• Protect Transgender Texans

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Texas currently has over 10 anti transgender bills designed to strip trans people of their healthcare, legalize discrimination and ban them from competing in sports. HB1458 would force children to undergo invasive tests such as a genital exam in order to determine which sports team the individual belongs on. These test could be required of non transgender individuals who are presumed to be transgender based upon their height or other characteristics that have nothing to do with gender. In order to protect everyone, we must stop this bill from going into affect. SB29, SB373 and HB4042 all require a trans individual to compete on the team that aligns with their original birth certificate. This would mean that if an error is made on a non-transgender person’s birth certificate, no corrections would be considered when that child is placed on a sports team. Studies have also shown that there is no competitive advantage between cis and trans women that is not already observed between teams that only contain cisgender women.

    HB68, HB4014 and SB1646 would make supporting trans kids punishable under the state’s “child abuse” laws. Any individual surrounding a trans kid that shows any form of support would be affected (doctors, teachers, parents, other adults, ect). Removing support from a transgender individual has been proven to increase the rate of suicide by 37%. The laws proposed by Texas are condemned by almost every major medical organization and do nothing to change the fact that trans people exist.

    Together we need to show Texas that enacting legislation that victimizes children and allows discrimination is unacceptable. Act now by sharing this petition.

  • Ask Texas Legislators to Vote “Yes” for Dyslexia Bills in Texas House and Senate

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Ask Texas Legislators to Vote “YES” for Dyslexia Bills in Texas House and Senate #VoteYes4Dyslexia

    Texas families of students with dyslexia are being denied access to their rights under federal education law, the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA). Families of students with dyslexia and those who support them ask Texas legislators to vote YES on HB 3880 and SB 1694 because:

    Texas law must stop predetermining that most students with dyslexia are served on 504 plans (which don’t provide federal education rights).
    Texas law must give families access to comprehensive initial evaluations required by federal law so parents and schools have a complete picture when making decisions for children with dyslexia.
    Texas law must prohibit schools from continuing to offer only “standard” dyslexia instruction when federal education and disability law require interventions that meet individual educational needs.
    Texas law must remove loopholes that schools use to deny students reading goals, progress monitoring, protections, and parent involvement that federal IDEA law guarantees.
    Legislators vote based on what YOU, their constituents, want. Let them hear from you! New laws this Spring will change student experiences as soon as this Fall! (The Texas Legislature only meets every 2 years...kids need change before Fall 2023!)

    How can you help?

    2 “Must Do” steps

    Sign and share this petition to ask legislators for vote YES for dyslexia bills HB 3880 and SB 1694
    Go to the Texas Tribune Elected Official Directory to find who represents you in the Texas House and Texas Senate. Send them a quick, personal email that asks them to vote YES for dyslexia bills HB 3880 and SB 1694. You can send a quick comment or tell your story...just ask them to vote YES!
    Please also include the bill sponsors and public education chairs on your emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
    Want to do more?

    Help ensure the Texas Education Agency (TEA) stops violating the federal education rights of children by joining many other parents and advocates who are reaching out to the US Department of Education (Texas contact: [email protected]). A good start: “Please help students in Texas by requiring the Texas Education Agency to follow federal education law for students with dyslexia…” and why it matters to you.
    Texas has been under federal investigation related to denying educational rights to student with dyslexia and other disabilities since 2018. Ms. Broady's office is requesting communication directly from parents as they evaluate whether Texas is making progress or challenges are persisting.
    Share this petition on social media using our hashtag: #VoteYes4Dyslexia and #txlege (Texas Legislature).
    “Copy / paste” is your friend...and remember the saying "Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good" if you are overwhelmed about what to share...just take 15 minutes to help bring change in an important moment!


    The Big Picture

    The federal government has been investigating Texas’ violations of federal education law (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or IDEA) for students with dyslexia since 2018. Parents and advocates have been working for years to bring change, and the current Texas dyslexia bills are a huge opportunity to do just that!

    Legislators must act now to align Texas dyslexia services with federal education law (IDEA) so that students and their families have access to an comprehensive initial evaluation, which gives parents and the school a complete picture so they can work together to make the best decisions about whether a child is served by special education services or a 504 plan. (And, for those of a certain age, don’t fall for the outdated picture of special education as a “place” in the school. It’s an individualized service...learn more below)

    Unfortunately, Texas law currently allows districts to use limited “dyslexia only” evaluations that basically predetermine students will be served by 504 plans. This is totally different from the process when any other disability is suspected...and is a huge miss, since 60-80% of students with dyslexia have co-occurring conditions (ADHD, dysgraphia, low working memory, etc). And, there are MANY more differences between an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and 504 Plan than most parents realize (learn more below).

