• Disbar Kenosha Prosecutor Thomas Binger (Prosecuting the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial)

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Kenosha, Wisconsin prosecutor Thomas Binger who is prosecuting Kyle Rittenhouse in Kyle's self defense trial is an unethical attorney who daily demonstrates how much he is willing to violate the rights of those accused of crimes in order to secure an unfair conviction.

    "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

  • Southeastern Wisconsin needs a BMX Track!!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Hello My name is Andrew Ophoven and I am currently the administrator of the Southeastern Wisconsin BMX Group Facebook page. My son, Jackson asked me to start a Bmx track 2 years ago so we wouldn’t need to drive continuously to race our Bmx bikes. It is our goal to get Southeastern Wisconsin racing locally here again and form a non profit organization for USA BMX. The sport of BMX is the fastest growing family sport in North America. BMX positively benefits its communities by bringing local volunteers together as a team to help strengthen and give positive results back to its communities through racing. In Wisconsin there are some very successful BMX tracks: Wisconsin Rapids, Oshkosh, Deforest and Rhinelander. Illinois also has Rockford, Waukegan and Elgin with in similar distances of 1-3 hours away.

    Unfortunately The Rock Complex in Franklin and Walworth County Bmx in Elkhorn Wi closed down. Now there are no BMX track’s in Southeastern Wisconsin. These tracks provided a place for children big and small to be free, have fun and race safely locally in our area with their families and friends supervised. Unfortunately now for BMX racing families in SE Wisconsin there has to be roughly an 80 mile one way commute to race or more. With this distance there’s still a large amount of families commuting because of their love for the sport of Bmx at neighboring tracks. It would be much more desirable and beneficial to our communities and Bmx participants to spend more time racing/practicing here versus driving out of state or to another community to do so.

    BMX ranges from 3 years old all the way up to senior citizens. There are classes for age and experience levels, boys and girls, starting at novice and progressing all the way up to Expert. There are many different racing events that bring excellent revenue to the surrounding tourism communities of a BMX track. There are local races and practices weekly with often big 2-3 day event races on the weekends throughout the summer and fall season. The draw to these big events such as the recent Wisconsin Rapids BMX Badger State National held on a 2 day weekend a couple years ago was amazing. The economic impact that these events draw are fantastic. Our communities could definitely benefit from a track local here in Southeastern Wisconsin.

    To get started we need the land or space to make this opportunity happen. About the size of one baseball diamond. This will be a sweat equity project working with local communities and their families to make something special here in Southeastern Wisconsin again. We have a great start with a great following ready for the opportunity.

    We Have:
    -A great Facebook Page with a great following. Southeastern Wisconsin Bmx Group currently has over 1000 members and growing fast and ready to form a non-profit organization for USABMX. Its definitely showing a demand for a BMX track here.
    -Good support from local people in our communities interested in volunteering and supporting this BMX track. The support we have from our local Wisconsin tracks is also strong as they all work together nicely.
    -There’s a huge following of racers locally in southeastern Wisconsin and neighboring tracks to make this grow quickly and be successful.
    -USABMX has the insurance policy covered once we are approved as an organization.
    -We would bring over our already purchased, well functioning race starting gate and controls.
    -We have old Walworth county BMX in Elkorn ready with 80 quad axle dump truck loads of good race dirt for track development.
    -We have volunteers ready to seek sponsors.
    -We have carpenters, welders, machine operators, registration and cashiers, chefs and possible food vendor ideas dependent upon location options, asphalt workers, cement workers, track development support, electricians, contractor for build structures, fence company, drainage crew support, nurses, accountants, IT personal and more ready to go if we can get this started.

    What we don’t have:
    -A 1$ land lease from the city, county or state for 10-20 years locked in or any other way to obtain land. This and location would be ideal and how many tracks are very successful.
    Wisconsin Rapids did exactly this right under their water tower! Easily seen by passers by.
    - Once we have land then we would be able to collect revenue from sponsors and set up 501C3, tax exempt, grants, incorporated ect.

    Together I think we can make something great happen for a track here in Southeastern Wisconsin. We need signatures to show the demand is not just my son and I! Let them here your voice!! Please let’s get the attention by getting as many signatures as possible. I truly believe this corner of Wisconsin has the potential of being one of the best tracks in the Midwest. Let’s Goooooo Racing again Southeastern Wisconsin Bmxers!!

