• No New Prison Construction in Vermont!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    "I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept." - Angela Davis

    What is the Problem?

    The state is currently in a feasibility study to start the construction of a new prison in Vermont. This is an investment in incarceration. We know incarceration does not address the needs of our community and disproportionately impacts the lives of poor, LGBTQ+, black & brown, disabled bodies and people who struggle with substance abuse disorder and mental health:

    Vermont DOC currently has a prison population of 1,288 people.

    Cis men: 1,196 | Cis women : 78 | Trans: 14 (VT Department of Corrections, 2020)
    Nearly one in six trans people (16%), including 21% of transgender women, have been incarcerated at some point in their lives—far higher than the rate for the general population (Survived & Punished 2012).
    Black folx makeup 9.7% of the Vermont prison population, even though they only account for 1.4% of Vermont’s overall population (US Census, 2019).

    American Indians & Alaskan Natives makeup 1.2% of the Vermont prison population, while only accounting for 0.4% of Vermont’s overall population
    Vermont is one of five states that incarcerates Black people in state prisons at a rate that is more than five times the rate of the imprisonment of whites. In Vermont, 1 in 14 Black men are imprisoned (The Sentencing Project, 2014)
    We know from national statistics that the oppressed groups listed above are disproportionately affected by the criminal legal system, however Vermont does not provide adequate statistics regarding all marginalized populations.

    Why You Should Care:

    Incarceration impacts us all. 1 in 17 children in Vermont have an incarcerated parent; meaning that approximately 6,000 children experience parental separation due to incarceration in Vermont each year (Resilience Beyond Incarceration, 2016). Our tax dollars pay $160M in Corrections annually - not including residual costs. This is an enormous cost that could be dispersed to community services that better address the needs of folx that are incarcerated. Why is it easier for the state to invest in systems that create harm than systems that prevent harm? Investing substantial funding into the construction of a new prison without any exploration into funding community services that are better equipped with addressing harm translates where the state’s values and priorities truly lay.

    Prisons are not safe and trauma-informed spaces for true healing and accountability. In Vermont, the recidivism rate is 52.5%, meaning more than half of the people incarcerated in Vermont return to prison after being released (VT DOC, 2015). This signals that our re-entry supports & services are not robust enough and that prisons do not solve the problems that entangle folx in the legal system, but perpetuates them.

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Corrections was able to release approximately half of the prison population in multiple correctional facilities throughout the state. State’s Attorneys acknowledge that there was no rise in crime during this period. We know that they were supervised under a less punitive model that favors a more holistic approach to rehabilitation. The changes made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have illustrated that different approaches are feasible in Vermont. We are doing this work and it’s working.

    The Solution:

    Reimagining our community!

    The vision for prison abolition takes perseverance to come to fruition. Prisons cannot be removed overnight and supports must be in place before we are situated to close all prisons. Abolition is about working toward that vision as a community. These are the steps we must take to transform our community and realize the vision of abolition:

    Community Education - communicate the harmful effects of incarceration and develop alternatives to incarceration through community accountability and transformative justice training.
    Redefine harm and rehabilitation - shift our priorities to address harm before it occurs, implement individualized and holistic approaches to healing, and pursue decarceration by releasing elders, primary caregivers, those incarcerated for technical violations, and criminalized survivors of domestic and sexual violence
    Center Directly Impacted Voices - take the lead of currently and formerly incarcerated people, their families, and communities who are disproportionately impacted by incarceration
    Meet Basic Needs - provide adequate housing, transportation, food assistance, health care, and employment to all, and expand mutual aid services.
    Invest in Community Supports - expand free mental health and harm reduction-based drug treatment services, create more community centers, provide short-term and long-term support services, and increase access to education and childcare.
    We want our tax dollars to nourish our communities by funding infrastructure that supports everyone in Vermont’s ability to thrive and addresses harm before it occurs, and responds to harm in holistic ways when it does.

    If you want more information about alternatives, please see our website and FAQ

    What is WJFI?

    We are an abolitionist organization that advocates for all woman, girls, trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people directly impacted by sytems of punishment & surveillance. At WJFI we are reimagining a Vermont without prisons. Our work of advocacy, education, organizing, policy work and support of our directly impacted community propels Vermont to be a state wherein all people have their basic needs met and have the ability to thrive, creating safe & vibrant communities.

