• Indiana Unemployment data disclosure

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The petition site

    Governor Holcomb wants to discontinue the federal unemployment (FPUC,PEUC,PUA,MEUC) for Indiana residents. This would economically damage families, and lower income individuals.

    Make Holcomb tell the truth about the jobs data. By having them disclose the AVG. Pay rate of the jobs listed in the cited data.

    As this data was utilized in Holcomb's reasoning for ending the States participation in the Federal Unemployment insurance.

    Please help spread the information to help level the playing field for Indiana workers. As ending the unemployment would prematurely put families under the poverty level.
    Due to an unforeseen event people were forced out of their jobs by the Pandemic; Workers would not have left their jobs if not for the Pandemic.
    “We have a myriad of work options in every region of our state with many more coming online every week.” - Governor Holcomb

    City Data

    Current unemployment data by county

    Current unemployment data by county map

    Holcomb to end federal unemployment

  • End Solitary Confinement In Indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Solitary confinement is the physical isolation of individuals who are confined to their cells for 22.5 hours or more per day. Other names for solitary confinement include

    People in solitary confinement have limited or no opportunity to interact with others. They eat, sleep, and use the toilet in the same area and have limited access to stimuli, such as educational materials. Solitary confinement cells do not always have windows. The length of time that a person spends in solitary confinement varies greatly. Some people can spend hours or days in confinement, while others can spend weeks, months, or even years. In extreme cases, people can spend decades in solitary confinement. In 2016, Albert Woodfox reentered society after spending more than 40 years in isolation.

    A large body of research shows that solitary confinement causes adverse psychological effects and increases the risk of serious harm to individuals who experience it. According to an article in the Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, isolation can be as distressing as physical torture.

    The BJS report that approximately 25% of people in prison and 35% of those in jail who had spent 30 days or longer in solitary confinement during the previous year had symptoms of serious psychological distress. The rates were similar for those who only spent 1 day in isolation.

    Humans require social contact. Over time, the stress of being isolated can cause a range of mental health problems. Research indicates that both living alone and feelings of loneliness are strongly associated with suicide attempts and suicidal ideation. Additionally, many individuals who experience confinement become incapable of living around other people.

    Most studies focus on the psychological effects of solitary confinement. However, psychological trauma and loneliness can also lead to physical health problems. Studies indicate that social isolation increases the likelihood of death by 26–32%.

    Solitary confinement units cost significantly more than other types of prison housing, both in terms of construction and operation. Due to the effect that isolation has on people, it can also lead to them becoming more violent and unpredictable.

    Such behavioral changes may increase the number or intensity of assaults on staff and other incarcerated people. They may also make it more likely that the person will engage in illegal behavior or experience isolation-related adjustment problems when they reenter society.

    Please sign and help end Solitary Confinement Indefinitely in Indiana.

    There are better alternatives to solitary confinement that do not cause mental and physical harm. People in prison deserve rights too. No matter how you look at it, they are human beings. Human beings need social contact in order to survive. Prisoners can be put in solitary confinement for as little as using bad language or an expired tube of toothpaste. Sometimes with no just cause. Lets work together to help end the torture that is solitary confinement. Thank you.

  • Indiana Legislators Must Prioritize Funding for Public Schools

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Our Indiana public schools have been doing double duty to try to meet the diverse and complicated needs of educating the children of our community during a pandemic. Legislators have told schools that they want to provide schools certainty. Legislators say they understand schools had to adapt quickly to ensure learning continues in the face of an unprecedented public health crisis. Instead, the Indiana General Assembly is diverting crucial public funding away from the 93% of Indiana’s students who attend traditional community public schools and sending those desperately needed public funds to private schools.

    The Indiana General Assembly is considering HB 1001 and other bills that dramatically expand the largest private school voucher program in the nation and create a new private school debit-card program (ESAs). We know this legislation does not give choice to families, but gives choice to private schools, as private schools can choose who they admit and educate. Public funds should only be used for education that is open and inclusive to all Indiana students.

    Indiana’s own constitution obligates the state to fund a uniform system of schools where tuition shall be free. Voucher funding to private schools is impairing our state’s ability to meet its constitutional obligation. Private schools are not accountable to taxpayers. Private schools are exempt from an extraordinary array of federal and state mandates that are imposed on public schools. Private schools are not even required to employ licensed teachers.

