• Please Join Us in the Fight Against Anti Trans Youth Legislation

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The transgender (trans) community of Alabama, including, but not limited to the Southern Transgender Alliance, wish to express our full throated opposition to the “Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act” (hereinafter referred to as VCCPA) . This piece of proposed legislation, introduced by State Rep. Wes Allen (R), seeks to prohibit medications that block or delay puberty for transgender individuals aged 18 years and younger whose gender assigned at birth is incongruent with their experienced gender. As transgender (trans) individuals and parents of trans youth who have experienced the medically recognized condition known as gender dysphoria from an early age, we speak on this matter as experts. We have first-hand knowledge of the challenges that a trans individual faces when they are forced to transition later in life due to not having access to medications prescribed by medical professionals who specialize in trans care. Having access to both mental health professionals as well as physicians whose therapies can delay the onset of puberty allows trans youth to receive ongoing counseling and the ability to seek and examine the individual they authentically are. Such services may be defined as nothing short of lifesaving. The services and pharmaceuticals that are the subject of this misguided bill merely pause the onset of a dysphoria-inducing puberty in order for a young trans person to make personal decisions with the support from parent/guardian and supervised by medical and mental health professionals.

    We do not stand alone in our opposition to VCCPA. Our position is shared in whole or in part by the American Pediatrics Association, the American Medical Association, ACLU and many others (including more than 200 medical professionals who signed an open letter last year opposing these type of bills here in the south and nationwide). The population of trans youth already face a multitude of challenges, not least among which are numerous health disparities. Young people who identify as transgender or gender diverse (TGD) would be irreparably and permanently harmed by the VCCPA. It is devoid of either the “compassion” or “protection” its title purports to espouse; instead, it will irreparably infringe upon the rights of transgender youth and that of their families to seek specialized treatment and care as described and endorsed by the American Pediatrics Association and other medical groups.

    Trans youth, as well as the trans community as a whole, continue to face disparities that stem from multiple sources, including inequitable laws and policies, societal discrimination, and a lack of access to consistent, quality healthcare. This is equally or even more intense for trans youth who do not conform to social expectations and norms regarding gender. The best estimates suggest that nearly 1.4 million adults in just the United States identify as transgender or gender non-conforming and that almost 2% of youth ages 13-18 personally identify as transgender. In Alabama there are approximately 1.67 million high school age young people. Statistics indicate that some 33,000 of them may identify as transgender. These trans youth consistently face extremely high rates of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, non-lethal self-harm, and suicide. We find 56% of youth who identify as transgender reported previous suicidal ideation and 31% report previous suicide attempts. In Alabama this would equate to 11,000 of our children. Blocking, limiting or forbidding legal access to trans care for youth will almost certainly increase the risk of harm to general public health and safety. Passage and implementation of this legislation will inexorably lead to the exact opposite of its stated intent as the numbers of trans youth who seek to become who they choose to be are once again told they do not have access to the medical treatments they want and desperately need and therefore resort to less safe approaches to therapy.

    Legislation like the VCCPA bubbles to the surface propelled by antiquated, hysterical anti-trans myths, misconceptions and outright bigotry. One such myth is the inexplicable and un-supported claim that there are people who actively seek to perform surgeries on underage trans teens (including but not limited to gender reassignment). Nothing could be further from the truth. Gender Confirmation Surgery (GCS) is a momentous, consequential procedure and a decision no more appropriate for youths as the process involves an extended period on hormonal replacement therapy (years) and an extended series of counseling sessions by a mental health professional who works with the individual, also usually for many years, before making a decision to proceed with any type of surgeries as an adult. Even as an adult, professional certification of stable mental health, as well as medical health most often is required in order to undergo these types of procedures. Rep. Allen and others who support this type of discriminatory legislation appear to labor under the mind-boggling misconception there is a hidden agenda or secret national movement to promote gender reassignment surgeries in youth and that the medications that aide youth in making life choices, as guided by parents and mental health professionals, are harmful and damaging to their bodies. This is a baseless assertion supported by absolutely no evidence. It is not only non-factual, but ahistorical and un-scientific. In fact, these treatments seek to stabilize the trans youth and provide an alternative to the agonizing 56% of suicidal ideations and the 31% of actual suicidal attempts. How is it “compassionate” to enact legislation that will certainly immiserate a fragile, marginalized community? The short answer is that is not. Trans people, our youth included, are among the most hated and despised in our nation, and doubtless so in our state and this benighted bill is yet another manifestation of that hatred. Trans youth simply want what any other citizen of the United States and specifically citizens of the Great State of Alabama want: access to quality healthcare and to live freely and authentically. “We Dare Defend Our Rights” applies equally to our trans siblings wherever in Alabama they may be.

