• Replant and re-beautify Kentucky Hwy 15 in Hazard, Kentucky

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    For years and years there were beautiful Redbud trees lining the highway that thousands of people miss now that the highway department has removed them due to the current highway project going on. I completely understand having to remove them to expand the lanes of traffic, but, I sincerely miss seeing them every spring. I always looked forward to them blooming and I know I am not the only one.

    I would like to ask the Kentucky Department of Transportation, Perry County Fiscal Court, and or the City of Hazard to please replant those beautiful trees.

    *Not my photo*

  • Please make rescued pets the official pet of the state of Kentucky

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I am 8 years old and would like to bring awareness to the plight of rescue animals in the state of Kentucky. Please consider passing a bill that names pets rescued from shelters or rescues as the new official state pet. Thank you!

    This action would cost very little, and yet it might inspire people to adopt rescue animals. Please, consider this request!

  • Vaccine for Hairstylists

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    When the pandemic hit almost a year ago everyone in the personal service industry listened and closed our door. We sat down, we put our scissors down, we closed our doors because that is what we were told to do for the health and safety of everyone and ourselves.

    Some of us went months without pay, some of us were lucky and received financial help from our local and federal government. The stress of all of this was almost unbearable.

    Everyone couldn't wait til the salons opened back up. Do your remember how upset you were when you couldn't get a haircut, color, highlights, or just a resemblance of normalcy? You all missed us so much and we did you as well.

    Fast forward to now when we opened back up. We were scared, nervous anxious, happy, relieved, and felt the love of everyone when we returned. We withstood wearing a mask, following all safety protocols, and kept everyone as safe as we possibly could throughout all of these months. We have lost income, lost clients, loss the potential of gaining new clients, most of our business is down by 20-30%.

    The news of the vaccine arrival was a relief for everyone. We will be able to keep our clients safer, ourselves and everyone we come home to safer...except Hairstylist are NOT on list to receive the vaccine! To say this was shocking is an understatement. Anger, yes we are angry. Frustrated and Forgotten, yes you can check that off the box as well.

    WE have clients of ALL age ranges. WE can NOT be socially distanced 6 feet away from YOU while we are working. WE don't need a pat on the back that this industry has done a great job. We need to be included in a phase of the vaccine.

    For the safety of ourselves and our clients Sign, Share and Help us get vaccinated in 1 C phase of the vaccine!!! Do it for YOUR Hairstylist!!!! WE NEED YOUR HELP!

  • Revoke Ben Massingille’s Bond

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Ben Massingille—a 21 year old Western Kentucky University student and member of Sigma Nu fraternity—was recently CHARGED with first-degree rape, first-degree sodomy, and first-degree unlawful imprisonment (according to WNKY). He was taken into custody but almost immediately released on a $25,000 cash bond, and he remains free and very active on social media while awaiting trial for these charges.
    This tragic, horrific event took place on campus, at Sigma Nu’s frat house, and it has left fellow students and other members of the Bowling Green-Warren County area feeling extremely unsafe and helpless. These are serious allegations, and the community’s safety should not be taken lightly.
    We the community are petitioning for Ben Massingille’s bond to be revoked so he can await trial in jail. Judge Sam Potter assigned the $25,000 cash bond; we are hopeful that he along with the Warren County Criminal Justice Board can feel the urgency behind this petition and make a conscious decision to support their community.
    More information on this case (and others in our community) can be found on news sites such as WBKO and WNKY.

  • Honor former Kentucky offensive line coach and player, John Schlarman

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    John Schlarman was universally revered by his players, fellow coaches, his old teammates, the Big Blue Nation and most of all his family. He was toughness and dedication personified. Coach Schlarman built the UK offensive line into the fearsome "Big Blue Wall," an unyielding unit now respected throughout the land. He demonstrated superhuman grit and determination against the cancer that prematurely took his life. Coach Schlarman deserves a prominent and permanent recognition commensurate with his stature in life. Through this petition, we who sign-on implore UK Athletics to honor Coach Schlarman by naming the concrete wall encircling the Kroger Field playing surface, "The John Schlarman Big Blue Wall." For 60,000 screaming fans, this would be a visible reminder of the greatness Coach Schlarman brought to UK Football, his community and his family. Such recognition would also serve as on-field inspiration for future generations of football Wildcats. Go Big Blue!

