• Declare Racism A Public Health Crisis In Connecticut

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Black, Brown and Indigenous people in Connecticut and across the country need you to stand up, speak up and show up!!

    Let Governor Ned Lamont know that racism is a public health emergency and needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY!!

    A bill to Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis In CT has been introduced within the Joint Committee on Public Health by Senator Saud Anwar, 3rd District (Proposed S.B. No. 55 Session Year 2021).

    This petition will be sent to Governor Ned Lamont, the CT General Assembly and the Joint Committee on Public Health, urging members to raise this bill for a public hearing and Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis in CT.

    Declaring Racism a Public Health Crisis in CT is an important step in the movement to advance racial equity and justice. This declaration will put a focus on systems and structures to help identify racist ideals that are woven into policies in areas such as housing, employment, education, the justice system and healthcare. This is needed in order for us to fight for the necessary funds, resources and services to address and eradicate systemic racism.

    Join Power Up CT and show your support by signing this petition to Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis in Connecticut! Please repost and share as much as you’d like!


  • UARK Spring Break 2021

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    As seen in a recent email sent out to all of the University of Arkansas, spring break 2021 has been taken away. I as well as others believe that it should be added back into the schedule. Spring break is a time in the second semester that students use to have a break from school. Taking this break away from the students is causing us to go the second semester with only small one or two day breaks at three points in the semester. The one to two day breaks are very helpful in lieu of the normal week long break, but a week long break is much more refreshing.

    The University of Arkansas is taking away spring break because of COVID-19. March 2021 is five months away. The virus could very well be under control by then. It is far too early to decide if spring break occurs or not. It is also contradicting the choice the University of Arkansas made to combine fall break with Thanksgiving break. In a normal year the school will give us two small breaks, one for fall break and one for Thanksgiving. These two breaks were combined into one large break, so that is completely opposite of how spring break was handled. Once again, the virus could be much more under control by March 2021.

    The students of the University of Arkansas always enjoy having a week off in March. We are asking that spring break be put back into the schedule for the spring semester. Thank you.

  • Firing and loss of license to teach of Karla Lassiter

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Karla Lasiter, a teacher at Crystal Hill elementary in North Little Rock Arkansas,forced a child to clean out a toilet containing feces with his bare hands. Whether racially motivated or not it is clear this was done to humiliate the child, something a teacher should never aim for. Further she has put this childs health at risk, as this act is extremely unsanitary. She is currently under investigation while on administrative leave. What is being investigated is not known as she admitted to the act both to the family of the child and the principal. This cannot go unpunished. This petition is to call for the firing of Karla Lasiter and further the loss of license to teach in the state of Arkansas. Please feel free to research further before signing but I implore you please sign. If she is to go unpunished it will set back the fight against teachers and their abuse of power in schools against students, especially POC students. Thank you.

  • Lift the Abortion Ban in Arkansas

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Arkansas has banned abortion almost totally. The only way to get an abortion in Arkansas is if you are going to be harmed if you have a baby. This does not include cases like rape or incest.

    This is abhorrent. People with uteri deserve better treatment than this from the Arkansas government. Whether the fetus is alive or not does not matter, because abortion is a question of bodily autonomy. Bodily autonomy is a human right and banning it is unconstitutional.

    If Asa Hutchinson truly cared about children, he would care about the children who are victims of rape and incest who would need to be able to have access to abortion. However, he does not. All he cares about is controlling the bodies of those he perceives to be women. This is pure misogyny.

  • Save the Animals at Wild Wilderness Safari, Gentry Arkansas

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Small rusty cages. Monkeys singled out in jail cells, pacing back and forth like they've lost their minds for a long time. No water food or enrichment of any kind. Wild animals forced to stand on concrete their own feces, dirt, etc. A full-grown beautiful peacock living in a chicken coop with one chicken, unable to spread it's beautiful colors, pacing just like the monkeys. There were small boars escaping their "enclosure" and running under passing vehicles. In the "walk-through" portion, guests were able to reach up and touch a giraffe with zero staff nearby watching the situation. Not to mention again, the tiny space the giraffe had to exist in. These are the most depressed animals I've ever laid my eyes on. This is the Wild Wilderness Safari in Gentry, Arkansas.

