• Stop Medical Bills & Collections from reporting to credit bureaus. Stop garnishments.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    *** PRESS & NEWS can contact Steve Ryan at [email protected] or fill out the contact form at www.steveryan.com/medfreedom ****


    Please sign and share this petition. We need something done NOW about Medical Bills and the impact on the finances of millions of people across the country.

    Chances are, either you or someone that you know of, have been affected by medical bills. We would like a bill called ''Med Freedom'' to be created, sponsored and passed by Congress & the White House.

    This bill will truly be in the interest of the public. If we get enough support behind this, we can make it happen. There will be more specific details as you read further in the petition.

    HERE'S HOW YOU CAN HELP (3 simple things you can do right now to help)

    1. Sign and Share this petition. Share it via email and to your social media. Here is the link that you can copy and paste, www.change.org/medfreedom

    2. Email this petition to your local news station. We have compiled an email list of news stations all across the country in every state. Click Here to see the list

    3. Email this petition to one of the top major news networks. We have an email list here. Click Here to see the list.

    *** PRESS & NEWS can contact Steve Ryan at [email protected] or fill out the contact form at www.steveryan.com/medfreedom ****


    People don’t choose to get sick. Yet, there are millions of people who are penalized financially due to medical bills. This simply isn’t right and it doesn’t make sense that in one of the top nations on this planet, medical bills are a huge burden for much of the population.

    People need our help. Why should people have to choose between going to the doctor and being concerned about if they can afford it? Why should people have to be concerned about medical bills hitting their credit reports? It's hard enough for people to survive financially day to day. And when the unexpected health issues arise, the last thing on someone's mind should be their medical bills.

    Let's petition the White House, Senate and House of Representatives to pass a consumer friendly law that will stop medical collections from being garnished from people's wages and to stop it from reporting to people's credit report. Especially for people who are struggling to make ends meet paycheck to paycheck. Medical Bills are one of the TOP reasons for bankruptcy (articles posted at the end).

    We are proposing that this bill is called Med Freedom .This bill will keep medical bills off of the credit report completely and will not allow wages to be garnished. We are ok with safeguards to prevent people from abusing this. For example, maybe this can apply to emergencies and essential medical bills and not elective medical bills such as cosmetics.

    When people get sick, it's not fair when they are penalized if they can't afford to pay their medical bills. Some of the issues that arise are the following; people don't have health insurance, the health insurance doesn't cover enough, people's deductibles can sometimes be unaffordable and other unexpected issues. It hurts to have to hear that people actually will think twice about riding in an ambulance if they need medical attention because they worry about a bill later.

    Medical bills that turn into collections that get placed on the credit can impact someone getting a job, buying a home, car or anything else that's needed. It's not fair and it's not right.

    When I saw this article about one of the top hospital groups in the country going after thousands of people for medical bills even during the pandemic, it broke my heart. https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/17/us/hospital-lawsuits-pandemic-invs/index.html

    Check out these statistics.

    Two-thirds of people who file for bankruptcy cite medical issues as a key contributor to their financial downfall. While the high cost of health care has historically been a trigger for bankruptcy filings, the research shows that the implementation of the Affordable Care Act has not improved things. What most people do not realize, according to one researcher, is that their health insurance may not be enough to protect them. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/02/11/this-is-the-real-reason-most-americans-file-for-bankruptcy.html and check out this havard study at https://www.thebalance.com/medical-bankruptcy-statistics-4154729

    According to a 2016 Kaiser Family Foundation and New York Times survey, more than 1 in 4 Americans had trouble paying a recent medical bill. And when medical debt piles up, that can lead to difficult financial decisions, such as needing to cut back on food, clothing, or other basic household items.

    Medical debt—and the fear of medical debt—has severe consequences for Americans. One of the largest issues is that debt can cause people to neglect medical problems. Nearly one in three Americans say that they have delayed getting care because they were worried about the cost.

    Source - https://www.singlecare.com/blog/medical-debt-statistics/


    The Medical Debt Relief Bill was reintroduced by Congresswoman Katie Porter and Senator Jeff Merkley earlier in 2021 according to her website, https://porter.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=279. This bill has a lot of good intentions, but in our opinion, it does not go far enough. The highlights of the bill is to amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act to institute a 1-year waiting period before medical debt will be reported on a consumers credit report and to remove paid-off and settled medical debts from credit reports that have been fully paid or settled.

    Here is why we don't believe this is enough. It institutes a 1 year waiting period before medical debt will be reported on the credit report, but what if it's a life threatening medical bill or a bill that someone could never afford regardless of the amount of time. One year is not enough. Medical Bills should not be on the credit at all. This can impact someone's financial future such as having a place to live, future job or any other essentials that's needed due to the impact on the credit.

