• Demand Wisconsin keep better and fairer DMV driving records NOW!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Per Wisconsin state statute s. 346.70,(1) If you're in a motor vehicle crash with $1000 or more in damage to any person's vehicle or property, regardless of who's at fault it will appear on all drivers involved records for four years. This will raise your insurance rate as well as have a negative effect of you doing any driving jobs for many companies including ride share and food delivery companies. This law must be changed. It's totally unfair to the good drivers that follow all traffic laws to get hit by a drunk driver or someone texting on a phone and have to pay in the long run. If you have a vehicle that might be in great shape but has high mileage and you don't have gap insurance, you could potentially have your vehicle totalled by the insurance company and they will only pay the fair market value and take your car for salvage. This bogus law needs to be changed now. Please sign this petition addressed to our Wisconsin lawmakers.

  • Revoke UWEC Support for TPUSA Chapter

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We are calling on the university administration to revoke their support for the newly-formed UWEC chapter of Turning Point USA on the grounds that the organization has officially documented connections to white supremacy. In their article on the group (https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounders/turning-point-usa), the Anti-Defamation league reports:

    White supremacy among leadership, including video documentation of chapter presidents chanting, "white power."
    Public defense of Hitler by communications director, Candace Owens.
    Frequent white supremacist presence at public events.
    Generally positive support from right-wing extremists, as well as support from "anti-Muslim bigots and alt lite activists, and from some corners of the white supremacist alt right."
    On these grounds, we expect the university to revoke their connections to TPUSA. The group must no longer be endorsed by the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and all privileges afforded by this endorsement must be rescinded. TPUSA must not be allowed to use university spaces, funding, or any other resources.

    The university publicly claims to be committed to "...[making] our university community more equitable, diverse and inclusive." By offering institutional support for TPUSA, and by proxy, the white supremacy to which it is connected, the University has failed tremendously in this commitment.


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    THE WISCONSIN GOP does not like the results of the FREE AND FAIR 2020 Presidential Election, so they continue to challenge and question THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, by conducting a TAXPAYER FUNDED FRAUDIT that calls into question, legitimate votes, leading to the potential damage to our voting machines.

    STOP THIS INSANITY NOW! WISCONSIN VOTERS DEMAND IT! We will not allow you to continue to propagate THE BIG LIE.

    WE WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO USE OUR TAX MONEY FOR THIS FARCE. We want our tax dollars spent to assist the people in Wisconsin. DO NOT PUT OUR STATE THROUGH A SHAM FRAUDIT. The election is OVER. It's time to MOVE ON!

    WE WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO DAMAGE VOTING MACHINES PAID FOR BY OUR TAX DOLLARS then necessitate more tax money to pay for your negligence. THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU WERE ELECTED TO DO! Do your jobs and serve the people of Wisconsin and not a twice impeached former president. STOP DESTROYING THE STATE OF WISCONSIN AND OUR COUNTRY!

  • Save the Gray Wolves From Being Slaughtered up North! They Need to be on endangered list!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Wolves across the US are again being persecuted under state management. The State of Idaho has adopted legislation that allows for the killing of 90% of the wolves statewide including newborn pups and nursing mothers in their dens. The State of Montana has adopted a bounty system similar to the one that led to the eradication of wolves from the West. The State of Wisconsin opened a hunting season without adequate regulations in place and hundreds of wolves were destroyed within days. Wolves need to regain the protection of the Endangered Species Act NOW! Please take action to restore vital protections to prevent the eradication of wolves from states that are unable or unwilling to manage wolves responsibly.


    So help me , help the wolves , and sign this Petetion to make a difference!

  • Remove known sexual offender from Cudahy Wisconsin

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Mario A. Gartmann, a 47-year-old sex offender is moving into the Cudahy area. Not only is he moving into an area full of children, but he has 1st & 2nd-degree sexual assault charges against minors under the age of 13. He is moving relatively close to both an Elementary school and a Highschool. If you'd like to check for yourself, his potential address is 2929 East Holmes Ave 53110 Cudahy Wisconsin.
    Plenty of children/toddlers have been living here for years, and their safety is under concern. Parents don't want to let their children outside because of the Cudahy police station postings. We believe that this man should not be moving so close to children since his charges are so unforgiving.

