• Ban Micaela Mathers from all fitness centers in Flagstaff/Arizona

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Gyms and fitness centers should be loving communities that support their members goals and achievements. Having members that bully and harass people in the community should call for an immediate revoke of a membership. A woman by the name of Micaela Mathers has been known to cyber-bully people in the community calling on their weight and appearance. She has already been banned from gyms here in Flagstaff for removing her clothing and using her cell phone in the locker rooms. She is not a supportive member of the community and should be banned from all fitness centers in this area in hopes that others will not have to endure bullying.

  • Stand up for Veterans: Tell Arizona’s Governor to launch a “Battle Buddy” Program!!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Arizona is in desperate need of a “Battle Buddy” program for our American Hero's, our local Veterans.
    On February 26, 2018 our family suffered an unthinkable tragedy. After being negligently released early from the Phoenix VA hospital 60 hours into a 72 hour suicide/mental health hold, our Hero suffered a tragic breakdown. Joshua Kinnard was reliving moments from the war that he could not overcome. The demons of his deployment days in Iraq were haunting him and causing extreme PTSD episodes. On that tragic night we were forced to call for EMS/police assistance as we found him overdosed before he jumped in our swimming pool attempting to end his life. As police arrived, he became increasingly irritated. Josh was upset that EMS and the police were inside our home. He was becoming more and more irrational and upset as time went on.
    A Battle Buddy would have given him the opportunity to connect with a comrade who could relate to his days of service. A Battle Buddy has first hand experience to be able to relate better than EMS or police. The opportunity to de-escalate the situation is greater with assistance from a Veteran, rather than running the risk of escalation from the police presence which could cause unneeded stress, resulting in a lethal altercation.
    When 911 dispatch is Intaking pertinent information for the services being dispatched, asking whether the subject is a Veteran and whether they are suffering from a mental breakdown would be key in dispatching a qualified Battle Buddy to the scene to help the Veteran during their time of need.
    Battle Buddy programs are successfully used in other areas of the country! Arizona has many veterans who live here who would greatly benefit from a program like this. Potentially saving lots of Veterans lives and keeping our local Police and EMS safer on Critical Incident calls.

    Please support Arizona’s need for this very important program and sign our petition. We appreciate the support to create a vital program aimed at saving lives and taking care of our Veterans!

  • Shut down Casa Tempe Arizona

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Casa Tempe needs to be permanently shut down due to racial profiling and security trying to kill a black man. Security sexually harassed and attempted rape a female while beating up the black man. This bar was shut down prior and needs to now be permanently shut down. Social injustice and racial profile needs to stop in this world and by signing this petition, one establishment will be stop!!

  • Legalize UTV for Street Use in PA

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Off-Roading on ATVs and UTVs has been growing as a recreational activity exponentially and Pennsylvania offers one of the best landscapes for it.

    Beginning in the late 1960s, people have been creating and using ATVs for transportation off-road. Here in the Anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania, we have abandoned coal mining roads that have been utilized by these vehicles for recreation since their inception. The 70s, 80s and 90s brought increases in performance and safety, and annual sales of ATVs have increased every year since then.

    In the late 1980s, Kawasaki invented an ATV of a different sort - the Mule was more car-like, with a left hand driver's position and a steering wheel instead of handlebars. Other manufacturers saw the allure and followed suit, creating their own versions of this new off-road vehicle. Through the years they got faster, bigger, and more expensive. Modern UTVs (or side by sides) feature most of the amenities one might expect from a car, including windshield and wiper, roll cage, headlights and taillights, seat belts, mufflers, stereos, and much more. The typical side by side one might find at a dealer will most likely exceed 64" in width and also exceed the cost of an average automobile. With a few aftermarket modifications such as a horn and turn signals, these vehicles have been made street-legal and registered as such in many states across the country.

    At the time of this writing there were quite a few states that either outright allowed the registration of UTVs for use on the street, or at least made provisions for towns and counties to set their own standards. Some of these states include Utah, Arizona, Minnesota, Texas, Nevada, Wyoming, Idaho, Kansas, Indiana, North and South Dakota, Montana, Washington, Montana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Vermont, Nebraska, Tennessee, New Hampshire and Colorado. Just within the first half of 2021 legislation has been passed to add Oklahoma and North Carolina to that list.

