• Stopping of the closing of “Marios Clothing” in National City

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Marios Clothing has been a National city icon for generations! First being started by his father long ago, marios clothing has been in business selling one of the best places to grab some really cool authentic San Diego merch and clothing!! If not recognized and saved, the National City Plaza manager is going to shut down marios in order to make more room for the gym that is already replacing wrigleys! Please help in stopping the shutting down of this great local business!! There are enough gyms in San Diego!!

  • Stop the use of gunshot detection surveillance in San Jose

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    San Jose Police department is currently testing gunshot detection technology in two neighborhoods in the city. The product, called OnSound, is created by V5 Systems out of Hayward, CA. V5 makes several claims on their website with absolutely no data to back up those claims. Each microphone is also accompanied by a camera. Here are the things that concern us about this setup:

    "Up to 90% accurate"
    V5 claims that OnSound is up to 90% accurate, but it's unclear what that means. Seems unwise to send a trigger happy police department into a neighborhood unless we're 100% sure they're needed.
    SJPD claims the microphones can't pick up voices, but there isn't any 3rd party review to back that up. All of the sound and video is saved to V5's servers and its unclear who at V5 has access to it.
    "Artificial Intelligence"
    V5 touts the use of artificial intelligence in OnSound, but doesn't detail how the algorithm works.
    Automatic License Plate Readers
    Each license plate recorded by the cameras is entered into a database. This technology has previously led to wrongful arrests.
    We demand that SJPD halt the pilot program and discontinue the acquisition of this technology until they do their due diligence to show how it will not negatively impact our community.

  • Provide Curbside Compost Services in San Jose

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Every week, the City of San Jose picks up garbage, recycle, and yard trimmings from residents' houses. This is a convenient service that ensures recyclables end up where they need to be, allowing them to be repurposed instead of sitting in the landfill. However, the options for residents who are trying to make an impact on reducing food waste are limited.

    While yard trimmings are collected and used for compost for local farms, the City of San Jose does NOT currently accept "green" compostable items such as fruit / vegetables, pumpkins, or pet waste. Without a convenient way for residents to properly dispose of compost, they often end up in the landfill instead, releasing carbon dioxide and methane gases into our atmosphere. Approximately 40% of all purchased produce is thrown out, when it could be going to more environmentally friendly uses instead!

    The City of San Francisco is the #1 greenest city in the USA; in 2009 it passed the Mandatory Recycling and Composting Ordinance which required all residents and businesses to separate their waste into trash, recyclables, and compost, which gets picked up by the city each week. Today, San Francisco is diverting 80% of its waste with plans for a zero waste future.

    We are calling on San Jose mayor Sam Liccardo and the City Council to adopt a similar plan for our city. As the climate crisis grows we must act fast and responsibly, and making compost services accessible to everyone has the potential to stop food waste from creating 37 million cars' worth of emissions per year!

  • Stop the relocation from Orchard Parkway to 71 Vista Monatana, San Jose City Council

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Councilmember Cohen from San Jose City Council announced -

    "People who have been sheltering in their RVs and/or vehicles currently located at the encampment on Orchard Parkway will have the opportunity to relocate to the Vista Montana site once all the essential services to provide a safe, secure, and clean site are implemented. We anticipate people and vehicles will start to show up at the site between September 4th and September 7th. "

    The neighborhood is concerned as a result, for several reasons -

    1. Safety concern - There are daycares and several parks very close to this site. We are very concerned about the safety of our children.

    2. Increasing crime - The city already has a bad track record of deterring crime in the area currently. Car break-ins,theft and suspicious people walking around are common and despite video evidence we do not seem to get timely help or action. The excuse being that there aren’t enough resources with the city. At times we cant even report crimes because they are non-violent.

    3. The plan was not disclosed earlier and the neighboring communities were not given sufficient time and information to react. This feels deliberate.

