• Stop Tennessee Abortion Bill

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Tennessee State Senator Mark Pody introduced a bill on February 10, 2021 that allows the biological father of an unborn fetus to prevent a woman who is pregnant with that fetus from having an abortion. No DNA test is required to prove paternity and the only proof of paternity needed is a voluntary acknowledgement of paternity from the father, which can be executed without the mother's signature. With this voluntary acknowledgement of paternity, the court can issue an injunction that prevents the pregnant woman from getting an abortion. This law allows no exceptions for rape or incest and the court may hold the woman in civil or criminal contempt if she gets an abortion.

    This law explicitly allows a man's control over a woman's body. This gives abusers the power to force a woman into giving birth and prevents her from separating herself from him. No man or law should be able to dictate whether or not a woman gets an abortion and we must do all we can to stop this from happening. If signed by the governor, this will go into effect on July 1, 2021. Please sign this petition to let Tennessee's state legislature know that this bill is unacceptable and prevents a woman's right over her own body. In addition, if you live in Tennessee, please email your local legislatures to urge them to vote no on this bill.

  • Save Tennessee Teachers!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    *** NOTE: We do not want any money, just your support! The money does not go to us!*** Teachers are forced to go back to in-person learning in a county where cases are rapidly increasing, with no vaccinations and exceptions for people with newborns or elderly family members at home. We need to treat teachers with respect and value their concerns. Forcing them to return does nothing but hinder students' education.

    Due to Governor Bill Lee forcing Shelby County Schools and Metro Nashville Public Schools to have an in-person learning option before February 15 or cutting funding for both school systems, Shelby County Schools has announced that all teachers need to return for in-person schooling. However, this mandatory return has made teachers with underlying conditions, elderly parents, or special circumstances come to a dilemma. Shelby County Schools makes no exceptions for these teachers to stay virtual and teach; therefore, teachers are forced to resign or take sick leave.

    These teachers are irreplaceable, and having no instructor would greatly delay students' learning, piling on the preexisting delays from COVID. Please help us convince Tennessee legislators and Governor Bill Lee to remove this mandate. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter at @savetnteachers!

  • Keep Guns Out of Oklahoma Schools

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Late at night, Republicans in the Oklahoma House of Representatives passed HB 2588, allowing local school boards to authorize and allow school workers guns inside of Oklahoma's public schools.

    This dangerous bill will jeopardize the lives of Oklahoma students and teachers across the state. If our leaders are serious about protecting the lives of students and school staff, they would instead focus time and energy providing resources and supports to keep guns away from schools and to support mental health.

    The State Senate and Governor Stitt have the power to stop this dangerous measure. Sign this petition and call on them to put the lives and safety of students and teachers first and stop HB 2588.

  • Get more sidewalks in Tulsa Oklahoma

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Sidewalks are important because you get to one place to the other. Imagine how hard it would be for people to walk without sidewalks. Just so you can see hundreds of injuries happen from people crossing busy streets and kids going to school or back home and some of the injuries people get don't survive that's sad for its families/love ones. We ask the City Council to prioritize putting in sidewalks on the east side before the end of the year. It would also benefit everybody in the city because more people would walk on sunny days and decrease the amount of car usage. Also another reason is that it would benefit the city is the city would look nicer and welcoming for new families/travelers to get to know our city. We got to do something about sidewalks before it's too late and will affect our next generations coming.

  • Stop Oklahoma House Bill 1648

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    House bill 1648 Oklahoma by Rep. Justin Humphreys
    Act directing the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission to establish a Big Foot (Sasquatch) hunting season with a bounty of $25,000.
    This bill is to create a new law to be codified in the Oklahoma statutes as

    section 5-603 of title 29

    The Oklahoma Wildlife Commission will thus create and establish a Bigfoot hunting season. The commission shall set hunting season, and dates, as well as set up license’s & fees for said Big Foot hunting season. This act shall become effect November 1, 2021.
    Rep. Humphrey’s claims he feels it will increase tourism. Near the Ouachita Mountains
    I do not believe that genocide is a acceptable form or method to increase tourism.
    It need's to be brought to the attention of the Oklahoma House of Representatives that uneducated decisions like this are the fault of the world. The hunting of these tribes, or any other is not acceptable. Its genocide. The Oklahoma House of Representatives must disregard such disturbing and ludicrous ideas.

