• Get Illinois High School Boys Lacrosse a State Title

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    This year, the Illinois Department of Health and the IHSA have stated that High School Boys Lacrosse will not have a state tournament. After losing out on half of the season this year, and the entire season last year, these teams deserve the right to compete for the state title. The players and coaches believe that the playing of these few lacrosse games, will not have an impact on Covid-19 cases in the state and have put in countless hours working on and off the field in order to have the opportunity to play for this title. We are calling on the IHSA, the IDPH, and those who have the power to change this decision to do so, to give these players, the game that they rightfully deserve.

  • Please Pass HB 3401 Before Adjournment; Illinois Families Have Waited Too Long Already

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Dear President Harmon and Deputy Majority Leader Emil Jones III,

    We are the co-founders of Holistic Birth Collective, a community-based consumer advocacy organization working to reduce perinatal health disparities here in Illinois. We write to make you aware of the crippling effect the General Assembly’s failure to pass HB 3401 before adjournment will have on Illinois’s ability to capitalize on the unprecedented opportunities federal initiatives are providing us to advance racial equity in perinatal health.

    In recent years, Illinois has been a leader in collecting excellent data on maternal mortality and morbidity statewide. As a result, this state has the benefit of knowing exactly what the problem is that is killing an unacceptable number of Black mothers and babies each year: ineffective perinatal health care. We offer this illustrative example from a former resident of the 39th district. In March 2015, Paula Mills Green was seven months pregnant with her second child, a daughter to be named Felicia. Paula had been receiving regular prenatal care from an outpatient clinic and had been advised to monitor her blood pressure closely. One afternoon, Paula’s father determined that Paula’s blood pressure constituted a medical emergency and called 911.

    Paramedics transported Paula and unborn daughter to the Emergency Department of West Suburban Medical Center. Paramedics waited in the ED with Paula for about 90 minutes until they had to leave to respond to another call. Paramedics assured Paula she would be admitted soon and Paula was reassured that her daughter was okay because she could feel strong fetal movements.

    Unfortunately, another four and a half hours passed while Paula was left without appropriate medical treatment. She began hemorrhaging onto the floor of the hospital and it was then that staff determined she warranted attention. Paula was then rushed to the OR for an emergency cesarean delivery only to learn that her daughter was stillborn. This tragedy in your district could have been prevented through timely medical attention from home-visiting midwives as first-line responders who have been well-integrated into the facility-based care system.

    Paula’s case should not be dismissed as an isolated incident. The more recent unnecessary death of Lolita Davis and her unborn child in the ED waiting room of Roseland Community Hospital this past May suggests that the pandemic has only made the bureaucratic gaps and inefficiencies in perinatal healthcare worse for the most underserved families in Cook County. As mothers, we are no strangers to institutions demonstrating their disrespect of our time by subjecting us to unreasonably long waiting periods. In the case of Paula Mills Green’s daughter, Lolita Davis and her baby, and many others this disrespect proved fatal. Illinois mothers have been asked to wait for more than three decades to regain access to licensed community-based midwives. We ask you to put our safety first and not ask us to wait any longer.

    For the General Assembly to fail to achieve licensure for Certified Professional Midwives before adjournment this session, in spite of sponsorship for 39 out of 59 Senate members will send a very clear message to the stakeholders best positioned to lead Illinois’s perinatal healthcare industry into the next decade: Illinois is not the place to advance industry and they are wise to relocate to more forward-thinking states such as Wisconsin and Indiana.

    Illinois’s failure to join the other 36 states who license and regulate CPMs will result in the direction of billions of dollars in forthcoming federal HRSA grants and private venture capital intended to grow this nation’s workforce of Black Certified Professional Midwives over the next five years. This is a mistake that will come at a huge financial cost to Illinois taxpayers and an unacceptable human cost among families of color.

    Illinois has several Black-serving institutions, most especially Malcolm X Community College, that could be the front-runner for perinatal workforce development grants that HRSA will be designating for Black-serving institutions. The priority of these programs is to create jobs that benefit public health and do not relegate Black Americans to under-paid health auxiliary roles. The licensed CPMs will be a groundbreaking addition to the Illinois healthcare workforce as it is a credential for which students can adequately prepare through an associate’s degree program and then go on to provide 87% of all reproductive health needs among Illinois’s pregnant-capable population. And because this emerging industry is specifically trained to work beyond the four walls of traditional healthcare facilities, they are uniquely positioned to pilot alternative payment models in maternal care and move beyond calcified processes that typify our current healthcare system.

