched to the U.S. Capitol for a peaceful demonstration. But when this demonstration turned violent, I promptly left. And shortly thereafter, I condemned the violence on social media.

    However - for my support of the President and my participation in this mostly peaceful demonstration - a progressive student activist at my University, Dana Sheetz, is seeking my expulsion, claiming that I am a threat to the "inclusivity" of our campus. She, in addition, called me a supporter of violent acts I publicly condemned.

    This is bigger than politics. This is about freedom of speech. And I refuse to be bullied away from the University I love so much

    I will never be ashamed, nor apologize, for standing behind our President. Want to cancel me for that? I wish you the best of luck. A few bad apples don’t define a movement.

    Stand with me.

  • Tell Gray Television to grant a co-copyright to help me fight YouTube.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    My beautiful daughter Alison, a journalist for WDBJ7 in Roanoke, VA was murdered on live television in 2015. For years now, I have been fighting Google to remove the video of her murder from YouTube. Google, along with Facebook and Instagram are protected from any liability thanks to a law called Section 230 for which the only exception is for copyright violation. I appeared on 60 Minutes on January 3rd and described how my life has been affected by Google's ongoing injurious practice. As I said in my interview, Google's original motto was "Don't be evil". Now, they are the personification of just that.

    Equally as immoral is Gray Television, a media conglomerate with major network affiliates across the country. In late 2015 Gray purchased WDBJ and now owns the copyright to that infamous video. My legal team at Georgetown University Law has asked Gray repeatedly for co-copyright use that would enable us to sue Google for damages. A co-copyright agreement would in no way subject Gray to any legal liability. We cannot legally compelled them, only ask that they do the right thing. Until 230 is repealed, it's our only recourse to hold Google accountable.

    Sadly, Gray repeatedly either refuses or ignores our pleas to grant this request, cynically offering only a worthless usage license--useful only if we wanted to re-broadcast Alison's murder. As pernicious as Google is, Gray is worse. I seek your help and ask that you beseech Gray to do the decent thing and provide me the means to bring a modicum of justice to these sociopaths who endanger lives and democracy while monetizing murder videos.

    Thanks for your help!

    Andy Parker

  • Time to Save the New York YMCA Camp from Potential Sale

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The goal of this petition is to delay the sale of the New York YMCA Camp to allow the opportunity for the Champions of Camp to raise the funds to ensure the mission of the New York YMCA Camp will continue.

    What is our story? 102 years of life changing experiences for youth from the five boroughs of New York City. The New York City YMCA and all of its branches, including camp, have been devastated by the financial hardships that COVID-19 has wrought. Sadly the YMCA of Greater New York made the decision to sell the camp property very quickly and time is of the essence to save our camp.

    Camp promotes a diverse culture of acceptance and inclusion for all, including many who would never have the had the opportunity to experience camp due to inability to pay and regardless of socio-economic background.

    The New York YMCA Camp has served youth, teens, college students, New York City Schools through outdoor education programs, family campers, participants in wellness weekends and retreats. Exchange visitors participating in the BridgeUSA program come from all over the world to be a part of the summer camp community. The list of those entering the gates of camp is endless.

    This year, New York City youth need camp more than ever. Our commitment is to ensure that NYC's young and future generations are able to continue to gain life skills, develop confidence and so much more through the camp experience.

    Note: Thank you to all those supporting promoting the message to a larger audience. Any monies donated are only to promote the message to more individuals and this is wonderful as the more views, the more shares, the more signers. We just wanted to make sure that you are aware that these donations are not going to the Champions of Camp or to save camp.

  • Allow New York state medical flights to carry and transfuse blood products

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On Saturday March 13th, as many of you know, my brother, Travis Flanagan, was involved in a farming accident which resulted in bilateral below the knee amputations. There were many factors that led to his survival, including him receiving 2 units of blood on scene by Guthrie Air, a Pennsylvania based flight crew. To the surprise of many of us, we learned New York based medical flight crews, such as LifeNet, who received the initial call, but was unavailable, are not permitted to carry and transfuse their own blood products. This is shocking because in many instances these crews are responding to the scenes of traumatic accidents in which blood products may be the difference between life and death. Five medical directors for LifeNet NY have expressed their frustration via an Air Methods post on July 2, 2020. LifeNet serves 48 states with NY being the only state unable to carry and transfuse their own blood. Senator Jen Metzger has supported Senate Bill S8346 to authorize such services, but the Bill continues to sit in the Health Committee. Travis would like to take the opportunity to use the blessing that he is still with us and support change that will save lives.