    The signatures here represents those who believe this is a disturbing, and ludicrous proposal. Such ideas have no place in our society. The bill must not be accepted into law.

  • Unshackle Free Speech in Oklahoma

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures


    Amazon, Apple, and Google recently took unilateral actions to limit the avenues of free speech in our ever-growing digital world by removing the social media platform Parler which limits their moderation and censorship.

    Article 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 protects interactive computer services that offer a forum for a true diversity of political discourse, unique opportunities for cultural development, and myriad avenues for intellectual activity.

    Amazon currently holds more than 50% of all the computer server and cloud storage market. Additionally, Apple and Google both make up the majority of mobile device operating systems within the United States. All three tech companies inarguably make up a monopoly in their respective markets.

    Furthermore, the two largest social media companies, Facebook and Twitter, share an equal monopoly in the digital avenues of free speech, and through their partnerships with Amazon, Apple, and Google pose an unmitigated risk to our liberties that demands action.

    Given that our communication with one another is instantaneous and significantly faster than it was in 1996, this petition seeks to have the State of Oklahoma deploy sanctions and put an end to the dissemination of any social media platform that does not wholly preserve the freedom of speech.

  • Rename Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to Girlboss City

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I learned about the existence of gaslight Village in Grand Rapids Michigan just today, and its a disservice that we dont have a gatekeepville and girlboss city. While a gatekeepville can be created by anyone, girlboss city needs to be big, which is why we are targeting Oklahoma City. With a population of 662,314, it is a large city, but it can be often forgotten about besides the Oklahoma City bombings, and I want to change that

  • Get Major Britt Back To Station 34

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Major Corey Britt

    This is Major Corey Britt. He is a career firefighter working for Oklahoma City Fire Department. Major Britt has dedicated his life to public service, serving his community for 26 years. Major Britt was assigned to Blue Platoon at Station 34, where multiple other members of his crew stated that he looked after them like a father, always taking care of his younger guys. One firefighter mentioned a story recently when a house fire was about to flash over and cause damage to the entire crew; Major Britt, begin a veteran recognized this and pulled his guys out to avoid injury and possibly death. But you’ll never hear Major Britt bring up these war stories. He is humble, and cares about his community and family.

    Recently Major Britt has made headlines as the Firefighter who drove a 3 years old child with 2nd and 3rd degree burns to the emergency room after waiting over 24 minutes for an ambulance. Major Britt, being a firefighter but also a father did what any reasonable human being, firefighter, and father would do in the situation. He knew the rules and regulations, and knew he would violate department policy taking the child inside the fire engine, but he knew that the child needed medical attention more. He put the child above himself, knowing the oath all firefighter make, and made a call.

    Major Britt was demoted and moved to another fire station as a result of violating department protocols. I recently spoke to the Major. He explained the situation without violating any HIPPA violations, that his pay would remain the same but that he would be taken away from his crew at house 34, his family. I asked him what he wanted. He replied “i just want to be back with my guys”.

    He doesn’t want fame. He doesn’t want a t shirt. He wants to be back where he belongs, serving the citizens of Oklahoma City and leading his crew and family into dangerous situations with absolute loyalty and commitment.

    I told the Major we would get him back home, and that I’ll always call him “Major” because he is one. Let’s get this done.

  • Demand The University of Central Oklahoma permanently remove sexual predator Kato Buss

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Kato Buss has for years groomed students by promising scholarship money, lead roles and successful careers. He carefully chose the young students by targeting first generation college students who had little financial help, and were unaccompanied. Buss kept them tight in his circle by pinning students against each other, revealing personal information about other students and faculty, and ultimately convincing them he held their career in his hands.

