• Back up heating for elderly and homes with young children and people with health condition

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Due to Storm Arwen many homes went without power for 48 hours, some more.

    That’s many homes with elderly/ family homes with young children and people with serious health conditions left without any light or heating and some left with no way of heating food to eat. In this day and age this should never be an issue and there should be a back up plan available if anyone has to go more than 1 day without heating from a storm.

    I am suggesting that portable gas heaters are given to every home of the vulnerable to be used in back up incase such an emergency happens again and also foil survival blankets.

    Living without any heat for 48 hours in winter temperatures can cause severe health conditions and can be fatal to someone who is very unwell. Babies and young children shouldn’t have to be freezing cold.

  • Reinstate Georgia Federal Unemployment Benefits

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    As many of you know, Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia announced on May 13, 2021 that he will be ending participation in All Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation Programs including but not limited to PUA, PEUC, FPUC, MEUC and the $300 federal unemployment boost on June 26, 2021. This will end unemployment eligibility to independent contractors, gig-workers, and sole-proprietors and many more citizens who are no longer eligible for regular unemployment benefits who are not able to work during these troublesome times. It will also strip away the only means of income for families with children whose parent(s) cannot work because their child(ren) are learning virtually from home and will still have them home full-time as school ends and summer approaches. Ending these programs will cause a lot of families to lose their homes, source of income, food, etc...

    Not everyone on unemployment is just being lazy. For most of us the federal programs mentioned above have been our lifeline during the Covid-19 pandemic when the jobs we worked for have completely shut down or dramatically reduced hours. This is no longer about politics, we are talking about families, children, and the elderly that will be on the verge of homelessness if these programs are ending while still under a world wide pandemic.

    So we the people of the great state of Georgia are asking Gov. Brian Kemp to reconsider his actions to end these federal programs short of the federal end date of September 6, 2021.

    We are also asking President Joe Biden to step in and take action against these Governors in any way he legally can. EXECUTIVE ORDER.

    Thank You.

  • Transgender Bathrooms in Georgia

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Hey, My name is Ren and I'm a transmale student in the state of Georgia. Currently me and other transgender students are forced to use bathrooms that are the opposite of the gender we identify as. There is no place we could go to use the bathroom or even change if needed. When I was in middle school I was constantly asked if I was in the right bathroom. Every time I walked in teachers and students made faces and started to stare at me. I felt very uncomfortable and very insecure. If schools put a transgender bathroom ever student has a safe place to use the restroom and change if needed. School is supposed to be a safe environment for all students. Transgender students shouldn't have to be afraid to walk into the bathroom. No student should be afraid of being ridiculed for just trying to use the bathroom. If Any other student is safe from harassment, why aren't we? We are no different from any other student and we deserve the same rights as everyone else. Transgender students aren’t allowed to use locker rooms that match their gender identity. Giving us a bathroom would not only provide a safe space to use the bathroom but also provide a safe space for them to change for extracurricular activities or Physical Education classes. When I was the manager for the girl’s basketball team at my school I had nowhere to go before games. Every time I went into the female locker room, the teammates were changing. Not only did I feel uncomfortable but I felt as though they did too. Nobody should be uncomfortable at school let alone when they are trying to use the bathroom or trying to change. Everyone should be able to use the bathroom of their gender identity without any issues or consequences. The right to a bathroom is a basic human right that transgender students deserve.

  • Help Georgia legalize marijuana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    My name is Jovan Edwards. I was arrested for growing my own marijuana and making my own marijuana byproducts. While I do acknowledge it was wrong since it is still illegal in Georgia. I believe this can be the push to legalize Georgia. When the news articles about my arrest were released to the public. It seemed as if I had the support of about 90% of the public. This shows that the general public of Georgia would like to see it legalized.