  • Save the TB Scott Mansion

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    It has come to our attention that the TB Scott Mansion is in dire need of saving. Ascension is eager to tear down this beautiful old building to meet its agendas. With the building gone, the history of Merrill would be erased for generations to come. TB Scott was a pioneer of the lumber industry who built and has done many courageous things for Merrill's past. He's donated countless funds to fund our local library so people can have a place to read, learn and grow. He had also donated generously for the city to build and grow into what it is today. T.B Scott was the first mayor of Merrill and had spent 5 terms in office as State Senator. To let this beautiful house be torn down would be hurtful to so many who choose Merrill as its home. Once our history is gone, we will never get it back. Please honor TB Scott and all of the good he has done for the city by preserving and saving the TB Scott Mansion for all generations to see. Without this man, Merrill would have never grown into the great city it is today. Please help save the mansion and let's get it on the list of the historical sites so we can show our children the great things TB has done for us. Other than a few houses, this is the only significant landmark the city has.

  • Stop Pig Wrestling at Wild West Days in Viroqua, WI

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The Viroqua Wild West Days in Viroqua, Wisconsin is a beloved tradition in rural Wisconsin and is advertised as, "Where Old West Meets The New." The community comes together to enjoy old time barbers, reenactors, a wild west saloon, street performers, games for kids, and food vendors. Unfortunately, this tradition is not fun for everyone. The infamous "Hog Wrestling" event is inhumane and cruel to animals, which violates Wisconsin's animal cruelty laws. Chapter 951 of Wisconsin state law reads, "No person may treat any animal, whether belonging to the person or another, in a cruel manner."

    This August 21, 2021 event entails teams chasing a pig around a small muddy pit, ultimately trying to stuff them into a barrel before their time runs out. While the crowd cheers on with excitement, the terrified pigs struggle desperately to get away from the manhandling and assault they will endure if they are caught. It is clear that the pigs do not want to participate. Billed as a "family friendly" event, it perpetuates the idea that it is okay to harm other animals for the purposes of entertainment. Pigs are sensitive, complex, and loving creatures who deserve to be treated with respect.

    This type of event has been cancelled across the country after community calls for treating animals with dignity have been honored. A few examples, including two in Wisconsin, can be found below:

    Delaware County, Indiana

    Stoughton, Wisconsin

    Warwick County, Indiana

    Stephenville, Wisconsin

    A similar petition directed at this specific event, put together in 2016 by the Alliance for Animals, gathered 119,272 signatures of support. We are again asking the Viroqua Wild West Days, please cancel your planned pig wrestling contest.

    Join a group of concerned community members in calling on Viroqua Wild West Days to cancel this cruel event and replace it with a humane alternative activity. Please sign this petition and share it with others.

  • Stop forcing innocent property owners to pay to clean up pollution they did not cause.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I am being forced to pay for investigating and remediating contamination caused by a dry cleaning operation that operated at 351 Russell Street, Madison, Wisconsin during the 60's and 70's. I was not told about the possibility of pollution when I bought the converted residential property in 1987. I lived there for 17 years before moving and turning the property into a residential rental.

    In 2015, the DNR asked to drill through my foundation to test for contamination. The DNR representative led me to believe if they found something they would pursue the original polluters but when the results came back I was immediately named the "responsible party" and told I was liable for all further costs for investigating and remediating the site. This has already cost me more than I originally paid for the property and I am told could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars more. I am a semi retired musician living on a pension and social security. The DNR's demands are unreasonable and there is no cap on what they might demand.

    Bipartisan supported innocent buyer protection legislation was introduced in both the Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly in 2017 but was never voted on due to objections that such legislation would need a funding element.. Many states and the federal government have protections for people who unknowingly obtained contaminated property if they exercised due diligence when purchasing the property. Wisconsin does not.

    After 34 years of being a good citizen and paying my taxes I am facing financial ruin for something I in no way contributed to while other former dry cleaning sites face no demands simply because they did not respond to the DNR's initial request for testing. Those sites continue to change ownership with no mention of any contamination issues on the listings while I not only can not sell my property, I can't give it away without still being liable for the cleanup.