    There should be, at the very least, a discussion regarding the legalization of UTVs for street use in Pennsylvania. The primary objective from a rider's point of view is to travel from one trailhead to another, or go into town to fuel their machine or get something to eat. The city of Shamokin, Northumberland County, recently created an ordinance allowing ATVs and UTVs to travel a designated route on designated days. This has resulted in an uptick in cash flow to the city of Shamokin, as shown by the recent rejuvenation of the business district. The nearby Anthracite Outdoor Adventure Area (AOAA) sells in excess of 20,000 passes annually. Just to the southeast, Famous Reading Outdoors sells more than 10,000 passes a year-and these numbers are climbing rapidly. The economic impact of this many riders spending money in small town Pennsylvania every weekend should be studied.

    Finally, we should look at comparisons. It can be said that UTVs on roads "aren't safe." However, there are vehicles that, in contrast, are much less safe - and street legal. Take for example the Polaris Slingshot, a three-wheeled "autocycle" (as registered in Pennsylvania), which is basically a sports car with two wheels up front and one in the back. Or take the Can-Am Spyder, which has the same wheel setup but the rider straddles the seat like a motorcycle and steers with handlebars. Neither of these vehicles has a rollcage. Pennsylvania also allows the street use of registered "dune buggies," which get titled as "specially constructed." Basically, this is a four-wheeled vehicle that you can build yourself and throw a license plate on and hit the roads. Safety-wise, a UTV can meet or beat the specifications set forth by the manufacturers of these other types of vehicles.

    In closing, street legalization of side by sides and UTVs is happening across the country and has proven beneficial to riders throughout the land. Legal UTV use on Pennsylvania roads would not only increase revenue to small towns across the state, but also help state funding through registration and titling fees. Pennsylvania has some of the best off-roading areas in the country, and increasing tourism is a road we’d all like to go down!

  • Fire University of Arizona President Robbins and AD Heeke

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Through willful incompetence and dereliction of tax-payer funded duties, University of Arizona President Robert C. Robbins and University of Arizona Athletic Director Dave Heeke have severely damaged the reputation AND financial interests of the University of Arizona and the State of Arizona.

    President Robbins and AD Heeke should be fired for the following reasons:

    1. Waited nearly 40 days after the end of the University of Arizona Men's Basketball season to fire Coach Sean Miller, thus missing opportunities to hire the best possible replacement.

    2. Completely, and unquestionably, mismanaged the hiring process to replace Coach Miller, to the point where they allowed themselves to be unwitting pawns in contract negotiations for coaches (University of Arkansas Coach Eric Musselman) that had no intention of accepting a job offer from the University of Arizona.

    3. Needlessly imposed a post-season ban, thus punishing current players that had no involvement with alleged NCAA violations.

    The University of Arizona Men's Basketball program financially benefited the University of Arizona, City of Tucson, and State of Arizona, as well as provided a source of pride for all current and former students. President Robbins' and AD Heeke's mismanagement and neglect have endangered the continued program's financial success and on-court competitiveness. President Robbins and AD Heeke should be fired immediately.

  • Say NO to the WestWing Waste Transfer Station!!!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures


    There are great concerns from the surrounding communities regarding the proposed location of Republic Services’ Waste Transfer Station located at N El Mirage Road & RT 303. These concerns range from the reduced quality of life the waste transfer station imposes to the inconsistency of information from Republic Servcies regarding the WestWing Waste Transfer Station.


    The proposed location poses a risk to the quality of life for the surrounding communities. Waste management has been closely associated with biological hazards. The decomposition of waste materials in the waste transfer station; vehicle exhaust fumes and favorable weather conditions can lead to the formation of bioaerosols and biological agents such as fungi, bacteria and volatile compounds (like endotoxins, β(1-3)-glucans and mycotoxins). The fact this Waste Transfer Station will at times handle hazardous materials (either brought to the facility intentionally or unintentionally), could pose a risk of contamination of surface and groundwater. If the surface and groundwater have been contaminated, the pollutants can pose health and safety hazards to the public.

    Republic Services said their newly proposed location will be on 10-acres of a 75-acre parcel of land that is currently an I-2 Light Industrial Zoning District. Republic Services will ask the county to rezone their 10 acres to an I-3 Heavy Industrial Zoning District. Republic Services said the owners of the 75-acre parcel of land will be selling the remaining lots to other industrial use companies. The land is already an I-2 Light Industrial Zoning District, permitting use for truck terminals, warehousing, and manufacturing. What's to stop other companies from submitting rezoning applications to I-3 Heavy Industrial use? The quality of life for nearby communities will be impacted by additional truck traffic noise, odors and rodents from the WTS, increased fire risks, and diesel exhaust fumes.

