• Reinstate Mask Mandate in Iowa

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    While Iowa continues to have climbing numbers of Covid-19, Kim Reynolds has decided to repeal the mask mandate that could save lives. While the mitigation strategies she put in place were minimal, they were better than having nothing to help protect Iowans from this deadly virus.

  • Condemn the Iowa law that removes autonomy to issue mask mandates to protect public health

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We, the citizens of Iowa, condemn the reckless law put into effect, in the dark of night, banning the ability of local governments and K-12 schools to mandate the usage of masks. Face coverings are now a well-studied, proven, simple, effective and inexpensive public health tool that is near unanimously accepted as being an important component of our fight in this global pandemic. This law is a reckless act by Iowa Legislators and Governor Kim Reynolds that is anti-science and directly endangers public health. It defies CDC guidelines for schools whose populations are largely unvaccinated. Currently there are only approximately 32,000 children, 0-17, fully vaccinated in the state of Iowa, leaving schools, particularly secondary schools, a place ripe for an outbreak. And with only roughly 40% of Iowans vaccinated, we are still vulnerable to more outbreaks of Covid.

    Beyond these facts, the law is nonspecific and leaves these entities without recourse if we were to see an outbreak of another, highly infectious disease.

    Let it be known we will not forget this careless disregard for public health at the ballot box.

  • STOP the destruction of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    ITC, ATC, and Dairyland Power Cooperative are building Cardinal-Hickory Creek, a massive high voltage transmission line from Iowa through the Driftless Area of Southwest Wisconsin, including the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. Pictured here is the devastating clear-cutting presently being done by ITC on the Iowa side of the Mississippi River for the first leg of the Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission line.

    If we cannot stop this transmission line this destruction will continue through the entire Refuge, which was established by Congress in 1924. The refuge is a place for fishing, hunting, canoeing, and birdwatching. It has over 200 bald eagle nests and 5,000 great blue heron nests. During the fall migration it is home to 50% of the continent’s canvasback duck population, 20% of the continent’s tundra swans, along with hundreds of thousands of other migrating ducks. The refuge is a designated Wetland of International Importance (RAMSAR) and a globally important flyway.

    Please sign Driftless Defenders’ petition to show the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, USDA Rural Utilities Service, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers the public’s passionate desire to protect the Refuge from this unneeded and environmentally destructive transmission line. This petition will support the effort of four conservation groups that are taking legal actions, including filing a federal lawsuit against these agencies, alleging violations of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act, and the Endangered Species act.

    We thank you for your support.


  • Stop 100% in person learning in Iowa

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Kim Reynolds recently signed a bill forcing schools to go 100% online or 100% in person. Many students have expressed that they do not feel safe with this choice. Both options are not ideal. Schools already struggle to achieve proper social distancing with the hybrid model. Switching to 100% in person will not allow students to social distance and stay safe. It will lead to the virus spreading much quicker than it already is. Yet with the 100% online classes many students tend to struggle. Lots of students have difficulties learning online as well as having the self discipline to complete the work. Students are forced to either go to school where they have a high chance of getting sick or doing online school where they struggle to pass the classes. School districts should have the option to do whatever plan keeps their students passing classes and staying safe. The bill Reynolds signed does not allow this.

  • Put DEI In DDS @ The University of Iowa

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The students of the University of Iowa College of Dentistry (CoD) are tired and stressed. Dental school is stressful, demanding, and requires a level of emotional labor that is indescribable unless you have gone through it. The rigorous curriculum of the program should be what makes dental school hard. Instead, a disruptive learning environment exists, one in which students question if their faculty or classmates will treat them differently based on the color of their skin, sexual orientation, mental or physical abilities, learning styles, gender, and more. Many students, staff, and faculty experience discrimination based on these identities, despite being protected under both state and federal human rights laws.

