• Prevent casino development at in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We, the residents of St. Tammany Parish, object to the development of a casino at the proposed site - off the Interstate I-10 twin span. We, the residents of St. Tammany, object to the bills moving through the legislature to allow a parish wide vote on the related gambling referendum, as a majority yes result will permit the casino development in Slidell by P2E. Given the controversiality of this development and the fact that Slidell will be most affected by its presence, the decision should not be left in the hands of the entire parish. Listen to the people of Slidell when they say they do not want this casino development in their backyard.

    The low end casino being proposed is bound to degrade everything we love about our neighborhoods, the surrounding establishments, and Slidell. This casino will change residential life in Slidell for the worse, bringing noise, crime, traffic, and competition to many small businesses in Slidell. The long term effect of casinos on residential property values and crime is well documented and certainly negative. Its presence will detract from the surrounding property values, decrease the natural beauty of our community, cause personal and commercial bankruptcies, and bring a host of unwelcome characteristics to our community (i.e. increased poverty rate). Please consider our neighborhoods and the lives of the people who call this area home. Within these waterfront communities live many St. Tammany residents (business owners, upstanding citizens, and young families). Hundreds of homes are being built in the immediate vicinity of the proposed location for this casino. How can you seek to degrade this PRIMARILY residential area without any consideration for its residents? We hope to protect the integrity of some of the best property in Slidell, where neighbors boat, fish, and engage in recreational water activity. Please forbid the creation and development of the proposed casino at the Oak Harbor exit or anywhere else in St. Tammany Parish.

  • Let the LSU Tiger Girls Compete at UDA Nationals 2021

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Watch this video from our alumni on why we should compete!

    Our team, The LSU Tiger Girls, (the official dance team of LSU ) has been a top competitor and previous national champions (1999, 2010) at UDA College Nationals. Most recently, we were awarded 3rd in D1A Hip Hop and 4th in D1A Jazz- the only team to place in the top 4 in Hip Hop & Jazz.

    We are asking for your help and support in getting us to nationals in April. The university has told our program for the first time in 22 years that we are not permitted to compete this year- these reasons not being related to COVID or budgetary restrictions. It has been communicated we cannot compete because of lack of athletic trainers available for our competition season. Not competing would be an immeasurable loss for our program as we student-athletes put our blood sweat and tears into our competition season and truly live to represent our university on the nationals stage.

    The LSU Tiger Girls are constantly giving back to and supporting our university. Whether it is donor events or supporting other athletes on the sidelines, we are consistently representing LSU with the utmost pride and highest excellence. All we ask from the university is to compete at our one national competition of the year. Unfortunately this year, we have been denied this opportunity.

    Please help us by supporting our efforts in changing the minds of the university officials that have removed competition from our season.

    Thank you for your support and GEAUX TIGERS.

    View the LSU Tiger Girls 2020 Nationals Routines here:

    Hip Hop


  • The investigation into corrupt police in webster parish louisiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Many cases of police and officers family members getting away with crimes in webster parish... murder.. domestic violence.. child pornography and excessive force much more. this effects everyone to some degree and will not stop without a voice of unity for change.. please sign for change

  • Justice for Ronald Greene

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Mr. Ronald Greene was a resident of Monroe, Louisiana. He was a Black man who worked as a barber and had recently gone into remission after battling cancer for two years. He was on his way to meet his wife in Florida when he died shortly after midnight on May 10, 2019 at age 49.

    The family of Mr. Greene was not told the truth about what happened by Louisiana State Police. They were told that their son, husband, and friend died from injuries he sustained in a crash after failing to stop for a traffic violation, when in fact his life ended tragically at the hands of Louisiana State Troopers after what can only be described as a brutal murder. His family was denied the truth for nearly two years.

    As the body camera footage clearly shows, Ronald Greene surrendered and complied with the officers. His words were not combative. He said he was scared, he apologized, and he complied.

    Yet he was stunned, shackled, dragged, punched in the face, choked and ultimately killed by troopers who have yet to be held appropriately accountable for their actions. Even while his body was reported to be limp and unresponsive, he was loaded onto an ambulance gurney with an arm cuffed to the bed rail. It took the Louisiana State Police 474 days to launch an internal investigation and none of the troopers have been fired or charged. We also now know that one of the troopers withheld body camera footage.

    Nothing about this is acceptable.

    The Urban League of Louisiana, the National Urban League, the Baton Rouge Branch of the NAACP, VOTE, and the ACLU of Louisiana demand that action be taken immediately. It is too late for the actions to be swift - but it is not too late for the officers to be held accountable and for the state of Louisiana to demonstrate that all of its residents are deserving of justice and to be treated with dignity and humanity.