    We have been and continue to face a teacher shortage in Indiana. Indiana’s Next Level Teacher Compensation Commission found that to move Hoosier educators to just the middle of the pack of 2019 salaries would cost upwards of $600 million. That number doesn’t account for increases needed for education support personnel. The proposed budget for Indiana will not allow public schools to make the needed pay improvements that educators were led to believe this session would move forward in school funding to support teacher pay. It won’t even keep up with rising insurance costs. Keep your promise to address teacher pay!

    The most recent Indiana budget forecast shows an increase of two billion dollars in state revenue. Our children and their futures depend on Indiana legislators fully funding our traditional community public schools.

    We urge legislators to demand for and pass legislation now that fully funds our traditional community public schools. Legislators must do what is right for the 93% of Indiana’s students who attend traditional community public schools.
    We urge legislators to keep their promise to address teacher pay now. If not now, when? Indiana can’t afford to delay any longer with the increase in teacher shortage and number of teachers leaving the profession.
    We strongly oppose the further expansion of private school vouchers and ESAs, and we urge legislators to oppose any legislation that further directs funding away from Indiana public schools.

  • Get Indiana University to Change the Little 500 Date

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    As students and associates of Indiana University, we believe the recent development regarding the date change of the annual and historic Little 500 bike race is unfair. Having already been cancelled last year, many students will be rendered unable to attend their last two races of their times at Indiana University. As for reasons why I believe this particular change is harmful, there are several.

    Firstly, the riders and their respective organizations have been working tirelessly since the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year to demonstrate their athleticism and devotion in front of the student body. With the race now taking place after the majority of the student body is off-campus, riders close to me feel very disheartened and unmotivated to participate. Riders and their teams believe that Indiana University has blindsided them by announcing these new rules and dates with little to no warning. Furthermore, a lot of participants in the race itself will not be able to compete because of internships, travel, and jobs during the time. Subsequently, we as students and alumni have been working and focusing on improving the health and safety of our campus community as a whole. COVID-19 cases in Monroe County have been on a steep decline recently, further supported by the county moving to a “blue status” not a long time ago. This recent decision is a result of the COVID-19 positivity rate being at around .1% on our campus.

    Little 500 is supposed to be a competitive time where people bond together to support the organizations they associate with. I believe that moving the date of the 2020-2021 Little 500 to after students are not in classes is very drastic, and that other options should be assessed before finalizing such an important decision as this. Therefore we urge you to reconsider this decision in respect to the organizations, students, and those competing in this race.

  • All Women's Gym in Fort Wayne, Indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    This Business is going to be an All Women's Gym where women can feel more confident and comfortable while working on themselves. It will promote and enforce no body shaming and 100% positivity. This environment will be for all body images and fitness knowledge, but will be for strictly women only.The advantages of this business are that women will feel more comfortable because they are surrounded by only other women. Women would feel less self-conscious about themselves while at the gym because there is less intimidation that women would usually get from men. Women also will get to be themselves and are able to admit that they don't know what to do but they have a goal in mind of what they want to see in the future. This gym will be open to all women and it will support, guide and inspire so many. This community and society needs a gym like this because of how the standards of body image are today. Our community could use a place where women can get together and chase their dreams. There are so many women who don't feel like they can go to the gym because they don’t know how to use the weights. Peach Club will help women learn and become educated in the gym. There are also so many women who just don’t feel comfortable enough to go into a fitness facility. There are so many stories where women feel like they are being stared at or men will go up to them and ask them questions unrelated to working out. This will be a place where those types of things won't happen and women can feel more free and powerful.

  • Two young Man charge with Indiana Felony Murder Rule who never commit a murder.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    According to the Elkhart County Sheriff’s department Dretarrious Rogers,Freddie Rhodes Deante Dalton enter a home to commit a Robbery,According to Testimony from the occupants of the home,Deante Dalton was upstairs and Rodgers & Rhodes were down stairs in the home, where they met a occupant of the home Rhodes told Rodgers he was exiting the home began to run from the basement of the home where he and Dalton left, the scene Rhodes stated that as he began to Run ,Rogers was behind him exiting the home . Rodgers didn’t make it out of the home and was later pronounced dead. Nor Rhodes or Dalton attempt or committed Robbery or attempted to commit murder.This petition is not to start controversy within our community but to bring awareness to to a Rule not a law that has been expanded to get cases cited to incarcerate people who never committed a murder. Charged a person with the crime they committed. The Felony murder states that one must knowingly kill another human being, Dalton or Rhodes was never charged with murder because they never committed Murder. Thank you for your support.