    168 have signed. Let’s get to 200!

    At 200 signatures, this petition is more likely to be featured in recommendations!
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  • We want Housing To Be A Human Right in Wisconsin !

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The Problem: Dane County has the worst disparities in the country for poverty and homelessness in the black and other marginalized communities and is documented by a plethora of research .
    Systemic Racism continues to oppress our most vulnerable populations in Dane County . The institutionalized racism is reinforced by the decisions of public officials, government organizations and private organizations that profit off of the backs of those suffering in poverty and homelessness.
    The Solution: It’s time to end systemic oppression in Dane County and liberate our most vulnerable by deconstructing systems like the The Continuum Of Care -COC, The Homeless Services Consortium -HSC and The City of Madison’s Community Development Department so that our most vulnerable have access to economic justice , racial justice , and a better quality of life !

    Housing is a Human Right ! Stop building Shelters that progressively function like prisons. Stop funding agencies that have continued to fail our community just because they have longevity in our community ! Slavery had 400 years longevity but it does not mean that it should continue !
    Instead invest in communities , invest in grassroots organizations that have proven their ability to change the lives of people with limited resources .

    liberate our people ! Let Freedom Ring !
    sign our petition ! Share your voice ! Liberate our people . Just like Texas , Wisconsin is the last state holding out on Economic Justice , Human Rights for our most marginalized !

  • OPT-out of 2021 Wisconsin Forward Exam

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In 2015, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) passed, replacing NCLB and giving states and school districts more authority for standardized testing. Even with more control, most states spend close to $1.7 billion each year on standardized testing, despite the fact that mandated state testing has well documented disparities amongst low-income children and children of color, two groups that have also been greatly impacted by this pandemic.

    In February, the Biden Administration decided not to cancel this year's standardized testing, instead opting to give states the authority to give more briefer, remote, or postponed versions of the exams. Since then, only one state has received a waiver to change their state test format and educators and strategists are still debating if state test results will even be accurate enough to use for future planning.

    In compliance with WI Wis. Stats. 118.30(2)(b)3, DPI has already declared that students, schools, or school districts will not be disciplined for opting out of standardized testing and families do not need permission to opt out, unless their child is in 4th, 8th, or 9th-12th grade.

    In 2015, the same year ESSA passed, the US Dept. of Ed declared that state tests plans should include "fewer and smarter" assessments that are "worth taking, high quality, time-limited, fair and supportive of fairness in equity in educational opportunity, fully transparent to students and parents, one of many testing measures, and tied to improved learning" (https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/fact-sheet-testing-action-plan

    This petition was created to inform families of their rights and to encourage parents to opt-out of the 2021 WI Forward Exam if your testing window has not yet closed. And even if your child's WI Forward exam is completed for 2021, please still sign this petition if you feel standardized testing should have been waived in 2021.

    While there may be some merits of standardized testing data, testing students during a pandemic when there is 8 weeks of instruction left is not necessary, especially knowing standardized testing is not holistic, nor does is accurately capture the intelligence and academic growth of all students in a fair and equitable way. Also, if enough families decide to opt-out, this can provide our state with an opportunity to gain insight on if standardized test scores should be weighed so heavily to begin with.

    Thank for reading this petition. Please sign up and share! Also, thank you for always doing what's best for your child!

  • 19 Years of Slaughtering Rabbits for Multiple Sclerosis

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    (Red links are live)
    Multiple Sclerosis Society continues to benefit from the blood thirsty event hosted annually by Rabbits Unlimited, Ltd; where hunters and children needlessly kill hundreds of rabbits. 19th Annual Fundraising - Event, 2/6/2021

    We the petitioners find it incredibly appalling and disheartening Multiple Sclerosis Society appears to condone the unnecessary massive killing of animals to raise money for MS when many alternatives exist, including well-established shooting disciplines which simulate hunting and can be enjoyed recreationally without the use of animals.

    Further, while Cedarburg, WI residents reprehensibly slaughter sentient beings for fun in the name of human disease; the unethical massive killing of a single species deprives wild predators depending on that prey to survive, thus wild predators are relying more on our food and pets. Wild Predators Are Relying More on Our Food and Pets.

    Wildlife-killing contests are cruel, barbaric practices that violate fundamental principles of ethical hunting and have no place in a civil society or in modern wildlife management.

    Please sign, share and comment respectfully.

