• Change the name of Dight Avenue in Minneapolis

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Dight avenue in the City of Minneapolis is named after Charles Fremont Dight, a professor at the University of Minnesota who dedicated his life to Eugenics and cleansing the human gene pool of human beings who were deemed "less than desirable."

    Dight not only founded the Minnesota Eugenics society but actively pursued the same type of eugenics as Nazi scientists such as Josef Mengele. In 1933, Dight wrote a letter to Adolf Hitler praising the Third Reich's efforts to "stamp out mental inferiority." This sort of legacy should not be recognized or lauded anywhere.

    Minnesotans with disabilities continue to face significant discrimination every day. Nationally, 54 percent of police involved shootings involve someone with a disability.

    The Disability Justice network is committed to combatting ableism in all of it's intersectional formats and we are committed in building more inclusive communities and amplifying the voices of those living the disabled experience. We ask the Minneapolis community to join us in this commitment.

    In doing so, we say exactly what Governor Luther Youngdhal said in the fall of 1949 as he stood in the Courtyard of Anoka State Hospital and burned mechanical restraints

    we say to the them that we understand them — that they need have no fears -- that those around them are their friends.

    Please join us in combatting discrimination and a history of state sanctioned violence and sign our petition to rename Dight Avenue.

  • Do not eliminate the Minnesota Shotgun Zones

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Please do not pass the language in bills HF4407 and SF2767 that eliminates the deer hunting shotgun zones in Minnesota.

    Eliminating the shotgun only zone and opening up southern Minnesota to rifle hunting would have a devastating effect on our deer and deer hunting experience. The flat, open land that the agricultural land consists of will eliminate any sort of fair chase that exists in deer hunting at the moment. Without other changes being implemented prior to or along with a regulation like this to offset the effects of rifle hunting, the toll it would take on the deer and quality of deer hunting would be detrimental. Other states that allow rifle hunting in similar landscapes have had quality management practices in place along with rifle hunting - this is something Minnesota is currently lacking. Quality deer and deer hunting is not sustainable in southern Minnesota with the use of rifles unless other deer management practices and regulations are put in place first.

  • Mask Mandate for Minnesota Schools

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I was shocked to learn that my child's school has no mask mandate, especially with the rapidly spreading Delta variant of COVID-19 and no vaccine available for children under 12.

    Please stand with me to protect our children and our community - let's Keep Our Kids Healthy! Let's get a Mask Mandate for Minnesota!

  • Recall Mayor Kim Norton of Rochester, Minnesota.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    "Rules for Thee, But Not For Me..." goes our grandmothers' and grandfathers' saying. Today, two more famous restaurants in Our Town have closed. Mayor Norton's arbitrary and capricious rules and mandates have led to the destruction of local ownership and control of Our Town's business and working environment. Famous traditional businesses are driven out and the local workers are left unemployed as she attracts business, investment, new employees and billionaires from out of state and outside America. Local people can not afford to buy their own homes, but she takes workers' tax money to create "Affordable Housing" for people from outside Our Town, State, and Nation. Mayor Kim Norton slapped our town with a "Mask Mandate" ONE BUSINESS DAY after promoting a concert with thousands of people unmasked in a park. Fortunately, her mandate was revoked by The Rochester City Council! After trying to LOCK YOUR FACE DOWN, Mayor Norton then announced her Internationalist/Globalist trip. Thus, she entered international airports, crossed borders, flew in a steel tube sharing air with strangers for many hours to have business meetings and talks with her European Economic Community Beaurocratic Friends, to meet UNMASKED and NOT SOCIALLY DISTANCED in A EUROPEAN RESTAURANT. She will not meet with constituents, but she will meet with European Business Men.

  • Dairy Queen, Stop Supporting Animal Cruelty!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    “Happy tastes good.” That’s Dairy Queen’s slogan. Its mission is to “create positive memories for all who touch DQ.” But how could anyone possibly feel happy about a restaurant that supports extreme animal abuse? I recently learned that Dairy Queen does just this.