  • Reform Kentucky Unemployment

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians and their families are currently in financial and personal ruin due to Kentucky's broken and outdated unemployment system. People are losing their homes, their livelihoods, and their futures because they are being denied the compensation they need and deserve. They are fed up with the endless stream of misinformation and lack of communication and it is time for it to stop. Governor Andy Beshear, the time to act is now. Together, we will unite our voices as Kentuckians and put our talents, passion, and energy into ensuring that the people who are losing everything are no longer on the back burner. Gov. Beshear, instead of reading off and responding to negative tweets, why dont you take us behind the scenes of the unemployment office, and show us what "problems" persist that allow Kentuckians to suffer without any help.

  • Include Preschool Teachers in the Phase 1b vaccine rollout in Kentucky

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    At the end of 2019, my wife and I moved from Los Angeles to Louisville. We bought a house and established one relationship before we arrived: a relationship with a preschool. My wife and I own and operate an audiobook production company together. This job requires not only our focus but quiet- something not afforded to many parents of young children.

    Our son celebrated his first birthday a month after we arrived, and just celebrated his second birthday (with his parents and a cupcake) two weeks ago. The teachers and staff at AJ Preschool have not only enriched our child’s life and given him opportunities we simply couldn’t provide on our own but have enabled us to continue to grow our business during the pandemic. (Now registered in Kentucky!)

    Preschool teachers are just that: teachers. Vaccinating our educators is a crucial step to safely reopening our economy. K-12 schools and daycare centers are not only sources of employment for the many teachers and staff at each institution, but they serve the additional function of freeing up parents to work as well. Kentucky and other states acknowledge both the exemplary service of our educators and their additional impact on the regrowth of our economy by including them in the Phase 1b rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.

    But contrary to the guidance of the CDC and against the impassioned pleas of countless organizations and centers in the state, Kentucky has arbitrarily limited the educator allotment of vaccines to K-12 teachers only. This ignores the thousands of preschool teachers and daycare center operators (for whom NTI is not a possibility) who have worked passionately and ceaselessly through this pandemic to provide tutelage, enrichment, and nurturing to the literal future of the Commonwealth.

    We ask you, Governor Beshear, to reconsider your position on this issue and do the right thing. Amend the eligibility for Phase 1b to include ALL child educators. Preschool teachers provide the same services and care as K-12 teachers. Their work is as essential as their fellow educators and their place in the COVID Vaccine line should reflect that.

  • Ban Foie Gras in Kentucky

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Foie Gras is one of the most invasive, cruel and torturous foods sold on the market. Could you imagine having your mouth forced open and your food forcefully shoved down your throat with a long metal tube to enlarge your liver by 10x its normal size for others to kill you and feed on your enlarged liver?

    That is what happens behind closed doors to these innocent beings. Ducks and geese are bred into existence to be killed and used for their body parts.

    This practice is banned in several cities and countries including Australia, India, California and soon New York, beginning in 2022, for animal rights reasons. Let's make that happen here too, the animals deserve us on their side.

  • Kansas Medical/Recreational Marijuana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Top 10 Reasons to Replace Marijuana Prohibition with a System of Regulation and Taxation

    1. Prohibition hasn’t worked — marijuana use is mainstream and widespread. Relatively few Americans had heard of marijuana when the federal government first effectively prohibited it in 1937. Today, government data shows more than 118 million Americans admit to having tried it (24 million in the last month), and every year, the Monitoring the Future survey finds that four out of five high school seniors say marijuana is easy to obtain.

    2. Prohibition wastes public resources, while marijuana taxation brings in much-needed revenue. A sample estimate by the Congressional Research Service projected that replacing marijuana prohibition with taxation and regulation would yield $6.8 billion in excise taxes alone. In Washington State, taxes on cannabis sales brought in $440 million in FY 2019.

    3. Arresting marijuana offenders prevents police from focusing on real crime. In 2018 alone, the FBI reported more than 660,000 marijuana arrests and citations — more arrests than for all violent crimes combined. Meanwhile, FBI data showed that police only cleared 33 percent of rapes, 30 percent of robberies, and 14 percent of burglaries by making an arrest. Data published in Police Quarterly showed a higher percentage of some crimes were solved after legalization in both Colorado and Washington.

