• Allow Soccer Fans at Boise Fields

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Our children have now persevered through the COVID-19 pandemic for a full year. We are so proud of all the work they have put in not only to navigate shifts to online school, hybrid on-line/in-person school, illnesses, impacts to home and family, and the loss of many activities that they love. Sports play a significant and positive role in the mental and physical health for many of our kids. In recognition of that impact, the soccer clubs in Idaho have worked diligently to provide a sliver of normalcy and an outlet for their players throughout the year. To ensure the safety of their players, coaches, staff, families, and communities in which they play, each of the clubs have paid careful attention to the recommendations of state and local health authorities over the past year. They also cooperated with and supported the return-to-play protocols, including those implemented at Simplot Fields by the City of Boise during league play during the Fall season in 2020. They implemented mask protocols, sanitized equipment, limited the number of spectators, and distanced spectators from the fields to enhance safety of players, coaches, and referees.

    Now as we embark upon the Spring season, the City of Boise has reversed course and inexplicably prohibited all spectators at Boise-owned fields, including Simplot Sports Complex and Optimist Fields. Games may be played, but no spectators are permitted—not even the parents of youth players and referees. Case counts are significantly lower, hospitalizations are down, and vaccinations are available for the most vulnerable in our communities. After consideration of all these same factors and consultation with medical experts, West Ada and Boise school districts have approved a return to full-time in-person learning this month. With the support of Governor Little and the Idaho State Board of Education, more fans have even been allowed to return to indoor sports venues with the continued use of masks and social distancing. Yet somehow the City of Boise reached the opposite conclusion for the used of its outdoor venues for youth sports.

    Soccer has the clear advantage of being played outdoors, which we know carries a much lower risk of transmitting the COVID-19 virus. The protocols in place during the Fall season incorporated best practices to continue to guard against this minimal risk and ensure the safety of all involved. There is no reason why these same protocols cannot be used effectively this Spring season to mitigate risk and allow parents to attend their childrens’ sporting events.

    Let’s not also forget about the other safety considerations for our youth. The players range in age from as young as 5-6 up to 18. The vast majority cannot drive and are not comfortable being left alone without parents in that environment. As many parents can attest, much can happen during a soccer match, including injuries for which a coach cannot attend to without risking leaving many other children without a responsible adult. These are public parks and other strangers cannot effectively be blocked from the fields, some of whom could be dangerous. Warnings have been issued in the past to not leave your children unattended at public parks. The presence of other adults helps to manage these safety issues.

    Throughout the pandemic we’ve all been asked to sacrifice so much for the good of our communities, but too often at the expense of our children. We ask the City of Boise to immediately revise its latest Public Health Order and permit spectators at outdoor youth sporting events. The season begins Saturday March 6th. Our children need and want their activities to continue with the support of their families.

    Please sign this petition to show the City of Boise the level of support for our youth soccer players. THANK YOU!

  • Let off road vehicles operate on state roads

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We the members of the offroading community feel that we, on a state wide level, should be permitted to use public roads for transportation.

    We feel that it would open up major revenue streams for the state in the form of tourism, inspections, and registrations while allotting us the freedoms that are enjoyed by offroading communities in many other states (Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Texas, Minnesota, Wyoming, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Montana, North and South Dakota, Washington, Michigan, Kentucky, Nebraska, Ohio, Vermont, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and Tennessee) provided certain safety measures are taken (i.e. turn signals, horns and windshields) and traffic laws be followed.

    Thank you,

    The offroading community of Pennsylvania

  • Demand the College of Idaho to hire a new Title IX Coordinator

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The College of Idaho is known among its students for its poor ways to address any instances of sexual harassment or assault. A lack of accountability has been a concern of many for years, and the stories keep repeating themselves. Others fear that students are not coming forward to report any incidents. Students of The College of Idaho have expressed on a number of different occasions their discomfort with the said perception of the college. Such perception is a consequence of a number of different problems, with the number 1 problem being the College of Idaho's current Title IX Coordinator, Reagan Rossi. The issue? Reagan Rossi is also the college's Athletic Director. A circumstance that is almost non-existent in any other higher education institution in the nation.