    Chickens in DQ’s supply chain suffer immense cruelty throughout their entire lives.

    They are bred to grow so large at such a fast rate that their bodies can’t keep up. This unnatural, rapid growth causes painful leg deformities, organ failure, and heart attacks. Many can’t even stand due to the weight, so they are forced to spend their lives lying in feces-filled litter.
    Thousands of birds are crammed together into filthy, windowless sheds. They are forced to live in their own waste, with ammonia levels so high that many suffer from chemical burns on their bodies.
    When these social, intelligent animals are brought to slaughter, they are violently thrown upside down into metal shackles, a gruesome process that frequently breaks their legs. Their throats are then slit—often while they’re still fully conscious. They are even at risk of being boiled alive.
    It’s a life of pure torture. And that’s why Dairy Queen must make changes.

    It’s time for Dairy Queen to do the right thing and adopt the Better Chicken Commitment (BCC), a comprehensive set of welfare reforms that address the worst abuses suffered by chickens on today’s farms.

    So while Dairy Queen has made some strides in recent years, such as adding a plant-based Dilly Bar to its menu, it’s not enough. I would love to see a company headquartered so close to my home in Minnesota leading the way in animal welfare. Consumers care about—and deserve—transparency.

    Dairy Queen has the opportunity to greatly improve the lives of the millions of chickens it uses for the meat on its menu. If you agree that consumers deserve transparency about the sources of their food, especially with regard to animal welfare, please join me in urging DQ’s leadership to step up and sign onto the BCC—just as 200+ other companies (including White Castle and Popeyes) have done.

    Dairy Queen: It’s time to end your support of cruel factory farming practices and adopt the Better Chicken Commitment!

    - - -

    Photo credit: Jo-Anne McArthur/We Animals


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We are asking Governor Walz, Senator Klobuchar, Senator Smith, all of Minnesota’s Congressional representatives and policymakers to protect Minnesotans and our environment from “bomb trains” and the irresponsible transport of oil.

    Once again, greedy,unethical companies seek to use our state as a transit point for their bomb trains filled with oil.

    Canadian Pacific Railway’s Canadian crude cargo trains run on a main rail line right through the Twin Cities. As many as 15 to 20 of these volatile trains will run through our state on their way to Texas each month.

    That’s 15 to 20 chances of a major environmental disaster. Even Enbridge, who brought us Line 3, thinks trains are unsafe! Yet Canadian Pacific doesn’t care. They'll stop at nothing to ship their oil bombs through our state and other states,putting at great risk the people, wildlife and the water.

    Please add your voice in solidarity against Canadian Pacific and their partners. We must demand our politicians acknowledge our voices and protect us all and our environment. We must act directly by joining each other in the streets to show these companies that Minnesota is not theirs to abuse at will.

    Read more here:


  • Legalize UTV for Street Use in PA

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Off-Roading on ATVs and UTVs has been growing as a recreational activity exponentially and Pennsylvania offers one of the best landscapes for it.

    Beginning in the late 1960s, people have been creating and using ATVs for transportation off-road. Here in the Anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania, we have abandoned coal mining roads that have been utilized by these vehicles for recreation since their inception. The 70s, 80s and 90s brought increases in performance and safety, and annual sales of ATVs have increased every year since then.

    In the late 1980s, Kawasaki invented an ATV of a different sort - the Mule was more car-like, with a left hand driver's position and a steering wheel instead of handlebars. Other manufacturers saw the allure and followed suit, creating their own versions of this new off-road vehicle. Through the years they got faster, bigger, and more expensive. Modern UTVs (or side by sides) feature most of the amenities one might expect from a car, including windshield and wiper, roll cage, headlights and taillights, seat belts, mufflers, stereos, and much more. The typical side by side one might find at a dealer will most likely exceed 64" in width and also exceed the cost of an average automobile. With a few aftermarket modifications such as a horn and turn signals, these vehicles have been made street-legal and registered as such in many states across the country.