    4.San Jose has been trying to deal with current homeless encampments for years and they are out of control with rampant drug use, trash everywhere, and the recent fire on Orchard Pkwy. We do not trust the city to keep this sanctioned “RV parking lot” safe for the neighborhood. We completely oppose having this parking site, even temporarily.

    5.The city has failed miserably in maintaining peace and safety and stopping illegal parking/parking violation with subsidized housing. We can't expect the city to do better with the encampment moving here.

    The city should consider alternatives that are away from residential areas such as city-owned commercial property or the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, that could be used for a “temporary” and safe RV parking lot.

    As much as we understand that this is a problem that city needs to resolve and be compassionate at the same time, it is equally important that they consider the safety and other concerns the current residents of the neighbourhood have.

    Please sign the petition to make your voices and concerns heard so that the relocation stops.

    *** Please DO NOT contribute or donate any money. We are looking for support and NOT for funding ***

  • Advocating for a No-Camping Policy Along San Jose Waterways

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    For years, the desecration of our waterways has persisted despite calls to action from local citizens, environmental advocacy groups, and other activists. After hundreds of thousands of hours directed towards volunteer-driven cleanups, education efforts, and community outreach, it's clear that we need a long-term solution.

    By enforcing "no camping" ordinances, we can help reduce camping along San Jose's essential waterways and the excessive pollution and illegal dumping associated with it. As one of the most well-educated, progressive, and economically productive areas in the world, we can do better. It’s time to step up and create a plan, as other cities such as Oakland, Santa Cruz, and Sacramento have, to prohibit camping along waterways.

    We encourage the City of San Jose to take initiative to enact and enforce "no camping" within fifty feet of levees, and are eager to support a solution to this systemic problem. We encourage the City Council Members and Mayor Liccardo to develop policy and have a public conversation about housing alternatives to camping on the creeks.

    Resources from other cities:




    Public Awareness Videos:

    Family of Geese Navigating Trash: https://youtu.be/paExq8-cASg

    Our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/FriendsLGCreek

  • Keep SJPD in San Jose schools

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We the parents in San Jose school district demand to reinstall SJPD in our schools to provide safety and security to our kids.

    Police in schools provides better and faster reaction to any accident or situation inside and outside schools by trained person.

    We all are for better policing but to remove police from the school without any other comprehensive and professional solution is not an option.

    Here is the link to latest SJUSD board of education decision:


  • Petition for the City & County of San Francisco to accept employee’s religious exemptions

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The City and County of San Francisco has denied over 1200 religious exemption requests. Departments include; DPH, ZSFGH, SFPD, EMS, SFFD, MUNI & SFUSD. All are healthcare workers, police officers, firefighters, teachers, & other city employees. How can it be that this many individuals religious beliefs are being denied and scrutinized? Throughout the entire pandemic we we were all hailed as “heroes”, now we are being terminated without hesitation. Where is the compassion, empathy, and inclusion that the city of San Francisco thrives on? Most importantly, our freedom of religious beliefs? Please sign our petition to help bring awareness to the unjust judgement of our religious beliefs and allow us to keep caring for our community. We are willing to test and wear a mask just as we have been prior to the vaccine mandate. We pray San Francisco’s leaders can share more empathy and respect towards our religious beliefs. During this entire COVID pandemic, our faith has been what has given us strength to serve our communities. Thank you for your support!

  • A Cleaner And Safer San Francisco For All!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Following up on various petitions previously signed by dozens of thousands of San Francisco residents, eg: https://www.change.org/p/the-san-francisco-government-save-san-francisco-from-encampments and the Mayor's bland and deceiving response to it, this new petition is urging city officials, and anyone in power, to take action and remediate to the degrading, disheartening, revolting, upsetting situations that our city is facing.