    Calls to Action:

    Join the NNP — Reimagining VT campaign
    Contact Governor Phil Scott, Senators, and other local representatives and say NO to new prison construction
    Sign the No New Prisons petition
    Follow us on social media for updates and share our posts to reveal the state's plan to further invest in incarceration

    Why Abolition?

    We understand that systems designed to oppress our communities cannot be fixed. Reformist approaches assume that the system is broken, while abolition states that the system is not actually broken; it is working perfectly in the way it was designed to. The prison industrial complex is made up of interlocking systems of dominance that presume caging and control are necessary steps in responding to harm. We believe that harm is derivative of systemic failures.The good news? Abolition is about the boundless potential of our collective well-being when we invest in caring for one another. The abolitionist vision aims to dismantle society’s dependence on incarceration and pushes us to address the social issues that lead people to becoming entangled in the legal system before they occur. Abolition requires us to respond to harm in a way that continues to honor a person’s humanity & dignity above vengeance & punishment.


    The Color of Justice: Racial and Ethnic Disparity in State Prisons | The Sentencing Project)




  • Support Vermont Tourism and Oppose Residency Requirements of Short Term Rentals

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    A few people with a lot of power are proposing a new state regulation that would put the majority of short term/vacation rentals out of business. This proposal suggests making all Short Term Rentals required to be owner occupied as their primary residence. That would eliminate all second homes and condos from being able to be rented out to tourists. This would be encouraging all of these homes to sit empty instead of encouraging tourism to our state. This bill would also harm the majority of Vermont residents that host short term rentals, the “little guy”, just trying to survive in Vermont and keep their property. This will cause local Vermonters to have to sell their properties if this bill passes or considerably raise rents of long term tenants in order to break even to keep their property.

    Please pass this petition on to anyone and everyone you think will be affected, write to our local representatives, and fight to keep this bill (H.200) from going through. Also note this bill is to go through by this July, 2021!

    For those that this doesn’t affect directly in Vermont but you enjoy staying in Airbnbs, VRBO, and vacation rentals across the country think about how this will have a cascading effect across the country and ultimately wipe out these platforms and only support the large hotels and old-school Inns and B&Bs.

    There is also credible chatter on the street that the reason this is even on the docket is because wealthy-“very wealthy”- hoteliers and inn owners are lobbying like you wouldn’t believe because short term rentals have eroded their nine figure hotel businesses and they want to eliminate as many short term rentals as possible.

    In the process, they simply don’t care if it hurts Vermont tourism as a whole as long as they can pad their pockets by having more people stay in their $300 a night cookie cutter old school hotel rooms. They are masking this movement as only trying to help this “housing crisis” but rest assured the only reason this movement has real legs is because rich hoteliers are in the ears of powerful Vermont politicians only caring about themselves and in the process doing way more harm to the average property owner, the average tenant and more broadly the state as whole. Less people with more money having more organizational power and influence than more people with less money. We need to change this now.



    ***Note the last chapter of the bill***


    A person may not offer all or part of a dwelling unit as a short-term rental unless the person has occupied the dwelling unit as his or her primary residence for:

    (1) 270 days of the preceding year; or

    (2) if the person has owned or leased the dwelling unit for less than a year, more than 70 percent of the days that the person has owned or leased the dwelling unit.

  • Put Prof Aaron Kindsvatter in charge of all DEI initiatives at the University of Vermont

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Professor Aaron Kindsvatter recently blew the whistle on efforts at the University of Vermont to indoctrinate students and staff members into the secular religion of critical social justice.

    In response, the University put out a statement saying that they would continue these indoctrination efforts, admitting in the open that they are teaching students WHAT to think instead of HOW to think.

    In order to maintain an environment at a publicly funded university that is open to all points of view and perspectives, we are demanding that Aaron Kindsvatter be put in charge of UVM's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. This will allow there to be a rigorous discussion of those efforts, as well as a complete definition of the terms used, such a "harm", "diversity" and "inclusion"

    When institutions are accepting taxpayer support, they do have an obligation to ALL of the people they are serving, not just the ones who adhere to a fringe, far-left ideology that refuses to offer a basic definition of the terms they are using. Putting Professor Aaron Kindsvatter in charge will ensure those definitions are in place and that the policies serve ALL members of the UVM community.

  • Save Northern Vermont University's 2020/2021 Graduation!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Students pour their entire being into their college education, with the expectation that all their hard work will be recognized in a moment of honor.