    According to Wisconsin State Sen. Fred Risser (D-Madison) Wildlife killing contests are a cruel stain on Wisconsin’s long legacy of conservation. Sen. Risser introduces bill that bans wildlife killing contests.

    Direct Action Everywhere states National Multiple Sclerosis Society and their headquarters lack ethical stances on how donations are generated.
    MS Society IGNORES public outrage!

    National MS Society Twitter

    National MS Society Facebook

    National MS Society Wisconsin Chapter - www.wisMS.org

    For The Rabbits,
    Linda Sue

  • Kyle Rittenhouse Should Not Be Allowed To Attend ASU

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Kyle Rittenhouse should not be allowed to attend ASU and here is why. 17 year Kyle Rittenhouse shot 3 people, killing two and badly injuring another on August 2020 during a protest which was followed by the police shooting of Jacob Blake. Under Wisconsin law "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.” On Friday, November 19 2021, Kyle Rittenhouse was found NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS!!! This is absolutely ridiculous. He needs to be held accountable for the crimes he has committed. How is the law letting a murderer roam around freely? When did our society get to a point like this?!?

    We, the students of Arizona State University refuse to welcome a murderer onto our campus. ASU should be a safe and inclusive place for all students, which will be disrupted if Kyle Rittenhouse is allowed to attend this school.

    Let us remember the victims that were shot by Kyle Rittenhouse: Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and Gaige Grosskreutz. Both Rosenbaum and Huber were killed that night. Grosskreutz was shot in the arm from a really close distance and because of this he is now missing 90% of his bicep and has to live in excruciating pain for the rest of his life. These victims deserve justice. Kyle Rittenhouse should pay for his crimes.


  • Repeal Act 169 6:2, Use of Dogs to Hunt Wolves.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    This petition seeks to remove the allowance of dogs for hunting wolves in WI, which is allowed through Act 169 passed by the Walker Administration in 2012. It results in terrorizing of the animals, sometimes running them to death or cornering them in vicious fights that are nothing more than legalized dog fighting. No other state with wolves allows this form of hunting. It does not honor the dog safety or the wolf's life. Wolves are a vital part of ecosystems allowing for a balance of wildlife and healthy robust plant diversity. Wolves also tend cull deer with Chronic Wasting Disease lowering the disease's spread. Those advocating for the need to kill wolves through management programs should not be opposed to this process. In February of 2021 WI hunters killed at least 216 wolves in three days going nearly 100 over the state determined quota. This was months after the animal was taken off the Endangered Species Act in a moment of political theater. The normal wolf season is supposed to run from October to February. The species can't endure a season that long if these methods allow such a high kill rate in three days. Advocates for wolves as a "recovered" species that no longer need protection rarely account for the hatred of this animal that is much higher than other species that recover such as Bald Eagles and Sandhill Cranes. Additionally, wolves are an attractive part of the allure of the outdoors for many non-consumer recreationalists in WI. And there are no reported incidents of wolves attacking humans in the state.

  • Allow The Establishment of Fraternities & Sororities at Concordia University Wisconsin

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    A fraternity is an organization where members focus on common interests, typically long-lasting friendships, academic support, social networking, and community service. Along with sororities, they are also referred to as Greek organizations. Fraternities and Sororities give students the opportunities to connect with their school on a deeper level, and it also allows them to develop essential skills. Ball State University lists some other benefits as well:

    "Fraternities and sororities allow students to meet many people through social events, service projects, recruitment, and intramural events...[and] become connected to the university and tapped into the available resources."

    The relationships created through fraternities and sororities extend beyond the college campus and provide opportunities for all students. For minorities, fraternities and sororities provide a pathway to connecting with the campus, even when attending a Primarily White Institution (PWI). This pathway allows minority students to feel welcome and has been shown to have a positive effect on academic, athletic, and professional achievement.

    At this moment, the Concordia University Wisconsin campus is a divided, non-diverse campus. Allowing fraternities and sororities to have a presence on campus will contribute to bringing diversity to this institution. It will attract minorities as well as non-minority freshmen and transfers by offering the chance to be a part of a sisterhood/brotherhood that will extend long after their time at Concordia. There are all different kinds of fraternities and sororities to be a part of for all people that may or may not have the same opinions and beliefs as the next person. By accepting the nationally recognized fraternities and sororities such as:

    National Pan-Hellenic Council (Historically Black Fraternities/Sororities "Divine Nine")
    National Inter-fraternity Council (Caucasian fraternity)
    Multicultural Sororities and Fraternities
    National Panhellenic council (Caucasian sororities)
    This will ensure that students will reap the full benefits of an established organization which offers endless connections and pathways to a successful life after college. As a university that claims is dedicated to the development of student’s mind, body, and spirit, Concordia University Wisconsin should find the implementation of fraternities and sororities beneficial for all students.

