• Let Hawaii Have an Olympic Team!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We the undersigned call for the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to recognize a Hawaii National Olympic Committee to be the organizers of a Hawaii National Olympic Team to represent the Hawaiian Islands in the Olympic Games.

    Since the 1920s Hawaii has produced dozens of outstanding, medal-winning Olympians, who all had to compete under the USA banner. It is only fitting that the IOC allow a Hawaii Olympic team so Hawaii's athletes may at last compete under the Hawaiian flag.

    The IOC has thankfully chosen to add surfing as an official sport starting in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. As everyone knows, surfing was invented by ancient Hawaiian chiefs and kings; and surfing’s spinoffs: skateboarding, snowboarding, wind and kite surfing, stand-up paddle-boarding, have all become immensely popular all over the world.

    The World Surf League and all other international surfing events have always considered Hawaii surfers as representatives of Hawaii instead of the United States. Hawaiian winners of competitions worldwide drape themselves in the Hawaiian flag, rather than the U.S. flag. Furthermore, both Guam and Puerto Rico have their own National Olympic Teams despite being U.S. territories.

    It's a shame that without Hawaii having a berth in the Olympics, Hawaii's top athletes will have to compete under the USA flag instead of proudly representing their island home.

    We call on the IOC to please allow a Hawaii Olympic Team to participate in the Olympic Games.

    Further reading:



  • Help Overfishing in Hawaii

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We need to help because overfishing can affect our coral reef and the fish. If the fish kept on getting fished then the coral reef won't be healthy since the fish won't be there to give nutrients to the reef. Also, the fish are slowly decreasing in population due to this. By 2030 40% of sea creatures in Hawaii will be classified as overfished. If we can get 20 petitions that would be amazing!


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The Hawaii National Guard has long served this state with honor and integrity deploying both overseas to countries like Afghanistan and Iraq, and within the state during floods, hurricanes, and volcano eruptions. Most recently the Hawaii National Guard deployed to Washington DC to maintain a safe transition to power. President Joe Biden, himself, thanked the Hawaii National Guard for their support in DC with a letter and made reference to his son Beau who served in the Delaware National Guard. At a time when COVID-19 has undermined the economy and made it difficult to make ends meet, every benefit to stay afloat is appreciated, and benefits for our service members are extremely important. You would not expect the Hawaii House of Representatives to remove these benefits for our military service members, unfortunately, HB 290 does just this. The following House Members (Takashi Ohno District 27 @ 808-586-9415, Sonny Ganaden District 30 @ 808-586-6010, Patrick Branco District 50 @ 808-586-6480, Bertrand Kobayashi District 19 @ 808-586-6310, Dee Morikawa District 16 @ 808-586-6280, and David Tarnas District 7 @ 808-586-8510) have approved a Bill to remove the Hawaii Vehicle Weight Tax exemption from our Hawaii National Guard’s men and women. Remember that the Hawaii National Guard are composed of individuals who made the voluntary decision to serve. They live and work with you as your neighbors, friends, and family. What’s at stake? A blue form that exempts these service members to pay the state vehicle weight tax on one vehicle each year. This benefit is being stripped from them without a valid reason. They serve this state and country to protect your freedoms, so please fight to protect them! Sign this petition to OPPOSE Hawaii HB 290 and show your support for your local heroes. Please also contact your local district representatives to make your voice heard!

    See Bill Summary Here: https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HB&billnumber=290&year=2021

  • Fire Jeremy Nixon for Hawaii Vacation

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Jeremy Nixon decided that he deserved a trip to Hawaii this winter. In contravention of the order to avoid non essential travel that has kept many Canadian families apart to increase safety this holiday season, this elitist government official made the decision to do what he wanted and not what was best for his constituents. Many people will use his uncaring approach to justify their own disregard for public health orders. He must resign now!

  • Let Hawaii Kids Compete To Go To USA Surfing Championships

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures


    For the past year kids in Hawaii have not been able to compete in surfing. The USA Surfing Championship is only 1 month away and we want an opportunity to represent Hawaii. We want to let our government officials know it is important to us and allow us to compete in order to qualify for USA Surfing Championships in June.

    Hawaii has opened back up for business and tourism as well as team sports and we believe as competing surfers that we can start contests back up in a safe way as well. We would like our government officials to give us permission to hold at least 1 contest before June. This would help qualify surfers to represent Hawaii at USA Surfing Championships.