    On 2/25/2021 President Elaine Collins of Northern Vermont University announced that the 2020/2021 commencement would be held virtually. It feels as though there is a complete lack of effort to foster an in person ceremony. The very ceremony that would celebrate the hard working students who deserve their day, there moment to walk proudly across the stage with the sun on their face and the knowing in their heart I did this! Because of the amount of open land around NVU, it is easily possible to hold a safe, socially distanced, open air graduation!

    We are a liberal arts school with such a small student body, I am calling on President Elaine Collins to not cut our successes short and try harder to make our graduation in person! The Vermont Department of Health has already expressed that they are willing to work with the University to have a successful and safe graduation for us. Might I note that this in person ceremony could be opt-in which would likely decrease the amount of attending people further. If 50,000 people can attend the Super Bowl, and the NFL made that happen, then President Collins let’s make our graduation happen IN PERSON. No virtual graduation would ever come close to walking across the stage with cap and gown. Any attempt trying to pep talk us into believing that is transparent.
    While we understand that we need to ensure the safety of all students, staff and faculty during this pandemic, all options have not been fully considered and all voices have not been heard. The classes of 2020 AND 2021 deserve more recognition than a slide show and a piece of paper.

    To President Elaine Collins and Northern Vermont University: As students we showed up for this school and took a stance for what is right when the livelihood NVU was threatened past this year. Now as administration we are calling on you to remember the importance of this decision, and the amount of students you will effect. I ask you revisit this topic with empathy, compassion, common sense, and the attitude where there is a will there is a way. I know we can find it together. Please make our commencement in person and worthwhile!

  • Legalize Side by Sides for Road Use in Vermont

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Hello, my name is Kevin Clark and I have written to the governor of Vermont and several state senators and representatives over the last 4 years with very little feedback from them so I have taken to change.org to make a petition to pass around.

    I believe that the state of Vermont should legalize “side by side” vehicles, also known as UTVs, for road use, restriction should apply to UTVs 700cc and smaller, and should not be allowed to travel the interstate highways. Last time I wrote I had compiled a list of states that allowed UTVs to become street legal, but I have since found that the list was from 2015 and consisted of 21 states that allow for street legal UTVs. That number has now grown to 28 states allowing people to make a UTV street legal.

    The process and requirements in the states that allow UTVs to be converted for road use are pretty much the same across the board and I believe they should be used to draft a bill for Vermont. Required modifications include, but are not limited to: full length hard windshield, windshield wiper/washer system, at least one rear view mirror, headlights, tail lights, brake lights, turn signals, license plate holder and light, DOT approved tires and a horn. Some of the state have requirements for seat belts which I am sure Vermont would need because of the already existing automotive seat belt laws and ALL commercially available UTVs come from factory with seat belts, the vast majority of which have a speed limiter set to 5 MPH when the drivers seat belt is not latched. All of the above required equipment is easily available through several aftermarket companies such as SuperATV and through the UTV manufacturer accessory catalog.

    I believe these machines are safer than some vehicles that are already allowed on the roads in Vermont. The Polaris Slingshot is, for all intents and purposes, a UTV with 3 wheels instead of 4, NO rollover protection AT ALL, NO windshield or wiper system and EXTREMELY limited rear sight lines using only the side mounted mirrors, you can not see over your shoulder in a slingshot. The Campagna T-Rex is another 3 wheeled vehicle that is allowed on Vermont roads. It is VERY similar to a UTV in that it has all the same controls as a UTV and has a roll cage design very similar to that of a Arctic Cat Wildcat UTV. There are SO many companies now making 3 wheeled vehicles like the Vanderhall Edison and Speedster, Morgan 3-Wheeler and the Scorpion P6 just to circumvent crash testing regulations by calling them an auto cycle. None of the vehicles have roll over protection, are very narrow in wheel width, and only have three wheels which is inherently more dangerous than a vehicle with 4 wheels. Yet, all of them are legal for Vermont roads because they fit the Vermont definition of auto cycle by having 3 wheels.

    State allowing UTVs to become street legal are classifying then as a “quadracycle” or redefining auto cycle as being a 3 OR 4 wheeled vehicle designed to be operated from a bucket seat using a steering wheel and pedals.