    We urge Senate leadership to not mistake pusillanimity for prudence. To delay the passage of HB 3401: The Midwife Practice Act by another six months will have an adverse impact on successful implementation of HB 3084: The Consumer Choice in Maternal Care for African- American Mothers Pilot Program. Our first and primary goal must be stopping the senseless loss of Black maternal lives here in Illinois.


    Star August and Callan Jaress

    Holistic Birth Collective NFP

  • Justice For Pravin!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Pravin Varughese was an Indian American college student attending Southern Illinois University in 2014 when he went missing. His body was found days later in a wooded area off of Route 13 in Carbondale. His body was covered in bruises and scratches, he looked as if he had been beaten up and left for dead, but local law enforcement reported that there was no foul play suspected, and that Pravin had been drunk when he ran into the woods, got lost, and then died from hypothermia. The police questioned a young man named Gaege Bethune who admitted to having been the last person to see Pravin alive, he also admitted to hitting him in the face. Gaege was never arrested, or considered a person of interest in this case, even though he lied to Carbondale police about multiple things, and changed his story several times. Gaege Bethune was found guilty of murdering Pravin in 2018, but a judge later vacated his sentence due to a "syntax error". We are asking for help from those who have the power to do so. We would like to see the jury's guilty verdict stand, because that is how our justice system is supposed to work. The Varughese family has experienced nothing but gaslighting and roadblocks from day one.

  • Update Current Illinois Animal Welfare Laws

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    A few days ago I called Macon County Animal Control to help me with the matter of dogs being left in sub zero temperatures. Unfortunately there was nothing they could do because of how the law reads in Illinois. As long as these animals had hay, shelter, and a water source they could be kept outside no matter the weather. Let me repeat that. As long as they had a small shelter with hay and a water source they could be kept outside. What if it was 35 degrees below zero or 115 degrees? We need to do more and to update the law that is currently on the books in the state of Illinois. Do not tie the hands of our Animal Control Wardens and Law Enforcement Officers by being vague in the language of the current law.

    I have already reached out to multiple lawmakers in Illinois. At this time only one has gotten back to me. There is a law on the books concerning animal cruelty and animal welfare. However the interpretation of that law is what is causing animals to be allowed to be left outside in freezing temperatures and excessive heat.

    I believe if a dog or cat is to be left outside. They should be kept in a heated garage or heated barn. Not a small dog house or left to fend for themselves. These pets are supposed to be treated as members of your family. This is not a political issue. It is a question of conscience. To the leaders of Illinois. Will we see your morals, or will we see more of the same, in action.

  • Control the Feral Cat Population in Henry, Illinois

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    If you would like to help control the feral cat population in Henry, please consider making a donation to help cover the cost of neutering and vaccinating them. The more money we raise, the more cats we can help!


    The feral cat population in Henry, Illinois is growing rapidly. By signing this petition, you are showing your support in the use of a TNR program to help control the feral cat population in our small town.

    Feral cats are defined as an "un-owned domestic cat that lives outdoors and avoids human contact."

    It is estimated that TENS of MILLION of feral and stray cats freely roam the streets of the United States and breed rapidly.

    Doing nothing and using ineffective approaches are what have resulted in the current overpopulation problem. Trying to rescue all of the feral cats and find them homes is impossible given their numbers and their limited socialization. Removing or relocating all of the feral cats invites new un-neutered cats to move in and the cycle of reproduction starts again.

    Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) is the only method proven to be humane and effective in controlling free-roaming cat population growth.

    Feral cats can be found living outside in groups known as colonies. They tend to live outside human homes and exhibit wild behavior, but they are not wildlife. The majority of feral cats rely on food provided by humans.

    The most compassionate choice for the cats is to allow them to live outdoors with their colony. Trap-Neuter-Return is a simple process with significant benefits. Feral cats are captured using humane traps. They are then taken to a veterinarian to be spayed/neutered and vaccinated against deadly diseases, like rabies. The cats are the returned to their original territory and are supplied with ongoing access to food and fresh water.

  • Save Byron Nuclear Power plant from closure

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On Thursday Aug.27th employees at Byron and Dresden Nuclear power plants were abruptly notified that without changes to Illinois law they would be closing as of September and November of 2021. The closure of both Byron and Dresden will have a devastating impact on the state itself along with 1000’s of Families, local Businesses, and surrounding areas. Each plant employs over 1600 people, directly and indirectly. Governor J.B. Pritzker has the power to save our plants, our jobs and our communities.