    At the time of this writing there were quite a few states that either outright allowed the registration of UTVs for use on the street, or at least made provisions for towns and counties to set their own standards. Some of these states include Utah, Arizona, Minnesota, Texas, Nevada, Wyoming, Idaho, Kansas, Indiana, North and South Dakota, Montana, Washington, Montana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Vermont, Nebraska, Tennessee, New Hampshire and Colorado. Just within the first half of 2021 legislation has been passed to add Oklahoma and North Carolina to that list.

    There should be, at the very least, a discussion regarding the legalization of UTVs for street use in Pennsylvania. The primary objective from a rider's point of view is to travel from one trailhead to another, or go into town to fuel their machine or get something to eat. The city of Shamokin, Northumberland County, recently created an ordinance allowing ATVs and UTVs to travel a designated route on designated days. This has resulted in an uptick in cash flow to the city of Shamokin, as shown by the recent rejuvenation of the business district. The nearby Anthracite Outdoor Adventure Area (AOAA) sells in excess of 20,000 passes annually. Just to the southeast, Famous Reading Outdoors sells more than 10,000 passes a year-and these numbers are climbing rapidly. The economic impact of this many riders spending money in small town Pennsylvania every weekend should be studied.

    Finally, we should look at comparisons. It can be said that UTVs on roads "aren't safe." However, there are vehicles that, in contrast, are much less safe - and street legal. Take for example the Polaris Slingshot, a three-wheeled "autocycle" (as registered in Pennsylvania), which is basically a sports car with two wheels up front and one in the back. Or take the Can-Am Spyder, which has the same wheel setup but the rider straddles the seat like a motorcycle and steers with handlebars. Neither of these vehicles has a rollcage. Pennsylvania also allows the street use of registered "dune buggies," which get titled as "specially constructed." Basically, this is a four-wheeled vehicle that you can build yourself and throw a license plate on and hit the roads. Safety-wise, a UTV can meet or beat the specifications set forth by the manufacturers of these other types of vehicles.

    In closing, street legalization of side by sides and UTVs is happening across the country and has proven beneficial to riders throughout the land. Legal UTV use on Pennsylvania roads would not only increase revenue to small towns across the state, but also help state funding through registration and titling fees. Pennsylvania has some of the best off-roading areas in the country, and increasing tourism is a road we’d all like to go down!

  • Appeal the Far Too Lenient Sentence for Kim Potter

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Despite being convicted of first degree manslaughter and second degree manslaughter in the killing of Daunte Wright, former police officer Kim Potter was sentenced to a mere 24 months, only 13% of the normal sentence for these crimes. In issuing her sentence, Judge Regina Chu appallingly demanded the community empathize not with Daunte's family but with his killer.

    Chu claimed that Potter showed adequate remorse for her crime but there is no evidence of this. After shooting Daunte, Potter rolled on the ground screaming about going to jail then called her union rep, all while Daunte bled to death in the car with no aid. Throughout the trial, Potter never used Daunte’s name, referring to him only as “the driver.” Prior to sentencing, Potter mischaracterized Daunte's actions and blamed him for his own death. The only regret ever demonstrated by Potter is that she would face consequences for her actions.

    This ridiculously low sentence is a slap in the face of Daunte's family, the community, and the jury that convicted Kim Potter.

    The sentence is wholly inadequate for the grossly negligent actions of a highly-trained police officer who robbed a family of their loved one and greatly harmed our community.

    We urge Attorney General Keith Ellison to appeal the unreasonably low sentence given to Kim Potter. Justice demands it.