    When the CoD and the University were put to the test and their core values of “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” were challenged, they failed to uphold these values that they market to all current and prospective students, staff, and faculty. They have only worked to increase isolation and silence voices of those that hold marginalized identities. Additionally, The University of Iowa has actively worked to silence the CoD's administration and leadership. The CoD’s silence and passivity regarding this incident has left many of its students, staff, and faculty with the assumption that there is no value or commitment behind the words they so publicly advertise. We are given empty promises of safety, a welcoming environment, and an inclusive space for all.

    One of the main goals for the CoD’s Strategic Plan 2020-2025 is to build a vision for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Part of that plan, including, “75% of visual signage produced… will include diverse representation”, was enacted. The CoD made sure to promote smiling faces of their marginalized students. But when it came to following through with other promises such as, “Enhance reporting mechanisms to address discrimination or harassment concerns,” “Promote department and individual accountability for achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion-related performance outcomes,” and “Recruit and retain high caliber students from underrepresented communities,” they failed their students. Marginalized students do not feel their complaints are being heard or attended to, departments are not aligned on how to support marginalized students who do not feel safe with specific faculty, and many students of color not only wonder if they made a mistake coming here, but they want to discourage friends and family from making the same mistake.

    A DEI Action Plan was created in collaboration with administration and students based on the University of Iowa College of Dentistry Strategic Plan of 2020-2025. The collegiate community was assured that this plan would be enacted in an effort to reduce all of these long-standing concerns. To date, many of these items have not been addressed, there has been no transparency to the student body, and the plan lacks the comprehensive and structural revisions that are needed.

    The Hawkeye community should be better than this. We demand better than this. Historically, marginalized voices have not had the same seat at the table as other voices at the school. The time to change that is now. Students at the CoD are now calling upon their administration to take the necessary actions we have detailed on the Action UIowa Task Force Call to Action (link below). If these necessary steps are not taken, not only will the CoD fail their strategic plan, but they will have failed their Hawkeye community.

    By signing this petition, I call the University of Iowa and the CoD to take action to support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of marginalized identities. Furthermore, if no action is taken, I ask that the University and CoD stop claiming to value diversity, equity, and inclusion as a core pillar to its institution and stop providing this false narrative to prospective students.


    Action UIowa Task Force

    Action UIOWA Task Force Call to Action - https://actionuiowataskforce.wixsite.com/deiindds/call-to-action

    Please read the following links to get more information and context on the situation at the CoD:

    Daily Iowan article about email thread- https://dailyiowan.com/2020/10/27/email-thread-within-the-college-of-dentistry-community-sparks-debate/

    Daily Iowan article illustrating the effects on marginalized identities - https://dailyiowan.com/2020/12/01/isolated-and-anxious-university-of-iowa-dental-students-react-to-an-email-thread-and-remarks-made-within-their-college/

    Daily Iowan article about legislator involvement - https://dailyiowan.com/2020/12/03/iowa-legislatos-weigh-in-on-college-of-dentistry-free-speech-concerns/

  • Let Iowa’s Republican lawmakers know we must do better to fund our schools

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    State legislators are continuing to determine funding for Iowa’s schools. At this time the House has passed a 2.4% budget increase and the Senate has passed a 2.2% increase.

    The 2.2% increase from Senate & the 2.4% from House do not meet the current rate of inflation
    School districts which were in hybrid or virtual WILL BE GIVEN LESS MONEY in one-time supplemental funding bill by saying they weren't in full time instruction EVEN THOUGH THESE PLANS WERE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.
    - Due to COVID, a number of students are not enrolled this year. Those students will return next year and districts will not have received funding for them.
    Under the Senate proposal, 141 Iowa school districts will be placed on the budget guarantee, and make up the difference in increased property taxes with the lower SSA (State Supplemental Assistance)
    Under the House proposal, approximately 134 Iowa school districts will be placed on the budget guarantee, and make up the difference in increased property taxes with the lower SSA (State Supplemental Assistance)
    Our state is currently sitting on a billion dollars in the rainy day fund & surplus. It is unconscionable to underfund schools & raise property taxes when so many have been impacted by the DERECHO & COVID.
    Under the Senate proposal, these 141 school districts would raise their property taxes to meet the budget guarantee:

    Akron Westfield









    Belle Plaine





    North Iowa





    Cedar Rapids

    Center Point-Urbana




    Clear Lake






    Council Bluffs



  • Iowa City School District Summer Release

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The Iowa City School District is dismissing their students on June 11th, when in a normal covid free year, students would get out at the end of May. This means there are two extra weeks of learning when our school district has already completed the required hours. This school year has been chaotic and rough on the students and teachers with transitioning from online, to hybrid and then attending full in person. It's been an incredibly stressful year for all, and now after the mask mandate was lifted, there's a higher risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus at school. In a normal school year, we average about 5 built-in snow days. This year, our snow days were done remotely, meaning we have 5 built-in days that are not required to attend or are a part of our essential school hours. All these factors would add up to a non-beneficial extra 2 weeks. In the spirit of mental health month, as a community, we have the power to give the students a somewhat normal summer and begin next year on a normal calendar. Everyone can agree we have all had enough of the zoom meetings, connection issues, and cancelled activities. By signing this petition you can help persuade the school district to cut the school year down by one week. Please have your parents email the school board to ensure that this petition gets noticed!

  • Stop 40% tax on functional glass art in Iowa !

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Under the guise of a "Methamphetamine Bill" the Iowa State Legislature is in the process of passing a 40% tax that applies to ALL glass smoking devices, including what Senate Bill SF363 (https://legiscan.com/IA/text/SF363/2021) refers to as commonly known ‘paraphernalia’ used to smoke tobacco and other legal dry herbs. In the state of Iowa, as of 2014, glass pipes are no longer considered paraphernalia, but instead considered glass art. We all know that the vast majority of glass art on the market can not be used to consume the hard/illicit substances Senate Bill SF363 claims to be addressing as it takes a special type of device to consume those substances; devices many legitimate smoke shops do not carry.

    This tax unfairly targets consumers of glass art as it does not distinguish between the cheap, disposable pieces of glass ranging from $5-$10 and works of art ranging from $20-$20,000. For those consumers looking for something cheap and disposable, a $2-4 increase in price won’t be much of a deterrence. For those consumers looking to collect unique, one-of-a-kind works of art their price will suddenly skyrocket 40%, all to gather tax money to address a problem they themselves are in no way a part of.

    At a time when small businesses are struggling to stay open after suffering through a pandemic, recession and derecho, this will move revenue and sales out of state via online sales and push many mom and pop smoking accessory shops out of business, while doing nothing to actually address the meth problem in the state of Iowa, as the tax will only really affect those looking for permanent works of art rather than cheap, disposable glass items.

    Will the 40% tax apply to all glass art in the state of Iowa ? Will the glass roses at gas stations be taxed 40%? Will Hobby Lobby collect a 40% tax on the glass tubes they sell that are commonly used for such purposes SF363 aims to address ? Will aluminum foil be taxed at 40%? Or will those items still be for sale, tax free, as the meth problem explodes and legitimate mom and pop shops are taxed into oblivion ? Let us also not forget the other art galleries all across the state that don’t happen to sell art in the shape of a pipe, will they, too, be subjected to a 40% tax on their wares ?

    As Iowa understandably aims to address its methamphetamine problem via a tax that is intended to directly affect a specific consumer’s pocket, it will inadvertently take money from the pockets of Iowans that are not a part of the problem looking to be addressed, crush small businesses and eliminate 1000s of jobs. Let’s find a way to address the meth problem in Iowa without punishing those that aren’t a part of the problem.

    Please sign this petition to stop Senate Bill SF363 from being signed into law.

    With appreciation,

    your local smoking accessory shop owners, customers, art lovers, and allies to the cause.

