• Make Twin Falls Idaho a Second Amendment Sanctuary City

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    This petition is to be submitted to the Twin Falls City Council as to show support to make Twin Falls a second Amendment sanctuary city.

    By signing this you agree that you support the effort to make Twin Falls Idaho a second amendment sanctuary city, and you are willing to add your name to the list of Twin Falls Residents who want this action.

    This Petition is started in order to help protect our second amendment rights as provided by the constitution on the United states. The following is the resolution as presented.


    WHEREAS the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms is guaranteed as an Individual Right under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and under the Constitution of the State of Idaho, Article 1, Section 11, and;

    WHEREAS the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms for defense of Life, Liberty.

    and Property is regarded as an Inalienable Right by the People of the City of Twin Falls, Idaho, and;

    WHEREAS, the Twin Falls City Council, has been elected to represent the People of Twin Falls, Idaho and being duly sworn by their Oath of Office to uphold the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Idaho and;

    WHEREAS, the citizens of Twin Falls are opposed to any legislation considered by the Idaho State Legislature or the United States Congress that would infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms and would ban the possession and use of any firearms, magazines, ammunition, or accessories now employed by individual citizens of Twin Falls, for defense of life, liberty and property or would require firearms owner’s ID card or tax the possession of the firearms or ammunition within Twin Falls, Idaho.

    NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Twin Falls City Council hereby declares the City of Twin Falls to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary City.

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Twin Falls City Council does hereby oppose the enactment of any legislation that would infringe upon the rights of the People to keep and bear arms and consider such laws to be unconstitutional and beyond lawful legislative authority.

    BE IT FURTHER THE RESOLVED the People of Twin Falls, Idaho affirm support of the Twin Falls Police Department, and additionally, specifically to exercise sound discretion to not enforce against any citizen any unconstitutional laws.

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Twin Falls City Council will not appropriate any funds for any enforcement of unconstitutional laws against the People of Twin Falls, Idaho.

  • Stop the Slaughter of Idaho's Wolves

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    When we thought that things for Idaho wolves couldn’t get any worse... it has. The Idaho Senate has approved a bill that will kill 90% of the wolves in the state. This can be done by means of traps, snares, aerial shooting, baiting, spotlights at night, electronic calls, running over with snowmobiles, and even wildlife killing contests. There will be no limits on bag or tag purchases. This bill takes wildlife management authority from agency biologists and supports management that is not science-based.

    Senator Harris regurgitated the same misinformation that has lead to the already horrific management in Idaho, claiming that wolves are causing problems for elk hunters and livestock owners, despite Idaho Fish and Game’s own numbers showing that elk harvests have not changed and in fact there are now more elk in Idaho than there were in 1995. Numbers from the USDA also reflect that wolves do not pose a significant threat to livestock. Under this bill, over 1,400 wolves in Idaho, wolves that are already subjected to year round hunting and trapping, will be slaughtered.

    We must urge Govenor Brad Little to veto this bill. Wolves thriving in Idaho bring many forms of value to the state: from ecosystem rejuvenation to tourism dollars. The majority of Idahoans and Americans support wolf recovery and the need for wolves to fulfill their ecological purpose. Don't let Idaho kill America's Wolves.

  • Heyburn Idaho skatepark

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In the minidoka and cassia area there is only 2 skateparks, the skatepark in minidoka is the Rupert skatepark which is very small and only has a few obstacles, the obstacles aren’t small enough for beginner skaters, bmx, scooters etc. The skatepark in cassia only has a bowl and rail and gets crammed with a lot of kids. We have not had a new skatepark in 15 years. We also have not had anything done to our skateparks to fix them up and keep them maintained.

    I think we should add a skatepark in heyburn Idaho that is both beginner friendly and experienced friendly. Most kids on hot summer days go out and ride there skateboards etc. on the road because we don’t have any good skateparks.

    If kids don’t have fun in there yard or the road they will go inside instead and we don’t want the community to stay inside all day, we want the community to find things in common and have places to make friends. The community needs something for the kids other than movies and video games.