    The University of Central Oklahoma knew about the allegations as early as 2017 and did nothing. After the schools poor investigation into the matter, and finding Buss not responsible, they continued to give him promotions and raises.

    "While female students in the theatre department were struggling after having been
    dismissed and discredited, Buss was being rewarded by the university with accolades and promotions”

    Sign the petition to demand The University of Central Oklahoma permanently remove Buss from his current position and deny him any other future position avaliable at UCO. This man cannot go on teaching more students!


  • OSSAA Rule Change Preventing Private Schools from Competing with Public Schools

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    For many years now, Private Schools have had the opportunity to compete in high school sports against Public Schools. The issue with this is that Private Schools are able to recruit and provide scholarships to prospective students which enhances the talent pool for Private Schools. On the opposite side, Public Schools utilizing the talent pool they have within their district, which places them at a competitive disadvantage when facing Private Schools in State Tournaments.

    It is a regular occurrence for a large portion of Oklahoma State Tournaments to be comprised of, and won by, Private Schools who have spent time and money building a “super” team. This petition is aimed at getting the OSSAA changing their rules to either:

    1) Prevent Private Schools from participating in the same State Tournaments/Playoffs as Public Schools


    2) Allow Public Schools the opportunity to recruit and provide scholarships for potential athletes outside of their district

    By doing one of these, the playing field would be level and fair by preventing powerhouse teams who have players from all over from competing with Public Schools.

  • Get the State of Oklahoma to Reinstate the $300 Federal Oklahoma Unemployment Fund

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    What the Governor did was ILLEGAL !!! We the people are still SUFFERING AND STILL TRYING TO RECOVER FROM THE PANDEMIC !! Now with the new DELTA COVID-19 Varient and people who are still not vaccinated, cutting off federal funding for Oklahomans who lost their jobs is uncalled for !! What do we do when another wave hits ? What do we do when we can't even find a qualified job with our skills ? You should be ashamed of yourselves Governor Stitt and Mayor Holt !! This is suppose to be a great State but it's more like a State of Shock with the actions of our elected officials !!

  • Veto Oklahoma SB 776 & HB 2214 Bills Restricting Public Hunting Land

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    First SB 776 is unconstitutional per Oklahoma’s state constitution sections 2 and 4. It also goes against Oklahoma State statute Title 73. More importantly public hunting land is very important to Oklahoma’s outdoorsmen and to wildlife conservation. This bill also doesn’t just restrict the ODWC from buying land, it restricts landowners from selling their land to whoever they would like to. HB 2214 tries to control a property owner wanting to sell their land by putting undue and unjustified advertising burdens on them. These are directly interfering with private property rights. The Oklahoma Hunting and Fishing PAC and the groups nearly 104k members totally disapprove of these bills and want to see them vetoed.

  • Executive order to ban vaccine mandates in Oklahoma.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Last year they were heroes. This year their rights are under attack. Healthcare workers of Oklahoma are being told that if they do not receive the vaccine, they will be terminated. If a healthcare professional can not make their own healthcare choices, who can? If the men and women who care for the sick and dying do not fully understand the risks of taking or not taking the vaccine, who does? If we do not stand for liberty here, where will we stand?

    Because of this, many nurses have quit their jobs causing the number of available beds in Oklahoma to shrink daily. The news media cries, "All beds full in hospitals," but stop short of explaining why. Not every bed is filled, because not every bed is available for patients. These mandates are shrinking our nurse force, and thus shrinking our number of available beds.

    Stitt needs to support our Healthcare workers' right to choose whether to take an invasive vaccine or soon there won't be anyone left to care for the sick.

    I URGE Governor Stitt to call a special session, create an executive order, and end all vaccine mandates for hospitals. I stand with the healthcare heroes of Oklahoma.

  • Oklahoma Prison System

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    More than 2.4 million people are currently incarcerated in USA jails and prisons. The USA makes up 5% of the world's population, yet it holds 25% of the world's prisoners.

    Oklahoma has the second highest incarceration rate in the United States.