    As it stands right now with current Vermont laws, a motorcycle registration costs $48 and covers conventional motorcycles, three wheeled motorcycles and auto cycles (two front wheels and one rear wheel). With that $48 registration fee, a motorcycle can travel on ANY road in the state that a motor vehicle is permitted on. Currently, a UTV falls under ATV registration which costs $45. That Vermont registration means absolutely nothing right now with new VASA laws that were passed last year. New laws require ALL ATVs to be both state registered ($45) AND VASA registered ($60 for residents) if used anywhere other than your own property, including private property that the operator has written permission to be on. Previously VASA was only required when operating on VASA trails. So in total it costs $105 for people to register and use their UTVs and they are only permitted on private property with landowner consent, the VERY limited roads that select towns have opened for ATV use, and VASA trails. If all the VASA trails and all town roads open for ATV travel are combined together, it is still less miles than the trails in just Coos county, New Hampshire alone.

    Another point to make in legalizing UTVs for road use is the Vermont ATV definition. As it stands, Vermont defines a ATV as: (a) 2 or more low pressure tires under 10psi; (b) Dry weight under 2500 pounds; (c) Width both greater than 64”. This affects me personally now since I have bought a new machine in July that the dealership registered as an ATV but it does not fit ANY of the criteria for an ATV in this state. My machine came stock with tires that are recommended to be set at 25 PSI with a tire inflation decal to prove it just like a car or truck has. It currently sits on 31x10.5R15 LT truck tires. It also is just a smidge under 70” wide, it’s as long as a Chevrolet Suburban and actually has a 5” longer wheel base than a Chevrolet Suburban and it is for sure over 2500 pounds because my old machine was a 2 seat and narrower version of the same vehicle (the new one is 4 seats) and that was 2250 pounds. I had a chat with DMV today trying to see what I could do about registering it as an auto cycle since it’s fits almost all of the auto cycle definition and NONE of the ATV definition. The call ended with them telling me my machine is not legal for the state at all and they asked for my registration and license plate to be mailed back to them. Now I have a $40,000 machine that I can’t use here because it doesn’t fit in the trails, I can’t register it in the state which means I cant even use it on frozen bodies of water in winter, and I’m not allowed to drive it on the road where it would be a much safer alternative to something like a Polaris slingshot. I’m not alone in this problem either. I work for a power sports dealership and I have seen too many machines to count that technically fall outside of the states definition of ATV but it’s never questioned by DMV when the dealership sends the paperwork in.

    I really believe that a bill for legalizing UTVs is not something that is far fetched, especially since over half the states in the country have allowed it. I am not one of the people who thinks all ATVs should be allowed on road either. I feel that a good cut off point is for machines 700cc and less to be excluded because those machines can either no physically achieve a 50 mph speed or those that can are not stable enough to safely maintain that speed. All UTVs larger than 700cc are capable of safely and stably maintaining a 50 mph speed. I believe they should be restricted from using the interstate highway all together, same as in all the other states that have legalized road use of UTVs.

    I thank you for taking the time to read this and I sincerely hope we can bring about a change in Vermont that will bring us up to speed with over half of the country.

  • Demand Equitable Education Across Vermont Zip-codes.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In 2019, an educational research report by the University of Vermont and Rutgers University, commissioned by the Vermont Legislature, identified serious inequities in how resources are distributed among schools in Vermont. The Pupil Weighting Factors Report of 2019 came to the stark conclusion that children who are economically disadvantaged, children from rural areas and children who require English as a second language learning services actually cost more to educate than the State of Vermont has recognized for over 20 years. The “pupil weighting” formula used to calculate resource distribution among schools has been wrong all along and never had any empirical reasoning behind it.

    This means that the communities with those most needy populations are seriously under resourced, and that those children are not receiving the tools they need to pursue an equitable education. Vermont has a constitutional obligation to provide every child with an equitable education, regardless of zip code. Now, in 2021, it is still unclear if the legislature will act to correct these decades old inequities. The 2019 report not only identified the problem, but it offered a clear solution. It’s now up to the legislature to adopt the recommendations made in the report they commissioned, and to implement the new pupil weights this year. This cannot wait another year. Please sign this petition and tell the 2021 Vermont General Assembly to adopt the recommendations made in UVM Pupil Weighting Factors Report of 2019.