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In 45 days, the stature of limits runs out. For Five-years, ten months, and 2 weeks, we have been on the streets with peaceful protests. I am a disabled military veteran. Honorably discharged from service. When we wear a military or police uniform, we do so in service of the people. There is no honor when that uniform is used to hide the wrongness of the officer's actions. Mike Koval was chief of police when officer Matt Kenny fatally shot Terrell, my grandson, aka Tony Terrell Robinson jr., on March 6, 2015. In an email, Koval told the lead investigator to find justification for the shooting. The lead told Koval in a return email. He did not want to talk to Kenny then. This was before the investigation even began. Of course, Kenny was then cleared by the lead investigator of any wrongdoing. Kenny lied to justify his actions in his official Wisconsin Division Of Criminal Investigation statement on Dec 9, 2015, 3 days after the killing. He recanted that statement. There is no honor in a lie. THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN A LIE. We have fought for almost six years for the truth to be seen; It has not. It has been ignored, by mainstream media, the city of Madison, the ex-mayor, and the ex-chief of police, the DA himself. 2020 might have been a hard year, but it was also an eye-opener. Since the explosion of protests over George Floyd, my grandson's name and face has resonated through the city of Madison Wi. JUSTICE FOR TONY. Now Madison and the world are waking up. Now they see the violence and injustice in their own backyards.

    We have the evidence. We have the proof. We need your support. We will file a criminal complaint under Wisconsin statue 968.02 (3) and ask for a reopening of the case based on perjury. If the officer lied, then his statement is no longer valid, and therefore the justification is no longer valid. The DA used the officer's statement as a major reason to justify because none of the forensic evidence supported any of Kenny's statement. We are asking for his immediate dismissal and to reopen the case and charge Matt Kenny. Let a jury of 12 of his peers decide his fate based on Facts, Forensics, and Evidence. Not made-up stories and lies.

    We ask for 10,000 signatures in 5 weeks to accompany the criminal complaint being filed. This petition will bring closure to our families who feel the pain of his death with no healing. It will bring closure to a city that needs to hear the truth and see how they can move forward from systematic racism; change the world by changing themselves.. The City of Madison and Matt Kenny ask the courts to throw out the case. This is an excerpt from the honorable James Peterson District Judge's answer to that request.

    IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF WISCONSIN THE ESTATE OF TONY ROBINSON, JR., ex rel. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE ANDREA IRWIN, Plaintiff, v. THE CITY OF MADISON, WISCONSIN, and MATTHEW KENNY, Defendants. OPINION & ORDER 15-cv-502-jdp On March 6, 2015, Matthew Kenny, a Madison police officer, was sent to a residential address on Madison’s east side to check on Tony Robinson after several 911 calls had reported Robinson’s erratic behavior. Less than a minute after
    Kenny arrived, he shot and killed Robinson in the stairwell of the residence. Kenny was cleared by an internal investigation by the Madison Police Department, which determined that the shooting did not violate department policies concerning the use of force. The district attorney declined to bring criminal charges against Kenny. Robinson’s mother, Andrea Irwin, brings this civil lawsuit under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 n her capacity as the personal representative of Robinson’s estate. Plaintiff alleges that Kenny violated Robinson’s rights under the Fourth Amendment by using objectively unreasonable force against him. Kenny contends that his use of force was reasonable because he believed that Robinson was assaulting someone, and that when he entered the building to investigate, Robinson attacked him. Plaintiff alleges that the City of Madison is also responsible for Robinson’s death because the police department conducts shoddy investigations that do not Case: 3:15-cv-00502-jdp Document #: 236 Filed: 02/13/17 Page 1 of 54 2 hold officers accountable for shootings, thus encouraging officers to use deadly force with impunity. Both Kenny and the City have moved for summary judgment, Dkt. 43 and Dkt. 47, contending that the material facts are undisputed and that plaintiff’s claims must fail as a matter of legal principle. The parties have also filed a number of motions asking the court to exclude some of the other side’s expert evidence. Dkt. 56; Dkt. 58; Dkt. 59; Dkt. 60; Dkt. 80; Dkt. 81; Dkt. 103; Dkt. 104; Dkt. 114; Dkt. 115. Expert evidence is critical to this case, because Kenny is the only remaining witness to what happened in the stairwell. Both sides rely on expert interpretation of the physical evidence to confirm or
    contradict Kenny’s version of the events. Under Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 U.S.579 (1993), the court must serve as a gatekeeper and decide whether the proffered expert evidence is reliable and relevant enough to be admitted. So, before considering the motions for summary judgment, the court must decide what evidence it will allow in the case. As explained in this opinion, some of the opinions of the experts are too speculative to be admitted and some are legal conclusions that the court will disregard because those are matters for the court or the jury to decide. But, for the most part, the court concludes that the parties’ expert evidence is admissible. And, based on this evidence, what happened in the stairwell on March 6, 2015, is sharply and genuinely disputed. Thus the court must deny Kenny’s motion for summary judgment. Whether Kenny’s use of force was objectively unreasonable is an issue that must be resolved at trial.