    Every trooper present the night of Mr. Greene’s murder are culpable. No one has been held accountable for the murder or the systemic failures that allowed for the coverup. We, and those who sign this petition call for:

    All troopers involved to be immediately terminated. There has been limited discipline against some of the troopers but it is not enough. Every day that any trooper involved in this horrendous incident remains on the job is an injustice to the family and to all residents of Louisiana. All troopers involved must be terminated.
    All troopers to be arrested on charges that are appropriate for the crimes committed. There have been no charges thus far, after two years since Mr. Greene’s murder. The officers involved, named and unnamed, must be arrested immediately.
    **Please note that if you make a donation through this petition it will not go to the Urban League of Louisiana or its partners.**

  • Legalize Recreational Marijuana in Louisiana

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    There is a growing body of research supporting marijuana's health benefits for medical purposes. Some studies and anecdotal evidence suggest marijuana can be used for various medical problems, including but not limited to pain, nausea and loss of appetite, Parkinson’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis.

    Several studies show legalizing recreational marijuana can lead to fewer opioid painkiller deaths, making marijuana one potential way to help curb the opioid epidemic. The rationale for this is simple: Studies show marijuana can effectively treat chronic pain, which opioids are commonly used for. But unlike opioids, marijuana cannot cause deadly overdoses. So marijuana could supplant some opioid use and save some lives.

    According to an LSU survey that was conducted in February 2014, 79% of Louisiana residents support the use of medical marijuana.
    Public Policy Polling conducted a 2013 survey that found 53% of people likely to vote favored legalization of weed, taxing and regulating it in a manner similar to alcohol. The same poll found that 56% were supportive of giving civil violations to people who illegally possess weed rather than arresting them.
    The New Orleans city council passed an ordinance on March 23, 2016 decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana. It allowed police to give violators a ticket rather than arresting them. The fine would range from $40-$100.

    All of this aside, the juiciest part for our state is how legalizing can affect the economy.
    According to a RCG Economics study, the legalization of recreational marijuana creates 6,208 new full-time jobs in retail and production of marijuana and generates a total labor income of $260,732,000. In addition to direct jobs in retail, the industry has countless indirectly induced jobs, including marketing, data analysts, lawyers, health professionals etc. Leafty, a cannabis information hub, states that the industry can generate 211,000 jobs in America. This number surpassed that of coal mining (52,000) and textile manufacturing (112,000) in just years after marijuana’s legalization. The economic benefits of increased job opportunities is exponential because it helps contribute to a positive cycle of economic growth. As more traditional manufacturing and producing jobs are replaced by machinery, cannabis is not quite fully automated. Indeed, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects an 110% increase of jobs in the cannabis industry over the next decade. Cannabis remains a substance that needs to be further researched; as a result, researchers and data analysis are needed to understand the product better. Business owners also need lawyers to help them navigate new regulations in states that recently legalized marijuana, as well as to act as lobbyists to pressure the other states to decriminalize marijuana.

    Like all goods, the cannabis industry can bring considerable tax revenues. Since its legalization in 2016, the state of California is able to collect a 15% state tax excise on retail cannabis sales. Additionally, cultivators pay $9.65 per ounce for flowers, $2.89 per ounce of trim and $1.35 per ounce of fresh cannabis plant. According to the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, the cannabis industry brings $411.3 million in excise tax, $98.9 million in cultivation tax, and $335.1 million in sales tax, totaling to $845.3 million in tax revenue for the third quarter of 2019. In Proposition 64, the allocation of these revenues are clearly outlined: they are first to pay for cannabis regulatory agencies and administrative costs, ranging from 20-70 million. 60% of the excess goes to youth education and earlier prevention, including public education programs on cannabis and responsible usage. 20 percent goes to environmental protection, and another 20 percent goes to local and state government law enforcement. Additionally, the legislative analyst office (LAO) records that $2 million will go to UC San Diego’s Center of Medical Cannabis Research annually to further study the effect of cannabis. Other examples include the state of Colorado, which spent 40 million of its tax revenue from cannabis on public schools construction and an additional 27.8 million to fund public education. Washington state used its 314.8 million to fund Medicaid, a program that helped provide health insurance for low-income Washington residents. The cannabis industry can generate extra fortune that can fund better infrastructure like school and health care that not only improves citizen’s lives, but also contributes to a positive cycle of economic growth.