    We are at a time in our nation in which we see systemic racism, anti-semitism, separatism, and a general breakdown of our society as a whole, both politically and morally. None of this is the fault of the trans community, young or old. We urge you to reject out-of-hand as harmful and hurtful the provisions of the VCCPA by voting it down. In doing so you will take a stand for the thousands of youth of our State and many other States who already face multifarious discriminations for simply living their lives. Their discrimination must not be endorsed and advanced by their elected representatives. Individual rights are the essential foundation of our democracy. Too often we see government over-reach their mandate, telling others how to live, worship, or exist. Let us not allow H.B. 303 to put our state again on the wrong side of history. We implore you to reject the VCCPA.

    Please join us in giving these youth a voice. One that says, yes we are different, yes we are non-conforming, but are we not also equal in the eyes of the law as any other youth that would seek other types of medical treatments? We are also creative, community oriented, talented and well educated members of society that deserve to have our government recognize us as more than second class citizens. It was Martin Luther King Jr. who reminded us that “It may well be that we will have to repent in this generation. Not merely for the vitriolic words and the violent actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence and indifference of the good people who sit around and say, "Wait on time.” In summation trans kids have the same rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as any other American citizen.

    We thank you for your time and consideration in this matter and we make ourselves continuously available to present any materials or answer any questions, including directly from transgender youth in our Alabama community and many from around the country who stand to join us in these efforts in discharging discriminatory legislation as the VCCP Act before you now.

  • We made Seaspiracy. Help us protect 30% of our oceans by 2030 from industrial fishing.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Canada | Brazil | France | Germany | Italy | UK | USA | Ireland | Japan | New Zealand | 繁體中文(港澳台)| 简体中文(大陆、新)

    We are Ali and Lucy Tabrizi, the directors of Seaspiracy. In our popular Netflix Original documentary, we chart our journey across the world as we uncover the horrors of the fishing industry - the most destructive industry in our oceans.

    We’ve both loved the ocean for as long as we can remember. The sea has given us so much joy and inspiration, and it was our dream to one day make a documentary about the wonders of marine life.

    But once we started filming and began to discover what was happening at sea, we knew the documentary needed to show this side of the story, that for so long has been mostly hidden from view. We witnessed horrific destruction, abuse, and corruption, and knew we had to expose how the global industrial fishing industries are killing our oceans, out of sight. We revealed a deafening silence over fishing’s role in emptying our seas, its decimation of habitat, and its role in affecting our climate.

    The UK Government needs to play a key role in saving our seas.

    There are currently only four ‘no-catch’ zones around the UK, and only 4% of UK waters have any protection at all.

    So we are asking George Eustice, the environment secretary, to create and enforce ‘no-catch’ marine reserves in at least 30% of UK waters. These no-catch zones will protect vulnerable wildlife whose populations are in a state of collapse, and will ensure these habitats have a chance of recovering.

    This must be a global effort, therefore we are asking world leaders to join forces and help protect at least 30% of our oceans by 2030.

    Why is this important?

    The fishing industry is by far the most destructive industry in our oceans. Here are just a few facts that we discovered while making Seaspiracy:

    Fishing has wiped out 90% of the world’s large fish (1)
    $35 Billion in subsidies goes to the fishing industry worldwide - paying for bigger ships, more fuel, fishing licences, and the capture of even more marine life. (2)
    Approx. 300,000 dolphins, whales, and porpoises are killed by fishing operations every year (3)
    Fishing kills up to 30,000 sharks EVERY HOUR (4)
    Lost fishing gear is by far the deadliest form of marine plastic (5)
    Unless we act now we will live to see the death of the oceans, and our children will never know the wonder and beauty of our once thriving blue planet. Seaspiracy has exposed the truth, but we can’t fix this on our own. Now we need action, and that’s where you come in. Together we can change this.

