• Demand Prosecutor Hand Over Murder Case to State Police

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On July 1, 2019 in Muncie, Indiana William Balfour Sr. a 70 year old African American man was lured from his home in the middle of the night kidnapped, tortured and beat beyond recognition. The elderly man’s body was dumped on the side of the road in a predominately black neighborhood. Later to be discovered by a young man who lived in the neighborhood coming home from work just as the sun began to come up. The Muncie Police Department flat out refuse to thoroughly investigate the case make any arrest or communicate with family members. Muncie Police Department has had this case for 2 years now and still have done absolutely nothing with it. The Indiana State Police expressed interest in the case approx. one year after the murder but Chief Prosecutor Eric Hoffman refused to allow the State to have full authority over the case. Mr. Hoffman instead requested that the Indiana State Police "assist" the Muncie Police Department. Here we are a year later and there is still no progress because the Muncie Police are the lead investigating agency. The Muncie Police Department has no desire to investigate, solve or bring to justice anyone responsible for the brutal murder of 70 year old African American male William Balfour Sr. This family deserves JUSTICE.

  • Indiana State University DPT White Coat Ceremony

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The students of the Indiana State University Doctor of Physical Therapy program are petitioning for a white coat ceremony to be held for the three current classes, and all future classes. The white coat ceremony is a long standing tradition for students of many medical professions, and is a ritual to welcome students into the healthcare professions as well as honor all of our hard work and dedication. The white coat is a long standing symbol of purity, professionalism, and knowledge, three of the things the ISU Physical Therapy program take pride in and work to uphold with every incoming class. We feel as doctoral students we gain both the knowledge and the clinical skills in order to have this honor bestowed upon us prior to graduating and becoming practicing clinicians. We also feel ad DPT students a white coat ceremony is an important step in advocating for our profession as doctoral level clinicians who work for and uphold the standards and ideals that the white coat symbolizes.

  • Ban Dog Trainer Jeff Gellman

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    INCLUDED AS A SIGNATORY, PLEASE ADD YOUR NAME BY SIGNING THIS PETITION. Additionally, Include any professional designations you would like to be displayed (for example: DVM, DACVB, PhD, CAAB, CDBC, CPDT-KA, KPA-CTP, CTC, etc.

    June 21, 2021

    I am writing to inform you of an upcoming event in Elkhart County that I believe will be detrimental to our community and possibly in violation of Indiana law. This event is scheduled for August 21 st and 22 nd and will take place in Osolo Township at the Indiana K9 Learning Center. The event is called “Jeff Gellman’s Problem Solving 2 Day Dog Training Seminar”.

    Jeff Gellman is the owner of Solid K9 Training in Providence, RI. Gellman uses extreme pain and abusive methods such as hitting, throwing objects at the dog, bonking, and excessive use of shock collars for his “training”. So far, thanks to people speaking out, he has been banned in Scotland, the UK, and Perth Australia. Events have also been banned in other states and towns in the US, such as Illinois. Additionally, many of his methods have been banned in other countries, such as shock collars (banned in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Germany, and others) and choke collars (banned in New Zealand, Austria, Australia, Switzerland, and others). You can see examples of his abusive techniques here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWVIngWPAqU. You can also see the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior’s statement on the use of aversive
    training methods here https://www.sfanimalcare.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Why-We-Dont-Punish.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1c4Hl-sgDAVZ3yrZWVeSdrYirx7fJxFD_z0mel2PCgcF-kHNNWPNlJu1E

    Unfortunately, people don’t do their research and sign up for his seminars, not knowing what a nightmare it will be, and the traumatizing effects it will have on their dog. Many people walk out. In the expert opinion of many dog behaviorist, trainers, veterinarians, and other professionals, Gellman’s aversive training techniques cause pain, discomfort and only suppress the dog’s negative behavior when the aversive is present. The use of aversive training methods can create very strong negative associations in a dog’s mind, and it’s not always the association the owner wants to create. These kinds of associations increase a dog’s anxiety and fear of certain stimuli, which can result in fear reactivity and aggression. So, overall, when people sign up for Gellman’s training, it might actually increase the negative behaviors that they are looking to correct.