    I came here hoping for a wonderful time with my family on Sunday June 13, 2021 but instead left in tears.. I had no idea this is what it was. I should've done more research. All the years and years of reports, investigations, fines, etc. It is still running and I cannot comprehend what I have just seen and why this is happening in 2021.

    This establishment has been reported and reviewed time and time again, PETA has gotten involved, the USDA most likely has hundreds of complaints sent in over the years. A quick internet search will tell you about the bear and the pony, animals sold and subsequently skinned, a baby lion cub choking on its collar, the poor living conditions and the untrained staff, numerous fines being settled.. but the place is still open for business. I am so deeply upset not only at what I saw, but that we contributed to this by paying them. My heart is breaking for these animals. If the animals had a voice they would be screaming for help! We have to come together and speak for them. If this angers and upsets you as much as it does to me, please sign this petition!

    It's 2021 and it's time to end this once and for all. How many complaints and careless deaths is it going to take? There are sprawling fields of animal sanctuaries in the United States, conservation groups focused on the well-being and health of animals over any profit, powerful voices that could change these living beings lives forever!!

  • Street Legal SXS Arkansas

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Petitioning to provide a path to getting a side by side Street Legal. As long as vehicles are modified to comply with equipment requirements as set forth under Chapters 36 and 37 of Title 27 of the Arkansas Code:

    27-36-209 Head Lamps

    27-36-215 Tail Lights and Reflectors

    27-36-216 Signal Lights and Signal Devices

    27-37-702 Seat Belts

    27-37-202 Horns and warning devices

    27-37-301 Safety Glass Mandatory - Windshield

    27-37-303 Windshield Wipers Required

    27-37-305 Rearview Mirrors

    27-37-401 Only pneumatic rubber tires permitted

    27-37-501 Brakes

    27-37-601 Noise or smoke producing devices prohibited

    As long as a vehicle meets these requirements, we should be able to drive them on public roads and highways. Additionally if one is obeying Arkansas State, County, and local Traffic Laws as well we should be able to Street Legal them.

    Please sign my petition and pass it along.

    Thank You

    If this site asks you for donation do it at your leasure, but know me or anyone associated with this petition will not receive any money.only the people that run the website

  • Reinstate the University of Arkansas Title IX Student Advisory Board

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual trauma

    Over the past several months, it has become increasingly clear that the University of Arkansas does not take the issues of sexual trauma and abuse on campus seriously. Between mass emails that clearly victim blame, hollow commitments to sexual assault awareness, a lack of accountability for fraternities, and most recently awarding a student responsible for rape $20,000 due to "Title IX revisions under the Trump Administration".

    These are all unacceptable actions. The Title IX Office formerly had a student advisory board that would advise and educate them on how to carry out Title IX issues on a campus-wide basis. This board was not renewed for the 2020-2021 school year. This petition is to put pressure on the University of Arkansas and the UARK Title IX Office to reinstate this board so that student's voices are heard thoroughly and properly.

  • Duchenne MD should be considered a total disability and qualify for AR waiver at birth.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Duchenne Muscular is an inherited disorder of progressive muscular weakness, typically found in boys. Girls can be carriers and mildly affected, but DMD typically affects boys. For boys with Duchenne the average life expectancy is age 26.

    Our son Christian was diagnosed with Duchenne at age 4. We applied for Arkansas Waiver when he was 6 years old knowing there was a 10 year wait list. By age 16 we knew Christian was likely going to be wheelchair bound as most boys with DMD are unable to walk by 10-12 years old. We got denied year after year of applying for waiver. We were told he didn’t “meet the criteria, he was too mobile.”

    After fighting for 5-6 years we finally got Christian approved to be on the Arkansas waiver 10 year wait list.

    Christian is almost 17 years old and is not expected to be off the wait list until he is around age 22.

    We have been unable to access the benefits of having equipment in our home for the care of our now almost 17 year old son. We have have had to appeal, and fight an what seems to be an endless battle to make ours and our child’s life easier. We have had to pay out of pocket for things that waiver would have paid for.