    Having up to 80 diesel trucks trips six days a week, 10 hours a day, coming and going from the WestWing location poses a health risk for residents in nearby neighborhoods. According to the EPA, “exposure to diesel exhaust can lead to serious health conditions like asthma and respiratory illnesses and can worsen existing heart and lung disease, especially in children and the elderly. These conditions can result in increased numbers of emergency room visits, hospital admissions, absences from work and school, and premature deaths.”


    The fact this Waste Transfer Station will at times handle hazardous materials (either brought to the facility intentionally or unintentionally), could pose a risk of contamination of surface and groundwater. The nearby Agua Fria Recharge Project, which recharges 32.6 Billion gallons of drinking water per year into the aquifer below, will be less than a few miles away from the proposed Waste Transfer Station. Part of the Agua Fria Recharge Project’s mission was to support water resources management by providing recharge for future population growth. The recharging process involves systematically watering a site and allowing water to percolate down through the soil, replenishing underground aquifers. This “recharged” water may then be pumped out and used at a later date. If the surface and groundwater have been contaminated, the pollutants can pose health and safety hazards to the public.

    According to the EPA, “emissions from diesel engines contribute to the production of ground-level ozone which damages crops, trees and other vegetation. Also produced is acid rain, which affects soil, lakes and streams and enters the human food chain via water, produce, meat and fish. These emissions also contribute to property damage and reduced visibility.”


    The February 23, 2021 email from Stephen Herring, Republic Services Manager states, “our best estimate is 3-5 total vehicles per operating hour”. Republic Services February 9, 2021 email says “We listened. We Reconsidered. We Acted,” and “six truck trips an hour to and from the facility”. The Republic Services WestWing Website FAQ page (https://westwingtransfer.com/faq/) says, “Traffic impact should be insignificant, with fewer than 10 truck trips per hour, and fewer than 80 total truck trips each day.” What is the real truck count per day?


    During the Tele Town Hall on February 16, 2021, someone asked about the noise from the dump truck’s Jake braking (compression braking), since truck noise is already a problem for Corte Bella. Republic Services said to help reduce the noise they’ll prohibit “Jake braking” at this location. With up to 80 dump trucks trips daily can "Jake braking" really be stopped? Also, their smaller hauling trucks have backup alarms. During the Tele Town Hall on March 3, 2021, Republic Services said there're 30,000 vehicles on RT 303 daily, and additional truck noise (up to 80 trucks daily) will be insignificant, claiming the already heavy traffic on RT 303 will buffer any additional noise. Republic Services will prohibit their drivers from Jake-braking (compression braking) to help reduce noise and take disciplinary action if their drivers use Jake-braking as they exit RT 303. However, they did not say how they plan to monitor their drivers.

    If Republic Services gets rezoning approved for I-3 Heavy Industrial use for their 10 acres, then other companies may also submit rezoning applications for I-3 Heavy Industrial use on the remaining 65 acres. This will mean more and more heavy truck traffic noise and more and more diesel exhaust fumes in nearby residential areas. There goes the neighborhood!


    The Tele Town Hall on March 3, 2021, Republic Services stated Maricopa County requires all waste transfer stations to have fire suppression equipment on site. Newspapers and cardboard will not be stored at the WestWing Waste Transfer Station. Republic Services says this reduces the chance of a fire. Republic Services acknowledged there are often fires at waste transfer stations. They have not answered any questions about additional fire hazards since the location is next to a power substation.


    Republic Services has not given a satisfactory answer regarding an increase in the rodent population in the surrounding area. Rodents and birds can be a nuisance and a potential health concern at waste transfer stations, but few basic design and operational elements can control them. The WestWing Waste Transfer Station will also inevitably attract more wild animals. The only mention of animals in the Republic Services February 9, 2021, "We Listened. We Reconsidered. We Acted.” email is, “netting for bird migration”. The email does not mention an increase in the rodent population. During the Tele Town Hall on March 3rd, Republic Services claimed they do not have a rodent problem at any of the waste transfer stations they operate.


    The waste transfer station will be a 17,000 square foot building on a 10-acre parcel in WestWing's industrial park. Republic Services will have an additional 3000 square feet available to build if future expansion is needed. Republic Services said their newly proposed location will be on 10-acres of a 75-acre parcel of land that is currently zoned for I-2 Light Industrial use. Republic Services plans to ask the county to rezone their 10 acres for I-3 Heavy Industrial use. Republic Services said the owners of the 75-acre parcel of land will be selling lots to other industrial use companies since the land is already an I-2 Light Industrial Zoning District, permitting use for truck terminals, warehousing, manufacturing, etc. The additional truck traffic noise and diesel exhaust fumes will make matters worse for the surrounding community and negatively impact the quality of life in nearby neighborhoods. Republic Services estimates the WestWing location will be approximately a half-mile from the Dos Rios community.


