• Tell New York State to Stop Killing Horseshoe Crabs for Bait or Blood!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Right now, the Atlantic Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus) is under threat in New York State.

    Over 150,000 horseshoe crabs, mostly thousands of mature females as they are larger than males, are being killed in New York State to use as bait for both the American eel and whelk or conch fisheries.

    Horseshoe crabs are also being harvested in New York State for their blood by the biomedical industry that bleeds approximately 417,700 crabs along the US Atlantic coast, of which at least 15 percent or 61,500 crabs, but probably a lot more, die during the process.

    Horseshoe crabs are important for the ecology of New York coastal communities. Their eggs are a major food source for several species of threatened shorebirds migrating north, including the Red Knot (Calidris canutus rufa), a threatened species that has declined by 80 percent in the last 10 years due to food shortages during spring migration from a diminishing horseshoe crab population.

    In 2019, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission evaluated the status of horseshoe crabs and determined the New York population has trended downward from good, to neutral, and now to poor.

    Horseshoe crabs have been on this planet for at least 445 million years. They are living fossils. Horseshoe Crabs deserve more respect than to be killed for bait or blood!

    As New York’s horseshoe crab populations drops, so does income related to bird watching and recreation! Don't let horseshoe crabs vanish!

    Please sign our petition to urge The New York State Legislature to pass Senate bill S684 and Assembly bill A07710. If passed and signed by New York Governor Kathy Hochul, these two bills will provide stricter management of horseshoe crabs to ensure that more horseshoe crab eggs will be available as a food source for birds and that horseshoe crabs are not harvested during their important spring mating season.

  • Reform for the Police Force.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Why Reform is Needed?

    Black men and boys have a 1 and 1000 chance of being killed by the police within their lifetime.
    Police have killed over 1,100 people in 2020
    There are over 20 cases of black people killed by police in 2020
    Black, Native American, and Latino men and women are more likely to be killed by police than white men and women
    Black people have a 4 out of 100,000 chance of being killed by police
    Native American people have a 3 out of 100,000 chance of being killed by police
    Latino people have a 2 out of 100,000 chance of being killed by police
    White people have a 1 out of 100,000 chance of being killed by police
    Only a third of the police who have killed people are convicted.
    Less, and fewer Americans think that police use the right amount of force and treat everyone equally.


    Please the public while keeping crime rates down, this could be done by:

    Giving the people a voice, so they can explain their situation before any action is taken
    Showing their community that they are unbiased, and care. This could be done by explaining what they are doing, and why they are doing that
    This solution has been tested on randomly assigned officers in Seattle and has shown that it leads to a reduction of force by 15% and 40%, but they arrest people less and are less likely to be involved with incidents where force has to be used.

    Change and create new policies including:

    Keeping officers on foot chases away at the end of the chase, and calling in officers not involved with the chase to arrest the person.
    This policy needs to be created because the officers on the chase are most likely adrenaline high, which makes it more likely for the officer to use an excessive amount of force. This has been used by the Las Vegas Police Department, and it led to a 23% drop in the use of force in the department.
    Officers that see their co-workers doing something wrong have to intervene.
    This solution was made by the New Orleans Police Department and is now being used in New Hampshire and Washington state as well as other cities. An example of this being used was in a protest in New Orleans, where an officer was spat in the face by a protester, and another officer held him back from attacking the protesters and escalating the situation.
    Keep a record of complaints about each officer and correct them after a certain amount of complaints.
    Create a database where cases of excessive use of force are stored, there should be the injuries that the victim got, and their race, skin color, and sex. The correction system should report officers who either:
    Receive 2 or more complaints in the past month
    Have 2 or more cases of excessive use of force in the past month
    For the officers to be corrected, they would be sent to re-train, then have them monitored for their first quarter. If an officer has to be corrected multiple times, then he will be fired.
    This policy has been implemented in many states and cities, such as Seattle, Indianapolis, Illinois, and Connecticut. The complaints in these states and cities have gone down by 50% after this policy was put in.

  • Pandemic Compensation for Bad Management and Effects on Mental Health

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    I Jermaine N Lee believe I have the right position and qualifications to start a petition at McDonalds located at 2212 Essington Rd, Joliet Illinois, 60435. The reasoning for this petition is for small compensations due to bad management skills, harassment on abilities, and vacancy of employees. I believe working is a passion, and to succeed you need a full team that is trained and prepared for work situations. Uniforms are not fully accessible to new employees and new employees are not properly trained and put in situations they are not prepared for which effects their mental health. I was told by a manager my hours will be cut due to having no hat , which I was supposed to be supplied by our general manager but he quit the next day. I was harassed about it behind my back without the supervisor or new general manager supplying me a new one. Employees that stay late, come in early, or coming in on a off day due to employee vacancy are not given an incentive from our employers. Instead we are harassed because of drive thru time and put in situations we weren't prepared for. I was called in on a Sunday and days later I was told I was going to hit overtime. Instead of congratulating me of my hard work, I was questioned if I checked the schedule and why did I come in. I answered an explained I was called in for help, I believe due to bad management skills this was not discussed with other managers, putting me in a situation I am not familiar with. Money is not the key to bring in a solution for our problem, but I believe a meeting needs to be held to point out this situation. This meeting will be valuable, but we are unable to set up since our general manager went missing. Most workers are held at to much of a high standard for pay, and managers take advantage of younger workers. Without proper uniform and training for our new employees I believe they will not be suitable for other jobs, including entry level job's making them basic workers. This McDonald's needs change and change that is proficient in hiring employees. Due to our failure to hire new employees during the pandemic, I believe we should earn compensation for our hard work and passion to keep this place running. Without our employees that aren't managers, this store would be unable to achieve goals that we do now. Our McDonalds should not have to call managers from a different location to run our store, we should have the right amount of staff at all time for situations like this. I believe with this petition we can make this McDonalds a better work experience for employees and so do my fellow employees. Thank you for reading, Jermaine N Lee.

  • Abolition and Reinstatement of the Federal Death Penalty

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Research proves that the death penalty is ineffective; it does not deter crime, and it is extremely expensive to administer. While most incarcerated individuals – on death row or otherwise – are guilty, we cannot risk executing the innocent individuals wrongfully sentenced to death. Studies by the Death Penalty Information Center show that murder rates tend to be higher in the South (where the imposition of the death penalty is the highest) compared to the Northeast United States (where the death penalty is less commonly applied). As innocence organizations across the country can attest to, the criminal justice system does not always get it right – even for the most heinous of crimes. As long as the death penalty is in place, we risk executing an innocent person. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, 165 death row inmates have been exonerated since 1973. The state of Texas executed Cameron Todd Willingham in 2004 despite strong evidence of his innocence. In 2000, Illinois Governor George Ryan placed a moratorium on the penalty after 13 men had been exonerated from death row since 1977. Following Governor Ryan’s lead, and after the state conducted extensive studies, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed a law abolishing the death penalty in 2011. The cost of capital punishment is extraordinary. Since 1978, California has spent more than $4 billion administering the death penalty, or more than $308 million per person for each of the 13 people who have been executed since the death penalty was reinstated. Conversely, it costs approximately $200,000 to $300,000 to convict and sentence an individual to life without the possibility of parole. If those sentenced to death received life sentences instead, we accomplish the same deterrent effect of the death penalty: criminals remain off the streets for the rest of their lives. The money saved could be spent on improving the criminal justice system, such as increasing public safety or providing resources to help prevent wrongful convictions.

  • Build an ice rink in Terre Haute, IN!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Terre Haute has federal funds available to use to improve the quality of life in the city/county. We think an ice rink should be part of the plan. The nearest rinks are in Indianapolis, Evansville, or Bloomington. The closest in Illinois is in Champaign. An ice rink would draw tourism from areas within an hour's drive of Terre Haute. And an ice rink can be enjoyed 12 months out of the year. Please consider adding this attraction to your discussion.

  • Make Remote Learning an Option

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Fenton High School has students wearing masks 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Constantly screaming at students and punishing them for simply pulling it below their nose to breathe for a few seconds. Remote learning should become an option again, students who want to do virtual E-Learning should have the choice to until the CDC and Illinois Government lifts the mask mandate for schools.

  • Do a reelection for the ‘fair tax law’

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    In the passed, Illinois voters have voted against the ‘fair tax law’ because they were either lied into believing that it meant that everyone would be taxed more, or they just didn’t want to tax millionaires. Because of the misinformation going around this law, it should be proposed again but actually make it clear what this law is about and it’s purpose. If this law isn’t passed is more likely that taxed will increase to the middle and lower classes.

  • It’s About Time to End Gun Violence

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    From the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012 to the Asian American hate crime shooting a few days back, gun violence has seen mild progress in the United States. Around 40,000 individuals die from gun-related injuries every year.

    Specifically, the city of Chicago is one of the leading cities in gun violence. In 2020, Chicago has seen a surge in the number of homicides, people shot, illegal guns seized, and gun arrests. Although the whole world is being affected, this drastic increase is a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic downfall that it has caused.