    We are hoping to collect 10,000 signatures to show our local government leaders that kids from Hawaii should be allowed to start competing again. Please support us by signing this petition.

    Mahalo Nui Loa!

  • Please Stop Selling Trophy Hunting Trips on eBay

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    eBay is listing thousands of trophy hunting trips. Approximately 100,000 wolves, bears, mountain lions, and bobcats are killed by trophy hunters every year in the U.S. for their skins, heads, a trophy, or for bragging on social media.

    By killing America's iconic native carnivores at this alarming rate, trophy hunters remove wildlife species that are vital to maintaining the health and balance of our country's biodiversity. This is always a fitting concern, but it takes on special importance as we reflect on Earth Day (April 22). In addition to the suffering and death inflicted on animals, the fate of imperiled wildlife species also foretells some of the risks that threaten all of us who inhabit this planet. Our fates are inextricably intertwined.

    Mr Iannone, Mr Tierney, please stop selling these barbaric, unethical practises on eBay.
    Thank you

  • Keep David Ennis (aka David Shearing) Convicted Mass Murderer Behind Bars. Deny parole!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    A hearing has been set for SEPTEMBER 2021 (exact date TBA) to give consideration for FULL PAROLE for mass murderer and pedophile David William Shearing, now known as David Ennis. In August 1982, David Shearing shot grandparents George and Edith Bentley and parents Bob and Jackie Johnson at their campsite in Wells Gray Park. The sole purpose of these murders was to give him access to the two Johnson daughters - Janet, age 13, and Karen, age 11 - for purposes of rape, molestation and torture. He held the girls captive for up to one week and then murdered them as well. He then put the bodies of the girls in the trunk of the family car that also held the four adults in the back seat, and set the car on fire - leaving the bodies nearly unidentifiable.

    If day parole were granted, he would be allowed to live in a halfway house. If full parole were granted, he would be allowed to live among us in the community. David Shearing, who has since changed his name to David Ennis, was denied parole in 2008 and again in 2012 for numerous issues, including diagnosis of phychopathy. In 2010, 2014 and 2016, he waived his right and opted out of his legislated parole hearing opportunities.

    A fact sheet from the Parole Board of Canada states: "protection of society is paramount in any release decision."

    We, the undersigned, feel that the release of David Ennis, formerly David Shearing, into the community would jeopardize the safety of all citizens, but more importantly our children. As well, the heinous nature of his crimes should preclude any possibility of release. We strongly urge the Parole Board of Canada to once again deny parole and full parole to this murderer at the upcoming hearing scheduled for SEPTEMBER 2021.


  • Free Palestine

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Israel violated 65 United Nation resolutions. Our stance is for human rights and it is for everyone! Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Atheist, and anyone with a heart.

    The occupation has violated Geneva convention over and over again, used chemical weapons on civilians, destroyed more than 500 villages, killed 10000 plus innocents in just 10 years and continues to seek racial cleansing, forced natives of land to become refuges in their own nation, enforced a blockade on them and attacked everyone who come to help them or to provide basic humanitarian aid to innocent kids, women & men!


    We, true advocates for human rights, demand:

    - The Israeli government to be held accountable for its war crimes, oppressive methods, and cruel acts.

    - The US government to step aside and be stopped from tackling any significant progress as they have a clear bias and ulterior motives.

    - The Palestinian voice to be heard and assemble an Arab diplomatic representative team to make the case for all ARABS that have suffered a great threat ever since the US realized the importance of OIL.

    The Palestinian people have had enough! And they deserve better.

  • Ban Junk Mail and Restructure the Post Office business model.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The post office's business model is based off the bulk movement of thousands of tons of "junk mail". Think of all the wasted fuel used to transport and deliver, wasted inks and printing materials, and the wasted trees.

    "According to the Center for Development of Recycling at San Jose State University, an American adult receives 41 pounds of junk mail a year. To produce this much paper requires cutting down somewhere between 80 million and 100 million trees annually. If left standing, these trees would absorb 1.7 million tons of CO2 a year. "

    If any private company had this wasteful of a business model it would have been shut down long ago. The way they offset costs is by delivering more and more junk mail. We can't request to have our names put on a "no mail" list like we do with telemarketers as that would remove the money maker.