  • Do NOT Reopen Chicago Public Schools Until Educators are Vaccinated

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We all wish we could re-open Chicago Public Schools, but it is simply not possible right now.

    Covid-19 cases have nearly doubled for locations that have re-opened. Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/schools-have-no-good-options-for-reopening-during-covid-19/

    With vaccines being distributed, it is vital that reopening remain halted for Chicago Public Schools until all educators and students are vaccinated.

    We cannot put educators, students and parents in danger during this deadly pandemic. If we want hope of this pandemic grasping control in the long run, remote learning must continue. The decision to reopen goes against all scientific evidence.

    We all feel the pain of the setback this pandemic has caused, but even movie theaters have not let the public in. Students cannot be expected to re-attend in such a strict setting. They are better off in a remote setting where they, their parents and their teachers are safe until this pandemic is controlled, otherwise this issue will be prolonged.

    Illinois did an excellent job keeping numbers down at the start of the pandemic. There is a new strain going around. Lori Lightfoot, protect families and educators by telling CPS to continue remote learning!

  • Chicago police targeting a Latino family on the south side of Chicago.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    CHICAGO POLICE ARE INVESTIGATING US FOR OVER 9 YEARS. We have NO criminal record. They committed all these crimes to try to FRAME MANY INNOCENT PEOPLE and as RETALIATION. We were Discriminated, Slandered(everywhere), Harassed,(everywhere), Hate crimes, Falsely arrested DUI, Jobs destroyed(harassed and wrongfully terminated twice, They caused this), I lost over 400K back pay benefits and LOTS MORE POLICE MISCONDUCT AND DAMAGES.

    These criminal cops caused trouble for the whole family Mother 75 yrs old, sisters and brother-in-law. They were discriminated against, slandered, harassed on the street too sometimes.

    It was 8th district Chicago police and their sick POLICE INVESTIGATORS who committed all this police terrorism. 3420 West 63rd St Chicago, IL 60629, Phone: 312-747-8730 Fax: 312-747-8545

    They are still continuing with their crimes today targeting us illegally while spying in our home as RETALIATION with their sick POLICE INVESTIGATORS. We are being monitored, harassed, even death threats and more

    Nobody in Chicago does anything in over 6 years of complaints. We filed complaints with everybody Mayor Lori Lightfoot, COPA(IPRA), States attorney Kim Foxx, Governor Prikster, Inspector general, FBI, Attorney general Kwame Raoul and many others

    We want Chicago police and their police investigators to be prosecuted for all their police misconduct and they have to pay us for over 9 years of police misconduct, damages, back pay and future damages too. THESE ARE FEDERAL CIVIL RIGHTS AND HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS FOR OVER 9 YEARS

  • Chicago police should be charged for killing 13 year old Adam Toledo. He was unarmed.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    13 year old Adam Toledo was shot when he was being chased by a police officer. The police chased him down an alley where he was told to stop and turn around with his hands up. Adam Toledo complied and had his hands up (unarmed) when the police officer decided to shoot and kill him.

    The police officer lied and said that Adam Toledo refused to comply and that he was armed. The body cam footage that was released shows us the truth.

    We want the police officer to be held accountable for not only killing this 13 year old boy but for lying about the events that took place. He should be charged with murder.

  • Ban Virginity Testing in Chicago

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Women for centuries have faced so much oppression especially regarding virginity. Virginity test were invented to make sure a young woman is staying "pure" and is a virgin on her wedding night, in fact, many grooms make sure that on the night after the wedding, after the couple has had sex, that there is blood on the sheet below them indicating that it was indeed the bride's first time.

    A virginity exam is when two fingers are inserted into a woman’s vagina to see if her hymen is still intact, if it is she is a virgin, if not she is presumed to have had sex. The flaw in this procedure is that 1. it is in no way scientific because some women are born without hymens or have they been broken either during masturbation, the use of a tampon, or even horseback riding. Reason number 2. is that this is an invasive procedure and many women are influenced into consenting to it and are often minors.