    Republic Services admitted they haven’t done a study on the impact on home values. However, Republic Services' "We Listened. We Reconsidered. We Acted.” email states, “No impact on property values”. Is Republic Services being truthful to the public? Many of us would not buy a home in close proximity to a landfill or waste transfer station. Republic Services believe it won’t impact home values. How can it not? Republic Services says they’re not aware of EPA or any other studies showing solid waste or recyclable waste transfer stations impacting property values.


    The future developments located at the northeast corner of N El Mirage & W Williams will surely be affected by the proposed location of the WestWing Waste Transfer Station at N El Mirage Road & RT 303 located less than one mile away (Republic Services estimates the WestWing location will be approximately a half-mile from the Dos Rios community).


    Saturday, February 13, 2021, Republic Services Open House on-site event:

    The consensus from the people who attended the on-site open house event was the open house was a ‘PR event’ with Republic Services trying to sell the transfer station/landfill to the community. One individual described the event as, "The CEO of a company shows up and you clean up everything before he gets there. No dump trucks, no odors, everything is quiet, etc.” This will be quite the opposite if this location gets approval.

    Saturday, March 6, 2021, Republic Services Open House on-site event:

    A resident attending Republic Services’ Open House asked the Republic Services representative if they’d consider undeveloped areas further north away from neighborhoods since RT 303 is being widened to 3 lanes in each direction from Happy Valley Parkway to Lake Pleasant Parkway. The Republic Services representative replied that area wasn’t feasible because it’d require rezoning to I-3 Heavy Industrial use. The resident then asked how that was different from rezoning the WestWing location to I-3 Heavy Industrial use and the Republic Services representative did not respond. The WestWing industrial park developer will be responsible for putting in an access road and all utilities. Hence, it will be less costly for Republic Services to build at the WestWing location than further north away from neighborhoods. The WestWing location benefits Republic Services NOT the public.


    Tuesday, February 16, 2021, Republic Services Tele Town Hall:

    During the Tele Town Hall, Republic Services admitted Corte Bella’s trash collector, Parks & Sons, will NOT be using this Waste Transfer Station and added the newly proposed location also isn’t under contract to service Peoria. Since Republic Services doesn’t serve any of the nearby communities, what communities will the WestWing location be servicing? People who attended the Tele Town Hall felt Republic Services screened and cherry-picked the questions asked.

    Wednesday, March 3, 2021, Republic Services Tele Town Hall:

    Republic Services stated they looked at 50 properties before deciding on the WestWing location. Previously, they stated having looked at 40 properties and the WestWing location was the ONLY available industrial zoned property available. They did not answer questions about available properties north of the Lake Pleasant Parkway, which is about 15 mins north of the WestWing location. RT 303 is being widened to 3 lanes in each direction from Happy Valley Parkway to Lake Pleasant Parkway. Available properties north of The Lake Pleasant Parkway are in a more remote location and farther from densely populated subdivisions. The WestWing industrial park developer will be responsible for putting in an access road and all utilities. Hence, it'll be less costly for Republic Services to build at WestWing than further north away from neighborhoods. The WestWing location benefits Republic Services NOT the public.


    During the Tele Town Hall, Republic Services argued they’re providing a needed service for the community, but the trash isn’t even coming from nearby communities! Hence, this location does not add any benefit to the surrounding communities. Republic Services says they’re NOT in contract with the City of Peoria or Parks & Sons (which services Corte Bella) for trash and recycling services. They don’t know if the City of Peoria or Parks & Sons will negotiate contracts to use the WestWing facility. Even if they negotiate contracts Republic Services can't say travel costs and fuel savings will be passed on to residents because they can’t speak for other trash companies. The WestWing location benefits Republic Services NOT the public.


    Republic Service appears to be moving quickly on the required engagement with the community. Republic Services is conveniently going through the approval process at a time where people cannot gather or have limited public gatherings, because of COVID. In this scenario, Republic Services may be hoping for fewer public ramifications. And by the sound of everything, this is part of Republic Services' agenda. We must show strong opposition to the new proposed location of the WestWing Waste Transfer Station located at N El Mirage Road & RT 303 to protect our community!