  • A new skate park in Portage, Indiana!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The teens ( and also the smaller kids ) need more to do in the city that isn't just the playgrounds or trails. Many children would love to start skateboarding, an activity that has been known to grow friendships, get children active and even bring families together. 4+ years ago, the skate park at Woodland Park was torn down, was said that it would be replaced and never has been. It should be replaced like the people in the city were told it would be, replaced in the proper way which means with concrete instead of indoor wood that isn't treated correctly.

    There are plenty of places that this could be placed, more than enough land that isn't currently being occupied. The city also has a BMX track, but it's privately owned. I suggest we have a BMX track along with a skate park put in, give the older kids something to do that is outside of school! Give children a safe haven to make friends, to get out of the house, and explore the city in a safer way. Portage always wants to have family events, but teenagers want someplace they can go off to and be with people around their age. Let's give this city that, the kids that, and the families.

  • Stop the court from illegally euthanizing my dog Jager! NO bite=NO kill!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    My 7 yr old non-aggressive boxer was accidentally stepped on by my 4 yr old granddaughter. He reacted by jumping on her and his paw tore thru the face causing multiple lacerations that required surgery. She is making a full recovery and will have little to no scarring and has no emotional trauma.
    The city of Mount Vernon indiana has filed a petition for the destruction of our dog and Judge Robert Alysworth from Superior court sided with them despite medical records showing the dr stating NO BITE MARKS(which according to city ordinance is what is required to euthanize a dog). I need help stopping this euthanization. It is illegal! It is against their own ordinance! This was a freak accident that could have happened to anyone with any animal. Our dog deserves to live! Court was given several options that included our dog going to live where no small children would be. Yet they still chose to make an emotional judgement instead of one that followed the laws and facts! Please sign our petition! Stop Jager from being euthanized on May 4th in Mount Vernon Indiana! Also please don’t donate here. Please donate to our GoFundMe to raise funds for legal fees and kennel fees they are charging us $15 a day to hold him. https://gofund.me/40af0ea1

  • Pass Casey’s Law in Indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We need Casey’s Law in Indiana. We are losing too many of our young people to addiction. These are people’s sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, cousins, friends, family. Many people who have addiction Or alcoholism have underlying, undiagnosed, untreated mental illnesses. Casey’s Law gives close friends or family members the power to be able to step in and advocate for their family member or friend receive involuntary drug rehabilitation programs. Let’s make it a condition of release from jail that they be sent to rehab. I lost my precious friend when she passed away after her release from jail and being sober for 8 months. She expressed a strong desire to receive treatment while in jail. Then suddenly she thought she no longer needed it because she had been sober so long. With Casey’s Law close friends and family could ask the court for mandatory treatment because the person is unable to make a sound decision due to their impairment. Please sign this petition so we can change lives, save lives, and keep families together. Let’s all stand together against addiction!

  • Illinois Black Wall Street/Black Wall Street-Illinois HR 1320 in Support of HB 1960

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    illinoisblackwallstreet.org Illinois Black Wall Street - Black Wall Street Illinois a premier organization in the state of Illinois since June 29, 2016 was established as Socioeconomic Vehicle to conduct the historical studies, planning advocacy and implementation for Reform and Redevelopment of Black-African American Business Corridors throughout the state of Illinois. Our plight mirrors HB 1960 The Black Wall Street Program Act recently sponsored by States Representatives Thaddeus Jones and Nicholas K. Smith.

    For decades Black-African American residents have been forced to travel outside their communities do shopping and get services in thriving communities right next door to them. Most Black Business Owners have been forced into bankruptcy loosing their homes and commercial buildings due to lack of interventive and supportive service systems that impact their needs. These same business owners loose their retirement and saving because of redlining by Public/Private funding sources. The high crime rates, taxes and enormous number of vacant/foreclosed corridors in our communities are painful reminders of what's missing.