    The post office is a "government service", it doesn't need to be profitable, but being able to offset costs is great. The only way to save the post office and the environment from all this is by a complete restructuring. The USPS is stuck in the past, it processes more and more parcels and less and less "First Class" mail yet hasn't updated it's policies to reflect that change.

    Congress needs to revamp how the USPS makes its money.

  • https://www.change.org/p/doug-ford-dont-dump-on-us

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Ontario's independent dump truck drivers are worried about their livelihoods and putting food on the table for their families!

    Regulations have been in full effect starting January 1st, 2020 which requires dump trucks manufactured prior to 2011 to undergo expensive retrofits; costing up to $40,000.00. This means they are to operate under significantly reduced capacities or to be taken off the road after 15 years of operation.

    This makes no sense as the average lifespan of a dump truck is 20 - 25 years. Manufacturers began to use new types of truck components starting in 2011. All trucks manufactured previously should have been grandfathered by the government for the full life span of the truck. While exemptions were made for other trucks to allow them to operate for their full life span, this same accomodation was not made for dump trucks. To read more about this matter, please refer to the link below.

    As dump truck drivers and working class citizens, we deserve to be heard and recognized. Don't let the government dump on us. Dump trucks move the economy! Please sign this petition for change. WE WANT EQUALITY!

    COVID is hurting our industry too. We ARE the working people.



  • Support the US Citizenship Act of 2021

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    My mom is one of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. whose life would change if the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 (USCA) passes. Although I was born in the U.S, I spent most of my life scared that my mom would be taken away; yet, she showed the most courage out of all of us. No matter what situation we found ourselves in, whether it was the hunger that ravaged our stomachs while homeless in NY or the fear that crippled us when my father would beat her, my mom made sure that my brother and I were safe. We could never reach out for help and we were all on our own; however, she was the reason that we survived some of the most turbulent years of my childhood.

    It's been roughly 30 years since my mother first arrived in the U.S, and she's prayed everyday for legal relief ever since fleeing Mexico after multiple attempts on her life. When President Obama introduced the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA), it gave us hope that we would finally be able to live a peaceful life as a family; yet, it ended up being blocked by a tied vote in the U.S. Supreme Court in 2016. Despite the crushing disappointment, my mom and I got back to doing what we've done for years: organizing and advocating for immigrant and workers' rights. She's taught me at every step of the way that you must always stand back up and work hard for justice because it will never happen on its own.

    I believe that now is the right time to take action. There is a Democratic majority in the U.S. House and the Senate, alongside a President who has delivered a proposal for immigration reform. This is an unprecedented opportunity to make change happen and give people, just like my mom, something they've been without for far too long: peace of mind.

    [UPDATE] On February 18, 2021, U.S. Representative Linda Sanchez and U.S. Senator Bob Menendez introduced the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021. It is closely based on President Joe Biden's proposal from January 20, 2021. The act transform the U.S. immigration system for all immigrants regardless of status. The USCA is made up of five sections which cover all of President Biden's key areas of reform:

    to create earned pathways to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented immigrants, for protected status groups (DACA & TPS), and for agricultural workers;
    to address the root causes of migration from Central America and to invest in technological advances at border security;
    to promote family unity by changes limits and tackling the backlogs within the immigrant visa process;
    to modernize the immigration courts by expanding alternatives to detention, eliminating court backlogs, improving court efficiency, and eliminating time limits on asylum applications; AND
    to protect workers from exploitation by establishing the Commission on Employment Authorization and the Labor Law Enforcement Fund.
    I'm asking you to act and show your support in this crucial moment. Sign and share this petition so we can pressure our elected representatives to push forward the USCA and create much needed change in the U.S. This is the only way to ensure dignity and respect for more than 11 million people in the country. From my family to yours, thank you for standing with us!

    Make sure to use #Citizenship2021 & #USCA21 to build momentum!

  • Fairness for the Families and Patriots Poisoned at Fort Ord, US Army Base

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We are asking all who support Veterans of the United States Armed Forces to stand with the families facing the dire, and in some cases, deadly consequences, of having drunk poisoned water while working or living at Fort Ord Army base in California.

    Poisoned in service to our country, hundreds of Veterans who served on Fort Ord are afflicted with cancers and other serious illnesses after drinking contaminated water. Sadly in good company, many Fort Ord Veterans are suffering from rare blood cancers and other medical conditions which were recognized as linked to the water contamination at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. And as with Lejeune, civilian patriots who served on base, as well as military families who lived there, are also suffering and dying.