    Critically, we believe that the training methods Gellman teaches may in fact break state
    and local laws.  Indiana state law prohibits cruelty, abandonment, and neglect of animals. Also see; acts of torture and physical abuse of an animal are a crime in Indiana. IC 35-46-3-12. Neglect or abandonment of an animal is a crime in Indiana. IC 35-46-3-7.

    As such, we respectfully request that you investigate the lawfulness of the planned seminar, whether with respect to the Elkhart County Animal Ordinance, or any other Indiana law or county or village ordinance relating to business licensure, permits or practices in general.

    Finally, we believe that this event should not take place in any city, but particularly not in Elkhart County. Elkhart has a reputation for being innovative, community-minded, respectful, and generous—and the training event hosted by Gellman is in direct conflict with those ideals. Anyone who would travel to this area for the training may leave thinking that Elkhart County advocates or allows animal abuse. Anyone who lives locally should not be trained in how to abuse their pets. We believe that Elkhart citizens deserve better. And we would ask you to help us spread that message.

    See for yourself video evidence.

    See Event details here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/elkhart-in-jeff-gellmans-problem-solving-2-day-dog-training-seminar-tickets-117001983081?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

  • Second Amendment Sanctuary Status for the State of Indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Due to recent attacks on our fundamental right to keep and bear arms, we the undersigned, respectfully request the General Assembly of the State of Indiana approve so called "Sanctuary status" to our Second Amendment rights as spelled out in both the United States and Indiana Constitutions.
    We ask that the State clearly make it known that no state agency, law enforcement officials, local magistrates, duly elected officials or any representatives of the State of Indiana will cooperate in any way with any federal agency seeking to enforce federal regulations or executive orders that were not passed and signed into law as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

    The precedent being established by cities, counties, states or local municipalities that "Sanctuary status" may be given to individuals based on immigration status, or lack thereof, we feel this is right and just. If individuals can clearly and deliberately disregarded the sovereignty of the United States, and the laws that govern it, we feel the legal citizens of the country cannot justly have clearly spelled out rights taken from us.

    We ask that both the Indiana House of Representatives and the Indiana Senate pass, and the governor immediately sign, legislation declaring this state a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State as soon as possible.

  • Allow parents at graduation for IU campuses

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Today, February 22, IU issued a statement through email to its students that for the 2021 school year they would be allowing students to be in-person for graduation. The administration also added that parents, other family members, and friends would be able to attend, but virtually.

    As students, to have come this far, we can not allow this. Graduating college is a privilege that not all people get to achieve. It is considered one of life's biggest accomplishments. One that a student should share with their closest friends and family.

    If the NCAA can make the college basketball tournament eligible for fan attendance, then so should our universities when it comes to something as massive as graduation. An achievement much bigger than any sporting event could possibly be.

    By signing this petition, you agree that IU and its other campuses should enforce social distancing protocols and other COVID guidelines to share commencement with our closest family, especially our parents.

  • STOP Rumpke's Bond Road Landfill Expansion

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    *****Please visit and sign our updated petition at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GHJYRQS *****

    Rumpke is planning an extensive 466 acres expansion of the previous Bond Road landfill in Whitewater Township, bringing their new planned landfill to a total of 579 acres. This expansion sits on the Ohio and Indiana border and was previously a Monsanto dump site. There are many residential neighborhoods that directly surround the area. This development includes construction and significant additional traffic on local thoroughfare, Sand Run Road.

    This will negatively impact the nearby residents for generations to come:

    Residential Impacts
    Decreased property values
    Increased noise pollution
    Increased traffic on Sand Run Road and the surrounding areas
    Health Impacts
    Exposure to potential noxious odors
    Increased health risks, including breathing difficulties, coughing, eye irritation, and the potential for increased maternal risk of congenital abnormalities at birth
    Environmental Impacts
    Concern for the Whitewater River, the local eagle population, local well water and community water fields
    Concern over the potential to stir up previous Monsanto waste residue
    Economic Impacts
    Decrease in visitors to surrounding area’s small businesses, including outdoor recreation business such as skiing, kayaking and canoeing
    Decrease in future business opportunities and future business investments in the community

    Sign this petition to let Rumpke and our Ohio and Indiana representatives know that we do NOT want a dump in our backyard!

