• Install traffic light at US-23/Enterprise Rd.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    A traffic light is desperately needed at US-23/Enterprise Road. This intersection is not safe, with new businesses, such as Fazoli’s and a fire department going in the new shopping center, this will increase traffic turning in & out of the intersection. Let’s not wait until someone is killed to do something. We are asking you to sign your name and help us petition Kentucky Highway Department District 12 to get this light installed at US-23/Enterprise Rd.

  • Petition to deny parole for Byron Pruitt's murderer.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    May 2022 will mark twenty years since the tragic and senseless death of Byron Pruitt. His assailant, Jasper Pollini had returned with his sister to retrieve a tool box and $5 in change he had left behind when breaking in to Byron's neighbor's home. When Byron learned of the robbery, he headed up the private driveway of his parent's home to check on them as well as the neighbor that had notified him of the break in. Byron was shot by Jasper in his parent's driveway and died on the way to the hospital. Jasper was given a life sentence for complicity to murder,15 years for complicity to 1st degree burglary,10 years for complicity to 2nd degree burglary and 1 year for complicity to receiving stolen property. Pollini is eligible to go before the parole board early next year. This was not his first offense and he has consistently been in trouble in prison. When he killed Byron our 4 year old son was left without a father, I became a widow, his parent's lost another son and countless others lost a generous, fun-loving, guy who was a friend to all he encountered. We ask you to honor Byron's legacy by signing the petition requesting the parole board to deny parole and require him to serve out his term. Thank you so much.

  • Support Carey’s Motorsports Venue

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Eddie Carey has purchased 47 acres of land on US-127 in Lawrenceburg, Ky for the purpose of building a Motorsports Complex which would include Truck & Tractor Pulls, Dirt Track Racing, Go-karts, Concerts, and more. This land is conveniently located on US-127 near Bluegrass Parkway and is a great area with plenty of room for these events.

    These events have the potential to bring participants and fans from all areas (Kentucky and other states) into the small town of Lawrenceburg for a night of family fun. These visitors will shop, eat, and visit the businesses in Anderson County providing them with a boost to their bottom line. These events will provide a safe place for families to visit and for children to enjoy. Eddie wants to create a place for our kids and for Anderson County to grow and enjoy.

    However, there is a small number of neighborhood residents and one business who oppose this venue. They fear the events will somehow hurt this business or their peaceful home life. Eddie does not want any of that to be the case. He is more than willing to work alongside the neighbors and compromise on a solution that works best for all involved. Eddie’s request to the Zoning Board in Anderson County was APPROVED - more than once - but now those in opposition are taking this to court.

    We are asking those in FAVOR of this Motorsports Venue to sign this petition. Please sign and share and together, let’s show those in opposition just how much support this venue has.

  • NKU MUST launch an investigation into the presence of White Supremacy on campus.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    For the second time, a white supremacist group known as the Patriot Front has vandalized campus with threatening messages directed towards our BIPOC community. This cannot be allowed to persist. This petition calls upon President Vaidya, university officials, and university police to launch a full investigation into the presence of this group on campus, and to catch those who present a threat to NKU’s BIPOC students.

  • Cane Madden should NOT be rereleased into the public

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Cane Madden is a mentally ill man who has executed multiple crimes such as biting a females face off in 2017 and raping her. He then was released back into public without the mental capacity of understanding his crimes or being able to control his impulses! After his short time spent in hospitalization he revealed once again he is a DANGER to children, society, and himself . His most recent crime is the brutal rape of an 8- year old girl in daylight in her grandmothers yard . Why was he able to walk the streets freely again? After having interviews and him stating “I want to kill someone” and writing letters saying that he wanted to grab a three-to-six year old and have sex with them, testified by an psychiatrist. What about the community’s rights to safety in our own neighborhoods. He should not be rereleased into the public he is a DANGER to society!