    *Donations* to this petition go to change.org, not Seaspiracy. If you wish to donate directly to the Seaspriacy campaign please do so here.

    Join the campaign to save our oceans. Please sign our petition and become part of this historic movement to protect at least 30% of our oceans by 2030.


    1 https://www.nature.com/articles/nature01610

    2 https://unctad.org/project/regulating-fisheries-subsidies

    3 https://iwc.int/bycatch

    4 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0308597X13000055

    5 https://storage.googleapis.com/planet4-international-stateless/2019/11/8f290a4f-ghostgearfishingreport2019_greenpeace.pdf

  • Allow US Army soldiers to grow beards in a garrison environment.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    With all of the progressive change in the US Army's policy on uniform wear and appearance it is only right soldiers should be able to grow beards in a garrison environment. If ear-rings, pony tails, and nail polish do not take away from the image of professionalism then a beard should not either. The British Royal Air Force and the Canadian armed forces allow facial hair; the Dutch and Swedish militaries permit them in many circumstances. It is time to make the change! Let's see how many signatures we can get on board to let them hear our necessities.

  • Abolish Corporal Punishment in US Schools

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Yesterday my mother shared a video with me that opened my eyes to my ignorance of actions against children in our country. A Florida principal and aid who paddled a 6 year old for accidentally scratching a computer. After researching for hours, I discovered corporal punishment is legal in 19 states and a child is hit every 30 seconds as disciplinary measures. I am ashamed this is allowed, legal and acceptable today in our country. Schools purpose should serve not only as an education for our youth, but as a safe environment, where our children are protected from violence of any kind. There are many resources available to us, that support and educate our society on alternative ways to promote positive choices. Children of color, boys and children with disabilities are disproportionately the victims of this punitive punishment. As a group we can stand up for our children, and be the voices to motivate action. This movement has been gaining support and pressure on our government for years, lets be a part of change and advocate for kids. Corporal punishment in the US needs to be abolished today. Thank you for helping empower children's rights.

  • Estadidad para Puerto Rico Ahora

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Re: Support the Puerto Rico Admission Act now!

    "A State, in the ordinary sense of the Constitution, is a political community of free citizens, occupying a territory of defined boundaries and organized under a government-sanctioned and limited by a written constitution, and established by the consent of the governed. (Texas v. White, 74-700 (1868)"

    Dear: President, Vice President, Congressman, Congresswoman and Senators


    On November 6, 2020, Puerto Ricans voted to accept Puerto Rico statehood as our new political status. One million, two hundred forty-eight thousand, one hundred seventy-six voters went to the polls, and statehood won with 52.52%. (State Elections Commission, 2020). Congress must act now in support of the Puerto Rico Admission Act.

    But this is not the first time they have supported annexation in a referendum.

    The first referendum in Puerto Rico was held in 2012. In this poll, statehood won, and the current political status was rejected (Commonwealth):

    • 53.97% of Puerto Ricans who voted that day rejected the current political status of Puerto Rico. (State Elections Commission, 2012)

    • And 61.16% support statehood as a form of decolonization. (State Elections Commission, 2012)

    • The options that were not favored in this election were; The Sovereign Commonwealth losing with 33.34%; the Independence, losing with 5.49%.

    The citizens residing in Puerto Rico in 2017 returned to exercise their right to vote in a new status query. This time, statehood won with 97.18%. (State Elections Commission, 2017)

    The American citizens living in Puerto Rico are clear about what they want for the economic, political, and social future of the island. The Resident Commissioner in Washington Jenniffer González, and Governor Pedro Pierluisi, are the only people elected by the Puerto Rican people, working under the mandate given at the polls on November 6, 2020.

    Puerto Ricans have expressed themselves through the most democratic form that exists, the right to vote, the right to have their voice heard, and their right to choose.

    We understand that there are groups that want to distort the reality of these three referendums that have been held with the voters who live in Puerto Rico and know the reality of the island. But the data and the numbers are not deceiving. The Puerto Rico Self-Determination project (FLO21285 3CF), has the effect of eliminating the Constitution of Puerto Rico, established in 1952, after a Constituent Convention. The P.L. 81-600 of 1950 was elected by Puerto Ricans through a referendum and was favored with 76% of the votes of Puerto Ricans (USA Congress, 1950). The Puerto Rico Self-Determination project eliminates for all US citizens living in Puerto Rico, its Bill of Rights (Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 1952). The self-determination project is detrimental to Puerto Rico.

