• Continue the Mask Mandate in Kearney, Nebraska

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We are still in the midst of a global pandemic. Our numbers of positive cases have declined since the mask mandate. We urge City Officials to continue this mandate to help protect our citizens, keep businesses open, and keep schools in person.

    Removing the mask mandate could put our city in a position again where our hospitals could be overwhelmed, small businesses could close, and schools could have to go virtual again.

    This is bigger than just one person. We have to work together to protect out most vulnerable citizens. If wearing masks while in public could help save one life, it is the least that we can do.

    Masks alone are not enough. We have to continue to be diligent with social distancing, hand washing, and quarantining after exposure. We all hope that if we continue these efforts, we can start to see our lives and city return to normal.

    Please join me by signing this petition, which will be delivered to our city council members prior to their vote on February 9th.

  • We support Nebraska LB 188 - The Second Amendment Preservation Act.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The purpose of this petition is to show support for Senator Halloran’s LB 188 bill that would adopt the Second Amendment Preservation Act. This Act would forbid state employees from enforcing federal laws that infringe the right to bear arms.

    Our founding fathers wisely provided us with the right to keep and bear arms for several reasons. The first of these reasons was to provide for a citizen militia. The need for citizen militia has not diminished over all these years. In spite of the efforts of some to rewrite our history, in the Second World War, Japan’s Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto was quoted as saying: "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass.". The premise is as true today as it was in World War II. It would be extremely difficult for any invading army to defeat a defending citizen militia consisting of every able bodied US citizen. Disarming our citizens would only embolden our enemies, and stifle our nations defenses.

    The second important reason for the Second Amendment is for free men to be fully equipped and able to defend themselves against a tyrannical government. Our founders included the phrase "shall not be infringed" not only to protect us from falling victim to confiscations, but also to prevent limiting the type and number of arms we are able to own. The founders writings actually spoke of revolution as a necessary part of maintaining a free country. Limiting our firearms ownership limits our rights to live in freedom, with self governance as was intended by our founders.

    The third important reason for the Second Amendment is our basic human right to protect ourselves, our families and the innocent from those who would do us harm. Limiting our right to use arms to defend our very lives is a violation of nature, and a violation of our most basic human rights.

    It is not an accident that the other reasons to keep and bear arms, invariably the only reasons stated by proponents of gun control, are the least important reasons of all, and are not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution or the writings of our founding fathers. While many of us enjoy hunting and sport shooting, and in the interest of personal freedom should not be infringed, we no longer need firearms to keep our families fed. To be certain, our wildlife management agencies would agree that hunting is necessary to control wildlife populations in the absence of natural populations of predators. One can also not ignore that target shooting is every bit as fun as other past times, such as golf or bowling. There is also a large number of gun owners who maintain firearms as curators of significant world history, as you would preserve any other historical archive.

    Gun control advocates concentrate most of their arguments on hunting and target shooting, ignoring more important reasons, because it allows them to limit the type and quantity of firearms owned. A musket might very well be a fine weapon to use for hunting, but hunting, target shooting or historical ownership has nothing to do with the reasons for the Second Amendment as stated by our founders. Free men must be able to own arms to protect themselves against any who would do us harm. We must question the motives of anyone who would wish to limit our firearms rights and wonder if their motive is to do us harm, and bring tyranny to our nation. We must never allow our right to keep and bear arms to be infringed, or taken from us.

  • NSAA update their heat guidelines

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Heat illness during practice or competition is a leading cause of death and disability among U.S. high school athletes. From 1995-2020, 51 high school football players in the United States died from heat stroke during football-related activity, according to the University of North Carolina’s National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research. There were three deaths attributed to heat stroke in 2020. These numbers are too high. According to the Nebraska School Activity Association (NSAA) Heat Activity Guidelines; the heat index has to be a stunning 125 degrees to suspend practice.