  • Commutation for Wrongful Conviction

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Dear Governor Pritzker,

    My name is Koshimer, Christopher Allen is my elder brother. In 1993 at the age of 21, Christopher of Chicago Illinois was wrongfully convicted of First Degree murder and two counts of second-degree murder. Chris was sentenced to prison for a total of ninety years, Christopher Allen just spent his 28th year of Christmas in prison. He has been locked in his 8x10’ cell 24 hours a day almost every day.. Despite these very difficult times (without visits and phone calls), he is staying strong and positive, and is grateful for everyone's support.

    The evidence used to convict Christopher Allen was solely the inherently unreliable witness's testimonies.

    Christopher's first trial ended in a hung jury/ mistrial ( April-1995) the second trial (October-1996) resulted in a guilty verdict.


    Christopher Allen was convicted based on hear-say, ONLY. The alleged witness (deceased before the 2nd trial) had admitted to being under the influence of Crack Cocaine, on the night of the incident. Since then the second witness has recanted her testimony against Christopher Allen. Christopher has always maintained his innocence.

    After being wrongfully convicted for a crime he did NOT commit, we are asking that you support Chris in his fight for exoneration to be granted clemency. My brother has been incarcerated since the age of 21 & giving a 90-year prison sentence. We are pleading for your support to help us overturn this MISCARRIAGE of justice, carried out against Christopher Allen, by the Legal System.

    My family and I ask that you ALL, please sign this petition so that we can gain the support of Illinois Governor Jay Robert Pritzker to commute Christopher Allen prison term.

  • Fully Open Illinois!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Illinois should be re-opened fully and immediately. Businesses across the state have been operating safely for months and are ready to allow full capacity while maintaining common sense health precautions.

    Schools have had an entire year and tens of thousands of dollars in aid (millions for larger school districts) to prepare for in-person learning. Our students need and deserve to learn in a classroom if that is their family's choice.

    Kids' activities should resume, and families should be able attend to support them.

    Sign this petition if you think that Governor Pritzker should open kids' activities, require that schools offer in-person learning, and open businesses across Illinois at regular capacity.

  • Mandatory helmet law for Motorcyclist in Indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    IC 9-19-7-1

    Be the Change.
    In honor of Courtney loraine Short a life that a helmet law could of potentially saved.

    The state of Indiana currently only requires that motorcyclist and their passengers under the age of 18 wear helmets. Partial helmet laws have not been shown to encourage riders to wear helmets, even among younger riders to whom the laws apply. How ever, it is proven that motorcycle helmets save lives and reduce critical head injuries. Laws requiring helmet use have a dramatic life saving effect.
    In the year of 2020 there were 138 motorcycle fatalities in Indiana alone. Two of those fatalities directly affected my life and the lives of so many others around me forever. They were not wearing helmets, both in their legal rights of operating a motorcycle in the state of Indiana.
    People will argue that this was their choice.
    That is a true statement.
    Let’s change that.

    According to NHTSA you are 37 times more likely to die in a motorcycle accident than a car accident. There are laws set in place for the protection of those operating a motor vehicle. Safety belts are enforced because they are proven to save lives.
    We even have laws that compel us to wear life vests while operating personal water crafts.
    So my question is why are we failing to enforce preventive action proven to save motorcyclist lives?

    We have worn facial coverings for an entire year. This was not by the choice of many. It was enforced and regulated as a preventive measure that could potentially save our life and the lives of others. While inconvenient at times people complied because it was made mandatory. We cover our faces for the safety of ourselves and others. We do so with out a 100 percent Guarantee that it will save our lives but in doing so we reduce the risk of those odds. If it wasn’t enforced many people wouldn’t follow those precautions and many more lives could of been lost by our own personal negligence.

    Indiana law makers have a similar opportunity to save lives by amending the current motorcycle helmet law.

    Make it mandatory for all riders in the state of Indiana to wear a helmet.

  • marijuana legalization in indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    our state is way behind. marijuana has saved many lives and has generated many tax dollars in a majority of our country. 3/4 of hoosiers want to legalize cannabis, and support taxing and regulating the same as alcohol. cannabis can help decrease opiate over dose and help with many types of diseases. families are destroyed and innocent people are incarcerated because of indiana unjust laws against against cannabis. the black market will only get worse as our neighboring states have legalized and regulated. it’s time we make a beneficial change that will help our community and also help those who are suffering

  • Fund CTE Arts in Indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Save our arts!!