    A lot of kids make friends at the skatepark, In fact I made most of my friends at the skatepark. and some kids could even be successful with there sport and go pro if we had a nice skatepark. But it’s hard to get good with very little to learn with.

    if there’s any company’s out there that could pitch in the materials needed that would be so appreciated. The community deserves something new for the children.

    I know how much skateparks cost to build and I know how much time it takes but I know that the community can do it. I know that the community can give the children of the mini-cassia area a place to learn new things and try new things and make amazing friends. A skatepark would be a great addition to our community for our children and our and anyone who visits our amazing community. Thank you!

  • Say NO to SJR 101 Idaho!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Idaho is falling behind. Our state leaders are attempting to change Idaho's constitution, banning cannabis at the state level, regardless of if it is legalized federally. They are willing to deny veterans and people suffering from epilepsy and seizures the basic right of medicine. These are people who, in some cases, can't take opioids or else they will die. Cannabis has been proven to help with their pain, insomnia, and a wide variety of other ailments, yet our "leaders" are still stuck in outdated mindsets. Where is the compassion? Do you not care about your citizens that you took an oath to serve? You are failing the people of Idaho and we will not stand by and watch. Please sign this petition to show our representatives they are not representing we the people.

  • Help save the Idaho Wolves!!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Plz help save these wolves. Be the voices they don’t have !! Keep them from dying brutal ways consisting of snears, being run over by snowmobiles, hunting contest with no limits, etc. Please help people realize there lives matter just as much as ours and shouldn’t be thrown away. Let’s save the wolves together!!

  • Open Idaho Schools

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    This is a petition to reopen schools in Idaho for the 2020-2021 school year. We, as parents, believe that schools should open 5 days a week with the option for parents who don’t feel safe to keep their kids home for online learning. The majority of us parents don’t have the means to keep kids home and help them with their education.

    Directly from the CDC website: A survey of 477 school districts by the University of Washington’s Center on Reinventing Public Education found that, “far too many schools are leaving learning to chance.”

    Many low-income families do not have the capacity to facilitate distance learning (e.g. limited or no computer access, limited or no internet access), and may have to rely on school-based services that support their child’s academic success. A study by researchers at Brown and Harvard Universities assessed how 800,000 students used Zearn, an online math program, both before and after schools closed in March 2020.[15] Data showed that through late April, student progress in math decreased by about half, with the negative impact more pronounced in low-income zip codes.

    Additionally, extended closures can be harmful to children’s mental health and can increase the likelihood that children engage in unhealthy behaviors.

    See what the CDC says for itself!


  • Stop the fetal heartbeat abortion ban bill in Idaho

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides a fundamental "right to privacy" that protects a pregnant woman's liberty to choose whether or not to have an abortion. The United States Supreme Court established the conditionality of abortion through two main cases: Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992). Two Idaho representatives have proposed legislation that would allow the prosecution of abortion in Idaho, despite federal laws that make the practice legal. Those representatives (Rep. Heather Scott, R-Blanchard, and Rep. Ron Nate, R-Rexburg) brought forth the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act on Thursday. If passed, the bill would repeal a current sitting law that allows legal abortion. If the new section were added, it would be illegal for anyone to perform, obtain or attempt an abortion at conception. We can not reverse history as we have come so far. We need to acknowledge the facts that are in play...

    People have abortions all the time, regardless of what the law says.
    Criminalizing abortion does not stop abortions; it just makes abortion less safe.
    Almost every death and injury from unsafe abortion is preventable.
    Many countries are starting to change their laws to allow for greater access to abortion.
    Criminalizing or restricting abortion prevents doctors from providing basic care.
    Criminalizing abortion is a form of discrimination, which further fuels stigma.
    Access to safe abortion is a matter of human rights.
    Signing this petition would give awareness to the severity of this situation. Idaho's senate can not fly under the radar and pass the bill disregarding what is federally in-stated. This affects every Idaho citizen as factually proven more lives will be put at risk when abortion is outlawed. Please consider the future and protect not only your rights but the rights of the generations to come. Please sign today!