    I want to help Georgia go green. There’s currently 12 states where recreational marijuana is legalized and 22 states where it is legal for medical use only. Georgia needs to be next. There have been plenty studies showing how beneficial marijuana can be for recreational and medical use. A study from Georgia State University found that alcohol sales fell by 15% in states where only medical marijuana had been legalized and by 20% in counties where recreational marijuana is sold legally. However, the states made more than enough back from marijuana sales, since marijuana taxes are typically greater than alcohol taxes.

    Pros for marijuana being legalized include creating higher revenue for states, create sales and distribution jobs, and it increases the ability for research in the public health industry.

  • Fire Capt Jay Baker, the 'bad day' sheriff's deputy in Georgia

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On March, 16th, a tragic hate crime happened in Atlanta. 21-year old Robert Aaron Long cruelly targeted a couple massage parlors and killed 8 innocent Asian American citizens.

    In the wake of the tragedy, Capt Jay Baker, a Cherokee County sheriff deputy said. "He was pretty much fed up and had been at the end of his rope, and yesterday was a really bad day for him, and this is what he did."

    There are plenty of news reports about how racist and cruel his comment is, in particular from someone who represent law enforcement.

    Capt Jay Baker must be responsible and be fired from the law enforcement team, period!

    This is the least the county government and the sheriff's office can do to reduce the pain caused to the 8 innocent victims, and their family and friends who have nothing left but unbearable pain.

  • Georgia P-EBT Release

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Georgia has failed its population in the aspect of the PEBT program that was passed. Georgia has refused to release these funds to its children, we have been told month after month that they would be released but here we are about to go into year 2022 with no funds from the PEBT program. Our children that were approved for free/reduce breakfast and lunches have yet to see funding. These funds were suppose to be there to help families in need with food for their children, but here we are a year later with still no help. Everyone is pointing their fingers at the next party and not wanting to take responsibility for when these funds will be released as well as we have some counties refusing to even respond so that their children can benefit from the program.

  • Roll out FIT screening tests & lower the age of bowel cancer screening to 50 in England.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Just over 2 months ago, our mum, Cheryl Kellett, was diagnosed with a rare aggressive form of bowel cancer. She was 52 at the time.

    At 51, she went to the GP as she had some pain in her body, however this was diagnosed as muscular pain. A few months after her 52nd birthday, she was admitted to hospital with a bowel cancer diagnosis. We were told soon after that the cancer was terminal and she had 2-3 months left to live. She started 1 round of chemotherapy soon after diagnosis, but it was unfortunately too little, too late and she sadly passed on the 1st of February 2021.

    Screening for bowel cancer is available on the NHS, but only from the age of 60. However, in Scotland they start screening from the age of 50. Which means if we lived in Scotland, Mum would have been eligible for screening, and would have been screened twice before being diagnosed. This would have increased her chance of being diagnosed earlier and increasing her chance of survival.

    I was inspired to start this petition by a campaign started by Lauren Backler, who petitioned to lower the bowel screening age to 50 in the UK. Her petition won in the summer of 2018, but as of yet has seen no date as to when screening at 50 will be a reality.

    Extract taken from the petition - “Screening isn’t foolproof, but Bowel Cancer is the second biggest cancer killer in the UK and if caught in its earliest stages it’s curable. Cancer research published earlier this year found that if bowel cancer is caught in its earliest stages, there is a 97% chance of surviving 5 years. But if the cancer is caught in its later stages there is a 7% chance of survival. From figures I have found through research, I've estimated that up to 6,000 people a year are being diagnosed with bowel cancer in their 50's. Considering they have had no screening available to them at all, I wonder how many of those like my mum are being diagnosed too late.”

    A complete rollout of the new more sensitive FIT screening test continues to be delayed, and until this happens, screening at 50 has no chance of happening. So we need to keep the pressure up on Parliament.

    Although this petition can not change what’s happened to our Mum, by raising awareness and fighting for this change we hope this change can spare the heartbreak and grief for at least one family.

    Thank you,

    Georgia, Hannah and Joe - Cheryl's children.