    I am currently trying to get a change made in the process for boys with Duchenne or ANY OTHER PROGRESSIVE TERMINAL DISEASE who apply for Arkansas waiver. A progressive disease sometimes cannot be seen in a child, but can be proven through genetic testing. Those children should not have to do without just because at the time of the application the child is not In crisis.

    Please sign this, so I can send these signatures to the Governor. It may not be done in time to help our son, but we can try to help all the other children in Arkansas who have struggled like we have with the Waiver process.

  • Investigation on Entergy Arkansas

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    There are many people having a hard time during this pandemic. And to make things worse no just me but close friends are seeing huge unfair jumps on there Entergy bill. Mine has almost doubled. Along with many other Arkansas. We need an investigation on how our funding and billing is being handled through Entergy arkansas.

  • Arkansas Father Unlawfully Convicted For Decades, Illegally Confined Seeks Justice

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Imagine being emotionally kidnapped, beat and broken. Then leaving scars on the hearts and minds of the ones that love and adore you and depend on you the most. Have you ever had a child crying for you? Only to want a hug, guidance or simply to look you in the eyes and say "I love you". Do you know how it feels to not be able to kiss your mother one last time, before giving her her last rose before placing her in the ground.


    you know how it feels to carry around a broken heart cuz you're buried alive and so far away and lonely to the extent that it feels like it's raining. An, The sun never even wants to come out and play. My beloved readers, the illegal confinement of the system has torn my soul away.....

    Greetings My Beloved Reader's,

    I would like to expose the ,(illegal Confinement )that the courts of Fort Smith Arkansas have caused and educate the public on a realistic civil rights and obligated Constitution duty that's been unfairly enforced by the judicial committee of Fort Smith, Arkansas.

    I asked that after you read my post that you sign my petition and share my story because it's wrong to take a father away from his family illegally and ignore the wrong that's been enforced by law enforcement.

    However, I am currently serving a lengthy sentence of (122yrs) on one gram drug charges. Yes, The sentences are excessive but not only that, the sentences are completely "illegal" why you may be wondering now.....

    In Fact, I was arrested, and taken into custody without a warrant for my arrest.

    "The Law States","The vast majority of arrested for felonies'', however, are without first seeking a warrant,(Yale kamisar, et. al. Modern criminal procedures 10) (13th edition 2012) In Gerstein, this Court held that though "a policeman's on-the-scene assessment of probable cause provides legal justification for arresting a person suspect of a crime and for a brief period of detention to take the administrative steps incidents to arrest."420 U.S. at 113-114, the fourth amendment requires "a fair and reliable determination of probable cause as a condition for any significant pretrial restraint of Liberty, "one that must be made by a judicial officer either before or promptly after arrest.," id. at 125)see also, County of Riverside V. Mclaughlin, 500 U.S. 44,55-57(1991)( the Gerstien determination must generally be made within 48 hours of the defendant's arrest.)

    What this means, police can arrest a person without a warrant but they have (48) hours after you are in the police station to go in front of some judge, and swear in some written evidence that the judge can rely on, to have the court clerk issue a warrant for the person, the police has in the police station.

    Now, If the police fails to submit an "Affidavit of Probable Cause Determination", which is the written evidence, to the prosecutor, whom in return duty is to take the information to the judge, for his approval.

    The person arrested, is now arrested in violation of "The binding contract" of the United States Constitution, Fourth amendment, 14th amendment and the "Supremacy Clause" of article (6) which, is the agreement that all law enforcement take pledging that they'll do anything within the boundaries of the Constitution.

    Again, In the same landmark case, of Gerstein the justice of peace (Magistrate, Judge) would 'examine' the prisoner and the witness to determine whether there was reason to believe the prisoner had committed a crime. If there was, the suspect would be committed to jail or bail pending trial. If not, he would be discharged from custody. (1 M. Hale, supra, at 583-586; 2 W. Hawkins, supra, at 116-119; 1 J. Stephen, History of the Criminal of England 233)(1883).

    Which means, If the court fails to complete this process, any further confinement would be illegal. The person should be allowed to go free.

    When the courts have failed to complete the administrative process to invoke any jurisdiction (authority), to start a criminal proceeding or any Court proceeding, it has no power to enforce any sentence at all, because the sentence would be considered void.