    For years in a row, we have witnessed the normalization of theft and crime in San Francisco. Shop-lifting is the norm. People are being harassed, beaten up for their dogs, their phones or wallets. Trash and needles are on every corner. Overdosed people are laying on sidewalks, others are urinating, defecating, masturbating in public. Tents are proliferating in alley streets. Drug dealing is everywhere, violent crimes and shootings happen both daily and nightly. We are now ridiculed at the national level.







    As people fear for their lives, and safety, it is more than time for change, action, and remediation. We can't go down that path anymore.

    - WE THE PEOPLE of San Francisco, demand that all theft, including shop-lifting, for any amount, be punished to the full extent of the law, and that no more $950 threshold applies.
    - WE THE PEOPLE of San Francisco, demand ZERO TOLERANCE on all package theft, car theft and break-ins, burglaries, stolen bikes and infamous chop shops.
    - WE THE PEOPLE of San Francisco, demand that all known and recurring drug dealing spot be 24/7 monitored by SFPD, and all buyers/sellers be apprehended and punished to the full extent of the law.
    - WE THE PEOPLE of San Francisco, demand that anyone exhibiting violent or erratic behavior, be immediately apprehended and removed from our streets, so that they do not pose a threat to other people or themselves.
    - WE THE PEOPLE of San Francisco, demand that all street camping, encampment, tents and tarps, be immediately dismantled within the hour of setting up camp.
    - WE THE PEOPLE of San Francisco, demand that all recurring encampment spots remain monitored by SFPD and SF HSH to prevent further installations and proliferation of new encampments,
    - WE THE PEOPLE of San Francisco, demand that all city-sanctioned encampment zones, created during COVID, be immediately dismantled.
    - WE THE PEOPLE of San Francisco, demand that street and sidewalk cleaning, including power-washing happen daily, 7 days a week, until San Francisco streets get as clean as the national average.
    - WE THE PEOPLE of San Francisco, demand that any illegal littering, dumping be strictly enforced and fines be applied.
    - WE THE PEOPLE of San Francisco, demand that CCTV be installed in all areas where crime and theft previously and repeatedly occurred.
    - WE THE PEOPLE of San Francisco, demand FULL TRANSPARENCY and FULL ACCOUNTABILITY on all budgets, credits allocated to non-profits and other organizations, and spending of these credits.

    The voting citizens we all are will judge the Mayor, the board of supervisors, other officials, the DA Chesa Boudin and all other recipients of this petition on their actions.

    Be sure we will remember your actions or lack of actions the next time we will cast our ballots.

    May San Francisco be a clean and safe city again!

    With hope,

    [The signers of this petition]

  • Lifeguard stands at Ocean Beach in San Francisco.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Hello, I am Oliver Sempere and I am 10 years old. Ocean Beach is the deadliest beach in California. We need lifeguard stands at Ocean Beach in San Francisco because there have been many deaths and rescues at the beach this year. Last year 5 teenagers were caught in a riptide and luckily survived. One death is too many! We need more than just two cars patrolling the 3.5 miles beach. As a kid, I go to the beach once or twice a week and there are many dangerous currents. If I accidentally get pulled out who will help me in an emergency? I have a sister and she surfs and swims in the ocean she could be easily pulled out and could drown. To prevent that, I would like it if we could add a few lifeguard stands to prevent deaths and just to be a safe beach! In conclusion, we don't want more deaths and hopefully, you will listen to me and make this beach even safer!

  • Grant Concealed Carry Permits in San Francisco

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Dear Chief of Police - Mr Scott,

    I, and other citizens of San Francisco would like our second amendment rights restored and want to know the process for getting our concealed carry permits. We believe the current environment is dangerous enough that we need to protect ourselves and that by being armed, it will also serve as a deterrent to crime, thus helping the police force.

    We currently have the right to defend our homes, but I want this to extend to our cars, our churches, our stores and our ability to walk freely.

    In addition to these rights, we need the ability to practice safely indoors. We ask that you help open an indoor range within city limits where law abiding citizens can train on how to use guns safely and effectively for self-protection, as well as how to safely store them.