    This petition is in no way meant to harm or insult any cultures or religion, rather, to inform people on an outdated and harmful procedure. This petition is being sent to Jan Schakowsky because she is Congresswoman for one of Chicago's most diverse district and I would greatly appreciate some signatures to help notify her.

  • Save The Chicago Union Station Power House!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The iconic Art Deco Chicago Union Station Power House is threatened with demolition.

    This streamlined architectural masterpiece was designed in 1931 by Graham, Anderson, Probst and White, one of Chicago’s greatest architecture firms.

    Graham, Anderson, Probst and White designed many of Chicago’s most iconic and beloved landmark buildings including Chicago Union Station, Wrigley Building, Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium, Lyric Opera House, Merchandise Mart, and the Old Chicago Main Post Office.

    The Chicago Union Station Power House should take its honored place among these world-class buildings.

    To avoid repair costs, Amtrak wants to spend $13 million dollars to demolish it and replace it with a storage shed!

    But there is a better option....just sell it!

    One of Chicago’s most experienced and successful developers wants to buy and restore the long-vacant Chicago Union Station Power House.

    Their restoration plans for the historic building include a tech data center and possibly a café along the Chicago River. Its located directly across from the “78”, the largest high-tech R&D development in the Midwest.

    If sold, it would be a powerful win-win.

    Amtrak would save $13 million dollars, avoid maintenance, and earn money from the sale. These funds could better be used for true priorities like the long overdue upgrading of train stations to meet ADA requirements. (Chicago Sun-Times, Amtrak reverses course,1/20/20)

    But yet Amtrak is still stubbornly pushing hard for demolition.

    But there’s a hitch.

    In order for Amtrak to use federal tax-payer funds to demolish a historic building, they must be able to claim during the Section 106 hearings that they have exhausted all other options to save this significant National Register-eligible and Chicago Landmark-eligible building.

    Perhaps this helps explains why despite frequent and repeated outreach for over two years, Amtrak has stubbornly refused to consider any purchase offers, hold a meeting or even allow a site visit!

    Amtrak may be able to ignore a few lonely voices, but they will have no choice but to listen when we all speak together!

    We urge Amtrak to respect this important historic building and encourage the City of Chicago to designate the Chicago Union Station Power House as a Chicago Landmark to protect it from harm.

    "Whether its future holds a second life as a data center, an addition to the city’s expanding Riverwalk or something even more distinctive, the building should be saved for future generations to enjoy, Ward Miller said, noting that London’s Tate Modern Museum was once the Bankside Power Station.” (Chicago Sun-Times, Iconic South Loop power station should be saved, 10/9/19)

    With your help, the voice of the people will be heard.

    Please support this effort and add your name to the petition!

  • Removal of the Confederate statue at Sherman Texas Court house

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    This petition is for the removal of the Confederate statue located at the court house in downtown Sherman, TX. Black lives matter and so does George Hughes' life. The African American man who was burned alive inside of a safe at the old court house in Sherman Texas in 1930. His dead body was then hooked to a chain and dragged throughout the black community by Confederate supporters, then hung from a tree in front of a black owned Drug store that was then burned down. This riot in Sherman, TX in the 1930s affected every thriving African American business owners and families in Sherman as well other towns in and around Grayson County at that time and still does to this day. Most if not all black businesses were burned to the ground and a marshal law was later enforced to protect members of the black community from Confederate supporters in Sherman Texas threatening to harm them. George Hughes' body was given to the black funeral home, however that funeral home had been burned down. Because of this his body was then given to a white funeral home and they ended up burying his body on one of the city of Sherman lots. He never received a proper burial or historical monument nor historical marker. Instead of a memorial being built in respect of this great tragedy. A Confederate statue remains as a symbol of slavery, Treason against the United States of America and ultimate racism on the land he was killed. The Swanson Confederate statue was removed in Dallas Texas at DFW love field inco junction with George hughes," Swanson also noted the title “One Riot, One Ranger” came from a Ranger's report of a scene at the Grayson County Courthouse in Sherman in 1930, when a black man stood trial for assaulting a white woman. The mob eventually set fire to the courthouse and roasted the black man alive after he sought refuge in a courthouse safe. George Hughes and the hate crimes that were committed in the Sherman area in 1930 symbolizes what the Confederate staues in Sherman Texas stands for a contentious reminder of evil, slavery, racism, ignorance and hate for the African American to be free ,and equal. It must be removed, and our society needs to be educated on the historical ills of racism in American society.