    The Office for Civil Rights of the U.S Department of Education states in a letter sent to Title IX coordinators across the nation the following:

    "[...] In deciding to which senior official the Title IX coordinator should report and what other functions (if any) that person should perform, recipients are urged to consider the following:

    1. Independence: the Title IX coordinators' role should be independent to avoid any potential conflict of interest [...] when designating a Title IX coordinator, a recipient should be careful to avoid designating an employee whose other job responsibility may create a conflict of interest. For example [...] Athletics Director

    2. Full-time Title IX Coordinator: Designating a full-time Title IX coordinator will minimize the risk of conflict of interest and in many cases ensure sufficient time is available to perform the role's responsibilities [...]."

    As highlighted by the previous section, Reagan Rossi's role as Athletics Director and Title IX Coordinator, though not illegal, represents an inconceivable conflict of interest in a College where nearly 50 percent of students are athletes. This campaign demands to the College that a new Independent Title IX coordinator is hired in order to address the concerns mentioned above.

  • Stop the gill netting and removal of our lake trout from Bear lake by IDFG !

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Idaho Fish and Game (IDFG) has proposed a gill netting operation in Bear lake Idaho/Utah in early June of 2021 to remove and relocate 400 large Lake trout to Stanley lake, a lake that initially held lake trout until IDFG killed them off to protect other fish species in the lake. IDFG failed the Stanley lake fishery and now plan to remove our beloved lakers from Bear lake in a traumatic way via gillnets to try and fix what they poorly managed. A huge problem with gillnetting is the manner in which it works. A huge net is cast several miles long and left in the lake for extended periods of time. Fish swim into the net and it wraps tight around their gill (imagine being captured by your throat) the fish then flops and thrusts in an attempt to escape and often dies from exhaustion and lack of oxygen. Thats how gill nets work they are not a catch and release tool they were designed to efficiently catch and kill fish of all species.This brings to attention another issue that being bycatch. Bycatch is basically what other species a gill net tangles up besides the target species think about our endemic Bonneville cut throat or cisco and our white fish. Many of these bycatch species are unique and only found in Bear lake, sadly they are just as likely to be caught in the gill nets and almost certain to die within minutes. Some of the fish that IDFG plans to relocate have been living in the waters of bear lake for up to 60 years per fish ! They are true locals. We cannot allow them to be relocated and hope they survive this experiment of IDFG. Bear lakers are true conservationists and we have been caring for and respecting these fish for decades. These giant old Lakers are living representations of what our grandparents great efforts of conservation has given us. We shall not let those efforts be exploited and exported its not what conservation is about. We created this petition to request true transparency from IDGF and stop this operation from removing Lake trout. IDFG please allow a public comment period before starting this project !


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    “The people of these United States are the rightful masters of both Congresses and courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert it.” -Abraham Lincoln

    This is just a few reasons every Idahoan needs to speak up against SJR101 and stop these political perverts who claim to represent us.

    1. Any amendment restricting the peoples freedom and kills research, medical care, growth and the good that can be had from medications. Takes away choice. What happens next time they don't like something? Change the constitution? This sets a very dangerous and slippery stage.

    2. Done and pushed way to quickly with vage wording, to much confusion and not easy to understand. Over doubles the wording of the US Constitution and the Idaho State Constitution with "1" sketchy and suspect amendment, wich was left out for a reason, in our accepted and current copy. I promise our forefathers understood drugs of all kinds. Antidepressants, mood stabilizers, alcohol, even nicotine are psychoactive.

    3. The peoples voice has not been heard or considered in this proposal. Most Idahoans have never heard of SJR101 and have not been properly represented.

    4. Representatives who voted to pass showed only emotionally charged drama, with little to no facts; falsely claiming the proven research of psilocybin, mdma, and ketomine, and the beneficial uses for ptsd, depression, near death anxiety, cluster headaches, and chronic pain therapy dont exist and are not real.