    Furthermore, at least 27% of high school football fields have turf. Synthetic turf is 40-70 degrees hotter than surrounding air temperatures on warm sunny days. On clear warm days, synthetic turf fields get superheated to temperatures from 120-180 degrees. Playing on synthetic turf can melt shoes, blister hands and feet, and induce dehydration and heatstroke.

    On August 10th 2021 Drake Geiger was practicing football at Collin Stadium for South High School in Omaha, Nebraska when he collapsed and later died of heatstroke. The temperature was 91 degrees and humidity of 53% making the heat index 105 degrees. Factoring in the temperature of the turf; the temperature was a broiling 145-175 degrees in the stadium.

    We are calling on the NSAA to update their Heat Activity Guidelines. 125 degrees is unacceptable. The temperature of the turf needs to be factored into the guidelines. Cool down stations and accessible water close by need to be mandatory. Why are our children practicing at the hottest part of the day in the hottest part of the year in Nebraska? How many more deaths need to take place before action is taken? In Drake's name and all the innocent children lost before him, we are demanding action from the NSAA.

  • Dismantle the Nebraska Department of Education School Board and Commissioner position

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Dismantle-"Take a machine or structure to pieces". This is what needs done to the Nebraska Department of Education State school board.

    It is clear that the Nebraska Department of Education is not listening to the overwhelming majority of Nebraskans who continue to show up to the board meetings each month, write emails, and initiate phone calls to the members of the board. This board that is to represent the constituents that elected them into their positions. The voices of the taxpayers whom they should be listening to are being silenced and not truly listened to. They are going through the motions, but comments and demeanor show many of them are not willing to change their course. They seem intent on pushing something onto the people that the people do not want any part of. They are not listening to the Governor or Senators speaking out against what they are attempting to push into our schools either.

    There seems to be no accountability in place for their actions as they do not report to the governor or have checks and balances in place for the power they are wielding over the people and children of Nebraska. This needs changed. There needs to be a way to hold members accountable when actions are so incredibly egregious and harmful to Nebraska society as a whole. They should not be allowed to push extreme political ideology on our children just because it is the bidding of the teachers union and their own political affiliation. They should not be allowed to make up rules for open meetings that silence people that have came to speak their concerns. The people should have a say in who is the Commissioner of the Board instead of the board hiring who they please. If the board chooses not to work for the people, they need to answer to the people.

    If there is no way to hold these officials responsible and keep them in check and aligned with what Nebraskans want for our schools-then the board needs to be abolished. Bureaucrats don't need to be dictating what our children are learning. The parents of Nebraska should be the ones deciding that for their own children on a local level. Return the power of the people to the people. Introduce legislation to change the system in a way that will accomplish this.

  • FIJI - University of Iowa

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On the night of September 5th 2020, a sophomore girl went to hang out with her friends at the University of Iowa Fiji house while she had no clue what they had in store for her. This sophomore girl was, drugged, raped, videotaped, and photographed, and left her with no memory of what they had done to her. These boys planned to rape this girl, along with many others and continue to get away with it. Not only did these boys plan this and carry it out, but they sent the videos to their entire FIJI group chat where no one said a thing to stop it. All of their members saw what they did to this girl, and the FIJI members just told them to delete their proof. These boys are still allowed on campus, and even showed up in the same class as the girl that they raped. The Iowa City detectives have messages of them planning to do this to her, they have their DNA, they have the videos, and the photos. Almost 1 year of struggling to get this case to court, the Iowa City county attorney told her that this case will not be taken to court, despite more than enough evidence. Since the courts wont give her justice, we need to do it ourselves. University of Nebraska isn't the only FIJI house doing this. Shut Fiji down nationwide.

  • A ban on mandatory vaccines & vaccine passports in Nebraska

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Freedom. Above all America is cherished around the world for one main concept. Freedom! We have the right to choose our healthcare, our religion, and our course of action in life. We must not give up those rights for any amount of fear.
    We can continue to nurture our nation’s greatest asset, Freedom!
    All across the country the citizen’s rights are being taken away. We must be proactive and stop these mandates and passports from entering our state and taking away our inalienable rights.
    This is not an ANTI-Vaccine petition . This is a Pro-Choice petition . The choice to make your own decision.
    Let’s all stand up and tell our representatives that fear is not going to take away our rights. We are Americans and we will not surrender our rights to largest and most profitable companies in the world.
    stand with us by signing this petition!