  • Shutdown Parchman Prison in Parchman Mississippi

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I need your help closing down Parchman Prison in Parchman Mississippi. The conditions and abuse recieved by the inmates is unorthodox and inhumane. These human beings are not only living in squalor but being beaten, abused, and made to drink water so contaminated it's not safe for use.

    The prison itself is the oldest prison in Mississippi and it shows in the deterioration with leaking ceilings, black mold, holes and erosion in the walls so bad you can see outside. Imagine it was a loved one of yours would you want them to live in those conditions?

    This prison is not only breaking laws but its killing people. Please help me to fix this issue and to give these people a more stable enviroment. Rehabilitation starts with the environment an unstable environment makes for unstable people. Thank you for your time.

  • Change Minnesota Sexual Assault Laws

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Recently, it has come to the attention of many Minnesota residents of the "loop hole" in Minnesota's sexual assault laws: that if a victim of rape/sexual assault voluntarily became intoxicated, they are not a victim of rape/sexual assault in the court of MN law. Whether someone voluntarily becomes intoxicated, it doesn't change that they did not consent to certain actions that occurred to them. There needs to be a change in Minnesota's sexual assault laws.

  • End Qualified Immunity!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Government officials act like laws don’t apply to them. Because of qualified immunity, they don’t.

    The Supreme Court created qualified immunity in 1982. With that, the court granted all government officials immunity for violating constitutional and civil rights unless the victims of those violations can show that the rights were “clearly established.”

    What does that mean? It requires a victim to identify an earlier decision by the Supreme Court, or a federal appeals court in the same jurisdiction that precisely the same conduct, under the same circumstances, is illegal or unconstitutional. If none exists, the official is immune.

    If you’ve ever wondered why government officials don’t seem to care about your rights or the Constitution, qualified immunity is why.

    Government officials are expected to hold themselves to a higher standard. We, the people, expect them to operate at a higher standard. Qualified immunity is not something that should exist.

    Government officials should have no concern about qualified immunity if they don’t infringe on citizens rights. If a government official deprives a citizen of their rights, the citizen should have recourse against the official.

    End qualified immunity.

    This petition is going to the House of Representatives (every representatives office), the Senate (every senators office) and the Supreme Court. If you believe victims should be able to get recourse from the officers who violated their rights, then please sign and share.

  • Marriage Equality - Love is Love - SAVE Obergefell V. Hodges

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The Fourteenth Amendment requires a State to license a marriage between two people of the same sex, and to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed out-of-State. United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit reversed. Baker v. Nelson overturned.

    Who has the right to tell someone who they can love? Who has the right to tell someone who they can marry? In today’s current situation of economical failure and the morale of the United States being at an all time low, is stripping the right to love and marry the right thing to do? It is never the right thing to do! There is never a time or a place to take away someone’s right to love and be loved.

    Pushing and enforcing religious beliefs in governmental decision making is also something that should never be happening. Decisions on uniting a family, a marriage, or a bond between two should not be discriminated against by religious or hateful individuals. It’s kind of like a surgeon or an airplane pilot going to work drunk, on purpose. There will never be a good outcome.

    Look at Justice Thomas. His marriage was illegal back in the 1960s. Should we go back and overturn his right to love and marry?

    The answer is no. We shouldn’t overturn his right to marry, just like Marriage Equality should not be overturned. Two people loving and marrying each other does not affect anyone but the ones that are loving and saying “I do.”

    The power hungry anti-marriage equality crowd cannot get control of the situation, so they want to end the situation. We cannot let that happen!!!

    Please sign this petition & tell SCOTUS:


  • Removal of the Confederate Statue from Rutherford County Court grounds

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    It is an unprecedented time in America where we are revisiting our past in the hopes of making an impactful change for the future. Statues honoring the confederacy and glorifying slavery have been coming down all across the nation. State, City, and Public grounds are no place to honor a time in history that is hurtful for so many Americans. In order to progress as a country, we have to say goodbye to this painful relic of the past. Removing this statue from my deep red western North Carolinian hometown will be very symbolic. No black child should have to look to a courthouse that is meant to serve all only to see a reminder of a time when America thought he was not worthy of justice or equality. This confederate statue has no home there and it’s time for it to come down.