    The second reason that the proposed bill is not enough is that it addresses removing paid off and settled medical bills after they have been fully paid or settled. This does not address the issue that if someone can't afford to pay the medical bills at all, they will never reach a point where they can fully pay or settle.

    Look at this New York Times article where it states that covid killed someone's father and then came 1 million dollars in medical bills, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/21/upshot/covid-bills-financial-long-haulers.html

    It is important that Congress sees public support for a bill that will actually benefit the public. This is the purpose of the petition.


    We understand that the opponents of this petition for Med Freedom have said things such as, people will never have an incentive to pay and that such a bill will leave too much room for people take advantage of the system. This is an understandable objection and it's duly noted. What is stronger than that objection is that things can't continue the way it is now.

    Medical Bills and the way that they are handled in this country cannot continue the status quo. Here are some potential ideas for compromise so that people can't take advantage of this.

    Medical Bills that fit certain categories can fall under the Bill that this petition is proposing. Those categories can be things such as emergencies and essentials. Emergency doesn't mean that it's limited to an emergency room. Emergency and essentials can also include if you are going to the doctor and they discover something that you need such as surgery, cancer treatment or any other unexpected necessary medical procedure. Another example would be a car accident or anything that is unexpected that is necessary for you to have.

    Any medical bill that is outside of those categories such as cosmetic surgeries that weren't deemed medically necessary, perhaps should not be included under the coverage of the bill.

    Here is another possible compromise. If banishing the garnishment of wages is off the table, then perhaps wage garnishments for medical bills can be limited to a certain percentage of someone's income, such as 5 percent.

    If someone has a financial hardship, the repayment of medical bills can be based on income such as an income driven repayment plan. Those who can afford to pay more should pay more, but those who can't afford it should not be penalized. Keep in mind, this is for emergency and essential medical bills that someone did not have control over. These type of medical bills should NEVER be on a credit report. It's simply just not right.


    (3 simple things you can do right now to help)

    1. Sign and Share this petition. Share it via email and to your social media. Here is the link that you can copy and paste, www.change.org/medfreedom

    2. Email this petition to your local news station. We have compiled an email list of news stations all across the country in every state. Click Here to see the list

    3.Email this petition to one of the top major news networks. We have an email list here. Click Here to see the list.

    *** PRESS & NEWS can contact Steve Ryan at [email protected] or fill out the contact form at www.steveryan.com/medfreedom ****

    Here are some other articles.

    Nerd Wallet - Medical Bills on Credit Report


    Credit Karma - Medical Collections and Credit Report



    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    (English Below)

    Al Sr. Presidente Joseph Biden

    Al Congreso de Estados Unidos, Organización de Estados Americanos, Organización de Naciones Unidas, Parlamento Europeo, y la OTAN,

    Visto la insostenibilidad de la situación política, económica y humanitaria que vive el pueblo cubano bajo el régimen castrista hace 62 años,

    Visto el reconocimiento de la comunidad internacional de que en Cuba impera una dictadura terrorista y genocida,

    Visto que el exilio no puede seguir viendo como nuestros hermanos en la isla mueren de hambre durante una situación de pandemia,

    Visto el incremento de la represión contra el pueblo cubano,

    DECLARAMOS : Los cubanos libres del mundo pedimos sin equivoco una INTERVENCIÓN MILITAR por parte de los Estados Unidos y la OTAN para poner fin a la mafia castrista y liberar al pueblo cubano que vive sumido en el terror, la miseria, el hambre y la coacción !

    Queremos una CUBA LIBRE y prospera !

    Abajo el comunismo !

    Responsable de esta petición

    -Léo Juvier-Hendrickx


    Contacto : +32 493 96 49 79



    To U.S. President Joseph Biden, U.S. Congress, Organization of American States (OAS), United Nations (UN), the European Parliament and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO/OTAN)

    GIVEN the unsustainability of the political, economic and humanitarian situation that the Cuban people suffer under the Castro regime for 62 years,

    GIVEN the recognition by the international community that a terrorist and genocidal dictatorship reigns in Cuba,

    GIVEN that the exiled Cuban communities around the world can no longer endure standing by while our brothers and sisters in the island die of hunger and lack of medicine during a pandemic crisis,

    GIVEN the increase of repression against the Cuban people,

    WE DECLARE: The free Cubans around the world petition, without a doubt, for a MILITARY INTERVENTION by the United States of America and NATO to put an end to the Castro/Diaz-Canel regime and liberate the Cuban people who live in terror, misery, hunger and coercion!