    After the economic pitfalls of the pandemic, I can think of no better way to stimulate the economy than to legalize a plant with so much positive impact potential. Making Louisiana the first recreational legalized state in our region would give us even more potential as a tourist destination to states close by. Please sign and share this petition if you believe that recreational marijuana should be legalized in Louisiana. (Since when is Louisiana, the home of Bourbon St, a Prohibition state?) After you sign and share this petition contact your legislators and share with them how you feel about the legalization of recreational marijuana.

  • Republicans Demand the Immediate Resignation of Senator Bill Cassidy

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) must resign for his vote to convict President Donald Trump for "inciting an insurrection." This vote is an affront to the voters of Louisiana who re-elected Senator Cassidy last year. Louisiana voters also supported the re-election of President Trump by a 59-40% margin.

    Cassidy's re-election campaign commercials emphasized his endorsement by President Trump. After using President Trump to win re-election, he immediately criticized him for challenging the election results. He then joined with Democrats and six other Republicans to vote for the conviction of President Trump.

    The President did not call for violence. Instead he asked his supporters to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." This sham trial was a disgrace for President Trump had already left office and could not be removed. A partisan Democrat Senator presided as "judge." The only reason for this Kangaroo Court was to embarrass MAGA supporters and President Trump and try to prevent him from running for office again.

    Many Democrats have used much angrier language than President Trump and none of them have been impeached or even sanctioned. For Senator Cassidy to support this double standard is an outrage. His actions do not reflect the will of the people of Louisiana. Thus, he must resign.


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Bill Cassidy is one of the many senators that receives kick backs from socialist groups that do not have the American people’s best interests at heart. Bill Cassidy cares nothing for the people he works for. He only cares about money and running this country into the ground. He has more than 5 years left in office. We need to get him out as soon as possible before he does any more damage!!! He is not a true republican and doesn’t care about the constitution!

  • End Cruel Horse-Drawn Carriage Rides at Hamburg Pavilion

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Starwood Retail Partners manages Hamburg Pavilion in Lexington, Kentucky and has allowed dangerous horse-drawn carriage rides to take place at the property over the last few years. Most recently during the holiday season during a global pandemic these rides were promoted with a total disregard to public safety. There are numerous photos of a person dressed as Santa next to children and families without masks, not to mention the carriage is so small proper social distancing would have been difficult to maintain.

    Carriage rides are not only a public safety threat, they are dangerous for horses too. Accidents are no stranger to the horse-drawn carriage industry, there have been countless incidents in which carriages have been hit by impatient or careless drivers. And accidents have occurred in nearly every city where carriage rides are allowed. In a state which prides itself on its horses, we shouldn’t be allowing carriage rides to happen at all, horses shouldn’t be forced to dodge traffic, or pound the pavement for hours at a time. The long-term effects of this can be debilitating to horses, because of their large lungs, they may develop respiratory ailments from the vehicle exhaust fumes they breathe, and they can suffer painful leg problems from walking on the hard pavement.

    Carriage rides are so dangerous and cruel that they’ve been banned in many cities including Chicago; Camden, New Jersey; Salt Lake City, and more. Starwood Retail Partners has the chance to show Lexington that it’s a progressive and compassionate company by refusing to allow horse-drawn carriage rides at Hamburg Pavilion.

    There are so many kind options that could be promoted instead, like rides in a classic car, ice skating, a concert, etc. Please help protect horses and people in Lexington by urging Hamburg Pavilion to ban these dangerous horse-drawn carriage rides.

    For more ways to help please call or leave a short polite comment on Hamburg Pavilion's social media pages to urge it to ban carriage rides from its property:


  • Support Medical Marijuana Card Reciprocity In Florida

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Because Compassion Shouldn’t Stop At The Border

    Florida’s medical marijuana program is humming along nicely with an estimated $1.3 billion in sales last year — the third-highest tally in the country for 2020. The state also added roughly 15,000 cannabis jobs in 2020 alone. More than 31,000, Floridians are now employed in the medical marijuana market.

    As encouraging as that is, the Sunshine State is not only selling itself short in terms of medical marijuana sales and tax collections, it’s also leaving some people out while holding back the state’s bread and butter industry — tourism.

    Why do we have a medical marijuana program in Florida? The answer, in one word, is compassion.

    If people who are suffering can find some measure of relief from cannabis, and there’s really no harm done by it, then denying out-of-state patients access to medical marijuana in Florida is heartless and cruel.

    If we are compassionate enough as a state to offer relief to our own residents, then how can we turn our backs and not offer compassion to visitors to our fair state?

    How Would Marijuana Card Reciprocity Work In Florida?