    According to Republic Services, there are 32 WTS in Maricopa County. Republic Services operates 6 of the WTS (they previously said they operated 4). They estimate it will require about 9 months to process the application for this newly proposed location (end of 2021). Republic Services estimates construction will be completed and the facility operational by Q3 or Q4 of 2022 (Previously, they stated the facility would be operational near the end of 2023). We must say NO to the approval of the WestWing Waste Transfer Station!

    SAY NO

    Republic Services February 9, 2021, email states, "We Listened. We Reconsidered. We Acted." They acted but did not listen or reconsider. Therefore, we must counteract, let our voices be heard and sign the petition to SAY NO to the WestWing Waste Transfer Station!

  • Identify the Unknown Sailors from the USS Arizona

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    An Open Letter from the Families and Surviving Members of the USS Arizona BB39,

    To the DPAA,

    You may not know us personally, but we are direct family members, extended family, and surviving members of the attack on Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona, and believe me when we tell you… We. Know. You. We were totally and completely aghast and the department’s decision to group inter the unknown bodies that perished on the USS Arizona that day, without being identified. How in good conscious could the department even consider such actions?

    Did these men not die for our freedom? Did they not risk their lives and pay the ultimate sacrifice so that our country could live in peace against two regimes that sought to enslave Americans? By interring them without identification you are not only branding them as not worth the time and effort of identification essentially stripping them of their only identity, but you are DIRECTLY depriving family members, relatives, friends all the way down the line, closure, an ending to their loved one’s stories. These families have no idea where their loved ones ended up, but an UNMARKED unknown grave in the middle of Punchbowl Cemetery in Hawaii.

    With your current decision on the table, these family members have absolutely NO say on whether they want their loved ones cremated and placed aboard the USS Arizona. What if they have a family plot, and a 19 year old sailor wished to be buried next to his mother, father, brother… You have currently taken that choice away from them. It’s just plain WRONG. These 85 men that are currently in Punchbowl Cemetery deserve to be known.

    Every day, we see progress being made in the field of genetics, DNA and identification. Why can we not put this to use in the case of the USS Arizona unknowns? Why is the USS Arizona not being given the same respect and honor as those who are currently being identified with the USS Oklahoma? The DPAA has already identified sailors from the USS California, and USS West Virginia, but all of a sudden the USS Arizona isn't worth it? We beg the DPAA to reconsider their double standard of operations and identify ALL the unknowns who were aboard the USS Arizona. Give them the same respect and honor as we have with countless other unknows in the past. They sacrificed their freedom, their lives, and we cannot stand idly by while the DPAA dishonors great men.

    USS Arizona Survivor Ken Potts

    “These are my shipmates, my brothers, my family. Let their families decide where they go. Identify MY shipmates and lay them to rest with identity, dignity, and honor. The DPAA should be ashamed of themselves, what the hell are they thinking.”

    USS Arizona Survivor Lou Conter

    “Family comes first, and I agree with Ken, let their kin decide where their loved ones go. No one, not even the government has a right to bury them without first identifying them. Once we know who they are, seek out the wishes of their family.”

    Please reconsider your actions.


    Direct Descendants, Family, Relatives, Friends of USS Arizona Survivors.

  • Retire #49 for Leighton Accardo

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Leighton Accardo was diagnosed with germ cell cancer in May 2018 after complaining of stomach pains. Since then, she underwent countless surgeries and nearly two dozen rounds of chemotherapy.

    A lover of sports and avid hockey player, Accardo captured the hearts of the Arizona Coyotes, who signed her to a contract for Hockey Fights Cancer in November 2019.

    On November 24th her battle ended. She personified what it meant to be a fighter and fought all the way to the end. So now we, the undersigned, ask the Arizona Coyotes Owner, Alex Meruelo, to retire her #49 with full honors and make it part of the “Hockey Fights Cancer” Night in 2021.

  • Let's Bring Target Back to Casa Grande

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Lamar Companies created this petition in order to convince Target that Casa Grande and its neighboring cities have a strong desire to see Target back in the market. For the past 4 years, we’ve had to travel 90 minutes round trip in order to shop at the nearest Target. We believe this petition will prove to Target that Casa Grande and the surrounding communities have the necessary customer base and community support which will lead to a successful operation. Our goal is to hit 50,000 signatures and demonstrate to Target that the Casa Grande market is not only growing rapidly in population, but that this population would like Target to re-open at the Promenade at Casa Grande.

    Thank you for your continued support, let's bring Target back!

  • https://www.change.org/p/university-student-senate-abolish-antisemitism-at-the-city-university-of-new-york

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On Sunday, April 11, just a few days after Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), the CUNY University Student Senate (USS) will vote on whether to adopt a resolution supporting the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Definition of Antisemitism. The IHRA International Definition of Antisemitism was established in 2016 by an assembly of experts and governments to “strengthen, advance, and promote Holocaust education, research, and remembrance.”