    Oklahoma holds the highest incarceration rate per capita in the ENTIRE WORLD. As you can see Oklahoma has a serious problem! Oklahoma needs extreme sentencing and prison reform now! “Another chance in life Oklahoma” has the answer. Oklahoma's outdated justice policies, and its old adage, "Oklahoma is Tough on Crime", simply has not worked. Oklahoma's crumbling prisons are bursting at the seams. Mass incarceration has fueled the deadly Covid-19 pandemic within the prisons. The over capacity prisoner population numbers and unavailability to social distancing has turned Oklahoma's prisons into deadly State of Oklahoma Covid-19 hotspots. Past prison reform measures and non-violent releases were appreciated, but simply weren't enough. The Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board is drowning, and not releasing large enough numbers.

    The solution is simple. It's time to make huge positive changes. “Another chance in life Oklahoma” believes that thousands of Oklahoma offenders that have been labeled as "violent" deserve another chance. They need and deserve another look and opportunity. We believe that many of them, despite the label the State has placed on them, are actually not violent people at all. Many were troubled youth and young people, but have been broken by the years in prison, and now have solid values and strong work ethics. Many had substance abuse issues when arrested, and were under the influence, which aided in their having committed the crime. Others had undiagnosed medical and mental health issues, which without being treated, has caused them to act out violently, many also acted in complete self defense. When Oklahoma labels an individual as "violent", simply because the crime that was committed was a violent crime, it doesn't always mean the individual that committed that crime is a violent person.

    These are Oklahomans. They're husbands, fathers, sons, brothers and of other Oklahomans. Because Oklahoma doesn't have a state sentencing grid in place, these forgotten Oklahomans have received harsher sentences than normal. The State locks them up and throws away the key. They're passed up by reforms and early release programs, commutations, and policy changes. They are suffering and dying as you read this. The deplorable living conditions, and outdated facilities are about to explode and fall. This petition saves lives. It fixes Oklahoma's decade’s old prison overcrowding issues as well. Also we will speak on the condition of these prisons especially the privately owned ones how inhumane they are. They are very unfit for human beings to even be placed in these situations with nonworking sinks, barely can even shower, extremely unsanitary, have them on lockdown constantly, and you wonder why these prisoners (human beings) are so angry and lash out on these guards. Because they are human and they just can’t take it anymore just like you would out here in the world. Every human being has a breaking point in their minds.

    Oklahoma has one of the highest imprisonment rates for Black people in the United States

    Currently, Black Oklahomans make up 8% of the state population but 27% of the current prison population. Black Oklahomans are imprisoned at a rate of 19.83 per 1,000 residents, more than 4 times the white imprisonment rate in Oklahoma (4.1 per 1,000 residents) and Oklahoma has one of the highest rates of Black imprisonment in the US. Can’t you see something isn’t right. Let’s get justice for these men.
    Give our men a second chance of life, especially our black men. They ALL deserve another chance.

  • Call for the resignation of Oklahoma senator James Lankford.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Oklahoma Senator James Lankford has joined a group of Republican senators in an attempt to interfere with the results of a lawful election. He has done so in the full knowledge that those election results are accurate and fair. At the very least, his claims are baseless, crass, and only done as a show of political theater. At worst, he is possibly taking part in the criminal act of Seditious Conspiracy (18 U.S.C. § 2384). Regardless, it has become apparent that he has violated his oath of office and no longer fit to serve the citizens of Oklahoma. He should step down immediately and save his state even further embarrassment from his shameful actions.

  • Keep gender affirming surgeries/treatment legal for the trans youth of Oklahoma.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Oklahoma law makers have introduced a new bill that would make it a felony to provide gender affirming surgeries and medical treatment to anyone under the age of 21. Such treatment can alleviate gender dysphoria and postpone puberty, allowing children time to explore their gender identity. The bill would also punish parents, doctors, and even children with penalties of up to life in prison. This takes autonomy from young adults, and would be detrimental to the movement for transgender rights.