  • Ban Declawing in Iowa

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Declawing cats is inhumane and cruel. We should not be declawing our cats just to save our furniture. I understand the argument that in order for a cat to stay at a home, it needs to be declawed...but I don't agree with it. Is providing shelter a good trade for mutilation? Would you cut off all the fingertips of both your hands just to keep a roof over your head and food in the table? I think that's a harsh tradeoff.

    Cats are not like us. They walk on their paws and need their claws to stretch and exercise certain muscles. Without that, they just don't have a way to do so. Imagine the feeling of wanting to touch something with your fingertips but never being able to do so even tho you know what it's like?

    "Declawing is actually an amputation of the last joint of your cat's 'toes'. When you envision that, it becomes clear why declawing is not a humane act. It is a painful surgery, with a painful recovery period. And remember that during the time of recuperation from the surgery your cat would still have to use its feet to walk, jump, and scratch in its litter box regardless of the pain it is experiencing." Christianne Schelling, DVM

    Here is a link to learning more about declawing.

    Many countries have already called declawing out for what it is...an atrocious and horrendous mutilation of an animal. It's unnecessary and inhumane.

    New Zealand
    Northern Ireland

    But only New York has made it official in the United States.

    Please help spread the word of how bad declawing is! I know a lot of people don't even believe in this practice so why not make it official? Our fur babies deserve so much better.


  • Eliminate mask mandate & open businesses in Indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Gov Holcomb, please eliminate/stop the mandatory mask mandate and open all of Indiana businesses to 100% occupancy. It cannot be lost on you how many Hoosier small businesses and locally owned franchises are hurting because of your executive orders. All evidence of COVID-19 spread points to the uselessness of shutdowns and partial shutdowns. So we plead to you, rescind your latest executive order and open Indiana. Free Indiana.

  • Demand IU to do Something About these Awful Living Conditions in their Dorms

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    A few years ago there was a mold issue at the McNutt and Foster dorms on Indiana Unversity's campus. This is the first year after renovation, that students were allowed to live in these respective dorms again. The renovation was supposed to clean out and get rid of the mold in these dorms, but students who are currently residing in McNutt and Foster are beginning to see issues of this recurring mold. This issue of reoccurring mold has caused many students to feel ill or sick with the symptoms of sneezing, running nose, skin rase, nasal congestion, etc. There is also evidence of these molds in various pictures that residing students have taken.

    This problem can only be solved by drawing attention to the matter of mold and no working air conditioning or heat. After numerous complaints about the ongoing mold issue, as well broken washers and dryers, air conditioning not working, power outages, and key card readers not working for students to get into the building, therefore these issues are making these select dorms an unsafe place to reside. After many emails, phone calls, and complaints placed online, there has been nothing done to rectify these issues.

    The students residing in these dorms feel it is unfair that we are paying the same price for room and board as other students on campus. We feel that we have been inconvenienced and unheard of all year. We are at the point where something needs to be done for the health and safety of the residents. The students living in these dorms should be reimbursed a portion of their room and board for these unsafe and unhealthy living conditions.

  • Share the Trails at the Cliff’s! Save the Jeeps and Trucks!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    My name is Brad Schultz and I am writing to you, asking for your help with exclusion of Jeeps and Trucks at The Cliff’s Insane Terrain Off-road Park per IDNR grant rules. The reasons to these specific grant rules, as I understand, are that Jeeps and Trucks inhibit OHV use and do not financially contribute to the grant fund. I will debunk this thought and have a mutual viable solution.

    ​First on the thought of Jeeps and Truck inhibiting OHV… The Cliff’s have been open since 2004 with thousands of OHV customers sharing the trails with Jeeps and Trucks. There has never been an injury with an OHV customer and the larger vehicles, and most customers enjoy watching the larger vehicles. Also, there are several parks in surrounding states such as Indiana that allow all to ride together and have no issues. An example would be The Badlands Off-road Park in Attica, Indiana that has been open for over 20 years.