  • Netflix: Apologise and Remove Misogynistic Comments From 'Ginny & Georgia'

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Despite its seemingly progressive nature, Netflix's latest TV series 'Ginny & Georgia' contradicts this in a blatant display of misogyny through slut-shaming.

    In Series 1, Episode 10 of the series, viewers witness the character Ginny tell Georgia that she "goes through men faster than Taylor Swift". This isn't just the rehash of a "joke", this is the perpetuation of a deeply misogynistic narrative.

    For over a decade, the media has painted Taylor Swift as a "serial dater", despite having had a normal dating life. This agenda of slut-shaming has been normalised to such an extent that Taylor has been dehumanised - reducing her from a confident and inspirational woman to merely a throwaway remark. If Taylor were a man, "jokes" like the one in 'Ginny & Georgia' would simply not exist.

    Moreover, this narrative (and similar ones) exemplify precisely what fuels misogyny; slut-shaming disempowers women by depriving them of agency over their sexuality. The consequences of this are not only seen in the lives of celebrities. By Netflix promoting the slut-shaming of Taylor Swift, they are promoting its use against all women, regardless if they are in the public eye or not.

    Awful misogynistic comments, like the one in the aforementioned show, belong in decades in the past, not in 2021. The undersigned of this petition demand that:

    1.) Netflix unreservedly apologise for the remark in 'Ginny & Georgia', simultaneously apologising to Taylor Swift.

    2.) Netflix remove the remark from the show as well as similar remarks from other 'Netflix Original' shows.

    3.) Netflix pledge to ensure that no future 'Netflix Original' shows perpetuate misogynistic narratives.

    As Netflix says on its 'Inclusion and Diversity' webpage, its "greatest impact is in storytelling." Please take this opportunity to make that impact positive, not regressive.

  • Ban Kate Greenhalgh from competing at BE and BS

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    KG Equestrian

    Kate Greenhalgh pleaded guilty and was convicted of causing suffering and neglect to 4 horses resulting in the loss of a 2 year old gelding named Kai, owned by Nikki Cochran, and the starvation of several broodmares one of which lost its foal and a colt left with an untreated abscess, owned by Olympic event rider Gemma Tattersall.

    Allowing her to continue to compete brings BE and BS into disrepute, allowing someone who has neglected horses to continue to compete makes people question how much BE and BS care about animal welfare.

    Please sign to show your support in preventing Kate Greenhalgh from ever competing BS or BE in this country again.



  • Corruption in Fayette County, Georgia!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Hello, my name is Elmira Harmon, mother of Jermaine Harmon. I want to make you aware of the corruption in Fayette County, Georgia. I am well aware of how the justice system and private institutions work for my husband have been a deputy sheriff for 20 plus years. My son, Jermaine and his wife Dawn have been arrested almost 90 days after the incident and still remain in maximum custody for an incident where he had to defend his family, home and himself from an irate individual who trespassed his property and violently assaulted him. This incident ultimately led to him defending himself by use of a lawfully possessed firearm. Earlier that day, the person was forewarned by law enforcement to leave the property and to not return.

    We have been finding it difficult to obtain adequate and prepared legal representation. We are also learning that with the charges, neither of them has been awarded the opportunity to post bail. My daughter in law Dawn charges include false statements & writings and tampering with evidence. We aren't sure as to how or why she is not able to be granted the opportunity to post bail yet she remains in maximum security approximately 23hours a day.
    In the wake of this event, my grandchildren have been placed in the custody of DFACS. Despite my husband and I opening our home over 30 years ago to foster children of all sorts of backgrounds, and my husband being a sheriff deputy, Fayette County has made it increasingly difficult to help us and the children. We for some reason that was never fully explained did not qualify for guardianship

    Judge Sams mentioned that my son Jermain is facing life without the possibility of parole. That honestly was a gut wrenching feeling that no mother should have to hear moreless experience playout. Unfortunately, it’s hard to get representation to bring this injustice that I feel that I am experiencing to the forefront.