    From salons to restaurants to movie night, the arts surround our everyday life, and yet they are still being seen as useless subjects that don't contribute to society.

    We want to prevent funding cuts targeting Indiana CTE art related programs such as IMPACT Institutes culinary, cosmetology and Interactive Media. Stop the prioritizing of Industry over Art. We deserve equal education for every program.

    Help us by signing this petition and sharing it in order for us to present to Indiana State Representatives urging them to remove the defunding language from house bill 1001. Allow the children of Indiana to pursue their passions.

    State wide programs in danger:

    Culinary, Radio TV, Cosmetology, Interactive Media, Graphic design, Recreational Vehicles, Horticulture, Nutrition

    will defunding these programs really benefit our work force?

  • Urging Accountability for the Mistreatment of Black Legislators

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    During floor debate of the Indiana House of Representatives on Thursday, February 18th, Black legislators were affronted while speaking on House Bill 1367.

    Several House Republicans began to "boo" and verbally object to Rep. Greg Porter's discussion of the bill's racially discriminatory nature. Rep. Vernon Smith was also met with "boos" from Republican lawmakers after detailing his own experience being discriminated against as a Black man. Soon after, Republican Rep. Jim Lucas walked out of the Chamber in protest to Rep. Smith's testimony. Following these events, as Rep. Vanessa Summers was talking with Rep. Jim Lucas about his disrespectful behavior, she was confronted by Republican Rep. Sean Eberhart. That is when Rep. Summers and Rep. Eberhart got into an exchange and Rep. Summers tried to apologize.

    Not to be outdone, Republican Rep. Alan Morrison approached and verbally accosted Rep. Vernon Smith as he was washing his hands in the bathroom. Even as Rep. Smith was leaving the bathroom Rep. Morrison followed him in the hallway and continued his attempts to intimidate. This occurred a mere hours after the Republican’s meeting.

    As members of the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus (IBLC), it is our duty to serve and uplift the voices of Black and Brown Hoosiers. The events that occurred in the Chamber were unacceptable, and the lack of accountability on behalf of the House Republicans demonstrate a lack of understanding that if accountability does not occur, this type of behavior, or worse, could happen again. Not only were members of the IBLC disrespected, so was the institution in which we serve, the Indiana House of Representatives.

    We demand that Speaker Todd Huston and Governor Eric Holcomb implement consequences for the actions of Rep. Morrison and other members of the House Republican Caucus who disrespected the Chamber. We also demand the establishment of mandatory racism and implicit bias training, as Rep. Robin Shackleford called for last summer. These are only the first steps towards healing, but they are necessary actions to prevent further misconduct from Indiana legislators and to prevent a hostile work environment.

    How You Can Help:

    • Sign this petition. Support the members of the IBLC and stand in solidarity against these actions by signing and sharing this petition.

    • Make your voice heard. Contact Speaker Huston and Governor Holcomb to share your disapproval concerning these events.

    • Stay informed. Receive updates about IBLC events, including advocacy trainings and the Call to Action.

  • UNMASK Indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    It's time to end the mask "mandate" in Indiana. There is no SCIENCE behind the masking of healthy people. Indiana's 7-day covid-19 positive case count is lower than 5%. In fact, the majority of Covid positive cases occured after the mask mandate was implemented back in July. We're at the point where the majority of public mask wearers have them below their nose or chin anyway! The best part of ending the mask mandate, is that scared persons are still able to wear one if they choose. Our rights don't end where their fear begins. Several states have had NO mask regulations and achieved lower per capita Covid cases and fatalities. Masks aren't (and never were) the answer!

  • Stop Indiana House Bill 1364

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    This bill, if passed, will allow all unlicensed people to perform services to the public in cosmetology, nail, barbering or esthetics. This is a huge issue, that must be stopped. The idea of this bill becoming reality, is careless and ridiculous. The issues that could arise from untrained people performing these services could result is serious bodily harm. Chemical burns, cuts, infections, burns, viral infections, bacterial infections, wounds, COVID. Not to mention, the unsanitary conditions they could be performing these services in.
    Those who are licensed in these professions take their job seriously and professionally. Some have spent their entire lives perfecting their craft, pursuing further education and protocols, to provide safe and professional services to people. This is not an easy profession to just “pick up.” This bill must be stopped.

    Please sign this petition, share, and call/email these representatives!