    Fort Ord was declared an EPA Superfund site in 1990 and was even placed on the National Priorities List as among the worst contaminated sites in the country. In fact, many of the same contaminants found at Lejeune have been found contaminating the air, soil, and water at Fort Ord. This includes several known or probable carcinogens, namely Benzene, PCE, and TCE. These 3 highly toxic chemicals were primary contaminants of concern at both Lejeune and Fort Ord. But despite the similarities, all VA benefit claims for those exposed at Fort Ord are being denied.

    If you believe we must stop the cycle of "delay, deny, and hope they die" when it comes to Veterans’ benefits, please sign. We must demand action and recognition of the deadly consequences from DOD contamination!

    Out of fairness for Fort Ord families, we respectfully request Veterans benefit coverage, as well as hospital and medical services coverage, equivalent to those impacted at Lejeune and as guaranteed in the Honoring America’s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012. And due to the scope of DOD contamination, we request the following further actions:

    ● Creating a Health Registry similar to the Open Burn Pit Registry, which will allow for learning more about health effects from air, soil, and water contamination on DOD installations.
    ● Requiring periodic review of the registry as well as reassessment by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of emerging epidemiological evidence that would substantiate adding conditions to the presumptive list for VA benefits coverage.
    ● Establishing a Medical Monitoring program that will be guided by information learned through the Registry.

    Thank you for your support.

  • Help us put this abuser behind bars

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    For 7 years Karishma Bachu and her now 4 children had to endure the horrific abuse of Ashen Sujnarain. He has been arrested multiple times and has a 10 year suspended sentence under his name for the crimes he has committed yet he still walks a free man. After years of abuse against his partner and children (verbal and physical) he had kicked his 8 months then-pregnant partner and 3 kids onto the streets to fend for themselves with the youngest being under one.

    The pattern of abuse continued after the 2 had been separated. On the 15 of December 2020 after the baby was born Karishma had been taking shelter at a friends house when Ashen carefully planned his next attack. He ensured that she was alone before casually dropping by with an excuse to drop off some belongings. As soon as she opened the door he struck her unconscious and began viciously beating her for hours as she moved in and out of consciousness. He then took her to a hospital and disappeared.

    Only after a week was she able to regain consciousness and contact her family who was desperately looking for her. He had left her with a fractured skull, broken ribs, severe bruising and life long trauma. A case was opened against Ashen Suijnaran and police could not locate him as he was on the run. When he was eventually arrested he was let out on R500 bail as the docket could not be found. he first court appearance was on the 2nd Feb 21 and the case was remanded until the 11 Feb 21. As it seems to be a continuous cycle of the court not taking this seriously.

    Our main objective is to get this woman and her kids' justice as well as to bring more awareness on how our justice system handles abuse cases. They have failed her and countless other women that need justice. Help us put this man away for good.

  • Let us put what we like on our babies graves!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    My little boy passed away on the 14th June 2019. He was 7 weeks and 6 days old. After some time we chose to bury him at Weston Road Cemetery. We have now been informed (on what should have been my son's 2nd birthday) that we are not allowed to have anything on the lawn where our babies are, such as fencing etc.

    I, along with many other angel parents are not pleased with this and were not aware of this either. Many of us have fencing, ornaments and flowers on our babies graves and the reason we have been told this isn’t allowed is due to the council cutting grass and accidentally damaging ornaments etc. We have paid a lot of money to put our babies here, and all we are allowed to use is a small bit of concrete. We should be allowed to place whatever we wish where our babies are, and many of us do it for occasions.

    To any parents out there, do you buy your children gifts? For birthdays? For Christmas? If this is such a big concern for the council, then give us paperwork to sign that says we are placing things at our own risk. Or better yet, allow us to put a kerb memorial in place so that it’s lifted and you cannot damage anything accidentally or not. We have paid for rights to the graves. I believe this is our right being taken away!

    Let’s get justice for our babies and allow them to rest in peace!


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The Catholic High Schools, CHSAA have petitioned the Mayors Office, NYC DOH, City Council Health Committee, providing them with all the State Education and DOH Covid-19 protocols for high-risk sports to begin for over a month. The answer, “NO DECISION HAS BEEN MADE. This is unacceptable for the parents, students, coaches, athletic administrators, principals of the CHSAA in NYC. Our surrounding areas are playing so should we as they are members of our leagues! Please sign our petition to show your voice to our NYC officials and “LET US PLAY!”