  • Traffic Light at intersection of hwy 77 & 109

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    It's a no brainer that their needs to be a change at this dangerous intersection. With this petition I hope it will show how much we all care to keep family safe.

    This petition is to take action to get a traffic stop light at the intersection of HWY 77 & 109. Just on the north side of Wahoo, NE.

    The community and others have shed enough tears of those who we have lost already. Lets put a Stop to it!


  • Keep unemployment benefits until September

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The above picture is one of the children that is going to be severely affected by this decision. On May 24th it was stated that Nebraska will be withdrawing from the American Rescue Act unemployment insurance benefits. Governor Pete Ricketts stated Nebraska will no longer pay out PEUC and FPEUC. These benefits have been crucial to helping people who are looking for jobs stay afloat by giving us the ability to continue paying on our mortgages, rent and to buy food. I am one of those people. I have a very specific set of skills in the Tech Field. I've applied for many, many different jobs and have gotten no responses. Either because I’m over qualified or because too many other people are applying for the same job. There is an over saturation of highly qualified applicants looking for jobs at the mid to upper levels who were laid off last year due to COVID. Others have had to take way lower paying jobs (or multiple jobs) which still do not pay enough to cover shelter, medicine and food. The additional UI benefits helped to make up difference. The reason Governor Ricketts has decided to withdraw is because supposedly there's a massive amount of jobs out there but no one is hiring. From what I understand Governor Ricketts has said this is making people not want to work. That is not true at all. We want to work. I want to work. I want to be able to provide for my family and not rely on unemployment. There's been so many issues with the unemployment system that has caused headaches for many people. Quite frankly it would be easier to have a job. However until we are able to obtain an actual job this PEUC unemployment is helping many people stay afloat. So what I'm calling for is for Pete Ricketts to retract his withdrawal from the American Rescue Act and allow the tax paying citizens of Nebraska to receive their unemployment benefits which are due to expire in September like they are supposed to. There are many struggling Nebraskans who are going to be negatively affected from this. Please sign and share to show your support for this!

  • Speed UP Processing at Texas Service Center &Nebraska Center for Employment based GC

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    1. Slow processing for EB category at Texas and Nebraska, while other centers are processing in 3-4 months.
    2. SRC & LIN wasted more than 60K Green cards in Employment category and they are on the track to waste even more this year.Applicants have waited 10 plus years
    3. Applicants have risk of kids aging out and subject to self deportation after completing education and spending their life in US.
    4. Stress of not being able to see parents and family members in need due to processing delays. This was reflected during Covid and Post Covid, where Expedited Requests for Petitioner were denied even in case of extreme health emergency, and some cases of passing away of, near and dear ones.
    5. Exorbitant fees paid to lawyers. Slow processing and Random policies of USCIS to switch back from One Category to Another has financial impact on families.
    6. Neither Priority Dates nor Receiving Date policies are being adhered to. People are getting approved in random orders.While MSC Center was able to Process thousands of Applications SRC and LIN processed very low number of applications.The speed is still very slow.
    7. Mental and Physical stress causing psychological and physical health issues like anxiety , depression, insomnia, blood pressure, panic disorders.
    8. Stuck with same job profile for many years (on an average 12-14 years)

  • Get rid of Nebraska

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We want to get rid of Nebraska because nobody likes Nebraska and only like 3 people live there like I’ve never met anyone from Nebraska, how about you? Exactly nobody knows anyone from Nebraska, also there is nothing interesting from there. What I think we should do is fill it up with solar panels and use it as a battery for the whole country, because Nebraska is useless and that would benefit the country more.

  • Ban Mask (Face Covering) Mandates in Nebraska.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Are you tired of being forced to wear a face mask to do everyday things?