    This petition requests that you publicly address this inquiry and give concrete steps on how we can get our 2A rights that are constitutionally granted to us by being citizens of the United States of America.

  • SAVE OUTDOOR FITNESS in San Francisco

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    SAVE OUTDOOR FITNESS in San Francisco!

    By signing this petition, you're letting Mayor London Breed, our Supervisors, and SF Rec and Park know that outdoor permit programs must continue for the survival of these small businesses and the communities they serve.

    In March 2020, the City of San Francisco shut down due to the Coronavirus pandemic. While many small businesses were forced to temporarily shut down, some were more affected than others. In particular, the fitness industry faced severe challenges. Negative PR about the spread of Covid in gyms, the mass exodus of SF residents, California fires, and high rents all contributed to massive financial hardships. In addition, gyms and fitness studios were ordered to remain closed only to find out that The City’s gyms had been open to city officials and employees the whole time.

    With survival threatened, gym owners quickly shifted to virtual and outdoor fitness offerings. Many studios had to take out loans, adding to their growing debt. Transitioning to new business models was a massive expense but there was no choice: bear the expense or shut down.

    Fitness studios moved outdoors to parks and basketball courts in order to survive and continue servicing their clients and communities. It did not take long for Rec and Park to notice and then impose a permit program which added to the costs of already struggling small businesses. Once again these businesses were forced to pay the price in order to keep their doors open, employ their staff, and serve their communities.

    The City of San Francisco continues to add to the hardships of small studios. SF Rec and Park is now considering ending the outdoor fitness permits despite the pleas and huge investments made by studio owners. Rec and Park has already started canceling permits for some studios.

    Small gyms and studios are hanging by a thread. Even though classes can now resume indoors, gyms are still not allowed to open anywhere near capacity. To make it worse, many clients still don’t feel comfortable returning to indoor exercise. Without City permits granting use of outdoor spaces, gym owners will lose more income and go deeper into debt. Employees will lose their jobs. Recovery will not be possible and chances of permanent closure will rise. While big corporate gyms have the capital to survive and recover, small studios will close, or at best, suffer for years to come.

    The pandemic has taken a massive emotional and physical toll on our society. Small gyms and studios are among the pillars of our neighborhoods and provide so much more than just a workout. Independent fitness studios create a safe space and enhance the community. Their classes and programs encourage social connection and improve mental health. Despite facing massive struggles, they continue to find ways to provide services to our communities. These studios have a deeper investment in the neighborhoods where they reside, working not just to provide services but also to create a positive impact on life in San Francisco.

    By signing this petition, you're letting Mayor London Breed, our Supervisors, and SF Rec and Park know that outdoor permit programs must continue for the survival of these small businesses and the communities they serve.

  • Por una calle en Madrid en honor a Quique San Francisco

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Petición para que el gran actor y defensor de la libertad Quique San Francisco, nacido en Madrid el 10 de marzo de 1955 y fallecido el 1 de marzo de 2021, tenga una calle en el municipio de Madrid. Una iniciativa donde esperamos que os suméis para reconocer su papel en la lucha por la libertad y su trayectoria artística.

  • Raising Awareness & Ending Hate Crimes Towards the Asian Community

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Raising Awareness & Ending Hate Crimes Towards the Asian Community


    On February 4, 2021, a 61-year-old Filipino man named Noel Quintana was a victim of a Hate Crime. Quintana was on the Manhattan subway when he was slashed across the face from cheek to cheek. Quintana received countless stitches and was unable to talk for a while. The perpetrator is still at large. Little information has yet to be released.

    On January 28, 2021, an 84-year-old Thai man named Vicha Ratanapakdee was a victim of a Hate Crime. Ratanapakdee was on his morning walk in Anza Vista (San Francisco) Thursday morning when he was brutally attacked by Antoine Watson. In the video, Watson can be seen racing across the street to intentionally and violently shove Ratanapakdee to the ground; his head slammed into the hard pavement. "Ratanapakdee was taken to the hospital for life-threatening injuries and passed away Saturday." Watson is currently pleading not guilty to murder and elder abuse. An innocent man's life was taken away yet Watson still believes he is innocent.