    The current governor, J.B. Pritzker has a strong stance on gun reform. The first week in office in 2019, he signed a law requiring state licensing of gun dealers. Although this was monumental in Illinois, it has done little to stifle the growing mortality rates. Not to mention the fact that this mortality is prone to affect primarily Black and Hispanic communities who are already lacking significant educational resources.

    Urging a law where license holders must require a genuine reason to be holding a firearm with liability insurance and enforcing court-ordered surrender of firearms, we can impede the purchasing and misuse of firearms in Chicago. Please sign this petition to encourage J.B. Pritzker to sign stricter gun reform and keep our friends and family safe!

  • HELP bring Elliot Lawson Henderson, JR from Chicago to justice

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Let’s bring Elliot Lawson Henderson, Jr. From Chicago to justice. This scammer has been a con artist for YEARS and pretends to work for American Airlines by “booking” your flights only problem is that the credit cards used are stolen or uses stolen points to “book” but when you show up at the airport “the reservation was cancelled for non payment” or “the credit card used was flagged by our fraud department”.
    Google or hashtag his name and you’ll see all the information needed. Check out the page dedicated to him on Instagram @elliothendersonscammer there’s also a Facebook group for all his victims.

    we need the Cook county’s attorney Kim Foxx to make a move on this ASAP. Let’s bring this man to face justice and give us, his victims a piece of mind. SHARE this page

  • Pass a Reparations Bill for ADOS

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On average, 59 million Americans receive welfare every month. Based on the IRS, around 160 million Americans received stimulus checks in the midst of the pandemic. What we find most interesting about the later detail is that it took congress less than a year to pass the CARES ACT. This leads the QEB FOUNDATION to wonder... are the social diseases plaguing the Black Community due to the effects of slavery not just as urgent? And given the government's due diligence in managing millions of citizens in welfare and the pandemic, set a precedent to manage reparations for the millions of Americans that make up the ADOS Community?

    In recent sessions, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee and Sen. Cory Booker have introduced bills for a commission for the study of reparations proposals (i.e. HR40). The commission shall identify (1) the role of the federal and state governments in supporting the institution of slavery, (2) forms of discrimination in the public and private sectors against freed slaves and their descendants, and (3) lingering negative effects of slavery on living African Americans and society.

    In addition, to the aforementioned politicians, several noted scholars have previously proposed estimates of the cost of reparations to ADOS. Therefore, the QEB Foundation believes what is really needed is an agreeable number and comprehensive plan for the distribution of funds. Additional research seems like another ploy to stall justified progress for ADOS. For example, changing the Anti-Lynching Bill from Dyer to Emmett Till causing it to be reintroduced into the Senate, and ultimately held up by Sen. Rand Paul.

    Enough is enough. USA needs to pay ADOS what is owed.

    QEB Foundation demands a draft of a JUNETEENTH reparations bill by JAN 3, 2022 granting every living ADOS $650,000 over a period of 65 months. ADOS should receive payments of $10,000 per month from a trust, with access over age 18 and an option to advance amounts for land, homeownership, business start-up, or education. Each trust should have a debit card attached for use on purchases. And any company participating in the "reparations" program should receive tax credit.

    In light of the pandemic, national debt and consequent economic downturn, many believe this may not be a good the time for reparations. I challenge those people to explain when it has been a "good time" for Blacks in America?

    "In 1865, after the Confederate States of America were defeated in the American Civil War, General William Tecumseh Sherman issued Special Field Orders, No. 15 to both "assure the harmony of action in the area of operations" and to solve problems caused by the masses of freed slaves, a temporary plan granting each freed family forty acres of tillable land in the sea islands and around Charleston, South Carolina for the exclusive use of black people who had been enslaved. The army also had a number of unneeded mules which were given to settlers. Around 40,000 freed slaves were settled on 400,000 acres (1,600 km²) in Georgia and South Carolina. However, President Andrew Johnson reversed the order after Lincoln was assassinated, and the land was returned to its previous owners. In 1867, Thaddeus Stevens sponsored a bill for the redistribution of land to African Americans, but it was not passed.

    Reconstruction came to an end in 1877 without the issue of reparations having been addressed. Thereafter, a deliberate movement of segregation and oppression arose in southern states. Jim Crow laws passed in some southeastern states to reinforce the existing inequality that slavery had produced. In addition white extremist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan engaged in a massive campaign of terrorism throughout the Southeast in order to keep African Americans in their prescribed social place. For decades this assumed inequality and injustice was ruled on in court decisions and debated in public discourse.

    Reparation for slavery in what is now the United States is a complicated issue. Any proposal for reparations must take into account the role of the newly formed United States government in the importation and enslavement of Africans, as well as that of the older and established European countries that created the colonies in which slavery was legal. Also relevant are their efforts to stop the trade in slaves. It must also consider if and how much modern Americans have benefited from the importation and enslavement of Africans since the end of the slave trade in 1865.

    Profit from slavery was not limited to the South: New England merchants profited from the slave trade. In a 2007 column in The New York Times, historian Eric Foner writes:

    [In] the Colonial era, Southern planters regularly purchased imported slaves, and merchants in New York and New England profited handsomely from the trade.

    The American Revolution threw the slave trade and slavery itself into crisis. In the run-up to war, Congress banned the importation of slaves as part of a broader nonimportation policy. During the War of Independence, tens of thousands of slaves escaped to British lines. Many accompanied the British out of the country when peace arrived.

    Inspired by the ideals of the Revolution, most of the newly independent American states banned the slave trade. But importation resumed to South Carolina and Georgia, which had been occupied by the British during the war and lost the largest number of slaves.

    The slave trade was a major source of disagreement at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. South Carolina’s delegates were determined to protect slavery, and they had a powerful impact on the final document. They originated the three-fifths clause (giving the South extra representation in Congress by counting part of its slave population) and threatened disunion if the slave trade were banned, as other states demanded.

    The result was a compromise barring Congress from prohibiting the importation of slaves until 1808. Some Anti-Federalists, as opponents of ratification were called, cited the slave trade clause as a reason why the Constitution should be rejected, claiming it brought shame upon the new nation....

    As slavery expanded into the Deep South, a flourishing internal slave trade replaced importation from Africa. Between 1808 and 1860, the economies of older states like Virginia came increasingly to rely on the sale of slaves to the cotton fields of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. But demand far outstripped supply, and the price of slaves rose inexorably, placing ownership outside the reach of poorer Southerners.


    Various estimates have been given if such payments were to be made. Harper's Magazine has created an estimate that the total of reparations due is over 100 trillion dollars, based on 222,505,049 hours of forced labor between 1619 and 1865, with a compounded interest of 6%. Should all or part of this amount be paid to the descendants of slaves in the United States, the current U.S. government would only pay a fraction of that cost, over 40 trillion dollars, since it has been in existence only since 1789.


    On July 30, 2008, the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution apologizing for American slavery and subsequent discriminatory laws. Some states have also apologized for slavery, including Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina. Duke University public policy professor William "Sandy" Darity said such apologies are a first step, but compensation is also necessary.


    Private institutions and corporations were also involved in slavery. On March 8, 2000, Reuters News Service reported that Deadria Farmer-Paellmann, a law school graduate, initiated a one-woman campaign making a historic demand for restitution and apologies from modern companies that played a direct role in enslaving Africans. Aetna Inc. was her first target because of their practice of writing life insurance policies on the lives of enslaved Africans with slave owners as the beneficiaries. In response to Farmer-Paellmann's demand, Aetna Inc. issued a public apology, and the "corporate restitution movement" was born.[not specific enough to verify]

    By 2002, nine lawsuits were filed around the country coordinated by Farmer-Paellmann and the Restitution Study Group—a New York non-profit. The litigation included 20 plaintiffs demanding restitution from 20 companies from the banking, insurance, textile, railroad, and tobacco industries. The cases were consolidated under 28 U.S.C. § 1407 to multidistrict litigation in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. The district court dismissed the lawsuits with prejudice, and the claimants appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

    On December 13, 2006, that Court, in an opinion written by Judge Richard Posner, modified the district court's judgment to be a dismissal without prejudice, affirmed the majority of the district court's judgment, and reversed the portion of the district court's judgment dismissing the plaintiffs' consumer protection claims, remanding the case for further proceedings consistent with its opinion . Thus, the plaintiffs may bring the lawsuit again, but must clear considerable procedural and substantive hurdles first:

    If one or more of the defendants violated a state law by transporting slaves in 1850, and the plaintiffs can establish standing to sue, prove the violation despite its antiquity, establish that the law was intended to provide a remedy (either directly or by providing the basis for a common law action for conspiracy, conversion, or restitution) to lawfully enslaved persons or their descendants, identify their ancestors, quantify damages incurred, and persuade the court to toll the statute of limitations, there would be no further obstacle to the grant of relief.

    In October 2000, California passed a Slavery Era Disclosure Law requiring insurance companies doing business there to report on their role in slavery. The disclosure legislation, introduced by Senator Tom Hayden, is the prototype for similar laws passed in 12 states around the United States.