    4. Prohibition sends an incredible number of Americans through the criminal justice system, ruining countless lives. According to the FBI, there have been more than 15 million marijuana arrests in the U.S. since 1995. While marijuana consumers who were not convicted have gone on to be president or Supreme Court justice, a criminal conviction can stand in the way of securing a job, getting housing, or receiving a professional license, student loan, food assistance, driver’s license, or firearms permit.

    5. Marijuana laws are disproportionately enforced. According to the ACLU, African Americans are more than 3.5 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than whites nationwide, despite similar rates of use.

    6. Replacing marijuana prohibition with regulation does not increase rates of teen marijuana use. According to the most comprehensive government surveys in each state, no state that legalized marijuana for adults has seen an overall increase in teens’ rates of marijuana use outside of the confidence interval. Most of the data indicates slight decreases within the confidence intervals.

    7. Marijuana prohibition breeds violence. As was the case during alcohol prohibition, driving this lucrative market underground results in violence. Both buyers and sellers are vulnerable to assault when disputes cannot be solved lawfully, in courts.

    8. Regulation allows for control. Unlike licensed businesses in states that regulate cannabis, illicit marijuana sellers operate virtually anywhere and have no incentive not to sell to minors. Prohibition guarantees that marijuana will not be tested
for purity and potency, creating the risk of contamination by dangerous pesticides, molds, bacteria, or even lacing.

    9. Prohibition is bad for the environment. Illicit marijuana growers sometimes use banned pesticides, divert waterways, and leave hazardous waste in state and national parks. Regulated cannabis businesses are monitored to ensure compliance with zoning and environmental laws.

    10. Marijuana is safer than alcohol. Researchers have consistently concluded that marijuana is less toxic than alcohol, it has less potential for addiction, and it is less likely to contribute to serious medical problems. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention reports more than 30,000 alcohol-induced deaths per year, including more than 2,000 from acute overdose. It reports zero marijuana-induced deaths each year and there has never been a verified marijuana overdose death in history.

    Here is another 8 great examples and reasons to legalize this healing herb

    1. We are in a new day and age where marijuana has been proven to cure and prevent cancer, seizures, parkinson's disease, glaucoma and more. We need to come together and make the legalization of marijuana available to our great fellow Kansan Americans who are in need of this NATURAL healing plant. So please join me and other great Kansans make it happen. Because remember we the people can make anything happen if we come together and make our voices heard.

    2. The prohibition of marijuana has roots in institutionalized racism and has served as an unnecessary social mechanism to oppress both people of color and other minority populations, such as the lowest social-economic classes in society.

    3. Our nation has already shown progress in efforts toward safely regulating the sale of marijuana, so what we ask is not overtly radical.

    4. During the global pandemic, those in power publicly monopolized off the sale of marijuana as ‘essential business’. Meanwhile countless American citizens, predominately people of color, suffered through continued incarceration for the non-violent crime that subsists in some states, as the trade and sale of marijuana.

    5. We have a duty, as a collective people, to vote out politicians and regulatory bodies that do not hear this plea for reformation.

    6. About two-thirds of Kansans (66.9 percent) are in favor of enacting the policy change, compared to 22.2 percent who are opposed and 10.9 percent who are undecided. We are ready to legalize this herbal healing plant. Kansas residents also need to consider that the Governor is also ready to push forward with a new vision.
    She LISTENS TO WHAT OUR PEOPLE actually want and DESERVE.

    7. Legalizing Marijuana would be a great revenue source and would boost the economy significantly as well as bring a lot of jobs/paychecks to many Kansans. The average annual earnings by state is around $100,000,000 USD which would be a huge boost for Kansas and it's residents.

    8. A study conducted from Harvard Health Medical School and published by
    Peter Grinspoon, MD Quotes -

    "The most common use for medical marijuana in the United States is for pain control. While marijuana isn’t strong enough for severe pain (for example, post-surgical pain or a broken bone), it is quite effective for the chronic pain that plagues millions of Americans, especially as they age. Part of its allure is that it is clearly safer than opiates (it is impossible to overdose on and far less addictive) and it can take the place of NSAIDs such as Advil or Aleve, if people can’t take them due to problems with their kidneys or ulcers or GERD.