  • IStandWithKia

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    DO NOT DONATE HERE, Donate to her gofundme:


    CASHAPP: $IStandWithKia

    There has been a miscarriage of justice in Port Gibson, MS. We know because there are patterns of miscarriage of justice in this city. First, the town’s population is 1266. This case has been all over the news worldwide, a high profile trial. The citizens were tainted because the “victim” has been spreading the word through town, going viral online for the past 3 years telling her story. BET, People’s magazine, CNN and other major world news outlets picked up the story. They refused to change T’Kia’s venue as they have refused so many others. They denied her a lie detector test that she begged for. The town is starting to talk and we realize the D.A. should’ve never been on this case due to a conflict of interest.

    Here are the words from her brother:

    My name is Christopher Smith. I am writing on behalf of my sister, T’kia Bevily. She was wrongfully convicted of Capital Murder in Port Gibson, on Jan 29, 2021 in the death of her 14-month old step daughter Jurayah Smith. After the autopsy, there were differing medical reports. Dr. Mark Levaughn performed the initial autopsy. He is the Medical Examiner for the state of MS. He stated that Jurayah suffered a linear parietal skull fracture, along with asphyxiation with an undetermined etiology. He did NOT prove OR provide a time frame in which these injuries occurred. His autopsy report saw absolutely NO swelling in the brain! Unfortunately, Dr. Levaughn was placed on leave by the Attorney General and was unable to testify in court.

    A second medical expert (Dr. George R. Nichols) who was hired by the state, did an analysis of the original autopsy report. Nichols is a Kentucky Pathologist who found that the skull fracture and associated bleeding were ALL healing. He also stated that Jurayah had 5 scalp contusions that did not injure her brain. He concluded that somehow the 5 scalp contusions, to which he could NOT age, SOMEHOW caused her brain to swell and kill her. Ultimately, Nichols concluded the injuries could be as old as 8 days.

    Finally, a Minnesota Pediatrician by the name of Dr. Peter Dehnel, found that since the scalp contusions were not significant enough to cause death, Jurayah died from Sudden Unexplained Death in Children (SUDC). He too determined the skull fracture and associated bleeding were healing.
    Jurayah had no other skull fracture, rib fracture, long bone fractures, retinal hemorrhridges, subdural hematoma, no swelling of the brain or any other injuries associated with child abuse.
    Jurayah was in the care of Morris and T’Kia Bevily for only a few hours before her death.

    Not one of the three medical experts placed a timeline on when NOR where baby Jurayah sustained her injuries! Dr. Nichols testified under OATH that it was possible that baby Jurayah had experienced “Lucid Interval” (the time period between the injury and symptoms).

    FEBRUARY 4, 2021 T’Kia was sentenced to LIFE without parole


    All I’m asking for and these other 9,000 signatures we want a FAIR retrial for T’Kia

    DO NOT DONATE HERE, Donate to her gofundme:


  • Restore Mental Health Counseling for University of Minnesota Veterinary Medicine Students

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We have recently learned that the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota will remove its licensed counselor and stop providing mental health care to students. We have serious concerns about this change and the detrimental impact it will have on student well-being as well as issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. Mental health has become an increasingly serious concern in the veterinary profession, and students are no exception. Having easily accessible mental health care provided throughout veterinary school allows students to thrive during the curriculum and provides them with the necessary tools required to succeed and excel after graduation. For many, the current counselor is the only accessible and long-term provider available for appropriate mental health care without high copays or excessive demands on their limited time and resources.

    Eliminating our mental health care lifeline will reduce the quality of life for the many students who rely on this care and may lead to severe outcomes. Given the high suicide rate within the veterinary profession, a lack of easily accessible mental health triage and care will put students in real danger, and studies indicate younger veterinary professionals have higher rates of mental distress (1,2). Mental health has become such a pervasive issue within this profession that the American Veterinary Medical Association’s three-tiered approach to well-being, outlined in the “AVMA and Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Joint Statement on Veterinary Mental Health and Wellbeing,” includes steps for prevention, protection and support. The supportive approach states that the AVMA is supporting mental health by “ensuring suitable expert support is available to veterinary professionals who need it, provided in a confidential and safe environment, and accessible without fear of judgement.” The social worker at the College of Veterinary Medicine provides this expert support and essential long-term, accessible counseling services for students who either enter the program with mental health care concerns or who end up needing support during the program.