    After 120 years of US colonialism, Puerto Ricans living on the island are clear about the future they want. And we ask that you now support the Admission Act submitted by Congressman Darren Soto, which has the endorsement of the Governor, the Resident Commissioner, and the vote of the Puerto Rican voters who live on the island.

    American citizens who live on the island of Puerto Rico deserve the same rights as citizens of the fifty states and stop being treated as second-class citizens after 120 years. Puerto Ricans deserve equality before the constitution and laws of the United States. Puerto Ricans deserve equal representation and vote in Congress. And Puerto Ricans must vote when electing their president. So we ask you to support the Puerto Rico Admission Act.


    El pasado 6 de noviembre de 2020, los puertorriqueños votaron aceptando la estadidad para Puerto Rico como nuestro nuevo estatus político. Un millón, doscientos cuarenta y ocho mil, ciento setenta y seis electores fueron a las urnas y la estadidad gano con un 52.52%. (Comisión Estatal de Elecciones , 2020). El Congreso debe actuar ahora apoyando el Acta de Admisión de Puerto Rico.

    Pero esta no es la primera vez que apoyan la anexión en un referéndum.

    En el 2012, en Puerto Rico se celebró el primer referéndum en donde gano la estadidad y se rechazó el estatus político actual (Estado Libre Asociado):

    · El 53.97% de los puertorriqueños que votaron ese día, rechazaron el estatus político actual de Puerto Rico. (Comisión Estatal de Eleciones , 2012)

    · Y el 61.16% apoyo la estadidad como forma descolonizadora. (Comisión Estatal de Elecciones , 2012)

    · Las opciones que no resultaron favorecidas en esta elección fueron; El Estado Libre Asociado Soberano perdiendo con un 33.34%; La Independencia, perdiendo con un 5.49%.

    En el 2017 los ciudadanos residentes en Puerto Rico volvieron a ejercer su derecho al voto, en una nueva consulta de estatus. En esta ocasión la estadidad gano con un 97.18%. (Comisión Estatal de Elecciones , 2017)

    Lo ciudadanos estadounidenses que viven en Puerto Rico están claros de lo que quieren para el futuro económico, político y social de la isla. La Comisionada Residente en Washington, Jenniffer González y el Gobernador Pedro Pierluisi, son las únicas personas electas por el pueblo puertorriqueño que están trabajando bajo el mandato dado en las urnas el pasado 6 de noviembre de 2020.

    Los puertorriqueños se han expresado mediante la forma más democrática que existe, el derecho al voto, el derecho a que su voz se escuche, su derecho a elegir.

    Entendemos que hay grupos que quieren desvirtuar la realidad de estos tres referéndums que se ha realizado con los electores que viven en Puerto Rico y conocen la realidad de la isla. Pero los datos y los números no engañan. El proyecto de Autodeterminación de Puerto Rico (FLO21285 3CF), tiene el efecto de eliminar la Constitución de Puerto Rico, establecida en 1952, luego de una Convención Constituyente. La Ley P.L. 81-600 de 1950 fue elegida por los puertorriqueños mediante un referéndum y resulto favorecida con el 76% de los votos de los puertorriqueños (USA Congress , 1950). El proyecto de Autodeterminación de Puerto Rico elimina para todos los ciudadanos estadounidenses que viven en Puerto Rico, su Carta de Derechos (Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 1952). El proyecto de autodeterminacion es perjudicial para Puerto Rico.

    Luego de 120 años de coloniaje estadounidense, los puertorriqueños que viven en la isla están claros del futuro que desean. Y les solicitamos que apoye ahora el Acta de Admisión sometida por el congresista Darren Soto, la cual cuenta con el aval del Gobernador, la Comisionada Residente y el voto de los electores puertorriqueños que viven en la isla.

    Lo ciudadanos estadounidenses que viven en la isla de Puerto Rico, merecen la misma igualdad de derechos que tienen los ciudadanos de los cincuenta estados y luego de 120 años dejar de ser tratados como ciudadanos de segunda clase. Los puertorriqueños merecen la igualdad ante la constitución y leyes de los Estados Unidos. Lo puertorriqueños merecen igualdad de representación y voto en el congreso. Y es necesario que los puertorriqueños voten al elegir su presidente. Así que le solicitamos apoyar el Acta de Admisión de Puerto Rico.