    Below is a list of Greek Life Statistics:
    1.) There are over 9 million Greek members nationally
    2.) Of the nation’s 50 largest corporations, 43 are headed by fraternity men.
    3.) 85% of the Fortune 500 executives belong to a fraternity.
    4.) 40 of 47 U.S. Supreme Court Justices since 1910 were fraternity men.
    5.) 76% of all Congressmen and Senators belong to a fraternity.
    6.) Every U.S. President and Vice President, except two in each office, born since the first social fraternity was founded in 1825 have been members of a fraternity.
    7.) 63% of the U.S. President’s Cabinet members since 1900 have been Greek.
    8.) A National Conference report shows a high percentage of the 4,000 NIC fraternity chapters are above the All-Men’s scholastic average on their respective campuses.
    9.) A U.S. Government study shows that over 70% of all those who join a fraternity/sorority graduate, while under 50% of all non-fraternity/sorority persons graduate.
    10.) Less than 2% of an average college student’s expenses go toward fraternity dues. (U.S. Office of Education)
    11.) Over 85% of the student leaders on some 730 campuses are involved in the Greek community.
    12.) 1st Female Senator was Greek
    13.) 1st Female Astronaut was Greek
    14.) All of the Apollo 11 Astronauts are Greek
    15.) Over $7 million is raised each year by Greeks nationally
    16.) The Greek system is the largest network of volunteers in the US, with members donating over 10 million hours of volunteer service each year
    17.) 71% of those listed in “Who’s Who in America” belong to a fraternity
    18.) Greeks give approximately 75% of all money donated to universities
    19.) There are 123 fraternities and sororities with 9 million members total
    20.) There are 750,000 undergraduate members in 12,000 chapters on more than 800 campuses in the USA and Canada

  • Injustice in Wisconsin

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    "NO MALE DNA" was found on the alleged victims panties and Christian volunteered his DNA, yet the court still moved forward with sentencing Christian to 20 years. (Kevin Nash was sentenced to 1 year in jail for the same crime).
    In 2019 a witness Recanted his statement and that recantation is supported by DNA evidence. Christian filed a post conviction motion and two judges recused themselves (one judge was the prosecutor and the other judge was the actual DA).
    CHRISTIAN has been incarcerated for 13 years for a crime he did not commit. Please forward this petition to free Christian to everyone. Contact CHRISTIAN R. AGUIRRE-HODGE #558038 New Lisbon Correctional Institution POB 189 Phoenix, MD 21131 and tell him you stand with him.

  • Fair compensation For Department of corrections employees.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Crisis. That’s the word Republicans and Democrats use to describe a drastic shortage of correction officers in Wisconsin’s prisons. It is time to send a clear and concise message to the people who serve our community’s. The WI DOC is currently facing a mass exit due to unfavorable wages and work conditions within the Department Of Corrections. It is important to understand that majority of the staff leaving the DOC are senior employees with substantial Experience. (Security personnel, Nursing staff, psychological services, social services and leadership)

    The wage increase by no means will “fix” the problems overnight, but instead allow security staff to continue supporting their families while a higher wage attracts new employees. On Tuesday, December 21st there will be a public hearing regarding this issue, please sign this petition so your voice is heard.

  • Petition For Biden Administration To Put Gray Wolves Back On The Endangered Species List

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Wolves have been apex predators in North America for hundreds of years. They are a crucial part of wildlife and ecosystem management. The Trump Administration decided to remove gray wolves from the endangered species list, wiping out all of their protection and rights, and gray wolves haven’t even completely recovered yet! Due to this delisting, the laws on wolf hunting are up to the states. So far, most of the states have treated wolves incredibly unfairly. An example of this is Idaho’s wolf bounties and encouraging of mass wolf hunting, even paying people heftily and letting them keep pelts. As of 2020, These laws have killed 570 Idaho wolves, many of which being young wolf pups. In Wisconsin it was ruled that a limit of 119 wolves could be harvested, but in only three days, hunters and farmers killed 216 and nothing was done about it. In Montana, the wolf hunting season has expanded greatly and private bounties are now allowed. It has only gotten worse with time. Now, both Montana and Idaho are currently acting on the laws they have passed, with the goal of killing at least 90% of their wolf population. Many other states are also having yet another hunting season for wolves, but this time even longer. On September 28, 2021, the count of wolves in Yellowstone that have been killed is three, but this is only the beginning. Wolves aren’t even safe in the national park that has become famous for being their safe haven.