    We want a FREE and prosperous CUBA!

    Down with communism!

    Responsible for this petition:

    -Léo Juvier-Hendrickx


    Contacto : +32 493 96 49 79

  • Constituents Demanding Sen. Josh Hawley's Resignation

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We are constituents of Sen. Josh Hawley's seeking his resignation for inciting violence directed at the United States Congress. This latest display of violence highlights Sen. Hawley's disregard for American democracy, and it is a disgraceful use of his position and power in an attempt to overturn the 2020 General Election results. We demand Sen. Hawley's resignation and nothing less.

    Please also take a moment to visit: http://hawleyresign.com to sign on with others from across the state.

    Our coalition also very much supports Representative Cori Bush's petition, as well as the Movement for Black Lives demands, calling for the expulsion of all Senators and Representatives who sought to undermine the results of the 2020 election that resulted in the violent display of white supremacy on January 6th, 2021. Please visit www.gopcoup.com to sign the petition.

  • Save Myanmar and honor the 2020 Election result

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Dear The Rt Hon Prime Minister Boris Johnson, The President of US Mr. Joe Biden, Mr. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, The Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP (Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Affairs, First Secretary of State), Rt Hon Minister of State (Minister for Asia) Nigel Adams MP, Council of the European Union, European Commission, European Parliament,

    We urge your urgent attention as our democratically elected leaders including State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Myint along with senior government officials, and the elected members of parliament have now been detained by the military.

    Please kindly assist our country by stopping this military coup as it is happening right now in Myanmar( Burma). Aung San Suu Kyi’s party won a landslide victory in the recent election (8th Nov 2020) and the new parliament is due to start in the next few hours in Myanmar. We need your urgent appropriate action in intervention to stop this military coup to protect the people of Myanmar (Burma) and the democratically elected NLD (National League for Democracy) government.

    Yours sincerely,

  • Justice for Noor Mukadam

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We the friends, family of Noor Mukaddam and concerned citizens of Pakistan, demand justice for the brutal murder of our Noor at the hands of Zahir Jaffer son of business tycoon Zakir Jaffer of Ahmed Jaffer and Company and therapist Asmat Adamjee.

    Noor Mukadam, the daughter of Shaukat Mukaddam, ex Ambasssador to South Korea, was murdered at Zahir Jaffer’s residence in Islamabad’s upscale Sector F-7/4 on Tuesday 20 July, 2021.

    Noor and Zahir were childhood friends, and Zahir upon expressing his romantic interest and having been rejected by Noor, exacted his revenge. He called Noor on the pretext of speaking to her one last time before he moved to the US, and Noor ever trusting and kind, obliged to meet on the afternoon of Chaand Raat. At that point, Zahir took her in and held her hostage at gun point, and brutally murdered and decapitated her.

    Reports indicate another person was also critically injured when trying to restrain Zahir Jaffer. The Police confirmed that Zahir Jaffer showed no remorse and was fully in his senses at the time.

    Zahir Jaffer has a history of violent abuse, and as per reports he was deported from the UK for rape. Rather than keeping him away his family put him at the helm of his company business, the Ahmed Jaffer and Company, as its Chief Brand Strategist. He also was licensed as a therapist, by Therapyworks who didn’t vet him, and paved the way for him offering counselling sessions at school.

    Zahir Jaffer’s family and his economic privilege hid the dangerous criminal it had been harboring. Zahir Jaffer was abusive towards Noor, towards women, and is an abusive and violent human being. He was able to operate freely because of his family’s wealth and influence. He committed this crime because he felt that he could evade the law.

    Noor was an artist, she was pursuing a degree in International Relations. She had recently been commissioned her first paid mural, which she will never get the chance to finish. She was adored by her friends and family. She was a ray of light, and her loss has left the world a darker place. She strove for women’s right and championed them. She loved animals, and would took care of them. She was the kindest, and gentlest among us, and that was exploited by her murderer Zahir Jaffer.

    We demand that the Supreme Court of Pakistan, International Human Rights Comission and Prime Minister Imran Khan bring justice for Noor Mukaddam.

    We urge:
    * Put Zahir Jaffer and Family on the Exit Control List.
    * Hold Zahir family accountable for knowing all facts and enabling Zahir Jaffer
    * To provide swift justice to Noor Mukaddam and punish Zahir Jaffer, to make an example out of him
    * To provide justice to Saima Raza and QuaratulAin Umar, and any victims of the rampant femicide in Pakistan
    * We urge the US government to not harbour Zahir Jaffer and not let him set foot on US territory

    For long the elite in Pakistan have abused their power to commit horrific crimes and escape punishment. We hope that Zahir Jaffer’s punishment at the hands of law has the potential to turn the tide of judicial evasion
    and hold perpetrators of violence responsible. We demand justice. We demand it swiftly. We demand it for Noor. We demand it for all women.