    Comisión Estatal de Elecciones . (29 de diciembre de 2012). Comisión Estatal de Elecciones . Obtenido de OPCIONES NO TERRITORIALES RESULTADOS ISLA:

    Comisión Estatal de Elecciones . (16 de junio de 2017). Comision Estatal de Elecciones . Obtenido de CONSULTA DE ESTATUS RESULTADOS ISLA: http://resultados2017.ceepur.org/Noche_del_Evento_78/index.html#es/default/CONSULTA_DESCOLONIZACION_Resumen.xml

    Comisión Estatal de Elecciones . (6 de noviembre de 2020). Comisión Estatal de Eleciones . Obtenido de PLEBISCITO RESULTADOS ISLA: https://elecciones2020.ceepur.org/Escrutinio_General_93/index.html#es/default/PLEBISCITO_Resumen.xml

    Comisión Estatal de Eleciones . (29 de diciembre de 2012). Comisión Estatal de Eleciones . Obtenido de CONDICIÓN POLÍTICA TERRITORIAL ACTUAL RESULTADOS ISLA:

    Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. (3 de July de 1952). PUBLIC LAW 447. Obtenido de https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/STATUTE-66/pdf/STATUTE-66-Pg327.pdf

    USA Congress . (1950). Ley de Relaciones Federales . Obtenido de https://www.loc.gov/law/help/statutes-at-large/81st-congress/session-2/c81s2ch446.pdf

  • Allow professional live music at all available venues in downtown Bar Harbor, Maine.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    During the 2020 summer season in Bar Harbor, Maine, an ordinance was disclosed that prohibits local businesses from having professional musicians using amplification equipment in an outdoor setting. In the past, professional musicians have performed at multiple businesses and locations using reasonable amplification despite this ordinance. When the ordinance actually began being enforced, this had a negative effect on both businesses and professional musicians. This prompted our town council members to vote to temporarily suspend the ordinance. Going into another season, citizens of Bar Harbor as well as summer visitors want to have professional live music at outdoor local venues. Especially during a time of a viral pandemic where efforts are being made to help other businesses in town to have outdoor accessibility to their customers. Town policies need to change and ordinances against such activity need to be abolished. Bar Harbor is a town that has always embraced art. Local musicians add more to the already beautiful atmosphere of this town. In addition, live music acts have spread the ever growing crowds of visitors to all corners of our town, aiding in the spread of business and commerce. Please sign this petition and ask the Bar Harbor Town Council to change policies relating to professional music in downtown outdoor venues and the use of professional sound equipment. Thank you.

  • Demand that UMaine holds an In-Person 2021 Commencement Ceremony

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Tell the University of Maine Commencement Committee we demand an IN-PERSON graduation ceremony for Spring 2021 graduates! We have worked for years to complete our college coursework and the university is robbing us of an opportunity to celebrate this achievement. They believe replacing the ceremony in front of our family, friends, and peers with a “virtual commencement” is an acceptable replacement. This is an insult to the graduates of this university, and should NOT be accepted. A virtual ceremony does not hold nearly the value that an in-person ceremony offers. We are exactly 3 months away from the commencement date, which is plenty of time to hold off on this decision. This decision was made hastily, without waiting for further evidence as we actually near the ceremony date, and did not have the students in mind. COVID-19 Vaccinations are rapidly being distributed across the country, and case and death rates are steadily declining. If scientists are unsure of where the pandemic will be 3 months from now, the Commencement Committee at UMaine certainly doesn’t know. It is too early to make this decision, and an in-person ceremony should still be in consideration. Please sign this petition and demand that President Joan Ferrini-Mundy and the UMaine Commencement Committee reverse this decision until a later date!

    We want UMaine to recognize that students are unhappy with this decision and are willing to collaborate with committees on planning an event that is commemorative AND safe. For example, colleges could hold individual ceremonies (instead of two ceremonies comprising multiple colleges, morning and afternoon) so that fewer students are in attendance at each. Masks can be worn. Tickets can be limited. The ceremony could be held outdoors. For instance, on the football field.

