• Make Homes in New Hampshire Wheelchair Accessible

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Many homes in the state of New Hampshire are not accessible to those who have wheelchairs due to door frames not being wide enough. Although there are regulations forcing a small fraction of housing to be wheelchair accessible, it's not nearly as common as it should be. This petition asks that all future residential buildings in the state of New Hampshire are built with door frames wide enough for wheelchair accessibility (minimum of 32 inches wide). Residential buildings include apartment buildings, houses, and condominiums. Currently, the law only requires five percent of the units to be accessible to those with mobility impairments. Our goal is to begin seeing a change within the next five years. Widening the reach of this requirement would grant easier access for those who have mobility issues and would prevent them from having to do expensive reconstruction on homes they are moving to.

    In signing this petition, you agree that the state of New Hampshire should mandate that all future residential building projects be required to be built with door frames that are a minimum of 32 inches.

    Wheelchair accessibility should be required for the whole of a building, not just 5 percent!

  • Build a new Market Basket Grocery store in Stratham, New Hampshire

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Market Basket is one of the cheaper stores regarding grocery prices. This is part of the reason the Greek owned Grocery chain is so popular. The Stratham, NH location is tied with the Concord, NH location as the worst two stores in the chain. The store MUST be REBUILT in it's entirety to resemble the newer more eye appealing stores such as the ones in Epping, Seabrook, and Londonderry. It is about time that the town of Stratham let Market Basket build a new store! I sincerely hope this will happen very soon! Market Basket should let the leases of the other remaining stores in the plaza expire, then they should just renovate the entire plaza so that Market Basket can substantially increase it's footprint as well as providing the town of Stratham with a Market Basket store that it FINALLY DESERVES!!!

  • Repeal NHIAA mandatory mask mandate for student athletes

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We are petitioning the NHIAA to rescind the dangerous decision to require outdoor sports athletes to wear masks while competing in high level physical sports.

    We the undersigned, parents, coaches and students believe that wearing masks during strenuous outdoor athletic activities can impact both performance and the health of athletes. Wearing masks can inhibit the oxygen intake and in some athletes potential create dangerous hypoxic situations, induce sports related asthma episodes or adversely affect physical performance in some student athletes.

    There is no evidence that playing outdoor related sports can increase or spread Covid-19. Furthermore, the NHIAA has not provided any studies or evidence that Covid-19 is spread by athletes participating in outdoor related sports. In fact, the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) does not require competing athletes to wear masks during play. No International sporting organizations, including the Olympics, require competitors to wear mask while competing. Nor do professional sports require mask while competing. If it is safe for collegiate and international athletes to compete without wearing masks, then it is safe for our kids.

    This decision by the NHIAA has been made solely based on a politically correct policy and fanned by controversies sparked from the fall sport seasons. Some school districts in the fall mandated student athletes wear masks or not play. Those schools refused to let their student athletes participate in playoffs against schools that did not have mandatory mask policies. As such those schools cried foul and demanded the NHIAA mandate masks for all schools during competition. Thereby taking away the rights of individual schools to determine what is best and safest for their student athletes.

    Why are you forcing high school athletes to do something no other athletes are being asked to do? Why are you potentially creating an environment where athletes might become adversely affected by wearing a mask and end up with a tragic situation? The NHIAA is making decisions that can affect students health based off of contradictory information with no concrete medical evidence or studies that validate their claim for the need to have masks worn during play.

    With the declining Covid-19 infection rates coupled with the increased numbers of those over the age of 16 being vaccinated and the CDC revised guidelines, it is more clear than ever, that the need for masks during competition is not necessary.

    We the undersigned respectfully request you rescind this mandatory mask mandate and allow our student athletes to compete safely and to the highest physical level possible.

  • Recognize rocky road doughnut as New Hampshire state doughnut.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I feel like a state doughnut should be a thing in New Hampshire because it will make it unique. I chose rocky road because all the different things on it and on some rocky road doughnuts it looks like snow on top of the doughnut. So in the end I feel like it will make New Hampshire better.

  • Bringing Green Burial to Plymouth New Hampshire

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Area residents in Plymouth, NH, are asking for the Town to open burial spaces that meet green burial criteria and are in keeping with our commitment to address climate change. We seek to be buried in our own hometown while reducing our carbon footprint at death by using only materials that are biodegradable and eliminating the use of vaults and grave liners. We further urge the Trustees to change the current bylaws to provide options for natural burial space that is managed using conservation best practices.