    We couldn’t save her while she lived, but your contribution will help make sure that we can at least take this to its rightful end. https://gofund.me/7e8a83ad

  • #FREEBRITNEY Replace Britney Spears’ Lawyer IMMEDIATELY & Investigate Her Conservators

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On June 23rd, 2021 Britney Jean Spears testified in a Los Angeles probate court as to the abuse and inhumane medical care she has experienced for the past 13 years as a conservatee trapped within an abusive conservatorship. Ms. Spears detailed how she has an IUD implanted without her consent, and her conservators refuse to allow her to have it removed. Ms. Spears states she wants to "start a family and have a baby," and the conservatorship is not allowing that. The IUD in question is a direct violation of Ms. Spears' unalienable human rights. According to the United Nations, this constitutes involuntary sterilization. This petition seeks to open a full investigation through the appropriate parties into Ms. Spears' claims of abuse as they include serious human rights violations.

    As stated in her testimony on Wednesday, Ms. Spears feels both her conservators and management "belong in jail" for the abuse they have inflicted upon her for over a decade. While we wait for the California judicial system to police itself on this issue, we are seeking accountability from the appropriate federal agencies and state lawmakers. The #FreeBritney movement is a grassroots, civil, human, and disability rights issue. Ms. Spears pleaded to the public and Judge Brenda Penny for help in escaping this abusive conservatorship and yet, despite her powerful testimony remains under the care of the same people she states have abused, tortured, and traumatized her. We need to act now and replace her court-appointed attorney immediately, which is what Ms. Spears explicitly pleaded for on June 23rd 2021. We demand an investigation into all allegations of abuse as well as a thorough accounting of all excess fees paid from the estate of Ms. Spears since the creation of this conservatorship to her team. The #FreeBritney movement includes doctors, lawyers, and a plethora of other experts who have studied the public conservatorship records for years. We have reason to believe financial crimes have been occurring behind the scenes of this conservatorship resulting in a 9-figure financial loss for Ms. Spears. We need to act now. #FreeBritneyNOW

  • Replace over 700 U​.​S. Postal Service mail sorting machines removed/destroyed nationwide!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    President Trump’s Postmaster General removed/destroyed 711 mail sorting machines throughout the United States in 2020.

    This has caused a strain on the postal service to deliver mail in a timely manner. It is causing small businesses and small entrepreneurs issues with their sales as it is taking weeks for customers to receive their merchandise. One example is a package mailed at the end of August 2020 did not arrive until January 2021. In many cases a package that should take one week to be delivered is taking three weeks or longer to be delivered.

    Now that President Biden is the president we need the White House, the United States Postal Service and Congress to have the missing/destroyed mail sorting machines replaced as soon as possible.

  • End United States funding to Israeli military

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    For years American tax payers have been funding the illegal settlement, murder, and attacks on Palestinian Christians and muslims. The U.S has promised $72 billion dollars to Israel. These tax dollars can go to minority communities in the US, help homeless people, help those effected by the pandemic and more. Instead we are aiding a military for a fight across the ocean.

  • Support and Assistance Required Urgently for South Africa

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I am a South African who immigrated to the United Kingdom 12 years ago and I am feeling extremely concerned about the current situation happening in South Africa. For the past few days KwaZulu Natal and Johannesburg have been dealing with looters, rioters and attacks on commercial properties and businesses which have been burnt to the ground after looting.

    Currently there are extremely limited stores available to buy essential food, water or medical supplies, which has now become an issue. People are standing in mile long ques from early in the morning in the hope that they can get some essentials for their families. As the shelves are being packed, they are being emptied due to the shortage of food, water and medical supplies. In certain areas of KwaZulu Natal people are unable to get to food stores as they are still experiencing unrest and attacks in their community, which is stopping communities from leaving their residential homes to go out searching for essentials due to the attacks on vehicles and people.

    It all started with our ex-president Jacob Zuma being imprisoned for 15 months for contempt of court where his followers started the riots to which has now escalated into political aggression targeting the public where attacks are now heading towards residential areas. The civilians have barricaded entrances into their communities to safeguard their families and businesses from being attacked and looted by the rioters. Everyone has had limited sleep and worried that more attacks are on the way.

    The citizens of South Africa have had to take matters into their own hands using any form of weaponry due to the government not sending out any or limited military assistance. Water pipes, electrical substations, factories, businesses even the Blood Bank were targeted by the attackers.