    Our country promised to treat wolves like bears, mountain lions, and other predators, but now the states have chosen to hunt them in mass and encourage the decline of a species that already has an unstable population. The hunting limits for wolves are much higher than those of other predators, and wolves aren’t even causing the problems! In most places, wolves are responsible for less than one percent of livestock deaths. Farmers always blame wolves, but wolves are normally not the problem, and we all should be able to understand that wolves are no threat to people. In fact, wolves are incredibly timid creatures. We need wolves and wolves need us, so we beg you to consider putting them back onto the endangered species list and restoring their rights.

    Written by, Emily Cerza

  • Elise Stefanik (R) to resign from office as representative of New York’s 21st District

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Elise Stefanik (R- Schuylerville) objected to certifying the results of the 2020 Presidential election. She specifically questioned the legitimacy of the elections in Georgia,Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan without any just cause.

    As an elected official Elise Stefanik selfishly used her public platform to fan the flame of Donald Trump and his supporters. She, and others will now feign naivete and shock at the domestic terror attack on our Capitol 1/6/2020. We will not let her get away with her insidious behaviour.

    Representatives like Stefanik are elected to office to speak on behalf of their constituents and should not be permitted to usurp that given power and use it as a means to defy the US Constitution for their own gain. Stefanik, during her career has voted with Trump 77.8% of the time and continues to prove she is in his pocket.

    The Constitution does not support objections to election results DESPITE how Stefanik twists the document's intentions. There is no justification, beyond selfish pandering, for her silence against Donald Trump and his insurrectious rhetoric. He and his supporters, including Stefanik, are the reason for the disgrace to our nation which took place against the Capitol. Her failure to speak out against,or fault Donald Trump even after the saddening display Jan. 6th further proves her unyielding support.

    We will not let her continue to make a mockery of her elected office and demand she resign for her part in attempting to upend democracy.

  • Repeal Breed Specific Legislation Statewide Wisconsin

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I am a proud Wisconsinite and I would like to think my state is pretty progressive when it comes to political issues however we far behind other states in regards to BSL.

    Since 2016 over 100 cities in the USA and Canada have repealed their bans on pitbulls. Currently 22 states have passed legislation actually banning BSL. This prevents municipalities in those states from passing or enforcing bans on dogs based solely on breed. In 2021 there are four other states with active campaigns to end BSL statewide including Michigan, Iowa, Missouri, and Kentucky. This would bring the total to 26 states.

    Research conducted on the effects of BSL has proven that it is a complete failure. We know from the data that breed bans do nothing to lower the number of serious bites, they are extremely expensive costing taxpayers millions with no proven benefits, and they are almost impossible to accurately enforce.
    No reputable animal welfare organization agrees with banning dogs based solely on breed. This is mostly due to the fact that there is no scientific proof that certain breeds are inherently more dangerous then others. Please help us end BSL statewide in WI and let good owners keep good dogs.

  • Ban conversion therapy in Wisconsin

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Conversion therapy is an unethical religious and medical practice used to change someone's sexual or gender orientation. This practice has been scientifically proven ineffective and harmful to those who receive it.

    A popular misconception about conversion therapy is that it simply allows people to express their emotions, however, the most common method of conversion therapy is physical abuse, such as the use of corporal punishment on children.

    For a long time, conversion therapy went understudied and underreported. A recent and extensive study by the International Rehabilitation Council of Torture Victims shows that in the most extreme cases of conversion therapy, people are subject to electroconvulsive therapy, aversive treatments using electric shocks, or vomit-inducing drugs, exorcism, or ritual cleansing.

    victims are 7 times more likely to suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts during and after their therapy; victims are also 8 times more likely to have PTSD and various other mental disorders.

    In Wisconsin, conversion therapy is still legal, and we hope to get this petition out to the Wisconsin state senate and house to better solidify the need for it to be banned.