  • Hire Chris Beard at Indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Chris Beard is the right man for this job. It is my belief that coach Beard is an upstanding man who would represent our school well in addition to winning on a national level at this school. Coach Beard spent many years studying under the tutelage of many good coaches (including Bob Knight). Coach Beard’s forcing baseline defense is derived from Coach Knight’s. *This style of defense has led Beard to having a 2-0 record against Purdue* (side note: North Texas also forced baseline and Purdue struggled with that once again in their tournament game). Coach Beard is also regarded as a good recruiter, and if he can recruit to Lubbock... I’d say it’s safe to bet to assume he could recruit to Bloomington. Chris Beard has also had plenty of well-noted success in the NCAA tournament. Lastly, his personality is one that the state connects with. He embodies everything that this state and school are culturally about. Similar to Bob Huggins at West Virginia, and Tom Allen with our football program. The cultural fit cannot be understated or dismissed in the slightest. Chris Beard has also shown an ability to lure talent via the transfer portal. Given this strength, he would most likely be able to land some high value transfers to avoid next year being another total rebuild year for Indiana. Chris Beard could and would win at Indiana. Join me in raising awareness for the fanbase’s desire to see him do so! Go Hoosiers!

  • Name Colson An Indiana All-Star!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Southridge Raiders superstar senior Colson Montgomery was recently unnamed on the 2021 Indiana All-Star team. Montgomery had a HISTORIC season with averaging 24.3 points, 8.7 rebounds, 2.3 steals PER GAME, along with 2 blocks and 2 steals per game.

    Colson Montgomery took a 12-10 Southridge team from the regular season, to a Final Four appearance in the 2A state tournament, a tournament run which saw him put up 57 points and 25 rebounds in only two games on Regional Saturday. The Raiders fell short in semi-state to the eventual state runner-up Parke Heritage Wolves, a game where Colson put up 25 of the teams 40 points, with a monster dunk late in the fourth quarter to give his team a lead. Any film on Colson would instantly show you he is an Indiana All-Star.

    This senior class has been dubbed “one of the most talented senior classes Indiana has ever seen,” and Colson is right among the top talent in this class. Colson easily could be put in the top 10 of this star studded class and nobody would bat an eye. Kurt Gutsgell, Sports Director for WJTS 18 wrote, “Colson Montgomery not making the Indiana All Star team is the worst snub since Michael Lewis not winning Mr. Basketball in 1996!” Don’t let this snub stand! Don’t let Colson being a “baseball guy” keep him from making the team! Make Colson a 2021 Indiana All-Star!

  • Stab Vests for Indiana DOC Officers

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Corrections Officers are the most forgotten members of Law Enforcement. Recent events at Indiana State Prison where Lt. Eugene Lasco was fatally stabbed by an inmate while coming to the aid of Sgt. Padrick Schmitt was also stabbed bring new light to safety concerns. A major concern is that despite Indiana Department of Correction reports, staff are not issued Stab or Protective vests unless assigned to a trip team or to a Restrictive Housing (Seg) Unit. Though having this safety device may or may not have effected the outcome of this brutal assault, there is great evidence to show that it could have helped. Officers have voiced concern and have even offered to spend their own hard earned dollars to purchase a vest for themselves to which the Indiana Department of Correction has remained silent and even scoffed at the idea of allowing staff to do this. Many departments require this type of protective equipment is mandatory and even provides custom fitted vests as part of the uniform. One thing is clear. Vests save life’s and we are asking our Indiana State House, Senate, Representatives, and Senators to take action today to provide the funds and laws to require vests be provided to staff.

  • High speed internet for rural Indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Many residents of Franklin County Indiana suffer from lack of internet connection. Many residents who do have internet service do not have access to high-speed internet.

    In a world that is becoming more and more reliant on the internet, it is essential that every individual has reliable internet connection. A reliable internet connection is key for the success of students, entrepreneurs, small business and creators.

    Please join our efforts in raising awareness to this issue by signing our petition. We appreciate your support.