    In closing, my son has been arrested almost 90 days after he lawfully protected his family and home with deadly force. His wife Dawn has remained in a maximum facility with no opportunity to get bail on very low level charges. My 10 year old granddaughter was questioned by officers with no adults present.
    Please forward this message to all who are concerned with Human Rights and justices for all.

  • Save New York City's Famed Hotel Pennsylvania From IMMINENT Demolition

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The famed Hotel Pennsylvania at 401 Seventh Avenue in Midtown South, New York, which opened in 1919 was designed by the preeminent firm of McKim, Mead & White for the Pennsylvania Terminal Real Estate Company. Directly spurred by the erection of Penn Station, developers began to capitalize on Midtown South as a new location to live and work through a Grand Central-like terminal city plan. Located directly across from the station, the hotel offered easy accessibility for travelers by rail. When built, it was the largest hotel in the world with 2,200 rooms and the world’s first high-rise elevators to service 22 stories.

    McKim, Mead & White’s chief designer for the hotel was also involved in the design of the original Penn Station. William Symmes Richardson had joined the firm of McKim, Mead & White in 1906, and remained a working architect until about 1925. The base of the building was clad in Indiana Limestone matching the height of Pennsylvania Station. Its portico was designed to complement the station's grand colonnade across the street. The rusticated stone façade is punctuated by a series of pilasters, the predominant number of these having scrolled capitals. The building forms four individual towers partially conjoined at the building’s center which were constructed to maximize the exposure to sunlight and airflow.

    The business was operated by hotel magnate Ellsworth Statler, famous for bringing the notion of luxury hospitality to the masses. Statler was the first to introduce novel services pioneered by mass manufacturers into the hotel industry. Often called palaces of the people, Statler's hotels delivered on the populist ideal of providing the same excellent level of service to each guest regardless of their status or wealth. Guest amenities included a dentist, hospital, barber shop, drug store, coffee shop, library, carpentry shop, florist, shoemaker, and rooftop restaurant.

    The Hotel Pennsylvania was also a cultural icon for hosting many important events of New York society. Its grand ballroom was a big-band hotspot for great performers of the day like Duke Ellington, Count Basie, and Glenn Miller. In fact, the hotel was made famous by the song "PEnnsylvania 6-5000," a phone number that still rings at the Hotel Pennsylvania switchboard. The hotel was connected to the NBC Red Network which brought live music to audiences across the country.

    While admittedly tired in the current state, McKim, Mead & White's design still shines through. Of all the resources threatened by the Empire Station project, the hotel is probably the best-known and beloved. If its embodied history were not enough, the iconic Café Rouge could easily be restored to its original condition. It was most recently an event space before the hotel closed. Under the layers of white paint is a wealth of ornamentation waiting to be rediscovered. Its original fountain is also still intact.

    While there is much focus on the exciting new improvements, there is very little discussion of what will be lost. Estimates from the project’s draft Environmental Impact Statement state that 500 businesses and over 200 residents would be eventually displaced. Furthermore, as part of the multiple blocks of wholesale demolition, six National Register-eligible buildings and three potential New York City landmarks are at direct risk of being lost. Among the others immediately slated to be lost are the St. John the Baptist Church (211 West 30th Street), Stewart Hotel (371 7th Avenue), Gimbels Department Store (100 West 33rd Street), Holmes Building (370 7th Avenue), and the Gimbels Traverse bridge (33rd Street). The Penn Station Service Building at 242 West 31st Street, one of the most important remnants of the original station, will also be demolished.

    As a part of this plan, all of this history would be washed aside to create 20-million square feet of commercial office space, effectively the area of the central business district of a mid-sized American city. Ironically, New York City's landmarks law was created in response to the demolition of Penn Station and yet, the hotel and the original station's service building from that complex, are slated to be lost. The situation we face today is ironically analogous to the struggles of the 1960's.