  • Urge Governor Tony Evers of Wisconsin to Grant Clemency to Brendan Dassey

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Dear Governor Evers,

    Brendan Dassey has now suffered through 15+ years of wrongful incarceration and we call upon your executive power of mercy to correct this grave injustice and grant a pardon or commutation of sentence to time served and send Brendan home.

    On December 20, 2019, the Wisconsin Pardon Advisory Board denied Brendan Dassey’s clemency petition, divesting Mr. Dassey of Wisconsin’s gilded tradition of clemency. We are a unified collective of citizens and advocates who respectfully request that you reconsider this erroneous decision.

    It would be Governor Phillip La Follette who would establish and appoint Wisconsin’s first pardon board in 1935, determining the function of executive clemency and the types of cases that would be considered; among them:

    Those in which the previous history of the prisoner and his attitude in the institution indicate that he would probably be well behaved if released under supervision, but who could not be paroled under the existing statutes, and who could have his sentence reduced by the court.
    Those who probably could be safely paroled if the sentence was reduced.
    Significantly, among the principles the board were to follow include:

    Careful consideration of the judicial history of the case.
    Indubitably, Brendan Dassey would have met these fundamental pardon policies in 1935 Wisconsin.

    More recently Governor Thompson and his successor Governor McCallum issued a combined 262 pardons over a period of five years while Governor Doyle granted nearly 300 over the course of his eight years in office. A study undertaken by the National Governor’s Association in a report on state clemency warned the nation’s governors that the full investigation of each case “is essential to prevent public relations problems or political embarrassments.” To not exercise due diligence and review the Dassey petition on its merits speaks to the issues at the heart of that study.

    As the cruel hiatus of pardons came to an end under years of the Walker government, the Pardon Advisory Board was reconstituted in June 2019, yet it was May 2019 in your first TV appearance on News 3 where you stated, “It’s for people that have either served time or are already out or are in prison now that are seeking some change in their life situation – we are pretty open about that.” This statement is at odds with the board's current criteria.

    Granting clemency is the ultimate act of executive grace. The US Supreme Court considers pardons to be the “fail-safe” in the legal system and the Wisconsin Constitution Article V, Section 6, empowers you with the sole authority to pardon state criminal convictions for any offense other than treason or cases of impeachment. It is a broad discretion with the only check on your pardoning power being that of public opinion. The local, national, and global opinion supports your granting a pardon or commutation of sentence to Brendan Dassey - as does his innocence.

    Governor Evers you have clearly stated you believe in redemption, you also commented in May 2019 that, “not having hope, when you should have hope is the wrong thing for the state of Wisconsin to stand for.” As a coalition of voices united in the belief of Brendan Dassey’s innocence, we believe his wrongful conviction results from the extraction of a false confession at the hands of coercive interrogation techniques. Techniques based on unscientific and universally rejected behavior symptom analysis, and warrant a presumption of innocence he, as a 16-year-old developmentally delayed juvenile, was denied.

    In denying Brendan Dassey's plea for clemency it was stated that Mr. Dassey did not meet two of the criteria required for consideration, the current criteria are;

    Have been convicted of a felony in Wisconsin.
    Have completed your sentence at least five years ago, including jail, prison, Huber, probation, community service, parole, or supervision.
    Have not been convicted of another crime since you completed your sentence. This does not include minor traffic charges (including a misdemeanor conviction for driving with a revoked or suspending license) or crimes prior to finishing your sentence.
    Not currently be required to register as a sex offender.​
    These findings are predicated on Brendan being guilty. Brendan Dassey is innocent. Governor Evers when you review the petition on its merit you will soon conclude;

    (a) Brendan was coerced into the giving of a false confession that lacked any corroborative evidence and;

    (b) there is zero DNA or forensic evidence linking him to the supposed crime scene where the prosecution contends a sexual assault took place.

    Courage and clemency are equal virtues, and when the legal system fails to protect the innocent, the vulnerable, the developmentally delayed, the overwhelmed, the juvenile, and the misrepresented, clemency is called upon. We now call on your executive power to correct the miscarriage of justice imposed upon Brendan Dassey.