    Medical marijuana doctors in Florida have a list of qualifying conditions for which they may approve a patient for a Florida medical marijuana card. The last bullet point on that list effectively states that doctors are permitted to use their own judgment. If they feel a patient with some other condition that’s not on the list can benefit from using medical marijuana they can approve the application.

    If the list of qualifying medical conditions is open-ended here in Florida, then there’s no need to restrict particular states from reciprocity based on their list of qualifying conditions. If the patient has been approved for medical marijuana card by a doctor in another state then they could theoretically be approved here as well.

    This doesn’t mean that Florida should offer reciprocity to every U.S. state with a medical marijuana program. There might be some logical exceptions such as states that only permit the use of low-THC or hemp-derived products. States like Texas, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky would most likely not take kindly to Florida offering medical grade THC marijuana products including cannabis concentrates to their citizens.

    On the other hand, patients in more relaxed states such as California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Oklahoma, Nevada, Illinois, Michigan, Massachusetts, Ohio, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and many others that don’t regulate the amount of THC in their medical marijuana products would qualify for a temporary out-of-state Florida medical marijuana card.

    The Financial Benefits Of Reciprocation

    Extending compassion to out-of-state medical marijuana card patients creates a win-win situation here in Florida.

    First, Florida wins because it gains vacationers and snowbirds that spend a lot of money. Medical marijuana patients across the nation win because they will have access to the medicine they need. This means they’ll now have the option of vacationing in our beautiful Sunshine State.

    Just how much of a win would this be for Florida? Let’s crunch some numbers.

    According to data provided by ChampionTraveller.com, rounded off, the average price of a 7-day trip for a group of people is between $4,000 and $7,000 (even higher if all four are adults).

    Another source, VacationKids.com, says if the group is on a Disney vacation, they can expect to spend a little over $200 per day per person for expenses such as hotel, park passes, and food. For a one-week vacation to Disney World, that’s a total spend of over $5,000 for a family of four.

    According to numbers provided at TampaBay.com, Florida attracted more than 130 million travelers in 2019. Hypothetically, if offering reciprocity can increase that number by 0.1% (that’s one extra visitor per thousand), that would mean 130,000 additional visitors.

    At $5,000 per family of four, that would be over $162 million dollars spent here in Florida. Tax rates vary in Florida. Assuming around a 7% tax rate (lodging tax, dining tax, sales tax, etc.) that’s more than $11 million in let’s call it sales tax revenue.

    That might not sound like a lot. But add on top of that corporate taxes paid by companies in the state that host those travelers and the taxes paid when the rising number of employees of those companies spend their paychecks.

    There’s also the goodwill and free advertising generated by the 130,000 additional visitors posting on social medial about their glorious Florida vacation reaching millions of friends and followers. That’s free advertising. Let’s just say their posts reach 1.3 million people. At a standard advertising response rate of 1%, that’s an additional 13,000 visitors.

    Add on top of that any money spent at Florida dispensaries. According to FlowHub.com, about 25% of cannabis products sold nationwide are purchased by out-of-state customers. It would be a stretch to say Florida would sell one-third more medical marijuana if reciprocity were offered, however, even a five or ten percent increase in cannabis sales would be substantial — something in the area of $25 to $50 million in additional annual sales.

    And we’re still not done. Let’s say the state charges $75 for a temporary out-of-state medical marijuana card. That’s 130,000 visitors times $75 or another nearly $10 million in the state’s war chest.

    Of course, these numbers are all just best guestimates. There are probably a hundred ways this could be modeled and the numbers could vary wildly. However, under the bottom line is a big enough number that when combined with the compassion factor makes reciprocity a total no-brainer for Florida.

    The Ability For Floridians To Use Their Medical Cards In Other States?

    The reciprocal scenario is also important. Let’s say a Florida resident with a medical marijuana card wants to travel either for business or pleasure to any other state in the U.S. Unless it’s one of the 17 that offer recreational marijuana, and unless they’re 21-plus, they’re out of luck.

    How To Make MedCard Reciprocity Work In Florida?

    If you want to help extend compassion to out-of-state medical marijuana patients and Florida residents that travel while helping to boost tourism in the state of Florida:

    Add your name to this petition - it doesn't matter what state you live in.
    Please post on your social media.
    If you live in Florida, you can also get more involved by contacting your local representatives and senators directly.