    The NAACP has called for more of such legislation at local and corporate levels. It quotes Dennis C. Hayes, CEO of the NAACP, as saying, "Absolutely, we will be pursuing reparations from companies that have historical ties to slavery and engaging all parties to come to the table." Brown University, whose namesake family was involved in the slave trade, has also established a committee to explore the issue of reparations. In February 2007, Brown University announced a set of responses to its Steering Committee on Slavery and Justice. While in 1995 the Southern Baptist Convention apologized for the "sins" of racism, including slavery.

    In December 2005, a boycott was called by a coalition of reparations groups under the sponsorship of the Restitution Study Group. The boycott targets the student loan products of banks deemed complicit in slavery—particularly those identified in the Farmer-Paellmann litigation. As part of the boycott students are asked to choose from other banks to finance their student loans."

    In 2005, JP Morgan Chase and Wachovia both apologized for their connections to slavery.


    In 2008 the American Humanist Association published an article which argued that if emancipated slaves had been allowed to possess and retain the profits of their labor, their descendants might now control a much larger share of American social and monetary wealth. Not only did the freedmen and -women not receive a share of these profits, but they were stripped of the small amounts of compensation paid to some of them during Reconstruction.

    The wealth of the United States was greatly enhanced by the exploitation of African American slave labor. According to this view, reparations would be valuable primarily as a way of correcting modern economic imbalances.


    Under the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, signed into law by President Ronald Reagan, the U.S. government apologized for Japanese American internment during World War II and provided reparations of $20,000 to each survivor, to compensate for loss of property and liberty during that period. For many years, Native American tribes have received compensation for lands ceded to the United States by them in various treaties. In 2012, according to CNN, the federal government under President Obama settled with thousands of Native Americans as part of a $3.4 billion agreement over a class-action lawsuit claiming government mismanagement of tribal lands and accounts. Further, 40,000 Black farmers who claimed years of racial discrimination from the U.S. Department of Agriculture received $1.2 billion in 2013, as Black Enterprise reported. And in 2015, the Obama administration earmarked $12 million in assistance for European Holocaust survivors living in poverty in the U.S.

    Other countries have also opted to pay reparations for past sins. Britain compensated 46,000 slave owners when slavery was abolished in that country, and Haiti was forced to pay reparations to France as the price of independence from the European colonial power. Germany also has paid $89 billion in reparations for Nazi crimes against mostly Jewish victims, according to The New York Times.

    Several historians, such as João C. Curto, have made important contributions to the global understanding of the African side of the Atlantic slave trade. By arguing that African merchants determined the assemblage of trade goods accepted in exchange for slaves, many historians argue for African agency and ultimately a shared responsibility for the slave trade.

    Only Black people were brought to these shores in chains and only Black people continue to suffer from the protracted, inter-generational deprivation brought about by the badge of slavery. America cannot eradicate racism until it is willing to confront its legacy of enslavement and repair the damage done to people of African descent.

    As Germany considers paying for its genocide of 75,000 in Namibia and the CARICOM nations push for reparations from Britain and other European nations to compensate for the lingering effects of the Atlantic slave trade, this stance from America could have a profound impact on the worldwide movement for reparations." (Source: Albert Welch, Reparations NOW)

    It's time to right this wrong.


  • Fighting for equality and safer neighborhoods.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    We are fighting for equality in unsafe neighborhoods around Chicago, Illinois. We would like to make a difference by supplying the neighborhoods with resources and more structure to make it an overall better place to live. People living in these neighborhoods don't have as many opportunities and chances to be successful due to the problems they're surrounded with. We want others to have the same opportunities we have at our school and in our neighborhood. We can make this change since we have enough knowledge to understand what we need to do to help people and why the neighborhoods aren't as safe as others. Our goal is to raise enough money to get these neighborhoods in better shape. By signing this petition we think that this will provide us the attention from mayor Lori Lightfoot to receive enough funding and help. With funding we can improve the state of the neighborhoods as well as the residents that live there. This money will help fund the kid’s education, and provide a safer and more well-rounded learning experience. The money will also help provide resources and pay the officers that will be keeping the neighborhoods in order. In conclusion, we would like your signature to get us the support we need to make Chicago a better community as a whole. We believe that with your help, we can get more numbers and bring awareness to make this difference.

  • Remove Andrew Kerr #BelieveVictims

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    *** SIGN & SHARE ***

    Andrew Kerr was my math professor when I was at Harry S. Truman Community College sometime before 2018. I am not comfortable saying details of what happened exactly on here, but to summarize he has sexually harassed me.

    Unwanted touching/physical contact
    Speaking about sexual relations/stories/fantasies
    Sexually suggestive gestures, staring, teasing
    Sexual comments of body
    Denied what he had done was inappropriate
    Eventually, I found out other students went through the same. When I later reported it was not taken seriously.

    After what I personally went through, a classmate/neighbor who was just 12 years old at the time went to the same college (she’s very smart) and Kerr was her private math tutor outside of the college itself. I don’t have her permission to tell her side, especially since she was a minor then. Also, I haven't had her contact since before she moved away and after because why would I have a 12 year old’s number (I was in my twenties)? I told her to watch out for him and asked her how he had been with her. Soon after she told me what he had done to her and I immediately got angry then had to inform her mother. Her mother told me that she felt off about him (money related issue) and had him stop being her private math tutor. She told the college, but still, they haven’t done much to protect their students. No parent should feel stuck in a situation when security and staff didn’t take them seriously either.

    Her mother found this on his website from one of his essays and told me about it. In the archive of his writings, he mentioned alarming things. One of his essays mentioned: “I also find significant spiritual value in romantic love; human bodies are also ecosystems, and we live thoroughly embedded in them. In the passion of romantic love, we humans find constant opportunities to act in courage or in fear, to choose to love for the sake of intimacy, or to seek the more domestic goods of safety and stability. It is my opinion that God is sexually attached to the world, and erotically attracted to every thing in the world. So I find romantic love an especially important human activity! My poetry and essays explore these concepts and sentiments. Join me!”

    On one of his Facebook profiles the link is shown, which stated that “In March of 2008, the congregation hired Andrew Kerr - an organic produce farmer and University of Chicago Divinity School graduate - as its Speaker. Andrew left in early 2013.” I am not familiar with this place, but based on what he has said about God being “sexually attached to the world” and the mention of “demon magic” in his other writings is strange, especially when they have a children’s religious education program.

    I graduated from Truman in 2018, which was when he was the assistant chair and instructor at Truman, but soon after in 2019 he somehow became the Chair of the Math department at Truman and is also now an instructor in Malcolm X. Although this was about 4-5 years ago, I was dealing with PTSD, which I have already been diagnosed with due to my past traumas. The main reason for doing this now is having the strength to protect students. The college ignores students and their parents' concerns, while also not fully protecting the place for students, staff, and others.

    Many of the low reviews on Rate My Professor states that he doesn't teach math and goes completely off-topic, which is true. I remember in math class he was talking non-stop about topics not related to the subject, mostly his personal life, such as his divorce and his kids. He mentioned that he (a man doing a “woman’s job”) changed his daughter's diapers, why does he have to mention that in math class? He said a lot of sexist comments, claiming it's his opinion. He gave all his students his personal phone number on the syllabus which I thought from day one was weird that he was the only one who did that. He kept saying to call him if we ever need anything to try to show that he is helpful, but it is strange. The girl’s mother would say that “he’s strangely too friendly.” I didn’t want to take that class again, so I reported after to avoid making it worse and failing the class. While I’m glad I had people on my side, he was still seen as this highly great professor, he manipulated a lot of people.

    After attending his class, I ended up not attending the Garden Club when I found out Kerr was the faculty member part of it. I left out a lot of details, but to have Kerr as a faculty representative of the Supportive Intervention Team (SIT), which “conducts behavioral threat assessments for persons who might pose a safety risk to themselves or others,” is concerning. How can students contact SIT when he’s a safety risk himself to them.

    According to the Title IX Rights at Truman, it stated that “A student has 180 DAYS from the date of the incident to file their complaint, even if the academic term is over.” This is 6 months, which I and many others believe is not enough time and that there shouldn’t be a time limit to this.

    According to the Illinois Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Helpline, they said that “A discrimination charge can be initiated…within 300 days of the date the alleged discrimination took place (180 days for harms occurring before June 8, 2018).” Victims before June 8, 2018, not having this extended time is not fair at all. Extended time to bring a complaint and/or to investigate is critical, even though there shouldn’t be a time limit to this. Also, not believing victims due to the lack of evidence puts victims and others at risk of danger, especially in a school setting.

    Harry S Truman’s mission statement stated that their core values “define us through...responsibility and accountability, respect and fairness.” If they truly mean this statement, they should be responsible and fair by believing and protecting their students by firstly not allowing Kerr to continue working for them. Also, to improve security to provide a safer educational environment. Campus safety is very important for everyone, of course. When the concerns of students are not taken seriously, justice needs to be served.