    The burden of systemic racism, servitude, civil injustice and socioeconomic disparity didn't start with COVID-19 and Civil Unrest in 2021 or the previous president. Those forces simply opened wounds that were covered up and never healed by Civil Right Laws. The economic foundation of Black-African American Communities have to be rebuilt to address those specific needs. Illinois Black Wall Street-Black Wall Street-Illinois was structured to be the Civic vehicle addressing those matters.

    To date we've identified Historical Black Wall Street Districts that were destroyed during the race riots of "Red Summer" in Illinois and "The Tulsa Oklahoma Riots" from 1919 to 1921. The series of continuous destruction caused a negative economic impact that Black Communities in Illinois and United Stated abroad haven't recovered to date. Our Mission is one that motivates public policy that anchors hope, the involvement of local community stakeholders who promote nonviolence, systemic generational wealth and economic stability. We need your help in support Illinois Black Wall Street House Resolution 1320 and House Bill 1960 . This Act addresses resources for Social Inequities that will assist in the above mentioned historical Inequity FACTS.

  • Save our Police officers and the rule of law. Illinois

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The congress of Illinois passed this overnight quietly and the governor said he will sign it. Police officers I’ve talked to personally not relatives, have expressed extreme fear and discomfort with this bill. For good reason it makes no sense and makes our state extremely dangerous. The same officers said they would leave the job when this is enacted

    HB 3653

    takes away all the tools the police need to keep us safe and gives unbelievable rights to criminals.

    this is the text

    • Creation of a new state law right of action against law enforcement for alleged civil rights violations that is more generous than the federal Section 1983 provisions (it includes a provision for attorney’s fees, eliminates state law and federal immunities and resets the statute of limitations)

    • Allows unrestricted and ungoverned disciplinary policies of law enforcement officers.

    • Removes law enforcement officer’s rights to collective bargaining for over 50,000 law enforcement officers in the State.

    • Allows for officers to be disciplined or fired based on anonymous and unsubstantiated complaints with no sworn affidavits and these complaints could be kept forever in their files.

    • Defunds municipalities by removing funding sources and interrupting as much as 40% of the total Local Government Distributive Fund (LGDF) monies.

    • Prohibits departments from purchasing reduced-priced militaristic equipment from federal surplus, used to protect officers in emergency situations.

    • Increases initial and ongoing education and training requirements, with no money to pay for the costs and no assurances the courses will be offered.

    • Mandates body cams with no money to cover the costs (equipment, data storage, etc) and punishes non-compliance by withholding LGDF.

    • Defunds any department that does not comply 100% with these requirements.

    • Removes suspension of a driver’s license for ongoing traffic violations.

    • Enacts multiple benefits for felons including access to victim’s compensation.

    • Prohibits use of force and makes officers criminally liable for using any type of force. These include significant changes to Use of Force, including Total Ban on Chokeholds or action above the shoulders under ANY circumstances.

    • Removes prohibitions against obstructing police officers.

    • Significantly limits use of no-knock warrants.

    • Eliminates felony murder.

    • Creates one-hour access to 3 phone calls for detainees with no latitude for emergencies, which often isn’t practical in one hour, and allows outside contact by detainees prior to potential arrest of co-defendants/co-suspects who are still at large.

    • Eliminates cash bail, allowing criminal suspects back on the streets immediately … mandates release.

  • Oak Park: Designate January 17 Betty White Day

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Betty White is a national treasure. She’s been an entertainer for over eight decades and is still going strong. She was on the Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Golden Girls, and Hot in Cleveland, putting a smile on our faces all the while. Oak Park, White’s hometown in Illinois, should honor her by creating a Betty White Day on her birthday, January 17.

  • Help girls volleyball have a season this fall!!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    There are many athletes out there that are so passionate about their sport that they would just do anything to play. Reading that sentence makes me think of any girls volleyball team in Illinois. Speaking for not only the Marist Volleyball Program but every team in the state, we do not want our season to be robbed because of it being considered a “contact sport”.
    Other than touching the same ball, volleyball has minimal contact between players. With the net in between teams, it reduces physical contact with other players. We suggest things such as timeouts dedicated to wipe the game ball down or even physically switch out the ball after a certain amount of points.
    Knowing the dedication of not only the senior class, younger players and staff, we would be willing to take any safety precautions needed to have a season in the fall and to fight for a state title one last time.
    Please sign this petition to help every girls volleyball team in Illinois to get a season this fall. We will not settle to end in such a heart breaking way. If wearing masks has to be the new norm in the sport, we will take that step. Any athlete knows the feeling of stepping out on the court or field, putting that jersey on and then going out to represent your school colors. So please, help girls volleyball have a season this fall.