    Are you a person who wears a mask but understands the importance of personal freedoms over an individual’s own body?

    Mask mandates violate may human equality rights, religious rights, and pose a significant health risk due to the unhygienic practice of catching bacteria around a person’s face for extended time periods. Masks have been proven to be non effective in the use against viruses and have no proven medical efficacy to stop a virus. The continuation of mask mandates conditions the public into submitting our bodily autonomy to government control.

    This is not an ANTI-MASKER petition, this is a free choice petition. This petition is aimed at public spaces, publicly funded businesses and local and state funded resource centers. This petition is simply against mandating other people’s bodies to use an unwanted medical device.

  • Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and Globe Life Park Transaction

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On Wednesday, August 25, 2021, during WFAA Channel 8 afternoon news it was broadcast that Choctaw Nation had bought the naming rights to the Globe Life Park, former home of the Rangers, and had been renamed Choctaw Stadium. This is how many Choctaw Nation members including myself was informed of this multi-million dollar purchase.

    I along with many Choctaw Nation tribal members were totally shocked at the brazenness of this purchase. There was absolutely no transparency in this business transaction. During Gary Batton’s Labor Day address at Tuskahoma after Jason Merida’s embezzlement trial where Greg Pyle, former Chief and Gary Batton, Assistant Chief were called “unindicted co-conspirators” a contrite Gary Batton promised the members of Choctaw Nation there would be total transparency in his administration. Transparency is Choctaw Nation’s obligation to share information with members that is needed to make informed decisions and hold Councilmen/woman and the Chiefs accountable for their conduct. There has not been any transparency regarding the Globe Life Park transaction.

    Some concerns Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma tribal members have that have not been addressed is:

    What was the total cost of this renaming purchase and for how long?

    What are the plans for the use of this Stadium?

    How will the Tribe benefit from this Stadium? How will the Choctaw Nation tribal member benefit? Will the Choctaw tribal members be able to use this facility for powwows, stickball games or other cultural activities?

    Where is the Agenda and Minutes concerning discussions of the renaming purchase?

    Does the Tribe own the physical structure or name only? How much did it cost?

    Is Gary Batton, Chief trying to make Choctaw Nation a corporation similar to Disney?

    These funds could have benefited Choctaw people living in poverty. Build/repair homes. Most people prefer better homes. We have children who go to bed hungry and vets who don’t have a roof over their heads.

    Choctaw Nation members living outside the 10 ½ county are usually told No when requesting assistance but the Chief and Council members make a purchase in the state of Texas completely outside the Choctaw Nation boundary.

    A Chief listens to tribal members. He has to show respect and treat all his members equally in order to receive respect.

    Join me in showing Chief Gary Batton, Assistant Chief Jack Austin, Jr, and Councilmen/Woman, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma that stifling our voices is regressive and unacceptable. We want to see more transparency and accountable in their fiduciary responsibility of funds which belong to the Choctaw Nation Tribal members. We also want answers to questions tribal members have regarding this transaction.

  • Veteran wrongfully convicted in Oklahoma, serving 4 life sentences.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Maxie was arrested in 2005 and convicted in 2008 of first degree rape, which he did not commit. With absolutely no evidence, no DNA, no prior acts. The Doctors original statement said "I see no signs of trauma and trauma is what I would expect to see in case of rape. Only the word of a woman that the day before the accusations were made, he had told, he was leaving her for another women, and the testimony of the supposed victim her daughter. Which was coerced into making up this story by her mom. He was given 4 life sentences to be served concurrent. Found out later that there was a 3 yr plea offer, which he was never told about. How does a crime go from 3 yrs. to a life sentence, just because you fight for your innocence? His trial attorney was suffering from a traumatic brain injury received while Maxie was out on bail. Which he was on bail for over 2 years with no issues. Within 3-4 years of the trial, his lawyer gave up his license and his brother had to become his guardian due to his brain injury. Now 13 yrs later the trial lawyer is in a home with no memory of ever being a Lawyer.