  • Save Wild Spirits and the orphan wild animals

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Wild Spirits wildlife rehabilitation facility of polk county wisconsin has been suspended by the DNR and we are appealing the DNR's ruling and are in need of the public's help. Wild Spirits rehabs wild animals from Bears to birds and everything in-between. The rehab facility is funded thru donations and out of pocket by Tamara. We do not have enough rehabbers in WI so to loose one will take it's tole on other rehabbers and the critters. We take pride in caring for each and every critter that is brought to us and caring for it 100 percent. We have answered the public's needs and the DNRs call every call 24 hours a day 7 days a week since 2012. We have rehabbed 100s of critters and returned them back into the wild successfully.

    Please take the time and sign our on line petition and help save the critters. Thank you

  • Let ALL Virginia Beach athletes play! Equity Now!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On Monday, January 4, 2021 the office of VBCPS sent out a message stating Winter Sports would be played. There was a collective cheer...UNTIL you read the fine print from the Office of Student Leadership (OSL).

    Only the OSL in Virginia Beach implemented additional guidelines that differed from those for the Virginia High School League saying, "Beach District athletes MAY NOT participate on non-school teams during their season. Doing so places their teammates, coaches and other Beach teams in greater jeopardy of exposure. This policy is in place until further notice."

    So, only Virginia Beach is under this prohibition. Where is the science behind this??

    This policy needs to be changed immediately because:

    - Our Virginia Beach athletes are no different from those in neighboring communities and are not putting anyone at more risk than our neighbor athletes.

    - Virginia Beach is the ONLY city with this rule. Other athletes in other cities in the area do not have to choose between playing for their high school and playing for their club.

    - Many students work outside of the home, eat at restaurants, volunteer, and visit with friends and family, yet they are not under these same restrictions. Are those activities more safe than playing a club sport outside of high school?

    - A study from the University of Wisconsin of Medicine and Public Health reported that its state's high school sports have not caused an increase in COVID-19 infections among athletes.

    It is time to stop making arbitrary rules not based on science that punish students only in Virginia Beach. Allow our Virginia Beach children to play for their high school AND still pursue their passions on their club teams because other districts have found it safe. It is safe for us, too.

    To all VB parents and others who agree, sign this petition and let our school board know that this kind of discrimination with no scientific basis is not acceptable.

  • Sobriety Checkpoints in Wisconsin

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I request that the Wisconsin State Government legalizes sobriety checkpoints. Sobriety checkpoints are when law enforcement officers appraise drivers for alcohol levels and checking if they are sober enough to drive. This is in fact constitutional because The Supreme Court in Michigan v . Sitz ruled by saying, ¨The small inconvenience that drivers face is overwhelmed by a compelling state interest in saving lives.¨ When we have sobriety checkpoints, crashes actually go down significantly. If we have them, alcohol related crashes and fatalities go down by 28 percent. Sates like Wyoming has sobriety checkpoints illegal and the state is the number 1 ranked for the worst when it comes to drunk driving. You might think that it could be more costly if we have these, but when it comes to sobriety checkpoints, it will actually be cheaper. Mothers Against Drunk Driving stated, ¨One study found that there was an average cost savings of 50,000 dollars per checkpoint, including over 3,000 dollars in medical bills. Others have found that checkpoints save between six and 23 dollars for every dollar invested.¨ This is a big money saver right here because the annual cost of drunk driving related crashes to society is over 130 billion dollars. So please think about it, just imagine if you were in someone else´s shoes. Imagine on your way home from work and finding out that one of your family members died because of a drunk driver. It would be devastating. Every 2 minutes someone is injured in a alcohol related crash and every 51 minutes someone dies in a alcohol related crash. I hope you put this into consideration.