  • Protect wolf populations in Idaho

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Idaho’s senate has approved a bill to permit the killing of 90% of wolves in the state to protect livestock. Wolves are a keystone species and native to the region, and the large scale killing of these animals will have a devastating impact on the ecosystem. There are only 900 wolves left in the state, and their decline will result in great environmental ramifications.

  • Stop the Idaho Wolf Cull - SB1211

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In Short: Idaho representatives motion to pass a bill (SB1211) that will enable hunters to kill thousands of wolves. An extra $190,000 (USD) will be transferred by the state to carry out such measures.

    Let's hold state officials accountable to put an end to this call for a wolf hunt. Let's get 15,000 signatures to showcase that we care about our wildlife.

    The lengthy take-away:

    Note: the underlined colored text are citations for that information.

    Idaho representatives have motioned to pass a bill that will open wolf hunting season from seasonal to year-round. It also will allow farmers and ranchers to protect their livestock at any and ALL costs and measures.

    According to Idaho State Senator Harris wolves are "... destroying ranchers; they’re destroying wildlife”.

    The bill also does not limit the number of wolves to be killed.

    Persons contracted by those in agriculture or licensed carriers may determine a wolf to be a nuisance if the wolves are deemed to be "molesting" livestock. Under the bill, "molesting" means the actions of a wolf that are annoying, disturbing or persecuting, especially with hostile intent or injurious effect, or chasing, driving, flushing, worrying, following after or on the trail of, or stalking or lying in wait for, livestock or domestic animals. These behaviors are natural methods of hunting for the wolf.

    The state of Idaho plans to have a money grab that increases the funds available to manage the wolf population by $190,000 (USD). This will allow the state to hire and give licenses to those that have a vested interest in protecting their agricultural lands.

    Title 22 and Title 36 of the State of Idaho are some examples of how government favors protecting those that have a vested interest in carrying out animal agriculture practices, in which degrade ecosystems and harm wildlife. This is an ongoing problem in legislature where majority of the laws in place are "anti-animal".

    The motion to pass SB 1211 to become law will have a detrimental effect on local wildlife populations, both flora, and fauna. This will affect the web of life connected to these lands and will leave a lasting negative impact on our future generations, which include our kids and our grandchildren. If hunters are to kill these necessary predators, other species will overpopulate and provide an even greater "nuisance" to surrounding lands. The harmful effects of culling predators can be seen throughout the United States by how any state department of fish and game manages wildlife.

    The Sponsor of the Bill in question is:

    Idaho Senator State Affairs Committee
    Sponsor Info
    Co-sponsors of the current bill in question are:

    Representative Laurie Lickley
    Representative Marc Gibbs
    Co-sponsor Info
    With a quick search on who the sponsors are, is it surprising that almost all of the parties aforementioned have a connection to animal agriculture?

    If the state of Idaho can afford to come up with an extra $190,000 a year, this begs the question of what that money can be utilized for instead of killing wolves that are necessary to a healthy and thriving ecosystem.

    The ask:

    Hold the Govorner of Idaho accountable and stop the bill from passing.
    A call to action to protect all wolf species under the Endangered Species Act -- any and all wildlife protection agencies and bodies are welcomed to collaborate on solutions
    Utilize the $190,000 (USD) and hire environmentalists to protect lands and to strategize non-lethal measures
    Provide predator education outreach
    Image Credit: Rain Carnation

    Sources used:

    Idaho State Website
    News articles covering the bill passing


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    IDAHO'S GOVERNOR IS CONSIDERING WHETHER TO SIGN A BILL THAT WOULD KILL OVER 1300 WOLVES IN IDAHO. This will be one of the largest & most brutal WILDLIFE MASSACRES IN 200 YEARS! ThIS bill would pay for the hiring of private contractors to kill up to 90% of the state's WOLVES.