    We feel a ceremony, even if on a small scale, is very doable and deserved. If they refuse, students should be entitled to the allocated funds. If you too, are disappointed, please consider signing this petition.

  • Medal of Honor for Civil War veteran Colonel Charles Tilden of the 16th Maine

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Colonel Charles Tilden was commander of the 16th Volunteer Infantry, part of the 2nd Division of the I Corps in the Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Gettysburg. After fighting for 3 hours on Oak Hill, Tilden's regiment of 275 men was asked to stay back and buy time for the rest of the division to retreat to Cemetery Hill. They held off the Confederates for 20 minutes, buying time for the division to escape. Tilden was captured and was among the 81% casualites of the regiment. Of 275 men present, only 38 would make it back to Cemetery Hill to join the rest of the Division.

    If not for Tilden and the 16th Maine's heroics, the Union may not have secured Cemetery Hill on July 1st, 1863. This would have changed the Battle of Gettysburg and American history from that point.

    Tilden would escape the next year from Libby Prison in Richmond, Va. He would fight against the Battle of Petersburg. He was captured again and also escaped.

  • Invest in accessible mental health awareness, training and action taking in Maine.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    June 23rd, 2021-

    "A woman accused of murdering her 3-year-old son has been arrested in Stockton Springs.

    The 3-year-old boy’s death marks the third high-profile killing of a young child in the Bangor region in less than a month."

    "Last year, 11 children died after the state’s child welfare system had received reports concerning their safety, though none of those deaths was ruled a homicide, according to the Maine Department of Health and Human Services. Most of those deaths were ruled accidents, according to DHHS." - Bangor Daily News


    Over the past five years, in Waldo County alone, the lives of two innocent children were taken in cases where mental health had been ongoing concerns for the families involved. In both cases, Maine state Department of Health and Human Services were actively involved with these families and the children who lost their lives were severely let down by everyone meant to protect them.

    It's glaringly obvious by now that there is a serious problem that requires some kind of action to prevent situations like this from happening and going to this extreme.

    As the local community, we are now DEMANDING a better call for action in cases regarding children under the care of someone who may be struggling with their own mental health.

    The Department of Health and Human Services and the mental health of Maine residents need to be a high priority in our state. Children in our communities are dying and little help is available to both those who need it and those that provide it.

    We feel so powerless in these situations and are in desperate need of immediate change.

    The more signatures this petition gets the more likely it is to be seen by the decision makers to make this change start happening now.

    Please sign, share and be a loud voice for these innocent victims.

  • Help bring the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter to Maine

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The Extraordinary Form of the Mass is a beautiful treasure that we have in the Catholic Church. This form of the Mass has been sadly obscured for quite a number of years, this particular form of the Mass, also known as the Latin Mass is making a growing comeback. Various people are attracted to this specific form of the Mass.

    Although there are already a few parishes that offer the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, by helping bring in the Fraternity Society of Saint Peter (FSSP), we can have this form of mass be a part of our daily lives. I strongly believe that the Diocese of Portland will greatly prosper. The FSSP as you may already know offers this particular form of the Mass exclusively. The traditional Latin mass, if more widely available, would display a form of reverence that would ignite Catholics across our diocese to a deeper appreciation of the sacraments and a desire for Christ like never before.

    However, before the FSSP can establish a parish in a diocese, the Bishop of the diocese must first invite them in.

    If you would be interested in regularly attending the Traditional Latin Mass at an FSSP parish, please provide your name, the parish at which you attend, and the number of people in your family (please only one signature per family).

  • Day off on Eid for Maine Township Highschools

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Eid is a Islamic Holiday that is celebrated by many of Maine Township High School students and staff. But, it is not granted a day off from school like Christmas, Good Friday, Rosh Hashanah, and other religious holidays. Although it is not a day off, it is an excused absence. Many students and some staff members do take the day off, but when they come back, they have to catch up on work and it puts a lot of stress on them. Sign this petition if you agree that Eid and other religious holidays should be a day off from school.