    In particular, marijuana appears to ease the pain of multiple sclerosis, and nerve pain in general. This is an area where few other options exist, and those that do, such as Neurontin, Lyrica, or opiates are highly sedating. Patients claim that marijuana allows them to resume their previous activities without feeling completely out of it and disengaged.

    Along these lines, marijuana is said to be a fantastic muscle relaxant, and people swear by its ability to lessen tremors in Parkinson’s disease. I have also heard of its use quite successfully for fibromyalgia, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, and most other conditions where the final common pathway is chronic pain.

    Marijuana is also used to manage nausea and weight loss and can be used to treat glaucoma. A highly promising area of research is its use for PTSD in veterans who are returning from combat zones. Many veterans and their therapists report drastic improvement and clamor for more studies, and for a loosening of governmental restrictions on its study. Medical marijuana is also reported to help patients suffering from pain and wasting syndrome associated with HIV, as well as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease.

    This is not intended to be an inclusive list, but rather to give a brief survey of the types of conditions for which medical marijuana can provide relief. As with all remedies"

  • I wish to save the Butler County Kansas E- Waste and HHW Program and Building.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The County is evaluating all operations at the landfill and has not made any decision yet regarding the continuation of the reuse program formerly set up in the E-waste and HHW building. - Butler County. If you have ever used the program since 2009 please voice your support for it to the country they can be reached at +1 316-322-4300 or via Facebook messenger at Butler County, Kansas Government our tax dollars went in the E-waste building construction and the program in my opinion is very important and forward thinking please lend your voice and support by signing this petition

  • Name the Neptune High School gymnasium in honor of Ken O’Donnell

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    As we grieve the death of iconic native son Kenneth O’Donnell, we seek to honor his accomplishments as a student, athlete, teacher, coach, and mentor by having the Neptune High School gymnasium named in his honor. Our prayers and heartfelt wishes are with Ken’s wife Karen and their children Kevin, Sean and Lauren and the entire O’Donnell family. We seek to preserve his memory in hopes that others will be inspired by his life’s work and aspire to become the person that Ken was naturally.

    A native of Neptune City, Ken graduated from Neptune High School in 1968 as a member of the National Honor Society, President of the Varsity Club, and earned 1st Team All-State honors in both basketball and baseball. The list of athletic accolades is lengthy. Highlights include All-Monmouth County 1967-68, All-Shore 1967-68, Holiday Jubilee Hall of Fame, and Monmouth County Athlete of the Year 1968. He is one of a select few that has been inducted in both the Neptune High School Hall of Fame and the Neptune Athletic Hall of Fame. Drafted directly out of high school by the Kansas City Royals of Major League Baseball, Ken played in the Royals’ minor league system from 1968-73 while simultaneously earning his B.S. in Elementary Education from Monmouth College in 1973. In 1989 Ken earned his master’s degree in Administration, Supervision, and Curriculum from Georgian Court College.

    As a teacher, his career at Neptune Junior High School began in 1978. Over the course of his student-athlete years and his professional career as a teacher, coach (varsity boys’ and girls’ basketball, varsity baseball, and soccer) and mentor, Ken’s accomplishments proved he breathed rare air the likes of which has never graced the halls of Neptune High School.

    As the Scarlet Fliers Varsity Girls Basketball Coach, Ken’s teams won 85% of their games (230-42) including the NJSIAA Group IV Championship in 1984; Shore Conference titles in 1981, 1987, 1988, and 1989; NJSIAA Group IV Central Jersey Championships in 1984, 1988, 1989, and 1990; and Shore Conference Division Championships in 1981 through 1985 and 1987 through 1990. He was the Star Ledger State Coach of the Year in 1984, Asbury Park Press Coach of the Year in 1984 and 1989, and the Red Bank Register Coach of the Year in 1998.