    *** SIGN & SHARE ***

    **If you or someone you know has experienced a similar situation with Kerr or any other faculty member/staff at Truman please mention in the comments section (if you’re comfortable) and share this to protect the students.

  • Abolish & Dismantle Your Dress-Codes. They Fuel Sexism, Victim-Blaming & Rape-Culture.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    — When i used to go to Benton High School, as a freshman, I was dress-coded for a ridiculously vile reason. I was pulled out of P.E. class almost immediately and sent to the principal’s office. I was told that i needed to change my outfit simply because part of my midriff was showing. I, of course, refused to and was sent home immediately. I was given some type of disciplinary-punishment after as well. —

    Dress-Codes are nothing but a pathetic, vile way for men to control young women & break their spirits because THEY have deep-rooted sexism, misogyny & cannot control themselves. Which begs the question; Why not address the sexually-predatory behavior that you are supposedly trying to prevent, rather than having fascist, dictator-like restrictions on clothing.

    You’re essentially saying, “I cannot control myself around you, so either abide by my rules on what you wear, or be punished.” It’s sick. What a woman is wearing , is never a reason or an invitation to be sexually-assaulted, harassed, or controlled.

    Another completely idiotic reasoning often given for dress-coding is to “prevent the distraction boys/men may experience”. —

    Adults will not hesitate to pull a girl out of class because they think it’s detrimental to the boys’ learning & concentration. Completely disregarding any thought or consideration to young women & girls’ learning.

    If boys cannot concentrate due to the women’s clothing, THEY are the problem. They will NEVER make it in the real-world if they cannot focus simply because someone has on a crop-top , tank-top, shorts, etc… It’s insanity. You’re supposed to be preparing us and readying us for the real world. But instead, you’re setting everyone back from progressing in any positive way.

    You are also etching into the minds of extremely-impressionable people that the women’s clothing is the problem, rather than other’s own perverse behavior & hyper-sexualization of us.

    If any adults are “distracted” by young girls wearing “revealing” clothing, then THEY are the problem. THEY are sexualizing minors. Predators should never be around children & teenage girls, (or anyone, really).

    Teachers & Administration never have bothered speaking on the evils of sexual-predatory behavior/harassment, sexual-assault/rape/consent EVER. Learning about consent should be essential in schools everywhere. Sexual Assault/Rape is a very serious & completely unaddressed crisis in Southern Illinois. It’s completely clear that there is a total disregard for women’s safety & welfare. It’s truly horrendous.


    Dress-Codes do nothing but promote misogyny, sexism, & heavily fuels rape-culture.

    If you care about women’s rights , their future & well-being, whatsoever, you need to revolt and demand action and change.

  • Oppress Everyone Except For The #SouthLoopKids

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The #SouthLoopKids go through so much everyday. The stinky air, the long elevator rides, the scary views, the balconies, the rooftop pools, the jetskis, and the constant heart attack scares are just a few of the things that they have to go through EVRY DAE. One of the MANY worst parts is that they are forced to live so close to their high school, William Jones College Preparatory High School is a public 4–year selective enrollment high school located in the Printer's Row neighborhood located in downtown Chicago, Illinois, United States. They cannot escape their schooling. It is horrible. This is an issue that is never talked about. In my opinion as a Bucktown kiddo, it is only fair that everyone else gets oppressed for our sins. They have had to go through so much, being oppressed doesn't even make it fair. After signing this petition, please go donate all of your fortune to a #SouthLoopKid. Thank you and GOD BLESS.

  • Release of Devon Showers! Freedom and Justice!

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Hello, My name is Devon Showers , I've been Incarcerated 30yrs wrongfully. I'm a innocent man who was tortured 30 yrs ago physically and mentally. I'm currently housed in pontiac correctional in illinois in the Administrative Detention Unit where I was in solitary for 8 yrs where there I was in cell 24 hrs a day, alone to think about the injustice placed upon me. I'm not one of the Incarcerated saying there innocent, I'm truly100% innocent,who was tortured/beaten into signing a piece of paper that help send me to away for life. I Could never tell the police about crimes I never committed. They had their story already written and had me a young boy sign after torturing and mentally abusing me for days. They figured wouldn't no one fight for me a black gang banger with a broken home. I'm older know and more focused and aware of the injustice placed on me.

    My road to transformation wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t perfect; I was still a child growing up in the prison system. In my darkest moments, I would go back and pray for peace and justice that wasn't given to the victims family and my family. I went to school every day until I got my GED. Once I got my GED, I started taking vocational classes and continued to educate myself through college courses.

    "During my incarceration, I lost many family members. This also played a pivotal role in my transformation. The loss my family suffered from my absence helped me to understand how important my presence was needed. I have missed out on being a father to my son and I have lost a brother, father and my grandparents while Incarcerated. I need to get home to be a son to my mother to help her. Get to my son and to get home to become a positive impact on the young men in our world and a brother to my sister and a husband . I have been blessed with a positive outlook on life and to become a positive impact in other's lives.

  • Allow people the freedom of choice by making Morris a mask optional community.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    Hello, my name is Jed Davis and I'm running for state representative of the 75th District, including the City of Morris. Illinois is one of only a handful of states with a statewide mask mandate. Recently, some municipalities publicly stated they're no longer enforcing this mandate. One such municipality is Elk Grove Village, located roughly 50 miles to the northeast.

    The time has come for our local municipalities to follow suit as the governor's overreach only ends when we the people band together. Accordingly, this petition requests the Mayor (Chris Brown) and City Council of Morris publicly state they're no longer enforcing this mandate, allowing people the freedom of choice whether or not to wear a mask.

    Community members have lived through covid for nearly 20 months and they understand the risks inherent with lifestyle choices such as wearing masks. These choices belong to people and not politicians.

    Therefore, please sign this petition in support of allowing city residents and visitors the freedom of choice whether or not to wear a mask. I'll personally deliver and present the results during an upcoming city meeting.

  • Ban the use of Proctorio at the Santa Rosa Junior College

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The research is already there. Proctorio, and other online proctoring programs like it, has a massively negative impact on the education system. Here are some quotes from other petitions by faculty and students alike.

    “We the undersigned reject the proposed use of Proctorio for exam invigilation.
    We believe it is unacceptable in any circumstance for the university to track our keystrokes, access our computers’ cameras, film us in our homes, and use AI technology to determine we look “suspicious”.

    We reject this gross invasion of our privacy, and demand that alternative arrangements be made across the University for any exams which are currently set to be invigilated via Proctorio, including but not limited to canceling exams, setting take-home essays and open book exams instead, or delaying exams until they can be done safely in accordance with physical distancing. These arrangements should be agreed upon between the students and teachers, nothing should be implemented without student consultation. We will not accept being spied on!”

    -Students at the Australian National University

    “We the undersigned, do not support the use of Proctorio at UC. We believe it is unnecessary and intolerable for the university to have this kind of invasive access to our computers and the ability to watch us. It is ludicrous and short sighted of the university to assume at any time and let alone during a crisis like COVID-19, that all students have access to the above conditions in order to take the examinations, or that they consent to the breaches of their privacy.

    We vehemently oppose this violation and demand that the University of Canberra make alternate arrangements for invigilated assessments that are more equitable and accessible than those that have been offered. All arrangements should be discussed with all students and staff and should not be implemented without first being agreed upon.”

    -Students at the University of Canberra

    “We as students understand the need to uphold academic integrity and the legitimacy of the university, however, there has to be a better way. Whether that be through the use of Zoom based proctoring, project-based learning, or more rigorous take-home exams. Many professors are already effectively using these alternatives and we as students are asking that those who insist on using Proctorio should be required to switch over. The protection of our data and privacy should always come first.

    Both the pandemic and current political climate are already stressful enough for many students. Worrying about potential loss or theft of data is something that no students wants to have added to their plate.”

    -Students at the University of Illinois

    “Proctorio, by design, invades student privacy, and espouses ableism and discrimination. Proctorio Inc. does not value the freedom of inquiry. The CEO's conduct is unprofessional and unethical. Proctorio's design as software and Proctorio Inc's conduct as a company is fundamentally inconsistent with Miami's Code of Love and Honor. At Miami, we believe strongly in personal responsibility, and in the idea that we should be held morally accountable for our decisions. We, as students of Miami University, believe Proctorio's business practices reflect poorly on our history of upholding morals and empowering minorities, and that our continued business relationship enables their bad behavior. We call for a condemnation of Proctorio, for an end to the invasion of student rights, and for an end to discrimination in the name of academic integrity. As a compromise, we suggest restructuring course exams to an open-notes model which will not require the use of such software. In addition, instructors and professors can provide alternative means of proctoring that does not require the use of Proctorio.”

    -Students of Miami University, including Erik Johnson. Johnson’s IP was banned from using Proctorio, despite the fact he was required to use Proctorio for some of his classes, by Proctorio CEO Mike Olsen due to Johnson’s exposure and criticism of Proctorio’s source code.

    And the list goes on. Other schools have already banned Procorio for its egregious practices on virtually every front, including The University of California, Berkeley and Harvard University.

    It’s time the SRJC joined in upholding the basic human rights that Proctorio violates, and restore the integrity of the academic environment.