    Penn Station, even with this project, will look and feel much the same, with some minor cosmetic changes. While renderings have been released for an expansion of the station, those improvements are not included in this project. Barring a plan to claim the above-ground Madison Square Garden space to expand the terminal, the underlying physical constraints of the cramped subterranean space are not subject to meaningful change. The focus of the project at this time is the area around Penn Station, and not at all Penn Station itself.

    Since the pandemic, the office vacancy rate in the city has nearly doubled. While that can be attributed to temporary conditions, the market is not at all what it was; new trends will likely end up transforming the market for traditional office environments. With the sudden explosion of telecommuting, there is reasonable doubt that the pre-pandemic level of office space will be needed even under the best scenario.

    As we are entering a new era of climate change, it is also disheartening to see the demolition of these structures--with all of their embodied energy--instead of reusing them to take advantage of historic tax credits. The owners of these buildings would probably save a bundle of money on their redevelopment through these tax incentives while also upholding sustainability best practices. There is a long tradition of reusing historic structures with great success. Adaptive reuse of historic structures is a proven part of what makes New York so great and unique.

    The key to finding a way forward is to use the existing fabric of these remarkable buildings which are still full of life instead of obliterating them. While the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission has declined to landmark the exterior or any part of the interior, there has been considerable community support for it. Sites like 550 Madison Avenue, 120 East 56th Street, 30 East 60th Street, 405 Park Avenue, 430 Park Avenue, 522 Fifth Avenue, and 21 East 52nd Street are all former hotel or apartment buildings which have been specifically transformed from residential into coveted office space. It has been done, and can be done again.

    While this is a very large-scale project with great ramifications, one thing is clear: The Hotel Pennsylvania, along with the other historic resources in the path of the Empire Station Complex, deserve to be protected and celebrated instead of unceremoniously destroyed. While maybe not as shiny or new as others, these buildings still have a role to play within the ecosystem of the city. As the forces of politics and money doomed the 52-year-old depot many years ago, we must remember the lessons of Penn Station, and strive to never see those mistakes repeated.

    Questions or comments? Please email [email protected].

  • Change extreme weather & living laws for dogs in Pennsylvania

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    January 11, 2022 animal lovers across the world came to know a dog in Philadelphia PA that we named "Scotty". The images of "Scotty", skinny, tethered, surrounded by his own feces, the look of defeat up on his face, and in the snow, are images we will never get out of our heads. We watched as he tried to get water from the only source of which was a bucket that was frozen from the freezing conditions that he was forced to live in. The public became outraged! We watched as he sat helplessly tethered in the rain. Sadly, "Scotty" has been living outdoors for the past 6 years with an igloo dog house as his only shelter. We are still currently fighting for "Scotty".

    As the animal community world was watching "Scotty", so many more dogs living outdoors in freezing conditions came to our attention. We then began to see how many dogs were affected not only to freezing code blue conditions but also to extreme heat conditions. Sadly this has been going on for sometime now especially with allowing dogs to live outdoors in Pennsylvania. The graphic images of deceased dogs in the snow and on hot concrete left a mark on not only our hearts and but our minds as well. I have seen and cared for dogs covered in scars from burns on them from living in metal sheds or neck lacerations from being tethered outdoors. This is animal cruelty, neglect and abuse. Animals cannot change the conditions that they live in.

    Something needs to be done now!

    This is why we are asking for a new law to be set in place in Pennsylvania called "Scotty's Law " and Libre's Law be amended. We are asking that NO dog be left outside tethered or not no more than 30 minutes when temperatures are lower than 50 degrees and NO dog be left outside tethered or not no more than 30 minutes in 80 degrees or higher. We ask this because every dog breed handles cold and heat differently. Different ages of dogs also handle weather differently. We ask that NO dog be allowed to live outdoors in Pennsylvania for 24 hours a day 7 days a week, EVEN if there is a form of shelter outdoors. Why own a dog just to leave them outdoors 24 hours 7 days a week? Every animal deserves a happy, healthy life free from suffering and a life protected from inhumane treatment. A dog should be a member of our family not a possession.