  • Make "The Rockland Maine Song" the Official Song of Rockland

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    "Driving Old Memories - The Rockland Maine Song" has been sung, viewed, downloaded and played by thousands of people all across the world since its premiere in 2010. Written by 76 year-old Ervin Robinson, a 7-generation Rockland born native son, the song has spanned the globe to over 32 countries heartening residents and tourists alike to cherish the beautiful coastal town from both near and far. The music video has aired daily on local television for over a decade and even inspired a couple from New York to move to Rockland because of the beauty found within its images and message. Robinson's story expresses a timeless heritage that can be found in generations of Rockland families that date back long before Maine became a State and this is why "The Rockland Maine Song" strikes a deep note within the hearts of so many. The Rockland City Council recently rejected a proposal to adopt the song; instead offering suggestions to hold a contest or a talent show that would choose a different city song annually. Please help make Ervin's song the Official City Song of Rockland Maine! Your signature is needed and your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  • MAINE Senators, VOTE YES TO PASS LD. 1373, “An Act To Keep All Maine Students Safe Act"!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    WE URGE YOU TO VOTE YES TO PASS LD. 1373, “An Act To Keep All Maine Students Safe by Restricting the Use of Seclusion and Restraint in Schools.”

    Restraint and Seclusion (R&S) are the only interventions implemented in school that carry serious risks like trauma or injury, and even more unimaginable, death. We are very concerned that some of Maine’s special purpose programs and schools restrain and seclude children at much higher rates than most states. In 2020 alone, Maine reported 17,262 instances of physical restraint and 4,417 instances of seclusion. We are also very concerned that R&S disproportionately impacts Maine Students with Disabilities (SWD).

    R&S are emergency interventions that are already required by ME Department of Education’s rule Ch. 33 to only be used as a last resort to prevent injury. R&S are also required not to be used to control challenging behavior or as a therapeutic intervention.

    Although the bill has been amended to remove the prohibition of seclusion, it is still worthwhile! WE URGE YOU TO VOTE YES so that ALL COVERED ENTITIES must consider when R&S is contraindicated based on a student’s disability, or health care needs, or medical or psychiatric condition.

    WE URGE YOU TO PASS LD 1373 TO PROHIBIT ALL COVERED ENTITIES from using the most dangerous types of physical restraint that can be life-threatening or restrict blood flow to the brain, including a PRONE RESTRAINT.

    We URGE YOU TO VOTE YES TO PASS LD 1373 to better protect SWD and ALL STUDENTS in Maine from these dangerous interventions!

  • Starbucks in Brewer, Maine

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I don’t think I need to write much.. I think we are all fed up with driving to Starbucks 3 towns away.. we need another location. Even if you aren’t a Starbucks fan.. you know someone who is..this is insane.. the lines.. the lack of locations.. the lack of options.. do what’s right.. we all know we need a location in brewer.. it’s only logical. We can service so many town connected to Brewer.. we can provide options for business in surrounding towns.. Please sign.

  • Pass law in CT declaring ANIMALS ARE SENTIENT BEINGS

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The recent case of a Beagle thrown from a moving car and then returned to the owner suspected of committing the act and later charged has brought the issue of Animal Abuse again to the State Capital.

    The problem is that animals are regarded as “property” like a piece of furniture. That law needs to change, now.

    Animals are living, feeling beings who experience pain, pleasure, sorrow, and joy and regarding them as “property” under the law is a barrier to obtaining meaningful legal protections for them.

    Currently, only Oregon has passed such a law stating that, while still considered property, Animals are sentient beings and, as such, are afforded certain rights and standards of treatment. The Animal Legal Defense Fund helped draft and pass that law in 2013, recognizing that “animals are sentient beings capable of experiencing pain, stress and fear,” and that “animals should be cared for in ways that minimize pain, stress, fear and suffering.”

    While a number of bills are being worked on and considered regarding Animal Welfare in CT, our state has had a lot of interest but not much follow through. The CT Legislature was able to pass and get signed Desmond’s Law which allows people to advocate for animals in court. Maine followed as the second state to pass such an act. There was also a recent decision to study Animal Abuse in CT that would allow for legislation to be passed on bills being considered. Animals Are Sentient Beings should be added to bills for consideration.

    But we don’t have time for a study. The number of animals who suffer and die due to classification as property is staggering. Please sign this petition now in order to get Animals Are Sentient Beings before our state legislature and signed into law next year.