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Firefighters need your support to ensure the Marshall Government provides adequate funding to the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service so we can do our job of protecting life and property in South Australia in a safe manner.

    Our union, the United Firefighters Union of SA, has publicly appealed to the Marshall Government to provide appropriate resourcing to the MFS in order to ensure adequate appliances, equipment, support and training so firefighters can continue to protect our community in a safe and professional manner.

    There are currently:

    Many MFS appliances ageing, breaking down and well past their use-by dates
    Not enough (or any) spare appliances available when needed
    Burn over protection systems (BOPS) installed on less than half of MFS appliances
    Recalls of those BOPS which were fitted as they have faulty not fit for purpose systems installed
    No asset plans for replacement which means the problems are being compounded rapidly
    Skeleton staff in the MFS Engineering Department which is sorely under resourced
    Ageing vehicles further stretching the capacity of the MFS Engineering Department
    Training needs are not met due to inadequate funding for training
    Firefighters deployed to blazes without essential equipment or support
    Regional Firefighters treated as the “poor cousins” getting the older trucks and equipment
    Firefighters are committed to protecting the community, so it is absolutely vital that firefighters are protected as we perform our precarious work. We often work in extremely stressful situations in shocking conditions with an old fleet of vehicles, a lack of appropriate equipment and no burn over protection systems.

    The situation is critical, and we cannot stand by, absorbing the impact and knowing it’s getting worse.

    The Marshall Government is simply NOT listening, and their ignorance and disrespect for firefighters is putting the lives of both firefighters who work tirelessly to protect our community, and members of our community, in very real and grave danger.

    Please sign the petition and tell the Marshall Government that firefighters have your support and need to be appropriately resourced to do their job of protecting life and property!

    Thank you.

  • Help Us Pass Kyra's Law in New York

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Kyra Franchetti was 28-months-old when she was murdered due to the failures of New York’s Family Court System. Kyra’s murder, like far too many others, was 100% preventable.

    Kyra was shot to death in her sleep by her father during an unsupervised, court-approved visit, despite warnings and eyewitness accounts of threatening, abusive, and concerning behavior. What happened to Kyra can happen to a child you know and love, unless legislative changes are made.

    Kyra’s Law will make the child’s safety the top priority in child custody cases. This bill will help prevent children from being sexually, physically and emotionally abused, or murdered, at the hands of their own parent.

    Research from separate studies commissioned by the Department of Justice and from the National Institute of Justice, found that in child custody cases, domestic violence and child abuse are frequently undetected, resulting in children being placed in harm’s way at epidemic rates.

    Children in New York have the right to live safely in their homes and communities. They deserve to be kept free from harm, even when their parents become abusive. That’s what New York’s judicial system is intended to do. However, in every courthouse in every county in New York State, our courts fail our children at staggering rates.

    Be Kyra's Champion today! Please sign this petition and tell our elected officials in New York that they need to pass Kyra's Law NOW!

    Click here to learn more about Kyra's Champions and our efforts to protect innocent and vulnerable children safe from harm.

  • Help us pass Betty's Law

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    At 10:09am January 31, 2019 my 7 year old daughter Betty was pronounced dead at a local ER after frantic attempts were made to save her life. The previous afternoon around 4:30pm she was discharged from Pediatric Urgent Care of Denton after having been seen. That afternoon she was diagnosed with type A flu and her father and I were told her lungs were clear. No X-Rays or Lab work was performed. She was simply given some Motrin for her fever and sent home.

    Betty was autistic and non-verbal except for a few small words. She had no way to relay to us how she was feeling. We heavily relied on medical professionals to diagnosis her due to her inability to speak. That evening she perked up and showed some normal behaviors. She had even awoken in the early morning hours of January 31st to run to my bedroom to snuggle and play her iPad. I had put her to back to bed and she continued playing her iPad. I believed she was getting better. However, a couple hours after I had put her back to bed and fell back to sleep my husband had woke me asking me for help.

    Betty had begun having some diarrhea and was tired. We attributed that to the flu and her having awoke so early. My husband took her mattress off her bed and placed it in the living room on the floor. He was working in the living room that morning to keep an eye on her. She lay there and watched her favorite show before letting out a yawn. My husband told her that he was going to turn off the TV and play some classical music which she loved. He turned on the music and walked into his office. A couple minutes later he screams for me that something was wrong with Betty. I ran into the living room and saw my daughter’s head slumped off the pillow with blood coming out of the side of her mouth. He immediately grabbed her and took her to our truck and raced to the hospital. I followed quickly behind in our other vehicle.