    On the evening of July 14, 2020, an 89-year-old woman in Brooklyn was taking a walk when 2 suspects (both later identified as 13-year-olds) approached her. Without saying a word to the victim, one of the teens struck her in the face while the other set her on fire. They were later found and only charged with third-degree assault. On August 4, 2020, NYPD refused to deem this as a hate crime.

    On February 26, 2020, an elderly Asian man was seen collecting recyclables in Bayview district (San Francisco) when bullies approached him and started using racial slurs. Then they started to humiliate, assault, and rob him. The elderly Asian man was seen crying throughout the video. The perpetrator was charged with robbery, elder abuse, a probation violation (prior robbery), and a hate crime enhancement.

    This petition is aimed towards bringing awareness and ending the violent and racial attacks towards the Asian community -- especially the vulnerable and elderly members.

    How to take action TODAY:

    Pressure mainstream media to cover these stories
    Hold the court system accountable for prosecuting and sentencing the offenders to the appropriate crime(s)
    Have police departments across the nation recognize and acknowledge Hate Crimes against Asians
    Encourage victims of hate and racial offenses to report the crime to authorities
    Attend educational seminars about the Asian community to grasp a better understanding of the issue
    Recognize the increase in xenophobia
    Urge witnesses to speak up during and after the incident
    Use your platform to share the names of victims
    Use your platform to get your friends and family involved

  • Innovative, Safe, Accessible Housing for the Women of San Francisco

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On any given night, 2,700 women experience homelessness in SF (2019 PIT Count). More than 90 percent of cis and trans homeless women experience severe physical or sexual abuse at some point in their lives (National Network to End Domestic Violence).

    This population is also aging, with more than 50% of the SF homeless population over the age of 50 (2019 PIT Count). The average mortality age for chronically homeless women is 48 versus 83 years of age for housed women (LA Times).

    Yet San Francisco offers just 99 beds of women’s only shelter per night, and 157 units of permanent supportive housing dedicated to female-identified clients.

    Our city must do better or vulnerable women will continue to be abused. Community Forward SF has a solution for a future where ALL women are granted access to safe, dignified and supportive housing.

    Do you want to put an end to unnecessary violence and abuse for unhoused women? We need your support to make this happen. Please sign our petition and let your voice be heard! Together, we can insure the safety of our community’s most vulnerable women.

    This petition is supported by The SF Coalition on Homelessness

  • REJECT the Ordinance that would Block the Emmett Till & Mamie Till-Mobley House Museum!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Powerful political forces have been working in the shadows to draft an ordinance to prohibit new house museums in Chicago's residential neighborhoods.

    This ordinance would prevent many stories, and especially African-American and other traditionally underrepresented stories, from being told in the places and spaces where history was made.

    If approved, the impact would be devastating for over 20 emerging house museums and cultural centers across Chicago. They include:

    The Emmett Till & Mamie Till-Mobley Home - which achieved Chicago Landmark status after a multi-year effort to save it. It was purchased by a local nonprofit to create a museum to honor Emmett's memory and to recognize the fierce bravery of Mamie Till-Mobley whose actions helped to spark the Civil Rights Movement.

    The MOJO Muddy Waters House Museum - which plans to turn Muddy's South Side Chicago home into a blues museum. It would celebrate his legendary contributions to blues music which emerged from the Great Migration and would forever change music in America and around the world.

    The National A. Philip Randolph Pullman Porter Museum expansion - which celebrates and honors the legacy of the Pullman Porters and the important role African-Americans played in shaping America’s labor movement.

    The Lu Palmer Mansion - which is on the verge of being purchased and converted into The Obsidian Collection museum and library, an archive of Black journalism.