    All families should have the right to be part of the process of determining whether their child is served via 504 or special education services. The beginning of that process must be a Full Individual Evaluation (FIE) so that then the parents and school can work together to make an informed decision.

    Texas must also end the mischaracterization of dyslexia intervention as “general education intervention,” given the reality that the intervention clearly fits the federal law’s definition of “specially designed instruction” provided via special education services. Students with dyslexia are the only students who are removed from the classroom for a disability-related intervention without the provisions and protections of federal education law.

    For the sake of each child, every Texas school should be playing by the same rules and providing students and families this choice.

    Do you know what’s ONLY available via an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) via IDEA (commonly referred to as special education services)...and NOT required via a 504 plan?

    (For those of a certain age, don’t fall for the outdated picture of special education as a “place” in the school. Times have changed. It’s an individualized plan of services that is enforceable in any setting, including AP / honors classes! And, high school transcripts do not designate that a student was on a plan for their disabilities...and colleges cannot ask.)

    Only available via an IEP through special education services:

    A free full and comprehensive evaluation of all of your child’s potential disabilities (vs. “dyslexia only” under 504)
    The right to a free private evaluation if you disagree with the school’s evaluation (called an Independent Educational Evaluation, or IEE)
    Decision-making team (ARD committee) includes parents and school personnel as equal participants in creating your child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
    Individualized dyslexia intervention that meets the unique needs of your child provided by a highly-trained educator, which can include your campus dyslexia therapist / CALT
    Goals specific to improving your child’s reading ability
    Regular monitoring of your child’s progress toward goals as frequently as report cards are issued
    Adjustment of intervention if goals are not met
    Annual parent meeting required to review child’s present abilities, set new goals, assess progress, and determine intervention needs
    Interventions for identified needs (such as dyslexia) must begin immediately (vs waiting a semester or more for a “spot” to open in a dyslexia class on a 504 plan)
    Intervention continues until child meets their individual goals (vs. intervention ending simply because a child has completed a program)
    Executive functioning support
    In-class support teachers
    Occupational therapy for handwriting
    Speech therapy
    Extended school year services for continued instruction during the summer
    Special protection in disciplinary matters
    Transition planning for college and/or career plans once your child is 14 years old or in 9th grade
    Compensatory education for services the school district has failed to provide
    The right several free means of assistance to aid in any dispute resolution with your school (Ex. TEA complaint with ruling in 60 days, mediation, an ARD facilitator, due process hearing)
    Who is leading this petition?

    The Kitchen Table parent group along with a statewide coalition of dyslexia parent groups. We are all parents of dyslexic students who have struggled with how our kids have been served (or not served) in Texas public schools for many years. We have tried to advocate for change in our districts, but Texas law allows the loopholes that districts use to deny special education services to students with dyslexia. This year the Kitchen Table parent group has spent hundreds of hours learning how to write a legislative proposal and then meeting with legislators, State Board of Education members, disability groups, dyslexia groups and more. We have found support for our proposal in all of our conversations.

    Specifically, the dyslexia bills have the support of the following dyslexia parent groups:

    Conroe ISD Dyslexia Group
    Decoding Dyslexia Texas (statewide and local sub-chapters)
    Discovering Dyslexia (statewide and local sub-chapters)
    Dyslexia Smart (Laredo)
    Empower Dyslexia
    Empowering Dyslexia for Spring Branch (Houston)
    Round Rock ISD Dyslexia Group
    The Dyslexia Initiative (statewide and local sub-chapters)
    Want Even More Info?

    Click here to read the Kitchen Table parent group’s full report on the importance of aligning Texas dyslexia services with IDEA.

    Click on Bill links to see status of each bill: HB 3880, SB 1694

    Click here to read a recent letter from Texas dyslexia groups to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).

  • Texans demand the resignation of Senator Ted Cruz

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    For weeks, U.S. Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz has worked to undermine our Constitution and our electoral process by objecting to the Electoral College’s decision to elect Joe Biden.

    On January 6th, his efforts to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election and our very democracy resulted in the violent and treasonous storming of our Capitol, and the loss of a life.

    To disenfranchise millions of American citizens contradicts the principles embedded in the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, we the citizens of Texas, and his constituents, call on Senator Ted Cruz to resign immediately for his failure to uphold the U.S. Constitution.

  • The Petland store is trying to get a permit to open a store in the city of Euless, Texas.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The Petland store is trying to get a permit to open a store in the city of Euless, Texas. Please sign that you object to this store getting this permission. Animal mills that house a wide range of pets in poor conditions allegedly supply to a cruel $51 billion industry — Petland. Despite the company’s claim that they do not sell animals from large-scale commercial breeding facilities, numerous cases prove otherwise. People not only visit Petland to buy pets from the company, but many also briefly play with the animals before placing them back in their cages.