    John Sparks from Sky News has broadcasted a excellent piece of journalism explaining the current unrest and kaos happening in South Africa. https://youtu.be/hDXgfiQghIE

    South Africa Needs Outside Assistance Urgently.



    ** This petition gets updated as the situation changes

  • A Permanent United States National day of remembrance for COVID-19 victims.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    My 64 year old father,Ernest Wade Ayers, JR., thought he had a sinus infection. He had covid. He loved fishing, football, his family, and Jesus Christ. After over a week of fighting, He passed away to run toward Jesus on January 14, 2021.
    I would like the United States to have a National day of remembrance for COVID victims. My daddy was more than a number. ���

    A Permanent United States National day of remembrance for COVID-19 victims.
    I would like the us government to acknowledge that such a day is needed. I know that those of us who have suffered such a loss are actively picking a day and having memorials around our country. However, it would be nice if our government would acknowledge such a day existed. This will not bring back our loved ones, but I do think it would help with the grieving process by honoring our loved ones and acknowledging that they are more than a number count.

  • Stop Texas representatives from removing minority history from the K-12 curriculum

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and other people of color) histories are under attack in Texas.

    On July 9th, Bryan Hughes, a Republican member of the Texas State Senate, introduced bill 87(1) SB 3 for committee consideration in the state legislature. The bill effectively seeks to erase marginalized histories from "the social studies curriculum for each grade level from kindergarten through grade 12." On July 16, the bill was passed in the Senate.

    Just take a look at one of the parts of the bill that removes from the curriculum "the history of white supremacy, including but not limited to the institution of slavery, the eugenics movement, and the Ku Klux Klan, and the ways in which it is morally wrong." Among the other provisions is the removal of "the history of Native Americans" and elimination of "historical documents related to the civic accomplishments of marginalized populations," including those related to "the Chicano movement," "women's suffrage and equal rights," and "the American labor movement" from the curriculum.

    If Governor Greg Abbott signed SB 3 into law, "Martin Luther King Jr.'s... 'I Have a Dream speech," "the Emancipation Proclamation," "the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth," Amendments to the United States Constitution," and "The United States Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education," would all be eviscerated from classrooms. Names like Frederick Douglass, Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, and Héctor P. García would disappear from curricula.

    What would remain would be a condensed, whitened version of the history of Texas and the United States that ignores BIPOC struggles and triumphs. How can students be equipped to reckon with the racial realities of today without knowledge of our racist past?

    As a first-generation Asian-American, I am deeply concerned by Hughes' crusade against diverse narratives within Texan and American history. Racism is an infection. By ignoring it, we only allow it to clench its fist more tightly around our society and systems. Only by having frank conversations and uplifting BIPOC narratives from the very beginning, starting with our K-12 classrooms, can we spark meaningful change.

    Join me in showing Hughes and the Texas House of Representatives that legislation stifling marginalized stories and voices in our classrooms is regressive and unacceptable. Act now against SB 3 by sharing this petition and taking a stand.

    Want to take more direct, personal action? Go to the Action Center: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XFY8EnI7Q9QkbEqOunyNQICzNg0a8xnbZywJ5Dez5i8/edit?usp=sharing

    Full text of the bill: https://capitol.texas.gov/Search/DocViewer.aspx?ID=871SB000031B&QueryText=%22social+studies%22&DocType=B

  • The United States Must Label the Atrocities In Tigray a Genocide

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On November 4, 2020, through what was disguised as a “law and order operation”, the Ethiopian government unleashed the start of their campaign to rid the country of its ethnic Tigrayan population.

    Tigray, the northernmost state in Ethiopia, has been attacked by its own federal government of Ethiopia, as well as troops from neighboring Eritrea. For nine months, Tigrayans have been brutally killed, raped, starved, and arrested, all due to their ethnic identity.

    The United States is currently determining whether or not this conflict should be labeled a genocide - we need your help in pushing our legislators to make this distinction!

    “A genocide is characterized by the specific intent to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group by killing its members or by other means: causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; or forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

    All of this and more has occurred in Tigray at the hands of the Ethiopian and Eritrean governments. Below are a few of the many examples of genocide that has occured in Tigray:

    Reports indicate that tens of thousands of ethnic Tigrayans have been targeted and killed based on their identity alone, but the true death toll is expected to be in the hundreds of thousands.

    Weaponized rape and other sexual violence, including gang rape, sexual slavery, sexual mutilation and other forms of torture, at the hands of the Ethiopian and Eritrean troops has been widespread. Thousands of rape cases have been documented, which expected to only be a fraction of the true number.

    "The women that have been raped say that the things that they say to them when they were raping them is that they need to change their identity -- to either Amharize them or at least leave their Tigrinya status ... and that they've come there to cleanse them ... to cleanse the blood line."