    Chandra Niles Folsom

    Holly Chasin

  • Hancock County Maine DA Foster Prosecute my Sexual Abuse Case

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I’m the victim of a childhood sexual abuse crime and DA Matt Foster is refusing to prosecute my case on the grounds it’s too hard to prosecute. He is letting a known sex offender get away with a felony Class C unlawful sexual contact case because my case doesn’t involve a high profile defendant, no DNA evidence and no eye witnesses. Pretty much it’s a standard sexual abuse case. Currently my abuser is working as a carpenter and is a non-registered sex offender, this means he can go to do carpentry work at homes with kids inside the house AND can go to K-8 schools and do carpentry work there as well as daycares and nursery schools WHILE kids are there and he doesn’t have to let them or his employer know he’s a sex offender. He has a pattern of acting out sexual urges in inappropriate ways and he thinks doing that is absolutely okay and that it isn’t wrong in the least bit.

    The DA prosecuted Ben Hodgedon’s case which is almost as old as mine is and was hard to prosecute and had no eye witnesses and no DNA evidence but refuses to prosecute my case which is equally hard because my case doesn’t involve a teacher.

    The DA told the officer that it IS in fact a Felony Unlawful Class C Offense with no statute of limitations. Maine State Law says prosecution can be sought at any time. By law he HAS TO prosecute my case!

    By doing this petition I hope it will get enough signatures that it forces the DA to prosecute my case.

    By failing to prosecute my case he is allowing a KNOWN sex offender to get away with a felony sexual abuse crime. He’s been refusing to give my case the same chance he gave Ben Hodgedon’s victim’s case. My sexual abuse case deserves prosecution just like hers did. And just like the dog murder case he refused to prosecute that case until the citizens of Hancock County had several protests at the court house demanding prosecution. Let’s give my case the same pressure those people gave the dog case.

    “Less than one-fifth of reported rapes and sexual assaults lead to arrests”
    Melissa Morabito, April Pattavina, University of Massachusetts Lowell

    Solution to the problem: Get the DA to prosecute my ex-stepfather for Unlawful Sexual Abuse Class C.


    The reason I’m fighting the DA is not just for my case but for ALL of the sexual abuse and sexual assault cases and domestic violence cases he refused to prosecute because they didn’t meant his expectations or were too hard to prosecute. I’m fighting for every victim in Hancock and Washington Counties who was denied their day in court.

  • Petition to Enable Maine School Districts to Return to Full-Time In-Person Instruction

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Petition for the Maine Department of Education, Maine Center for Disease Control and Janet Mills to alter guidance and policy to allow RSU 22 or other similarly situated school districts to relax social distancing standards only to the extent necessary due to other COVID-19 mitigation strategies.

    These standards must be relaxed now so RSU 22 and other districts can resume full-time in person instruction for families who choose such an option this Spring and for all students in the Fall. Concerned parents across the State of Maine urge the leaders at the State level to take these actions now. For almost a year now our children have suffered social and educational isolation, the long term effects of which we do not know. Parents lament a drop in academic progress and standardize test scores and negative impacts to children’s physical and mental health. These students need relief now.

    RSU 22 and other districts have undertaken significant measures to mitigate the risk of spread of COVID-19 in its schools. RSU 22 used COVID relief funding to install Needle Point Ionization systems in its school buildings. These systems generate operating room air quality for each room in each school every 30 to 45 minutes. These systems greatly reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission and RSU 22’s actions have made the district the trendsetter in the state of Maine with regard to the health and safety of its students. Despite this fact, the Department of Education has not allowed for the necessary means for RSU 22 to open its schools on a full time in person basis for its students.

    We respectfully demand that the Department of Education, Maine Center for Disease Control and Governor Janet Mills put our students first and relax or waive social distancing requirements for RSU 22 and districts like it.

  • Ohio Make the Driver's Learner Permit exam Available ONLINE

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    For the sick and or special teens and adults, ete who can't get to a Ohio DMV Station because they just can't to take the Learners Permit test. And for them to take the test in there own home with someone watching them/all via webcam to see if they don't cheat. P.S WE SUPPORT THIS PETITION and WHAT TO SEE THIS A OHIO LAW THANK YOU

  • Access to abandoned rail beds Gorham Maine to conway NH for multi use trail and funding

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The rail bed between Gorham Maine to Conway NH funding to open it for multi use to include ATV's and yearly funding for maintenance and upgrades to interconnect multiple atv clubs along its path and possibly open up new clubs along its route with hope to connect to NH trail systems for those who register in both states in the future