    We are petitioning for the University of Minnesota’s College of Veterinary Medicine to retain a licensed mental health professional who can provide long-term mental health support and to increase transparency regarding well-being decisions within the college. It is imperative that mental health care is restored as soon as possible for the health of our Student Body.

    1. Gyles C. (2018). Surprising new findings on veterinarians' mental health and well-being. The Canadian veterinary journal = La revue veterinaire canadienne, 59:10, 1041–1043.

    2. Drake AAS,Hafen M, Rush BR. (2017). A decade of counseling services in one college of veterinary medicine: veterinary medical students’ psychological distress and help-seeking trends. J of Vet Med Educ. 44: 157-65.


    Veterinarians as One Inclusive Community for Empowerment (VOICE), University of Minnesota

    Student American Veterinary Medical Association (SAVMA), University of Minnesota

    College of Veterinary Medicine Student Council, University of Minnesota

  • Increase State Funding for the Minnesota State Horticultural Society

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In this time of great need in our state, we the undersigned urge you to increase funding to Minnesota State Horticultural Society in the upcoming and future state budgets, supporting programs that directly impact today’s crucial challenges:

    Food security – MSHS programs (Garden-in-a-Box, Minnesota Green), classes and publications support new gardeners, community gardens and giving gardens to increase food production and distribution, particularly in underserved communities.
    Health – MSHS provides opportunity, inspiration and knowledge for more and more Minnesotans to reap the physical and mental health benefits of gardening.
    Community – MSHS events and support for community gardens provide a healthy, safe way for people to be together in a continuing time of isolation.
    Environment – MSHS supports pollinator-friendly and native plants, soil and water health, and redistributing 55,000 plants for a healthy, sustainable future in MN.
    Thank you for increasing the state’s vital support for the Minnesota State Horticultural Society.

  • Fair Sentencing In Response To The Murder Of George Floyd

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Judge Peter A. Cahill
    Hennepin County Courthouse
    Fourth Judicial District
    (612) 348-2040

    Your Honor,

    If Derek Michael Chauvin were not a "police officer", his actions would likely be considered intentional. It could have been argued that what he did was premeditated, Sec. 609.185 MN Statutes, no matter how short the time frame. However, the prosecution took the direction that could leave no reasonable doubt and the jurors unanimously found him guilty — on the counts of second-degree (unintentional) murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter.

    Given the trauma that this murder has inflicted on George Perry Floyd's family, his loved ones, on first-hand witnesses, and to the witnesses all over the world, and in spite that our prisons are not rehabilitative in nature (are designed to be punitive), I think it is still in the best interest of society that Derek Michael Chauvin is given an enhanced (or) maximum fair sentencing in accordance with Minnesota State Law. Sec. 609.19 MN Statutes states, "may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 40 years". With respect to the sometimes predatory nature of policing and police immunity, it is appropriate to demonstrate that our police are not above the law by issuing the maximum fair sentence, permitted under Minnesota State Law.

    Derek Chauvin may not have a prior criminal record. However, he has a record of complaints for the use of "excessive force". Given the nature of his crime, I urge you to take these, as well as all the aggravating factors, into consideration. Thank you, Your Honor - Judge Cahill, for heeding our urgent call to action this year 2021.

  • MN Constitution: Domestic Assault and Custody Laws

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We must make MN a safe state for the innocents involved in domestic violence! Minnesota is an extremely progressive state in terms of equal rights and the law. Unfortunately, we are behind in creating state laws in regards to providing safety for the children who are caught up in a divorce dispute concerning a parent who has a domestic assault conviction.