    5. It's criminalizing loving, or otherwise, law abiding citizens for seeking and deciding their own health care. Restricting health care choice and availability. Laws already exist criminalizing Marijuana and most psychoactives. No new laws are needed to change anything; unless you wanna take the choice and freedom away from the people. Its about control not Marijuana.

    6. The unspeakable horrors that the failed war on drugs has brought upon us as a nation and people are only propagated with this proposal. Waging war on the citizens of Idaho is not the solution. We can see that from history alone.

    7. Promotes Idahos dependence on special intrest funding like big Pharma and the prison system with the violent strings attached to it.

    8. Falsely claims there there are no medical benefits to medication like cannabis, psilocybin, mdma, or ketomine.

    9. Our law enforcement has better things to do with their time than arrest veterans and cancer patients.

    10. We heard sob stories saying employers can't find clean people as it is to work for them, and not passing this bill will hurt business. Well my business does not drug test nor will it ever. We base our success on execution of duties while clear minded and don't punish employees for personal health care decisions. If your people are smoking cannabis now, no law will change that. Lets be honest already, lol. Which brings the debate that more poor inocent children will be exposed to cannabis specifically. Lets get real if its in those houses already no law will change whether cannabis is in the house or not.

    It will only criminalize otherwise law abiding citezens...its about as backwards as the old laws still on our books that are just as absurd as SJR101....

    You can't ride a mary-go-round on Sunday.

    You can't buy onions after dark or sale chickens after sundown.

    You can't ride a motorcycle after the age of 88.

    Selling an "Idaho Deluxe" potato with rot, blemishes, or sun damage can get you sent to jail for up to six months.

    The state of Idaho forbids you from fishing off the back of a camel.

    Public displays of affection in Idaho are limited to under 18 minutes.

    In Pocatello, you are required by law to smile.

    I could literally go on for hours. More insane and freedom destroying or cancerous policies should be absolutely abhorred by polititions and citizens alike.

    Time to stand up and let your voice be heard Idaho. Let the political perverts in our establishment know they will not be tolerated any longer.

    “The people of these United States are the rightful masters of both Congresses and courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert it.” -Abraham Lincoln

  • Save the Manti Temple Murals

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Recently The Church announced it would remodel the Manti, Utah Temple. As part of the renovation they plan to remove the murals that have adorned the walls of this edifice for decades. We respectfully ask them to reconsider.

    These murals were painted by artists who consecrated their time to enhancing our worship experience. C.C.A. Christensen was a Danish pioneer who painted many images capturing life in early Utah. He painted the creation room mural, which is the oldest surviving temple mural.

    Minerva Teichert is a renowned twentieth-century artist. Her husband was not a member of the church, but supported Minerva in her membership and donations. She painted the murals depicting the history of the world in the endowment rooms. Her complex images portray the history of the gentiles one on side and Israel on the other.

    These paintings are so meaningful, not only to the decedents of these honored pioneers, but to the community of Manti, and to all members of the church. The pioneer sacrifice is a heritage we all share, weather our ancestors crossed the plains or we joined last month. Once these murals are destroyed they will be gone forever. Photographs taken of them will not do justice to art and sacrifice of the artists. These paintings should be seen by people as they worship in the Manti Temple. A blank wall in their place, no matter how ornate will be a lose of our heritage.

    We implore the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to rethink their decision to remove these murals and ask that they be preserved and restored as was done in Idaho Falls, Cardston, and Saint George. If funding is the issue, we ask that fundraising be allowed. We believe saving these murals would fit with the Thirteenth Article of Faith which states in part "If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Brad Little, the governor of Idaho, signed a bill that will allow the killing of over 1,300 wolves. This will be one of the biggest and most brutal wildlife slaughters in 200 years. This bill will pay for the hiring of private contractors to hunt 90% of the state's wolves.