  • Allow Dirt bikes and other motorcycles on Vermont ATV Trails

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Vermont, a state known for its beauty and open areas. For generations ATV's and other 4x4's have been allowed access to Vermont's trail system, while dirt bikes and other 2-wheeled vehicles have been given the cold shoulder. The overlanding dirt bike/ enduro community has been continuously rising and is at a point where these outdoor enthusiasts should be afforded the same luxuries ATV owners are granted. There is no real rhyme or reason to why these vehicles are not on the trail. They are less destructive, quieter in some cases, and bring with them a great base of riders ready to follow the same rules and regulations all OHRV riders currently adhere to. We wish to register our bikes the same way ATV's, UTV's, and OHRV's do and pay the same fees and taxes to the state we love riding in.

  • Legalize Psychedelics for Mental Health in Vermont

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    According to multiple studies conducted by accredited universities, psychedelic compounds, such as psilocybin, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Dimethyltriptamine, and many others have been linked to treatment of addiction, depression, PTSD, and so much more! Many people are calling this a "mental health revolution" and it is time to bring about the next chapter of human well-being! They have been legalized in Oregon, as well as multiple other cities.

    Even if it was not for the potential health improvements, we believe that psychedelics are low in terms of their potential risk, and so we should have the right to use them. War on Drugs and persecution of hallucinogenic substances was a method of persecuting black and hippie demographics during the 1970s... These prohibitions are stemming from racism in America, and if you want to combat this ancient policy, then sign this petition!

    Whether you are liberal, conservative, or libertarian, we can all agree that the legalization of psychedelics will lead to a more free and healthy society!

    Let's end this senseless persecution of psychedelic usage and legalize psychedelic usage in Vermont!

    Look at these to learn more, if you are interested:



  • Stop Hound Hunting in Vermont

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Hound hunting in Vermont is a menace to Vermont residents and wildlife. Modern technology has corrupted the practice of traditional hound hunting and what remains is a barbaric practice that puts Vermont’s residents, property rights, and wildlife at risk.

    Hound hunters unleash packs of powerful, GPS-collared hounds throughout the State of Vermont. These hounds rove across the land, often ignoring property boundaries and disrupting habitats. The hounds can pursue the animals for miles until the exhausted wildlife collapses, retreats up a tree, or decides to stand its ground and fight back. Often times in these pursuits the wildlife, the hounds, and innocent bystanders (both human and animal) are placed at risk because the hunters are often miles away with only their handheld GPS tracking devices to alert them of the position of their dogs. Hound hunting regularly takes place on wildlife refuges, private lands, public lands and can often occur outside of traditional hunting seasons when done for "training" purposes.

    Stop the unnecessary and cruel practice of hound hunting in Vermont. Ask Governor Phil Scott, the Vermont General Assembly, and Fish and Wildlife Commissioner Louis Porter to take personal accountability and change Vermont's laws related to this needlessly cruel and destructive practice.

    IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Please note that this petition specifically targets hound hunting in Vermont. It does not seek to impact other methods of hunting.

  • Sanction Indiana Boys High School Volleyball

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We LOVE Volleyball!

    Volleyball helps young people develop teamwork and communication and it fosters confidence and self-esteem. Playing High School Volleyball helps students stay engaged in school, and is positively correlated with academic success and short-term and long-term health benefits.

    We believe the Indiana Athletic Association (IHSAA) should sanction Boys High School Volleyball to open more doors for boys to grow in spirit, mind, and body and help them become more involved in community and in school.

    Please support INDIANA BOYS in their desire to play for the second-most played sport in the world for their own high school under the guidance of IHSAA!

    Let's ADD BOYS VOLLEYBALL as an official Indiana High School sport in 2022!

    The Indiana Boys Volleyball Coaches Association was established in 1994 to allow the opportunity for boys in Indiana to play the fabulous sport of volleyball.During the last 28 years, while Indiana high school boys have been playing club volleyball, IBVCA has maintained its fundamental commitment to have boys play according to IHSAA rules to allow for seamless adaption into the state organization. https://www.ibvca.info

    First Point Volleyball Foundation is a national foundation dedicated to growing boys' and men's volleyball. One of our goals is getting boys high school volleyball sanctioned in all 50 states. http://www.firstpointvolleyball.com

  • Create ordinance to allow UTVs on Johnson County Iowa Secondary Roads

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The Johnson County Recreational Vehicle Association is a group of dedicated individuals who love the outdoors and want to promote the recreational activity of UTV and ATV riding in Johnson County, Iowa.