  • Skatepark for Choctaw, Oklahoma

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    There is a lot of people in Choctaw that would love to have a place to skate and all the skateparks are at least twenty minutes away. If there was a Local skatepark in Choctaw it would help out a lot of the skaters that can’t drive the twenty minutes. The skatepark would be used a lot and would benefit a lot of the kids in Choctaw. It would get kids to go outside and try new things and a place where kids can participate in an fitness activity that will make them more coordinated, fit and healthy overall.

  • Stop taliban! Save women!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We want a quick ceasefire for Afghanistan!

    We, a group of Afghan and Iranian women activists, loudly declare that Afghan women are equal citizens and that their human rights must be a prerequisite in any peace negotiation and accepted by both parties. Afghan women should not be the victims of proxy wars again and their achievements should not be lost in the fires of wars in which they have no role.
    We call on the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations Human Rights Council, international human rights organizations and the international community to listen to us and intervene to defend the human rights of the Afghan people before Afghanistan becomes a slaughterhouse for women.

    ما دوستان واقعی افغانستان، امضاکنندگان این نامه سرگشاده، حمایت خود را از خواست‏‌های زنان افغانستان که در زیر ابراز شده، اعلام می‌‏داریم و همصدا با آنان سازمان ملل متحد، دولت افغانستان و بازیگران ذیدخل ملی و بین‏‌المللی را به انجام تعهدات و در پیش گرفتن اقدامات مسئولانه برای پایان بخشیدن به جنگ و تحقق صلح عادلانه‏‌ی همه‏‌شمول که حافظ منافع و حقوق همه باشندگان این سرزمین اعم از زن و مرد باشد، فرا می‏‌خوانیم.

    زنان افغانستان بیش از چهل سال است که جنگی خانمانسور را تحمل می‌کنند. جنگی که در آن هیچ نقشی نداشته‌اند و کرامت انسانی‌شان بطور مداوم و روزمره مورد هجوم قرار گرفته است، آنها سال‌هاست خواهران و مادران، همسران، کودکان و جوانان بی‌گناه خود را در این چرخه جنگ، خشونت بی‏‌پایان، آپارتاید جنسی، آدم‌‎ربایی، نسل‌کشی، زن‌کشی، تجاوز، بردگی، فقر مطلق و بی‏داد از دست می‌‎دهند و هر روز داغی تازه بر جانشان می‌نشیند. خانه‌‏هایشان ویران، کودکانشان یتیم و چند نسل از آنان در سرزمین خود و یا کشورهای منطقه و جهان آواره شده‎‌اند.

    در طول چندین دهه جنگ و کشتار، آنان بیش از همه افراد جامعه از مجموعه‎‌ی حقوق انسانی خود، دسترسی به امکانات اولیه زندگی، امنیت، امکانات سلامتی و بهداشتی، تحصیل و کار، فعالیت اجتماعی، سیاسی و فرهنگی و داشتن جامعه مدنی مستقل محروم شده‏‌اند. در حالیکه پس از جنگ سرد با وجود چالش‌ها و تغییر پی در پی رژیم‌های سیاسی، امیدهایی برای تحقق یک زندگی بهتر برای مردم افغانستان نمایان شده بود، اما جنگ و اشغال باردیگر همه چیز را نابود کرد.

    امروز با شعله‌ور شدن دوباره آتش جنگی تمام عیار در سراسر کشور و ظهور دوباره طالبان که در پی خروج غیرمسئولانه نیروهای آمریکایی از افغانستان، ضعف حکومت مرکزی و حمایت یا بی‎‌عملی سایر کشورهای منطقه، صورت گرفته است، زندگی و آینده زنان افغانستان باردیگر در معرض تهدید و خطر قرار گرفته است.

    خشونت سازمان یافته علیه زنان توسط طالبان، ارتکاب جرایم جنگی از جمله کشتار غیر نظامیان، غصب خانه‌‏ها و غارت اموال، تجاوز، ازدواج اجباری، خشونت‌های جنسی و جنسیتی و نقض فاحش حقوق بشر، آینده تاریکی را برای زنان افغانستان نشان می‌دهد.