  • Increase Plastic Bag Tax in Illinois

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    When taken into consideration the Earth is made up of 71 percent and is made up of oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, etc. How much of that is actually clean? And by clean I don’t mean freshwater vs saltwater since you can’t necessarily control it and it’s needed. But what I mean is think about the last time you walked by whether it be a lake, river, or even a beach for that matter, and when was the last time you saw it clean of garbage more specifically plastic bags? My guess is that it hasn’t happened in some time or even ever. Due to the amount of plastic bags we humans use and don’t dispose of it properly, it can greatly affect the environment around us. With a quick google search, you can find countless pictures of marine life struggling to function due to plastic bags whether it be in their environment or even on themselves. We as citizens like to tell other people from around the world we’re better than them in basically any way we can. Yet, if that's the case, why can’t we be the best at cleaning up the environment? Why can’t we be the best at managing the plastic bags we throw away? If we can create all these different types of technologies whether it be a new phone, computer, or even weapons, why can’t we do something as simple as picking up after ourselves or recycle more for that matter? Why should the environment and the animals that thrive in the waters have to suffer for our own doing?

  • Clean Up Illinois Cannabis Growing Practices

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The State of Illinois has a duty to its medical cannabis patients to ensure the production of safely-consumed medicinal products free of harmful substances that have been proven to be detrimental to long-term health. In particular, I urge against the permission of Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs), used to increase biomass yield per crop to meet statewide demand for both medical and recreational sales. At worst, some of these compounds are known to be associated with liver and fertility damage and at best, stimulate cannabis plants' hormones in an unnatural way, making inflorescence tissues denser and interfering with their ability to produce mature resin glands full of beneficially active compounds that provide symptom relief and effects enjoyed by patients and customers.

    In the interest of promoting health rather than placing it at risk, I propose the following, in whole or in part(s):

    Part I. Full Transparency by Cultivators

    All chemical inputs to growing media, including growth agents, pesticides, and growing media itself, should be disclosed on packaging or in peripheral literature referenced by packaging (e.g. a QR code linking to a PDF file) as to be accessible by consumers. This practice is required in the State of Colorado, for flower and all derivations.

    Part II. Revision of Permitted Chemicals List

    Allowance of many known hazards as PGRs and pesticides should be discontinued. Consider holding a town hall-style open forum on pesticides and additives resulting in a redrafted list of allowed substances.

    Part III. Testing Lab Oversight

    Testing labs should be audited regularly to ensure equitable and accurate testing for samples across cultivators and product types. Additionally, either by establishment of a dedicated third-party lab or other means, accessibility to testing resources for patients should be expanded to allow patients and consumers to ascertain the quality and composition of their products.

    Any cultivator whose products exhibit presence of harmful materials exceeding allowed PPM or a variance of cannabinoid contents greater than 15% from the stated totals, contrary to initial batch results, should be liable for recall and/or restitution.

    Part IV. Increased Cultivation Site Monitoring & Enforcement

    It has come to my attention that despite surveillance systems active and regulations governing cultivation site conduct, there have been instances of social media posts containing images that suggest non-compliant or subpar conditions, including gnats and workers' bare arms coated in cannabis flower resin. To that end, I urge ILDOA to augment oversight over these entities, and conduct regular audits to assess hygiene, crop issues, ventilation/climate control, and chemical compliance.

  • Save the President Lincoln statue in Illinois

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The State of Ilinois and the City of Chicago are planning to remove historic statues of Abraham Lincoln - often considered one of America's greatest presidents. Why does Illinois want to remove statues of Lincoln? Because of political correctness. Because they want to erase President Lincoln's accomplishments and American history.

    This is the great history that some political leaders want to erase: Lincoln was born into poverty in a log cabin and was raised on the frontier primarily in Indiana. He was self-educated and became a lawyer, Whig Party leader, Illinois state legislator, and U.S. Congressman from Illinois. Lincoln ran for President in 1860, sweeping the North in victory. His Gettysburg Address became a historic clarion call for nationalism, republicanism, equal rights, liberty, and democracy.