    This law will also lessen the amount of calls coming into animal control on a daily basis which would free up time for animal control to help more animals in need. This law will keep our dogs healthy and safe indoors where they belong and bring awareness that dogs are family not objects. Animals can feel pain, fear, joy and love just like humans but they do not have a voice. We must be their voice.

  • Rechazo a la asignación de Ma. Paula Romo como profesora en la Universidad de Pensilvania

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Petición para rechazar la contratación de María Paula Romo como profesora visitante de la Universidad de Pensilvania por ser censurada y destituida por la Asamblea Ecuatoriana como Ministra de Gobierno acusada de crímenes de lesa humanidad, intento de cohecho, entre otros cargos.

    Petition to reject the assignment of María Paula Romo as Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania because she was censored and dismissed by the Ecuadorian Assembly as a Minister of Government accused of crimes against humanity, attempted bribery, among other charges.

  • Brian Fitzpatrick, Vote to Impeach Donald Trump

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick,

    Your constituents fully expect that our voices will be heard with a resounding "YES" in favor of the Impeachment of Donald J. Trump for inciting an insurrection.

    On Wednesday, January 6th, Congress was tasked with the duty to count and certify the electoral votes and declare Joe Biden the 46th President of the United States.

    President Trump, having failed to make the legal argument that the result of the election was fraudulent, invited his followers to Washington D.C. to intimidate congressional lawmakers and Vice President Pence in hopes that they would overturn the will of the American People and the will of your constituents in Bucks County who voted to elect President Biden.

    In the failed coup attempt, dozens of U.S. Capitol police officers were beaten and injured, one was bludgeoned to death and one committed suicide. Four U.S. citizens were killed including a U.S. Air Force veteran who was shot dead.

    Your constituents take this loss of life seriously. We take this threat to our democracy seriously. We fully expect that you will stand strong with us in the face of this very dark hour in American history and vote to impeach.

    -Pennsylvania's 1st District

  • Justice for Brooke: TOGETHER we are her voice

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Petition to STOP Hulu’s release of the “documentary” Dead Asleep.

    I’m glad that mine and my family’s outlook on the “documentary” reached all of you. We have been very clear since the first outreach that we do not approve of this and do not want it ever aired. Randy is a psychopath and the fact that he sought out people to exploit the fact that he murdered my sister only confirms that. He has no remorse for what he did or what he continues to do to every person that ever cared for Brooke. We clearly will never be given the opportunity to grieve in peace. From her brutal murder, to the drawn out trial, to the appeals still taking place, and now to this; that much is apparent. Brooke was known and loved by our entire community. I’m not exaggerating when I say that this community we grew up in 100% supports and stands behind my and my family’s decisions and outlook when it comes to this “documentary”. I hope that we can eventually stop this from airing entirely. My sisters story was told to a judge and jury that all came to the same conclusion. Her murder was not a result of a “mental instability”. Her murder was premeditated and 100% the result of a decision Randy Herman made on March 25, 2017. My sister deserves more. My family deserves more. Our friends and community deserve more. PLEASE help us to stop this documentary from Airing!

  • Support the Commutation of Life sentence for Bobbie Brown in Pennsylvania.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In Pennsylvania, Bobbie is seeking the commutation of his life sentence and your support toward him receiving a second chance.

    At the time of the crime, Bobbie was seated in his vehicle, facing his passenger when a man approached from behind and began to rapidly strike him through an open window. Bobbie reached for his weapon in an effort to reduce the unforeseen yet active threat; he lost consciousness due to the rush of strikes to his face, to later regain consciousness and see a man laying on the ground. In a daze, Bobbie drove to safety, made contact with and later turned himself in to authorities, volunteering all evidence in support of a fair and thorough investigation. The evidence included record of threatening voice messages from his assailant detailing his manhunt and nonstop search for Bobbie coupled with multiple first-hand witness testimonies of a series of attempts made by Bobbie such as engaging community leaders in efforts to amicably de-escalate tensions over the years. In 2007, Bobbie was sentenced to first degree murder and life imprisonment.