    Dogs, cats, birds, mice, rabbits, aquatic animals, and reptiles all become confined in an uncomfortable living space with no hope for a happy life because of this heinous company. Of these animals, dogs, cats, and birds undergo the worst treatment.

    Most dogs brought to Petland originate from puppy mills that breed dogs to sell to pet stores. These mills show no regard for the well-being of the dogs they breed. Puppies born into overcrowded and unsanitary conditions later become kept in separate confined cages. Treated as products, the mills ship the dogs to Petland where they return, once again, to confined cages.

    These dogs often grow afraid of humans and become aggressive if people play with them, but Petland continues to allow visitors and young children to play with the dogs. Although playing with a dog releases them from their cage, it makes the dog believe someone will take them home— away from the enclosed cage and maltreatment. However, when they return to their cages, it depresses the dog.

    A dog shelter consists of large and open play areas where the furry friends can run free. When people visit shelters, they can pet and sometimes hold the dogs within the visitor areas, preventing the dogs from becoming restrained in cramped cages.

    Petland should follow the steps of a dog shelter, but they continue to stack the dogs in cages like a can of sardines.

    A 2009 exposé traced Petland’s shipping records, locating puppy mills all over the United States. More than 15,000 puppies sold to Petland stores originated from puppy mills, proving that Petland remains America’s largest retail supporter of these mills.

    “Puppy mills are disgusting, all they do is pump out dogs and cats. There is no love, there is minimal care, with that you’re basically just factoring their lives,” Elisabeth Bramlett, a 2-year volunteer for the Humane Society said.

    Bramlett lovingly takes stray animals into her home, where she cares for them and helps them socialize with humans and other animals until they can find a new home.

    “I’ve heard not great to bad things about Petland. Animals [are] always getting sick because Petland doesn’t do the correct or enough testing for sickness. The humane society does the most testing they can on every animal [to ensure they are healthy],” Bramlett said.

    Cats experience the same treatment as dogs do in puppy mills, but cats originate from kitten mills. Petland continues to support these kitten mills as well, where the facility repeatedly breeds adult cats. Responsible breeders will “retire” their female cats used for breeding at a young age, but farmers of kitten mills will continue to breed their cats from ages six to ten, or sometimes even older. Petland mistreats their cats when they receive them from kitten mills, enclosing them in small cages. These cats need space to roam around, but the cages at Petland do not allow them to do so.

    Bird mills mass produce birds for the worldwide pet trade as well. Almost all pet stores, especially large chains such as Petland, purchase their parrots from bird mills. Petland sells large parrots, ones that possess lifespans of over 70 years, meaning that the birds who do not get sold must live in a cage for that long at Petland. The tiny birds sold in Petland die because of their shortened life span. Because Petland clips their wings, the birds cannot gain the daily exercise they need. Birds also need companionship with humans and a healthy diet, but Petland does not provide that. Instead, they sell artificial bird food, when the birds require the nutrients found in insects.

    Therefore, we must do our best to help these poor animals from Petland and the animals mills that hurt them.

    “If you take in animals that have lived on the streets, they are more appreciative and they are happy. It’s good for the community,” Bramlett said.

    Adopting a pet from a rescue shelter saves those animals who will typically end up mills. Instead of playing with pets at Petland, try volunteering at shelters who genuinely care for their animals. By understanding the wicked acts that Petland and animal mills commit, humans in today’s society can better the environment for future family pets and shelters.

    All animals deserve the right to a happy and healthy life, and we must take it upon ourselves to make sure they obtain it.

  • Save the Maverick Patio: Ask Rosario's to Change their Building Plans

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We need your help to save the Maverick patio and safeguard the integrity of San Antonio's historic Southtown neighborhoods of King William and La Vaca. Sign the petition in support of Maverick's team asking the new Rosario's project to compromise in their construction plans.

    Our goal is to work with the King William & La Vaca Historic Neighborhood Associations and the Historic Design Review Commission to build a neighborhood with integrity and respect for all who live and do business here.

    Please show your support and request a new design that doesn't block the Maverick patio or overwhelm the parking demand. Let's work together to be good neighbors and create a new Rosario's plan that works for all of us.

    The Problem:

    Proposed designs for the new Rosario's restaurant in Southtown plan for a massively overscaled structure with over 1,000 seats that will negatively affect surrounding businesses and residents. This structure includes a 20-foot wall that will block the Maverick patio and make 50% of the restaurant's seating unusable.