    Food has been weaponized and millions of Tigrayans are on the brink of starvation. According to the Associated Press, “It is not just that people are starving; it is that many are being starved.”

    Since the start of the conflict, the Ethiopian government has arbitrarily arrested thousands of Tigrayans solely based on their identity. Oftentimes, detainees were arrested for simply speaking Tigrinya, the native language of Tigray.

    Hate speech enticing further destruction of the Tigrayan ethnicity has been rampant at all levels of government. In July 2021, Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed referred to Tigrayans as a “cancer” and “weed” that needs to be removed from the country.

    It is clear that the Ethiopian government is determined to destroy in whole, or in part, the Tigrayan ethnicity, and it is the responsibility of the United States as well as the broader international community to stop this from happening.

    The scars of this conflict will last for years and generations to come. The international community must act now.

    Please sign this petition and push our legislators to label these horrendous acts a genocide.

  • Urging NE states to unite against the Big Bully Assam CM Himanta Biswa

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures





  • Make UTV’s street legal in Nevada!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Nevada is home to a ton of UTV owners throughout the whole state. Right now, if we want to ride our UTV’s on the public streets we’re limited to 2 miles, reduced speed limits, and it’s only allowed in rural parts of Nevada. Although this right is better than nothing, it doesn’t provide any lawful way of riding on city streets in Reno for example.

    Many neighboring states such as Utah have friendly UTV laws that allow people to safely ride on public roads so they can easily explore the great outdoors.

    By allowing UTV owners to license their UTV with the Nevada DMV, similar to a motorcycle, we will be able easily leverage public roads to ride to BLM lands without having to worry about trailers and other unnecessary methods of transport.

    Not only will this help with an increase in economic activity and UTV ownership it will also provide the Nevada DMV with additional revenue for license plates, registration, and will provide a pathway for those that currently ride illegally within the city limits.

  • Lions Clubs International: Sever All Ties With “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty TN Walking Horses

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Lions Clubs International needs to sever all ties with “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty perpetrated upon Tennessee Walking Horses, and forbid any Lions Club anywhere from having anything whatsoever to do with “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty horse shows which are akin to dog fighting and cock fighting.


    On July 25, 2019, members of the United States House of Representatives officially declared the “Big Lick” as Animal Cruelty when it made an historic bipartisan landslide roll call vote – 333 to 96 – to abolish “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty to Tennessee Walking Horses. The only two large animal veterinarians in Congress sponsored the bill. A majority of both Democrats and Republicans voted for it. And Tennessee Republican Congressman Tim Burchett (R-TN), who represents Knoxville, TN, and the University of Tennessee, voted to forever end the “Big Lick”.


    The world was shocked this week to learn that the Woodbury (TN) Lions Club has hired Mr. Chris Zahnd to Judge its 85th annual Woodbury Lions Club Horse Show on Saturday, July 3, 2021, which will feature more than 24 “Big Lick” classes.


    Mr. Chris Zahnd pled guilty to "Horse Soring", and was sentenced in U. S. District Court (Nashville) for placing a “nerve cord” (zip tie) in a Tennessee Walking Horse's mouth along the upper gum line. The “nerve cord” causes the horse to be distracted, and not react to digital palpation by a USDA Vet Inspector to detect pain (soreness) in his front feet which causes the “high stepping” show gait.

    This shocking video - "Here's What Soring Does To Horses" - exposes the “Big Lick” Tennessee Walking Horse Racket as ANIMAL CRUELTY. The video which feaures “Gen’s Ice Glimmer”, America’s Tennessee Walking Horse, has been viewed over 16+ MILLION (16,500,000) times. “Soring” is the illegal and cruel practice of using chemical and mechanical methods to create pain in a gaited show horses front feet to exaggerate their animated step."


    According to native Tennessean MTSU (Middle Tennessee State University) Horse Science Professor equine vet Dr. John Haffner, “the ‘Big Lick’ is a pain induced gait – a business built on the suffering and pain of horses.” All "Big Lick" TWH are "sore" to learn the "Big Lick" gait.

    The Lions Club International motto is: “Together We Serve: Service is more than the sum of our collective deeds – it is the wellspring of our heart. As Lions and Leos, we serve to see our communities inspired, equipped and transformed. We believe even the greatest challenges can be overcome with the power of kindness".

    There is no kindness associated with "Big Lick" Animal Cruelty to Tennessee Walking Horses, and the Lions Clubs International needs to sever all ties with it.

    And NO charitable donation is worth animal cruelty.