    ​Next would be the financial contribution to the grant. The grant is funded by a $ _______ registration fee and an $11.00 OHV State sticker. The biggest complaint I have heard is the Jeeps and Trucks do not contribute to this fund. My suggestion would be that a special sticker be sold for Jeeps and Trucks with the price of $50.00 to make up for the size and lack of original contribution. With the previous numbers I have stated, a normal OHV would contribute $86.00 in a 5-year period. With a $50.00 Jeep and Truck sticker, they would contribute $250.00 in a 5-year period, more than making up for the size and lack of original contribution.

    ​Lastly, I would suggest that the allowance of Jeeps and Trucks be based on the grant’s parks discretion. Certain parks may not want the upkeep or feel their park is set up for the larger vehicles. The benefit to the other grant parks would be that they are not forced to allow Jeeps and Trucks but would be helped by the extra funds into the grant program.

    ​In conclusion, the State of Illinois is losing money to other states by not allowing Jeeps and Trucks and the grant is losingextra funding that could be used to promote more OHV usage, bringing in more tourism money to the state of Illinois. By removing the Jeeps and Trucks from The Cliff’s, the city of Marseilles and Seneca are going to lose revenue hurting more small local businesses that are already struggling after COVID-19. Other local businesses that rely on the Jeeps and Trucks at the Cliff’s would lose their customer base. The Cliff’s has operated for over 15 years with Jeeps and Trucks sharing the trails with OHV customers proving that Jeeps and Trucks do not inhibit OHV usage and would only further benefit the grant program.

  • Legalization of Marijuana in Indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Nearly every state that surrounds Indiana has legalized marjiuana in some compacity. We have watched as our state and local Police are worked tirelessly to maintain marijuana laws and it has only gotten harder for them due to this legalization around us. The 3 strike law for minor drug offenders in our state has caused more people to end up in jail and prison for marijuana. Marijuana is a safe all natural drug that grows out of God's green Earth, meanwhile spice, Delta 8 (synthetic marjiuana) and CBD were/are fine to consume?

    I am asking all Hoosiers to stand up for marijuana legalization! I have plenty of people in my life that could use this proven pain, nausea and stress reliever that helps so many! Fight for the people who can't afford pain medication! Fight for the people with anxiety, PTSD and other mental illness. Let's fight together and legalize marjiuana!

  • Putnam County, Indiana Roads fixed and New Chief

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    So here it is in a nutshell, we all pay for taxes on our property, our homes, our cars etc. How are your roads for all those tax dollars you spend. Or maybe you are fortunate enough that your road was just patched....chances are in less then a year that patch job if done by the county has to be done again.....so that leads me to believe a few things first and foremost that money spent (ie OUR TAX PAYING MONEY) is literally being thrown away, to continue to keep throwing it away, and that the county leader MICHAEL RICKETTS was either never shown how to properly patch a hole or just does not even have a clue or care for that matter? I mean a team can only be as good as there leader correct? So what needs to be done here is a change of position all together for Mr. Ricketts or someone teach this guy how to do the job correctly so he can then teach his guys. They say they have to buy new trucks and equipment every year, imagine if that money was going back to our roads instead with repairs done properly or if they were fixed properly the first time how much money in the long haul would be saved? Have you ever noticed that when the County uses a third party to do patch or repair work 9 times out of 10 it holds up at least 2 years minimum? We don't pay taxes so they can just throw it away and continue to band-aid the problem! Lets work together and get these changes to be made and our voices heard. Together we can make a difference!

    "Quality means do it right when no one is looking" -Henry Ford-

  • Re-Open Tanner Barton’s Highly Suspicious Case

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On April 22, 2012 Tanner Barton was left to die at the bottom step of the basement stairs; at his friends house. This 19-year-old healthy, college football athlete collapsed and died and is said to be a highly suspicious death by the corner. Howard County sheriffs department in Kokomo , IN has since given up on Tanner and deemed his death as natural causes. Our family has uncovered many mistakes in their investigation and are disgusted at their incompetence and lack of integrity and empathy in Tanner's case. Please help us get Tanner's case re-opened and put in the hands of Indiana State police so that our family can find the justice that we, and Tanner, deserve! What if this was YOUR child?