    The Proposed Plans Will:

    - Include a 20-foot wall 6 inches away from the Maverick patio space, which would block all airflow & natural light and make it unusable. These plans affect over 50% of Maverick's seating, which could push the restaurant out of business.

    - Build 20,000 square feet of dining space, a massively sized building out of scale with the neighborhood.

    - Only allow 30 parking spaces for a restaurant that can hold 1,000 people, when normally a restaurant of this scale would have 200 parking spaces. This will create a parking crisis for residents and neighboring businesses.

    The Solution:

    - Sign our petition to show your support to save the Maverick patio and safeguard the historic Southtown neighborhood. The plans for the new Rosario's are too ambitious in size for the location and will negatively affect the surrounding businesses, parking, and charm of the area.

    Show that you would like to see a compromise and edits to these building plans! Let's advocate for a Southtown that works for all of us!

    It's never too late to do the right thing.

  • Texas- DO NOT follow in Georgia's footsteps! Stop voter suppression NOW!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    My name is Dr. Shirley Tucker Wallace Ed.D. and I am a nurse by profession. I’m also a founding member of Women Who Have Impact Power in Walker County, Texas and we created this petition to contribute to the fight to end voter suppression in my home state. I love to learn more about what's going on in our community and I love to learn how I can be of a benefit. Seems like we've always had difficulty and division in Walker County. Things happen and people don't seem to care about us. When I say "us", I mean the black community. There was always a difference. In my youth, we had to go to the side or the back door to get service, while white folks walked in the front door. When I went away to college and schools were integrated fully, I learned a lot. You know, we were intimidated to think that our brains were not as smart or as good as those of white students and I was in college when I found, wait a minute, I'm just as smart if not smarter than some of the other people, but it's just the way we were treated in Walker County, Texas. We were the "lesser citizens" here and we didn't have a lot of input in 1965.

    I got interested in civil rights work because of voter suppression back then. There was the discussion about "Do we (Black People) have the right to vote?". The United States passed the The Voting Rights Act of 1965, a landmark piece of federal legislation in the United States that prohibits racial discrimination in voting. The Supreme Court came in later on in 2013 and struck down a formula at the heart of Voting Rights Act – now voters who are discriminated against bear the burden of proving they are disenfranchised. This was not right?! And here we are in 2021, and we're still in the same situation. I signed the petition and I've asked my friends and everyone I know to sign the petition to not make Senate Bill 7 (SB7) into a law. This is not right! It is discriminating to me and is taking me way back to when the U.S. government told me what to do and how to think as a citizen. I'm intelligent enough to say, I know what I can do and I know what responsibilities I have! So, I am not going to allow this. It's not going to happen. We've been through so much as a community of color, we've come a long way. BUT WE HAVE A LONG WAY TO GO!

    The Texas Senate and House currently have over 50 pieces of legislation pending that, if approved into law, will return our state back to the terrible time of the Jim Crow era. Texas does not want to follow in the footsteps of Georgia and allow our state legislature to pass bills that would limit ballot access, potentially confuse voters and give more power to Republican lawmakers. Current bills pending in the legislature, such as SB7 Senate Bill 7, are designed and will have the effect of making African-Americans and other minorities into second class citizens.

    All of these bills are designed to reduce our voter participation through intimidation, discrimination and mistreating members of our community as exampled by: eliminating Souls to the Polls (an organization that unites ministers and their congregations to strengthen the voting power of the Black community), reduction of voting sites and voting hours, will cause the number of voting machines in minority communities in urban counties to have fewer voting machines at their polling sites and many other minority suppression efforts.

    Please sign this petition that we are sending to our local Walker County Representation - Texas Senate District 5 (Senator Charles Schwertner). Our Civil Rights History has proven that ONE VOICE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! PLEASE LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!

  • Veto the Texas Heartbeat bill

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The Texas House of Representatives has passed a law that would ban abortion after 6 weeks of pregnancy. This is before some people even know they're pregnant. According to the ACLU, Texas bans abortion after 20 weeks of gestation. Bringing this down to 6 weeks is insane. The bill says that it would allow civil action to be taken against the person who aids or preforms the abortion. This could force doctors and nurses to turn people in need away in fear of legal action. The Heartbeat Bill is unjust and takes away the rights of every single person who can conceive.

    EMAIL GREG ABBOTT AT: [email protected]

    “Abortion in Texas.” ACLU of Texas, 15 Dec. 2020, www.aclutx.org/en/know-your-rights/abortion-in-texas

    Dearman, Eleanor. “‘Fetal Heartbeat’ Bill Restricting Access to Abortion Passes Texas House.” Forth Worth Star-Telegram, 5 May 2021, www.star-telegram.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article251182849.html

  • Reinstate the Texas Covid-19 Mask Mandate

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    March 2, 2021 Governor Greg Abbott announced he is lifting the statewide mask mandate effective March 10, 2021.