    His trial was one of worst ever seen, according to everyone who present or even read the transcripts. even the DA and Judge made statements about how bad the trial and defense was. The Trial lawyer did not subpoena a single witness or piece of evidence. No character witnesses, even though many were available. He could barely speak an intelligent sentence. Allowed the jury to be given the wrong jury instructions. They were never told what a life sentence consisted of in oklahoma, which is required by law. Life in oklahoma is 45 yrs., with a minimum of 85 percent served before even becoming eligible for parole. That is a minimum of 38 1/2 years. The DA that was over the case for a while pretrial, who is now a district judge, said Maxie's lawyer was weird, different from any defense lawyer she had ever met. And that the case had issues!

    Maxie has been in prison over 13 yrs. without a write up. He is an electrician for the prison. He will not be eligible for parole until 2042. No matter how well he behaves.

    Maxie is looking for the help of anyone who will listen to his story and see that he is innocent. It has been a long 13 yr fight without finding a single attorney who truly cared and was wanting to fight for him, not just trying to get paid. Or anyone willing to do any real investigation into the case and evidence.

    Maxie is an Air Force Veteran who served in Desert Storm. In a combat communications group, as maintenance on a mobile air traffic control radar in support of the F-117A stealth fighter. And received multiple awards for that service. And a disability for injuries to his back. He was a founding member of the Lawton Correctional Facility Veterans group. And a member of the Battle buddies group of oklahoma. Petition picture is of Maxie and his grandma the day he returned from Desert Shield/Desert Storm.

    Maxie's time in prison has been tough on his family! Both emotionally and financially. In the last two years Maxie senior died of alzheimer's and COPD. And Maxie III committed suicide, partially because his father was in prison and not able to help him as a father should. That hurts him worse than the life sentence.

    The state of oklahoma needs justice reforms, sentencing guidelines, and government officials who care about the truth and the people. Thank you for your signature and your help!

    !!! Some new information we just got. This is a direct quote from the widow of Maxie's accuser's Ex husband and father to the supposed victim. She has not testified to this in court, but is willing if given the opportunity. We ask her about the things that Maxie's accuser had done to her and her late husband, when he was leaving the accuser for her. She said quote,

    "We'll it would take me hours to write the Crazy, Crazy stuff that woman did to both of us. She would show up at my condo and when we'd try to pull out of the garage she'd have (supposed victim) out of car, pointing and SCREAMING! " See her? She's why daddy doesn't love you anymore!" That started when (supposed victim) was about 3 yrs old. Sometimes she'd show up at 6 am and ring my doorbell repeatedly and SCREAMING at me for hours and block my garage so I couldn't leave to go to work. She would constantly come to where we were and demand more money. Geez it was just horrible. That woman is bat shit crazy!

    The we asked the widow if there was anything in writing or police reports filed. She said,

    "Not that I know of, the one police report came after someone waiting until about midnight a few months after "husband" passed. They used the code to the mausoleum, brought in a 12-15ft ladder and chiseled off all of my information. We had bought side by side burial spaces in the mausoleum. The police from OKC were calling me saying it was filed as a hate crime and to watch my back. Who else would hate me so much and be so JEALOUS??

    She hated everyone and ws such a jealous person that she would set out to destroy anyone that crossed her.

    In divorce court she convinced the judge that "Husband"was a horrible father to " supposed victim" and wouldn't give her enough money to buy milk for her. She got everything! She lied so much that she believed it!" She was receiving well over $500 a month in child support and cash and the child never wanted for anything.

  • Support Tulsa City Council Reparations Resolution by June 2nd

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Sign the petition urging the Tulsa City Council to vote YES to reparations for the city's black community!

    On May 28th, 2021, the Tulsa Oklahoma City Council proposed a resolution that would develop a commission to study the harms committed against Black Tulsa residents, and the reparations necessary to heal the community. Sign our petition, and most importantly, please click the link below to send a pre-drafted email directly to the City Council in support of this historic and critical resolution. The City Council will vote on June 2nd, we only have three days, so please share this link! We need to secure six votes to pass this resolution.