  • Open a cookout restaurant in Cincinnati Ohio

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Cincinnati is highly known for being a large college city, with that being said opening a Cookout would help tremendously as they have great tasting food and super cheap prices! College kids don’t usually have much money to spend on food and a Cookout would be a great place for them to fill their stomachs for a good price. Also Cincinnati is a low poverty city so Cookout would also be a cheap but better restaurant choice for all the people!
    Many families around here know about Cookout just from traveling to different state’s. Cincinnati is also known to be a popular travel city and a popular restaurant city. Cookout has made it to many states near by like Kentucky and Tennessee but has yet to make it to Ohio.
    We the people of Cincinnati need to have a Cookout we truly deserve one with all the delicious food options they offer. I need Morris Reaves and Jeremy Reaves to see this petition so they will consider opening a Cookout restaurant in Cincinnati Ohio. There is no doubt that it will be a huge hit and they will definitely make lots of money and they will always be busy!
    My family, friends, and i all love Cookout and their food! My boyfriend and I moved to South Carolina for 2 years and that was always our go to restaurant! We probably at least ate it twice a week. Whenever family or friends would visit Cookout is a restaurant we would always take our families and friends to try out and they all loved it just as much as we do! Since we moved back we also periodically travel 2 hours to Lexington Kentucky to get Cookout but it would be so much better to just have one right down the street. Im also pregnant and Cookout is always what i’m craving! Help this pregnant lady out and all the w Cincinnati people by signing and sharing this petition to open a Cookout!! I promise you wont regret it! Thanks for taking your time to read, sign, and share this petition for a great cause to open a delicious new restaurant in Cincinnati!

  • For WKU grads to walk across the stage at graduation

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    This past week, Western Kentucky University announced that they will be having two graduation ceremonies for Winter 20 and Spring 21 graduates, and an aditional ceremony for Spring 20 graduates. During these ceremonies, graduates will not be allowed to walk across the stage, but instead will be watching a slideshow of self-submitted photos. While we understand the importance of maintaining a COVID safe ceremony, graduates should still be able to walk across the stage, as this is an important and symbolic part of graduation.

    Here is the proposed solution for a COVID safe graduation ceremony that will truly honor the graduates:

    1. Bring back individual ceremonies for each college- this will allow guests and graduates to spread out, maintaining distance among groups, and it will potentially allow graduates to bring more than 4 guests.

    2. Allow graduates to walk across the stage without shaking the hands of the president and provost- This will keep all parties involved safe while still traditionally honoring graduates.

    With masks, outdoor seating, smaller ceremonies, and no physical contact with the provost and president, graduates can still be honored while maintaining a COVID safe environment.

  • It's time Kentucky

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    There was a time in the not so distant past that Kentucky was the number one producer of marijuana. This was before legalization happened in other states. Now, as the rest of the country moves forward, Kentucky is digging in its heels to cling to the past.

    We are beyond the time it should have taken. Legalizing now opens up opportunities that our beautiful state lacks otherwise. It will bring jobs, money for our state, full time commercial operations from the farm to the dispensary.

    I'm tired of seeing our state lag behind where others are moving beyond the manufactured stigma. We already know all the benefits. Why are we waiting? Why are we choosing to go against what is good for our state? For us? For our local communities?

    Maybe our representatives don't know how many Kentuckians support legalization. Maybe they don't care. But, they do need to know! Sign the petition, make your voice heard. Share it with your fellow Kentuckians. It's time, Kentucky!

  • Stop the U​.​S. Forest Service from cutting all funding to LBL's recreation areas

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    What is LBL? LBL is a National Recreation area that provides a unique setting for a wide range of recreation opportunities and environmental education experiences. The area includes 170,000 acres of forests, wetlands, and open lands on a peninsula between Kentucky Lake and Barkley Lake in Western Kentucky and Tennessee. Visitors to LBL will find more than 1,500 developed campsites, 1000’s of acres of undeveloped areas for primitive camping and exploring, special use areas specifically for equestrian sports and off-highway vehicle (OHV) riding, biking, hiking, and nature viewing along more than 260 miles of non-motorized trails. LBL also provides an extensive array of environmental education facilities and programs. The environmental education effort at LBL offers approximately 1,200 interpretive programs to the general public and 900 formal education programs a year.