  • Stop destruction of Madison Indiana Monarch Waystation

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    For years, the business owners of Madison IN have cared for the city owned garden beds along Mainstreet. For the last 3 years, the 5X20 garden in front of Fountain Alley BodyCare has been part of a registered Monarch Waystation (ID #22300).

    The City of Madison has decided to take over management of the garden beds, they will be destroying any plants that are not removed by the business owners.

    We are not asking them to leave the space in our care, or not to plant whatever they would like. We're simply asking them to leave only a portion of the Milkweed-the host plant for the Monarch Butterfly. On December 15, 2020, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that listing the monarch as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act is warranted, but precluded by higher priority listing actions. Some scientists say the numbers are down 90% from 20 years ago.

    When confronted about the destruction of the milkweed, local officials' response was, "can't they just go somewhere else," and even suggested some less than ideal locations where the plant would not get full sun, and likely die. The garden space has been used to raise awareness and has encouraged many to plant their own milkweed, vital to the survival of the Monarch as it is the ONLY host plant for the species to rest during migration and lay eggs. Last year alone, we reared 75 Monarchs from this small space. There are NO OTHER plants that the Monarch Caterpillar can feed on.

    Please sign our petition and/or call the Madison Mayors office at (812) 265-8300 to voice your concerns.
    Thank you!

  • Fix HB1164—a bill that would bring cell towers to Hoosier front yards

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Indiana House Bill 1164 would hand Indiana’s rights of way over to Big Telecom—and remove restrictions on the height and number of towers they can place in front of your home.

    We are saying NO to cell towers in Hoosier front yards.

    Thousands of Hoosiers have woken up with 47 foot cell towers in their front yards without knowledge or consent. HB 1164 gives even more power to wireless carriers who have exploited the access they already have.

    This bill would erode property rights and create environmental, privacy, and due process concerns.

    Please support this effort by signing this petition now, and calling and writing your Indiana legislator today.

    Learn more at HoosiersConnected.org

  • Vote NO on House Bill 1369!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    As a Hoosier, I believe in commitment to my community. I believe in duty, policy, and accountability. More than 80% percent of Hoosiers believe that a person should have to obtain a permit before carrying a handgun in public. It is the obligation of a state’s elected officials to ensure public safety standards are preserved when people carry guns in public places.

    If passed, House Bill 1369 would eliminate any such safety standards by eliminating permit requirements for gun owners. There are a number of people who are not qualified to own a handgun, let alone carry one in public; examples include violent and emotionally unstable people, weapons offenders, alcohol and drug abusers, and those who have not passed applicable background checks. HB 1369 would make our law enforcement’s jobs harder and our state more dangerous. In spite of not being able to buy a handgun until they are 21, 18-year-olds would be able to carry a handgun, without training or vetting.

    If the Indiana legislature decides that all people regardless of their qualifications, background, and respect for the law may carry a handgun, Hoosiers will not be safe, and we will be ashamed. The undersigned are demanding that permits be required to carry a handgun - VOTE NO ON HB 1369.

  • Kash Lee Kelly Deserves Freedom

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Kash Lee Kelly of Hammond, Indiana has been a true and honest gift to his community and all Patriots around the United States and even has followers all over the world. The former gang member turned his life around on his own and has spent the better part of his adult life aiming to get other kids off the streets where he once resided. With the political injustices occurring during the 2020 presidential election, Kash has stood up, loud and proud fighting for what's right. This includes everything from his YouTube channel, speaking on other activist's shows and even attending the demonstration that took place in Washington D.C. on January 6th. Due to his past gang involvement and a lingering drug (conspiracy) case from his teen years, Kash is now facing charges for being in attendance of the DC demonstration. On 1/13/2021, Kash was forced to "turn himself in" to the authorities. This honorable man has started a movement like no other that we've seen or will see in this lifetime. He is solid living proof that you can pull yourself out of a life of drugs and crime to be an upstanding and productive member of society. For Kash to be confined to prison would be an injustice. I'll end this with Kash's motto: "Unite, don't fight. Be a Streetlight. Because only you can be the change you want to see in the world. And when you get to stressed out, you have to remember to pray, America. Because without God, everything falls apart." Drop the charges and FREE KASH LEE KELLY!!!