    There is no reason for the massacre. In all of 2020, wolves likely killed only 102 cattle and sheep according to state investigators. Out of the 2,800,000 total livestock, wolves have barely hunted 1% of them within 187 years! Predation is not an issue!

    Senate bill 1211 was rushed through the legislature in less than a week. The point of this is to reduce the population of wolves just above the endangered species classification. It is policies like this that cause the federal government to take wildlife protection into its own hands.

    Wolves are being seen as pests. People wish to eradicate them without recognizing the important role they play in the ecosystem. Getting rid of 90% of their wolves will cause a domino effect for other species in the environment. With so many wolves disappearing, the population of elk and deer would skyrocket. They will eat the food of livestock causing them to go hungry meaning less food for humans, the entire reason this is happening.

    Please give us your signature to help stop the slaughter of over 1,300 wolves. This is not right.

  • Donate Idaho to Canada

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We already have enough states in this country, and Idaho just doesn't seem to ever accomplish all that much for the world besides a few potatoes here and there. Canada could also use some more land to do stuff with since their government actually accomplishes stuff, unlike ours. I say that we just give all of Idaho to the Canadians as a friendship token or something, maybe they'll find a proper use for it.

  • Recall and Expel Priscilla Giddings Idaho Representative 7A

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The Idaho Ethics and House Policy Committee voted unanimously to expel fellow lawmaker Rep. Aaron von Ehlinger, citing a pattern of sexual predation among staff and subordinates.

    During that hearing Jane Doe testified from behind a black fabric screen intended to protect her identity. But as she tried to exit the building after giving her testimony, some of von Ehlinger’s supporters attempted to follow and videotape her as she went to her car.

    Von Ehlinger’s former attorney and White Bird Republican Rep. Priscilla Giddings publicly released the 19 year olds identity, making disparaging remarks about her and the allegations. Giddings laughed at times during the hearing, including when the intern’s attorneys suggested that the bullying the intern had experienced would make other women less willing to report sexual assault.

    Priscilla Giddings is an American politician, USAF pilot, and USAF officer from Idaho. Giddings is a Republican member of Idaho House of Representatives from District 7 seat A.

    The egregious actions and behavior of Rep. PRISCILLA GIDDINGS is beyond unethical for anyone to do let alone someone in a place of power such as a state representative.

    Her actions need to be reviewed by the Idaho Ethics and House Policy Committee and conduct a hearing to have her expelled from her position immediately. I am also calling on Idaho state Governor Brad Little to strongly suggest that a ethics committee review hearing needs to take place for Representative Priscilla Giddings.

    Please take a moment of your time to sign this petition to show the Idaho Ethics and House Policy Committee and Idaho Governor Brad Little that the residents of Idaho do not stand for this abhorrent behavior towards a sexually assaulted victim.

    Also I am asking those who believe Giddings needs to be held accountable please email the ethics committee [email protected]

    She needs to be held accountable for her actions and be expelled.

  • Idaho wants to kill 1,500 wolves. We won't let them!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Idaho's Governor has approved a measure to kill 90% of all wolves in Idaho around 1,500 total. Brad Little approved this measure to bring down the amount of wolves to the suggested amount of 150 wolves.

    The law allows the state to hire private contractors to kill wolves and provides money so they can do so. It also expands the way Wolves can be hunted. Hunting,Trapping, and Snaring are now legal along with many other methods.

    According to Jody Sinykin, an environmental attorney, "Throngs of unlicensed hunters joined those with licenses with packs of dogs, snowmobiles and GPS technology. The wolves stood no chance. This unprecedented hunt took place during the breeding season, killing pregnant females and disrupting family packs at a time critical to pup survival. A full accounting of the hunt's biological toll is impossible, as the state declined to inspect carcasses."

    Please help the wolves and sign.

  • Allow fans and a student section in the stadium

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Parents and other family members of student athletes deserve to watch there kids play, not behind a fence, but in the stands.

    Students at their respective schools also should be able to have a student section, cheerleaders are cheering to nobody, why not have a student section to support their football team, or any other sport?