    Although cases and hospitalizations are currently declining in the state, seven day average case levels are as high as they were last summer and more transmissible variants are spreading.

    The guidance from health experts including the CDC advises that it is too soon to let our guard down and we should continue widespread mask use and social distancing for at least two to three more months. If we relax mask measures now, COVID-19 case numbers will increase followed by even more preventable deaths.

    Help us help Texans!

  • Fund Sport's Programs in Hawaii

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    With the pandemic already hitting Hawaii, Youth programs all over Hawaii have been shutting down recently. These programs are important for Hawaii's young generation of kids, Now a days more students tend to get into a college due to playing a sport. By funding sports programs all over Hawaii kids get more opportunity's to succeed. It also DE-creases Hawaii's health issues by staying physically active and fit. Funding sports programs in Hawaii it will change the young generation of kids, it will inspire them to stay active and peruse there dreams. For this action to happen sign this petition to get Governor David Yukata Ige's attention.


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    During the lock down of 2020, Hawaii's reefs thrived and replenished. The reef regrew coral, ocean life repopulated, giant schools of fish returned to the shores of Maui. It was shocking to see first hand what a miraculous difference removing one pollutant, chemical sunscreens, made on the ocean life.

    These chemical sunscreens have been proven to be contaminating the ocean and killing the reef life. The State of Hawaii has actually enacted a bill, banning the sale of Oxybenzone and Oxtinoxate containing sunscreens for their proven toxic effects on the health of ocean reef systems. Sighting that only Non Nano Zinc and Titanium Dioxide sunblocks to be safe and approved by the FDA. https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2018/bills/SB2571_CD1_.htm

    This bill has been in effect since, January 1st, 2021. STORES ON MAUI ARE STILL SELLING CHEMICAL SUNSCREENS AND TOURISTS ARE NOT BEING EDUCATED ON THE BAN AT ALL. There is mandatory COVID testing why can't the toxic sunscreens also be stopped at the airports? You can not bring fruits or vegetables on the plane to Hawaii, why are the ocean killing sunscreens slipping through the cracks? This petition is designed to demand the enforcement of Hawaii State Legislation, protecting our ocean environment from known pollutants by banning the use of chemical sunscreens. Working together, we can restore and protect our precious ocean now.

  • Oppose Residential Development and Sale of Public Land in Kakaako Makai

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    STOP SB1334 and HB1267


    In 2006 the State of Hawaii passed a law prohibiting the building of residential buildings on the Makai side of Ala Moana blvd in Kaka’ako to preserve the coastline in urban Honolulu.

    The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) is seeking to grant them a waiver to double the build height to 400 ft from 200 ft.

    OHA is seeking to change the law to lift the current restriction against residential development on parcels under OHAs control to build 400 ft towers or have the option to sell the land to the highest bidder.

    -OHA knew there is a law prohibiting the development of residential property in the Kakaako Makai area before they took the land deal from the State of Hawaii.

    -OHA knew the value of the land prior to taking the deal hoping to reverse the law to increase the land value by developing residential property and selling to individuals or corporations.

    -Selling the land generates money by selling these properties to wealthy individuals only. This is a short sighted goal.

    -We are not against generating funds to benefit Native Hawaiians, we are against residential development and sale of public land in Kaka’ako Makai.


    -Stop HB1267 and SB1334 to keep the current law prohibiting residential development Makai of Ala Moana blvd in the Kaka’ako area and keep the height restriction of 200ft.

    -Public Land is not for sale.

    -OHA is a State entity, therefore a public entity. Again public land is not for sale.

    -Once public land is sold and made private it restricts access to the ocean.

    -Preserve these lands for future generations. Once this land is sold to private entities this land is gone forever.

  • Make Masks Optional in Hawaii Public Schools!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    This petition is intended for Hawaii students, alumni, parents, and any community members interested in protecting the social and physical wellbeing of Hawaii youth.

    **No donation needed, just your support with a signature**

    To Elizabeth Char, MD – Director of Hawaii State Department of Health and Catherine Payne – Chairperson of the Hawaii State Board of Education needs to make masks optional for our children. We are advocating for our children who have been forced to wear masks all day at school. Masks are not one size fits all; the environment and our understanding of the science has changed since the pandemic began. At this stage, the decision on how to protect our children should return to the parents who best understand their children and their family’s risk profile. If a child or close family member is high-risk, that parent may opt to mask their children. We are only asking it to be a choice, not a mandate.