    The Phyllis Wheatley House - which is the last standing African-American settlement house in Chicago, and served African-American women for 50 years during the Great Migration.

    We STRONGLY OPPOSE any legislative maneuvers that seek to block the establishment of Chicago neighborhood house museums.

    Now is the time to recognize, honor and protect the many important contributions of African-Americans and traditionally underrepresented communities to Chicago.

    House museums are powerful vehicles for protecting the history and telling the stories of those who have come before us.

    House museums amplify the voices of those who have not been heard.

    These voices have been silenced for far too long.


    Please sign this petition.

    This petition will be presented at the Chicago City Council Zoning Committee on March 23, 2021 with a demand that the proposed ordinance be rejected.

    Read more at:

    "Emmett Till childhood home now an official city landmark," in The Chicago Sun-Times https://chicago.suntimes.com/city-hall/2021/1/27/22252911/chicago-city-council-approves-landmark-status-emmett-till-home-south-side

    "A Push to Save Landmarks of the Great Migration, in The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/a-push-to-save-landmarks-of-the-great-migration--and-better-understand-todays-racial-inequities/2021/03/12/c510ceb0-7b88-11eb-85cd-9b7fa90c8873_story.html

    "Legacy of Muddy Waters to Live On at MOJO Museum," on WTTW Chicago https://news.wttw.com/2021/01/19/legacy-muddy-waters-live-mojo-museum

    "In Bronzeville, A Push To Preserve Historic Lu Palmer Mansion — And Chicago’s Black Media Legacy," in Block Club Chicago https://blockclubchicago.org/2021/03/03/in-bronzeville-a-push-to-preserve-historic-lu-palmer-mansion-and-chicagos-black-media-legacy/

    "Owner, supporters fight to save historic Phyllis Wheatley Club and Home from city demolition block", in The Chicago Sun-Times https://chicago.suntimes.com/2021/2/23/22296062/owner-supporters-fight-to-save-historic-phyllis-wheatley-home-from-city-demolition-block

    "Pullman Porter Museum celebrates 25th anniversary, connects lessons of the past to challenges of the present" on ABC 7 Chicago https://abc7chicago.com/pullman-porter-black-history-month-porters-chicago/5901253/

  • Make Asian and Pacific Islander History part of the American Curriculum

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In 2020 and 2021, the United States has experienced increased Anti-asian violence. This violence has been a part of America’s history since its very beginning. So too, have been the triumphs, successes, and hard work of the Asian American Pacific Islander community.

    We are your neighbors, front-line workers, doctors, teachers, public servants. While Asian and Pacific Islanders have been building this country’s railroads, feeding its people, caring for patients, and creating some of its most innovative technology, much of America has turned a blind eye to this work and the people who are doing it. The ultimate culmination of this country-wide apathy has come in the form of erasure and violence.

    In the month of May, Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month, the country will celebrate our heritage and the work of the APA community. But the learning and celebration must last beyond a single month. For Americans to better know the history of this country, they must know the history of Asian and Pacific Islanders in America.

    It’s time for all Americans to understand the role of the APA community in the fabric of our country. By signing this pledge, I call on my state to add more Asian and Pacific Islander history to the state’s school curriculum. I also commit to educate myself about the struggles and triumphs of AAPI individuals, and celebrate AAPI voices in my community and workplace.

    35,022 have signed. Let’s get to 50,000!

    At 50,000 signatures, this petition becomes one of the top signed on Change.org!