    He engineered the end to slavery with his Emancipation Proclamation and his order that the Army protect and recruit former slaves. He also encouraged border states to outlaw slavery and promoted the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which outlawed slavery across the country. Lincoln managed his own successful re-election campaign. He sought to heal the war-torn nation through reconciliation. On April 14, 1865, just days after the war's end at Appomattox, Lincoln was attending a play at Ford's Theatre with his wife Mary when he was assassinated by Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln is remembered as the martyr hero of the United States and he is consistently ranked as one of the greatest presidents in American history.

    The State of Illinois is the Land of Lincoln and Abe Lincoln is one of the state's most revered native sons.

    We must stop these misguided political leaders from removing these statutes. We must save the statues of President Lincoln in the Land of Lincoln now. Please join us and sign and share our petition below.

  • Unmask our children

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On September 29th 2017, while Pam Knight was exiting her car, Pam was brutally attacked by Andrew Sucher who pushed Pam backwards to the ground, cracking her head on the concrete driveway and then stomped on her head with his foot before he fled the area.

    Andrew Sucher was a repeat domestic violence offender and child abuser. He had a history of violence towards women and children. Sucher's history of violence prompted Pam to immediately and without reservation check on the safety and well being of the child he assaulted. Andrew Sucher was not supposed to be at the location Pam was visiting and Pam believed he was not currently there.

    Andrew Sucher had been alerted by a call from a Whiteside County sheriff's deputy that the DCFS was coming and Sucher was waiting to ambush and attack Pam before she had a chance to defend herself. Pam did not even have a chance to fully exit her car.

    After fighting for her life for 132 days Pam passed away on Feb 8, 2018, due to complications of blunt force head injuries due to the assault.

    After having all other charges dismissed including additional assault charges while in custody, Andrew Sucher received a minor 21 year prison sentence for murdering Pam. As if this unacceptable, embarrassingly weak plea deal wasn't enough of a slap in the face to Pam's husband Don, daughter Jennifer, grandchildren, family and friends, Pam's murderer Andrew Sucher has the audacity to petition for Clemency (leniency) on his sentence from Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker. Pam was a loving wife, mother and grandmother who was deeply loved by all who had the pleasure of knowing her.

    Please help the family and friends of Pam Knight and honor her memory by signing this petition. In addition, if you have time please also contact the Governor directly at https://www2.illinois.gov/sites/gov/contactus/Pages/VoiceAnOpinion.aspx

    Reference: Andrew Sucher's criminal history from Carroll and Whiteside Counties.

    Carroll County:


    -Domestic Battery

    -Battery/Physical Contact


    -Aggravated Battery on a Peace Officer

    2017 (Charges from Pam's Attack)

    -Aggravated battery
    -Aggravated battery on a government employee
    -3 counts of Murder with Intent to Kill
    -2 counts of Murder with the probability to kill/injure


    -Aggravated Battery Public Place

    Whiteside County


    -Aggravated Battery on a Child
    -2 counts of Domestic Battery
    -Interference to report domestic violence

    -Order of Protection

  • Illinois State Lawmakers Should Have to Take Scenario-Based Police Use of Force Training

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Illinois House Bill HB3653 was recently rushed through and passed onto the Governor. The bill comes with many concerns not only to law enforcement, but also the residents of Illinois.

    Many items in the bill raise many concerns not only for officer safety, but also that of the public. There are many items on police policy that will severely tie police officers hands in doing their job.

    Concerning points of the bill:

    -Officers not allowed to tase someone in the back even though taser companies say the back is the recommended place to use a taser.

    -Officers not allowed to review body cameras prior to writing their reports.

    -Officers not being able to make an arrest if someone is trespassing on property.

    These are only a few examples of the items in this disastrous bill. Several other points that are proposed are not clearly explained and leave many areas to interpretation.

    The politicians have created this bill to make laws telling police officers how to do their job, but with what training and understanding of the job do they have? What makes them experts to create these laws for this dangerous profession which protects the residents of Illinois?

    This petition argues that lawmakers complete a minimum of 80 hours of scenario-based police use of force training and participate in police ride-along programs.

    Politicians need to understand what it takes to handle real life-threatening situations and what officers face on a daily basis while making split-second decisions to protect the communities they serve.

    No lawmaker should be allowed to create and pass these policies for police departments without having any understanding of what it takes to do effectively do the job.