    As of June 2021, 60% of the Hawaii population has been vaccinated. All teachers and school staff have been vaccinated or have had the opportunity to be vaccinated. The CDC has issued clear guidance that fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated.html As such, we need to now return the focus to the protection of our children.

    As the virus has evolved, its effects on children is closer to that of the seasonal flu: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/05/25/997467734/childrens-risk-of-serious-illness-from-covid-19-is-as-low-as-it-is-for-the-flu but the long-term effects of children wearing masks for to 6-9 hours per day for nearly all points of social interaction are only just starting to be understood.

    A recent study, involving over 25,000 school-aged children, shows that masks are harming schoolchildren physically, psychologically, and behaviorally, revealing 24 distinct health issues associated with wearing masks. https://principia-scientific.com/new-study-finds-covid-masks-harm-schoolchildrens-physical-mental-health/
    Health issues found in the above study included: increased headaches (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), drowsiness or fatigue (37%), malaise (42%), and nearly a third of children experience more sleep issues than they had previously and a quarter of children developed new fears. The study also found that 29.7% of children experienced shortness of breath, 26.4% experienced dizziness, and hundreds of the participants experiencing accelerated respiration, tightness in chest, weakness, and short-term impairment of consciousness.
    In a July 2020 interview, Dr. Brett Enneking, child psychologist at Riley Children’s Health in Indiana says emotional, intellectual, and language development could be delayed or stunted due to mask use. https://www.wishtv.com/news/mask-mandates-may-affect-a-childs-emotional-intellectual-development/
    Children in every grade, K-12, are reporting chronic headaches…a sign of oxygen deprivation.
    Masks are often not being regulated or worn properly while at school. After a long, hot day--they are moist and filled with bacteria and E.Coli, and the masks are not being changed when they become soiled (though that is the guidance from medical professionals).
    There are more documented accounts of students with special needs being severely impacted by masks:

    Kids with glasses have been forced to go to school without them, as they can't control the fogging.
    Hearing impaired kids can no longer read lips.
    Kids with speech issues cannot see their teachers mouth during instruction; a critical component for comprehension.
    Kids who are asthmatic, allergy-prone, or children on the spectrum have an especially hard time. If a mask inhibits the ability of someone to breathe in any way, it's recommended to not wear one.
    There is no long-term research for the impacts of masking our children, but we do know that frequent mask wearing is a breeding ground for bacteria, reduces oxygen intake, and increases risk of CO2 poisoning.

    In addition to the fact that there is no scientific evidence or studies that can confirm the effectiveness of these masks, our children deserve to breathe fresh air, which is vital for immune health. Their mental, emotional and social well-being is being impeded every day they are forced to wear these face coverings.

    Please, we simply ask that you give the decision and control to the parents to determine how to protect their children. Some may choose to mask (and that’s okay!), while other may decide not to mask (that should be okay too!).

    Please join us in signing this petition to ask Hawaii State Department of Health and the Board of Education to REMOVE the mask requirements in our public schools for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year!

    Let them be optional! Let the parents choose! Our children deserve better!

    To read more about children & COVID-19 and the harms of masking children refer to https://justtheinserts.com/masks

  • Tracy Allard must resign.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures


    Although she has resigned from her position as minister of municiple affairs, Tracy Allard remains an MLA. This means she will still receive her salary, but no longer have any responsibilities attached to her title.

    This is NOT acceptable. The UCP think they can pander to the public without actually taking any action.

    We were promised the ability to recall our MLAs and they went back on their word at the first possibility.

    Call an election, NOW. Anything less is cowardice.

    Tracy Allard has shown an utter disregard for her constituents by travelling to Hawaii for vacation in violation of provincial and federal travel restrictions. As the Vice Chair of Emergency Response she should have been in the country overseeing vaccine roll out. She violated the rules she herself created and by doing so she shows nothing but contempt for the people of Grande Prairie and the province in which she resides.

    Not ony did she spend christmas in Hawaii, she posted a photo of herself in the legislative building on Dec 24th to decieve the public into thinking she was still in Alberta.

    Resign NOW.

  • Stop Kauanoe O Koloa! Preserve Koloa Ahupua’a

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Kahea! Help Save Kōloa! Stop the genocide of native Hawaiians. As locals struggle more than ever to find affordable housing and survive. And as the cost of living Skyrockets the County of Kauai has allowed the Poipu-Koloa village to move forward. Even though it was approved 15 years ago!

    Did you know that Knudsen Trust plans to develop 110 acres in the Koloa-Poipu area? Koloa-poipu village will stretch from poipu all the way weliweli intersection in old Koloa town!