    When I arrived at the hospital the vehicle my husband drove was still running and the doors open. I raced inside and saw the panicked look on the faces of two women who were inside. I told them my baby was there and I needed to get to her. They quickly escorted me into the room where I saw my husband who glanced at me with terror. I then scanned the room and saw several people surrounding my daughter. They had to incubate her and were performing CPR. Her legs were discolored and the reality of what was happening set in and I began screaming. I was made to go next door and lay down as they worked on my daughter. Several minutes later I heard the vitals machine flatline. My husband came in and told me what I already knew.

    Betty was gone. I screamed that it was impossible. She had just been playing her iPad just a few hours before. That she was getting better! This could not be! But it was. Shortly thereafter I was able to see my daughter. I walked in and saw her. My beautiful baby girl, laying lifeless on the hospital bed with the incubation tube still in her mouth. I wanted so desperately for it to be removed but was told they couldn’t remove anything because the coroner’s office would not allow it. So I dropped to my knees beside her and placed my arms over her tiny 40 pound body. And I wouldn’t leave until they made me. When the coroner arrived we were made to feel as if we were the ones who may have harmed her. But after the medical examiner examined her he knew she had no injuries.

    A month later we received her autopsy report. Betty had died from streptococcal pneumonia and had been septic as well as having type A flu. She had nearly 1/3 cup of fluid in her left lung and the damage was so severe she had been hemorrhaging. That is why the blood had been coming from her mouth. She also had the beginning of pneumonia in her right lung. Betty had been misdiagnosed at the urgent care. The urgent care had an x-ray machine on site and the ability to take lab work. Yet did neither. We now know Betty had many different factors that would warrant further testing. But the people who were there at the Urgent care were grossly negligent at diagnosing her. They failed Betty and our family. The person, Madeline Broemsen, who saw Betty we found out was an APN who never identified herself as such. We never even saw a name for the woman who took Betty’s vitals or any of the other staff. There was no supervising doctor on site. In fact, the supervising doctor, Doctor Michael Cowan was on trip in a remote area of Cambodia when Betty was seen and the day she died.

    Since Betty’s death her father and I have been working tirelessly with local politicians to create change. We have been interviewed by several news outlets and the story has been picked up worldwide.

    APN, Madeline Broemsen has had disciplinary action taken against her license by the Texas Nursing Board due to Betty's case.

    Currently there is a draft in place to go before the house in Texas to ensure that all medical professionals must wear a badge clearly stating their name and credentials or face having to pay a fine. The bill is HB2596 and will when passed be called “Betty’s Law”. We currently have the support Physicians for Patient Protection, The Texas Autism Society and the Governor’s Office to get this bill passed. We are asking for you to sign and share to help strengthen our push to help patients and their caregivers have the knowledge of who is providing the patient care.

  • Legalize Medical Marijuana in Idaho and all of US!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In this past year, I’ve been diagnosed with a painful form of inflammatory arthritis. Every day it’s a battle to control the pain and live a normal life. Every month, I see a wonderful PA who treats and manages my pain with opioids. They, in that single office, have probably hundreds of patients. How many of these types of doctors exist in Idaho?

    This is a huge struggle for those of us managing pain everyday. In Idaho, we literally have one option. ONE SINGLE OPTION that comes with many side effects and a horrible chemical dependency. Opioids are it for us. That’s all we’ve got here in Idaho.

    Why can’t we as Idahoans choose what is best for our health? Why do you politicians make it political or include your religious beliefs in this decision? Would it not make more sense for everyone to have a natural alternative that is PROVEN to work and get patients OFF OPIOIDS?! What is really more harmful to our society?

    I wish to live in a state that gives me a choice to decide how to best manage my pain. I’m tired of the chemical dependency and thinking of the damage these drugs are doing to my internal organs is frightening. There are other options for us. PLEASE, stop making that choice for us.

    To everyone else who’s voting against these propositions, shame on you. Your ignorance is making the lives of people who suffer with pain even worse. We aren’t wanting to get “high”. We want a choice in our medical treatment.

    How many more deaths will it take for you to do something?