    The Tulsa massacre of Black Wall Street resulted in the destruction of 35 square blocks -- including 1,200 homes burned, 60 businesses, a school, a hospital, a library, and a dozen churches. Over 10,000 Black people were left homeless, and property damage amounted to more than $1.5 million in real estate and $750,000 in personal property (equivalent to $32.65 million in 2020). Over 800 people were admitted to the hospital, and an estimated 300 died. No white officers or civilians involved in the mob were prosecuted.

    After the past years’ reckoning with racial injustice following the killing of unarmed Black men and women at the hands of the police, we must look back on American history to see what wrongs can and must be amended.

    We are The Amendment Project (TAP), a student-led grassroots organization working to call for reparations for Black and Indigenous Americans. Through connecting with a network of students and university organizations, we aim to bring reparations further into our political discourse through education, resources, and dialogue, and mobilize a new generation to lobby city councils for reparative justice. Please sign up for our newsletter below if you’d like to stay updated on our future campaigns!


    For more updates about reparations and how you can take action, keep up with TAP through our website and Instagram account @theamendmentproject.

  • Masks for all employees at childcare facilities in Oklahoma

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Childcare facilities are an essential business. All childcare staff should be REQUIRED to wear a mask. This should no longer be an issue that the facility decides. By not requiring childcare facility staff to wear masks, they are putting our community, our families, and our children at risk for Covid-19. Currently, in Oklahoma and Oklahoma City, the decision for staff to be required to wear a mask is left to the facility. This goes against all public health and CDC guidelines, as well as common sense. Please help Oklahoma families remain safe, by REQUIREMENT of masks at ALL childcare facilities in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, and the state of Oklahoma. We are better than this. I am creating this petition for my son, Theo, who was taken to his first daycare facility who sanitizes, but does not require masks for employees.

  • Stop Toxic Humanure on Farm and Ranch Land in Oklahoma

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    PFAS, Humanure (Sewage Sludge), and Oklahoma’s looming Water and Farmland Crisis

    Why should we care about sewage sludge contaminated with PFAS, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, and antibiotic resistant bacteria being distributed as free fertilizer on Oklahoma farmland?

    Our family moved to Luther, Oklahoma when our daughter was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that attacked her brain after what should have been a simple case of strep throat. We had hoped that living in the country would allow our children to grow up in an environment with clean air, clean water and the best chances for a healthy childhood. Unfortunately, that is now threatened by the widespread use of sewage sludge on the surrounding farmland, and over the Garber Wellington aquifer that provides water for many Oklahomans. After sewage sludge is applied to neighboring farms, we cannot open our windows, go for a walk, or let our immune compromised daughter play outside until the risk of exposure to hazardous dust particles in the air and the metallic stench has dissipated, sometimes weeks later. By that time, we are overrun with disease carrying biting flies. (10)

    Unsuspecting farmers and ranchers in Oklahoma are lining up to apply free sewage sludge to their land. They are assured that this sewage sludge is safe and beneficial. They are unaware of the risks of permanent contamination of their land, their hay, their livestock, and their water. Many of them are unknowingly applying toxic waste to land that it is directly over major Oklahoma aquifers. If left unchecked, cattle ranchers in Oklahoma could suffer the fate of the Boyceland Dairy, with hundreds of cows poisoned and killed by contaminated sewage sludge applied to their land.

    “In McElmurray v. Augusta-Richmond County, farmer Andy McElmurray accepted sludge to his 1,730 acres dairy farm only to witness the death of his land and lifestyle. With the filtered information and constant reassurance of safety of the sludge, Andy had no idea that the sludge contained levels of arsenic, toxic heavy metals and PCB’s two to 2,500 times federal health standards. His cows died a slow and painful AIDS-like death while Andy searched for an answer. Finally, he discovered that the sludge he had been accepting as free and “safe” fertilizer was the cause of his problems. Even years after halting sludge application, his farm is still too toxic to support plants and livestock….