    Phase 1 is ready to be sold and has already been divided into lots. Past pili Mai we have the new Kiahuna Poipu Golf Resort. Kauanoe O Koloa- 27 Acres set to have- 282 units, Lagoon pool, tennis courts and an executive 9 hole putting course. THIS IS AN OLD HAWAIIAN VILLAGE THAT MUST BE PRESERVED. Men, women and children are buried here! Old ‘auwai walls crushed by machines, heiau ahu are being threatened with bulldozers anyday! Nene goose live here, blind wolf spider and kolana. Lot is feet away from a federal preserve! Original EIS done in 1976!

    Is this what we really need in 2021?! We need homes that we can buy! That we can pass down to the next generation!

    We need to teach our children about the cultural significance of this area we need to preserve the Koloa field system! Did you know that a Wa’a (Canoe) and iwi (Bones) was found wrapped in Tapa was found near in the Wainani development?

    These fields supplied California gold miners with 10,000 barrels of sweet potato annually. Yet now the US soil conservation agency says that the land is too dry and air and for agricultural use!

    Keep in mind these are the same people who wanted to cut down all of the monkey pod trees across old Koloa town to build another Koloa Creekside estate!

    Knudsen trust is one of the wealthiest family estates in Hawaii. They own thousands of acres of land on Kauai. And are the largest landowners on the southside of Kauai. There are many Kuleana award lands in area that are not being acknowledged! Stop the disposition of Native Hawaiian lands.

    Did you know that this project was approved over 15 years ago! All the EIS reports are 15+ years old. Even worse the EIS uses survey findings done in June and July 1990. They admit to finding a “once continuous pre-contact habitation an agricultural complex on the property.” Over 75 significant sites were inventoried.

    Out of the 75 we have-
    -8 permanent house sites. (One of the two lava tubes found in the survey area are listed as a permanent habitation site based on their size!)
    -16 ‘auwai and rock wall were identified (part of a pre-contact irrigation of system)
    -8 potential burial sites, (iwi was found at one lava tube)

    Another study was done in 2004 out 33 previously documented sites

    18 of these sites were destroyed-only 15 remained.

    Obviously not enough is being done to preserve these historic sites! Community push back can help stop this!

    Wainani was pitched to the county as local housing! They promised that over half of the houses would be built for local people! In this gated community like neighborhood the newest phase 1 will be next to Poipu Beach athletic club. Which is conveniently owned by the Baldwin’s.

    There are currently 20+ developments planned for the Koloa-poipu area. This will forever change the southside of Kauai. Please help us stop this desecration!

    Eric a. Knudsen Trust, Koga and other companies have been cited and fined over 10k in this area. Admittedly for illegal grubbing and grading without permits. They also admit to having workers come in on the weekend and destroying cultural significant sites!

    20+ Potential developments threaten Koloa Fields Fragile ecosystem! Home to some species found no where else in the world. Kaua’i Blind Cave Wolf Spider and Kolana (a cave amphipod). A very unique System found nowhere else in the world! An underground system of lava tube and caves and water.

    what are we leaving for the next generation? We have not had a local subdivision built in Poipu since 1966. Please help us stand against further desecration!

  • E85 Pump Gas On Oahu

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Aloha all,

    Many automotive enthusiasts that have a passion for cars are meticulous when it comes to putting anything into their vehicle. So why settle for low quality fuel that is often a lower octane than advertised, can often be dirty, and is just plain expensive. Automotive enthusiasts in Hawaii have been craving higher quality fuel such as E85 or race gas, and have gone as far buying multiple 5 gallon pails (varying from E85 or race gas, from brands like VP Racing, Torco, Ignite, etc.) from local dealers or distributors and paying a fortune just to fill their tank up.

    The real problem, isn’t that the fuel is crazy expensive, or no distributor/dealer can get higher quality fuels, or nobody buys higher quality fuels. The main problem to the scarcity of higher quality fuel, is that transportation along with other fees like hazmat is expensive and often is overwhelming to pay more than $8/gallon for higher octane or higher quality fuel. The automotive enthusiast community would greatly appreciate if the new Shell in Kapolei located by Wet n Wild would consider the possibility of bringing in E85 and possibly race gas.

    With the upcoming construction of Circuit Hawaii as well as another track, which there hasn’t been one since 2006 when the drag strip closed down, within the coming years there will be an influx in the need for higher quality fuels as there are many that have high horsepower vehicles and can not safely run on Oahu’s poor quality fuel. Many can remember how important Oahu’s racetrack was to it’s people, and how it was a good way for family to bond as they watched these built machines soaring down the track. Automotive enthusiasts across the island would appreciate if you would be so kind to consider having E85 on pump.