    Natural burial contributes to carbon sequestration through the unimpeded decomposition process. Research clearly shows that what pollutes the ground is what is buried with the body, not the body itself. And land is used more efficiently, extending the active use of the cemetery over time and maximizing tax dollars. (Learn more at nhfuneral.org, conservationburialalliance.org, greenburialcouncil.org.)

    Cemeteries are considered green if their bylaws and practices:
    · eliminate the mandatory purchase of a vault
    · allow non-toxic and biodegradable containers
    · manage the grounds with minimal environmental impact in mind
    · protect worker health by reducing use of herbicides and pesticides

  • Stop New Hampshire from Prohibiting Teaching About Racism and Sexism in Classrooms

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    New Hampshire lawmakers are debating a bill that would prevent educators from teaching about systemic racism and sexism in public schools and state-funded programs. As members of the Dartmouth community and the state of New Hampshire, we vehemently condemn the potential passage of this bill. It is imperative for issues like systemic racism and sexism to be addressed in classrooms to better educate students on the harmful past of this country. Without this type of content added to the curriculum, there is no hope to move towards an equitable and anti-racist society and we run the risk of making the same mistakes.

    The Dartmouth Black Student-Athlete Alliance calls upon all members of the Dartmouth community and the state of New Hampshire to block this bill from passing. Please make your voices heard by signing and sharing this petition!


    The Dartmouth Black Student-Athlete Alliance

    Tola Akinwumi (‘21)
    Garrison Wade (‘22)
    Tobi Adedara (‘22)
    Taurus Samuels (‘22)
    Juliet Moncho (‘23)
    Tobi Adedara (‘22)
    Anyoko Sewavi (‘23)
    Naeem Morgan (‘21)

  • Indigenous Peoples Day in New Hampshire

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day for New Hampshire

    by a group of 5th graders in New Hampshire

    New Hampshire’s state motto is “Live Free or Die”. What Christopher Columbus did does not live up to this ideal. Columbus brought diseases and forced the indigenous people into slavery. His “discovery” also led to the colonization of this land. Settlers took the knowledge of the Native Americans but treated them with disrespect by calling them savages. The original stewards of the New Hampshire land are the Wabanaki, Abenaki, and Penacook peoples. These peoples want peace, recognition and respect. They want people to know that they still live here. They also want our land to be clean.

    If we have a holiday celebrating Indigenous people, everyone would learn about stereotypes and how they aren’t true. Some stereotypes that people still believe about Indigenous people, are the feathers they maybe still wear sometimes. They don’t just find a random feather and just stick it in their head. They have to work hard to be able to earn it. Another stereotype that people still believe is that they have red skin. That is racist. And some people still think that they still live in teepees. Different tribes live in different houses. Some tribes would live in log cabins. Now they live in normal houses just like anyone would. Nowadays, they only use teepees for camping or for ceremonies. There are toys sold that depict Native Americans in traditional costumes. This makes people think that Native Americans all should dress like that in order to be recognized as Native Americans. This is disrespectful. If we make Indigenous Peoples Day a holiday people will know more about how to respect Indigenous culture and identity. The future generation would have correct information and use it to be respectful towards others' identity.

    Before Columbus arrived, everything was peaceful for the Native Americans. The Indigenous people used stuff that was good for the environment; it was all natural. The Native Americans were innocent people who were treated wrong by Christopher Columbus. The Native Americans didn’t want to fight the Europeans, they just wanted to protect their home. As a result, Columbus Day should not be celebrated and we should celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day instead. So please sign our petition and send this to your friends to make Indigenous Peoples Day a holiday. We hope the New Hampshire legislators will vote yes on NH HB 155.


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Our local school district, Kearsarge school district, released their reopening 2.0 guidelines, that are the rules for the 2021-2022 school year. Other schools are preparing to do the same. Our district has stated that masks will be required for anyone who has not been vaccinated against COVID-19.

    We ask Governor Chris Sununu to implement a guideline making masks optional for all students in the State of New Hampshire, considering the following:

    The severe risk to children during the entirety of this pandemic has been nearly zero. These restrictions that these school districts are placing on our children are hurting them more than the potential harm from COVID. Schools are now overstepping their authority, forcing children to be outside on the playground at 80+ degrees with a mask on. They are getting benched at recess if they pull their mask down for some fresh air.