    The illegal proceedings as described above that have been committed to me, Sharvelt Mister. In return, it has caused the detourmet of my complete life. I have attempted to bring this to the courts of Fort Smith, Arkansas attention by myself for quite a while now. The Arkansas court of Fort Smith has been systematically denying me everytime, by finding ways of either filing my petitions late or just denying me without a valid reason.

    However,My family is a minority group of lovable people, Who must support the children and take care of home. Before, attempting to pull the little

    income that's coming in together, to hire an attorney to protect my "Civil Rights"unfortunately....

    As the late great, Honorable," Mr. Johnny Cochran" once stated, "If allowed to practice criminal law in the "State of Arkansas", he could free 90% of Arkansas inmates on constitutional violations alone.

    (Question)If this statement was made in the mid-90s why is (2021) and the "State of Arkansas" still engaging in the same corrupt legal practices?...

    The "Bill of Rights" guarantees to every citizen born in the United States that the government would not use its powers in certain ways. In which, are the 1st to the 10th amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

    From the introduction of the Fourth amendment, which, in this instant case, is the particular part of the "Bill of Rights" that's in violation.


    "The power to cause an arrest Sept 8 1818, 1 Op. Gen. 229 quotes "The president has no authority to cause an arrest to be made except probable cause supported by oath or affirmation." 1818,1 Op. Gen.229

    Now, What this means, Not even the "President" has no power to keep someone seized or incarcerated without the approval of a judge.

    In conclusion,

    I asked that you review the document material evidence attached to the profile photos of me and my wonderful children. One, is the invoice from the circuit Court clerk stating, no warrant was issued. And the second exhibit is the document from the court clerk Stating, there are no affidavits probable cause determination that appears nowhere in the record.

    Meaning "no" judge approved and gave the clerk the okay to issue a warrant to legalize the continuous arrest or seizure.

    Therefore, My dear reader, Again imagine, How would you feel knowing you're illegally fine for (122yrs.) on a 1 gram drug charge? Your family is passing away and your children are getting lost in a world without your guidance, touch or support.

    Is this how we better a community or is this how we allow the Injustice of the criminal Justice system to break a generation down for the worst?

    When we should be working together to create a better tomorrow.

    Ask yourself, could you watch your brother, father, son, nephew or friend do a life sentence in numbers just for trying to support his family at a young age, growing up in a low income community?

    My readers and friends,fdd I thank you and my most humblest voice for your time, patience for reviewing and reading my petition in my fight for justice.

    I asked, if you believe the issue should be addressed by the Justice department or the President. Please electronically sign my petition…

    I pray you have a beautiful and blessed day....

    Sincerely, Sharvelt Mister


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On March 10, 2021, the Arkansas House of Representatives passed HB1570 - TO CREATE THE ARKANSAS SAVE ADOLESCENTS FROM EXPERIMENTATION (SAFE) ACT.

    This Act does NOT protect anyone! Instead, it prohibits transgender Arkansas youth from receiving hormone therapy or doctors' referrals even with a parent's consent.

    According to The Trevor Project’s 2020 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health, more than half (52%) of transgender and nonbinary youth seriously considered suicide in the past year. Research demonstrates that gender-affirming social, MEDICAL, and legal interventions for transgender and nonbinary youth have positive effects on mental health and overall well-being while decreasing depressive symptoms and suicidality.

    The Supreme Court has overwhelmingly ruled in favor of parents' rights to care for and make decisions on behalf of their children. HB 1570 seeks to infringe upon those rights.

    By signing this petition, we implore the Arkansas Senate to reject this injurious legislation and protect the health and welfare of Arkansas' transgender youth.

    Start a petition of your own
    This petition starter stood up and took action. Will you do the same?
    Start a petition


    50,048 of 100,000 signatures


    Your Honor,

    My name is Shannon Sorg, I am the sister of Kimberly Sorg. I would like to address the court and express my extreme concern for the request of lowering Lex Currie's bail by any amount.