  • JUSTICE for Raymond Waymire Jr.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    On October 03, 2021, in Anderson, Madison County, Indiana Raymond Waymire Jr. was shot and killed during a Road Rage incident at around 2:45 a.m. The Honda Civic involved in the shooting fled the area, and the shooter turned himself in to local A.P.D. around 19 hours later. The backseat passenger Zachary Wayne Hileman was the shooter and not the driver of the Honda Civic.

    The shooter Zachary Wayne Hileman was charged with carrying a handgun without a license and the murder of Raymond Waymire Jr. Initially the Honda Civic crew tried to claim self-defense. Many people near and far jumped online to express their opinion. Many adults claimed that a car full of teens was in the right to shoot and kill a biker. Many teens started hashtagging the slogan FREE ZACH. However, not everyone agrees with the original narrative that was in the local Herald Bulletin article or the Investigation/Police Report.

    18-year-old arrested after fatal road-rage shooting in Anderson

    It’s been 6+ weeks since the Road Rage incident occurred. Raymond Waymire Jr. is dead, Zachary Wayne Hileman is in Jail, and the actual driver of the Honda Civic who participated in the ROAD RAGE part of the story has not been charged with any crimes. The other occupants in the vehicle were actually juveniles and may not face any charges.

    11/22/2021 We asked someone on the legal team why the Clark brothers had not been charged with any crimes. The woman responded that there was only one shooter. Whether it is a true statement or not, the fact we are 6 weeks post-murder, no charges have been filed against the driver of the Honda Civic - Shane Clark.

    WORD on the STREET is that the younger Clark brother is 14 years old. Which leads to so many other questions. The public deserves to know the full story, and not what a bunch of punk teens breaking miscellaneous laws including curfew violations wants us to think. I think a lot of us would have no problems with the main narrative that was put out in the media October 3-4, 2021... IF both parties were fully consenting adults doing only God knows what on a Saturday night while everyone else is sleeping.

    In the Hileman vs Waymire case, it’s a car full of teen juveniles and an adult biker. Neither side was behaving perfectly that night. Waymire had more rights to be out driving around as an adult male than a group of teens with a 14-year-old smoking Marijuana, out past curfew, carrying a handgun without a license, and shooting Ray after the road rage incident in less than 6 seconds.

    If the roles were reversed then Waymire would be in jail. Ray would have been charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, curfew violations, the battery in the presence of a minor, leaving the scene of an accident with bodily injury/death, and whatever other charges Anderson, Madison County, Indiana could come up with. Public record indicates Waymire's miscellaneous crimes. Waymire wasn’t a stranger to A.P.D.

    For some reason, Anderson Indiana is known for picking and choosing who is punished for certain crimes and who is not. The City of Anderson likes to hold some citizens responsible for crimes and some other citizens with political ties are not. The result is Andersonians are surrounded by FREE Range Criminals with no cares in the world for negative behavioral consequences. We are surrounded by mental ward patients with no mental ward walls, and they make up their own rules for the rest of the public.

    In my opinion, Anderson Indiana has Institutional-Systemic Racism woven into its very foundation. Most of those who grew up here are very familiar with the City's History. All anyone has to do is sit down with some of the older generations of Andersonians to hear the generational trauma that has been handed down. My family has been here for five-plus generations and it took me forty-something years and a DNA test later to figure out my personal genetic historic relevance.

    1922-10-28 Ku Klux Klan parade in Anderson, Indiana

    2021 Communities consider declaring racism a public health threat | | heraldbulletin.com

    I hate to say it… Deep down I feel like if these juveniles were black or brown then they would have already been charged with all sorts of crimes associated with the death of a motorist/biker.

    Are we watching a form of Institutional/Systemic Racism or White Privilege?!?


    The Honda had a DUTY TO RETREAT and had ample time in 6 seconds to tell the backseat shooter to hold up before pulling the trigger. I do not personally believe that the driver didn’t know what his passenger was capable of doing. As a Concerned Citizen and Combat Veteran, the driver of the Honda (Shane Clark) should be investigated and charged with crimes for his participation in the October 3, 2021 Road Rage incident since he was the getaway driver.

    Change has to start on a personal level to even be able to make an impact on a social level. A community that lacks accountability on a social level will never become a functioning anything. Accountability doesn’t have anything to do with Politics or Religion per se. Accountable (a person, organization, or institution) required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible. "Parents could be held accountable for their children's actions". Accountability is taking personal responsibility for one's own actions that may or may not have led to Raymond Waymire Jr’s untimely death on October 03, 2021.

    We aren’t asking for anyone's parents to be held accountable for their children’s actions. What we are wanting is that the Waymire/Hileman/Honda-Clark case be used to set an example within our community that “We the People” of Anderson, Madison County, Indiana don’t want to be threatened by teens with guns in OUR OWN community while out driving, inside our homes, and/or out in public areas.

    We realize the rights of other Americans to face their accusers and be innocent until proven GUILTY. If some people would not have committed the first 5 felonies then someone else would not be getting victimized again. In some cases, the family and friends of these FREE RANGE CRIMINALS become the target of preventable crimes if the JUSTICE SYSTEM would hold them accountable for their felonious actions. For example accessory to murder, conspiracy to commit murder, leaving the scene of a crime, obstruction of justice, false informing, failure to report a crime because of participation and not remorse…

    A juvenile who is involved in the types of felonious crimes mentioned above should be tried as an adult. Knowing of criminal cases involving those types of crimes may help others not become victimized in the future. Thinking that you are an adult and being an adult capable of making a decision to pull a trigger are 2 different things.

    Societies construct patterns of behavior by deeming certain actions or speech as acceptable or unacceptable. These patterns of behavior within a given society are known as societal norms. Societies, and their norms, undergo gradual and perpetual changes. We have a large diverse population in Anderson, Madison County, Indiana. We have many cultures and subcultures within our miscellaneous communities all over the County.

    As Madison County grows with experimental Government projects including the Needle Exchange Program in Anderson, We need to adapt to the new norms. Or we start helping establish what our community will tolerate. We also don’t have to accept gangs and/or teens driving around Anderson shooting random people as Anderson's NEW NORM.


    A 2015 report from the CSG Justice Center compiled data from the 39 states that do track recidivism in order to compare the reported state statistics. The study found that juveniles were far more likely than adults to re-offend after release across all states. The highest reported recidivism rate for juvenile offenders was 76% within three years, and 84% within five years. When these juvenile offenders reach adulthood, the numbers are equally high.

    In 2015, Joseph Doyle, a researcher at MIT, decided to determine the rate of adult re-offense for prior juvenile offenders who spent time in a detention facility. Together with a colleague at Brown, Doyle analyzed data on 30,000 juvenile offenders over the previous ten years who had been involved in the Illinois juvenile justice system. Their study found that 40% of juvenile offenders were incarcerated in an adult prison for reoffending by the time they turned 25.

    2016 Indiana led the nation in the number of fatal crashes involving road rage and aggressive driving. A study by the Auto Insurance Center found that 77 fatal accidents in Indiana were related to road rage or aggressive driving in 2016, the most in the United States. That means 10% of Indiana’s fatal roadway accidents in 2016 were related to this entirely preventable cause.

    Overall, one person in the US suffers a deadly accident due to road rage or aggressive driving every day, according to the study. Auto Insurance Center used data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Reporting System to conduct analysis. South Carolina and Alabama each had 64 deaths related to road rage, and Colorado had 54. 15 states only had one such car accident and 20 states had no such deaths.

    Shootings create trauma for the people directly involved and for everyone in surrounding neighborhoods and communities. The sounds of gunfire; the possibility that kids or loved ones may be unintended victims; and, the inability to feel safe can cause long-term harm. The risk of and reality of that harm calls us to action.

    We want to be clear. We see what others see; too many people being shot and killed in our community. We are deeply impacted by the loss of life and the trauma plaguing our community. Immediate action is needed. We also want to openly acknowledge and express regret for past mistakes and the historical inequities and racism surrounding public safety and health for Madison County, Indiana communities.

    Here are some examples of other local criminal cases involving Leaving the scene of an accident with bodily injury, resulting in death or catastrophic injury:

    (Focus on the similarities and not the differences)

    1.) Mar 19, 2019 Chelsea Alexander: Brandon Taliaferro admitted he was driving a black 1999 Pontiac Grand Am that crashed broadside into a tree in the 1800 block of Fairview Street on July 22, 2018. His passenger, Chelsea Alexander, died from blunt force trauma to the head, chest, abdomen and pelvis during the single-vehicle accident.

    Case Number: 48C04-1808-F5-001961(mycase.in.gov or www.doxpop.com

    (FREE RANGE CRIMINAL) 35-42-1-5/F5: Reckless Homicide def. recklessly kills another human being 9-26-1-1.1(a)(3)/F5: Leaving the Scene of an Accident - Death to Another Person 9-21-8-52(a)(1)/MA: Reckless Driving causes bodily injury. 9-24-19-3(a)/MA: Driving While Suspended When suspension is the result of a prior conviction

    Background: In 2008, Taliaferro, 17 at the time, shot a 16-year-old in the stomach while intoxicated and playing with a loaded handgun. The teen recovered, and the shooting was ruled an accident. Madison Circuit Court 1 Judge Dennis Carroll sentenced Taliaferro to four years in prison and five years of probation on the conviction of criminal recklessness.