    Since his conviction, there has been an increased awareness toward socioeconomic disadvantages within Black and Brown communities and unjust sentencing alongside a shift in orientation to what actually constitutes self-defense. For 15 years, Bobbie has upheld that his actions were of protection and solely the result of a reasonable expectation of immediate danger while taking accountability for the loss of life. Through the appellate process, the courts have shown favor and acknowledged:

    The trial lawyer’s admission of inadequate defense
    The absence of an area within the trial proceedings encompassed to determine an understanding of the full impact and consequences of a plea
    An error in jury instruction used to orient jurors to the trial and assist the jury in hearing the case for proper evaluation
    In addition to the numerous already received letters from community members attesting to Bobbie’s good character, high regard for responsibility and his rehabilitation, we ask for your signature in this petition; enlisting your support for the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons to grant the commutation of Bobbie’s life sentence to a sentence of life on parole and opportunity for a successful reintegration into society.

  • Outlaw Bear Pits in Pennsylvania

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    They sound like something from the 1920's that are thankfully illegal now but, unfortunately, archaic and inhumane bear pits still exist and are legal in Pennsylvania. Bears are highly intelligent creatures and in these concrete pits, bears are denied everything natural and important to them, such as running, digging and swimming. They're unable to ever scan the horizon or gain a perspective on their surroundings. Instead, they are condemned to an unnatural life surrounded in stone walls with nothing to do but pace and be looked down on by tourists. There's not even an attempt for the enclosures to replicate the bear's natural habitat or provide any kind of enrichment. How anyone can look at a bear confined to a desolate concrete pit for their entire lives and not be heartbroken is beyond my comprehension.

    There's so much evil bestowed upon animals for the sake of profit and it's time for Pennsylvania to stand up to it. That's why we are urging Pennsylvania to pass a law banning this undeniably archaic and inherently cruel form of exploitation. Free any remaining bears to reputable sanctuaries where they can live out their lives with the dignity and freedom they have been denied for so long.

  • Extend the statute of limitations in Pennsylvania for medical malpractice

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    My father passed of sepsis on September 1, 2019 after a brutal month long hospital stay. The Sepsis was the result of an infection he got from a procedure as it turns out he didn't need.

    In the 2 years since he passed I have been on a mission to get justice in his name. #JusticeforCharlie. I have been met with roadblocks every step of the way with the hospitals dragging their feet sending medical records and even withholding information on purpose. THIS IS NOT AN ISOLATED INCIDENT WITH HOSPITALS....THEY DO THIS ALL THE TIME WITH 0 REPIRICUSSIONS. Law firms are very selective in which cases they are willing to take and majority of the time go for the "slam dunk" cases. Many times as in my case it can take weeks or even months for them to look at your records before ultimately often times turning it down.

    Pennsylvania ranks second in money paid out every year as a result of medical malpractice, yet 14 states have a higher statute. Of those 14 only 3 have more incidents of medical malpractice per 1,000 people.

    Help me change the statute of limitations in Pennsylvania for medical malpractice so it extends past 2 years. Please watch the video that will explain exactly why I think the statute should be changed and how we can help victims of medical malpractice.


  • Ban Conversion Therapy in Pennsylvania!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    It has been over 6 years since gay marriage was legalized in the United States, yet many people of the LGBTQIA+ community live in fear of the practices of conversion therapy. Conversion therapy in the United States has scarred members of the LGBTQIA+ community for decades. While some cities and municipalities in Pennsylvania have protected LGBTQIA+ people from the practice, there has not been a state-wide ban on these heinous methods. The supporters of the conversion therapy methods believe that being a part of the LGBTQIA+ community is either a choice or an illness that needs to be eradicated. People who are affected by conversion therapy are at a higher risk of suicide and drug abuse. So I am calling on Governor Tom Wolf, Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman, and members of the Pennsylvania Legislator to ban all conversion therapy in the state.