  • Weekly Income Supplement for the Employed in Kentucky

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    All Kentuckians have endured great stressors since March 2020. Essential workers in Kentucky have received minimal benefits while on the frontline, risking our health, struggling with burnout, and coping with the negative effect CV-19 is having on our mental health and the mental wellbeing of our families. Conversely, those receiving unemployment are sometimes misjudged and do not receive a livable wage but are present for their children. All have equally suffered.

    Essential workers live in constant fear of their children being without childcare and go to work knowing their teens live their lives in isolation with no increase in pay or incentives. Those who are receiving unemployment live in constant fear of losing their UI.

    Governor Beshear, your swift actions throughout the pandemic set an example for other states, saved countless lives and many families from grieving the loss of loved ones. You hold power to influence yet another paradigm shift during this uncertain time. Rather than supplemental unemployment payments and incentives to reenter the workforce for Kentuckians, please consider a mutually exclusive perspective. Supplemental wage benefits would recognize the efforts of essential workers and be the incentive for those who are unemployed to reenter the workforce. Every state leader and Kentuckian would irrefutably identify you for beginning what you refer to as a “new normal.”

    Please share this petition throughout the state of Kentucky.

    This author's goal is to advocate for all Kentuckians because CV-19 has impacted everyone in innumerable ways.

    “The power of the people is much stronger than the people in power” ― Wael Ghonim.

    38 have signed. Let’s get to 100!

    At 100 signatures, this petition is more likely to be featured in recommendations!
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  • Help save an important site in kentucky history

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    There is a company trying to develop land where the ke-o-me-zu springs hotel once stood. What they want to build are factories and warehouses. There are still many native american artifacts and burials as well. The founder of our town owned this hotel and it was a big tourist attraction in the late 1800's. Not only are we destroying history but we are destroying several thousand acres of forest. Kentucky has some great history when it comes to the civil war and underground railroad but we have other history. So many animals will have their habitats destroyed as well as fossils, artifacts, human remains, and building fragments.

    Calling all history lovers please spread the word about this. I would hate to lose such an iconic part of history and the freedom that comes with seeing all the animals everywhere. There is history to tell and the well being of people at stake. I have tried petitioning my city council but as a 16 year old it never got far. The benefit of leaving the place as it is will be to increase the amount of articles and resources available. There are only 3-4 results that talk about the history of the place and you need a locals perspective to get more in depth information.

    Here is a quick PDF about some of the history of this place. https://erlangerhistoricalsociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Buffington-Springs.pdf I really want to do something about this and I have even reached out to PETA. Its to the point where I don't know if they will ever take me seriously.

  • Re-Extend William T. Young Library Hours

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    William T. Young Library is a spot for students to really focus on academics while also being social with friends. This library helps prioritize academics among friends. With extending William T. Young Library's hours later students will be able to have this safe, academic space to help foster their education.

  • Mitch, please televise a Kentucky Football "John Schlarman Memorial Spring Game."

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Mitch and Company,

    Greetings and Salutations!

    Please consider having some sort of televised Kentucky Football Spring Game.

    The fans are eager to see some actual football. The logistics of staging a scrimmage without fans should be much less complex than a regular spring game which some of our peers are having.

    There will be no need for parking, ushers, security, or concessions.

    There would be no additional social distancing risk, as players and staff would already be in contact during regular non-televised practices.

    There is no need for an extravagant ESPN style production. Multiple camera angles are already set up as practices are recorded for review in the film room.

    It shouldn't be difficult to find three commentators who are chomping at the bit to work on something like this.

    As the Kroge will be understandably and appropriately occupied with Covid vaccinations, the event can be staged at a practice field. Or a local high school. Or a field on a horse farm. Or someone's back yard. Or a hermetically sealed bomb shelter.

    This would bring some normalcy to this roller coaster of a hot twisted dysfunctional vortex of bumbling confusing chaos that the sports world - and the country at large - has been this past year.

    This would be a great opportunity for the inaugural John Schlarman Memorial Spring Game. It would honor the great man and late coach who gave so much to the program.

    The players would have a chance to showcase their talents and have some exposure. The fans will have a better idea of who our guys are, and a chance to discover new personalities on the roster.

    It's also a fantastic opportunity to show appreciation to these fans who have stuck with it through the past tumultuous covid year, and are eager to get back to a regular routine.

    Lead the way back to that path!

    While there would be new considerations in light of the tragic pandemic affecting us all, this is possible. We're a week away from 68 teams converging in Indianapolis for a mega sporting event.

    If the frequently organizationally challenged NCAA can stage a televised sporting event - Why Not Us?

    In the words of an all time, great...