    The IHRA Definition of Antisemitism reflects the lived experiences of Jewish students within CUNY and those experiences are not up for debate. The adoption of the IHRA definition is the simplest way to support and protect the CUNY Jewish community.

    Certain campus groups are seeking to delegitimize this definition by spreading misinformation about the resolution. Students for Justice in Palestine has gone so far as to create a reactive resolution, which includes its own definition of antisemitism. The Jewish students at CUNY strongly condemn this resolution. These groups do not represent the Jewish community. Jews should have the right to define what is and is not antisemitic just like other communities have the right to define what constitutes bigotry against them.

    Antisemitism is alive and prevalent on college campuses, across the country, and around the world. In 2019, antisemitic incidents reached a 40-year high of 2,100 incidents. One-third of those incidents occurred in New York and New Jersey. In December 2019, a shooting at the Jersey City Kosher Supermarket took the lives of four victims. That same month, a 72-year-old Jewish man was stabbed to death at a Chanukah party in Monsey and four more people were injured. Investigators found that the assailant kept journals about Hitler and Nazi culture and that he had searched for “Zionist Temples” in Elizabeth, New Jersey, Staten Island, and New York. Just last week, a Jewish family with their one-year-old daughter was attacked in lower Manhattan. And on CUNY campuses, Jewish students have reported being harassed and objectified for their Jewish and Zionist identities.

    The IHRA definition has been formally adopted by over 50 Jewish organizations in the US and is the accepted definition of antisemitism for the vast majority of Jewish organizations and scholars. In addition to USGs at Baruch College, The City College of New York, and Brooklyn College, the definition has also been adopted by 27 student governments in the U.S. and 33 countries, including Canada, Bahrain, France, Germany, Italy, Morocco, the United Kingdom, and the United States, 38 universities worldwide, including Arizona State University, London School of Economics, Oxford University, Syracuse University, University of California, San Diego, University of Cambridge, and the University of Texas at Austin, and is endorsed by international bodies like the Global Imams Council, the European Union, and United Nations officials. President Barack Obama, President Joe Biden, UN Secretary-General António Guterres, and UN Human Rights Council’s Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief Ahmed Shaheed have all endorsed the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism.

    Sign this petition to stand up against Anti-Semitism at CUNY and urge USS to adopt IHRA.

    Visit our Website www.cunyihra.fyi to learn more about IHRA and Frequently Asked Questions

  • Name Ruthrauff Rd. / I-10 Overpass in honor of fallen officer Juan Cruz

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In 1998 Arizona State Trooper, Juan Cruz, was killed in the line of duty (https://www.azdps.gov/colonel/fallen in Tucson at I-10 and Ruthrauff Rd., protecting and serving the great state of Arizona. Mr. Cruz was a devoted family man and dedicated trooper that is remembered for his brevity and service to Arizona.

    The State of Arizona is currently rebuilding the I-10/Ruthrauff interchange and as such, is building a new overpass. Please sign this petition to show your formal support to have this new overpass named in his honor. Trooper Cruz, a state employee, was killed in his “office” at this specific location. We cannot miss this opportunity to honor him!

    Help us to make this happen!

  • Give Arizona Prisoners Healthy & Nutritious Meals

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The Arizona State Prison food service is operated by Trinity Food Group, their registered dietician, Laura Donnelly has formulated meals that are unhealthy and do not provide all required nutrients. White Flour Products, White Rice, Dehydrated Potatoes, Instant Potatoes, Cakes, Cookies, Bologna, Margarine (Trans-Fat), White Sugar, Corn Chips, Artificially Sweetened Beverages, Hot Dogs, and Peanut Butter that contains sugar and hydrogenated vegetable oil (Trans-Fats)

    Then there is no variety of healthy foods. Fruit is served only on the week-end at Brunch, Monday - Friday there is no fruit served. Also no fresh vegetables are ever served, periodically lettuce is served once a month Cole Slaw is served, often full of sugar. The lunch sacks served Monday - Friday are always the same; 4 slices bread. 3 oz. peanut butter & jelly mix, processed lunch meat, 1 cookie, one bag of corn chips. No fruit, no vegetables! No variety either.

    The special diets are even worst. Mostly refined carbohydrates. And way less variety. The Registered Dietician claims that these are heart healthy meals, when in fact they are disease contributing meals. The medical diets serve the same foods every day. The vegan religious diet is over 80% refined carbohydrates. The Kosher diet was just converted to a vegan diet, removing all the meat and dairy.