    When you say Land Between the Lakes (LBL) my mind instantly thinks about all the great memories my family has made there. From our camping trips to fishing trips, seeing the look on my son’s face the first time he saw a bison, we have made so many amazing memories here. We have made several trips to the Woodland Nature Station were and I quote “You can gaze into the eyes of a great horned owl, howl with a coyote, or watch for the elusive red wolf in the Backyard Exhibit Area.” My son thinks it’s one of the coolest place’s to visit. My family like so many others spend just about every weekend in LBL enjoying the great outdoors and all the things that it has to offer.

    LBL also plays a vital role in so many lives here in Kentucky and Tennessee, so many small local owned businesses need the tourism generated by LBL to keep their doors open. County Judge Executive Wade White is quoted saying “Surrounding counties and beyond in west Kentucky will feel the ripple effect of lack of tourism and a hard hit to the economy from the budget cut.”

    The U.S. Forestry Service is not just making minor budget cuts. They are cutting all funding to the recreation and heritage budget. A zero-dollar budget means the U.S. Forest Service could cut places, like: Welcome Stations, Energy Lake Campground, picnic areas, firearm shooting areas, the Homeplace, Brandon Springs, Woodlands Nature Station, as well as no maintenance of the trails. If this budget cut goes through it will be devastating to tourism for the whole area.

    The reason for the cut backs are unclear. Judge Executive Wade White met with the U.S. Forest Service on Tuesday April 20, 2021. He said “I don’t think the pandemic has anything to do with it, the numbers were really good last March, and on all the way through the summer, there was no real explanation as to why they’re cutting the recreation and heritage budget to zero dollars for 2022”.

    National Forest System is supposed “to protect and manage the resources of the Recreation Area for optimum yield of outdoor recreation, to help stimulate the development of the surrounding region; and to extend the beneficial results as widely as possible." How could they possibly be doing that if they are completely defunding some of the most important areas in LBL. Please help us put a stop to this before it’s too late.

  • Pass House Bill 467 to Legalize Marijuana in Kentucky

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Campbell County's Representative Rachel Roberts (KY-District 67) says that the legislation would open up new tax revenues, lead to the expungement of criminal records for potentially thousands of citizens convicted of weed-related misdemeanors, and will also open the door for those who suffer from chronic medical conditions to use the plant as an aid.
    “Fifteen states, including neighboring Illinois, have legalized cannabis and are reaping its considerable benefits,” said Rep. Roberts of Newport. “Kentucky has been desperate for new revenue for years to deal with rising costs in education, public employee pensions and healthcare. It is time to take advantage of the revenue from this growing market and stop the illegal trafficking of marijuana. By doing this, we could see as much as $100 million annually in new tax revenue, money that could make a real and lasting difference. Many Kentuckians would also be helped by having their criminal record expunged, while farmers would have a new crop rivaling what tobacco was for many decades.”

    The bill would dedicate up to 25% of the state’s cannabis revenue going toward funding addiction treatment, to reduce the Commonwealth’s opioid epidemic

    Remaining funds would be placed into the General Fund to allow for flexibility in spending as needs change with time. Money would also be dedicated to help establish the agricultural and regulatory frameworks needed to make legalization a success. A permanent legislative committee would provide oversight.

    Her bill would also decriminalize possession of less than one ounce of cannabis and provide free expungements for those convicted of a marijuana-related misdemeanors.

    On the regulatory side, the state’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Board would oversee four types of licensing – cultivator, processor, tester, and retailer – and each license would require an annual renewal

    Home growers would pay $250 for a permit, which would allow them to have up to five mature plants and five immature ones. All other licensees would have to pay fees based in part on their size.
    Roberts points to Illinois as an example of the real-world benefit Kentucky could experience.

    “Since sales began there a little over a year ago, the state has already brought in more than $150 million in tax revenue,” she said.

    Only those who are aged 21 or older would be able to purchase recreational marijuana under this legislation. Smoking marijuana in public would also be prohibited.

    The proposal, called "House Bill 467", will be considered during the remainder of the General Assembly’s 2021 legislative session, which ends late next month, according to a release from Roberts' office.