    Fanatical Regards,



    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In 1985, Willie Nelson, Neil Young and John Mellencamp decided to put on a concert for America’s family farmers who were in dire need of assistance. They raised over $7 million in that first year and Farm Aid have been helping to support America’s family farmers ever since.

    We’re asking you to join us in asking Farm Aid to make industrial hemp a focus of this year’s event and into the future.

    As a coalition of thousands of small family farmers, and others committed to sustainability and regenerative farming practices, we recognize the potential of industrial hemp to transform the fate of farmers and the health of the planet.

    Industrial hemp is poised to be the first successful mainstream crop to be introduced into the culture of American farming since soybeans. Thousands of small family farmers see this as an unprecedented business opportunity that will lift them out of financial hardship and help them keep their farms in the family.

    Industrial hemp has tens of thousands of uses and provides sustainable solutions for planetary problems related to food, energy, housing and so much more. The key to its success is education and strategic alliances between farmers, processors and manufacturers. Farm Aid can help to effectively share that message. With your support, we can convince Farm Aid how important it is to expand awareness and adoption of this remarkable grain and fiber crop.

    Please take a minute to watch the short video and sign on to our campaign to support and promote an industrial hemp-focused Farm Aid, for the farmers and for our future.


    Joe Hickey - Founder - Kentucky Hemp Association
    Mandi Kerr - Chair of Board - Global Hemp Association
    Geoff Whaling - Chair of the Board - National Hemp Association
    Erica McBride Stark - Exec. Director - National Hemp Association
    Morris Beegle - President - We Are For Better Alternatives (WAFBA)
    Andrew Bish - President - Nebraska Hemp Industries Association
    Jacob Waddell - President - US Hemp Building Association
    Samantha Walsh - Vice Chair - Colorado Hemp Association
    Rachel Berry - CEO - Illinois Hemp Growers Association
    Jamie Campbell Petty - President - Mid West Hemp Council
    Jeff Greene - President - Florida Hemp Association
    Fred Cawthon - President - Hemp Alliance of Tennessee
    Ola Lessard - President - The Hemp Roundtable
    Tate Hall - President - Kentucky Hemp Association
    Wayne Richman - President - California Hemp Association
    Rick Trojan - President - Hemp Industries Association
    Eric McKee - Founder - US Hemp Building Association
    George Kocian -VP - Ohio Hemp Farmers Cooperative
    Jason Amatucci - President - Virginia Hemp Coalition
    Joe Kirkpatrick - President - Tennessee Growers Coalition
    Eric Steenstra - President - Vote Hemp
    Tillery Timmons-Simms - Exec. Dir. - Texas Hemp Growers Assn
    Jana Groda - Vice President - Kentucky Hemp Association
    Cameron McIntosh - President - Americhanvre Cast Hemp
    Oneal Latimore - Owner - Eastern Hemp
    Mira Rubin - Co-founder - Sustainability Now
    Scott Bille - Co-founder - Sustainability Now
    Scheril Murray Powell, Esq. - Green, Sustainable, Strong
    Marla Dickerson - Director - Southern University Law Center
    Paul Higgs - Board - Standing Committee of State Associations
    Dr. Lashunda A. Hodges - Assoc Professor - Southern University
    Michael Henning - Director - Sovran Films
    Alicia Fall - Founder - Her Many Voices
    Marc Grignon - Director - Hemp Project Heart
    Coleman Hemphill - Pres. - Texas Hemp Industries Association
    Blake Butler - Executive Director - Southeast Hemp Association
    Courtney Moran – Pres. – Oregon Industrial Hemp Farmers Assn
    Marc Grignon - Director - Hemp Project Heart

  • Reform Kentucky's Relocation Laws - Protect Parent's Custody Rights

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On October 25, 2020, my child Charlotte was relocated without a 60 day written notice. The mother of my child verbally told me of her intentions to move to Florida with Charlotte and left the same day. She was fully relocated within 24 hours of informing me. It has been 3 months since her move and I haven't seen any justice yet. This relocation broke Kentucky law and there isn't anything that can be done to reverse it.

    My lawyer said nothing can be done to reverse a relocation unless a child is in immediate danger. This isn't right because we have laws set into place to prevent a parent from moving unexpectedly when both parents hold custody. My petition focuses on rights for unmarried parents where paternity has been established either by affidavit or DNA test. My petition mostly focuses on unmarried parents because their rights aren't taken as seriously as divorced or married couples.