  • https://www.change.org/p/national-rifle-association-constitutional-carry-in-indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Indiana has always been a conservative state: pro life, pro gun, and pro God; emphasis on pro gun. In order to ensure that we are able to defend ourselves from criminals, we must have a gun on our person at all times in public(except for schools, government buildings, and airports). As of now, we are required by law to obtain a license to carry. The process can take up to two months. We should not have to jump through the governments hoops to protect ourselves. We should have the right to carry with or without a license, because constitutional carry is just that: constitutional. It is our 2nd amendment right to protect ourselves with necessary force. This law has already passed congress, and is moving onto the state senate. Let’s solidify our right to carry without a license.

  • In Favor of new restaurant LOCATED 4650 S. INDIANA

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We want to open a black restaurant that will help clean up the corner of 47th and Indiana.This Restaurant with food and liquor will be an amazing laid back hangout for the Bronzeville and surrounding areas Professionals. This restaurant will provide an amazing ambiance in which the neighborhood is lacking. The food will be healthier and give the residents a great new black owned business to Patronize. Bronzeville is historically a neighborhood that has added positivity to African American Culture and created businesses for black entrepreneurs. The residents of Bronzeville will have a sit down restaurant to enjoy and Patronize. Many Thisresidents have to travel outside of their neighborhood for restaurant variety. This restaurant will bring that to this block and area.

  • Demand utility companies support community-owned solar

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The growth of solar power via community-based systems is accelerating throughout the US as more utilities develop or roll out offerings. Join NAACP Indiana in demanding that our utility companies offer ownership and equity opportunities for solar projects.

    Currently, Duke Energy's proposal is far from perfect but with the right changes, it could expand the number of solar owners in Indiana by more than tenfold — allowing Hoosiers to tap into the renewable resource that couldn’t before.

  • Legalize Marijuana for Adults in Indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Marijuana policy reform is sweeping the Midwest! Both Indiana’s neighbor to the north, Michigan, and its neighbor to the west, Illinois, have legalized marijuana for adults' use. And, Ohio, its eastern neighbor, has a comprehensive medical marijuana program.

    During the 2021 legislative session, several cannabis reform bills were introduced, including legislation that would have legalized and regulated cannabis for adults. Unfortunately, none of these bills received a hearing before their respective legislative deadlines. Now, the effort to reform Indiana’s outdated cannabis laws shifts to 2022. This tells me two things: our politicians aren't taking this matter seriously and that no one is challenging them on it.

    Under current law, possession of even a single joint is punishable by up to a year of incarceration and a fine of up to $5,000. These laws are not being equally enforced; African Americans are 3.5 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession as whites.

    Indiana is now one of only 14 states with no effective medical cannabis law, and one of only 19 that still imposes jail time for simple possession of cannabis.


    Cannabis contains CBD which is a chemical that impacts the brain, making it function better without giving it a high along with THC which has pain relieving properties. Both substances can be extracted and enhanced for use through short path distillation. Users can get the following health benefits of cannabis:

    Relief of chronic pain
    There are hundreds of chemical compounds in cannabis, many of which are cannabinoids. Cannabinoids have been linked to providing relief of chronic pain due to their chemical makeup. Which is why cannabis’ by-product such as medical cannabis is commonly used for chronic pain relief.

    Improves lung capacity
    Unlike smoking cigarettes, when smoking cannabis in the form of cannabis your lungs aren’t harmed. In fact, a study found that cannabis actually helps increase the capacity of the lungs rather than cause any harm to it.

    Regulate and prevent diabetes
    With its impact on insulin, it only makes sense that cannabis can help regulate and prevent diabetes. Research conducted by the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC) has linked cannabis to stabilize blood sugars, lower blood pressure, and improve blood circulation.

    Fight cancer
    One of the biggest medical benefits of cannabis is its link to fighting cancer. There is a good amount of evidence that shows cannabinoids can help fight cancer or at least certain types of it.

    Helps treat depression
    Depression is fairly widespread without most people even knowing they have it. The endocannabinoid compounds in cannabis can help in stabilizing moods which can ease depression.

    Shows promise in autism treatment
    Cannabis is known to calm users down and control their mood. It can help children with autism that experience frequent violent mood swings control it.