    On the boy’s side he led the Scarlet Fliers to victory nearly 75% of the time. In 2005, Neptune was the first Shore Conference school to advance to the Tournament of Champions final game. State championships were won in 2002 and 2009; State Group runner-up once (2005); three Shore Conference Championships (1995, 2004, 2008); three time NJSIAA Central Jersey Champions (1995, 2004, 2005); Shore Conference Division Champions six times (1995, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008); Holiday Jubilee Champions six times (1991, 1995, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008); Star Ledger State Coach of the Year in 2004; Asbury Park Press Coach of the Year in 2004; and coached the New Jersey State North-South All-Star game.

    But Ken O’Donnell is more than the measure of his won-loss record, x’s and o’s, and championships. As Shaun Hubbard, one of Ken’s student-athletes so eloquently posted to Facebook upon learning of his passing, Ken was imbued with special qualities that merit this high honor. Wrote Shaun: “Ken O’Donnell was a coach that went above and beyond. I remember my first Holiday Jubilee. I was beyond nervous. Made many mistakes and went 0 for the world from the line in the first half. I could literally hear the crowd yelling . . . “Take him out O’Donnell”. But he didn’t. He accepted my mistakes and coached me through it to a more productive and dominant second half and surpassed a 1,000-point career. When college football scouts came to see me during basketball season, he would set time aside for me to show off my athletic ability. “Aye Shaun. Dunk it.” when he knew they were watching. When it came down to making the hardest decision for an 18-year-old athlete to make between college football and basketball, he didn’t pressure me on my decision. He fully supported me. He gave me my first job ever at one of his summer basketball camps which introduced me to a love and respect for coaching which I still do today. I’ve witness him take in other players to his home for a few days while they got their heads straight and kept them out of trouble. He was a great coach, a great person, and a true Neptune legend. To his family, Mrs. O’D, Kevin, Sean, and Lauren, thanks for sharing him with us. He made a difference in my life as well as many others. He will be forever missed and forever loved.” When it came to life, Ken saw but two colors: Red & Black.

    The Neptune Township Board of Education would do well to hold an individual of such high moral character as Ken O’Donnell in high esteem. Ken’s lifelong dedication to his alma mater merits naming the gymnasium for him as a tribute to a life well lived and as an beacon for future students, athletes, faculty, staff, and administration.

    1,998 have signed. Let’s get to 2,500!

    At 2,500 signatures, this petition is more likely to get picked up by local news!

    Dennis Millevoi signed 8 hours ago

    Pat Scanlon signed 9 hours ago

    Daniel Doherty signed 9 hours ago

    Jill Heine signed 9 hours ago

    Jay Gomes signed 9 hours ago

    richard friedman signed 11 hours ago

    Sean Moore signed 11 hours ago

    kevin callinan signed 12 hours ago

    John Cizin signed 13 hours ago

    Patricia Diebold signed 14 hours ago

    Petra McKeon signed 14 hours ago

    Andrew Morris signed 14 hours ago

    John Tierney signed 15 hours ago

    Mitch Laurance signed 16 hours ago

    Diane Waldron signed 16 hours ago

    Anthony Hines signed 17 hours ago

    Edward Hussey signed 17 hours ago

    Steven Hartman signed 18 hours ago

    Sandy Cutillo signed 18 hours ago

    Robyn Felder signed 18 hours ago
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  • STOP Dollar General in Higgins Lake!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    STOP Dollar General's plan to open a storefront in Gerrish Township, Higgins Lake, Michigan!

    Allowing Dollar General to open in Gerrish Township undermines the community's objective of creating a rural, recreational environment in Higgins Lake. It will hurt longstanding, local businesses. It will deteriorate property values. It will diminish the unique, "up-north" appeal of the area. The opening of a non-locally owned, chain dollar store goes against the culture of the Higgins Lake area and must be stopped.

    People who come to Higgins lake - whether as tourists or as residents - come because Higgins Lake offers something special: a rural recreation environment with a strong community, and a commercial landscape that is largely unspoiled by box stores. Bringing in a Dollar General decimates this culture, and runs completely counter to what makes Higgins Lake so special. It diminishes the appeal of this area for tourists as well as current and future residents.