    Arizona prisoners deserve healthy & nutritious meals, with reasonable variety. Also daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Discontinue serving all the overly-processed foods and beverages.


  • No Two Story Motel In Pine Arizona.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The proposed two story motel in Pine AZ is not in the Spirit, Aesthetics, or Harmony of the Pine-Strawberry Community Plan written by its citizens and given to the Gila County Government of the State of Arizona. First and foremost if this 2 story motel is built it will set a precedent, others will follow and the old town charm and appearance of Pine will be lost forever. A myriad of other negative issues exist. Water is scarce in these communities, sewer and septic, more traffic, too close to a nearby school. Pine and Strawberry together have 170 VRBO and Airbnb or more that is in addition to already existing motels and cabins. This motel is not needed or wanted. I urge all who are against this motel to sign this petition.

    Vincent Saccio

  • Retire #21 from the Arizona Cardinals Organization

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Red Sea! We can not allow history to repeat itself again. Faces come and go all the time but it is a select few that we remember for their on and off the field contributions. Those rare individuals have been rewarded in the past by having their jersey retired and unfortunately some have not. Patrick Peterson is one of those unique individuals that stood out for this organization during his 10 year tenure and truly does deserve to have #21, HIS number retired and to never be worn again by another person in an Arizona Cardinals uniform. To Micheal Bidwill and the Arizona Cardinals organization, do the right thing and reward this man who gave his all every single down for this team with more than just a Ring of Honor spot.

    P.S. At the very minimum don’t be handing it out like you do #90, 93 and etc. Treat 21 like 24. Do not give it out.

  • Get Cameras in the University of Arizona's Parking Garages

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    There have been too many incidences of crime, theft, and murder in the University of Arizona's parking garages that have resulted in no changes on campus. There must be a push for more safety precautions to be taken in the parking garages, and a simple start would be putting up security cameras near every exit and entrance in each garage. A step further would be putting up cameras on every level of the garage. This is a small change that can make a big difference.

    Every student should feel safe on campus.

  • Arizona Catalytic Converter Laws

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Call to action for the Arizona senate, house of representatives, governor, city of council and other government bodies to implement laws to help prevent and catch the rise in catalytic converter thefts. Some of the proposals include:

    1. Requiring ID's and requiring scrap dealers to record information of anyone selling catalytic converters.

    2. Paying out in checks rather than cash.

    3. Police sting operations to catch scrap dealers not following the laws.

    4. Requiring car manufacturers to do a better job of preventing this theft

    5. Allowing victims of catalytic converter thefts to pass emissions for 2021-2023 due to the high cost of replacing these items and the economic impact of covid-19.

    Please share and email to the Arizona senate, house, governor and city council members.

  • #RemovePaulGosar - Protect our Constitution.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    #RemovePaulGosar from Congress. By refusing to recognize the results of the certified election and supporting allegations without evidence Congressman Paul Gosar encouraged the terrorists and seditionists disrupting our constitutional process.

    Furthermore Paul Gosar encouraged the rally that stormed the capital building and continues to agitate against the norms of our democratic republic.

    Through these actions Congressman Paul Gosar has shown that he is not fit to protect the constitution and needs removed from his congressional role.

    As current constituents of Paul Gosar in Yavapai County we are asking for petition signatures from residents of Arizona CD 4, Arizonans, and Americans to call on current members of Congress to refuse to seat Paul Gosar.

    If no consequence is given for seditious acts they will continue and the fabric of our country will unravel. We will submit these signatures to the Arizona Congressional Delegation and urge our local elected officials in his congressional district to reject the dangerous political insurrection fostered by Paul Gosar. The most effective way to remove his toxic influence from Congress is to not allow him to be seated in the 117th Congress.

    The Yavapai County Democratic Party

  • Stop the proposed ban, or restrictions on trail cameras in Arizona.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We oppose any further restriction or ban of trail cameras in the state of Arizona.

    The Arizona Game and Fish Commission and Department refuses to listen to the majority of hunters who do not want any further restrictions or banning of the use of trail cameras. Their claims of public safety concerns are an outright lie as there aren't sufficient documented cases of violent contact over the placing or using of a trail camera to deem this trivial issue is an actual "increasing threat of breach of peace as social media surrounding the use of trail cameras indicate potential for violent confrontation." This falsification they used to open "Emergency Rulemaking" flies in the face of the Governor's executive orders on rulemaking restrictions and should immediately end this rulemaking request/session. Since when do we write laws based on social media arguments?