    We want to work with local officials to pass an ordinance to gain access to our county’s scenic secondary road system (not state or federal highways). Let's be clear...we're not asking to ride in Iowa City or Coralville. All counties surrounding Johnson have since passed an ordinance, so we would need a way to get from north to south, or east to west.

    The ordinance is at no cost to the county taxpayers, yet it can help boost small town businesses and keep tourism dollars within the county. In fact, several businesses have already identified they back this ordinance 100%.

    We’ve established Town Ambassadors to engage with citizens, businesses, and city councils throughout the county. This allows for direct contact with our group if issues arise. We already have the support of many small towns in our county.

    We’ve established a Safety Council to work with the local fire departments, Sheriff’s department, and Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to promote safety through sponsored young rider classes and emergency management training. We can also help the county in the event of natural disasters or other emergency situations. We already have the support of many fire departments in our county, as well as support from the DNR who would provide signage at no cost to the county for the road systems.

    Currently there are over 60 counties within the state that offer a similar ordinance. With many being in place for a few years and have been successful since their adoption. Other counties are also actively pursuing an ordinance. We would hope that the ordinance in Johnson County would be a similar set of regulations that match neighboring counties.

    The average person spends approximately $145 / day (excluding lodging) to leave the county to ride in Wisconsin. Many are also traveling to neighboring counties, who have an ordinance in place, for weekend trips.

    ATVs and UTVs must be registered through the state/county, bringing additional revenue to the county.

    I, the undersigned, am in favor of passing an ordinance in Johnson County to allow for UTVs and ATVs on the secondary roads of our county. Let's inform the Board of Supervisors of our wishes and let our voices be heard.

  • Implement the Wisconsin 348 act to Barry Johnson Act.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I want to implement the Wisconsin 348 Act making the Bill Called Barry Johnson Act . We need the police to stop investigating themselves. If Idaho State Police would not have altered, destroyed, intimidated witness, change reports to protect the brother in blue I would have got my justice 10 years ago. You know how many Officer involved deaths in the state of Idaho and was held accountable, that would be 0. They found themselves innocent of all charges. So there saying Idaho Police officers are doing everything right. The officer that are investigating other officers are with in 5 mile radius. So one county that works with them everyday on a daily basis is investigating there Brother in blue.
    This new law Implementing an outside source not Officer employed will decrease lawsuits, the bad cops would be fired and backlisted from ever being an officer again. It’s a win for the cops and it’s a win for Idahoans. It would take the pressure of the head honchos and forced to do the right thing. This will be a win for the good cops please help me get justice and change the law.

  • Demand free prison video calling in Wisconsin, powered by Ameelio.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Communication is a vital lifeline for the more than 27 million Americans with an incarcerated loved one and the 2.3 million Americans behind bars. For nearly 30 years, Americans and their families have been exploited by the $3B for-profit prison telecom industry, which charges as much as $25 per 15-minute call.

    Finally, there’s a free alternative - Connect, America’s first free prison video calling platform.

    Connect is supported by Ameelio, the only nonprofit prison telecom provider. Already supporting thousands of Americans, Connect empowers families to maintain regular contact with free video calls.

    I urge Wisconsin to adopt Connect and to enable families to stay in contact at no cost.

    Here’s why:

    71% of Americans support providing families and their incarcerated loved ones with free prison communication (Worth Rises Poll, 2019)
    Sustained communication with support systems reduces recidivism by up to 56% and improves post-release outcomes (Mitchell and McCollough, 2016)
    1 in 3 families are driven into debt due to the cost of communication (Ella Baker Center, 2015)
    We are failing our communities by supporting an industry that prioritizes profits over people.

    Support Ameelio in creating a more humane and rehabilitative corrections system in Wisconsin by adopting Connect.

    Accessible communications will significantly shrink prison populations, save taxpayers money, and lift a major financial burden off of families.

    Please advise the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (WIDOC) to adopt Connect! #ConnectAll50

  • Unjustly Jailed in Need of Mental Health Assist & Help Acquiring an Attorney to fight case

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I am Sonya Davidson mother of Vauclan Thomas (25). We are from Chicago, IL.