    The new Dollar General is poised to operate on the North Cut Road/County Road 100 commercial thoroughfare, just north of Town & Country (gas and grocery), The Bird and the Bear (specialty market and restaurant), Cross Country Ski Headquarters, and other prospering businesses. It poses a major threat to local businesses, which serve a population of people who enjoy the look and feel of a rural recreation environment. More importantly, it threatens to the soul of the community: research shows time and time again the damaging effects of chain dollar stores on small, rural towns, in all areas from economics to public health (see resources links at bottom).

    Tell Gerrish Township officials to STOP Dollar General from setting up shop in Gerrish Township. Sign this petition, and take the following action steps to make your voice heard!

    -Sign this petition!
    -Share this petition on Facebook and via email!
    -Call Gerrish Township Supervisor Dave Udy at 989-821-9313 and let him know you support an ordinance that prevents dollar store chains from opening in Gerrish Township, AND that you support a moratorium on all new commercial building until this amendment is adopted.
    -If you're a Gerrish Township resident, put up a "STOP DOLLAR STORES IN GERRISH TOWNSHIP" yard sign.* Call 989-821-6661 to get one, or stop by Cross Country Ski Headquarters on 9435 North Cut Road, Roscommon.


  • Ask Gov. Laura Kelly of Kansas to Decriminalize Marijuana until Legislation Can be made

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    35 States either have some type of Progressive Marijuana Policy by legalizing medical/recreational marijuana or decriminalization. Unfortunately Kansas has fallen behind and failed to bring the subject to vote even though there is overwhelming support from Kansans. Counties have started making their own decisions on how to treat/prosecute marijuana offenses. Unfortunately all the progress with the perception of marijuana has improved but you still have District Attorneys such as Steve Howie of Johnson County using the full extent of the law to prosecute every marijuana case that crosses his desk. Where neighboring County Douglas County does not pursue minor marijuana violations with the full extent of the law using a open mind approach. The Corona Virus has expedited the already bad Mental Health crisis that is spiraling out of control across the United States. Its hard to get mental health appointments currently as the wait list is very long so many to cope use Marijuana for Medical purposes. Mental Health Patients, Cancer Patients, Pain Management Patients to men such as Johnson County District Attorney label us as "Criminals" and uses the full extent of the law to prosecute you. Plus the Corona Virus has depleted state revenue income so putting these steps in place for a full legalization in the future would bring millions of dollars and jobs to Kansas raising your tax revenue generated for the State! I'm asking Laura Kelly as well as the Johnson County Kansas District Attorney Steve Howie to stop prosecuting marijuana charges that are not DUI/OUI, drug dealing related. Small fines and drug rehabilitation options are a more proactive answer than incarceration and a ruined criminal record, Thank You For Your Time!!

  • To not move to kansas

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    my parents want me to move to kansas, yes i would get a big house and my own bathroom butttt i would be leaving everything i know and love behind�� so this madness needs to be stopped! Kansas really! that’s 16 hours from my friends, my school, my hobbies, my home, my life...... Plz sign this petition, it’s for the great or good� And one more thing i WILL participate in the tide challenge if this dosnt make them stop their cruelty of taking away my freedom, �

  • STOP REZONING of Woodland Hills-North, Olathe Kansas

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Woodland Hills-North is 177 acres zoned as CTY RUR. Prieb Homes has filed an application, Case No. RZ21-01 to rezone the property to a R-1 single family residential zone.They will try to build approx. 400+ SFR on this land. It is proposed that there will be 2-3 entrances into this subdivision. This will impact the school zone located at 115th Woodland. This is a dangerous decision. This will endanger the children walking to and from school. The next intersection will be at 113th and Woodland. With 400+ homes, 2-3 car garage, the intersection can not handle that traffic. The current residents of 20+ years will have issues trying to leave their respective homes.

    We were promised that the land (if sold) would have to commit to the guidelines the existing community has in place. Meaning larger lots, less homes. The existing community is on septic. This will become an issue as well as widening of Woodland Road. Prieb Homes has been working on this proposal for a year now and we were notified of this February 1 2021 and a submission to the City of Olathe March 8th 2021.

    If you love your community the way it is then sign this petition to STOP Prieb Homes from building Woodland Hills-North!