    In the State of New Hampshire, there have been 0 COVID related deaths for children ages 0-18. As of May 27th, there have been over 5400 positive cases of COVID for children 0-9, and over 12,000 for ages 10-18. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have only been 20 children ages 0-19 that have had to be hospitalized for COVID.

    Adults and teachers who are at a higher risk, have all had significant time to get vaccinated if they chose to do so.

    Children of all ages need to be able to see their peers faces, see their teachers faces. They need to be able to see their teachers talk when they are learning. Young children rely on facial interactions developmentally.

    Taking this all under consideration, it is clear that public schools should not be mandating mask use, as the threat of masks is much more of a danger to our children than the virus is.

    We hope that Governor Sununu will require that school districts need to allow the health decisions of masking children to each individual family. Please prevent any local school district in the State of New Hampshire from mandating masks for any child, vaccinated or not.


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In December 2019, Martin King, from Eastleigh created a Facebook group called FREE BIKES HAMPSHIRE UK where he takes in old or damaged bikes and repairs them to either give away for free or raffle them off for charity.

    Now though, he has been told by housing provider, VIVID Homes, that he can no longer store bikes on his driveway, and has to find somewhere else for them.

    Martin is now unsure how much longer he will able to run his service, as he says he works part-time, and can’t afford to rent or buy somewhere to put them.

    Recently he has been forced to turn offers of new bikes down and has appealed to Eastleigh MP, Paul Holmes, and the council for help.

    Martin said:

    “VIVID said they completely fill my driveway which they don’t."
    “I’m not on the main road and unless you come down to the end of the street, you can’t see them."
    You can show your support to Martin and the work he is doing for the community by signing this petition.

    You also can find more information and references at:

    FREE BIKES HAMPSHIRE UK Facebook group (link)
    Daily Echo News (link)
    News on Road.cc (link)

  • Speed Bumps on Assateague to protect the ponies!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On July 6th, 2021, the Maryland herd of the wild Assateague Ponies lost another horse due to a vehicular incident. Moonshadow was a 4 year old mare with her 3 month old filly. While both were injured, only Moonshadow succumbed to her injuries. This is not the first time that this has occurred. Following the pandemic and resurgence of people enjoying the outdoors, Assateague has had an increase in visitation. While it is awesome to see people enjoying the great outdoors and especially this beautiful island, it has brought forth some issues. The greatest of which is speed on the island. The posted speed limit of 25 is rarely followed and if you do follow it, you are often tailgated and the recipient of honks, comments, etc. This Island belongs to the horses/ponies and other wildlife; we just visitors. What I am proposing is the addition of speed bumps from turn onto Bayberry Drive at the Maryland Seashore to OSV route entrance at the end of Bayberry Drive. This would require folks to slow down and potentially save the Island's inhabitants.


  • Rebuild Maryland

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On 4/30/2021, a cold front moved across the Mid-Atlantic region, producing a major wind storm event across the People's Republic of Maryland. The event caused a lot of damage across the state, snapping a few trees, blowing off some shingles, and damaging about 57430957498 blades of grass. However, the event has received very little coverage across WX Discord, and weather weenies everywhere have disregarded the storm as hype, some even claiming that it is "Northeast bias, when the NWS issued a High Wind Warning for several counties for major impacts. We need your support to rebuild MD better than before this devastating event, and help weenies understand just how bad it was. If based, please sign uwu.

  • Replace Maryland’s Pro-Confederate Anthem with “Maryland My Maryland: the Free State Song"

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We, the undersigned Marylanders, call on the Maryland General Assembly to repeal “Maryland My Maryland” as the official State Song and replace it with “Maryland My Maryland: the Free State Song.”

    For more than 80 years, our beloved Maryland has had a dreadful state song written by a pro-Confederate propagandist. It refers to Abraham Lincoln as a “Tyrant” and “Despot” and denounces the Union forces—which included thousands of loyal patriotic Marylanders—as “Northern Scum.”

    The Maryland General Assembly has refused for decades to repeal the official designation of this racist song. Its defenders say we simply have nothing to replace it with.

    Now we do. Musician Steve Jones and Congressman Jamie Raskin have collaborated to write this extraordinary song about our state, celebrating its natural history, its beauty, its geographic and cultural diversity, and its commitment to the struggle for freedom and justice for all, not secession and violence. (You can listen to a recording of “Maryland My Maryland: The Free State Song” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjSUts6o2uw)

    We call on the General Assembly in the 2021 Session to hear the new music of our times by repealing the old disgraceful State song and replacing it with the beautiful and unifying “Maryland My Maryland: The Free State Song.”