    Taliaferro’s sentence was reduced and he was released in 2010, but he violated probation and was sent back to prison. He was released in 2012 and continues to rack up charges.

    Magistrate Judge Jason Childers set a $10,000 full cash bond for Brandon Taliaferro on charges of Level 5 felony reckless homicide, Level 5 felony leaving the scene of an accident causing death to another, and two Class A misdemeanors, bodily, and two Class A misdemeanors, reckless driving causing bodily injury, and driving while suspended.

    An autopsy Monday showed that blunt force trauma to the head, chest, abdomen and pelvis claimed the life of 26-year-old Chelsea Alexander following a single-car accident, said Madison County Coroner Marian Dunnichay.

    Chelsea Alexander was a front-seat passenger in a black 1999 Pontiac Grand Am Taliaferro was allegedly driving when it spun out of control and crashed broadside into a tree in the 1800 block of Fairview Street about 6:30 p.m. July 22.

    Alexander died from massive traumatic blunt force injuries, according to Madison County Coroner Marian Dunnichay.

    Walkers in the neighborhood tried to assist Taliaferro and Alexander before Anderson Fire Department medics and other EMS first responders arrived at the accident scene, according to a probable cause affidavit filed by APD investigators.

    Before they arrived, however, another vehicle arrived and two men got out and helped pull Taliaferro out the window of his wrecked car and drove off without trying to assist Alexander, according to the affidavit. (FREE RANGE CRIMINAL)

    Police: Man accused of domestic abuse is repeat offender | Local News | heraldbulletin.com

    Police: Driver flees the scene after fatal crash in Anderson | WTTV CBS4Indy

    Arrest made in connection to fatal July accident | Local News | heraldbulletin.com

    Man flees police custody after jumping out of ambulance | Local News | heraldbulletin.com

    2.) Aug. 18, 2018: Bryce Patterson: (Male)

    Michael Dwayne Fleming and Orlando Sutton (Black Males)

    Patterson, however, was unaware that Green was preparing to sell a quarter-pound of marijuana to Fleming and Sutton for $550. Fleming and Sutton opened fire. Fleming fired five shots, one of which struck Patterson in the back of the head and another, which struck Kincade in the left arm.

    Michael Dwayne Fleming 48C03-1808-MR-002097 (FLEMING) 35-42-1-1(2): Murder, 35-42-5-1(a)(1)/F2: Robbery Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury - Injury to someone other than a def, 35-42-1-1(1)/F1: Attempted Murder Attempted intentional killing of another.

    Orlando Sutton 48C03-1808-MR-002096 (SUTTON) 35-42-1-1(1): Murder, 35-42-1-1(2): Murder, 35-42-5-1(a)(1)/F2: Robbery Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury - Injury to someone other than a def, 35-42-1-1(1)/F1: Attempted Murder Attempted intentional killing of another.

    Two teens arrested for Anderson shooting that killed Fortville man | wthr.com

    Appeals court affirms murder conviction in drug deal gone bad | News | heraldbulletin.com

    Murder trial in 2018 slaying begins Monday (yahoo.com)

    3.) Jan. 1, 2019, Tommie Griffin Willie Alex Owens Jr. (Black on Black Crime)

    Griffin was found shot to death in his vehicle near Ninth and Chestnut streets at around 8:30 a.m. According to the coroner, Griffin was shot multiple times.

    Police arrested an Anderson man accused of murdering 39-year-old Tommie Griffin on New Year’s Day. Willie Alex Owens Jr., 34, is accused of shooting Griffin multiple times at close range. Griffin was found dead inside his car on New Year’s morning.

    (March 12, 2020):

    Madison County prosecutors said Willie Owens Jr. was found guilty of murder.

    (July 28, 2020):

    Willie Owens Jr. was sentenced to 90 years in the Indiana Department of Correction, with 727 days (just under two years) of jail credit.

    Willie A. Owens Jr. 48C04-1901-MR-000278 35-42-1-1(1): Murder, 35-44.1-2-3(d)(1)/MA: False Informing resulting in substantial hindrance to a law enforcement proce, 35-48-4-6.1(a)/F6:Possession of Methamphetamine This is the basic offense and for any amount below 5, 35-48-4-11(a)(1)/MB: Possession of Marijuana, 35-47-4-5(c)/F4: Unlawful Poss. of a Firearm by Serious Violent Felon

    Anderson man found shot to death inside vehicle on New Year’s Day identified | Fox 59

    Arrest made after Anderson man shot to death inside his car on New Year’s Day | Fox 59

    4.) Jan 10, 2019 Britt Youngblood
    2019 APD investigating shooting on 38th Street

    In addition to questioning about the shooting, Youngblood is also wanted for warrants in Madison County on three separate court cases that include failure to return to lawful detention, residential entry breaking and entering a dwelling, robbery by force or threatening the use of force while armed, battery resulting in serious bodily injury, pointing a firearm at another and carrying a handgun without a license.

    Britt Youngblood 48C01-1901-F4-000107 35-47-4-5(c)/F4: Unlawful Poss. of a Firearm by Serious Violent Felon, 35-45-2-1(a)(2)/F5: Intimidation where def. draws or uses a deadly weapon, 35-45-2-1(a)(1)/F5: Intimidation where def. draws or uses a deadly weapon, 9-26-1-1.1(a)(1)/MA: Leaving the Scene of an Accident with Bodily Injury the accident is one involved, 9-24-19-2(1)(2)/MA: Driving While Suspended (Prior w/in 10 years)

    09/17/2021 35-44.1-3-4(c)/F6: Failure to Return to Lawful Detention def.

    APD investigating shooting on 38th Street | News | heraldbulletin.com

    Anderson man wanted for questioning in shooting | Local News | heraldbulletin.com

    5.) JAN 19, 2020 Sophie Darlene Robbins (Female), of Dunkirk, died in a crash on County Road 200 South just east of State Road 67 around 4:30 a.m. Alex Lozano (Brown Male), 18, faces charges of failure to report an accident resulting in death, criminal recklessness resulting in death and false informing. Keandre Williams, 19, faces a charge of failure to report an accident resulting in death. An unnamed juvenile was in custody Sunday in juvenile detention for failure to report an accident resulting in death, the sheriff’s office said.Alex Santiago Lozano (Brown Male) (Hamilton County Warrant 2021 29D04-2101-F6-000265)

    48C03-2001-F4-000173 9-26-1-1.1(a)(3)/F4: Leaving the Scene of an Accident-Def. fails to do one or more things required b, 35-42-2-2(a)/F5:Criminal Recklessness Use when def. commits aggressive driving and kills another per, 35-42-2-2(a)/F6: Criminal Recklessness committed with a deadly weapon., 35-44.1-2-3(d)(1)/MA: False Informing resulting in substantial hindrance to a law enforcement proceedings, 35-44.1-2-5(a)(1)/F6: Assisting a Criminal , but the criminal assisted committed a B, C, D, 3, 4, 5./ 48C03-2011-F6-002722 (Lozano) 35-43-4-2(a)/F6: Theft of a Firearm, 35-43-4-2.7(d)/MB: Unauthorized Entry of a Motor Vehicle

    Keandre Williams

    9-26-1-1.1(a)(3)/F4: Leaving the Scene of an Accident-Def. fails to do one or more things required b, 35-42-2-2(a)/F5:Criminal Recklessness Use when def. commits aggressive driving and kills another per, 35-42-2-2(a)/F6: Criminal Recklessness committed with a deadly weapon.

    Unnamed Juvenile: failure to report an accident resulting in death

    Teen dead, 3 in custody after crash in Anderson - WISH-TV | Indianapolis News | Indiana

    19-year-old killed in Madison County crash, teen suspects charged | wthr.com

    6.) Mar 15, 2019 Kaylin Sparkman, (White Female)(FREE RANGE CRIMINAL)

    48H021903CM000385 9-26-1-1(1) Leaving the Scene with Injury

    48C06-1905-F5-001298 35-42-2-1(c)(1)/F5: Battery w/ Bodily Injury to a Public Safety Officer victim is a public safety o, 35-42-2-1(c)(1)/F6: Battery Against a Public Safety Official, 35-45-1-3(a)(2)/MB: Disorderly Conduct - unreasonable noise, 7.1-5-7-7(a)(2)/MC: Illegal Consumption of an Alcoholic Beverage

    Kaylin Sparkman 20, of Anderson, is charged with failing to stop after an accident with injury. The first time Kaylin Sparkman allegedly tried to flee following a car accident, police used a silver hoop earring and statements from her passengers to arrest her.