    Although McElmurray’s neighboring farmer, Bill Boyce also won his court case, Boyceland Dairy v. City of Augusta, he lost his fourth generation family farm after accepting sludge as a fertilizer for cultivation and grazing. Despite constant reassurance from sludge haulers and the city of Augusta, Bill witness the steady decline and death of his prize-winning dairy herd, known as Georgia’s Boyceland Dairy. In 1999, Bill had independent testing performed on the milk from his cows. The stunning test results revealed high levels of thallium, molybdenum and cadmium. EPA lists thallium at a toxic heavy metal that can cause gastrointestinal irritation and nerve damage. Although the USDA regards thallium as one of the most dangerous agents of potential bioterrorism against the nation’s food supply, thallium is not required for testing in sludge. Bill Boyce is no longer in the fourth generation farm he had hoped to pass on to his children. The farm was sold and a low-income housing development was erected where the Boyce farm once fed America.” (2)

    “The city of Augusta recently settled a lawsuit with him over the dead cows for $1.5 million. Another nearby dairy farmer, Bill Boyce, won a $550,000 court judgment against the city on his claim that sludge was responsible for the deaths of more than 300 of his cows. The Alaimo ruling acknowledges that the sludge applications on the McElmurray farm were responsible for killing hundreds of dairy cattle. In the ruling, Judge Alaimo said, “senior EPA officials took extraordinary steps to quash scientific dissent and any questioning of EPA's biosolids program.” The court ruling effectively condemned the production of food chain crops on 1,730.5 acres of land.” (1)

    Other farms around the country have been found to have dangerously high levels of PFAS in soil after years of applying sewage sludge to their farmland.

    “…Drinking water isn’t the only thing in jeopardy. Just like other PFAS manufacturers, Tyco sent its waste to a local sewage treatment plant, where farmers obtain sludge for fertilizing their fields.
    “We foolishly thought that we had institutions that would protect us from this sort of thing, that this couldn’t happen anymore,” says Oitzinger (the former mayor of Marinette, Wisconsin) “What we’ve discovered is that those institutions didn’t protect us.” The DNR (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources) has since asked the wastewater treatment facility to stop selling sludge to farmers and launched a larger investigation into the matter earlier this year. For many farm owners, however, this action may have come too late—and there are no quick fixes. PFAS do not easily break down and can persist in the environment for decades, if not centuries.”(3)

    Dairy farmers are facing the loss of their herds, their farms, and their livelihood.

    “More than two years after learning drinking water and milk tanks on his 100-year-old Stoneridge Farm were contaminated with a class of chemicals linked to cancer and other health concerns, farmer Fred Stone still can’t sell his milk and is losing hundreds of dollars a day, every day…the wastewater sludge he was licensed by the state to spread on his fields and other fields across York County contained PFAS, a class of industrial chemicals linked to cancer, fertility issues, hormone disruption and more... Public health advocates on Tuesday held a press conference at the farm where Stone described the nightmare he says has “ruined” his farm, while officials called for expanded testing and an end to sludge spreading and use of PFAS chemicals in products.”(11)

    The EPA admits they do not know the dangers of biosolids and their stance is “apply at your own risk.”

    “The EPA identified 352 pollutants in biosolids but cannot yet consider these pollutants for further regulation due to either a lack of data or risk assessment tools. Pollutants found in biosolids can include pharmaceuticals, steroids and flame retardants. The EPA’s controls over the land application of sewage sludge (biosolids) were incomplete or had weaknesses and may not fully protect human health and the environment. The EPA consistently monitored biosolids for nine regulated pollutants. However, it lacked the data or risk assessment tools needed to make a determination on the safety of 352 pollutants found in biosolids. The EPA identified these pollutants in a variety of studies from 1989 through 2015. Our analysis determined that the 352 pollutants include 61 designated as acutely hazardous, hazardous or priority pollutants in other programs.”