    Regulate seizures
    Research conducted on CBD has shown that it can help control seizures. There are ongoing studies to determine the effect cannabis has on individuals with epilepsy.

    Mend bones
    Cannabidiol has been linked to helping heal broken bones, quickening the process. According to Bone Research Laboratory in Tel Aviv, it also helps strengthen the bone in the process of healing. This makes it tougher for the bone to break in the future.

    Helps with ADHD/ADD
    Individuals with ADHD and ADD have trouble focusing on tasks at hand. They tend to have problems with cognitive performance and concentration. Cannabis has shown promise in promoting focus and helping individuals with ADHD/ADD. It is also considered a safer alternative to Adderall and Ritalin.

    Treatment for glaucoma
    Glaucoma leads to additional pressure on the eyeball which is painful for individuals with the disorder. Cannabis can help reduce the pressure applied on the eyeball providing some temporary relief to individuals with glaucoma.

    Alleviate anxiety
    While Cannabis is commonly known to cause anxiety, there is a way around that. Taken in monitored dosage and in the proper way, cannabis can help alleviate anxiety and calm users down.

    Slow development of Alzheimer’s disease
    Alzheimer’s disease is one of many that is caused by cognitive degeneration. As we age, cognitive degeneration is almost unavoidable. Cannabis’s endocannabinoid contains anti-inflammatories that fight the brain inflammation that leads to Alzheimer’s disease.

    Deal with pain linked to arthritis
    Cannabis is now commonly found as creams and balms which are used by individuals that have arthritis. Both THC and CBD help sufferers deal with the pain.

    Helps with PTSD symptoms
    PTSD doesn’t just affect veterans but any individual that goes through a trauma. As cannabis is legalized the impact it has on helping treat individuals with PTSD is being studied. Cannabis helps control the fight or flight response, preventing it from going into overdrive.

    Helps provide relief to individuals with multiple sclerosis
    Multiple sclerosis can be painful, and cannabis is known to provide relief for it. Multiple sclerosis leads to painful muscle contractions and cannabis can help reduce that pain.

    Reduces side effects linked to hepatitis C and increase the effectiveness of treatment
    The treatment for hepatitis C has numerous side effects that include nausea, fatigue, depression, and muscle aches. These can last for months for some hepatitis C sufferers. Cannabis can help reduce the side effects caused by the treatment while making it more effective at the same time.

    Treats inflammatory bowel diseases
    Individuals with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis can find some relief with the use of cannabis. THC and cannabidiol are known to help enhance immune response while also interact with cells that play a vital role in the functioning of the gut. Cannabis helps block off bacteria and other compounds that cause inflammation in the intestines.

    Helps with tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease
    For those that have Parkinson’s disease cannabis can help reduce tremors and pain while also helping promote sleep. It has also shown to improve motor skills in patients.

    Helps with alcoholism
    Another one of the many health benefits of cannabis is that there is no doubt cannabis is much safer than alcohol. While it may not be 100% risk-free, it can be a smarter way to curb alcoholism by substituting it with cannabis.

    Together, we can make this a reality. Please sign today and reap the benefits of tomorrow. (Presented by Cherried™)

  • Keep Federal Gun Control out of Indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Time and time again, our rights are sliced away by the bureaucrats in power. After each tragedy, politicians stand on the bodies of the victims and use them as their podium for enacting their nonsensical ideology. It has been proven time and time again, banning an object does nothing to prevent crime, in fact, crime goes up. Stripping United States citizens of their God given right to self defense does nothing to make the world a safer place, and puts a target on defenseless people's backs.

    The citizens of Indiana demand our representatives to put forth a bill barring any and all enforcement of federal gun control laws by state and local law enforcement. Many states have already introduced and passed such bills, such as Arizona. States are not required to enforce federal law, that burden is on the federal government. The 10th Amendment supports this as do these Supreme Court cases.

    The great people of Indiana are deserving of representatives that act on our behalf and stand in the face of our corrupt Federal Government. This petition serves as a collective voice of the people to express our desire to protect, and preserve our great Second Amendment rights. Contrary to what Mr. Biden says, Amendments ARE absolute! The people of Indiana know this, as do all patriots.