    There is no Science data to back up this slaughter. With over 2,500,000 CATTLE/LIVESTOCK IN IDAHO AND LESS THAN 1% PREDATION (ABOUT 150 A YEAR) predation is not an issue. There's also no Effect on elk hunting as numbers are well above normal levels.





  • Make Maryland a No-Kill State!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Why should Maryland be a No-Kill State?

    Maryland should become the second No-Kill State in the U.S.A. The only No-Kill State in the U.S is Delaware. This is so sad because Texas, California, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida are the states that kill the most pets in the U.S. The U.S alone kills 2.7 million cats and dogs each year. Imagine dying because your state didn't pass a little law that can make a big difference.

    The effects of making Maryland a No-Kill State! :)

    Making Maryland a No-Kill state will change the U.S. for the better! We will be saving millions of lives while inspiring others. In Delaware, 12,000 cats and dogs were saved because of the No-Kill law. Imagine how many animals we can save with 9,900 square miles more than Delaware!

    The Real Truth of Kill Shelters! :(

    Many dogs and cats are put to sleep each day just because no one wants to adopt them. I'm not trying to get you to adopt a dog or cat because that's a lot of responsibility and some people can't really afford it. But just signing this petition is technically adopting an invisible pet, because one signature can save one dog or cat!

    About Us!

    We are a group of Middle School Students that want to make a difference! We are in a club named 'Difference Makers'! In 1-2 weeks, we are going to hold a 'Paw Pack' Giveaway at our school, which is just a box filled with items to help your dog or cat during Covid!

    Our Club's Link: https://difference-makers.org/


    We still want Maryland to put the sick dogs and cats to sleep. Just NOT the un-sick ones! Just want to tell you before you disagree with my group and me!

  • SLOW DOWN!! Help us reduce the speed limit to 30 MPH for the town of Hamden, New York.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Please help us lower the speed limit in the beautiful town of Hamden, New York located along the West Branch of the Delaware River in the Catskills. Our historic town needs the speed reduced and the crosswalks added to make the town and its residents safer. Additionally, we believe it will make it more enjoyable of a community to visit and reside.

    The town of Hamden is situated along the very busy NY Route 10. However, even in the town limits where residents and visitors need to access the post office, the bank, and our historic covered bridge, the speed limit is currently set at 40 MPH.

    The community is also home to two daycares, an active church with a blessing box frequented by many in need, and two new businesses are set to open this spring.

    It is dangerous for all to have the speed limit remain at 40 MPH and have no crosswalks that allow for pedestrians to cross this busy road safely. It is essential that the speed limit be reduced and the crosswalks added while in the town limits to encourage those in town to safely access what the town has to offer and take advantage of the walkability of the community with the existing sidewalks already in place.

    If ever there was a time and a place to slow down, it’s in Hamden. Join us.

  • Support Reopening FRSD for Full Week In-Person Instruction

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The kids are NOT okay.

    A departure from 5 days of in person learning is causing a large proportion of students to struggle. Kids are struggling academically, socially and emotionally. This current model of learning was implemented as a temporary solution but very few changes have been made to remedy the issues experienced since the start. A survey was sent out to parents in the fall soliciting feedback due to the obvious challenges being experienced by families. The results of this survey were not fully disclosed and as a result of this survey, no changes were made to the instruction schedule.

    This prompted a poll to be conducted on social media that garnered 114 responses from parents. 42 respondents (37%) indicated that their child is struggling, while an additional 49 respondents (42%) responded that improvements need to be made. Only 23 (20%) indicated that the current system is working well for them. Students across the district lack a consistent schedule of core subjects like reading, writing and mathematics. NJ law mandates 4 hours of instruction to count as a day of school. Our district utilizes 'independent learning time' to fulfill this, with many students receiving 3 hours or less a day.

    While the hybrid-model was proposed as the safest option during this time, it would be naive to think that our students are only exposed to the students in their cohort. Families are forced to incur extra expenses to supplement childcare for the hours their children were previously in school. Many students attend large local fitness centers or other improvised centers during their virtual weeks. There, students are gathered together students outside their cohorts and participate in other activities. It is difficult to explain to a child why they are allowed to learn alongside other children at a fitness center but not in their own school. Extra curricular activities are operating normally around the county outside of the school system and children are exposed to other children in those settings as well.