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  • Hold Rudy Giuliani Accountable

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    "President Donald Trump and his supporters gathered at the “Save America” rally in Washington D.C. on Wednesday to protest the election results they claim, without evidence, was stolen. The demonstration was timed to coincide with the formal electoral vote count in Congress scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. Among the speakers addressing the raucous crowd was Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal attorney and face of his failed legal effort to challenge the election results in court. The former New York mayor walked on stage to “Macho Man” before calling on Trump supporters to settle the dispute over the election via “trial by combat.” Giuliani then assured the thousands of protesters that he was “willing to stake my reputation,” on the existence of election-altering fraud at play, ignoring the fact that such unfounded claims have repeatedly been laughed out of court. “And if we are wrong we will be made fools of,” Giuliani continued as if that ship had not already sailed." NYMag, Watch Giuliani Demand ‘Trial by Combat’ to Settle the Election.

    On January 9, 2021, the President's personal lawyer called for "Trial By Combat." Incitement is NOT protected by the First Amendment's freedom of speech. This is a clear call for violence against adversaries. Not only is this conduct deeply UNAMERICAN, but it also is NOT fitting of ANY lawyer. We call for the American Bar Association to disbar and seek action against Rudy Guilliani for his Anti-American conduct and conduct deeply antithetical to what the protectors of the constitution -- lawyers-- must do. We seek to heal these wounds by holding all of those accountable, and Rudy Guilliani SHOULD NOT GET A PASS.

  • Legalise the use and possession of Pepper Spray in the UK for self defence purposes.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Pepper spray is a widely recognised non-lethal deterrent that can be used for self-defence, ultimately reducing the risks of assault for both women and men.

    Currently its ownership, carry and use by common citizens is banned under Section 5(1)(b) of the Firearms Act 1968. Pepper spray in the UK carries the same legal penalties as carrying a gun does. However our aim in writing this petition is to begin the process to change that by making Pepper spray legal for 18 year olds and over. The use of pepper spray is currently legal in Italy, America, Spain, Russia and others.

    On March 11th, when the news regarding the missing Sarah Everard was trending on twitter, women flooded to the social media site to share multiple experiences of having felt vulnerable in public. Everard’s story caused an outpouring from women shaken up by the disappearance, that unfortunately they related to. Taking to sites like twitter to share their own experiences of abuse and sexual harassment that they have in come across in their day to day lives.

    It is considered the norm for women to take safety precautions in their lives out of fear. Examples of female hyper-vigilance include sticking to well-lit streets, avoiding empty streets, speaking on the phone as a deterrent, using keys as a makeshift weapon, and wearing comfortable shoes in case they need to run. In 2021 this is simply unacceptable and does not reflect the modern values the UK stands for.

    Sarah Everard, like many women, took safety precautions on her way home and yet still went missing. Perhaps a preventative measure like pepper spray could have changed that.

    Pepper spray causes immediate closing of the eyes, irritation of the eyes to cause a burning sensation, pain, and temporary blindness. The duration of its effects depends on the concentration of the spray; the effects last approximately 30 minutes. Using pepper spray against an attacker can significantly increase the victim's chance of getting to safety without causing severe harm.

    Twitter user Emma Kennedy tweeted on March 10th “When #notallmen is trending higher than #saraheverard, do you see the problem?” This tweet addresses the societal issue within our country regarding women’s safety and how their pleas fall on deaf and ignorant ears. Unfortunately attitudes like this only distract from the issue at hand which is that sexual harassment is very prevalent in the UK.

    It is this public response regarding such an upsetting issue that I am writing this petition. If the blame always falls on the victim, even though it is never their fault, I believe it is up to the government to help protect women and men by giving them the tools to prevent their worst nightmares of being assaulted from coming true. If a prevention tool like pepper spray was available maybe innocent people like Sarah Everard wouldn’t be missing.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this petition. Please SIGN and SHARE!

  • Free Javier Castillo Maradiaga!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    27 year old Javier Castillo Maradiaga has lived in the Bronx area of New York City in the United States for twenty years. Back in December of 2019, he was taken into ICE custody and is to be deported back to Honduras on any moment after being detained for fourteen months. He has no criminal record and his family is fighting for his release and so should we.