    Kentucky state law states that "Parents are always free to move on their own whenever they want, but when a parent wants to move a child out of Kentucky or more than 100 miles from their present residence, they must give written notice to the other parent at least 60 days prior to the move. In addition, the child relocation cannot take place without a written agreement (between the parents) or a court order (KRS § 403.270)"

    It appears that either parent can break this law without any repercussions. Either parent can relocate their child hundreds of miles away without a court order and get away with it. I think both parents should have the right to be within a reasonable proximity to their kid unless court ordered otherwise.

    I am petitioning for relocations to be court ordered before a minor child can be legally relocated. I also think that the 60 day written notice law should be enforced instead of ignored when it's broken.

    The opposing parent should have a fair opportunity to state why they oppose a relocation if they choose to fight it. I think if a court date was required to relocate a child, this could also help verify if the other parent received a 60 day written notice. If anybody chooses to not comply with KRS § 403.270 like the mother of my child chose to ignore, there should be repercussions. Nobody is above the law. There should also be an easier path to reverse a relocation that was not done legally.

    Kentucky is a 50-50 state for the most part and I feel like it's easy to manipulate relocation laws without any consequences. This puts one parent in an unfortunate situation when custody laws should have protected them. A child deserves both parents when the situation is right.

    I don't want anybody to be in my situation ever again, so I think it's time to reform Kentucky's relocation laws.


    • Court mandates should be required before relocating a minor child.

    • The 60 day written notice law should be enforced instead of ignored.

    • Repercussions for parents who choose not to follow KRS § 403.270 before relocating a minor child.

    • Easier path to reverse relocations done illegally.

  • To stop Chrystal Collins from scamming innocent people.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    This petition is to STOP Chrystal Michelle Collins AKA CMC.LIFE from scamming innocent and vulnerable people.

    Just a few things she has done.

    � lies about what the money is intended for

    � claimed her son was in a burn unit for money

    � claimed her daughter passed away in january 2021 when it was actually her 2nd cousin and she didnt have permission from the family to collect money. I've been

    � claimed her boyfriend (not husband as she claims) had cancer needed money for medical Bill's

    � watched her cat catch on fire by kerosene heater on facebook live and laugh about it

    � has even took people's money for items she is selling and doesnt send said item

    � claim her "mommas" vehicle broke down 2 people bought 2 of the car parts

    � tells people she doesnt have enough money to pay her phone bill she asks for phone bill money at least 3 to 4 times a month.

    � asks for coal

    � said she needed a bed cause hers broke and ripped the girl off who sold her the bed that someone else donated to her to begin with (the money) then sold it kept the money.

    � she has supporters on fb which is 4.99 a month. For those that want to go into a special group and see her live and cry and beg no content what so ever. Well she has learned that she can block the supporter and it will kick them out of group and then turn around and unblock and they think fb did it so they pay the 4.99 again just to be paid twice from same person in one month.

    � judge in her hometown told her to stay off social media. Of course she didnt listen.

    � does drugs on live and drug deals.

    � has faked suicide a couple times just to get attention and money (this has been proven to be 100% true facts

    � sold nudes online. Has also had sex with her boyfriend in the background on live

    � has had her very young niece online begging for stuff coaching her on what to say

    � she calls her followers slow minded and dumba**** because they send n her money knowing she isnt using it for what she said.

    � tells them it will be her last time asking for help when she literally asks every single day. Everyday it's something new that she needs money for.

    � has abused her elderly mother in law and even her own mother. Physical and emotional ambuse.


  • John Fitzgerald Johnson Character Reference Letter

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Dear Judge Regina S. Edwards,

    We the people are writing this letter given recent charging complaint against John Fitzgerald Johnson. In the complaint Johnson was charged in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 111 assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees. We understand the seriousness of these charges which is why we are demanding a thorough investigation that we believe will exonerate Johnson. We have known Johnson for the past three years and he has taught us many spiritual classes that have helped us become better people and live more productive lives. He has also helped make our communities better uplifting people from all walks of life and has organized with local agencies and organizations to make all events peaceful and safe. Which is why I want to stress that Johnson would never assault, resist, or impede officers during an event that he coordinated with to effectively ensure the safety of all parties involved and the people of Louisville.

    The evidence which has led to Johnson being named in the complaint is not sufficient to move forward with the indictment. Daniel Nally, Special Agent with the F.B.I. stated in the complaint that Johnson was in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 111 when he allegedly aimed/brandished an AR platform rifle at the officers on the rooftop of the Jefferson County Grand Jury building. In paragraph 12 of the charging complaint, Nally stated verbatim the purpose of their investigation and them being on the rooftop was to observe the armed individuals on Armory Place and try to determine their intentions. From his own words Nally did not know what Johnson’s intention was when he allegedly aimed/brandished an AR platform rifle at the rooftop on September 4th, 2020.