  • Approve Wisconsin Law To Require Dog Behavioral Assessments Before Adoption/Sale

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I have decided to create this petition to create a faster and efficient process in creating a law that makes licensed dog sellers responsible in performing a behavioral evaluation on dogs.

    I volunteered at an animal rescue shelter where I evaluated dogs based on the SAFER® behavioral evaluation tool as a way to indicate a dogs behavior before placing them for adoption. This method has been designed and approved by the ASPCA as a valid resource to identify future aggression and other behavioral traits that may not be as easily diagnosed during the dogs day to day interactions. This type of behavioral assessments would indicate how a dog reacts to certain situations such as food behavior, how they act when being squeezed, and how they behave with other animals. These methods would also give us a good idea on whether or not a dog would be comfortable in an environment with small children. If a dog is to fail these assessments, the shelter/seller would be responsible in providing follow-up training to improve dogs behavior before placing dog up for adoption.

    The animal rescue shelter that I volunteered for was in discussion of removing the behavioral assessments. After doing them myself and seeing how successful this program is, I tried my absolute hardest on reaching out to other organizations to see if this could be prevented. I learned real quickly that there is no law protecting animals from being placed for sale/adoption without behavioral assessments.

    Right now in Wisconsin, any licensed rescue shelter & dog seller can sell a dog and is "encouraged" for them to assess their behavioral traits but this isn't required. This law also encourages consumers to have their best judgement. However, using your "best judgement" can only go so far when you aren't provided the most correct information about an animal's behavior before purchase. If no assessments are placed, this choice can lead to dangerous circumstances from a small injury to death.

    In Wisconsin our statutory laws are created by the legislative branch of our state’s government. In order for there to be a law requiring behavioral assessments, the state legislature would need to change the current dog seller’s law to add this as a requirement.

    I'm asking for your support in signing this petition. If approved, this assessment would follow the same procedure as the ASPCA's SAFER® test and would be required to be completed before a dog is placed up for sale/adoption.

  • I wish we had a skatepark in this area, there is nothing in menomonee falls Wisconsin

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I live in menomonee falls Wisconsin. There is a lot of skaters there and not much to skate unless you go like 20 minutes away. And if we try to skate most places we get kicked out really fast because of liability. We understand the problem but we just want to have fun.

    so if there was a skatepark or a little something to skate in the town we wouldn’t have to worry about getting kicked out. Please help us make a skate park in menomonee Falls, Wisconsin.

    Nobody would have to worry and no more property would get messed up anymore or atleast much less if we had a skatepark versus having to skate other people’s property and getting in trouble by owners and the cops around our area

  • Saving the North American Grey Wolf

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On January 4th 2021 President Trump removed the grey wolf from the endangered species act. Since then they are being decimated by trophy hunters. In Wisconsin they recently had a hunt that was suppose to last a week, within two days they were way over that limit. In Montana, governor Giantforte trapped a Yellowstone collared wolf and after letting it suffer days he shot him, there were no consequences, Montana wants to have year round hunting. If they are not placed back onto the endangered species act....they will be hunted into extinction.
    Wolves are Apex predators and without them the ecosystem will not function properly. Wolves take out elderly and sick deers which in turn keep the sickness from spreading throughout the herd. The Yellowstone study proves it. There are other studies worth looking at, there are over 560 scientist who have put forth a study on wolves and prove that wolves are extremely intelligent, sentient, they mate for life and love their children just like we love ours. They live in packs to which they are extremely loyal. Each wolf has a job and the Alpha looks after the pack.

    I have always loved wolves but I had a personal experience that made their survival important for me. I had a photo shoot up north and a table fell on my foot, it hurt but I finished the job and decided to go in the forest . It was raining but I didn’t care, I saw a lone wolf, not wanting to scare the wolf, I sat down quietly, so did the wolf, I didn’t approach but waited hoping it would approach me, she took two hours to come over and I was soaking wet by then. She did something incredible, she gently started to clean my cold wet arms and my face, I stroked her chest and we sat there together. I’ll never forget that day. So I can also say that this is personal to me, I don’t want to see them extinct, they are magnificent and a symbol of all the beauty of being wild & free.