  • Decriminalize & Legalize Marijuana in Kentucky

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    For many years Marijuana, a herbal refreshment that stimulates the mind, body, and souls all over the planet has been deemed federally unacceptable in the United States of America. It’s time that ‘We the people’ free ourselves and put legislative power in our hands to stimulate the change we long deserve. This is to let the Senate know that we along with the House are in support of this movement. Currently, a bill is making it’s way through the House to legalize recreational marijuana formed by Rep. Rachel Roberts that could potentially work in the favor of us in our community that includes expunging misdemeanor charges for the plant and a tax plan to tackle the real war on opioid dependency and the gateway into harmful drugs with a lifetime impact.

    Some of the key points of this bill include

    Home growers of cannabis would pay $250 for a permit. This would mean they could have up to five mature plants and five immature plants in their possession.
    Any other licensees would have to pay fees based on their size.
    Anyone with a prior misdemeanor marijuana conviction that hasn’t been expunged, or anyone who has been convicted of a felony in the past five years, or other controlled-substance crime within the past two years would be unable to purchase a license.
    Each Kentucky county could have at least two cannabis retailers. Larger counties would be prohibited from having more than one retailer per 2,300 people. Retailers could only sell marijuana-related products.
    Cannabis sales would be limited to people over 21 years of age. Smoking marijuana in public would be prohibited.
    Kentucky’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Board would oversee four kinds of cannabis licensing -- cultivator, processor, tester, and retailer, and each would require an annual renewal.
    25% of new cannabis tax revenue would go toward addiction treatment for KY’s opioid epidemic as well as funding more educational and economic opportunities for minorities who have been “disproportionately” affected by the war on drugs.
    The remaining funds from the tax revenue would be placed in the General Fund to give flexible spending as needs change over time.
    Additionally, money would be provided to help establish the agricultural and regulatory frameworks needed to make this legislation successful.

    A permanent legislative committee would give oversight.
    We too deserve to regulate changes! Signing this petition would be the first step, as well contacting our elected officials in support of the change and/or adding recommendations could promote a greater change in the evolution of our city!

  • Emergency Shelter for the homeless in Scott County, Kentucky

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    As of right now there is only one emergency shelter in Scott County, Kentucky and the population it houses is men. There is such a great need for emergency shelter for women with children and the homeless population of any capacity. Male children that are 12 years or older should not be rejected the right to seek shelter with their parent because of their age, a male child of 12 or older is not able to take care of themselves and a mother should not have to face the challenges of leaving her male child behind because of his age. It is not another's counties responsibility to help the citizens of Scott County put their lives back together when we the citizens of Scott County are capable of doing that very thing. If time is not taking out to realize the great need that stands before our eyes, this community will soon be over run by homelessness and several other major conditions. Georgetown,KY is and has grown at a rapid pace and with that alone we have to be ready and equipped to face challenges as such. Please sign this petition with the hopes that our Mayor will take these things into consideration and take the steps necessary to help those in need.


    Gabrielle Butler

  • Save the green space at Kentucky Drive

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The City of Asheville plans to develop townhomes on our small street taking away our neighborhood green space starting in spring 2021. They have repeatedly kept us in the dark about these decisions and have yet to respond to any neighbors emails or questions concerning this development.

    Our neighborhood uses this green space as an extension of our small yards, for a space to walk dogs and relax in the sun on a beautiful day or meet up for community music or yoga.
    The unforeseen destruction of it including over 12 trees and crowding of our street is heartbreaking and will greatly impact our day to day living.

    Unforeseen construction timelines and no true plan on parking and space for those already living here is of true concern.

    Timeline of Affordable Housing Project:

    9/17/2020- webinar for green space was held

    9/23/2020- neighbors were informed via mail of the webinar that had already passed and were not included.

    10/15/2020- webinar and 2nd addendum commentary collected.

    11/24/2020 - update from the City that they would reach out to neighbors January/February 2021 with proposals.

    1/27/2021- Proposal of 4 townhomes was posted in neighborhood page with no prior communication of meeting to neighbors.

    2nd addendum concerns from 10/15/2020:

    City promised green space would be untouched 1976 (actually confirmed from home buyers this was incorrect and it was truly 1999)
    Residents would like to see increased attention concerning crime in the surrounding area
    City of Asheville has mismanaged affordable housing and landlords in the neighborhood have had issues renting to section 8
    more info sought on screening process of these tenants or homeowners
    Residents would like to stay informed about development plans and have the ability to comment on them. Regular communication as well as a meeting with developers are desired.