    We need to create a safety net and provide assurance for victims of intimate partner domestic assault so that their children will be protected from their abuser if they choose to leave their partner. Right now, victims are able to leave, but as it stands, a parent with a domestic assault conviction can still fight for sole legal and sole physical custody. Unfortunately, according to statistics, once a victim of domestic assault leaves the relationship, the offender will then turn their attention towards the children. Due to current MN state statute limitations, there is no assurance of safety for these children. In fact, if the victims report abuse against their perpetrator pertaining their children to the officials, they will end up losing their children 90% of the time to their abuser due to "alienation."

    Minnesota needs to create a law to protect the children that are left behind in a family where domestic assault is the reason for divorce. In order to protect these innocent children, we need to ensure that these perpetrators are not allowed sole legal or sole physical custody of their children. Please sign and share so that we can make a difference!

  • Minnesota Equal Shared Parenting

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Please support Equal Shared Parenting in Minnesota.

    Minnesota currently has no statutory preference for, or presumption of, shared physical custody for temporary or final orders. Indeed, such a preference or presumption is specifically denied.

    For decades, special interests have had the ear, pocketbook, and vote of legislators to promote tension and in-fighting within family court regarding child custody, resulting in financial hardships and emotional turmoil for families going through a separation.

    In Minnesota, current statutes presume 25% parenting time for each parent, resulting in long, drawn-out and financially devastating court battles to fight over the remaining 50% of time, while leaving our children in the middle of an unfortunate situation which they did not ask for nor do they deserve.

    Our children deserve better.

    For the 2021 Legislative Session, Rep. Erik Mortensen and Rep. Jeremy Munson introduced H.F 963 to amend current statues and presume joint legal and physical custody, because maximizing parenting time between both parents is in the best interest of the child(ren).

    This bill would put the kids first and mitigate costly, drawn out court battles.

    This is not a partisan issue: the vast majority of Minnesota residents are in favor of passing equal shared parenting legislation.

    According to a recent poll by the National Parents Organization:

    95% of those in Minnesota believe "it is in the child's best interest to have as much time as possible with each parent;"
    94% of Minnesotans expressed a commitment to vote their beliefs being "more likely to vote for a candidate who supports children spending equal or nearly equal time with each parent ...when both parents are fit and willing to be parents."
    85% of those in Minnesota indicated they would support a change in Minnesota law that awards children as much time as possible with each parent.
    85% believe that when there is conflict between parents, awarding sole custody to one parent increases conflict.
    90% believe that Minnesota should promote shared parenting for all children with separated parents.
    90% believe that both parents should have equal rights and responsibilities following divorce or separation.
    We are asking the Minnesota House of Representatives to hold a vote and pass this bill along to the Minnesota State Senate for approval.

    We are calling on all elected officials, including House Judiciary Chair Rep. Jamie Becker-Finn, who has been reluctant to hear this issue, to make this a priority for the State of Minnesota.

    We are calling on Governor Tim Walz to do the right thing and put the children first.

  • Make masks optional in Minnesota schools!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    There is little to no evidence supporting the need for masks in schools this coming year in Minnesota. Masking might make sense for certain individuals, but should not be a requirement for all. With that being said, it should be a parental right to choose whether or not their child wears a mask to school.

    Please sign this petition to make masking a parental choice and not something that can be mandated by the government or school boards.

  • Support legislation combating MN Supreme Court’s ruling on voluntary intoxication and rape

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I made this petition to make sure victims of rape and sexual assault get the justice they deserve and to protect others from becoming victims. This is an issue that affects all people in the state of Minnesota so I urge you to sign and share this petition. On March 24, 2021, the Minnesota Supreme Court issued a decision saying a person cannot be raped if they were voluntarily intoxicated. They claim that voluntary intoxication is not specified in Minnesota rape statues regarding mental incapacitation. This needs to change otherwise it is a green light to sexual predators and a slap in the face to victims. The MN House of Representatives is entertaining House File 707 and Senate File 1683, which changes Minnesota statutes to include voluntary intoxication. Please sign this petition and show our state legislature that this is something Minnesotans want.