    Let your elected officials know that you OPPOSE re-zoning this area for population density of this proportion, and the city's Master Plan in general that allows for such high-density housing on this land! You need to write a letter by March 2nd and send it to:

    Kim Hollingsworth

    Olathe Senior Planner


    100 E Santa Fe

    Olathe Kansas 66061

    [email protected]

  • Name The New Kansas City (MCI) Airport Terminal After Henry Perry!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    It is time for Kansas City to recognize The Barbecue King and name our gateway to the world Henry Perry International Airport.

    For the better part of a century, Kansas City has been synonymous with world-class barbeque. Go anywhere in the world and mention our city and the first thing that comes to mind for many is barbeque. Incredibly, Kansas City's reputation as "BBQ Capital of the World" can be traced back to one man - Henry Perry.

    In 1910, Henry Perry opened the city’s, and by some accounts the nation’s, first barbeque restaurant. Self-dubbed as “The Barbecue King”, Perry’s restaurant was incredibly popular. As a black man, Perry’s barbeque transcended several of the city’s racial and socio-economic divides. He was a man who believed in giving back to the community and famously provided free meals for children and the elderly.

    When Perry died, he left his restaurant to Charlie Bryant who later sold the restaurant to his brother Arthur. Another Perry apprentice, Arthur Pinkard, was instrumental in the opening of Gates Bar-B-Q. In the age of gastro-tourism, our city has become an international destination for barbeque. We have more BBQ joints per capita than any other city and we host the American Royal World Series of Barbecue - the largest BBQ competition in the world!

    None of this happens without Henry Perry. And sadly, nothing in this city bears the name of the man who gave us our greatest reputation. When we think of all the great Kansas City barbeque restaurants, none of them exist without Henry Perry! Whose name to better put on our airport than that of a Kansas City and African-American icon? If Rome can name their airport for Leonardo Da Vinci, why can Kansas City not also name our airport for an artist?

  • Clemency for Antonio Floyd: Sentenced to An Undeserving Amount of Years at the age of 19

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Could you take a moment to sign and share this petition...

    Antonio Floyd in 2002 at the age of 19 was sentenced to 51 years prison time for attempted murder. He has already served 19 of those years in the Kansas prison system. He has spent those 19 years turning his life around, not only for himself, but for his sisters, nieces and aunts.

    Antonio is 37 and will not be granted release until the age of 63.

    We, his family, believe he has served his time and should be given clemency by Governor Laura Kelly.

    A Letter From Antonio:

    In 2002 at the age of 19 I committed attempted murder against Louise Brockman. I make no excuses for my actions and accept complete responsibility. The mistakes I made as an immature teenager have made an Impact on my whole adult life. My juvenile criminal history enhanced my sentence by 37 years... Without the enhancement I would have been released as early as 2017.. Due to this enhancement I received more then double time then most murders in the state of Kansas. At the time of my arrest I was under the influence of P.C.P which I did voluntary. My substance abuse had been an issue since i was a child and it turned me into a person who was unable to make smart decisions, a person who did not value the opportunity of being free, unable to build positive friendships/relationships, and a lack of direction. For my actions on November 5th 2002 I've asked Ms. Brockman for forgiveness. I expressed regret for causing her pain and suffering. I reached out and asked for forgiveness while I was participating in a voluntary Victims Impact class, and I was told that I had been forgiven. I don't expect for this to be erased from anyone's thoughts, but 18 years later I'm asking for mercy. As a 37 year old man I have been incarcerated longer than I have been free. My dream is to rejoin society and teach to the youth of Kansas that the choices that you make today will absolutely shape your tomorrow. Who better to preach that subject than someone who's life has been molded by yesterday’s mistakes.

  • More Public Compost Centers in Kansas City

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Over one third of U.S.A's food gets trashed, and goes to waste. Most of Africa barely has food, so we are lucky to have food. Most of the wasted food is compostable, so we can turn it in to soil, fertilizer, etc. That is called COMPOST. My goal is to get more compost site around a small part of the world. I am starting small, with just Kansas City, but in the near future, I hope to get compost bins around bigger areas, and help the earth. Fruit peels, coffee grains, leaves, and much more is compostable. By signing this petition, you will help save our planet, and give others, and yourself a better future and life.