    The school district has taken many steps to keep our students and teachers safe. These multi-faceted mitigation strategies should be continued, however, we will never be able to reach a zero-risk environment. There will continue to be instances of illness in our community and schools, be it COVID, influenza or a number of other communicable diseases. Schools, in our state and others, have consistently shown not to be significant sources of transmission. At this time, as COVID cases and hospitalizations continue to fall, it is critical to move forward by fully reopening our schools, especially to our youngest and most vulnerable learners, while still maintaining proper and effective safety measures. Local school districts such as East Amwell and Delaware Township have been having in person instruction 5 days a week since the fall. Private schools within the County have also been operating on a near full time schedule. Despite having more students in school for longer periods, these institutions had no evidence of higher rates of transmission. Effective February 2021, Branchburg and Readington have implemented changes to their model that increases in person instructional time while FRSD has not even begun discussions on the topic.

    Branchburg specifically has admitted that...

    “it has become clear that many of our youngest learners are experiencing difficulty reaching their potential with the variations that a hybrid learning model brings. We believe that the changes we are making will provide greater academic support for our students, as well as make learning in a virtual environment more manageable for students at home. After a great deal of thought, a decision has been made to modify our program… The back-and-forth hybrid model will be discontinued and parents will be asked to choose a 5 day ‘fully virtual’ or ‘fully in-school’ option for their children.”

    This petition is intended to demand immediate action from the Flemington Raritan School District to begin reopening schools.

    By signing this petition, you support the Flemington-Raritan School District and Board of Education coming up with a proposal that gives families the choice of full virtual or full in person instruction.

  • Remove Kimberly Orben from DVSD-Milford PA

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Kimberly Orben is a teacher at Delaware Valley High School. Many of her students (current and former), including myself have struggled in her class. I was belittled for asking questions and not understanding the lesson, she wouldn’t show different methods to accommodate for other students learning styles. I stopped asking questions because I was embarrassed and my needs weren’t being met (I had an IEP for ADHD with the school which teachers [including Orben] regularly ignored). She then addressed that I hadn’t been asking questions, announced my letter grade to the class and said I had poor work ethic, that was followed by more embarrassment. Having her class 7th period, I struggled to get to the bus on time and had to call my mom twice in a week to pick me up. I told Orben I needed to bring my bag to class so I wouldn’t miss the bus. I would be within eyeshot almost to the classroom as the bell rang, and she would shut the door even when she saw me coming to class. She wouldn’t open the door either, but would stand in the front of the room until another student noticed and let me in. (Making me later than my normal 15 seconds) She sets students on a path for failure, makes them feel badly about themselves, and creates an overall toxic learning environment.

  • Change Sussex co. Delaware back to its original name of Whorekill co.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    William Penn determined that the Mispillion River would be the dividing line between Kent and Sussex County Delawarein 1683? He did so when he changed the name of St. Jones County to Kent. He also named the southernmost county Sussex, replacing Whorekill, that was named by the original Dutch settlers in Lewes.

    We need to reverse this British colonization name now before all our history is lost. Please sign the petition and share it to spread the word.

  • Charge DE GOP Leaders for their incitement of terroristic actions in DC

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    DE GOP leaders have spent weeks organizing Delawareans in bus-tour fashion to attend the events yesterday, 1/6/2021 in Washington D.C. There are numerous social media posts that were made and reshared by members of the DE GOP, both elected and failed, recruiting people to join them in "stopping the steal at all costs" of a legitimate democratic election. This is sedition and treason and is not a representation of the people of this state. Most importantly, this is a direct violation of the 14th amendment and these officials should be removed from duty at once. Jane Brady, as chairwoman of the DE GOP, is sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States of America and to provide representation for the people who elected her. We demand that she and any other elected officials that participated in ANY capacity in yesterday's attack on our Country be charged accordingly at once and held accountable for inciting domestic terrorism.