    Lex Currie killed two individuals that were pillars in the community on December 1st 2020 tragically shattering all of our lives. To say I am traumatized by the experience would be an absolute understatement. There are no words to describe the suffering that my family and I are enduring every day and will endure for the rest of our lives after Lex’s reckless behavior of driving intoxicated.

    Lex is a danger to society and has a history of charges that have been dismissed. Please do not show any leniency due to the severity of him killing two individuals. Because of Lex I am truly fearful of life every single day. The idea that he could have his bail reduced utterly terrifies me.

    Today I am begging that no lesser amount of bail is extended to Lex. He is a danger to himself and all of us in the community outside jail walls. I am also extremely concerned that Lex will harm himself and potentially take his own life if given the opportunity.

    Your honor, this is also Lex Currie's Instagram page; he has no regard for others in society. His caption on his profile is “From the bottom of my heart I really want to take this chance to apologize…TO ABSOLUTELY NOBODY”.

    Kimberly Sorg was a kind, intelligent, loving 24 year old and was just about to accomplish her dream of becoming a Nurse. Lex killed her weeks before her graduation. Michelle was a loving wife, and mother of 3, she practiced holistic medicine and was a caregiver to her paraplegic son. They do not deserve to be gone and will be painfully missed by all of us forever.

    Please do not lower Lex Currie’s bail by any amount.

    Shannon Sorg

  • Open up Lake Pleasant to Night Fishing and Shoreline Camping like pre pandemic conditions

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Outdoor enthusiasts, AZ Fishing Community, All AZ boaters and sportsmen and their families and everybody else who loves OUR Lakes and Parks. Please sign this petition as your vote to open up Lake Pleasant to Night Fishing and Shoreline Camping as we were doing prior to the pandemic. OUR Governor has opened up the State and announced the expiration of “specific occupancy percentage limitations”. As citizens of OUR Great State of Arizona we request that you open up our Lakes and Parks effective immediately without any restrictions such as only open from 6AM to 8PM and allow night use, open North Ramp 7 days a week and shoreline camping on Lake Pleasant.

  • Ban on single-use plastic straws in the state of Arizona

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Only about 9% of the plastic we use is actually recyclable. Most plastics just end up in the oceans or in landfills. Plastic is not biodegradable, it breaks down in as little as one year, resulting in the release of toxic chemicals, including BPA (bisphenol A), into the ocean. Plastic straws are non-biodegradable, meaning that it can’t be naturally broken down by decomposers. Straws also aren’t accepted by recycling facilities because they can jam recycling machinery, due to their small size. Thus, plastic straws can’t be recycled. We need to start with a single-use plastic ban, this is why I am petitioning for the state of Arizona to ban the use of disposable plastic straws. Disposable straws contribute 2,000 tons of plastic, and straws account for 4% of the number of pieces of plastic waste in marine environments. The most notable benefit is reduced death and injury to wildlife due to choking or internal injury resulting from the consumption of plastic straws. When animals ingest plastic, it clogs up their digestive systems, which can easily choke or kill animals like birds or sea turtles. The elimination of straws also greatly reduces environmental contamination and litter. This ban will reduce the number of plastic straws polluting the ocean.

  • Help protect the rights and stability of Older Adults in Arizona

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    SB1373 is removing the safety net EMS provides to Older Adults by shifting the duty of care from an EMT (medical professionals), and putting it on the Caregiver (non medical professionals) in a non medical care home, this will cause more harm than good to the Older Adult.

    VOTE NO on SB1373 and protect the Rights and Stability of Older Adults living in Residential Care Homes. Help us protect the rights and stability of Older Adults living in Residential Care Homes

    Residents of Residential Care Homes should not be forced to do without that safety net simply because they no longer reside alone – especially given the fact that residing in a Residential Care Home usually results in their needing emergency medical services less frequently than if they were living alone. Pursuant to Arizona Department of Health Services rules and regulations regarding resident rights, Residents of Residential Care Homes have the right to receive, among other things, emergency care the same as any other member of the general public. Moving the safety net from EMTS to caregivers violates this right as it results in restricted access for them just because they are in a Residential Care Home.