    This was illustrated when the University of Mississippi Medical Center which severed all ties with the Jackson (MS) “Big Lick” Horse Show which was making an annual $50,000.00 charitable donation to its Blair Batson Childrens Hospital.

    UMMC won't accept Charity Horse Show donations


    Please SIGN and SHARE this Petition.

    Your Signatures and Comments will be delivered to Lions Clubs International officials.

    Horses do not have a voice, so we protest for them.

    Citizens Campaign Against “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty (CCABLAC)

    Here is the “Story of CCABLAC (Citizens Campaign Against “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty …



    The Citizens Campaign Against “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty (CCABLAC) is a “WE, The People” grassroots movement founded in Mississippi. CCABLAC advocates (primarily Southerners) have peacefully assembled and protested against Animal Cruelty to “Big Lick” Tennessee Walking Horses from the Gulf of Mexico at Panama City Beach, FL; to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, NC; thoughout Tennessee and all the way to the White House in Washington, D.C. where over 100,000+ signatures against the “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty were delivered. In 2019, CCABLAC led the effort to obtain a bipartisan vote in the U. S. House of Representatives – 333 to 96 - to abolish the “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty forever.

  • To ban Tennessee walking horse events

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Soring involves the intentional infliction of pain to a horse's legs or hooves in order to force the horse to perform an artificial, exaggerated gait. Caustic chemicals—blistering agents like mustard oil, diesel fuel, and kerosene—are applied to the horse's limbs, causing extreme pain and suffering.

    A particularly egregious form of soring, known as pressure shoeing, involves cutting a horse's hoof almost to the quick and tightly nailing on a shoe or standing a horse for hours with the sensitive part of his soles on a block or other raised object. This causes excruciating pressure and pain whenever the horse puts weight on the hoof.

    Soring has been a common and widespread practice in the Tennessee walking horse show industry for decades.

  • Legalize Marijuana in Tennessee

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    It will impact me because I will not have to stress over getting arrested for a nonviolent drug charge. I have family members and friends that could use cannabis and it’s medical benefits. It’s time to end the prohibition!

    The criminalization of marijuana use disproportionately harms young people and people of color, sponsors massive levels of violence and corruption, and fails to curb youth access.

    Legalizing and regulating marijuana will bring one of the nation's largest cash crops under the rule of law. This will create jobs and economic opportunities in the formal economy instead of the illicit market. Scarce law enforcement resources will be better used to ensure public safety while reducing corrections and court costs.

    State and local governments would acquire significant new sources of tax revenue from regulating marijuana sales. Marijuana product testing is becoming a standard requirement for legalized marijuana markets. This means consumers are better informed about the marijuana they use.

    There is more public support for marijuana law reform than ever before with new polls showing more than half the country is in favor of legalizing marijuana. The Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) believes marijuana should be removed from the criminal justice system and regulated like alcohol and tobacco.

  • Boycott Animal Cruelty At Philadelphia “Big Lick” Walking Horse Show – Neshoba Co, MS

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Philadelpia (Neshoba County) MS is a diverse balanced community located in East Central Mississippi. Its citizens are especially proud of their “Neshoba County Coliseum”, a modern indoor arena located just North of town

    Sadly, the Neshoba County Coliseum will host the “Heart Of Dixie” “Big Lick” Tennessee Walking Horse Show” on Saturday, March 13, 2021.This show will feature “Big Lick” Tennessee Walking Horses (25 of 30 classes) wearing approximately EIGHT POUND SHOES, and CHAINS will hit the sensitive skin above the horses hooves making them step high with their front legs.

    “The ‘Big Lick’ is a pain induced gait,” says Equine Vet Dr. John Haffner, Horse Science Professor at MTSU (Middle Tennessee State University), “It is a business based on the suffering and pain of Horses".

    U. S. Congressman Michael Guest (R-MS), who represents Philadelphia and Neshoba County, happens to agree with Dr. John Haffner because on July 25, 2019, Rep. Guest voted “YES” to pass the “U.S Senator Joseph D. Tydings Memorial PAST ACT” to abolish “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty forever. The bipartisan landslide vote (78%) was 331 to 96. Rep Guest congressional district includes Miss. State University at Starkville, MS where the Vet College is located.


    This shocking video - "Here's What Soring Does To Horses" - exposes the “Big Lick” Tennessee Walking Horse Racket as ANIMAL CRUELTY. The video has been viewed over 16 MILLION TIMES (16,500,000) times since being released on March 7, 2017. “Soring” is the illegal and cruel practice of using chemical and mechanical methods to create pain in a gaited show horses front feet to exaggerate their animated step."