    We would like to stress that this is a huge misunderstanding and charging Johnson in violation of U.S.C. § 111 would be a mischaracterization of justice. Weeks and up to a month prior to September 4th, 2020, Johnson coordinated on the phone and in person the plans to keep all parties involved and the people of Louisville safe. Another part of that coordination was so that the Louisville Metro Police Department would have knowledge of the whereabouts of Johnson and his militia during the event. It is a fact that Johnson was unaware of who was on the rooftop at 8:34pm on the September 4th. It is a fact that Johnson provided all whereabouts of him and his militia. While it is true that Major Gregory of The Louisville Metro Police department told Johnson that him and his team would be on rooftops during the event, Johnson did not have full details of every building or rooftop they would occupy during the event.

    We would like to point out the fact that opposing groups such as The Proud Boys who are a known hate group as classified by The Southern Poverty Law Center has members who were recently charged by the F.B.I. on January 26th, 2021 in connection with the capitol riots that took place on January 6th, 2021 who were possibly present during the September 4th planned peaceful event. It is a known fact that during events such as these, opposing groups sometimes place armed members on rooftops that can be perceived as snipers to deter peaceful protesters from coming down a particular street or area. At 8:34pm in Louisville, KY there is no daylight, and it is not far fetched to understand that Johnson was simply doing everything he can to verify the safety of everyone.

    We the people would like to highlight the fact that Johnson has planned four peaceful events prior to the one in question without any arrests of members of the NFAC. Johnson has always made sure he has had the proper permits and licenses to have his events and peacefully assemble within the confines of all local, state, and federal laws.

    We request that this case be dismissed immediately with prejudice. Johnson is facing grave consequences if convicted of this crime and since being arrested Johnson’s livelihood and the way he earns money has been adversely affected. We the people can vouch for Johnson who has served this country and would never assault, resist, or impede officers and we know this is a huge misunderstanding and we request that you consider this letter before moving forward with the indictment.

    Thank You.

    Yours sincerely,

    We The People

  • Pass legislation for Safe Haven Baby Boxes in KY

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Every state has safe haven laws, but only about a hand full of states have these Baby Boxes. Safe Haven Baby Boxes are temperature controlled, clean, monitored and safe boxes, usually attached to fire stations, police departments, or hospitals, where parents can hand over their babies anonymously. The states that have safe haven boxes include the states of Indiana, Ohio, Arkansas, Arizona, and just Recently Florida, but not in the state of Kentucky. I would like to change that. I want Kentucky to be one of the states that have these boxes that can save more babies' lives. I don’t just believe that we are just saving babies' lives, but that I believe we are saving the world in a way, because we don’t know if that little person can make a big change in the world.

    This organization is important to me, because I want these little babies that may be abused, neglected, or just left somewhere to die to be able to have a chance, to have a family that can love them, the way my family loves me. To have a chance at life, to explore the world and maybe they can even find something that they are compassionate about when they grow up. With safe haven baby boxes that can happen. I know that one of every child's dreams is just to have a family that cares for them, and loves them with all their hearts. I know that was one of my big dreams when I was in the orphanage, is just a loving, caring family. By allowing birth parents to give up children that they cannot care for without fear, that can happen. I hope you see why this organization is close to my heart.

  • Myrtle Taylor Evans and Roosevelt Murray’s Case

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Myrtle Taylor Evans and her father, Roosevelt Murray were brutally murdered in Louisa, KY in May 1986. They were loved by so many people and did not deserve to die at the hands of two brothers, Donald and Montie Gussle from Louisa, KY. The two brothers robbed them before they murdered them. Days later they were discovered by the family of Myrtle and Roosevelt. Montie Gussler will serve the rest of his life in prison; however, Donald is up for parole again in May of this year. Our family fought against him getting parole as recent as of May of 2011. The hearing will be held in Frankfurt, KY. To help prevent the releasing of this criminal, this petition will be presented to the parole board. The family of the victims request your signature, so that Donald Gussler will never receive the chance to harm another individual. Myrtle was originally from the Delbarton, WV area and Roosevelt lived in Louisa most of his life. Please help us to prevent the chance of Donald Gussler's release by signing this petition.

    I don’t want to hear they have served their time we should release them. They have not and nor will they ever! Donald hasn’t even stayed out of trouble while in prison he’s been in trouble for drugs and fighting that’s not someone that needs to be walking the streets of KY.

    I am adding URL to an article that was wrote about this case on Jan. 15, 2021.