    Rep Timothy Wesco 317-232-9753

    Rep Heath VanNatter 317-232-9643

  • Urge Indiana To remove pit bulls from the aggressive breed list in Indiana!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Pit bulls & many other dogs are on the aggressive breed list in Indiana & many other states & it prevents them from getting adopted & for people who own them to be allowed in a good home. It’s time for a change, we shouldn’t blame the dog for being raised the wrong way. Did you know pitbull‘s are on the top of the list to be euthanized first & they are the first to be passed up at any shelter. They deserve a second chance just like everything else in this world, these animals don’t hold grudges and are built to love so why do we continue to hold a grudge against them? Please help other Pit bull owners & lovers to get this breed removed from the list. Every share & signature can help. Thank you!

  • Lower the Price of Menstrual Products in Idaho

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    “The Huffington Post calculates that the 70 percent of women who use tampons go through about twenty per menstrual cycle. Women have an average of 456 periods in their life, which translates to 9,120 tampons used. At an average price of seven dollars for a box of 36 tampons, the total amount women spend on tampons is approximately $1,773.33. When the average lifetime cost of other feminine products such as heating pads, underwear, and birth control are factored in, the total cost of these products over a woman’s lifetime is $18,171.” (The Ultimate Guide to Feminine Hygiene, 2019) This is an issue because people that menstruate have to spend so much money on a necessity that others don’t have to when they are already getting paid less because of the gender pay gap.

    How does one go about fixing the overpricing of feminine products? The producers of these products still need to make money and there needs to be money to make the products. If we were to raise the prices on products that are more of a luxury and not a necessity, such as condoms, we could use that money to bring down the prices of feminine products. Also, pharmacies and stores should have stocks of feminine products that can be given out for free to the people that do not have the money to buy them.

    As a group of students from Compass Academy, we are working on writing letters to the Idaho Congress to show how much of a problem this is. This petition will be sent along with those letters so that everyone's voices can be heard.

    Thank you for your support!

  • Vote of No-confidence & removal of Trustee Christie Wood as Secretary/Treasurer.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Attention Board of Trustees. We the undersigned citizen's herby request that the NIC Board of directors calls for the immediate resignation of Christie Wood as the Secretary/Treasurer of the board. We believe that based on her actions, her ability to act in the best interest of the college is compromised, and we do not feel she is the best person to hold this position.

    Trustee Christie Wood continues to use her position as a trustee at North Idaho College as well as a Coeur d'Alene council member to facilitate her personal vendetta against other board members and to run a public smear campaign against other trustees on the NIC board simply because she doesn't agree with them politically. She uses her past position as a police officer as a way to throw around her weight and bully other people into submission in order to get her way. She makes accusations against others then does not back up allegations instead using rumors and innuendo to create a false distrust of others to continue her war on others she doesn't agree with. She is purposefully attacking and bullying others in a way to single handedly take over the board of trustee's and to diminish the colleges reputation. Her refusal to work with others and ongoing false allegations are tainting the reputation of the college and the city.

    Statement from fellow board member Greg McKenzie (also subjected to her bullying behavior) Mr. McKenzie statement was part of the board meeting and public record and in no way indicates his support of this petition. It is simply shared to show evidence of what other board members have gone through regarding Ms. Wood.

    I would like to share my thoughts from my brief experience so far as a trustee.
    I do not take any of these events lightly.
    I strongly disagree with Trustee Wood’s claims on Jan 18 which she shared with all the trustees and President MacLennan via an email exchange. She implied that by not immediately calling for Trustee’s Banducci’s resignation that I am complicit and therefore guilty in his alleged transgressions. When I say immediate, I mean that in less than 25 hours, without allowing for board discussion a stance was taken and a path forged. Trustee Howard hadn’t even seen Trustee Banducci’s emails or Trustee Wood’s emails by the time he became complicit in Trustee Wood’s mind. (email source: Wed Jan 20th 2:37 pm).
    Pay attention to the dates I share, for anyone who wishes to make a public records request, to confirm what I say is accurate and contextual.
    As I tried to explain to you Trustee Wood when I was on the campaign trail, when you refused to even meet with me for a general neutral conversation, I am my own person with my own actions, set of ideas, and opinions. I ran to advance good ideas here at NIC and I actively wanted to hear what was important to you as a Trustee.
    Unfortunately, what should have been confined to board meetings about our direction has ended up in the local newspapers and is a distortion of the facts. Our county and our institution continue to be even more divided with faculty and staff, having now voted or about to vote on a no-confidence in Trustee Banducci.
    Todd and I are members of the Republican party that was used against us from the beginning and Trustee Wood endorsed my opponent partly due to that. I have no problem with her views on issues or party politics. This is a free country with diversity that thrives on debate, however, bringing in personal attacks diminishes this board of trustees and the regard that the community holds for us.
    What is being asked of me is to bring justice upon Trustee Banducci. There are numerous competing opinions of recent events and before any justice is rendered there are questions that I want resolved. That is why tonight’s agenda items have been pursued. By not answering the questions, in my mind, a bigger injustice to this institution, will have transpired. I actively care and am aware of the immense responsibility I have as an individual Trustee and part of the Board as a whole. I try hard to ensure my words and actions are appropriate for the circumstances.
    I should not have to state that every trustee should behave in a respectful manner, in regard to personal and civil rights of other board members. There are appropriate ways to address grievances and disagreements, and to engage in discourse. Boards are about creating engagement and collaboration, and recent actions have hurt the image of our institution. If I were an outside observer, I would find this lack of decorum unsettling.