    Mahalo for your consideration.

  • Hawaii Settler & Tourist Pledge

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In an effort to keep both tourists & settlers in Hawaii accountable & respectful, elected officials in Hawaii should require both groups to pledge to do far better than they/we have been doing since 1778. The following is the pledge that I personally take as a settler; elected officials in Hawaii should look to the countless native Hawaiian leaders for an appropriate pledge to both the land and people of Hawaii.

    My pledge:

    I acknowledge that I am a settler here in Hawaii and as such I pledge to conduct myself with the utmost respect for the Hawaiian people whose land I am on, and for the land itself.

    I pledge my allegiance to this land, these waters, and this community.

    I pledge to not exploit the resources or people of Hawaii.

    I pledge to not forget that I am a guest of the Hawaiian people.

    I pledge to learn about the true history of Hawaii and it’s present from the Hawaiian people themselves and not from American books.

    I pledge to use my privilege and the resources at my disposal because of that privilege to help uplift those around me.

    I pledge to give in ways that are asked of me, to not expect anything in return, and not accept any more than I need to sustain myself.

    I pledge to stand up for what is right but only behind or alongside the Hawaiian people, never in front or on top of them.

    I pledge to learn from those who have cared for these islands for countless generations.

    I pledge to only go where I am invited and have permission to be, to tread lightly wherever I go, and to leave nothing behind but footprints in the sand.

  • Residents of Hawaii demand equitable access to USPS

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Residents of Hawaii County do not have equitable access to the USPS.

    Many of the residents within the county do not enjoy access to the same curbside delivery service offered in other communities through out the state and nation.

    In turn, our post offices aren't equipped with enough boxes to meet the demand of the community. Residents without access to curbside delivery or a post office box are relegated to the use of General Delivery pickup at the counter.

    To receive General Delivery mail, to ship parcels, or to sign for and receive larger packages, residents regularly spend one half hour to forty-five minutes waiting in line. Wait times of over an hour are not uncommon, and residents receiving General Delivery will frequently spend over two and one half hours per week to check their mail three times. (Due to Covid-19 safety precautions these lines are largely exposed to the elements.) Longer delivery times to the State of Hawaii means that many residents expecting time sensitive materials from the mainland have few other options than to check their mail daily.

    Parking areas for many of our post offices are also inadequate. There is a general lack of capacity, especially ADA spaces. In many instances entering and exiting the overcrowded USPS parking lots creates traffic hazards and patrons are often left to park on dangerous roadways and/or private property.

    Because of their fees schedules, private sector shipping services are not the solution. Set up fees can range from seventy dollars to over one hundred, box rentals are frequently thirty dollars per month, and some facilities charge to hold and/or receive parcels. Hawaii County residents should not have to pay for what other citizens enjoy for free.

    We ask the the respondents initiate proceedings to determine the best course of action for remediation; including but not limited to: increased staffing at USPS facilities, installation of community mailbox banks in secure sub-stations, funding for the establishment of curbside delivery for rural residents, and construction of new USPS facilities.

  • Regulate Inhumane Pig Hunting Practices in Hawai'i

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Torturing wild pigs and conditioning dogs to attack them, under the guise of hunting, has become a major problem in Hawai’i. There are hundreds of videos of these “hunters” engaging in this illegal and disturbing behavior on social media – we have started to archive evidence here. A typical video shows a wild pig (that has been taken captive) being restrained by a human, usually by tying their back legs to a cage or pole, while dogs take turns mutilating it. Then, the pigs are put away (on the hunters’ property) and stored to be re-tortured later. There are some other common practices that we have seen including the capturing of male pigs just to castrate them and then release while they are still bleeding – often leading to infection, excruciating pain and suffering and a possible slow death. Adults are not the only ones who participate in this. In the videos, you can often see them encouraging and teaching their young children how to restrain living piglets while the dogs mutilate them. The dogs are usually deprived of much needed veterinary care, are starved for days before a hunt, and are often abandoned in the forest when they are weak or seriously injured. This could be why the Humane Societies in Hawai’i see such large numbers of intakes. In reaching out for statements from local veterinarians in Hawai’i, we have learned they cannot even finish watching the videos because of the content. They also know of how poorly the dogs are treated firsthand, as they have seen neighbors cover vet bills for hunters out of deep concern; they have also seen hunters leaving the animal hospitals abruptly with their seriously injured dogs because of the cost of care. Our goal is simple: We want to push legislation for humane rules and regulations (and proper enforcement) for hunting wild pigs with dogs. We can follow the lead of other states who have provided clear guidelines for hunting wild pigs with dogs, and who have voiced their support in our mission here in Hawaii.