  • Free Period Products in Minnesota Schools

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    One in five teens say they struggle to afford period products, or are unable to purchase them at all, according to a national study. As a consequence, 84 percent say they’ve missed school, or know somebody who else who has.

    California, Illinois, New Hampshire, New York, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and Pennsylvania have passed laws requiring menstrual products to be available for free in middle and high school bathrooms.

    Access to period products is an issue of gender equity, health equity and education equity. Students who don't menstruate have access to everything they need for health and hygiene in their school bathrooms - toilet paper, soap, running water, and paper towels or dryers, while menstruators are expected to carry products with them.

    Some students resort to using items like rags, paper towels, toilet paper, or cardboard. Others ration sanitary products by using them for extended amounts of time. If period products are available in a nurse's office or from a teacher or a fellow student, and the student is able to overcome the stigma surrounding periods to find a resource and request a product, it causes an interruption in their school day and impacts their ability to stay in their classrooms. Students who use improvised products or who have to find and request products are vulnerable to harmful physical and mental health outcomes, such as vaginosis, potentially fatal toxic shock syndrome, anxiety and depression.

    Tell our Minnesota lawmakers to join the growing list of states that recognizes period poverty as an important mental and physical health issue. Minnesota needs this low cost, high impact solution to support education, health and gender equity in our schools.

  • Costco, do better for animals in Minnesota

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I was horrified to read the New York Times Investigation that revealed the grossly inadequate and inhumane conditions Costco chickens endure at their supply farms. Due to these unsanitary living conditions and their inhumane treatment, too many chickens die only days after being born. The chickens on Costco farms face tremendous overcrowding and often experience painful health problems. These birds have been genetically modified to grow six times as fast as chickens from 1925. Their living spaces are filled with tens of thousands of chickens which causes them to live in their own waste. These awful conditions often result in burns from the ammonia in their litter.

    What is perhaps even more shocking than the investigation, is that leadership at Coscto thinks this animal cruelty is “normal and uneventful activity.” Costco must do better. Over 200 companies have adopted the Better Chicken Commitment and Costco should too.

    Join us in letting Costco know its members will not not condone the inhumane treatment of animals. Let’s show Costco that Minnesota will not stand for this.

  • Incarcerate Francios Khalil

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In may of 2017, a woman was drinking in Dinkytown, Minneapolis. She had consumed 5 shots and prescription narcotics. Francios Khalil picked her up outside of a bar offering to bring her to a party. They arrived at a house with no party, the woman blacked out, and woke up to find Francios raping her.

    Francios was charged with criminal sexual conduct of the 3rd degree. However, on March 24th, the Supreme Court overturned the ruling on the grounds that the woman had voluntarily intoxicated herself and therefore consented to sexual intercourse with Khalil.

    The reason this woman could not have so consented to sex is the same reason children can not consent to sex, because they are not in the correct state of mind to do so. A child can verbally consent to sex with an adult, but the adult will still be incarcerated because they took advantage of the child’s innocence. It is not any different for an intoxicated individual. An intoxicated individual cannot consent to sex. Any person who has sex with an intoxicated individual is using their vulnerable state to their advantage. So please, sign this petition to change the legislation that set Francios Khalil free. This loophole must be closed and Francios must be locked up. To the victim of this heartless crime, thank you for speaking up.

  • Justice for Daunte Wright

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    20 year old man Daunte Wright was murdered by Minneapolis-area police.

    He was pulled over for having an air freshener obstructing the view of his rear view mirror.

    The officers refused to tell him why he got pulled over, so he got back in his car to drive away, and they shot him. The car traveled several blocks before crashing into another vehicle. He died at the scene of the crash. His body was left on the street for hours by the police.

    He was a father to a two year old.

    Help get Daunte Wright and his family justice.