    Trustee Wood, from your own email on Jan 24, I quote “It’s important to let you know there is no ‘dirty laundry clause’ in board discussions and meetings.” You have every right to find umbrage with Trustee Banducci. You may not hold him in high esteem; he might actually recently think the same of you, but I will not speak for him. I do not see Trustee Banducci running to the media, airing YOUR dirty laundry or calling for your resignation while your work to fulfill your trustee responsibilities the way you see fit. Trustee Wood, you on Jan 16th even declined for a timely special meeting to address your grievances with Trustee Banducci’s actions when he cited the words from the president’s contract.
    Trustee Wood has repeatedly shared with me her skepticism regarding Trustee Banducci and what she considers to be his nefarious actions or thoughts he is conjuring. She has even projected that on me when I attempted to remove agenda items and conjectured my intent was being “punitive”. In addition, she projected Trustee Banducci’s “illicit” workings on myself on Wed. Jan 20th when she felt compelled to clarify that I would not merely forward Trustee Banducci’s alleged single Trustee directives to the president. In the email stream ending at 5:42 pm that same day, which is viewable in public records, Trustee Wood failed to clarify which email she felt inappropriately excluded her and has since failed to communicate that detail through any other method though she has been provided ample opportunity.
    Trustee Wood imagines Trustee Banducci’s “illicit conniving" and then demands to have proof of these imaginings through abuse of the public records process, such as when she threatened to FOIA Trustee Banducci’s private emails and I quote from a Jan 16th email, “Your private email used for college communications is also subject to public information laws.” I could go on about your negative perception of anyone engaging Trustee Banducci with innocent questions when, on Jan 15th, I asked the most innocent of questions about budget to Trustee Banducci and you recently expressed an unawareness of how much Trustee Banducci and I discuss things.
    I chose to be a part of this board because I love NIC and this community. After joining this board I’ve discovered the components that attracted me to this institution and the direction it is headed in is largely due to President MacLennan. I have many nice things to say about the president and I look forward to future collaborations and discussions.
    My family has a personal story where our DREAMS are actively slowly being realized. These family dreams have only been made possible by those providing support to programs through the NIC foundation, directly supporting students and programs. In time, I look forward to sharing more, but I cannot express enough appreciation and respect for the time, money, and priorities that people willingly provide to NIC affiliated organizations. I would like to capitalize on this national attention of ongoing board drama to emphasize that the programs and initiatives occurring here at NIC are award winning. We are blessed with the grants NIC has recently acquired to explore entrepreneur programs and continue the ongoing innovation in education we all cherish.
    For Trustee Wood to suspect my motives would be “punitive” indicates that she does not respect my personal decision-making process and is trying to bully her own opinions to the top of the pile about the President’s salary. To me, that indicates the fundamental differences between individuals sitting on this board.
    Trustee Wood’s Jan 16th email emphasizes, and I quote with all capital letters, “SHARE WITH THE REST OF THE BOARD” when referring to an accounting of sick and vacation days. The burden of proof is on you Trustee Wood for several things:
    #1 was Trustee Banducci intentions from any of his emails, specifically the five emailed on Jan 15th, to not share that information with the rest of the board? Trustee Banducci even cc’d the whole board on one of those emails.
    #2 When has any chair, even yourself, actively reviewed that information spelled out in the contract as being the board chair’s responsibility and then shared it with the rest of the board?
    With regards to the chair reviewing that information, you have previously claimed that review occurs during an annual review, but I am honestly personally skeptical at the prior “thoroughness” based on what I have uncovered of prior board workings.
    Because in the brief time I’ve been on the board and continue to learn about board governance and responsibilities of the board, my opinion is that previous boards at NIC have not actively engaged deeply in “doing a thorough job”. So while you question him, Trustee Banducci is trying to enact his version of “the chair’s job” to the best of his abilities, yet Trustee Wood, you solely keep claiming Trustee Banducci is abusing his chair role. There is some interpretability to these positions just as there is interpretability to conversations.
    I’m not alone in my opinion of board performance. Consider the following:
    It was determined that a number of college trustees were not doing their job and that this failure was diminishing the value of higher education. This was based on a study conducted in 2014 provided by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni and the findings are linked here: https://www.goacta.org/images/download/governance_for_a_new_era.pdf
    “While there is no single cause for this range of problems, one of the critical sources is the failure of higher education governance. That is why the undersigned have come together—as longtime friends and supporters of American higher education—to call for governance for a new era and to set a path for new and vigorous engagement by academic leadership and boards of trustees.” Pg 1.
    Trustee Wood’s behavior in circumventing due process, dredging up issues addressed many years ago, and attempting to force her views using public intimidation in the Press are highly inappropriate. Character attacks may serve personal agendas, but do not serve our community, and are damaging to the reputation of our college.
    Our Board should strive to have a positive relationship between each member and with the college. It is my sincere wish and hope that this public smear campaign can be set aside in the best interest of all and that we may now fully engage in addressing the challenging issues NIC faces, as is our job.
    My goal is to assist everyone involved in an honest resolution and hopefully the opposite of an untenable situation can be discovered.