    Kids in Spokane drive 15-20 minutes to Northern Idaho schools and watch basketball games with packed gyms, full student sections, and a good time. It’s time to let people back into games in Washington.


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Please sign! Right now, Idaho is trying to ban transgender girls from competing on women’s sports teams. If this happens, many more states will follow. We need to protect the rights of all people in our country, and trans people are too often overlooked. TRANSGENDER GIRLS ARE REAL GIRLS.

    imagine if you weren’t allowed to do the same activities as people that you see as your peers. Many young transgender girls live that every day. Athletics are important to mental and physical health, and right now, transgender girls are in danger of loosing their right to feel safe, and comfortable while practicing something they enjoy. How could you deny a child of their right to have fun and stay healthy? SIGN.

  • Protect the wolves: overturn the bill that allows killing 90% of wolves in Idaho

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On May 8, 2021, the governor of Idaho signed a bill that allows the killing of 90% of the state's wolf population. The bill includes gunning down wolves from helicopters, chasing them down on snowmobiles, and even murdering wolf pups that are found on private land. It was passed to protect livestock from wolf attacks and boost elk numbers; however, this is a fallacious and inhumane way to resolve those problems. Wolves only kill up to 0.02% of the 2.73 million cows and sheep per year, and Idaho’s elk population is around 120,000. In contrast, Idaho’s wolf population is only 1,500, a measly number when compared to the livestock and elk populations. Thus, these so-called “problems” are not even that big of a deal, which is why killing 90% of the wolf population isn’t even a solution. All this bill will do is further truncate the already endangered wolf population, making it much more difficult for America’s wolves to make a comeback. There are only 6,000 wolves in the continental United States, 25% of which are found in Idaho. Now that the bill has already been signed, we don’t have much time before more than 1,000 of our nation’s beautiful wolves are brutally slaughtered. Not only is it cruel to kill these majestic creatures, but doing so will have adverse effects on the ecosystem. As predators, wolves keep other animal populations in check, therefore maintaining the fragile balance of the ecosystem that many species rely on. Furthermore, these ecosystems are a major piece of our national heritage, so it is our duty to preserve them. To do so, we need to protect the wolves, and getting rid of this bill is an important step towards that goal. Please sign this petition to eliminate this illogical bill and protect the innocent wolves.

  • JUST SAY NO to Senate Joint Resolution 101!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On Wednesday, February 3rd, 2020 the Idaho State Senate approved Senate Joint Resolution 101 - a proposed amendment that would place into the state constitution the prohibition of drugs currently listed in Schedule I or II of Idaho statute.

    The measure needed 24 votes—a two-thirds majority—of the Senate to pass: https://idahocann.co/idaho-senate-passes-constitutional-amendment-to-forever-ban-medical-marijuana-by-one-vote/

    It now heads to the House, where it also needs a two-thirds majority (47 of 70 votes) to pass. If approved by the House, the measure would head to the ballot for a vote of the people, needing a bare majority to pass.

    The proposed amendment is a convoluted and unnecessary restriction on Idaho’s ballot initiative process. IT WOULD PERMANENTLY BAN EVEN MEDICAL MARIJUANA IN IDAHO!

    The proposed amendment:

    Seeks to restrict the ability of Idahoans to use the ballot initiative process to make decisions on medical marijuana and other drug policies;
    Sets a troubling precedent for future efforts to further restrict the ballot initiative process; and
    Establishes constitutional restrictions that are tied to current state statutes — a flawed design for any constitutional amendment.
    Would make it impossible for citizens or the legislature to ever legalize medical marijuana.
    Ties Idaho’s drug laws to the federal FDA, which can never regulate a plant.
    The Idaho Constitution vests in the people the power to make laws. This amendment violates that charter by taking from the people the power to make laws about medical marijuana.
    The Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF), a conservative policy organization, and the American Civil Liberties Union of Idaho (ACLU), a liberal policy organization, have both come out in opposition to Senate Joint Resolution 101.