  • Lift mask mandate & open the state of Indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We the people of the State of Indiana stand in agreement that there is now evidence that lockdowns, social distancing and wearing masks are detrimental to our mental and physical wellbeing. Therefore, we are asking for Governor Eric Holcomb to lift all of these restrictions and mandates, INCLUDING SCHOOLS!

  • Reinstate family day at all Indiana Prisons.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Our contact and non-contact visits were taken in early March of 2020 due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Since then we have been allowed to have 1 video visit per week with our loved ones. These visits are however, subpar at best. Half of the time we can't hear or see them or vice versa. During full lockdowns you can't even get that video visit.

    I am asking that as a gesture of good will you declare a family day, I know Indiana use to have them, where loved ones can come and actually spend a day in somewhat normalcy with our loved ones who we have been deprived of for so long.

    With so much already being taken from us and our loved ones, it is not to much to ask for a day where we can have a cookout, sit on the grounds, talk, and just spend quality time together.

    The rise in depression rates among inmates and their loved ones has skyrocketed during this time due to the fact that there are no in person visits.

    Please allow us this one concession for having to spend so much time apart.


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    This petition in an effort to advocate for our children who have been forced to wear masks all day at school. The Capistrano Unified District School Board needs to make masks optional for our children. Masks are not one size fits all.

    We are seeing more documented accounts of students with special needs that have been severely impacted by masks:

    Kids with glasses have been forced to go to school without them, as they can't control the fogging. Hearing impaired kids can no longer read lips. Kids with speech issues cannot see their teachers mouth during instruction; a critical component for comprehension. Kids who are asthmatic, allergy-prone, or children on the spectrum have an especially hard time. If a mask inhibits the ability of someone to breathe in any way, it's recommended to not wear one. Children in every grade, K-12, are reporting chronic headaches; a sign of oxygen deprivation. Child shaming and discipline by teachers, staff, and administration. The psychological impacts are extremely concerning and kids have been treated harshly when 'not obeying'. New Study Finds Masks Hurt Schoolchildren Physically, Psychologically, and Behaviorally Masks are not being regulated or worn properly while at school. After a long, hot day--they are moist, filled with bacteria and E.Coli. The masks are not changed after soiled or moist, as directed by medical professionals. As the humidity rises, this is a danger to our children. There is ZERO long term research for the impacts of masking of children. A new study, involving over 25,000 school-aged children, shows that masks are harming schoolchildren physically, psychologically, and behaviorally, revealing 24 distinct health issues associated with wearing masks. https://principia-scientific.com/new-study-finds-covid-masks-harm-schoolchildrens-physical-mental-health/

    In a July 2020 interview, Dr. Brett Enneking, child psychologist at Riley Children’s Health in Indiana says emotional, intellectual, and language development could be delayed or stunted due to mask use. https://www.wishtv.com/news/mask-mandates-may-affect-a-childs-emotional-intellectual-development/

    A Lancet journal says the negative effects of antisocial measures may profoundly affect adolescents because they’re at a crucial stage of their lives where their social environment has an enormous impact on many vital functions such as brain development, self-construction, and mental health. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanchi/article/PIIS2352-4642(20)30186-3/fulltext

    “Wearing masks and being around others wearing masks, may have an impact on [preschool-aged children’s] speech and language development. They rely a lot on reading mouths and facial expressions to learn words and language. Masks will definitely interfere with social and emotional development.” -Wendy Ell, Occupational Therapist and Executive Director of the Missouri Child Psychiatry Access Project (July 2020)

    We’re now one year into this pandemic, and we have mountains of evidence on COVID and kids.