  • Appeal to Pope Tawadros II to appoint a Bishop for the Northwest Region of the US

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Our Dearest H.H. Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark

    On behalf of your children in the archdiocese of Northern California and the Western United States of America, we ask for your prayers and blessings and request that you consider the ordination of a Bishop to lead the ministry in our area.

    As your Holiness is aware, with the grace of God our Coptic community in the Northwest region has grown drastically over the past few years. Many Coptic families have chosen this region to settle as a new home more than any time in the past.

    As a result, we now have a total of 20 churches and over 22 priests, and a congregation exceeding 4000+ families and increasing; spread over multiple states and cities in Northern California, Oregon, Washington State, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Colorado, and Kansas City, which make up the Northwest Archdioceses in the United States. One of the few large metropolitans without a Bishop.

    As your Holiness is aware the US has its own unique challenges and is in great need of the care of a dedicated Bishop, who will greatly help in the following areas:

    - Shepherd the Youth and create a ministry to serve the next generation of Copts.

    - Organize the services across the archdiocese and between the Priests.

    - Grow the ministry and establish additional churches where needs are arising.

    - Ordain priests and deacons as “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”

    - Ensure all priests and churches administration are working in harmony for the salvation of their flock

    We pray to the Lord and entreat your Holiness to assign a Bishop to lead this archdiocese and that “the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest”.

    Please remember your flock in the Northwest in your prayers.


    Your children in the land of immigration, Northwest Archdiocese of the USA

    سيدنا و راعينا حضرة صاحب القداسة والغبطة البابا تواضروس الثاني بابا الإسكندرية و بطريرك الكرازة المرقسية

    نيابة عن جميع أبنائك المنتميين لأبرشية قداستكم بشمال كاليفورنا و غرب الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، نطلب صلواتكم عنا وبركتكم الرسولية كما نطلب من قداستكم أيضاً أن تنظر في طلبنا برسامة أسقف للأبرشية لرعاية شعبكم في هذه المنطقة

    كما تعلم يا سيدنا، بفضل بركة ربنا وبصلوات قداستكم عنا، فقد نما عدد رعيتكم القبطية في ابرشية شمال كاليفورنيا والساحل الغربي للولايات المتحدة بشكل كبير خلال السنوات القليلة الماضية. هذا بالإضافة إلى وفود العديد من العائلات القبطية إلى هذه المنطقة واختيارها كمكان للسكن والاستقرار أكثر من أي وقت مضى