    In July, Sparkman was arrested for a similar situation. When officers arrived, they found two passengers in the car that struck Collier’s vehicle and one was “injured, but conscious.” Sparkman allegedly fled on foot. She was found by officers running near her home and taken back to the scene, where the passengers identified her as the driver.

    “A silver hoop earring was located on the roadway directly outside of the driver side door,” according to the affidavit. Sparkman was wearing the matching earring in her left ear when she was taken back to the accident scene, but was “missing the earring in her right ear.” Results of a breath test determined Sparkman had an alcohol concentration equivalent to .106 grams, according to the affidavit. (FREE RANGE CRIMINAL)

    Woman charged with leaving the scene of an accident | Local News | heraldbulletin.com

    7.) Jan 3, 2021: Andon Oliver - De’Torio Flemming (16 years old)

    Officers found the car in the middle of the ball diamond, still running with Oliver inside with a single gunshot wound to the chest. The shooter fled the area.

    Flemming is a juvenile and the criminal case is not necessarily public unless the Herald Bulletin or the families involved write about it. If convicted, Fleming faces a possible prison sentence of 45 to 65 years on the murder charge.

    De’torio Fleming: charged with murder and a Class A misdemeanor of carrying a handgun without a license.

    Teenager shot and killed in Anderson; suspect turns himself in to police | WTTV CBS4Indy

    UPDATE: Person of interest identified in shooting death | News | heraldbulletin.com

    Hearing continued in teenager's murder case | Local News | heraldbulletin.com

    8.) Apr 20, 2021 Terry Huff: Special Judge Robert Sirk sentenced Jacobi (Markleville, Madison County) to six years on his guilty plea to a Level 4 charge of leaving the scene of an accident resulting in death or catastrophic injury. Jacobi was charged in connection with the July 26, 2019, death of Terry Huff, 67, who was riding a bicycle on Indiana 234 in Hancock County. (Indiana) (White on White Crime)

    Jonathan Jacobi 30D01-1907-F4-001500 9-26-1-1.1(a)(1)/F4: Leaving the Scene of an Accident Resulting in Death or Catastrophic Injury

    Markleville man sentenced to 6 years in 2019 fatal accident | News | heraldbulletin.com

    9.) Jun 11, 2021 Corena Swain: (White Female) hit a Biker on Broadway

    “Upon arrival I made contact with Corena Swain, who was walking north on Broadway, away from an unoccupied 2015 Buick Enclave, which was later found to be registered to her,” Cavett stated in the affidavit.

    Corena Swain 48C04-2106-F5-001596 9-30-5-4(a)(3)/F5: Causing Serious Bodily Injury when Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated

    Motorcyclist, passenger seriously injured in crash | Local News | heraldbulletin.com

    10.) Feb 12, 2019 S.S.: I saved S.S. for the last local public case study. Because I do not have a legal name for him yet. I will refer to him the same way the Herald Bulletin does. I will update this case study as I get more information.

    Herald Bulletin Extract:

    A delinquency petition filed by the state (Indiana) alleged that S.S. committed attempted burglary, a Level 5 felony if committed by an adult, resisting law enforcement, a Class A misdemeanor if committed by an adult and a curfew violation related to the incident at the gun store.

    Seven days later the state filed a second delinquency petition alleging S.S. committed auto theft, a Level 6 felony if committed by an adult, resisting law enforcement, a Class A misdemeanor if committed by an adult and unauthorized entry of a motor vehicle, a Class B misdemeanor if committed by an adult.

    The appellate court said S.S’s repetitive pattern of delinquent acts are “particularly troubling because of the involvement of firearms.” The court also felt S.S. had shown “a propensity to direct force at premises and people, combined with an alarming desire to acquire firearms to continue his pattern of unlawful acts.”

    Appellate court affirms decision to try teen as an adult | Local News | heraldbulletin.com

    Police arrest suspect in Anderson gun store burglary | wthr.com

    Watch: Thieves drive SUV into Anderson gun store - WISH-TV |

    I listed 10 local Anderson, Madison County, IN criminal cases above that were charged within days of the crime. For whatever reasons only the shooter Zachary Wayne Hileman was charged with the murder of Raymond Waymire Jr, and carrying a handgun without a license. The Waymire Family was punished for someone else’s crime. Currently 11/25/2021 (“THANKSGIVING”) Juvenile witnesses haven’t so much as got a curfew violation from Public understanding. That doesn’t sit right with Concerned Citizens or other Americans.

    October 03, 2021 RECAP Raymond Waymire Jr.

    Raymond Waymire Jr (46 White Male)(Biker-Harley)

    Zachary Hileman (18 White Male), Shane and Aiden Clark (16 &14)(White Males?)

    When officers arrived, they found a man with a gunshot wound near the roadway, police said. “Witnesses on the scene told police that this shooting occurred due to a road rage incident, and the suspect(s) fired out of a small, dark-colored sedan before fleeing northbound on Broadway,” the release states. (White on White Crime)

    Road rage cited in fatal shooting | Local News | heraldbulletin.com

    18-year-old arrested in fatal road rage shooting in Anderson - WISH-TV | Indianapolis

    Inquiring minds want to know WHY SHANE & AIDEN CLARK has not been charged with any crimes for their participation in the Road Rage incident that ended in the death of Raymond Waymire Jr.?

    What makes the Clark brothers so special that they wouldn’t be charged with ANY Crimes? Are we witnessing Systematic Racism in Anderson, Indiana?


    ...“told me that Zachary said the victim was beating his (Hileman’s) a — and that’s why he shot him,” Cole said in the affidavit. There were no visible marks on Hileman’s face when he was taken into custody, according to the detective.

    Hileman identified Shane Clark and Adrian Clark as the two other people in the vehicle with him at the time of the shooting. Shane Clark was driving the vehicle, police said. The Clarks and Hileman were smoking marijuana, the affidavit stated.

    The Clarks told officers that Waymire ran a stop sign and the vehicle almost struck the motorcycle. When Waymire confronted them in the vehicle, he hit Hileman in the mouth, the Clarks told police.

    Video evidence of the incident from a nearby residence was collected by police. It showed Waymire walking to the driver’s side of the Civic. After six seconds, he is seen walking away from the car before it leaves northbound on Broadway, according to the affidavit.

    Hileman asked for an attorney when questioned by police and did not provide a statement, according to the affidavit. As of Monday afternoon, police had not recovered the gun that was used in the shooting.

    19 hours between when the shooter turned himself in. 19 hours of scrubbing Hileman’s Facebook account. This implies that there was no remorse on the driver's part for 19 hours. At some point, the 6-second video clip should be released to the public.

    This case went from a simple Road Rage incident with possible self-defense to a murder charge and carrying a handgun without a license.

    Zachary Wayne Hileman 48C01-2110-MR-002746 (10/07/2021) 35-42-1-1(1): Murder, 35-47-2-1/MA: Carrying a Handgun Without a License

    Shane Clark should have his driving privileges suspended until a full investigation into the Road Rage incident has been completed. Clark's initial interview has holes in the narrative.

    The family should be able to file a WRONGFUL DEATH LAWSUIT against the owner and the insurer of the Honda Civic driven by juvenile Shane Clark. As it currently stands on record it is as if the juveniles have gotten away with quite a few crimes including, but not limited to leaving the scene of an accident resulting in death.

    Shane Clark should be treated as an adult.

    PROBABLE CAUSE SHANE CLARK WAS THE DRIVER of the Honda Civic. Shane Clark left the scene of an accident and was identified by the shooter a.k.a. Backseat passenger n.k.a. Zachary Wayne Hileman who murdered Raymond Waymire Jr. in a Road Rage incident 10/03/2021. Shane should also receive a charge for Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor. An adult who would have done the same crimes would have been punished on record by now.

    Aiden Clark should be held accountable to whatever crimes he has admitted to on record.

    PROBABLE CAUSE: Curfew Violations Failure to report an accident resulting in death. Obstruction of Justice for leaving the scene of an accident resulting in Death.

    chapter-3.pdf (justia.com)

    IC 31-37-3-2 Children 15 through 17 years of age; requirements for detention or custody Sec. 2. (a) It is a curfew violation for a child fifteen (15), sixteen (16), or seventeen (17) years of age to be in a public place: (1) between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. on Saturday or Sunday;

    As of 11/25/2021 No charges have been filed against Shane Clark or Aiden Clark.


    “We the People” want to know where the charges are for the Clark brothers involved in the October 3, 2021 Road Rage incident that led to the death of Raymond Waymire Jr.?

    “We the People” of Anderson, Madison County, Indiana want juveniles who behave as adults to face the same consequences and charges as an adult who committed the same crimes.

    “We the People” of Anderson, Madison County, Indiana should NOT have to worry about being shot in drive-by shootings because teens are being allowed to carry guns without being licensed to carry.

    “We the People” of Anderson, Madison County, Indiana should NOT have to worry about being shot while inside of OUR homes because their neighbors and/or perfect strangers don’t know how to behave properly in private or public areas.