    Unfortunately, Philadelphia (Neshoba County) MS will be associated with the stigma of “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty as long as it hosts this “Big Lick” Tennessee Walking Horse Show. The “Big Lick” horse show is being brought to the Neshoba Coliseum at Philadelphia by a person who lives in South Mississippi. She was holding the show at “The Magnolia Center” at Laurel (Jones County) - about 30 minutes from her home.

    Then, in 2018, local newspaper ads were run, and a Change.Org Petition by the Citizens Campaign Against “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty to cancel it gained over 10,000+ signatures from all over America and around the world. Consequently, the show was not held in Laurel in 2019, and it was brought to Philadelphia in 2020


    In March 2015, the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) in Jackson, MS, severed all ties with the Mississippi Charity“Big Lick” Horse Show held at the State Coliseum. UMMC refused to accept a $50,000.00 annual donation to its Children’s Hospital from the Mississippi Charity Horse Show due to its featuring “Big Lick” TWH Animal Cruelty.


    The Jackson “Big Lick” Horse Show no longer exists.

    Philadelphia (Neshoba County) MS is too fine a place, and simply does not need “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty on display at its beautiful “Neshoba County Coliseum”.

    Please SIGN and SHARE this Petition.

    Your Signatures and Comments will be delivered to Philadelphia (Neshoba County) MS officials.

    WE, The People” – CCABLAC (Citizens Campaign Against “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty)

    Horses do not have a voice, so we protest for them.

    Here is the “Story of CCABLAC (Citizens Campaign Against “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty …



    The Citizens Campaign Against “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty (CCABLAC) is a “WE, The People” grassroots movement founded in Mississippi. CCABLAC advocates (primarily Southerners) have peacefully assembled and protested against Animal Cruelty to “Big Lick” Tennessee Walking Horses from the Gulf of Mexico at Panama City Beach, FL; to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, NC; thoughout Tennessee and all the way to the White House in Washington, D.C. where over 100,000+ signatures against the “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty were delievered. In 2019, CCABLAC led the effort to obtain a bipartisan vote in the U. S. House of Representatives – 333 to 96 - to abolish the “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty forever.

  • Ban Vaccine Mandate in Tennessee

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Governor Lee,

    As I am sure you are aware there are many companies across the country that have decided to mandate the COVID-19 vaccines to their thousands of employees. These employees are the hardworking taxpayers that have worked this whole pandemic nonstop.

    Many Tennesseans (and Americans) are about to have their paychecks used against them to make a medical decision that goes against their beliefs. Workers are left to choose between taking a vaccine authorized for emergency use (recently FDA approved) or risk losing their job, this goes against “liberty and justice for all”. If we do not protect the individual’s right to choose what goes in their body, we no longer live in a free society.

    You (and the TN House) have passed a bill banning state and local governments from mandating the vaccine and now the rest of us need your help. Some other states in the country have taken action on these issues. As of right now, residents of Montana are not required to be vaccinated.

    After talking with many of my colleagues across the country, I have come to the conclusion this is an issue that requires the immediate attention of our State Government. The quickest and most effective way to protect these workers is an executive order prohibiting these mandates.

    I respectfully request you draft an executive order to deal with this issue. If you deem this to be an issue the legislature needs to take care of, we respectfully request you call the legislature into special session to end this tyranny and help us secure and protect our most basic human rights and civil liberties.

  • Have Gallatin, Tennessee Police OPEN an Investigation into Grant Solomon’s bizarre death!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Concerned Citizens of Tennessee: A healthy young Grant Solomon died alone with his father early morning, July 20, 2020. No investigation was completed. The coroner’s report shows blunt force trauma to the head and bruises. He and his dad had a rocky relationship and physical abuse was alleged in the past. Grant was getting ready to file a lawsuit against his father now that his turned 18, then this happens. Testimony of several people would bring about an investigation alone now that the shock has worn out. His clothing and shoes were unscathed - his fathers story continues to change. The 911 call, the mysterious 3 men, the truck never being examined only handed back to his father with all other items. It’s hard to imagine a father could do this, all we ask for is a fair, THOROUGH INVESTIGATION. We are not asking why this happened we know the why, we are asking for the proof, IF it’s not too late to gather that evidence. Mr Solomon sold the truck when his daughter and Grant’s mother begged for it. Why? Suspicion is there- shouldn’t someone take a look? That’s all we are asking with this petition. If Mr. Solomon had zero to do with it and it is indeed a freak accident he would welcome the investigation. Please don’t donate any funds, but if you do the funds will be used for Gracie Solomon’s GoFundMe. Our Goal is to raise 10,000 signatures to share with state, federal and local authorities. Thank you for sharing!