    This rule will also force upon AZGFD law enforcement officers a regulatory burden, administrative delays, and cause legal uncertainties with the enforcement of it. It will waste their time. This also flies in the face of the Governor's executive order on rulemaking restrictions.

    Their claims of using a trail camera interferes with "the principals of fair chase" are not backed by any respected hunting organization in America such as Pope & Young, Boone & Crockett, Safari Club International, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Dallas Safari Club, Buckmasters, National Wild Turkey Federation, and more. Trail cameras do not guarantee a successful hunt. Animals are not 100% full-proof patternable based on past photographic evidence. A trail camera is only a tool to help scout for areas with the best concentrations of animals. It helps identify the most mature animals to be harvested, which actually fits perfectly with the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.

    Their claims that trail cameras, and hunters checking on them, restricts wildlife's access to (and use of) water are completely unfounded and based on opinion only. There is no scientific proof of this. If placed trail cameras and checking them caused this, then why do sportsmen and women who use trail cameras get so many pictures of wildlife?

    Their claims that conflicts exist with ranching lessees and landowners because cattle are being restricted to use of water is also a lie. Once again, anyone who has used trail cameras will verify that plenty of cattle show up on pictures as well, normally right after a camera has been reset. Ranching lessee partners with the Arizona Game and Fish Department have the obligation to share public land with hunters, just like hunters must share public land with them.

    This proposed trail camera ban is an outright, gross overreach of authority. It is based on opinions of a minority few within the Arizona Game and Fish Department itself who want everyone to pursue game "The way our ancestors hunted." That philosophy just cannot be forced upon everyone in the technological era we are in, simply because a few of the managing individuals in the Arizona Game and Fish Department want it that way. We are a democracy in this state and country, not a benign dictatorship.

    Any rule or law being proposed is discriminatory in that it is pinpointed at hunters only, allowing anyone else in the public to use trail cameras without restriction. This is a violation of Article 2, Section 13 of the State of Arizona Constitution which says "No law shall be enacted granting to any citizen, class of citizens, or corporation other than municipal, privileges or immunities which, upon the same terms, shall not equally belong to all citizens or corporations" therefore making this law/rule not only discriminatory, but also unconstitutional.

    We ask that Governor Doug Ducey, and the Governor's Regulatory Review Council strike down any further rule regarding trail cameras.

  • Make masks optional not required in schools.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    With teachers being one of the first groups to be vaccinated, lower COVID cases, and no longer a mask mandate in Arizona and Governor Ducey rescinded the Executive Order on masks in schools. Parents now have the right to choose if they want to send their child to school with out a mask. As per A.R.S. 1-601 “The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, healthcare, and mental health of their children is a fundamental right,” continued in A.R.S. 1-602, “all parental rights are reserved to a parent of a minor child with out abstraction or interference from the state, any political subdivision of this state, any other governmental entity or any other institution, including right to direct the moral or religious training of the minor child, and right to make healthcare decisions for the minor child, including rights pursuant with A.R.S. 15-873, 36-2271, and 36-2272

    (This is not a petition supporting the Covid vaccine)

  • NFL Retire Pat Tillman’s #40 League-Wide

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    September 11, 2001 is the deadliest terrorist attack in human history. A day that has forever changed the landscape of the United States of America and the world.

    In the hours following the attack, President George W. Bush said:

    “Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended.”

    The call to defend our nations freedom was answered by many.

    This year, as we approach the 20 year anniversary of September 11, 2001, it is my goal to attempt to honor one specific American who answered this call.

    Patrick Daniel Tillman Jr., Pat Tillman, was a player in National Football League (NFL), playing for the Arizona Cardinals from 1998-2001 and left his football career and enlisted in the United States Army in May 2002 in the wake of the September 11th attacks.

    ‘On the evening of April 22, 2004, Pat’s unit was ambushed as it traveled through the rugged, canyon terrain of eastern Afghanistan. His heroic efforts to provide cover for fellow soldiers as they escaped from the canyon led to his untimely and tragic death via fratricide.’

    **It is my goal to have the NFL retire Pat Tillman’s jersey No. 40 league wide in honor of the 20th anniversary of 09-11-2001 and Pat Tillman’s ultimate sacrifice he made as a result of this day.

    They say ‘a man is not dead while his name is still spoken.’

    It is my hope that for the rest of time, anytime an unknown person enters an NFL stadium, they will see TILLMAN 40 hanging from the rafters and his story will have to be told and his name will continue to be spoken.**