  • Make furries illegal in Maryland

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Furries seem ok but if you have ever interacted with one you will soon find out they use the “Furry Fandom” to sexualize animals and act like the “fursonas” they become when they put on these very expensive outfits. I care about this cause because I have seen what furries can do, I have watched these humans in costumes do things like pee in public, pleasure themselves under the costumes and quite literally act like animals, barking growling and more. Because they are wearing these outfits there is little police can do to serve justice for public indecency.

    I hope that my fellow people of Maryland can help me make this state the best state it can be.

  • Help Maryland Become Cruelty-Free

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Testing on animals to demonstrate the safety of cosmetics, such as lipsticks and shampoo, is cruel and unnecessary. The cruelty is obvious, but the testing is equally unnecessary because there are alternatives that are more effective. Rather than forcing substances down the throats of guinea pigs or dripping them into the eyes of rabbits, cosmetic companies should utilize the thousands of ingredients that have a history of safe use or use humane alternatives (such as computer models and human cells) to test new ingredients. In fact, many companies are already using these alternatives to animals which are faster, cheaper, and more predictive of the human body. Unfortunately, there are still many companies that do not.

    There is currently a bill before the Maryland House of Delegates (HB 611) prohibiting the production and sale of cosmetics in Maryland that have been tested on animals. **Progress is being made - since we started this petition, the Maryland Senate version of the bill (SB 282) passed unanimously.** Similar laws have already passed in California, Illinois, and Nevada. There are also a growing number of bans around the word, including in the European Union, Israel, India, Australia, South Korea, and Taiwan. Maryland should be next.

    Please sign this petition and support HB 611 to protect animals and consumers.

  • STOP BILL HB0911 waterfowl hunters movement MARYLAND

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Bill HB0911 is designed to stop layout boat hunters from hunting the Susquehanna flats. With no scientific reasons or background whatsoever. This way of hunting has been around as long or longer than body booting. Layout boat hunters have every single right to hunt any part of the flats, just as body booters or anybody else in between. This is a tradition and a way of life for many people. There is no reason for any more designated areas as safety precautions are in place already for distances to shoreline and other hunters. There is also plenty of wintering grounds left for waterfowl to roost, feed etc. There is zero evidence whatsoever that this law will help wild waterfowl in any way shape or form. It is only to benefit a personal interest. Local hunters must band together to stop this bill from passing, before they push even more unnecessary laws into our traditions. We must contact the Maryland general assembly, contact your local delegate. Including Mary Ann lisanti and make our voices heard that this law is not okay with us! State district # 4108413331 phone number 2 # 3018583331 call and make your voice known and sign this petition! Share with everyone!

  • Re examine the data of North Atlantic right whale entanglements and the Fishery closure

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Currently there is a 3.5 month Massachusetts state water lobster fishery closure. Commercial lobster fisherman feel like we have been taking the brunt of blame on right whale deaths in recent years. The fact is that our lobster gear (bouy lines) have not caused any documented right whale deaths ever. Over the past 20 years there have been two known entanglements and both of those animals were freed. We are suffering the guilt by association of fishing vertical lines much like the snow crab fishery in the Gulf of St Lawrence where the majority of these entanglements have taken place.

    There is no greater ambassador to the oceans than the New England lobster fisherman. We have fished a viable and thriving fishery for decades. It’s strongly due to the fact that many more juvenile lobsters are released than legal lobsters are kept . As well as great care in the release of egg bearing females.

    Our side must be heard and the public needs to know that we are not rapists of the ocean nor harming whales. This closure is pointless and will not help a single whale because these waters are not where the problem lies. All it’s doing is putting hundreds of small businesses in distress. Let’s find the correct solution to help the whales and not hurt the lives of fisherman and the fishing communities in the process.

  • Waive the new Massachusetts Board of Education scheduling plan

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Effective this upcoming Monday, the majority of Massachusetts schools will shift to a new schedule, which will extend our remote learning hours. We are calling on you to sign this petition, as we believe this new plan will be more detrimental to our well-being, as students. Increased school hours will make our lives more difficult as strenuous online learning has proved difficult for many. We are losing our social lives which is hampering our mental health greatly. The Board ignored the students on the Advisory Board - who all voted no. Help us make all our voices heard in our efforts to waive this new schedule, which will ultimately improve the well-being and mental health of us, students.

    Stay in touch: Instagram: @studentvoicesmass