    In Opposition of SB1373:

    Arizona Assisted Living Homes Association, American Health Care Association, Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, Arizona Leading Age, AZ Assisted Living Federation of America, Romanian American Chamber of Commerce AZ Chapter, Professional Association of Senior Referral Specialists, Residential Assisted Living National Association, INtouch Senior Services, Families Against Senior Citizen Abuse (FASCA), Quail Run, Montgomery & Associates


    What is a Residential Care Home? The Arizona Department of Health and Human Services calls us Residential Care Homes or Assisted Living Homes. The Arizona Board of Nursing Care Institution Administrators and Assisted Living Facility Managers calls us Assisted Living Facilities. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services include us under the heading of Home and Community Based Settings. Most zoning boards call us, simply, group homes (not to be confused with Group
    Homes under Arizona Department of Health and Human Services rules which are homes for the developmentally disabled).
    We have so many different designations and titles in so many different settings that it can be a little difficult to know exactly what is meant by Residential Care Home. We understand it to mean a home licensed to care for 10 or fewer individuals whose residents are people (mostly elderly) who, for a variety of reasons, cannot or choose not to continue living on their own. In a Residential Care Home, someone else does the cooking and cleaning. That same someone else helps residents remember to take their medicines on time and helps them remember not to take too much or too little of it. That same someone else helps residents dress, bathe, groom, and provides whatever other assistance with the activities of daily life they need. That same someone else provides companionship and may occasionally provide transportation to and from a variety of appointments. However, what that someone else does NOT do is just as important as what that someone else does do. That someone else is called a caregiver, and a caregiver does not, and is not allowed by Arizona Department of Health and Human Services rule to, provide medical care because caregivers do not have either the pre-job or on-the-job training to provide medical care. Because of this, we believe SB1373 will cause more harm than good to residents in Residential Care Homes.

    There are several rules that require caregivers in Residential Care Homes to rely on medical professionals for the provision of medical care to their residents. If a resident appears to be having a reaction to a medication, a caregiver cannot, unilaterally, decide to stop said medication. The resident’s primary (medical) care provider must be consulted. A medical professional must give the
    ok to alter medication orders. If a resident appears to have any kind of ailment, a caregiver cannot decide how to treat that ailment. The resident’s primary care provider must be consulted and advise on a course of treatment. A caregiver can no more diagnose, treat, or determine medical issues than any other lay person. A caregiver cannot even officially determine that a resident is deceased. Hospice nurses, primary care doctors, hospital staff, police, EMTs, and other medical professionals must make that determination. Additionally, residents in Residential Care Homes are frailer than the general public and suffer from a variety of underlying health conditions that make them less likely to be able to survive CPR. 100 compressions per minute for the average 9 minutes it takes EMS to show up means that an elderly woman with brittle bones due to advanced osteoporosis will have a healthy adult pushing on her chest 900 times while they wait for EMS. Caregivers in Residential Care Homes must take such situation into consideration before being forced to immediately perform CPR.

    In the small home settings of Residential Care Homes, the performance of CPR is about as common as in the general public. It is possible that is even less common than in the general public because of two facts. First, caregivers must be in such constant contact with medical professionals that, often, residents are already on the way to the hospital before CPR is even warranted. Second, most elderly people in these settings have underlying medical issues that often result in them being placed in hospice care. When that happens, they often sign do not resuscitate orders. If there is an issue, hospice is called, and a medical professional makes the determination as to what should be done next.
    Because caregivers of Residential Care Homes are required to perform it so rarely, though they are trained in it, caregivers in a Residential Care Home have about as much of a command on when (and how) to perform it as any other lay person. Placing on a caregiver an affirmative duty to act (the same affirmative duty that is placed on EMTs who perform CPR so routinely they could do it with their eyes closed) is tantamount to putting that same duty on any other lay person who happens to be trained in CPR and first aid. It will result in caregivers who are wary to perform CPR for fear that they will perform it incorrectly and suffer legal consequences. This is precisely why we have Good Samaritan laws for the general public, and this means this bill will result in CPR being performed less often – not more often.