    Even after these concerns the City of Asheville continues to miscommunicate and keep our neighbors out of the plans for this development. We would like the opportunity to save our green space and urge the city to consider finishing current Affordable housing projects or seek a more suitable space.

  • TOTE MARINE - Stop The Inhumane Cargo Shipping of Horses to Puerto Rico

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Help Us Stop the Inhumane Cargo Shipping of Horses to Puerto Rico.

    The Saltchuk Company and their subsidiary Tote Maritime Puerto Rico, and Lagos Transport have been cruelly shipping horses to Puerto Rico on cargo ships.

    These shipments are being approved by Dr. Alejandro E. Pérez Ramírez, Director Interino, Laboratorio de Diagnóstico Veterinario, from PR Department of Agriculture via an import certificate.

    Why is this Inhumane?
    12 horses are crammed into a 40-foot steel shipping container, that has been "modified" for horses by having windows cut out of the sides, metal hay racks welded inside, small wooden dividers installed to separate the animals, and (1) fan affixed to a small window on one end to circulate air. The horses have three feet of space and cannot turn around. The horses are in this box for more than three days.

    As a comparison, when shipping horses by tractor-trailer from Kentucky to California (a straight 44-hour trip), the horses are free to move around in 8-foot by 6-foot box stalls. Hay and water are continually available, and an attendant is present for the entire trip.

    Horses shipped via cargo ship often arrive severely dehydrated, many lose 50-75 lbs during the voyage, are traumatized, sleep-deprived, with several arriving with severe respiratory infections, such as pleural pneumonia. Here is a video of a horse that developed pleural pneumonia after being sent via cargo ship

    There is a more humane method to transport horses
    A 2.5-hour plane flight, also operated by a Saltchuk company that specializes in equine aviation transport, is a much faster, safer, and humane method to transporting on and off the island of Puerto Rico.

    Total Carnage: EIGHT dead horses arrive in Puerto Rico via Cargo Ship
    On April 30, 2019, employees with the shipping agent Hermanos Ruiz loaded 12 Thoroughbred racehorses, ranging in age from 2 to 5, into a 40-foot steel shipping container at the Port of Jacksonville.

    Upon its arrival, in San Juan Puerto Rico, 3 days later, dock workers discovered a shocking scene when they unloaded the container; 7 horses had trampled each other to death at some point during the journey. A Hermanos Ruiz employee decided to euthanize (1) severely injured horse and had all the carcasses transported to a farm and buried. Read the full story here.

    How do we stop this?
    1. Sign this petition and share it with everyone you know!

    2. The Saltchuk group can simply decide that they will no longer ship Equines because it is unsafe and inhumane. They already have more humane ways of shipping horses - Saltchuk also owns the air cargo plane (https://www.saltchuk.com/companies/northern-aviation-services that ship horses in/out of PR. Use their ethics Hotline to let them know how you feel.

    Send polite comments to:

    Mike Noone
    President, TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico
    [email protected]

    Eduardo Pagán
    Vice President of TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico
    [email protected]

    3. Dr. Perez can simply decide NOT to issue import licenses to horses traveling via cargo ship. Make a request here: [email protected]

    4. The government of Puerto Rico can implement a ban on this type of shipping of horses. Contact them here (https://agencias.pr.gov/agencias/AIDH/Home/Pages/Contacto.aspx)

    Start a petition of your own

  • Get State of Kentucky to pay out Unemployment Claims!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    For almost a year, the good people of Kentucky who have lost their jobs due to the Corona Virus have been fighting to get their rightful unemployment benefits. Some have been waiting since March 2020. Some people are poised to lose everything they have worked so hard for while others have already lost everything.
    Every time the government in Washington DC rolls out a new program for unemployment, the State of Kentucky always has an excuse as to why people aren’t paid. Emails go unanswered, people have been on hold with the “help line” for up to 9 hours a day with no one getting to them, while others just get hung up on.
    Others have been in the “call back que” for months, only getting an automated response every week that they will be called back and never are.
    The latest unemployment phase has been rolled out to other states very quickly, while the State of Kentucky is still making excuses as to why the UI and PUA money, along with the extra $300 per week is not there.
    They tell us not to open a new claim - the old ones from 2020 will switch over. At the last minute, they tell us all to reclaim starting on the 18th of January, with a waiting period of 13 days. It is supposed to be back dated to the beginning of January. But we will never see that back pay because we can’t get in touch with anyone.
    The State of Kentucky spent millions of dollars with a 3rd party consulting company in 2020 to “fix” the system and nothing was fixed.
    Please help support the great people of Kentucky to get what’s rightfully theirs. Sign below if you agree with our mission. Thank you!