    Please sign if you care about wolves and care about nature. Thanks

  • Investigate/Consider removal of Bo Boroski from his position as a Big Ten official

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Michigan and Michigan State fans don't often agree on anything. During an intense rivalry game that will likely determine these teams' fates, these two fanbases aren't torn, they're connected.

    The game has been tough to watch as a Spartan fan, but Michigan fans are not happy with the game either despite a double digit lead. Bo Boroski has taken the entertainment value away from college basketball. His officiating is consistently the worst in professional sports and it's not even close.

    Neither team has been able to get into a rhythm, but more importantly, the calls made in this game are taking away from the game of basketball. Any contact whatsoever is called a foul, creating an environment where players are afraid to get close to the basket - the place that they need to be in able to score the ball.

    We don't need perfect officiating, but we'd like to watch a game and complain about the poor performance of the players that we're a fan of. Watching a game that feels hopeless because of the way it is being officiating is not fun for anybody.

    Bo Boroski should not be in his position. He is not qualified to do his job and has proven with consistency that it could be done better by anybody with a baseline knowledge of the game.

    He has changed the outcome of more than a handful of games this year alone. He takes the power from college athletes and puts it in his own hands.

    This can be exemplified by looking at Wisconsin basketball's 2-8 record with Bo Boroski as an official. Without him officiating, they're 14-3. Michigan State is now 1-5 with him as an official and 14-6 without him. These games haven't been close either, as the Spartans' last four losses with Bo Boroski controlling the game have resulted in double digit deficits.

    Two of these were 30-point losses, both among the worst in the Izzo era. These are not coincidences; his officiating dooms certain teams from the start.

    Bo is taking power away from the student athletes that work hard every day for success. He's not just ruining it for the athletes though - it's bad for the conference. Bo's officiating is causing the Big Ten teams that got this conference into the spotlight to struggle.

    We do not ask much, only that justice is done. We want Big Ten basketball back.

  • Wisconsin DHS: Drop your contract with J&B Medical

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    To the Wisconsin Department of Health Services-Division of Medicaid Services: Drop your contract with J&B Medical in Wixom, Michigan. Wisconsinites with disabilities, their families and caregivers deserve better!

    Enough is enough. J&B Medical does not provide the level of respect, customer service, and care that consumers need and deserve. Wisconsinites with disabilities are being forced to rely on an unreliable company to get their medical supply needs met. Consumers are going without their necessary medical supplies, or are delayed in getting them, due to the incompetence and extremely poor customer service being provided by J&B. When customer service issues are successfully resolved, it is often after days or even weeks of phone calls. In some cases, consumers have given up on getting their issue resolved. Consumers frequently report being hung up on, disconnected, spoken to in an abusive manner, or flat out lied to by employees at J&B. This is simply unacceptable. Currently, J&B Medical has a 1.9 star review (of 5 stars) on Google reviews, of a total of 682 reviews. This should be telling.

    We are asking that Wisconsin Medicaid terminate their contract with J&B Medical, and instead contract with a medical supplier that will meet consumers' needs and expectations for service. People with disabilities and their families and caregivers deserve to have their voices heard, and to have a say in the services that are being provided to us and to our loved ones.

  • End Mandatory COVID Testing in the University of Wisconsin System Universities

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The University of Wisconsin Education System has implemented mandatory weekly COVID tests for all students on their respective campuses. These mandatory medical tests for otherwise healthy students are an attack on students' personal choices and freedoms when it comes to their health.

    Students have the right to take care of their own health as they see fit and need not be mandated to take a medical test weekly that they did not knowingly consent to beforehand. Students should have the freedom to make their own decisions regarding their own personal health, no matter whether their individual decisions are a detriment to their own health or not.

    The COVID-19 pandemic is most certainly a serious issue for the world, but no governing body may trample on an individual's rights even during a time of crisis. No institution may force individuals to go through any medical procedure that they do not willingly want to go through. Testing should be encouraged, but mandatory forceful testing under the unknowable and therefore unlimited threat of punishment not layed out within their policy is unethical.

    We demand that the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents immediately abolishes unethical COVID testing policy titled "UW System Administrative Policy 600-01: Interim: Spring Semester 2021 COVID-19 Testing Requirements" it has forced upon their students.