  • Rebuild The RiceLake Wisconsin Skate Park

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    throughout the years the RiceLake skate park has been Skated by local skaters. Because of this many of the ramps rails and boxes are not skateable . The skate park needs to be repaired/rebuilt in order to ensure the safety of regular skaters. Near the skate park, new houses are being built. As families move into these houses there will be an influx of children who will want to enjoy the skate park. These children could easily get hurt if these ramps are not repaired soon. These ramps have been ruined for years. as you can see in this video

    https://youtu.be/Mi8vy2D2FuY This video was uploaded four years ago. These ramps still need to be fixed and re made. If the skate park is not redone we may lose it.

    If you would like to help this cause you can simply sign this petition. if you would like to take an extra step you can follow these steps here.


  • Support Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Re: Case No. 1983-PR-125 in Milwaukee County, in the matters of Mazie Froedtert Trust and Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital Trust, created under the will of Kurtis R. Froedtert

    Please Note: Donations made through this platform do not go to LSS. If you wish to support LSS directly, please visit lsswis.org/donate.

    Dear Sir,

    I wish to join with Lutherans across Wisconsin & Michigan to offer my support that Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan (LSS) is a worthwhile recipient of any financial gift. By delivering a breadth of services through a servant-leadership model, LSS lives its mission daily: Act compassionately. Service Humbly. Lead courageously.

    LSS believes in the infinite worth of every individual. To that end, LSS programs and services are provided with compassion to people of all faiths and backgrounds, empowering them to improve their health and well-being in order to live their best lives. LSS is guided by its vision of healthy communities filled with people using their God-given gifts to serve.

    I believe that LSS, one of the largest and most experienced health and human service organizations in the Midwest, with a proven record of effectiveness and efficiency, would carry on Mr. Froedtert’s legacy in the most honorable way.

  • Replace the Namekagon River Lakeside Road Landing in Trego, Wisconsin.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We, the undersigned, demand the National Park Service fulfill their promise and replace the recently eliminated Lakeside Landing of the Namekagon River in conjunction with the 53/63 interchange project in Trego, Wisconsin with a viable, equally developed, alternative.

    This landing an extremely in-demand area for relaxation and swimming, as well as a river landing/exit for tubes, canoes, and kayaks - a natural resource legacy enjoyed by thousands of residents and visitors annually for well over 75 years. The landing is also a historical marker site and adjacently home to a NPS Namekagon River Visitor Center. In previous public meetings with citizens and the Trego Town Board, NPS verbally assured those attending that they would make sure Trego had an equal landing replacement. The existing Trego Park boat landing is NOT a viable alternative; it's located in a stagnant, reed, wild rice, and muck infested area of Trego Lake.

    The Earl Park NPS Landing to Trego section of the Namekagon River is arguably the most popular and publicly used section of the Namekagon River in NW Wisconsin, to both the general public and commercial recreation use. Without a developed general public access site in Trego, the NPS is essentially limiting river access from Earl Park Landing to County Highway K Landing, about a 10-mile section of the Namekagon, 10% of the overall length of the river, to strictly commercial and Trego Lake landowner use.

    Additionally, NPS previously assured concerned Trego citizens that the north side of the Lakeside Landing, referred to by locals as the Kaas Landing, would remain a public access picnic area and was shown in project documents as such; however, most recent revisions of the interchange project show the Kaas Landing has been quietly removed and permanently closed as well.

    Eliminating the Lakeside and Kaas landings and picnic areas without creating any replacement for general public access is not acceptable to the citizens and visitors to the Trego area that love to spend time in the beautiful Namekagon River - it is one of the greatest natural scenic experiences in the area and access is a public right.

    We call on the National Park Service to right this wrong and give us back a developed public access to the Namekagon River in Trego, Wisconsin suitable for use by the general public of all ages and recreational needs.

  • Including Transgender and Non Binary in the Wisconsin Hate Crime State Statute

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Recently there was a malicious verbal and physical attack on 2 transgender youth in my community. Even though there was orientation based slurs thrown at this young couple the DA cannot add the hate crime enhancer to the person that attacked them because of the terminology in the state statute only says sexual orientation and does not include transgender or non binary persons. Offenses like this cannot be allowed to be simply cast as battery, when it’s obvious that the defendant maliciously meant to cause harm to his victims. There’s need for hate crimes like this to be properly identified and brought to justice to bring awareness and a sense of relief for the victims and other members of the community.

    This outdated statute needs to be amended and catch up with society and be inclusive of everyone. I'm calling on our law makers to have our state statute mirror the federal statute and include gender and gender identity.