  • NO Kill CT and all States Delaware State did it! Tax money to NO KILLING

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In regards to homeless and abuse animals full shelters!

    The Southern stated the worse care for animals. Texas and CA highest animal issues. Full shelters , so much dumping and dumping spots of Pets, abused, shot, unreasonably some lived through!.Strays and puppies, they need programs to help Humans and the animals. And animal control to tend the issues .

    We need to make all States NO Killing Shelters. Stop paying Taxes to Killing that is a rotating door like dog chasing tail to over full shelters. And Killing innocent healthy Sweet Precious Lives just because no room because people giving up, and dumping Pets. We need Tax money to go to NO Kill shelters and programs to help..spaying and Neutering, medical, Therapy teaching humans how to care for Pet and solutions, Rehoming, Foster care.

    We need to follow through with investigations into abuse and dumping, neglecting as the PACT Law is in place and Felony for animal abuse neglect.

    NO Killing! Help save lives, humans put animals here it their doing, its up to us all to protect them! We must put a stop to Breeding till atleast all shelters empty and no stray homeless.

    Together we can help save precious lives , so many wonderful animals that can actually be helping humans in so many ways! Help them to help us. Stop Killing innocent healthy precious lives, they are God Sends and some humans have no respect to that!

    God Blessings � Help no Kill!

    With Care Bonnie and All the Animals, and Animal Lovers

    Together we can Stop Abuse to all lives.

    Stop Abuse Stop Killing Love All ❤God Hear our prayers �.Amen


  • Let Logan Nemeth Walk!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    For those that do not know him, allow me to introduce you to Logan Nemeth. Logan is a class of 2021 senior at Delaware Valley High School. He is a volunteer firefighter and active participant in his local community. Logan will be joining the United States Air Force this fall to pursue his passion for Firefighting.
    As with the vast majority of students, the past 2 years has been challenging for Logan. Logan is an average student and up until this year was an active member of the student body at Delaware Valley. However, that changed this year. Despite numerous attempts of communication and multiple meetings with the school by Logan’s parents and Logan himself, he had been informed he will not be graduating with his peers due to failing 1 class. He is now completing this class in summer school.
    We are asking the Delaware Valley School District to re-evaluate Logan’s academic record. Logan should be allowed to graduate and at the very least walk across that stage with his peers!

    Allow Logan to walk!

  • Ban Plastic Bags In America

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Woo-hoo! New York, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Oregon, and Vermont have successfully banned plastic bags. But that's only eight out of 50 states in America, and plastic bags are one of the most harmful things in our beloved oceans. And, to prove my point, about 100,000 animals die-from plastic in the oceans alone! But if we Americans, stick together and stay strong, we can END this crisis before it get's any worse. We can start by BANNING PLASTIC BAGS. You may think is is an impossible task, but I myself live in a state where plastic bags have been banned. It's not that hard! You can bring your own bag, (it's much more stylish) or you can buy one for a very low price. Many stores give them out for only five cents! Together, we can stop this horrible pollution problem and save the world. But not without your help. Please sign this petition if you want to save all those fish, sea turtles, sharks, whales, dolphins and more from an early death. The world depends on it. If we succeed, I would like President Joseph R. Biden to pass a law officially BANNING plastic bags in the U.S. And it won't stop there. Other countries will probably take our example and ban plastic bags, too. So help me save the world.

  • Make New Jersey A No Kill Shelter State

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Despite New Jersey Shelters impounding a fraction of the animals many no kill communities take in on a pet capita basis, New Jersey’s state animal control facilities continue to kill and allow animals to die under their care. These are poor innocent animals who are being killed. Instead of facing the lives of the adoptable animals, these shelters are taking the violent option out and are euthanizing these animals if they do not get adopted in a certain amount of time. Delaware has become the first no kill shelter state and New Jersey should also be too. New Jersey wants to become a no kill shelter state by 2025 but by that time thousands of more animals will have already been put to sleep. We need to change now and help these poor animals.