    The IFF has given SJR 101 a rating of “-5,” the lowest possible rating the IFF can give proposed legislation, and the lowest rating given to any senate legislation this session. See: http://rad-r.us/IFFonSJR101

    The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has listed its position on SJR 101 as “oppose.” See: http://rad-r.us/ACLUonSJR101

    We all know why legislators are proposing this amendment — they have brought it up numerous times during Senate testimony - they wish to impede a potential 2022 or 2024 medical marijuana ballot initiative in Idaho.

    We also know an overwhelming majority of Idahoans support medical marijuana:

    A 2011 poll conducted by BSU: (https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2011/feb/08/three-quarters-idahoans-back-medical-marijuana/

    and a 2019 poll conducted by national marijuana reform groups: (https://idahocann.co/facts/)


    If you are one of the more than 1.2 million Idahoans who support reform of Idaho's Marijuana laws, or at the very least believe that the Idaho Constitution should protect our rights, not inhibit them - tell the Idaho House of Representatives to JUST SAY NO TO SJR 101!

  • Eliminate Plea Agreements for Sex Crimes Against Children

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Sex Crimes Against Children are at a 30 Year High in Idaho. Sadly, the majority of those convicted of these crimes go free on probation with plea agreements and return to communities to re-offend.

    Leniency and plea agreements given to offenders of child sex crimes is a war being waged against Idaho’s children.

    We are not protecting minor victims of sexual abuse by allowing offenders to take plea agreements and go free on probation.

    Changing Idaho’s laws to include mandatory prison sentences with rehabilitation for child predators decreases sex crimes against our children. Mandating prison sentences that include rehabilitation will decrease future recidivism and protect children from repeat offenders.

    Act Now and Demand Justice!-by signing this petition to eliminate lenient plea agreements for sex crimes against children, and change State laws to make mandatory prison sentences for offenders of child sex crimes.

  • Stop Killing Idaho Wolves; This is Their Land Too

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In Idaho, the lawmakers have passed a bill saying they are going to kill 90% of all the wolves in Idaho. The act was signed into law on May 5 by Republican Governor Brad Little and will go into effect within months. It will allow hunters and private contractors to kill 90 percent or more of the state’s wolves, which number around 1,500 at last count.

    The law also expands the way wolves can be hunted and killed. Those methods include hunting, trapping, and snaring an unlimited number of wolves on a single hunting tag, using night-vision equipment, chasing down wolves on snowmobiles and ATVs, and shooting them from helicopters. Also under the new law, newborn pups can be killed if they are found on private land. What kind of evil person kills little pups? Steve Alder of Idaho for Wildlife, a group that wants wolf populations reduced to boost elk numbers, said the most effective new wolf hunting methods will be professional trappers sent into the state’s rugged wilderness areas and the use of aerial gunning from helicopters. Adler said most regular hunters never see wolves or kill them but will now have much better odds of doing so using night-vision equipment.

    Environmental groups decried the new law. Zoe Hanley of the Defenders of Wildlife group said in a statement that “today marks a low point for gray wolf recovery in the U.S.” “For years Idaho wolves have been intensely persecuted through the nation’s most permissive hunting and trapping seasons, and this bill all but pushes the species back to the brink of federal relisting,” Hanley said. Another group, the Center for Biological Diversity, has asked Interior Secretary Deb Haaland to cut off millions of dollars to Idaho that’s used to improve wildlife habitat and outdoor recreation opportunities because the group said the new law goes against enhancing wildlife. “We’re disappointed that Gov. Little signed such a cruel and ill-conceived bill into law,” said Andrea Zaccardi, a senior attorney at the center.

    About 500 wolves have been killed in the state in each of the last two years by hunters, trappers, and wolf-control measures carried out by state and federal authorities. I think they kill enough wolves already. Idaho’s wolf conservation and management plan call for at least 150 wolves in the state and 15 packs. Supporters of the new law say the state can increase the killing of wolves to reach that level. According to the plan, if Idaho’s wolf population fell to 100, there is a possibility the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service could resume the management of wolves in the state.