    EMTs exist to provide a safety net to the general public in emergency (and some non-emergency) situations. This bill seeks to take that safety net and move it from the shoulders of EMTs (medical professionals) and place it on the shoulders of caregivers (non-medical professionals). Being trained in CPR and first aid does not confer on caregivers the ability to provide medical care or make medical care related determinations and decisions such as when to perform CPR and when not to perform CPR in each situation. Thus, a caregiver must rely on emergency medical services to assist in an emergency, the same as any other lay person If that safety net is removed, the elderly residents in the care of caregivers will end up being the ones who suffer. Caregivers will start hesitating to call 911 for fear of failing an affirmative duty and going to jail.

    Furthermore, the state has received has no reports or statistics from Fire Departments, EMS, NEMSIS or AZ Piers indicating that caregivers in Residential Care Homes (as defined above) are refusing to do CPR. All indications are that these problems are occurring in larger settings. This appears to be an education issue, not a legislation issue. Accordingly, we stand ready, willing, and able to create community meetings and educational programs to prevent this from becoming an issue in our industry.
    Finally, this bill puts Residential Care Home residents’ right to stability at risk. Residential Care Homes are unique in that, most of the time, the owner is the manager, is the caregiver, is the chief cook and bottle washer. The one individual does everything and occasionally hires help to give themselves some time off. If that one individual is wrongfully accused of failing the affirmative duty of care, their fingerprint card will likely be revoked, their Residential Care Home license will be suspended, and all their residents will be relocated. If they are proven to be wrongfully accused and appropriately reinstated, even within a week, the damage will have been done. The residents in their
    care will have to adjust to a major change – something that is very difficult for the frailer elderly folks often found in Residential Care Homes. Transitional trauma causes anxiety, confusion, depression, and hopelessness. It is usually best, as much as possible, in these situations to allow these folks to age in place.

  • #FundAzSPED

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    With a projected ongoing budget surplus of $1.2 billion dollars in 2022, Arizona’s elected leaders have the opportunity to close the $250 million funding gap for the Arizona Early Intervention Program and K-12 Special Education services.

    In April, lawmakers voted to protect fetuses with genetic abnormalities that would likely result in a disability. We are now calling on those legislators to fully fund services for early intervention and K-12 special education to ensure that children with disabilities have the opportunity to grow into healthy, independent adults.

    In 2020, services for children with disabilities faced a $250 million funding gap for early intervention and special education services birth through 22 years.

    An internal audit showed that DES/DDD is underfunded by $150 million dollars per year, and Arizona Early Intervention program rate pay is 80% below benchmark rates. K-12 special education services are under-funded by more than $100 million per year.

    As parents and community members, we want Governor Ducey and legislators to:

    Commit to full funding for the Arizona Early Intervention Program on an ongoing basis.
    Provide $100 million in the 2021-22 school year to fully fund the special education gap by funding the weights identified in SB 1189 and allocating the remaining funds for services provided by district and charter schools in Arizona every other year.
    Mandate special education cost study every two years.
    Commit to full funding for special education services based on the findings of the special education cost study.
    #FundAzSPED NOW

  • Petition YouTube: Stop Helping Police Abusers To Profit From Harassment and Threats!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Day after day, videocamera vigilantes who call themselves “police auditors” abuse police officers and obstruct law enforcement investigations on the streets of Tucson and other cities around the United States.

    This abuse is more than distasteful and dangerous: The auditors post videos and livestreams on YouTube, monetizing the videos and earning ad revenue by abusing police.

    The Arizona Fraternal Order of Police has created its own video detailing exactly what’s happening on a daily basis.

    You can see the CENSORED video here: https://youtu.be/T4nRt3sN-IM

    You can see the UNCENSORED video (NOTE: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC LANGUAGE) here: https://youtu.be/zvpsLcHtq3g

    Please sign the Arizona FOP petition asking YouTube and its owners at Google Inc. to prevent these abusers from monetizing their videos and earning ad revenues by harassing our officers.

    “It’s disgraceful that YouTube allows these non-journalists to profit from abusing and threatening police officers and distracting cops while we’re working to protect the public in the middle of 911 emergencies,” said Paul Sheldon, the president of the Arizona Fraternal Order of Police and a Tucson police officer for 21 years. “Night after night, this practice continues to go on, making the public less safe and creating an extreme hardship for police officers whose job is hard enough without being cursed at and threatened by vigilantes with video cameras.”