    On February 20, 2021, my son began experiencing his first noticeable symptoms of psychosis. He has never been previously diagnosed with mental illness or exhibited any behavior suggesting evaluation should be taken. It was 3:26pm, and my daughter was headed to her father's house because he agreed to drive her and her brother plus a couple of friends to dinner to celebrate her birthday. (It is important to note that my daughter lives with me and my son lives with their dad). Coming from her makeup appointment, she hopped in the Uber and texted her brother that she was on the way. He responded very aggressively, urging her not to come. Confused, she asked, "Why?". He claimed he could not say, but was very adamant about her going back to my house , so she changed the Uber destination and came home without further questioning.

    As she walked in the door, she informed me about his strange behavior. We both concluded something was wrong, but didn't quite know just what. I called him on FaceTime and was bombarded with more of the same aggression, along with statements that did not seem to make sense. He claimed that his dad had a son he never told them about. According to my son, that son is rapper NBA YoungBoy. (Keep in mind, this is his psychosis speaking. When in this deluded state, his mind tells him things that are not true). We call dad and catch him up to speed. He told us that upon his arrival home, the entire living room was in disarray and his glass table, completely shattered. My son was the culprit.

    At this time, Vauclan was not home. He left to rent a car because he assumed his dad would not make it back in time to take them to dinner. It was not long before my son returned. He burst into the house and pulled a gun on his dad. (Vauclan posses a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card). Although not in the same home, my daughter and I overheard everything on the phone as it took place. Thankfully, no shots were fired, and my son went outside to sit in the car for a while. I called the police, but they were too late. My son had driven off before they arrived. We tried calling and texting, but he would not answer any of us. No one knew where he was.

    The next day, February 21, my son contacts me. He had driven to Wisconsin for some reason. He asked for $100 to get a plane ticket to Canada because he believed rappers Drake and Lil Durk had one million dollars waiting on him (again, psychosis). I told him to come home, and he agreed, but never showed up.

    On February 22, at 4:08am, Vauclan was arrested in Janesville, Wisconsin. Just to be clear, he does not, nor has he ever had a criminal record. My daughter received a FaceTime call from him at 9:14am, and spoke with a detective who filled her in. Due to my son’s delusions, he believed a snow plow was out to get him, and fired at it. There was a man inside, but luckily, he was not hit by the bullet. In addition, Vauclan believed he was the reincarnation of Michael Jackson, as well as the descendant of Egyptian pharaohs. I was also informed that the vehicle my son rented was stolen from Chicago Midway International Airport. Upon further investigation and reviewing of the surveillance footage, my son didn’t actually "steal" the car. He, somehow, convinced an employee that it was his, and they simply let him have it.

    My son was evaluated to find out what the issue truly was. His toxicology report came back clean, so the psychosis is not drug induced. After further testing, we received the news that my son is experiencing symptoms of Schizophrenia. He is currently being held at a mental institution in Wisconsin, and is feeling better, although not fully back to himself. Even though my son has been deemed mentally ill and did not intend to harm the snow plow driver, he is now being charged with attempted homicide, and has been shipped to jail. My family and I need to raise money to afford an attorney to fight Vauclan's case. Any donation or even a share would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank You All,
    Sonya Davidson

  • Merrill Ice Draggers Event Ordinance Support

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND: The Merrill ice draggers, INC. (MID), is a non for profit corporation, based in Merrill, Wisconsin. For most of the past 55 years, each winter, MID has conducted automobile races on the frozen surface of Lake Alexander, at Ullmann's Bay off of the boat landing for Council Grounds State Park. These races have drawn thousands of people, consisting of participants and spectators, each year, who support and enjoy this event. These events generate significant tourism revenue for the Merrill Area each winter. MID also donates its proceeds to local charities to support the community. In order for the MID event to continue, it needs local government partner(s) which would adopt an ordinance authorizing the event as its traditional location and/or dedicating law enforcement to preserve free and open use of that location.

    ACTION PETITIONED FOR: By signing below, I hereby express my support for the Merrill Ice Draggers Event at its Traditional Lake Alexander location and encourage the Town of Merrill, City of Merrill, and Lincoln County to engage in the adoption of an ordinance permitting the event and/ or supporting the event through supply of its law enforcement as reasonably needed to keep the event safe and open for the permitted use.

  • DEMAND US Attorney General M. Garland & DOJ Launch Investigation Into Kyle Rittenhouse

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Kyle Rittenhouse a 'VIGILANTE' sole reason was to come to Kenosha Wisconsin to KILL PROTESTERS while carrying an AR-15 RIFFLE.

    Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with the MURDER of two protesters Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber and WOUNDING Gaige Grosskreutz in the Kenosha protest in response to the police involved shooting of Jacob Blake.

    The NOT-GUILTY verdict of VIGILANTE KYLE RITTENHOUSE for these murders will give liked minded VIGILANTES the approval to ATTACK & MURDER protestors and to claim it was done SELF-DEFENCE. The verdict confirms that NO ACCOUNTABILITY will be upheld and WHITE SUPREMACIST will embolden to do more harm to protesters.

  • Blu and Charlie need to be home

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    My 2 dogs got out of the house after pushing out my front window. They didn't attack or harm anyone but they have been deemed dangerous after one lunged at the community service officer. My dogs have no prior run ins with the law or the humane society. They have been locked up for over 2 weeks without any human interaction. Please help me bring my boys home where they belong. Anyone who knows me knows how much my pets mean to me.

  • Legalization of marijuana in Wisconsin

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Wisconsin is constantly shut down by our greedy republicans in office. While we watch other states thrive and embrace marijuana, we are still stuck in the dark ages, where it’s ok for an 18 year old to drink then go drive. Where it’s ok for people who smoke meth to run around with no repercussions. A state that still sends men of color to jail for up to a gram of marijuana while child molesters roam free. Money that could be used towards poor community’s, schools, roads, etc is still being turned down in office. Other states have already admitted they make money off of us because of there support for marijuana. It is time for wisconsinites to stand up and have are voices be heard. The great benefits of marijuana are speechless, helping people with chronic illnesses, helping people unwind from work, helping people who struggle socially and so many more benefits. I could almost bet that if it was legal in this state you would see the crime of other drugs dropped drastically. Have kids who are addicted to pills at 16 because they are easier to find and get unlike marijuana. THIS IS THE PUSH, THIS IS WHAT WISCONSIN NEEDS TO BUILD A BETTER GREENER FUTURE!!!!!!!

  • Policy makers and Court system to Increase the penalties for Reckless Drivers

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Their is an epidemic in Milwaukee County when it comes to Reckless Driving in the year of 2021. Youth and young adults laugh at the current penalties in the State of Wisconsin.

    The consequences of a Wisconsin reckless driving conviction depend on the circumstances. But generally, the possible penalties are:

    First offense. A first reckless driving conviction carries $25 to $200 in fines.

    Repeat offense. For a second or subsequent reckless driving conviction within a four-year period, the driver faces up to a year in jail and/or $50 to $500 in fines.
    Offenses involving minor injuries. Reckless driving offenders who cause minor injury to another person are looking at $300 to $2,000 in fines and the possibility of 30 days to a year in jail.

    Offenses involving serious injuries. A reckless driving offender who causes "great bodily harm" to another person can be convicted of a class I felony. A conviction carries up to three-and-a-half years in prison and/or a maximum of $10,000 in fines. The motorist's driver's license will also be suspended for up to a year.

    A reckless driving conviction adds six demerit points to the motorist's driving record. Accumulating 12 or more points within a 12-month period leads to license suspension.

    When a driver is under 18, they can be charged as an adult and face the same penalties as an older driver. However, most cases will go through a process in juvenile court known as a petition of delinquency.

    If a teen driver is found delinquent, the judge can choose a number of different punishments. A teen might be sentenced to:

    Community service hours


    Participation in a rehabilitation or treatment program

    Fine or restitution of damages

    Driver’s license suspension or delay in ability to get a full driver’s license

    Confinement to a juvenile detention center

    We need to set the example THAT WE WILL NOT SIT-BACK AND ALLOW THIS TO CONTINUE!!!

    Parents NEED to be Liable for Teen’s Car Accidents in Wisconsin

    In Wisconsin, teens need to be sponsored by an adult to get a learner’s permit and then a driver’s license at the age of 16, unless the teen lives on his or her own. The sponsorship, usually by one or both parents or guardian(s), also makes the sponsor(s) responsible if the teenager causes a car accident.

    Under Wisconsin law (Wis. Stat. § 343.15), parents who sign their child’s driver’s license application assume joint and several liability for the child’s negligent or willful misconduct in operating a motor vehicle. “Joint and several liability” refers to multiple parties (teen and parent) being held liable for the same event or act.