    Stop killing Idaho wolves. Leave them alone, this was their land first after all.

  • We Need Signatures To Protect Idaho’s Wolves!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The Idaho House on Tuesday approved legislation allowing the state to hire private contractors and expand methods to kill wolves roaming Idaho — a measure that could cut the wolf population by 90%.

    Lawmakers voted 58-11 to send the agriculture industry-backed bill to Republican Gov. Brad Little. The fast-tracked bill that allows the use of night-vision equipment to kill wolves as well as hunting from snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles, among other measures, passed the Senate last week.

    Backers said changes to Idaho law could help reduce the wolf population from about 1,500 to 150, alleviating wolf attacks on cattle, sheep and wildlife.

    Opponents said the legislation threatens a 2002 wolf management plan involving the federal government that could ultimately lead to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service taking back control of managing the state’s wolves.

    Killing 90% of the Idaho’s wolf population is not the answer

  • End Idaho's Plan to Kill 90% of its Wolf Population

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On April 21st, 2021, the Idaho State Senate approved a bill allowing up to 90% of its native wolf population to be killed, and in early May, the bill was officially approved by governor Brad Little. “These wolves, there’s too many in the state of Idaho now..." Says Republican Senator Mark Harris. There are over 1,500 wolves living in Idaho, and over 500 of them have already been killed by hunters in the past 2 years. Senators such as Mark Harris claim that this is too high of a number, whilst ignoring the real threat to these wolves - human invasions of their natural territory, and the failure of the state to maintain its wolf population: destruction of the wolves' food sources, environment, and the neglect of their wild population. Senate also claims that the wolves are destroying wildlife, when in fact wolves are vital to maintaining a thriving ecosystem. Wolves are the states' apex predators, and without them, prey that the wolves would've otherwise helped balance out will become overpopulated and invasive. Pest populations such as those of coyotes and foxes go almost entirely unchecked without wolves, and prey animals such as deer and elk can destroy entire ecosystems when they become overpopulated. The real purpose of this bill is to defend one group of people in particular: ranchers. Wolves pose a threat to ranchers, as they are drawn to hunting their livestock. However, as other states and countries have proved, it is possible for these two groups to live in harmony with one another, without the need for senseless genocide of one of nature's most important and beautiful creatures. Wolf capture and rerelease programs are also an option, and well within the Idaho Wolf Depredation Control's budget, yet they choose to hire private contractors to senselessly kill hundreds of the creatures instead. Not only will hunters be permitted free, unregulated reign to kill as many of these wolves as they can, but they will be allowed to do so via inhumane methods such as with traps, snares, and more. The bill has officially been signed and will go into effect in the coming months - unless we do something about it.

    Help protect wolves and end the United State's War on Wolves. Humans are living in wolf territory, not the other way around. The gruesome slaughter of wolves and the banishment of them from lands they have lived on for thousands of years must end. Help put gray wolves back on the endangered species list and end Idaho's gruesome plan.


    IDAHO RESIDENTS ONLY: Call on your Idaho Governor and demand the House REVOKE (SB)1211! https://gov.idaho.gov/contact-us/ | 208-334-2100 by phone

  • Open BYU-Idaho

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Below is the link to the petition letter. Please share this with as many students as you can. The more students we get to sign, the more likely it is to get the school opened for Fall 2021. Please read the letter before signing to know exactly what you're supporting. In short, this is a petition for BYU-Idaho to open for the fall semester and relax its COVID-19 mitigation policies for the following reasons:

    Government agencies have relaxed their policies and guidelines.
    There is little data to support measures taken against the ages of 18-29.
    Opening the university can happen while caring for the vulnerable.
    The current environment at the university is not conducive to meaningful socialization and mental health.
    The letter is an extended version with more links to sources and a proposal to how this university can open while caring for the vulnerable. Your support will be appreciated. Please, share this with your friends and share it again!