  • Protect Your Freedom: Sign the Petition To Exempt Freelance Court Reporting From AB 5

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    To: Hon. Gavin Newsom, Governor, State of California, and Hon. Members of the California Senate and Assembly:

    The undersigned licensed freelance court reporters respectfully request that you EXEMPT FREELANCE COURT REPORTERS FROM THE NEW DEFINITION OF INDEPENDENT CONTRACTING IN ASSEMBLY BILL 5.

    Due to the nature of the freelance aspect of the court reporting profession, freelance court reporters respectfully request to be added to the list of exempted professionals in AB 5 so we can continue to be classified as independent contractors and not as employees for the following reasons:

    In the terms used in AB 5, freelance court reporters go through “a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction and study…from an accredited university, college, or professional school, as distinguished from a general academic education.”
    Our profession is overwhelmingly comprised of women and many of those women chose to be freelance court reporters exactly because the flexibility of being freelance -- as opposed to being employees -- permits us to determine when we work and for whom without compromising our work-time flexibility.
    We typically work for dozens of clients — court reporting agencies, law firms, government agencies/entities, and as per diem officials for courts — for very short periods of time for depositions and litigated subject matters that are complex and varied in nature involving many areas of the law, in different cities throughout the state.
    We are not the “gig economy” workers that AB 5 is designed to protect, but rather highly trained and skilled professionals with established professional and legal standards that govern our work.
    We have by our own preference and to our advantage been working as independent contractors in our industry for decades.
    Notwithstanding the rigor of our licensing exam, reporters are not usually four-year college graduates and many, perhaps most, do not incorporate or adopt other corporate formalities. However, the nature of our business is that we are not and have not been taken advantage of by not being made employees, something we do not want and would hurt us financially.
    We choose when we wish to work, what types of legal proceedings we want to work on, how we will produce our work, and how we will prepare for each genre of legal proceeding we work on, which customarily varies greatly each day we accept a work assignment. We set and control our own rates, terms and conditions for each deposition and risk a financial loss. Some reporters at their own discretion charge an hourly fee or a per diem in addition to the transcript page rates. That includes the time and resources at our sole discretion that do not correspond to hours “present” to deliver our end product. We charge for our knowledge and expertise. If not exempted, AB 5 will require us to be hourly employees, which we view as an untenable prospect and which will surely result in a significant reduction in our income, something AB 5 was not meant to do.

    If we are not included in the list of exempted professionals our livelihoods will be affected, as we will no longer have control of our own work scheduling or the professional end-product (transcripts) we provide. We will face logistically impossible challenges. We view this as a risk to our entire profession and its long-standing history.

    While hairdressers, real estate agents, security brokers, accountants, doctors and lawyers, photographers, fishermen, among many, many others, have been exempted, freelance court reporters have not.

    Please allow us the right to be independent contractors by including us in the list of professionals exempted from the Dynamex ruling.


    The community of California freelance Certified Shorthand Reporters

  • International Criminal Court: Investigate Duterte for Crimes Against Humanity

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We are urging the International Criminal Court to investigate Duterte for his crimes against humanity, particularly for ordering and encouraging extrajudicial killings and summary executions while he was mayor of Davao City and now while serving as the president of the Philippines. The Philippine Senate has started an inquiry into these extrajudicial killings, but it is unable to conduct an effective and impartial investigation, with its members engaging in ad hominem attacks against each other and Senator Leila De Lima, who is a staunch Duterte critic, being ousted from her role as the head of the Senate's justice committee and who is now fearing for her life. De Lima's replacement, Senator Richard Gordon, is a Duterte supporter who has called for granting Duterte emergency powers to allow police and the military to make arrests without a warrant. The majority of the senators in the justice committee are supporters of the president himself, and this does not promise an unbiased look into the current situation the country is facing. Moreover, Duterte has threatened to declare martial law if the Philippine judiciary interferes with his war on drugs. The people of the Philippines deserve justice and for their right to life, liberty and security of person to be restored and not threatened. As an impartial body, we urge the International Criminal Court to investigate these killings and prosecute if necessary.