  • Increase Kentucky State Wide Muskie Limit

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    With lower stocking and a over fishing in most lakes. Muskie populations are dwindling. Increased stocking and higher size limits are needed to start the fisheries to return to former fish populations. We are requesting a slot 30-36 inches with a 50 inch trophy harvest limit state wide Or a simpler 50 inch state wide limit like the states bordering Kentucky. A increase in stocking numbers by 35% is also requested .

  • Draft Terrence Clarke for the NBA

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Terrence Clarke tragically died in a car accident on Thursday, 22nd April. He was declared for the 2021 NBA draft after playing his freshman season for the University of Kentucky.

    This petition is being created to ask the NBA to show their support by drafting Terrence despite the tragedy.

    According to www.ukathletics.com, Terrence scored in double figures in four of his first five games and was shooting 49.1% prior to the North Carolina game, when he suffered his leg injury. He played through the injury vs. UNC and the next game at Louisville before being sidelined for the conference season.

    Despite missing more than two months of action, Terrence battled back to provide support and depth for his teammates in the Southeastern Conference Tournament game vs. Mississippi State.

    Terrence signed with Kentucky out of Boston as one of the top prospects in the 2020 high school class. A consensus five-star prospect, he was ranked as high as No. 8 in the final Rivals rankings.

    The 2020 England Preparatory School Athletic Council AAA Player of the Year led Brewster Academy to the 2019 National Prep Championships and had his team back in the 2020 finals before the COVID-19 pandemic canceled the rest of the event.

    Terrence was deeply loved and supported by his peers. His talent, hard work, and dedication showed on the court and for these reasons, he should be drafted into the NBA.

  • Regain rooming policy at Kentucky Wesleyan College

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    After the recent elevated cases of COVID, the college has decided to change the rooming policy for all students prohibiting them from entering into other students room. There was no student input in this decision made and all residential students are being affected for the mistakes of a few students. With enough signatures, we can fight for another decision made by the college to regain access to the room policy.

  • Expel Gracyn Courtright from the University of Kentucky for attending the Capitol Riots.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Like many people around the world, I was shocked and horrified about the events that took place in the United States Capitol on 6 January 2021. A violent insurrection to overturn the results of a democratic, free, and fair election; specifically the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States of America.

    I cannot express in words how insulted and disgusted I felt when it was reported a fellow student of my university attended.

    The student newspaper Kentucky Kernel on 8 January 2021 reported in a story titled "'Infamy is just as good as fame': UK student among crowd that mobbed Capitol building" that Gracyn Courtright, a student at University of Kentucky, had attended and bragged on social media about attending this insurrection on the US Capitol.

    Article Link: http://www.kykernel.com/news/infamy-is-just-as-good-as-fame-uk-student-among-crowd-that-mobbed-capitol-building/article_4041d3e8-5138-11eb-8f28-7b41707c115d.html

    As a University of Kentucky student myself, I served as an election worker in the state of Kentucky three times to uphold our democratic process and have sworn on oath to protect the constitution of Kentucky and the United States each time. I have also, like many other students, in various capacities encouraged civic student among students, participation in our electoral system, and voter registration, in order to maintain, practice, and defend our countries democratic values.

    The actions by Gracyn Courtright on that day damage the democratic values that the University of Kentucky and United States stands for, undermine the institutions that are the bedrock of our great democracy, and completely insult and undercut the work that I and thousands of other University of Kentucky students put in every day to increase civic engagement among students and defend our democratic values and institutions.

    Such actions have no place at the University of Kentucky.

    It is, with great regret, that I and the signatories of this petition request that Gracyn Courtright be expelled from the University of Kentucky and for all further relations with Gracyn Courtright be cut.