    If Javier is deported, he will leave behind a mother, niece, and sister all whom are protected under DACA and are essential workers. Javier didn’t renew his DACA information during the Trump administration out of fear that he would be sharing personal information and given Trump’s harsh rhetoric towards immigrants Javier would have been targeted out of racism and xenophobia. He is DACA eligible and his home is in America! We won’t stop until he is free and back with his family.

    People in Congress such as Ritchie Torres and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are calling on ICE to stop his deportation and we need to pressure them as well. Sign and stop Javier’s deportation and return him to the Bronx and to his family.

  • AS SEEN ON ELLEN: Increase federal funding for pediatric cancer research by Lilly Bumpus

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    As seen on ELLEN on September 17!

    We the People of the United States of America demand a federal funding increase toward pediatric cancer research.

    One in 285 American children will be diagnosed with cancer before their 19th birthday.

    Out of the billions of dollars of federal funding provided for cancer research, a mere 3.8% is reserved for the study and advancement of treatment for childhood cancers.

    We believe our future is worth more than 3.8%.

    Childhood cancer is the leading cause of disease-related death in children in the United States, and every two minutes a family receives the devastating news of a new diagnosis.

    Childhood cancer is not rare, however, it is unique in the sense that it presents a fundamentally different set of challenges than adult-onset disease. Without proper research funding, the young, developing bodies of our children are often exposed to the recycled adult treatment protocol. These life-saving measures of treatment wreak havoc on the developing systems, leaving children with unanticipated and long-term physical, emotional, and cognitive complications.


    80% of childhood cancer survivors do not live past the age of 45.
    More than 95% of childhood cancer survivors have significant health-related issues caused by treatment, usually another form of cancer.
    There is no form of extended cell replicated therapies - meaning it takes 1 million active cancer cells to be detected for a child to be accurately diagnosed.
    Because of the protocol and medication being outdated, most children are diagnosed in the late stages of cancer with little to no survival rate.
    Female childhood cancer survivors who were treated with chemotherapy— even if they did not receive radiation treatments to their chest — are six times more likely than the general population to be diagnosed with breast cancer later in life. For those who did receive chest radiation, that chance increases exponentially and is on par with those who have the BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations.
    There are forms of childhood cancer (DIPG) that have a 0% survival rate because they have 0% funding for research, despite the diagnosis rate steadily doubling for the last 15 years.
    We the People, lead by Lilly Bumpus, a nine-year-old cancer survivor and international activist, call upon the Biden Administration to enact immediate resolution for the following:

    We demand the White House and the National Cancer Research Funding Board to reevaluate the research funding amount for childhood cancer, as it currently receives less than 4% of annual funding and continues to be the country's number one lowest funded form of cancer research.
    We demand additional childhood cancer research to ensure our children who are diagnosed have a better chance of surviving treatment. One in four children diagnosed with cancer does not survive past five years.
    We demand research for childhood cancer to have the same robust toolset adults have to fight this disease, with matched resources to provide comprehensive screening, preventative care, and treatment options.
    We demand federal recognition that more children are dying from outdated adult form cancer treatment than cancer itself.
    We demand the prioritization of pediatric drug research. Hundreds of cancer drugs have been developed and approved for adult use by the FDA. As of 2020, a mere 34 drugs for use in the treatment of childhood cancers is approved. 28 of those drugs were originally approved only for adult use. Today, we have only six drugs that were approved in the first instance for use in cancer treatment for children.
    It is estimated that there will be 13.7 million cases of childhood cancer between 2020-2050. Unless there are major improvements surrounding the priorities of cancer research in America, of this, 45% will go undiagnosed and 11.1 million Americans will die as a result of childhood cancer.

    American children in the land of the free are being silenced, not due to lack of awareness, but budgetary decisions made at the federal level. It is beyond time to move past awareness campaigns and glossy projections of hope, but instead it is time to enact change and invest in the health of our nation's future.

    President Biden, Vice President Harris - will you stand alongside us and save 11 million children?