    كنتيجة لذلك، فإن الأبرشية تقوم الآن بخدمة شعب يتجاوز 4000 عائلة من خلال أكثر من 22 كاهنًا يخدمون على مذابح ما يقرب من 20 كنيسة تنتشر في ولايات ومدن متعددة في شمال كاليفورنيا وأوريجون وولاية واشنطن ونيفادا و أيداهو ويوتا ومونتانا وكولورادو وكانساس سيتي، والتي جميعها تشكل مدن
    أبرشية شمال كاليفورنيا و الساحل الغربي أحد اكبر أبرشيات الكرازة المرقسية في المهجر ورغم ذلك هي احد الأماكن القلائل التي بدون إشراف من أسقف يرعى الأبرشية

    ولا يخفى على قداستك أن الحياة بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بها الكثير من التحديات الفريدة الخاصة بها ولذلك فهي في أشد الحاجة إلى أبوة أسقف متفرغ لرعاية الشعب بالمنطقة، والذي سيساعد بشكل كبير في المجالات التالية

    رعاية الشباب وإنشاء وإرساء قواعد الخدمة للأجيال القادمة من الأقباط
    تنظيم الخدمات عبر مدن الأبرشية المتسعة وبين الآباء الكهنة
    تنمية الخدمة والكرازة وإنشاء كنائس جديدة إضافية حيث يكون الاحتياج
    “سيامة الآباء الكهنة والشمامسة والخدام لأن "الْحَصَادُ كَثِيرٌ وَلكِنَّ الْفَعَلَةَ قَلِيلُونَ
    رعاية الآباء الكهنة و الخدمة معهم بقلب وعقل واحد و الإشراف على مجالس الكنائس للعمل في وئام كامل من أجل خدمة الشعب و خلاص نفوسهم

    نحن نتضرع إلى الله ونتقدم إليكم يا قداسة البابا راعينا وأبينا الحبيب بطلب لتعيين أسقفًا للمنطقة للإشراف على رعاية شعبكم المحب والمتنامي باستمرار في هذه المنطقة بفضل صلواتكم عنا حتى "يرسل رب الحصاد فعلة إلى حصاده

    نقبل يد قداستكم طالبين صلواتكم عن شعبكم في ابرشيه شمال كاليفورنيا و الساحل الغربي أدامكم الله لنا سنين عديدة و أزمنة سلامية مديدة

  • STOP Idaho's Extermination of Wolves, STOP SB 1211

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Recently, Idaho signed into law (SB 1211) a measure that can exterminate 90% of the state's 1,500 wolves. This law will slaughter over 1,300 wolves. It will kill most of gray wolf population in Idaho. The law will allow wolf hunting year round. The law will also allow the state to hire private contractors to kill wolves, and allows hunting of wolves using ATVs, snowmobiles and snares. They can run over the wolves and kill them in cruel, inhumane ways.

    It seems that the Governor and his law makers cannot find other less cruel ways to deal with the wolves. It makes me very sad that ranchers and society have such little regard for these amazing animals. Ranchers always find a way to blame wolves for the problems they encountered. This has been going on throughout the centuries. Most educated people understand the importance of wolves for Eco Systems. They know that wolves for the most part are shy animals and do not like to interact with humans. Wild animals as well as wolves have lost habitat due to population growth. Instead of this massacre, why not relocate or create a santuary for them. They have the right to live in this world. It is we as a society that needs to learn how to cohabit with them. In today's world, there are more humane ways to deal with wolves coming into farms or ranches.

    People who care for the wolves, please join me in signing this Petition I have started. Also, join me in boycotting any products made in Idaho. Tourist stay away from Idaho as protest. We can STOP this massacre together. SAVE THE WOLVES, we are their voice., PLEASE STOP SB 1211.

  • Re Run the WBCSD Levy

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Our community desperately needs help. With the March 9th WBCSD Levy failing, our schools have the potential to close. This isn't just about the art program (as many think it is). This is also about THE POTENTIAL CLOSURE OF SCHOOLS. This cannot happen. Our kids and community deserve better.

    If our school district does not get the funding it needs, the following may happen: no extracurricular programs, school closures (Priest Lake Elementary and Idaho Hill could close - leading to large class sizes at Priest River Elementary, job losses for teachers/staff, YOUNG children riding the bus for 2+ hours...), and the list goes on. School closures and job losses will lead to people moving away from our community, which means local businesses will end up suffering. This is so much more than sports and art. This is an entire communities well being.

    Our kids deserve an education. They have teachers who WANT to give that to them.

    Unfortunately, half of the people who voted March 9th voted no for kids.

    We the people of West Bonner County School District are requesting that the Board of Trustees votes yes on re running the levy in May. And when May comes, we commit to turning out and voting YES for kids.