    Children are very unlikely to become infected with, become seriously ill, or suffer death from COVID-19. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2775656 There is a growing amount of research available showing that young children are not significant drivers of the spread of COVID-19, including at school and at home. A January 2021 study involving 100,000 students and staff says 99.968% of children do not get Covid-19 from school. There were only 32 reported cases of infection (.032%), and there were zero instances reported of a child infecting an adult. . https://www.aappublications.org/news/2021/01/08/covid-north-carolina-schools-study-010821It is our duty as adults to not only protect the younger generation, but also do as much as possible to ensure they thrive.

    There is NO STATUTORY LAW that mandates masks.

    Frequent mask wearing:

    Is a breeding ground for bacteria and increases risk of CO2 poisoning Reduces oxygen intake Causes increased face touching which subsequently increases the spread of germs from touching of the mask and all other surfaces.In addition to the fact that there is no scientific evidence or studies that can confirm the effectiveness of these masks, our children deserve to breathe fresh air, which is vital for immune health. Their mental, emotional and social well-being is being impeded every day they are forced to wear these face coverings.

    Please join us in signing this petition to ask The CAPISTRANO UNIFIED District School Board to REMOVE the mask requirements in our public schools for the remainder of this year and the upcoming 2021-2022 school year! Let them be optional and the parent’s choice for them to wear or not to wear. Our children deserve better!

    Please feel free to read more about the harms of masking children: https://justtheinserts.com/masks

    This article has been revised from an article originally written by a Deb I from Grafton, WI, to support families within CUSD, and who is promoting the same change in her community!

  • Petition to bring Positive Housing Growth to Mooresville Indiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    At this time, our housing market is experiencing a massive shortage in active housing available for buyers looking to transition from renting to home ownership.

    Locally, we have seen housing growth outside of the Town of Mooresville direct area (still within the Mooresville school district) - what we are experiencing is that any development or growth within the town limits has been looked negatively.

    The main reason we want to see change is the process and procedure for approval and recommendation - specifically the Mooresville Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is an appointed board and they are the first line of defense for "recommendation" to the Mooresville Town Council.

    The current state is that there are communities looking for approval and they are being denied for no reasons that are justifiable. The Commission has the ability to start the process of change and support our positive growth.

    We have families looking for housing, looking to bring their children to Mooresville Schools and we want to provide them the opportunity of home ownership! And bring income to the community! Positive Growth!

  • Duke Energy Indiana - Billing Transparency & Competitive Choice

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Duke Energy Indiana - No Transparency on Bills & Choice of Provider

    Indiana Citizens are suffering, specifically in Mohawk, County of Hancock, Indiana.

    Due to the broken nature of our monopoly electricity system, our residents are facing:

    Constant Rate Hikes as Duke Energy uses its customers’ hard-earned money to rig the system into allowing construction of unnecessary fracked gas pipelines and power plants
    Duke will not provide clarity as to why our bills continue to increase while our usage has decreased
    Our bills have increased after our meters have been replaced
    We should be able to view our actual electrical usage at any given time. This is not possible. Duke Consumer Affairs provided in writing “You will not be able to read the meter to determine your usage. The way the meter is set up, it will flash numbers, however one set of numbers will be how much usage was consumed, the other set of numbers will show how much was pushed back”
    Duke will not provide peak rates for their billing. Duke Consumer Affairs provided in writing that “there are no peak rates available”
    Duke will not allow the Residential Time-of-Use Program available in our area

    Appoint Utilities Commissioners Who Will Protect the People: Make appointments to the Indiana Utilities Commission who will prioritize the interests of Indiana Citizens over corporate monopolies.
    Duke Must Provide Clarity to Billing and Rates By:
    Providing clarity as to why our bills continue to increase (and in most cases our usage decreases!)
    Prove to us their new meters are accurate and explain why many of us have seen bill increases after the new meter was installed
    Allow us to view our actual electrical usage at the meter (or alternative) at any given time.
    Providing peak rates for their billing
    Allowing the Residential "Time-of-Use" Program available in our area