    “We the People” of Anderson, Madison County, Indiana should NOT have to worry about living amongst FREE RANGE CRIMINALS that should be locked in prison, but for whatever reason have committed several felonies since being released while waiting on a court date. Or FREE RANGE CRIMINALS that should be charged with aiding and abetting a criminal. A responsible adult would not flee a self defense scene. The shooter may have turned himself in, and information should have been released to the PUBLIC in the matter of why juveniles are not receiving any criminal charges.


    Concerned Citizens of Madison County Indiana a.k.a. WE THE PEOPLE & Fellow Americans

    Are we observing what Systemic Racism looks like in Anderson’s Justice System?

    SIDE NOTE: I have been advocating for Medical Cannabis at the Indiana State level for the past 5 years. Coming out of the Cannabis Closet was a really difficult decision for me to make. I decided to stay in Anderson, Madison County, Indiana instead of moving out of State where it is legal. I did not want to be a Cannabis Refugee in another State. I want Cannabis for all Hoosiers & Americans, and not just for myself.

    Cannabis a.k.a. Marijuana did NOT KILL ANY OF THE PEOPLE LISTED ABOVE! Cannabis is legal in Washington D.C. both Medicinal and Recreational. Indiana is the crossroads of America, but won’t follow the suit of 18 other states. I thought we were supposed to be the UNITED STATES of AMERICA?!?


    The recreational use of cannabis is legalized in 18 states,[a] the District of Columbia, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam. Another 13 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands have decriminalized its use.[4] Commercial distribution of cannabis has been legalized in all jurisdictions where possession has been legalized, except the District of Columbia. Prior to January 2018, the Cole Memorandum provided some protection against enforcement of federal law in states that have legalized cannabis, but it was rescinded by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.[5]

    Although the use of cannabis remains federally illegal, some of its derivative compounds have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for prescription use. Cannabinoid drugs that have received FDA approval are Marinol (THC), Syndros (THC), Cesamet (nabilone), and Epidiolex (cannabidiol). For non-prescription use, cannabidiol derived from industrial hemp is legal at the federal level, but legality and enforcement vary by state.[6][7]

    The criminals listed above do NOT represent me or countless other Hoosiers and Americans that partake in the use of Cannabis on a daily basis. There are responsible functioning Cannabis Users that live amongst society that don’t wish to hurt their neighbors and lurk about at night trying to rob people. Most Cannabis Users are peaceful and friendly subgroups of Americans.

    Guns don’t kill people. People KILL People. Cannabis has saved more lives historically than taking lives. Cannabis is a safer option for Medical Treatment and Hoosiers should be allowed to make their own medicinal choices to any type of treatment. Cannabis could be used as a cash crop that would help rejuvenate our Nation's economy again. There will always be a black market in every country. America is no different. The black market shouldn’t be allowed to keep giving the Cannabis Communities all over the Nation such a bad wrap.

    A handful of people choose to do bad things every day. Those people who make bad choices to take someone's life DO NOT REPRESENT ME or other Hoosier Cannabis Advocates/Activists/Patients that were willing to come out of the Cannabis Closet for the greater good and NOT for personal gain. Truth be told there are thousands of Hoosier Cannabis Patients, Users, and Supporters in Indiana.

    Are we observing what Systemic Racism looks like in Anderson’s Justice System?


    Disgruntled Combat Veteran & 11th Generation American DUTCH Melungeon

    Nicole (Schuyler) Kapuscinski

    a.k.a Activist Nikki

    Source Links:

    Indiana bill would let 12-year-olds be tried as adults in crimes like Noblesville school shooting | wthr.com

    HB 1256 - Indiana House (2021) - Open States

    Is 12 Too Young to be Tried as an Adult? (notguiltynj.com)

    Do We Know The Full Extent of Juvenile Recidivism? (mstservices.com)

    Juvenile Recidivism Rates | What They Are and How to Reduce Them (pointpark.edu)

    Juvenile Detention Breeds Adult Criminals, MIT Study Finds (bostonmagazine.com)

    Drive-by shooting - Wikipedia

    Wrongful death - Google Search

    Institutional racism/Systematic Racism - Wikipedia

    Legality of cannabis by U.S. jurisdiction - Wikipedia

    Communities consider declaring racism a public health threat | | heraldbulletin.com

    18-year-old arrested after fatal road-rage shooting in Anderson

    1922-10-28 Ku Klux Klan parade in Anderson, Indiana

    Communities consider declaring racism a public health threat | | heraldbulletin.com

    Police: Man accused of domestic abuse is repeat offender | Local News | heraldbulletin.com

    Police: Driver flees the scene after fatal crash in Anderson | WTTV CBS4Indy

    Arrest made in connection to fatal July accident | Local News | heraldbulletin.com

    Man flees police custody after jumping out of ambulance | Local News | heraldbulletin.com

    Two teens arrested for Anderson shooting that killed Fortville man | wthr.com

    Appeals court affirms murder conviction in a drug deal gone bad | News | heraldbulletin.com

    Murder trial in 2018 slaying begins Monday (yahoo.com)

    Anderson man found shot to death inside a vehicle on New Year’s Day identified | Fox 59

    Arrest made after Anderson man shot to death inside his car on New Year’s Day | Fox 59

    Teen dead, 3 in custody after crash in Anderson - WISH-TV | Indianapolis News | Indiana

    19-year-old killed in Madison County crash, teen suspects charged | wthr.com


    To sum up everything above:

    Justice for Raymond Waymire Jr. Family would be for all 3 participants to be held responsible for MURDER. There may have been one shooter, but there were 3 participants. At least 2 accessories to murder.

    Brunswick, Georgia (CNN)A jury Wednesday 11/24/2021 found three White men charged in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old Black man, guilty on multiple murder counts, as well as other charges.


  • Veto the NCAA’s ruling to ban Oklahoma State Mens Basketball from the post-season.

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    The NCAA has unjustly and unfairly ruled against the Oklahoma State Men’s Basketball program, handing down a postseason ban that will impact players, coaches, and fans in no way involved in related infractions.

    The incident surrounds a 2017 investigation that landed then-assistant coach Lamont Evans in jail. Evans was immediately fired by Oklahoma State, as soon as any criminal activities were discovered. No staff members or players of the current team were with the organization during this time and no competitive advantage was gained, and still Oklahoma State players, staff, fans and Oklahomans are punished.

    Any fan of collegiate sports should be outraged by Oklahoma State's treatment by the NCAA. Honesty, transparency, and cooperation were punished by the NCAA. The NCAA's investigation and appeals processes showed themselves to be irreparably broken. Rather than identifying misbehavior and unfair advantages, the NCAA is instead punishing an entire roster of innocent players, an entire program, and thousands of Oklahoma State basketball fans.

    Though this issue is far, far larger than Oklahoma State. NCAA procedures have and continue to cause unnecessary harm to student athletes, athletic programs, and fans through years of unfair, opaque rulings and processes.

    We demand that the NCAA revoke the Oklahoma State postseason ban and further identify more appropriate punishments moving forward.

  • Corinne's Law: Oncofertility Preservation Patient Communication & Coverage in Oklahoma

    50,048 of 100,000 signatures

    My name is Carly Kirkland, and I am currently a second-year law student at the University of Oklahoma. This past year, I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. After eight months of treatment at MD Anderson, I am now cancer-free.

    When I was initially diagnosed, a friend of a friend, Corinne Dinges, quickly reached out. Though she was five years my senior, we had mutual friends from our time at OU. Corinne was in her OB/GYN residency when she was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma, another rare form of bone cancer similar to osteosarcoma. Corinne encouraged me to consider fertility preservation options, as chemotherapy and radiation often render women infertile after treatment. I would have never considered this procedure without Corinne's direction and advice, and it provided me with immense peace. While my other dreams seemed to hang in uncertain limbo, my ability to have a family was promised-- all thanks to Corinne's guidance. Corinne tragically passed last month from Leukemia resulting from the residual effects of her Ewing's Sarcoma treatment. One of her passions was advocating for and informing female cancer patients about their fertility options prior to receiving treatment.

    While I was able to preserve my fertility, my oncologist gave me ten days to do so. These ten days were not enough time to negotiate insurance coverage for my egg preservation. I feel incredibly grateful that I was still able to have the procedure. However, for many other recently diagnosed cancer patients, this is not the case, as the out-of-pocket costs are, as you can imagine, quite expensive. Insurance traditionally does not cover standard fertility treatment. Some states have regulations differentiating standard fertility treatment from emergency oncofertility treatment, and many of these states require coverage for the latter. Oklahoma, however, does not. Therefore, fertility preservation is inaccessible to many recently diagnosed cancer patients in our state.

    When faced with a choice between one's life or fertility, the choice is obvious. But I believe no one should ever have to make this choice in the first place. I am petitioning to enact legislation requiring Oklahoma insurance companies to require oncofertility preservation. They currently cover many other side effects of cancer, ranging from wigs to nausea medicine. Oncofertility preservation should be included in these provisions to support Oklahoma cancer patients. Below is some some additional information about Corinne-- there would be no more fitting way to honor her legacy.

    Corinne's Obituary

    Cancer Patient Takes Steps to Preserve Her Fertility Options